9 city except portious upou two hills iuuudated. The water ou Yaiu street rose tu the height of eight feet ; tlie first floor uf every husiuws house from oue to five feet uuiler water ; many buildings washed rrway and over tweuty persous reported drowned. Lampausas, 'rex., 1ie:iviest raiu for mauy years ; Inail st.age washed away and driver rlrowried ; miicli otlicr d:iiiiage. T7iiicenues, 111d.~ 21st. crce!.s '' t.erribly " swollen : great damage to growiug wheat. A brick-yrird near tosu was submerged unrl ti quarter of a iiiilliou bricks were sashed away. dullivau, I d ., 2lst, severe washouts and much other damage. Huntiugtoii, h i d ., %st,, Fliut Creek overflowed, causing cousiderable damage, rai1r.d tracks subuiergetl rtilcl culverts wtslied away. \V:ibtrsh. Iiid., Blst. great. damage to fkuces, bridges aiid crops; st.rea.iu everywhere nverflowed. bottom lauds 2 to 10 feet uudei water ; traius delayed. Colurubus, Ga., Slst, :dl railroad* broken, ut) trains ru~iuiiig, 6 i bridges washed away throughout the couiity, low lauds subml?rged aiid all crops tlainnged ; river rose 15 feet io two hours ; stre it.s coiiverted into rushing rivers; liouserl flooded several feet deep ; calves, goats, hogs. clogs, aud f ~w l drmwecl by the score. Cheyenue, driest moiitli i n the past 9 ye:trs. Iudependeiice, K'nn., 26th. tirat raiu iu 6 weeks : wheat and oats suffered st-rerely. Bi)sliiig Green, Kip.. 1st to 2Otli. exceedingly dry : all crop* sitfferinR, nnt. crop a fhilure, inarket gardens seriously damaged. Fallston. Mrl.. :31et, grass and wheat seriously iiijur~11 ; uo raiu from April 29th to Mny E d . Sandy Springs, Md., moiith 11uusi:ally dry : :i l l crops sufferiug. South Lee, Mass., mouth very dry : "mills 011 the Housatouic rircr iisrtl a l l the water ou the 24t.11, an event which has not happened before in 70 years, tiot\vitlistaii~liii~ t,tiat. the strearus ~R V I : been higlier this year thau usual." Clear Creek, Neb., 26th. first gonil rain since last till : crops suffiiriiig. Auburn, N. H.. 18t,h to 80th; very dry ; vegetat.ioii sufferiug severely. Freeholrl. N. J., nioiith r:uueunlly dry. Atcn, N. J., Slst., str:iwberry r.ud hay crops serioitsly damaged. White Plaius, N . Y., siuallest iiioutlily raiu-till i r . the pmt. 7 years. Cat,irwissa, Pa., through~Biit month, seriouqly damaging grain :i i d grllsg crops. Ftillsingt.nu, Pa., 23ud, firsi. riliu i n 23 days : month uuususlly dry. Litchfieiti, P:I.. 4Ot11, niiir?h 11:iniage t i ) grain and wgetaliles. dnowville, Va., 1st to Blst, severe drought. Walnut C+.wve, Vii., 1 1 1 1 ruiii fitmi 1st to 2lst ; crops suffering severely. Norfolk, Va., 28~11, unprecelleuted iiroiight in ueighboriug couutrg ; first. nnd erirly veget:ilslcs dain:iged to a large extent. Helvetia, \V. Va., 1st to 19th. unusually dry; rivers a l d streanis !owest fix intiny yeiirs. Omaha, Neb., tlrmght iu msberu part of stat,! unprecedented : six nioutlis without Kiiii enough to wet t.he gr:)und : the air is tilled with dust. Kniii jrottt (I C'lotrcllem ,Sky.-Burlingtoii, Vt., lOth, 2l;t.h. &ec&tntiort cliiririg A p i /, r.ec,:izied clfer tlie i w i e qf April Review.--drimuc : Whipple Bnrracks, 0.14 inch. ; Fort Lowell, 0.16 ; Fort Bowie, 0.15 ; Furt Vertle, 0.27 ; Fort McIhwell, 0.28 : Fort Apache, 0.46 ; Fort Grant, 0.04 : Fort Mojave, 0.00 ; Ft1r.t 'l'Ii~iiii:is, 0.06. C ~l $o ~r i i a .- Beuicia Barracks, 8.15 ; Saliuas City, 3.90 ; Oakland, X.46 ; Powny, 3.10 : Aiigel Islanil, 10.17 : Fresidio.8.F. Ca1.,7.55; Fort.Gnston, 13.95 ; Mtlirut Pt. Heleiin, 27.87 : P:iu Gorguiiio. 6.94 : Sau Bueu:ivriitura, 1.87. Dnbofu : Fort. Steveuson, 6.66 : Fort Sully, 1.71 : Fort Mr:tde. 0.75. N o t i h i u : Fort Beuoou, 1.80; Fort Shaw, 1.51 ; Fawt Ellis, 4.24; Fort Ai:t~gh, 1.10; Fort Logan, 1.45 ; Fort Assiuiboinr, 1.29; Blackfeet Agency. 0.91. Alhniiy. 2.62; Fort. Hteveus, 4.83 ; Fort Iilaiiiat.h, 2.i7 ; Eoh, 2.21 ; Fort Har- ney, 1.50. Fort Brciau a.ud Fort Davis, 0.00 : Fort Elliot, trace ; Lnredo, 1.20 T~u~shirtytow, Ter. : Fort Ctmby, 4-03 ; Fort Towiiseud, 1.30 ; Neah Bay. 3.52 ; Bniubridge Island, 3.15 ; Dayton, 3.81. Maesa- chwtetta : \Villiau~str~wu, 4.77. iIIich,ipt/t : &d Rapids. KOO. Nevada : \V:idswortli, 0.87 ; Brown's, 0.94. New Jemey : 6outh Orniige, 3.02. h'm I-ork: Truy. 2.07. Peti.tt&u&: Ch:imbersburg, 3.07. Tewnessee: McMiunvillt., 7.50 ; Austiu, 5.M ; Cl~rkville, 5.65 ; C t d : Promontory, 2.OZ : Terrace, 0.50. Feuixs, bridges. and railroad :mbnnkiiieuts \\~asli~d awny. DroughL-The follnwing will wrve to show the extent of droiight i n the various wctions. ~nmervillr. N. J., drought very severe thrtq$uut the nioi1.h. ldcclio .- Fort Lspwiii. 0 23. G-egorr : Te'eza.9 . Fort, ICinggoltl. 0.70 : YiYgLi.ia .- Dover Miiies. 1.30, F/widti : Ok:rliumpks, 2.12 ; Daytuua, 2.38. R E L A T 1 V E H U lkl I D I '1' Y', The percentages of mean relative humidity fhr the nionth rauge IIY follows : New Euglaud, from 59.6 to 77.3; Jliddle Adantic States, 53.9 to 77.4 : fiouth Atlantic States, 58.2 to 77.5 ; Easterii Gulf gtates, 71.0 to 77.5; \Vestern Gulf States, 68.9 to 78.3 : Ohio valley aiid Tennessee. 55.1 to 67.9 : Lower Lake region, 55.4 to 66.5 ; Upper Lake regiou, 59.8 to 75.5 : Upper Mississippi valley, 64.8 to 61.6 ; Missouri valley, 51.1 to 56.4 : Red River of' the Noidi v:illey, 65.2 to 6i.6 : Eastern Rocky Mnuntaiu Slope. 41.0 to 85.0 : rester!^ Plateau, 10.0 to 49.7 : Chlifornia, 50.6 to 72.0 ; Oregon, 65.0 to 78.0. High etcitions report the fol- lowing averages not corrected for nltitiide : Pike's Peak, 63.6 ; Mt. Washington, 83.8 per cent. W I N D b , The prpvniling directiopi qf the wind8 for the mouth of May, 1880, is showu, by arrows flyiug with the niod, on c!iart No. 11. The prevailiug wincls over the eastern h a l f of the United '3takj were southedy, aud along the Pacific coast. over the Plateau districts, mid iu the Upper Missouri valley worthwesterly or we-sterly. Exceptions to the above gcueralizatiou are to he thud iu the northwest winds ou the summit. of Mt. Wash- ington, at Bew York, Pittsburg aud Marquette : in the uortheast winds a t Duluth and Jacksonville ; in the east winds a t Brackettvillt., McKavett, Indiaiicila, Xew Orleans, Atlanta, huutgomery. Cedar Keys, Punts R ~w a aud Key West; aud in the soutlicrly winds at Los Angeles aut1 Olympia.