OHIO UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES PORTERHALL ATHENS, OHIO 45701 DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY 21 Pabruary, 19'71 Dr. M. NirenberB Laboratory of Biorhsmieal Goastirr National Haut and Lung Institute Natieaal Iwtftuter of Health Batheada, Maryland 20014 bar Dr. Nirrnbarg: Thank you far aending m a reprint sfaAeetylaholinesteraw in qs~roblartoma ee 118" . I am particularly interoskd to see the inverw relationrh@pf betweo1 AChX artivity ard ooll divirion. My laboratary ir concerned with the problam of mnrory phyriology, and we have beon at&lying wveral developnmntal ryrtema that alaa bar0 intoresting electrical promrtier. I have ahawn that phytoahron~, tha light reaoptor that lPrdiater all phetoperiodic phonotnsna in higher plant& ir itwlf regulated by ACh (as in the onclosed reprint). Simem ACh bar now been implicated in sevrral animal ayrtomr as a devolspavntal regulator (e.g. only organr in which roll division may be raid to bo artively oecuriag. Whother err not thir is dua to decreased AChX activity, or increased acotyleholine oytnthdr renxxim~ to k mea. We harm just now rucrceedod in demon&rating true AChJ8 activity, and are beginning to look for rholine acotyltranaferaao activity in tha secondary roots. Although ACh ir best known for ita rola aa a neuro-tranrmittrr, it lena to bo found in all living cellr including prokaryotie cella* In addition to itr oontrol of membrane permeability (Tabla VI, and much animal work), might it norli be that its primary function evolved to regulate co11 division, and that itr role in nervea, etc. ia, in faet, regressive, with the advent of an auxilliary oystem to protect agaiaat divirion? I hope ultimately to bo able to explain tha mode of a&ion of ACh in our system, and have taken the approach of rtudying its interaction with oath organella in turn. In addition to the obviouu effect of ACh on the 011 mmbrane, we have alro demonstrated a olear cut and unexpected type of mitochondril regulation, and have preliminary evidence that the nuclear envelope ir strongly effected by ACh. If you are interested, I shall send you reprints of thoao papers when they appear. Vo ry M. J Asst. Prof.