PRO mk_xrt_composite, l_idx, l_da, s_idx, s_da, c_idx, c_da, $ despike=despike, lsat_map=lsat_map, verbose=verbose ; ========================================================================= ;+ ; PROJECT: ; Solar-B / XRT ; ; NAME: ; ; MK_XRT_COMPOSITE ; ; CATEGORY: ; ; Data graphics. ; ; PURPOSE: ; ; Combine a SINGLE long/short exposure pair of images to increase the ; dynamic range and to replace saturation with unsaturated data. ; See Note #1. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; MK_XRT_COMPOSITE, l_idx, l_da, s_idx, s_da, c_idx, c_da ; [,despike=despike] [,/verbose] ; ; INPUTS: ; ; L_IDX - [Mandatory] (structure scalar) ; This is the "index" for the long exposure image. ; Can be Level-0 or Level-1, as long as it matches L_DA. ; L_DA - [Mandatory] (2D number array, [Nx,Ny]) ; This is the 2D data array for the long exposure image. ; Can be Level-0 or Level-1, as long as it matches L_IDX. ; S_IDX - [Mandatory] (structure scalar) ; This is the "index" for the short exposure image. ; Can be Level-0 or Level-1, as long as it matches S_DA. ; S_DA - [Mandatory] (2D number array, [Nx,Ny]) ; This is the 2D data array for the short exposure image. ; Can be Level-0 or Level-1, as long as it matches S_IDX. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; ; DESPIKE - [Optional] (Boolean or integer) Set if 1 pass of ; despike wanted to remove radiation-belt/cosmic-ray ; spikes, or set to 1-3 passes of despike. (Two passes ; works well even for heavy spiking.) Default = no ; despiking if the keyword is not set. ; (See for more information.) ; LSAT_MAP - [Optional] (Byte array) Set to a boolian map of the ; location of saturated pixels to be replaced. Use this ; if the data have already been xrt_prepped and the map ; was generated or if xrt_prep is not to be used. Array ; must be same size as images to be composited. 1 represents ; the pixel to be replaced. ; /VERBOSE - [Optional] (Boolean) If set, print out extra messages. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; ; C_IDX - [Mandatory] (structure scalar) ; This is the "index" for the composite image. It will ; have the same content as L_IDX (after it has been ; through and normalized), except that ; there will be an update to the HISTORY field. ; C_DA - [Mandatory] (2D number array, [Nx,Ny]) ; This is the 2D data array for the composite image. ; ; EXAMPLES: ; ; Basic usage: ; IDL> mk_xrt_composite, l_idx, l_da, s_idx, s_da, c_idx, c_da ; IDL> tvscl, xrtdisp(c_da, /log) ; ; Recommended to do despiking on Level-0 data: ; IDL> mk_xrt_composite, l_idx, l_da, s_idx, s_da, c_idx, c_da, $ ; IDL> despike=2 ; IDL> tvscl, xrtdisp(c_da, /log) ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; ; none ; ; NOTES: ; ; 1) A simple proceedure for combining long and short XRT images. ; This procedure simply generates a composite image for XRT ; data. Only makes 1 composite at a time. It checks to see ; if the images have been xrt_prepped, and preps them if ; they have not been. The index structure for the long image ; will be used for the combined index structure with the ; history updated with the short image information. ; 2) If xrt_prep is not used to process the images both the long ; and short images must be normalized for exposure before they ; are inputted into this routine. Exposure normalization ensures ; there is no intensity variation for the combined image. ; ; CONTACT: ; ; Comments, feedback, and bug reports regarding this routine may be ; directed to this email address: ; xrt_manager ~at~ ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; progver = 'v2006-May-09' ;--- (P.Jibben) Written. progver = 'v2007-Jun-13' ;--- (P.Jibben, S.Saar) This will handle the ; bloom pixels in a special way without ; altering the other data. Also changed ; the way the history is saved, as well ; as changed the data_lev keyword to 2. progver = 'v2007-Jun-28' ;--- (P.Jibben) This will allow users to pass ; their own saturated pixel map so they are ; not forced to use xrt_prep. progver = 'v2007-Jul-13' ;--- (M.Weber) Do not replace saturated ; pixels with values below the ; minimum value of the long exposure. ; I.e., preserve minimum level of long ; exposure. ; ;- ; ========================================================================= despike=keyword_set(despike) q_lsat_map=keyword_set(lsat_map) loud=keyword_set(verbose) if (not keyword_set(verbose)) then quiet=1 ; Added this bit so that inputs are not overwritten. l_idx1 = l_idx l_da1 = l_da s_idx1 = s_idx s_da1 = s_da if (q_lsat_map eq 1) then l_map=lsat_map ; determine if prepping is necessary. l_prep=get_history(l_idx1,'XRT_PREP',found=l_found) s_prep=get_history(s_idx1,'XRT_PREP',found=s_found) ; If you prep one you must prep both. if (l_found ne s_found) then begin print,'Long/Short images must have same type of processing... Returning.' return endif ; If you prep the long you must provide the saturated pixel map. if (l_found eq 1 and q_lsat_map eq 0) then begin print,'Must use the lsat_map keyword for xrt_prepped data... Returning.' return endif ; Make sure that l_da & lsat_map dimensions match. if (l_found eq 1 or q_lsat_map eq 1) then begin sz_map=size(l_map,/dimensions) sz_lda=size(lda1,/dimensions) ndim1=n_elements(l_da1) ndim2=n_elements(l_map) if (ndim1 ne ndim2) then begin print,'Error long image and sat_map array must have same dimensions... Returning.' return endif endif ;Need to make sure that images are normalized for exposure if xrt_prep is used. ; If xrt_prep not used, assume user normalized images themselves. l_norm=get_history(l_idx1,'XRT_RENORMALIZE',found=nl_found) s_norm=get_history(s_idx1,'XRT_RENORMALIZE',found=ns_found) ; Perhaps they normalized them themselves. if (l_found eq 1 and nl_found eq 0) then begin l_da1=temporary(l_da1)/get_xrt_expdur(l_idx1, /sec) l_idx1.e_etim=1000000 ; [microsec] for consistancy with XRT_PREP & returned index if (loud eq 1) then print,'Renormalizing the exposures.' endif if (s_found eq 1 and nl_found eq 0) then begin s_da1=temporary(s_da1)/get_xrt_expdur(s_idx1, /sec) endif ; Use xrt_prep on images... If needed. if (s_found eq 0) then begin if (loud eq 1) then print,'Prepping short for composite' s_map=1 ;ns_pix=1 ; xrt_prep, temporary(s_idx1), temporary(s_da1), s_idx1, s_da1, despike=despike, $ ; /float, /normalize, sat_map=s_map, n_sat_pixels=ns_pix, $ ; verbose=verbose, quiet=quiet xrt_prep, temporary(s_idx1), temporary(s_da1), s_idx1, s_da1, despike=despike, $ /float, /normalize, n_sat_pixels=ns_pix, $ verbose=verbose, quiet=quiet endif if (l_found eq 0) then begin if (loud eq 1) then print,'Prepping long for composite' l_map=1 nl_pix=1 xrt_prep, temporary(l_idx1), temporary(l_da1), l_idx1, l_da1, despike=despike, $ /float, /normalize, sat_map=l_map, n_sat_pixels=nl_pix, $ verbose=verbose, quiet=quiet endif if (q_lsat_map eq 1) then nl_pix = 1 ; Use sat_map to replace saturated pixels of long exposure. if (nl_pix gt 0) then begin ss=where(l_map eq 1) l_da1[ss]=s_da1[ss] > min(l_da1) c_da=l_da1 endif else begin c_da=l_da1 message,'No saturated pixels to replace returning long image',/continue endelse ;; ----- Added 11-June-2007 -----;; ; handeling the edge pixels ; using Saar's method of filtering whole image and then replacing, not just filtering bloom pixels. ; P.R. Jibben -He also calcuated shift better, only in vertical direction. ; Only doing this for long image siz=size(c_da) ny=siz(2) donut=[[1,1,1],[1,0,1],[1,1,1]] / 8. Result=CONVOL(c_da,donut) sl_map1=shift(l_map,[0,1]) sl_map1[*,0]=0 sl_map2=shift(fix(l_map),[0,-1]) sl_map2[*,ny-1]=0 bloomers=temporary(sl_map1)+temporary(sl_map2) bloomers=(bloomers eq 1) replace_pix=where(bloomers eq 1,cnt) bloom_tag='' if (cnt gt 0) then begin nbloom=strcompress(cnt,/rem) c_da[replace_pix]=Result[replace_pix] bloom_tag='Replaced ' + nbloom + ' bloom pixels in Composite.' endif ;generating the c_idx c_idx=l_idx1 ;; ----- Added 11-June-2007 ----- ;; ;Updating the index data level ;level2 data c_idx.data_lev=2 tagval0='' change_tag_value,c_idx,tagval0,'HISTORY' tagval0=[tagval0,'XRT_MK_COMPOSITE ' + progver + ': '] long_hist=get_history(l_idx1) short_hist=get_history(s_idx1) tagval0=[tagval0,bloom_tag,'Long image history --',long_hist,'Short image history --',short_hist] update_history,c_idx,tagval0,/noroutine ;update_history, c_idx, long_hist, /noroutine ;update_history, c_idx, 'XRT_MK_COMPOSITE ' + progver + $ ; ': Short image history --', $ ; /noroutine ;update_history, c_idx, short_hist, /noroutine RETURN END ;======================================================================