Title: Long-Term Feeding of Irradiated and Control Foods, Shrimp and Carrots to Dogs, Rabbits, and Hamsters

Authors: Engel, R.W.; Watson, D.F.; Windmueller, H.G.; Libke, K.G.; Smibert, R.M.

Publishers: Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia

Year: 1961

Sponsors: DA-49-007-MD-784

Subjects: Wholesomeness studies of shrimp, carrots.

Comments: (Brynjolfsson) The studies are continuing on schedule. (Author) Phase 1 - Long-term rabbit and hamster feeding of irradiated and control foods and its effects upon the blood serum constituents. All dogs, three aged males and three aged females and three young males and three young females, were sacrificed during the period March 14-24, 1961. Complete records of gross pathology as well as weight of certain organs were kept. Pieces of organs were subjected to histopathological examination with results as follows: C-0 - A few areas of fibrosis in the heart and lungs were observed, probably due to the frequent extraction of blood from the heart. C-3 - Lesions in the epicardium similar to those seen in the C-0 dogs. Spleens showed phagocytized hemosiderin and small foci of lymphocytes were seen in the renal cortex. The thyroid glands showed interfollicular infiltration of lymphocytes. These lesions were common to both the young and aged dogs in the group. S-6 - Lymphocytic infiltration of the salivary glands. Thyroids showed interfollicular lymphocytic infiltration. One dog showed moderate hyperplasia of the prostate gland with no evidence of malignancy. All dogs were sacrificed after completion of the serum studies described herein.