// ESAF : Euso Simulation and Analysis Framework
// $Id: SlastShowerGenerator.hh,v 1.32 2006/11/18 16:53:53 moreggia Exp $
// Naumov Dmitry 03/03/2004

// SlastShowerGenerator                                                       //
//                                                                            //
//                                                                            //
// <brief class description>                                                  //
//                                                                            //


#include "euso.hh"
#include "EventGenerator.hh"
#include "ShowerTrack.hh"
#include "EsafMsgSource.hh"
#include "EarthVector.hh"
#include <map>

class PhysicsData;
class MCTruth;
class Atmosphere;
class //root.cern.ch/root/html/TF2.html">TF2;
class //root.cern.ch/root/html/TH1F.html">TH1F;

class SlastShowerGenerator : public EventGenerator, public EsafMsgSource {
    // ctor
    SlastShowerGenerator(Bool_t quiet = kFALSE);
    // dtor
    virtual     ~SlastShowerGenerator();
    Bool_t       Init();                                        // SLAST Initializations
    Double_t     NucleonAirCrossSection(Double_t);              // Nucleon-Air Cross-section at given energy
    Double_t     HadronInteractionLength(Double_t, Double_t);   // Hadron Interaction Length in Air
    void         GetX1();                                       // First depth before the interaction
    Double_t     GetXmax();                                     // Returns expected Xmax in g/cm2
    Double_t     GetEnergy() {return fEnergy;}                  // Returns generated energy in eV
    Double_t     GetTheta()  {return fTheta_mes;}                   // Returns generated Theta in rad
    Double_t     GetPhi()    {return fPhi_mes;}                     // Returns generate Phi in rad
    Bool_t       GetFirstPoint();                               // Generate the first point
    Bool_t       IsXmaxInFoV();                                 // Assess Xmax position (used to reject event with Xmax out of FoV)
    Bool_t       GetNextStep();                                 // Get next step of the shower
    const ShowerStep& GetShowerStep();                          // Get Shower Step
    void         GetShowerParametrization(Double_t);            // Number of electrons in shower, age, etc...
    void         GIL(Double_t);                                 // QGSJET parametrization
    void         GFA(Double_t);                                 // Gaussian Function in Age
    void         GHF(Double_t);                                 // Gaisser-Hillas Function
    Bool_t       DevelopShower();                               // Build a shower track
    PhysicsData *Get();                                         // Returns the track
    MCTruth     *GetTruth();                                    // Returns the MonteCarlo Truth
    virtual void Reset();                                       // Reset important variables for the next event
    void         GetShowerInfo();                               // Adds the general information about the track
    // Setters
    void         SetShower(Double_t,Double_t,Double_t,EarthVector); // Set energy,theta,phi,position of shower to generate
    void         SetEnergy(Double_t e) {fEnergy = e;}               // Set shower energy
    void         SetTheta(Double_t  t) {fTheta_mes  = t;}           // Set shower theta in MES
    void         SetPhi(Double_t p)    {fPhi_mes    = p;}           // Set shower phi in MES
    void         SetQuiet(Bool_t key=kTRUE) {fQuiet = key;}         // Set/Unset quietness of generation
    void         SetDepthStep(Double_t step) {fDepthStep = step*sou::g/sou::cm2;}

    EarthVector  FoVintersection(const EarthVector&, const EarthVector&) const;  // returns track intersection with EUSO FoV cone
    Bool_t       FindImpactOnTOA();                                              // first step of event generation : find entering point in atmosphere
    Bool_t       IsInFoV(const EarthVector&) const;                              // check if position stands within EUSO FoV

    ShowerTrack        *fTrack;                  // pointer to Shower Track object
    ShowerStep          fStep;                   // current ShowerStep object
    MCTruth            *fTruth;                  // pointer to the Truth object
    Double_t            fFoV;                    // Space Telescope Field of View (FoV) in rad
    Double_t            fEusoAltitude;           // Euso Altitude
    string              fSpectrumType;           // Spectrum type (powermaw / GZKHiRes2005 ..)
    //root.cern.ch/root/html/TH1F.html">TH1F*               fSpectrumRdnm;           // for non-analytical spectrum, used to get random energy
    Double_t            fEnergyMin;              // Minimum Energy Range for the ShowerTrack generation
    Double_t            fEnergyMax;              // Maximum Energy Range for the ShowerTrack generation
    Double_t            fEnergySlope;            // Slope of the Differential Energy Spectrum
    Double_t            fThetaMin;               // Minimum Theta Range for the ShowerTrack generation
    Double_t            fThetaMax;               // Maximum Theta Range for the ShowerTrack generation
    Double_t            fPhiMin;                 // Minimum Phi Range for the ShowerTrack generation
    Double_t            fPhiMax;                 // Maximum Phi Range for the ShowerTrack generation
    Double_t            fFirstPointX;            // X coordinate of the first ShowerTrack point
    Double_t            fFirstPointY;            // Y coordinate of the first ShowerTrack point
    Double_t            fFirstPointZ;            // Z coordinate of the first ShowerTrack point
    string              fFirstType;              // Choice of the generation type for the first interaction
                                                 // ( POS = fixed point , X1 = fixed X1, NONE = from hadronic interaction lenght )
    Double_t            fDepthStep;              // depth step
    Double_t            fEnergy;                 // Generated ShowerTrack energy
    Double_t            fTheta_local;            // Generated ShowerTrack theta - frame defined at TOAimpact
    Double_t            fPhi_local;              // Generated ShowerTrack phi - frame defined at TOAimpact
    Double_t            fTheta_mes;              // Generated ShowerTrack theta - in mes frame
    Double_t            fPhi_mes;                // Generated ShowerTrack phi - in mes frame
    Double_t            fAge;                    // current age of the shower (varies from 0 to 2. Age = 1
                                               // corresponds to the shower maximum
    Double_t            fNe;                     // current number of electrons
    Double_t            fX1;                     // atmosphere depth for the first point
    Double_t            fXcurrent;               // current slanth depth (from X1, not TOA !!)
    Double_t            fXnext;                  // next slanth depth (from X1, not TOA !!)
    Double_t            fTimecurrent;            // time from the ShowerTrack origin (current)
    Double_t            fTimenext;               // time from the ShowerTrack origin (next)
    EarthVector         fEusoVector;             // vector pointing to EUSO
    EarthVector         fInitPoint;              // vector of init point
    EarthVector         fOmega;                  // unit vector of the ShowerTrack object
    EarthVector         fCurrentPoint;           // vector of the current point. Z=0 on the Earth underneath EUSO
    EarthVector         fNextPoint;              // vector of the next point. Z=0 on the Earth underneath EUSO
    EarthVector         fEarthImpact;            // vector of the impact on the Earth. Z=0 on the Earth underneath EUSO
    EarthVector         fTOAImpact;              // vector of the impact on top of atmosphere
    Int_t               fHitGround;              // Boolian if the ShowerTrack hits the ground
    Bool_t              fInCome;                 // Boolian if the ShowerTrack becomes visible to EUSO (in FoV)
    Bool_t              fOutCome;                // Boolian if the ShowerTrack becomes invisible to EUSO (in FoV)
    string              fType;                   // Type of the UHECR particle: hadron, netrino
    string              fEnergyDistribution;     // Type of the Shower Parametrization for the energy distribution
    string              fShowerParametrization;  // Type of the Shower Parametrization for the number of charged particles
    Bool_t              fQuiet;                  // kTRUE - no messages, kFALSE - with messages
    Bool_t              fRejectFakeEvents;       // kTRUE : if cosmic ray (not in the FoV || has not interacted in  atmosphere) --> re-try
    Bool_t              fRejectNoXmax;           // kTRUE : if Xmax is not in FoV --> re-try for another event
    Bool_t              fOutOfFoV;               // if kTRUE : shower dvpt is switched off
    Double_t            fAtomicMass;             // Atomic mass of the UHECR's hadron

    EsafConfigClass(Generators, SlastShowerGenerator)


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