Healthy Lakes & Rivers Partnership Program
Link to Initiative Foundation's website


Through the program, citizen leaders are given the tools needed to assist
them in developing and implementing their own lake or river management plans.
Over two training sessions, participating advocacy groups learn how to
develop a locally shared vision and plan, how to set measurable goals,
and how to report on their progress and outcomes.




Healthy Lakes and Rivers Partnership Program



These lake and river organizations are currently involved in the program:











Spirit Lake


Blueberry Lake photo
Curly leaf pondweed










Stocking Lake


Blueberry Lake
Listed below are current concerns in Wadena County:
Organizations photos

Storm drains

Spirit Lake photo

Stocking Lake photo





Old landfill

High nitrates


Mussel health and population

Curly leaf pondweed










Shell River



Shell River photo




Twin Lakes photo
Twin Lakes