program CAVEL ! ! Examine electron distribution inside RF cavity and external B field ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include '' ! version = '1.17' ! call SETUP call SIMULATE ! call DISPLAY ! end ! ********************************************************* BLOCK DATA ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include '' ! ! cont data bndname/'outaut.txt'/ data cc/2.99792458d8/ data mel/0.51099892d0/ ! [MeV] data qel/299.792458d0/ ! parm data cscale/1d0/,launch/1/,magdim/2/,rfnrm/1d0/ data sigp/0./,ntemp/1/,nphi/1/,offlaun/1d-6/ data rtuple/.false./,secem/0/,rskip/1/,ascrf/0/,nfix/10/ data step/1d-10/,epsstep/1d-5/,maxsteps/2000/ data rnseed/-1/,robth/0d0/,robphi/0d0/ data seemax/160e-6/,sedelm/2.0/,seeps0/150e-6/,sefang/0.45/ data stepmin/1d-12/,stepmax/1d-9/ data zoff/0d0/,otherside/.false./ ! end ! ********************************************************* subroutine BILINEAR(u,v,jx,jy,fg,mx,my,f) ! ! Make bilinear interpolation on grid ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension fg(mx,my) ! f = (1.-u)*(1.-v)*fg(jx,jy) & + u*(1.-v)*fg(jx+1,jy) & + u*v*fg(jx+1,jy+1) & + (1.-u)*v*fg(jx,jy+1) ! end ! ********************************************************* subroutine CAVITY_BOUNDARY ! ! Extract cavity boundary from SuperFish file OUTAUT.TXT ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include '' ! dimension tbx(2000),tby(2000) logical boundary,trigger,tit character(80) line character(16) chx,chy ! open(unit=11,file=bndname,status='old',iostat=ioc) if( ioc .ne. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'Cant open file ',bndname write(2,*) 'Cant open file ',bndname stop end if ncbpt = 1 ! save room for point with x=0 boundary = .false. trigger = .false. tit = .false. ! 100 continue read(11,'(a80)',iostat=ioc) line if( ioc .ne. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'Error reading SuperFish boundary' write(2,*) 'Error reading SuperFish boundary' stop end if if( line(1:13) .eq. 'Region 1 done' ) go to 200 if( tit ) then write(2,'(a80)') line tit = .false. end if if( line(1:19) .eq. 'Problem description' ) tit = .true. if( line(1:11) .eq. 'XMAX =' ) then chx = line(13:20) xmax = FIXFMT( chx ) end if if( line(1:11) .eq. 'YMAX =' ) then chy = line(13:20) ymax = FIXFMT( chy ) end if ! if( boundary ) then chx = line(16:33) chy = line(34:50) tmpx = FIXFMT( chx ) tmpy = FIXFMT( chy ) if( ( .or. & ( ) then ncbpt = ncbpt + 1 tbx(ncbpt) = tmpx tby(ncbpt) = tmpy end if go to 100 end if if( trigger ) boundary = .true. ! skip column labels if( line(1:20) .eq. 'Region 1 mesh points' ) then trigger = .true. end if go to 100 ! 200 continue if( ncbpt .le. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'Error finding boundary points' write(2,*) 'Error finding boundary points' stop end if close(11) ! n = ncbpt ! If SuperFish file is L-R symmetric, create 2nd half of boundary ! Convert cm to m if( ascrf .eq. 0 ) then ! symmetric do i=2,n cbx(i) = -tbx(n+2-i) * 1d-2 cby(i) = tby(n+2-i) * 1d-2 cbx(n+i) = tbx(i) * 1d-2 cby(n+i) = tby(i) * 1d-2 end do ! Add in missing point at top cbx(n+1) = 0d0 cby(n+1) = ymax * 1d-2 ncbpt = 2*ncbpt ! else ! not symmetric do i=2,n cbx(i) = tbx(i) * 1d-2 cby(i) = tby(i) * 1d-2 end do end if ! ! Add in horizontal end points cbx(1) = cbx(2) cby(1) = 0d0 ncbpt = ncbpt + 1 cbx(ncbpt) = cbx(ncbpt-1) cby(ncbpt) = 0d0 ! xmax = xmax * 1d-2 ymax = ymax * 1d-2 write(2,'(a,f12.4,4x,a,f12.4)') 'xmax = ',xmax,' ymax = ',ymax ! write(2,'(a)')'Cavity boundary' do i=1,ncbpt write(2,251) i,cbx(i),cby(i) 251 format(i5,2f12.6) end do ! ! Determine the order the user entered the boundary points th1 = ATAN2(cby(ncbpt/10),cbx(ncbpt/10)) th2 = ATAN2(cby(ncbpt/2),cbx(ncbpt/2)) if( th2 .gt. th1 ) then ccw = .true. else ccw = .false. end if ! end ! ********************************************************* subroutine CAVITY_FIELDS ! ! Get cavity RF fields from SuperFish Parmela file name.T7 ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include '' ! open(unit=12,file=rfname,status='old',iostat=ioc) if( ioc .ne. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'Cant open file',rfname write(2,*) 'Cant open file',rfname stop end if ! read(12,*,iostat=ioc) zmin,zmax,nzint if( ioc .ne. 0 ) then write(2,*)'Error reading Superfish z data' stop end if if( nzint.le.0 .or. ) then write(2,*)'Error in Superfish: nzint' stop end if ! read(12,*,iostat=ioc) freq if( ioc .ne. 0 ) then write(2,*)'Error reading Superfish frequency' stop end if freq = freq * 1d6 ! [Hz] ! read(12,*,iostat=ioc) rmin,rmax,nrint if( ioc .ne. 0 ) then write(2,*)'Error reading Superfish r data' stop end if if( nrint.le.0 .or. ) then write(2,*)'Error in Superfish: nrint' stop end if ! dzcrf = (zmax-zmin)*1d-2 / nzint ! [m] drcrf = (rmax-rmin)*1d-2 / nrint ! [m] nzcrf = nzint + 1 nrcrf = nrint + 1 ! do i=1,nzcrf zcrf(i) = zmin*1d-2 + (i-1)*dzcrf end do ! do i=1,nrcrf rcrf(i) = (i-1)*drcrf end do nrec = (nzint+1) * (nrint+1) ! do ir=1,nrcrf do iz=1,nzcrf read(12,*,iostat=ioc) ezcrf(ir,iz),ercrf(ir,iz), & dum,bpcrf(ir,iz) if( ioc .ne. 0 ) then write(2,*)'Error reading Superfish field: iz,ir',iz,ir stop end if ezcrf(ir,iz) = ezcrf(ir,iz) * rfnrm * 1d6 ! [V/m] ercrf(ir,iz) = ercrf(ir,iz) * rfnrm * 1d6 ! [V/m] bpcrf(ir,iz) = -bpcrf(ir,iz) * rfnrm * 4d-7*pi ! [T] end do end do ! ! write(2,'(3e12.4)') zcrf(2),rcrf(2),ezcrf(2,2) close(12) ! end ! ********************************************************* subroutine DERIV(t,y,dydt) ! ! Compute values of derivatives dYdt for the variables Y at t ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension y(6),dydt(6) include '' ! ! Use time stepping ! Y = {x, y, z, Px, Py, Pz} ! call FIELD( y,t ) gamma = SQRT(y(4)**2+y(5)**2+y(6)**2 + mel**2) / mel f = mel * gamma g = cc / f h = qel * cc ! dydt(1) = y(4) * g dydt(2) = y(5) * g dydt(3) = y(6) * g ! dydt(4) = h * (efld(1)/cc + y(5)*bfld(3)/f - y(6)*bfld(2)/f) dydt(5) = h * (efld(2)/cc - y(4)*bfld(3)/f + y(6)*bfld(1)/f) dydt(6) = h * (efld(3)/cc + y(4)*bfld(2)/f - y(5)*bfld(1)/f) ! end ! ********************************************************* ! subroutine DISPLAY ! end ! ********************************************************* subroutine DIRECTION ! ! Find initial particle direction at this location ! Assume launch takes place in y-z plane ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include '' ! ppn(1) = 0d0 ! if( launch .eq. 1) then ! along peak E field ! Assume electric field is normal to the surface everywhere ppn(2) = -ABS(ercrf(iremx,izemx)) / emx * psurf if( zlaun .lt. 0d0 ) then ppn(3) = ABS(ezcrf(iremx,izemx)) / emx * psurf else ppn(3) = -ABS(ezcrf(iremx,izemx)) / emx * psurf end if ! ! Move launch point several microns off the surface th = ATAN2(ppn(2),ppn(3)) rlaun = rlaun + offlaun * SIN(th) zlaun = zlaun + offlaun * COS(th) ! --------------------------------------------------------- else if( launch .eq. 2 ) then ! use specified launch direction ppn(2) = pylaunch ppn(3) = pzlaunch ! --------------------------------------------------------- else if( launch .eq. 3 ) then ! Use geometric normals at specified boundary points do i=1,nbplst kk = ibplst(i) call NORMAL(kk,th) pybplst(i) = psurf * SIN(th) pzbplst(i) = psurf * COS(th) ! ! Move launch point several microns off the surface ybplst(i) = ybplst(i) + offlaun * SIN(th) zbplst(i) = zbplst(i) + offlaun * COS(th) end do ! end if ! end ! ******************************************************** subroutine EMISSION(ek,th,ph) ! ! Generate kinetic energy and exit angles for secondary emission ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include '' dimension cpf(100) GAUSS(a,b,c) = 0.3989422804d0/c*EXP(-0.5d0*((a-b)/c)**2) ! ! Polar emission angle ~cos(theta) ! Ref. Furman et al, PRSTAB 5:124404 (2002), p.4 th = ASIN( RAN1(irndum) ) ph = RANV(0d0,twopi) ! ! Assume kinetic energy comes from three sources ! cf. Cimino et al, PRL 93:014801, Fig. 1 ! 1. true secondary (ts), 2. elastic (e), 3. uniform background (u) ! ! Set weight of each source depending on parent energy if( ekin .le. 20e-6 ) then wtts = 0.1 wte = 0.6 else if( ekin .ge. 100e-6 ) then wtts = 0.6 wte = 0.1 else wtts = 0.1 + (ekin-20e-6)*6250. wte = 0.6 - (ekin-20e-6)*6250. end if ! ! Compute cumulative probability function de = ekin / 100 sig = 2e-6 ! Assume height of uniform background is 5% of the larger gaussian htu = 0.05*0.3989/sig*MAX(wtts,wte) ! do i=1,100 e = i*de - de/2. p = wtts*GAUSS(e,5d-6,sig) + wte*GAUSS(e,ekin,sig) + htu if( i .eq. 1 ) then cpf(1) = p else cpf(i) = cpf(i-1) + p end if end do do i=1,100 ! normalize cpf(i) = cpf(i) / cpf(100) end do ! ! Use transformation method rn = RAN1(irndum) do i=1,100 if( rn .le. cpf(i) ) exit end do ! ek = i*de ! end ! ******************************************************** subroutine FIELD(xx,tt) ! ! Get E and B at current location ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include '' ! dimension brf(3),be(3),xx(3),ber(3) logical inside,rot save jzlo,jrlo,jr,jx,jy,jz ! rp = SQRT(xx(1)**2 + xx(2)**2) if( rp .gt. 0d0 ) then cphi = xx(1) / rp sphi = xx(2) / rp else cphi = 1d0 sphi = 0d0 end if ! if( .or. ) then rot = .true. ct = COS(robth*rad) st = SIN(robth*rad) cp = COS(robphi*rad) sp = SIN(robphi*rad) else rot = .false. end if ! ! Get z in coordinates of cavity grid if( ascrf .eq. 0 ) then ! axial symmetric case zp = ABS(xx(3)) ! relative z from center of gap else ! no axial symmetry zp = xx(3) end if ! ! Find lower-left corner of grid box that contains current position call LOCATE3(zcrf,nzcrf,zp,jzlo) call LOCATE3(rcrf,nrcrf,rp,jrlo) if( (jzlo.le.0) .or. ( .or. & (jrlo.le.0) .or. ( ) then stop 'RF field interpolation error' end if ! ! Find number of grid box corners that are inside the boundary ninside = 0 if( INSIDE(zcrf(jzlo),rcrf(jrlo)) ) ninside = ninside + 1 if( INSIDE(zcrf(jzlo+1),rcrf(jrlo)) ) ninside = ninside + 1 if( INSIDE(zcrf(jzlo),rcrf(jrlo+1)) ) ninside = ninside + 1 if( INSIDE(zcrf(jzlo+1),rcrf(jrlo+1)) ) ninside = ninside + 1 ! if( ninside .eq. 4 ) then ! whole box inside the boundary, interpolate u = ( zp - zcrf(jzlo) ) / dzcrf v = ( rp - rcrf(jrlo) ) / drcrf ! call BILINEAR(v,u,jrlo,jzlo,ezcrf,mxrcrf,mxzcrf,ez) call BILINEAR(v,u,jrlo,jzlo,ercrf,mxrcrf,mxzcrf,er) call BILINEAR(v,u,jrlo,jzlo,bpcrf,mxrcrf,mxzcrf,bp) ! else if( ninside .eq. 0 ) then ! whole box outside boundary, set field 0 ez = 0d0 er = 0d0 bp = 0d0 ! else ! box crosses boundary, use nearest boundary point call NEAREST_GRID(zp,rp,jzlo,jrlo) if( iflag .lt. 0 ) go to 900 ez = ezcrf(jrlo,jzlo) er = ercrf(jrlo,jzlo) bp = bpcrf(jrlo,jzlo) end if ! arg = twopi * freq * tt + phi0 carg = COS(arg) sarg = SIN(arg) ! efld(1) = er * cphi * carg efld(2) = er * sphi * carg efld(3) = ez * carg brf(1) = -bp * sphi * sarg brf(2) = bp * cphi * sarg brf(3) = 0d0 ! ! --------------------------------------------------------- if( magdim .eq. 2 ) then ! 2D external magnetic field if( rot ) then ! get coordinates in magnet grid x = xx(1)*cp - xx(2)*sp y = xx(1)*ct*sp + xx(2)*ct*cp - (xx(3)+zoff)*st zp = xx(1)*st*sp + xx(2)*st*cp + (xx(3)+zoff)*ct rp = SQRT( x*x + y*y ) else zp = xx(3) + zoff end if ! call LOCATE3(zgr,nzgr,zp,jz) call LOCATE3(rgr,nrgr,rp,jr) ! u = (zp - zgr(jz)) / delzgr v = (rp - rgr(jr)) / delrgr ! call BILINEAR(u,v,jz,jr,bzgr,mxzgr,mxrgr,bz) call BILINEAR(u,v,jz,jr,brgr,mxzgr,mxrgr,br) ! be(1) = br * cphi be(2) = br * sphi be(3) = bz ! ......................................................... else ! 3D external magnetic field if( rot ) then ! get coordinates in magnet grid x = xx(1)*cp - xx(2)*sp y = xx(1)*ct*sp + xx(2)*ct*cp - (xx(3)+zoff)*st z = xx(1)*st*sp + xx(2)*st*cp + (xx(3)+zoff)*ct else x = xx(1) y = xx(2) z = xx(3) + zoff end if ! call LOCATE3(xgr,nxgr,x,jx) ! returns lower grid corner call LOCATE3(ygr,nygr,y,jy) call LOCATE3(sgr,nsgr,z,jz) ! u = (x-xgr(jx)) / dxgr v = (y-ygr(jy)) / dygr w = (z-sgr(jz)) / dsgr ! call TRILINEAR(u,v,w,jx,jy,jz,bxgr,mxxg,mxyg,mxzg,be(1)) call TRILINEAR(u,v,w,jx,jy,jz,bygr,mxxg,mxyg,mxzg,be(2)) call TRILINEAR(u,v,w,jx,jy,jz,bsgr,mxxg,mxyg,mxzg,be(3)) ! end if ! --------------------------------------------------------- if( rot ) then ! rotate field components into cavity coordinates ber(1) = be(1)*cp + be(2)*ct*sp + be(3)*st*sp ber(2) = -be(1)*sp + be(2)*ct*cp + be(3)*st*cp ber(3) = -be(2)*st + be(3)*ct ! else do i=1,3 ber(i) = be(i) end do end if ! ! Get total magnetic field bfld(1) = brf(1) + ber(1) bfld(2) = brf(2) + ber(2) bfld(3) = brf(3) + ber(3) ! 900 continue end ! ********************************************************* function FIXFMT(string) ! ! Fix format problems getting f90 to read the Superfish TXT file ! real*8 fixfmt integer dp,expo character(16) string character(1) ch ! ! Find length of the string without trailing blanks nch = LEN_TRIM(string) ! ! Parse the string looking for decimal point or exponent dp = 0 expo = 0 do i=1,nch ch = string(i:i) if( ch .eq. '.' ) dp = i if( ch .eq. 'E' ) expo = i end do ! if( expo .eq. 0 ) then ! no exponent if( dp .gt. 0 ) then ! has decimal point read(string,'(f10.4)') fixfmt else ! no decimal point read(string,'(f10.0)') fixfmt end if ! else ! has exponent read(string,'(e16.4)') fixfmt end if ! end ! ******************************************************** FUNCTION GASDEV(idum) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) INTEGER idum !CU USES ran1 INTEGER iset SAVE iset,gset DATA iset/0/ ! if (iset.eq.0) then 1 v1=2.*ran1(idum)-1. v2=2.*ran1(idum)-1. rsq=v1**2+v2**2 if( 1 fac=sqrt(-2.*log(rsq)/rsq) gset=v1*fac gasdev=v2*fac iset=1 else gasdev=gset iset=0 endif return END ! ******************************************************** FUNCTION gammln(xx) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) INTEGER j real*8 cof(6) SAVE cof,stp DATA cof,stp/76.18009172947146d0,-86.50532032941677d0, & 24.01409824083091d0,-1.231739572450155d0, & .1208650973866179d-2,-.5395239384953d-5,2.5066282746310005d0/ ! x=xx y=x tmp=x+5.5d0 tmp=(x+0.5d0)*log(tmp)-tmp ser=1.000000000190015d0 do 11 j=1,6 y=y+1.d0 ser=ser+cof(j)/y 11 continue gammln=tmp+log(stp*ser/x) return END ! ********************************************************* function GAUSS(xm,sd) ! ! Return a random value from a gaussian distribution ! with mean xm and standard deviation sd ! uses Numerical Recipe function GASDEV ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include '' ! ! Get random value from gaussian distribution with mean 0 ! and standard deviation 1 gauss = GASDEV(irndum) ! ! Renormalize to requested mean and standard deviation gauss = sd*gauss + xm ! end ! ********************************************************* subroutine HEADINGS(ifl) ! ! Write coulumn headings for the data output ! write(ifl,'(a)')'Trajectory summary' write(ifl,50) 50 format(t3,'par',t13,'stp',t19,'flg',t25,'phi [deg]', & t38,'x [m]',t52,'y [m]',t66,'z [m]', & t80,'px [MeV/c]',t94,'py [MeV/c]',t108,'pz [MeV/c]', & t122,'t [s]',t136,'Ek [MeV]',t150,'ang [deg]', & t161,'sey', & t170,'x0 [m]',t184,'y0 [m]',t198,'z0 [m]', & t212,'px0 [MeV/c]',t226,'py0 [MeV/c]',t240,'pz0 [MeV/c]', & t254,'t0 [s]', & t268,'Bx [T]',t282,'By [T]',t296,'Bz [T]', & t310,'Ex [V/m]',t324,'Ey [V/m]',t338,'Ez [V/m]', & t352,'step [s]',t366,'diff [m]',t380,'cbp') ! end ! ********************************************************* function INSIDE(z,r) ! ! Return true if point (z,r) is inside the cavity boundary ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include '' logical inside ! ! Find closest boundary point (cbp) assuming azimuthal symmetry dmin =1d9 do i=1,ncbpt d = SQRT( (cbx(i)-z)**2 + (cby(i)-r)**2 ) if( d .lt. dmin ) then dmin = d jcbp = i kc = i end if end do ! ! Get angles from the cbp to adjacent boundary points and particle location if( .and. ) then thp = ATAN2(cby(kc+1)-cby(kc),cbx(kc+1)-cbx(kc)) if( thp .lt. 0d0 ) thp = thp + twopi thm = ATAN2(cby(kc-1)-cby(kc),cbx(kc-1)-cbx(kc)) if( thm .lt. 0d0 ) thm = thm + twopi th = ATAN2(r-cby(kc),z-cbx(kc)) if( th .lt. 0d0 ) th = th + twopi ! else if( kc .eq. 1 ) then thp = ATAN2(cby(2)-cby(1),cbx(2)-cbx(1)) if( thp .lt. 0d0 ) thp = thp + twopi thm = 3d0*piovr2 th = ATAN2(r-cby(kc),z-cbx(kc)) if( th .lt. 0d0 ) th = th + twopi ! else if( kc .eq. ncbpt ) then thp = 3d0*piovr2 thm = ATAN2(cby(kc-1)-cby(kc),cbx(kc-1)-cbx(kc)) if( thm .lt. 0d0 ) thm = thm + twopi th = ATAN2(r-cby(kc),z-cbx(kc)) if( th .lt. 0d0 ) th = th + twopi end if ! ! Compare angles to see if the point is inside the cavity if( ccw ) then ! point entered counter clockwise if( thp .eq. 0d0 ) then ! upper flat surface if( th.le.thp .and. ) then inside = .false. else inside = .true. end if ! else ! not on upper flat surface if( cbx(kc) .ge. 0d0 ) then ! on right side of cavity if( .and. ) then inside = .true. else inside = .false. end if ! else ! on left side of cavity if( th.le.thp .and. ) then inside = .false. else inside = .true. end if end if end if ! -------------------------------------------------------- else ! point entered clockwise if( thp .eq. 0d0 ) then ! upper flat surface if( th.le.thm .and. ) then inside = .false. else inside = .true. end if ! else ! not on upper flat surface if( cbx(kc) .ge. 0d0 ) then ! on right side of cavity if( .and. ) then inside = .true. else inside = .false. end if ! else ! on left side of cavity if( th.le.thm .and. ) then inside = .false. else inside = .true. end if end if end if end if ! end of test on ordering of points ! end ! ********************************************************* subroutine LAUNCH_POINT ! ! Find launch point (zlaun,rlaun) for the electrons ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include '' ! if( launch .eq. 1 ) then ! use the peak electric field location emx = 0d0 zemx = 0. remx = 0. izemx = 1 iremx = 1 nbplst = 1 ! do iz=1,nzcrf do ir=1,nrcrf emag = SQRT(ezcrf(ir,iz)**2 + ercrf(ir,iz)**2) if( emag .gt. emx ) then emx = emag zemx = zcrf(iz) remx = rcrf(ir) izemx = iz iremx = ir end if end do end do write(2,90) emx,izemx,iremx,zemx,remx 90 format('Maximum E field: ',e12.4,3x,2i4,3x,2f12.4) ! Find nearest cavity boundary point dmin = 1e9 imin = 1 do ib=1,ncbpt d = SQRT((cbx(ib)-zemx)**2 + (cby(ib)-remx)**2) if( d .lt. dmin ) then dmin = d imin = ib end if end do rlaun = cby(imin) zlaun = cbx(imin) if( otherside .and. ascrf.eq.0 ) zlaun = -zlaun ! --------------------------------------------------------- else if( launch .eq. 2 ) then ! user specified location nbplst = 1 rlaun = rlaunch zlaun = zlaunch ! --------------------------------------------------------- else if( launch .eq. 3 ) then ! user specified boundary points open(unit=8,file='cavel.lst',status='old',iostat=ioc) if( ioc .ne. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'Cant open file cavel.lst' stop end if read(8,*) nbplst read(8,*) (ibplst(i),i=1,nbplst) do i=1,nbplst kk = ibplst(i) ybplst(i) = cby(kk) zbplst(i) = cbx(kk) end do close(8) ! end if ! end ! ******************************************************** subroutine LOCATE3(xx,n,x,j) ! ! Locate position J of variable X in the array XX(1:N) ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension xx(n) ! jl = 0 jh = n + 1 ! 10 continue if( jh-jl .gt. 1 ) then jm = (jl + jh) / 2 if( x .gt. xx(jm) ) then jl = jm else jh = jm end if go to 10 end if ! j = jl ! if( j .eq. 0 ) j = 1 if( j .eq. n ) j = n - 1 ! end ! ********************************************************* subroutine NEAREST_GRID(z,r,jzlo,jrlo) ! ! Find nearest RF grid point to (z,r) that is inside cavity boundary ! ! On entry (jzlo,jrlo) contains LL corner of grid box containing (z,r) ! On exit (jzlo,jrlo) contains nearest RF grid point to (z,r) ! that is inside the cavity ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include '' logical inside ! ! Search the given grid box and its nearest neighbor boxes dmin =1d9 ninside = 0 ! do inc=2,15 do iz=-inc,inc jz = jzlo + iz if( ( .and. (jz.le.nzcrf) ) then do ir=-inc,inc jr = jrlo + ir if( ( .and. (jr.le.nrcrf) ) then if( INSIDE(zcrf(jz),rcrf(jr)) ) then ninside = ninside + 1 d = SQRT( (zcrf(jz)-z)**2 + (rcrf(jr)-r)**2 ) if( d .lt. dmin ) then dmin = d jzn = jz jrn = jr end if end if end if end do end if end do if( ninside .gt. 0 ) go to 100 end do ! end loop on inc ! iflag = -11 go to 900 ! stop 'Cant find nearest grid point' ! 100 continue jzlo = jzn jrlo = jrn ! 900 continue end ! ********************************************************* subroutine NORMAL(kk,th) ! ! Find angle TH of the inwards normal at boundary point KK ! ! Return TH in range [-pi,0] ! Return result independent of cw or ccw point entry ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include '' ! if( .and. ) then dx = cbx(kk+1) - cbx(kk-1) dy = cby(kk+1) - cby(kk-1) else if( kk .eq. 1 ) then dx = cbx(2) - cbx(1) dy = cby(2) - cby(1) else if( kk .eq. ncbpt ) then dx = cbx(ncbpt) - cbx(ncbpt-1) dy = cby(ncbpt) - cby(ncbpt-1) end if ! if( ccw ) then dx = -dx dy = -dy end if ! if( dx .ne. 0d0 ) then slp = dy / dx if( slp .ne. 0d0 ) then alp = ATAN(-1d0/slp) if( cbx(kk) .lt. 0d0 ) then th = alp else th = alp - pi end if else ! slope = 0 ! if( dx .gt. 0d0 ) then th = -piovr2 ! else ! th = piovr2 ! end if end if ! else ! dx = 0 if( dy .gt. 0d0 ) then th = 0d0 else th = -pi end if end if ! end ! ********************************************************* function ON_BOUNDARY() ! ! Determine if electron path crosses cavity boundary ! Use smaller fixed steps near boundary ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include '' logical on_boundary,inside,in ! on_boundary = .false. ! rp = SQRT(xp(1)**2 + xp(2)**2) ! ! Did this step cross the boundary? ! Get closest boundary point to present location in = INSIDE(xp(3),rp) ! loads jcbp diff = SQRT(xp(3)**2 + rp**2) - SQRT(cbx(jcbp)**2 + cby(jcbp)**2) ! if( ) then if( near_boundary ) then on_boundary = .true. else do i=1,3 xp(i) = xp1(i) end do tp = tp1 hfix = hdid/nfix near_boundary = .true. iflag = 3 end if end if ! end ! ********************************************************* subroutine OUTPUT(ifl) ! ! Write out particle information ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include '' ! phi = phi0 * 180d0 / pi ! write(ifl,50) nparc,kstp,iflag,phi,xp,pp,tp,ekin,sang, & sey,xp0,pp0,tp0,bfld,efld,hdid,diff,jcbp 50 format(a7,i8,i5,f11.3,3x,8e14.6,f11.3,f6.1,3x,15e14.6,i6) ! end ! ******************************************************** FUNCTION poidev(xm,idum) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) INTEGER idum PARAMETER (PI=3.141592654) !CU USES gammln,ran1 SAVE alxm,g,oldm,sq DATA oldm /-1./ ! if ( if ( then oldm=xm g=exp(-xm) endif em=-1 t=1. 2 em=em+1. t=t*ran1(idum) if ( goto 2 else if ( then oldm=xm sq=sqrt(2.*xm) alxm=log(xm) g=xm*alxm-gammln(xm+1.) endif 1 y=tan(PI*ran1(idum)) em=sq*y+xm if ( goto 1 ! --------------------------------------------------------- ! RCF modified 28 Sep 99 ! prevent large value of em (e.g. 559) from causing ! a floating point underflow in the calculation of t, below if( em .gt. 30. ) go to 1 ! --------------------------------------------------------- em=int(em) t=0.9*(1.+y**2)*exp(em*alxm-gammln(em+1.)-g) if (ran1(idum).gt.t) goto 1 endif poidev=em return END ! ********************************************************* function RANV(xlo,xhi) ! ! Return uniform distribution of variable over specified range ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include '' ! rn = RAN1(irndum) RANV = (xhi-xlo)*rn + xlo ! end ! ******************************************************** FUNCTION RAN1(idum) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) INTEGER idum,IA,IM,IQ,IR,NTAB,NDIV PARAMETER (IA=16807,IM=2147483647,AM=1.d0/IM,IQ=127773, & IR=2836,NTAB=32,NDIV=1+(IM-1)/NTAB,EPS=2.3d-16,RNMX=1.d0-EPS) INTEGER j,k,iv(NTAB),iy SAVE iv,iy DATA iv /NTAB*0/, iy /0/ ! if (idum.le.0.or.iy.eq.0) then idum=max(-idum,1) do 11 j=NTAB+8,1,-1 k=idum/IQ idum=IA*(idum-k*IQ)-IR*k if ( idum=idum+IM if (j.le.NTAB) iv(j)=idum 11 continue iy=iv(1) endif k=idum/IQ idum=IA*(idum-k*IQ)-IR*k if ( idum=idum+IM j=1+iy/NDIV iy=iv(j) iv(j)=idum ran1=min(AM*iy,RNMX) return END ! ********************************************************* SUBROUTINE RKCK(y,dydx,n,x,h,yout,yerr,derivs) ! ! Take one 5th order Runge Kutta step ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) INTEGER n,NMAX dimension dydx(n),y(n),yerr(n),yout(n) EXTERNAL derivs PARAMETER (NMAX=6) ! USES derivs INTEGER i dimension ak2(NMAX),ak3(NMAX),ak4(NMAX),ak5(NMAX),ak6(NMAX) dimension ytemp(NMAX) ! PARAMETER (A2=.2d0,A3=.3d0,A4=.6d0,A5=1.d0,A6=.875d0) parameter (B21=.2d0,B31=3.d0/40.d0,B32=9.d0/40.d0) parameter (B41=.3d0,B42=-.9d0,B43=1.2d0,B51=-11.d0/54.d0) parameter (B52=2.5d0,B53=-70.d0/27.d0,B54=35.d0/27.d0) parameter (B61=1631.d0/55296.d0,B62=175.d0/512.d0) parameter (B63=575.d0/13824.d0,B64=44275.d0/110592.d0) parameter (B65=253.d0/4096.d0,C1=37.d0/378.d0) parameter (C3=250.d0/621.d0,C4=125.d0/594.d0,C6=512.d0/1771.d0) parameter (DC1=C1-2825.d0/27648.d0,DC3=C3-18575.d0/48384.d0) parameter (DC4=C4-13525.d0/55296.d0,DC5=-277.d0/14336.d0) parameter (DC6=C6-.25d0) ! do 11 i=1,n ytemp(i)=y(i)+B21*h*dydx(i) 11 continue call derivs(x+A2*h,ytemp,ak2) do 12 i=1,n ytemp(i)=y(i)+h*(B31*dydx(i)+B32*ak2(i)) 12 continue call derivs(x+A3*h,ytemp,ak3) do 13 i=1,n ytemp(i)=y(i)+h*(B41*dydx(i)+B42*ak2(i)+B43*ak3(i)) 13 continue call derivs(x+A4*h,ytemp,ak4) do 14 i=1,n ytemp(i)=y(i)+h*(B51*dydx(i)+B52*ak2(i)+B53*ak3(i)+B54*ak4(i)) 14 continue call derivs(x+A5*h,ytemp,ak5) do 15 i=1,n ytemp(i)=y(i)+h*(B61*dydx(i)+B62*ak2(i)+B63*ak3(i) & +B64*ak4(i)+B65*ak5(i)) 15 continue call derivs(x+A6*h,ytemp,ak6) do 16 i=1,n yout(i)=y(i)+h*(C1*dydx(i)+C3*ak3(i)+C4*ak4(i)+C6*ak6(i)) 16 continue do 17 i=1,n yerr(i)=h*(DC1*dydx(i)+DC3*ak3(i)+DC4*ak4(i)+DC5*ak5(i) & +DC6*ak6(i)) 17 continue ! END ! ********************************************************* SUBROUTINE RKQS(y,dydx,n,x,eps,yscal,derivs) ! SUBROUTINE RKQS(y,dydx,n,x,htry,eps,yscal,hdid,hnext,derivs) ! ! Adaptive stepsize controller for RKCK ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include '' INTEGER n,NMAX dimension dydx(n),y(n),yscal(n) EXTERNAL derivs PARAMETER (NMAX=6) !CU USES derivs,rkck INTEGER i dimension yerr(NMAX),ytemp(NMAX) PARAMETER (SAFETY=0.9d0,PGROW=-.2d0,PSHRNK=-.25d0,ERRCON=1.89d-4) ! h=htry 1 call RKCK(y,dydx,n,x,h,ytemp,yerr,derivs) errmax=0. do 11 i=1,n errmax=max(errmax,abs(yerr(i)/yscal(i))) 11 continue errmax=errmax/eps ! if( htemp=SAFETY*h*(errmax**PSHRNK) h=sign(max(abs(htemp),0.1d0*abs(h)),h) if( h .lt. hmin ) then h = hmin call RKCK(y,dydx,n,x,h,ytemp,yerr,derivs) hdid=h x=x+h do i=1,n y(i)=ytemp(i) end do hnext = h iflag = 1 return end if ! xnew=x+h if(xnew.eq.x) then write(*,*) 'stepsize underflow in rkqs' read(*,'()') end if goto 1 else if( hnext=SAFETY*h*(errmax**PGROW) else hnext=5.d0*h endif hdid=h x=x+h do 12 i=1,n y(i)=ytemp(i) 12 continue return endif ! END ! ********************************************************* subroutine RZFIELD ! ! Read in 2D external magnetic field map ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include '' ! character(80) title ! open(unit=13,file=magname,status='old',iostat=ioc) if( ioc .ne. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'Cant open file',magname write(2,*) 'Cant open file',magname stop end if ! read(13,'(a80)',iostat=ioc) title write(2,'(a80)') title read(13,*,iostat=ioc) nzgr,nrgr if( ioc .ne. 0 ) then write(2,*)'Error reading nzgr,nrgr' stop end if if( .or. ) then write(2,*)'Number of z or r grid points exceeds max' stop end if ! do i=1,nzgr do j=1,nrgr read(13,*,iostat=ioc)idm,jdm,zgr(i),rgr(j),bz,br if( ioc .ne. 0 ) then write(2,*)'Error reading field data file' stop end if bzgr(i,j) = bz * cscale brgr(i,j) = br * cscale end do end do ! delzgr = zgr(2) - zgr(1) delrgr = rgr(2) - rgr(1) close(13) ! end ! ********************************************************* subroutine SECONDARY ! ! Driver routine for secondary electron emission ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include '' parameter ( mxdau=8 ) parameter ( mxgen=8 ) parameter ( mxst=mxdau*mxgen ) dimension xpst(3,mxst),ppst(3,mxst),tpst(mxst) dimension kdau(mxst),kgen(mxst) dimension ekd(mxdau),thd(mxdau),phd(mxdau) dimension pl(3,mxdau),pc(3,mxdau) character(2) nppc,cdau character(1) cgen ! ngen = 2 ! generation number kst = 0 ! stack pointer nsec = 0 ! total number of secondaries ! ! Get number of secondaries from a Poisson distribution ndau = POIDEV(sey,irndum) if( ndau .eq. 0 ) then go to 900 else if( ndau .gt. mxdau ) then write(2,*)'***** Limited number of daughters *****' ndau = mxdau end if ! 100 continue if( ngen .gt. mxgen ) then go to 300 end if ! 200 continue edau = 0d0 ! total secondary energy do i=1,ndau call EMISSION(ekd(i),thd(i),phd(i)) edau = edau + ekd(i) end do do i=1,ndau ! ensure conservation of energy ekd(i) = ekd(i) * ekin / edau end do ! ! Get momentum in local emission frame do id=1,ndau p = SQRT(ekd(id)**2 + 2d0*mel*ekd(id)) cth = COS(thd(id)) sth = SIN(thd(id)) cph = COS(phd(id)) sph = SIN(phd(id)) pl(1,id) = p * sth * cph pl(2,id) = p * sth * sph pl(3,id) = p * cth end do ! ! Get theta = angle between z axis and surface normal at parent location call NORMAL(jcbp,th) sth = SIN(th) cth = COS(th) ! Get phi = azimuthal angle between y axis and parent location pxy = SQRT(pp(1)**2 + pp(2)**2) sph = pp(1) / pxy cph = pp(2) / pxy ! ! Rotate momentum to cavity frame ! Use pc = R(ph,z) R(th,x) pl do id=1,ndau pc(1,id) = pl(1,id)*cph + pl(2,id)*cth*sph + pl(3,id)*sth*sph pc(2,id) = -pl(1,id)*sph + pl(2,id)*cth*cph + pl(3,id)*sth*cph pc(3,id) = -pl(2,id)*sth + pl(3,id)*cth end do ! ! Push daughters onto stack do id=1,ndau kst = kst + 1 nsec = nsec + 1 if( nsec .gt. 99 ) then write(2,*)'***** Exceeded maximum secondaries *****' go to 900 end if xpst(1,kst) = xp(1) xpst(2,kst) = xp(2) + offlaun*sth xpst(3,kst) = xp(3) + offlaun*cth do j=1,3 ppst(j,kst) = pc(j,id) end do tpst(kst) = tp kdau(kst) = nsec kgen(kst) = ngen end do ! end of loop on daughters ! 300 continue if( kst .eq. 0 ) go to 900 ! stack is empty, quit ! ! Pop particle off bottom of stack do i=1,3 xp0(i) = xpst(i,kst) pp0(i) = ppst(i,kst) end do tp0 = tpst(kst) idau = kdau(kst) ngen = kgen(kst) ! kst = kst - 1 write(nppc,'(i2)') npar write(cdau,'(i2)') idau write(cgen,'(i1)') ngen nparc = nppc // '.' // cgen // '.' // cdau ! call TRACK ! if( iflag .lt. 0 ) then ! this track failed call OUTPUT(2) call OUTPUT(9) go to 300 end if ! ! Get kinetic energy ekin = SQRT(pp(1)**2 + pp(2)**2 + pp(3)**2 + mel**2 ) - mel ! call SURFACE_ANGLE ! find angle that track hits the surface ! call SEC_YIELD ! call OUTPUT(2) ! put final value in log file if( .not.rtuple ) call OUTPUT(9) ! ndau = POIDEV(sey,irndum) ! IF( NGEN .EQ. 7 ) NDAU = 0 ! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< if( ndau .eq. 0 ) then go to 300 else if( ndau .gt. mxdau ) then ndau = mxdau ngen = ngen + 1 go to 100 else ngen = ngen + 1 go to 100 end if 900 continue end ! ********************************************************* subroutine SEC_YIELD ! ! Compute secondary yield ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include '' ! ! Compute secondary emission yield for perpendicular incidence ! Ref. Cimino et al, PRL 93:014801, 2004 s = 1.35 x = ekin / seemax dtrue = sedelm*s*x / (s-1.+x**s) t1 = SQRT(ekin) t2 = SQRT(ekin+seeps0) delas = (t1-t2)**2 / (t1+t2)**2 seyp = dtrue + delas ! ! Correct yield for non-normal incidence ! Ref. Kirby, SLAC-PUB-8380, 2000, p. 18 sey = seyp * EXP(sefang*(1.-COS(sang))) ! end ! ********************************************************* subroutine SETUP ! ! Set up problem description ! ! File useage 1 : input parameters ! 2 : simulation LOG file ! 9 : electron data file ! 11 : SuperFish cavity boundary ! 12 : SuperFish RF fields ! 13 : external B grid ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include '' ! namelist/CONT/ascrf,bndname,cscale,epsstep, & launch,magdim,magname,maxsteps,nfix,nphi,ntemp, & offlaun,otherside,philo,phistp,psurf,pylaunch, & pzlaunch,rfname,rfnrm, & rlaunch,rnseed,robphi,robth,rskip,rtuple,secem, & sedelm,seemax,seeps0,sefang, & sigp,step,stepmax,stepmin,zlaunch,zoff ! pi = 4d0 * ATAN2(1d0,1d0) twopi = 2d0 * pi piovr2 = pi / 2d0 rad = pi / 180d0 irndum = rnseed dum = RAN1(irndum) ! initialize random number seed ! ! Command file open(unit=1,file='cavel.inp',status='old',iostat=ioc) if( ioc .ne. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'Cant open file cavel.inp' stop end if ! ! Log file open(unit=2,file='cavel.log',status='unknown',iostat=ioc) if( ioc .ne. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'Cant open file cavel.log' stop end if ! write(*,'(a,a)')' Welcome to CAVEL - version ',version write(2,'(a,a)')' Welcome to CAVEL - version ',version ! ! Read in problem commands read(1,cont,iostat=ioc) if( ioc .ne. 0 ) then write(2,*) 'Cant read control variable namelist' stop end if write(2,cont) ! ! Output data file open(unit=9,file='cavel.dat',status='unknown',iostat=ioc) if( ioc .ne. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'Cant open file cavel.dat' stop end if ! call HEADINGS(9) ! write headings on data file ! ! Read in cavity boundary call CAVITY_BOUNDARY ! ! Read in cavity RF fields call CAVITY_FIELDS ! ! Read in external magnetic field if( magdim .eq. 2 ) then call RZFIELD else call XYZFIELD end if ! end ! ********************************************************* subroutine SIMULATE ! ! Simulate electron motion in RF cavity ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include '' character(2) nppc ! npar = 0 hmin = stepmin hmax = stepmax ! ! Find launch point for the electrons (zlaun,rlaun) call LAUNCH_POINT ! call HEADINGS(2) ! write data headings in log file ! ! Find initial particle direction at this location (ppn) ! Set displacement from surface at start of simulation call DIRECTION ! ! --------------------------------------------------------- ! do il=1,nbplst ! loop on launch points if( launch .eq. 3 ) then rlaun = ybplst(il) zlaun = zbplst(il) ppn(2) = pybplst(il) ppn(3) = pzbplst(il) end if ! xp0(1) = 0d0 xp0(2) = rlaun xp0(3) = zlaun tp0 = 0d0 ! do ip=1,nphi ! loop on initial phases phi0 = philo*rad + (ip-1)*phistp*rad ! do it=1,ntemp ! loop on thermal noise at launch npar = npar + 1 write(nppc,'(i2)') npar nparc = nppc write(*,'(a,i4)') 'Processing particle ',npar htry = step hdid = step ! for initial output diff = 0d0 ! for initial output iflag = 0 jcbp = 0 nsec = 0 sang = 0d0 ! ! Apply thermal smearing of initial direction (pp0) if( sigp .gt. 0. ) then call SMEAR else do i=1,3 pp0(i) = ppn(i) end do end if ! call TRACK ! track electron thru cavity ! if( iflag .lt. 0 ) then call OUTPUT(2) call OUTPUT(9) ! go to 900 exit end if ! ! Get kinetic energy ekin = SQRT(pp(1)**2 + pp(2)**2 + pp(3)**2 + mel**2 ) - mel ! call SURFACE_ANGLE ! find angle that track hits the surface ! if( secem .gt. 0 ) then call SEC_YIELD else sey = 0. end if ! if( .not.rtuple ) call OUTPUT(9) call OUTPUT(2) ! put final value in log file ! if( secem .eq. 2 ) then ! check for secondary trackss call SECONDARY end if ! end do ! end of transverse loop ! end do ! end of loop on phi ! end do ! end of loop on launch points ! 900 continue end ! ********************************************************* subroutine SMEAR ! ! Smear out momentum vector thermally ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include '' ! ! Get smeared vector pp0(1) = ppn(1) + GAUSS(0d0,sigp/3d0) pp0(2) = ppn(2) + GAUSS(0d0,sigp/3d0) pp0(3) = ppn(3) + GAUSS(0d0,sigp/3d0) ! ! Dont let smearing reverse the direction from the boundary if( pp0(3)*ppn(3) .lt. 0d0 ) pp0(3) = 0d0 ! end ! ********************************************************* subroutine SURFACE_ANGLE ! ! Find the angle that the track hits the surface wrt normal ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include '' dimension p(3) ! ! Find azimuthal angle of intersection point wrt y-z plane rt = SQRT( xp(1)**2 + xp(2)**2 ) if( rt .gt. 0d0 ) then sphi = xp(1) / rt cphi = SQRT( 1d0 - sphi**2 ) else sphi = 0d0 cphi = 1d0 end if ! ! Rotate pp into y-z plane. Cavity is azimuthally symmetric around z p(1) = cphi*pp(1) - sphi*pp(2) p(2) = sphi*pp(1) + cphi*pp(2) p(3) = pp(3) ! alpp = ATAN2(p(2),p(3)) ! angle of particle wrt z axis ! ! Find angle of normal vector call NORMAL(jcbp,alpn) ! inward normal alpn = alpn + pi ! outward normal ! alyz = alpp - alpn if( ABS(alyz) .gt. pi ) alyz = twopi - ABS(alyz) alxz = ATAN2(p(1),p(3)) sang = ACOS(1d0/SQRT(1d0+TAN(alyz)**2+TAN(alxz)**2)) / rad ! end ! ********************************************************* subroutine TRACK ! ! Track an electron through the fields ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include '' logical on_boundary parameter( nmax=6 ) ! parameter( tiny=1d-30 ) dimension y(nmax),dydt(nmax),yscal(nmax) external deriv ! kstp = 0 do i=1,3 ! define for initial output xp(i) = xp0(i) pp(i) = pp0(i) end do tp = tp0 call FIELD(xp0,tp0) if( iflag .lt. 0 ) go to 900 if( rtuple ) call OUTPUT(9) ! initial value ! do i=1,3 xp1(i) = xp0(i) pp1(i) = pp0(i) end do tp1 = tp0 hnext = htry near_boundary = .false. ! ! --------------------------------------------------------- 100 continue kstp = kstp + 1 if( kstp .gt. maxsteps ) then iflag = -10 if( rtuple ) call OUTPUT(9) go to 900 end if do i=1,3 y(i) = xp1(i) y(i+3) = pp1(i) end do tt = tp1 ! htry = hnext call DERIV(tt,y,dydt) if( iflag .lt. 0 ) go to 900 do i=1,nmax ! yscal(i) = ABS(y(i)) + ABS(htry*dydt(i)) + tiny yscal(i) = 1d0 ! [m,MeV] end do ! ! Take one step in time call RKQS(y,dydt,nmax,tt,epsstep,yscal,deriv) if( iflag .lt. 0 ) go to 900 ! call RKQS(y,dydt,nmax,tt,htry,epsstep,yscal,hdid,hnext,deriv) ! do i=1,3 xp(i) = y(i) pp(i) = y(i+3) end do tp = tt ekin = SQRT(pp(1)**2 + pp(2)**2 + pp(3)**2 + mel**2 ) - mel ! if( ON_BOUNDARY() ) then ! done tracking this electron? call SURFACE_ANGLE ! find angle that track hits the surface if( rtuple ) call OUTPUT(9) go to 900 else if( rtuple .and. MOD(kstp,rskip).eq.0 ) call OUTPUT(9) end if ! iflag = 0 ! can get warning from RKQS hnext = MIN(hnext,hmax) hnext = MAX(hnext,hmin) if( near_boundary ) then if( hfix .lt. hmin ) then hnext = hmin iflag = 2 else hnext = hfix end if end if ! ! Remember particle values for this step do i=1,3 xp1(i) = xp(i) pp1(i) = pp(i) end do tp1 = tp ! go to 100 ! --------------------------------------------------------- ! 900 continue end ! ********************************************************* subroutine TRILINEAR(u,v,w,jx,jy,jz,fg,mx,my,mz,f) ! ! Do tri-linear interpolation ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension fg(mx,my,mz) ! f = (1.-u)*(1.-v)*(1.-w) * fg(jx,jy,jz) & + (1.-u)*(1.-v)*w * fg(jx,jy,jz+1) & + (1.-u)*v*w * fg(jx,jy+1,jz+1) & + (1.-u)*v*(1.-w) * fg(jx,jy+1,jz) & + u*(1.-v)*(1.-w) * fg(jx+1,jy,jz) & + u*(1.-v)*w * fg(jx+1,jy,jz+1) & + u*v*w * fg(jx+1,jy+1,jz+1) & + u*v*(1.-w) * fg(jx+1,jy+1,jz) ! end ! ********************************************************* subroutine XYZFIELD ! ! Read in 3D external magnetic field map ! implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include '' ! character(80) title ! open(unit=13,file=magname,status='old',iostat=ioc) if( ioc .ne. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'Cant open file',magname write(2,*) 'Cant open file',magname stop end if ! read(13,'(a80)') title read(13,*) nxgr,nygr,nsgr if( .or. .or. ) then write(2,*)'Dimensions exceed max limit for 3D field' stop end if ! read(13,*) (xgr(j),j=1,nxgr) read(13,*) (ygr(j),j=1,nygr) read(13,*) (sgr(j),j=1,nsgr) ! nrecords = nxgr*nygr*nsgr dxgr = xgr(2) - xgr(1) dygr = ygr(2) - ygr(1) dsgr = sgr(2) - sgr(1) ! do i=1,nrecords read(13,*)ix,iy,iz,bx,by,bz bxgr(ix,iy,iz) = bx * cscale bygr(ix,iy,iz) = by * cscale bsgr(ix,iy,iz) = bz * cscale end do ! close(13) ! end