Fermilab Today Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday, July 21
3:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
All Experimenters' Meeting - Curia II
Special Topic: COUPP

Tuesday, July 22
Summer Lecture Seminar - One West
Speaker: M. Demarteau, Fermilab
Title: Particle Detectors
3:30 p.m.


Click here for NALCAL,
a weekly calendar with links to additional information.


WeatherChance of thunderstorms

Extended Forecast
Weather at Fermilab

Current Security Status

Secon Level 3

Wilson Hall Cafe

Monday, July 21
- Minestrone
- Parmesan quesadilla
- Baked chicken enchiladas
- Herbed pot roast
- Chicken melt
- Assorted slice pizza
- Szechwan green bean w/chicken

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu

Chez Leon

Wednesday, July 23
- Tinga tostada
- Rice & beans
- Napolitano flan

Thursday, July 24
- Pasta w/roasted summer vegetables
- Grilled swordfish
- Sauteed green beans
- Peach melba

Chez Leon Menu
Call x4598 to make your reservation.


Fermilab Today
Result of the Week
Safety Tip of the Week
ILC NewsLine


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P5 report, HEP roadmap now available

Cover of the P5 report. Credit: Sandbox studios
The roadmap for the future of high-energy physics in the U.S. is now available in print.

In November 2007, the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel charged the Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel to develop a 10-year plan for U.S. particle physics in each of four possible budget scenarios.

In response, the 21-member subpanel, chaired by Yale professor Charlie Baltay, laid out strategies for the next decade that would allow the U.S. to maintain a leadership role in world-wide particle physics.

The panel recommends a balanced program of research at three frontiers to address fundamental questions about the laws of the universe: the Energy Frontier, using both hadron colliders and lepton colliders to discover and illuminate the physics of the Terascale; the Intensity Frontier, comprising neutrino physics and high-sensitivity experiments on rare processes; and the Cosmic Frontier, probing the nature of dark matter and dark energy and other topics in particle astrophysics.

The U.S. High Energy Physics Advisory Panel, a DOE and NSF advisory committee, endorsed the plan on May 29.

Print copies of the report are available from the Fermilab Office of Communication. To order a copy, e-mail Judy Treend at treend@fnal.gov. The report is also available online.

-- Rhianna Wisniewski


"Housingette" Linda Olson-Roach retires

Linda Olson-Roach
If you find yourself in a foreign country where no one speaks your language and you don't know a soul, you probably want someone around like Linda Olson-Roach. Since 1977, she worked to make Fermilab physicists and their families from across the globe feel at home.

"A lot of times, the spouses of physicists who accompany them are left without much to do during the day. We try to draw them out, even if there's a language barrier. Linda was extremely good at that," said Housing Office's Jacqueline Cyko.

Olson-Roach retired on July 3 after 31 years. She went from taking reservations at the Housing Office's front desk to administrative support and is known and respected throughout the laboratory.

She took care of everything from billing in daycare to handling facility requests to decorating the interiors of Aspen East and the village dorms.

"We owe all of the village décor to Linda. She chose everything you see - the color of paint, the blinds, the carpets and even the pots and pans," said Jack Hawkins, accommodation manager. "We like to tease her about her giant shoe collection, but we really depended on that eye of hers."

Housing Office employees see Olson-Roach as a part of their family.

"We are a small group in the Housing Office and have been through the good, the bad and the ugly, boyfriends, marriages, divorces, kids, grandkids, births and deaths. We "Housingettes" have been there for each other 24/7," Cyko said.

Although Olson-Roach is retiring, she will continue to work on Fermilab's History Committee.

"Whenever there was a big discovery there was a huge influx of people to the laboratory and it was always very exciting," Olson-Roach said. "The hardest part for me was seeing people go."

You can say goodbye on Friday, July 25 at 11:30 a.m. at The Venice Tavern at 31 N. River St. in Batavia. Reservations must be made by the end of day on July 21 to x3082.

-- Jennifer L. Johnson

Safety Tip of the Week

Avoid (or treat) poison ivy exposure

It's fairly easy to find poison ivy at Fermilab; just look along the edge of a wooded area. The image shows the characteristic leaf shape. The plant's leaves change color in the fall. Poison ivy may also appear as a fuzzy vine along a tree trunk.
Walking through nature is a great summer activity, but one that can also lead to unwanted problems. When spending time outdoors, watch for poison ivy plants, which have three leaves. Touching the plants can give you an itchy rash that can last for weeks.

The component in poison ivy that causes the allergic reaction is an oil called urushiol. It is present in all parts of the plant and can maintain its toxic properties for more than a year. Your best bet is to avoid all contact, even if you have never had a reaction.

If you've been exposed to poison ivy, stay outdoors until you complete the first two steps below.

  1. Clean exposed skin with generous amounts of isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol.
  2. Wash skin with water.
  3. Take a regular shower with soap and warm water.
  4. Clothes, shoes, tools and anything else that may have been in contact with the urushiol, should be wiped off with alcohol and water. Wear gloves while doing this last step and discard them when done.

Control itching symptoms with hot compresses, Calamine lotion or antihistamine creams. The urushiol does not spread after a day or so, so scratching the blisters does not necessarily make the rash worse. However, scratching can lead to a nasty skin infection. For some people, the allergic response can be severe, causing swelling and difficulty breathing. If this happens on site, dial x3131 to initiate an emergency response. An injection of steroids may be necessary to reduce swelling and control other symptoms.

Accelerator Update

July 14-16
- Three stores provided ~31 hours and 40 minutes of luminosity
- NuMI finds air leak on horn closed loop
- 480-volt breaker replaced for Bartleson low beta power supply
- TeV sector A4 wet engine fly wheel replaced
- Shutdown at 6 a.m., Thursday 7/16/08

July 16-18
- Two stores provided 28 hours and 52 minutes of luminosity
- Store 6300 terminated to prevent possible quench
- NuMI repairs closed loop cooling problem
- Shutdown for MI heat exchanger work

Read the Current Accelerator Update
Read the Early Bird Report
View the Tevatron Luminosity Charts


Have a safe day!

Tango lessons
Beginning July 23, the International Folk Dancing group and NALWO will start a new group and offer Argentine tango lessons by experienced tango dancers from Chicago. The lessons will take place in Ramsey Auditorium on Wednesdays from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. for beginners and 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. for intermediate/advanced level. To sign up, call Pamela Noyes at (630) 840-5779 or e-mail her.

Free osteoporosis screening Aug. 8
Wellness Works and Delnor-Community Hospital will host an osteoporosis screening between 7:30 and 11 a.m. on Aug. 8 in the Emergency Operating Center on the ground floor of Wilson Hall. Only Fermilab employees who have not participated in a previous screening are eligible. The free heel scan is an ultrasound test that measures the bone density in the heel. Participants will need to remove their sock and the shoe from one foot. (Ladies please do NOT wear panty hose) Participants with heel/ankle fractures or surgery to both feet are excluded from this screening. Sign up instructions are on the ES&H homepage.

Additional Activities

Fermi National Accelerator - Office of Science / U.S. Department of Energy | Managed by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC.