Online databases status

2009-02-13 00:00
2009-02-13 10:00
Friday, 13 February 2009
1-189, 510A, at 05:00 (GMT), duration : 10:00

Online->Offline migration scripts :

  1. I am compiling standalone StDbLib version with :
    $> cons CPPFLAGS="-Dsl309_gcc323 -D__ROOT__ -D__STDB_STANDALONE__". This resulted in :

    ...(many entries of the following)...
    StDbServiceBroker::RecommendHost() mysql_real_connect 0xbf9c240 3316 failed
    StDbServiceBroker::RecommendHost() mysql_real_connect 0xbf9c240 3316 failed
    StDbServiceBroker::RecommendHost() mysql_real_connect 0xbf9c240 3316 failed
    ... (also many entries) ...
    *** Error line=493 *** MysqlDb::ExecQuery()
     Query Failed  INSERT command denied to user ''@'' for table 'starClockOnl'
     *** Warning line=780 *** StDbSql::WriteDb(StDbTable*,uint storeTime)
     Write failed for table= starClockOnl

    Same story happens with regular "cons" version of StDbLib (i.e. not standalone). (LoadLogger.C macro call should be added to Fill_Clock.C to work)
  2. says "mode = hand" for some migrations. How to do that?
  3. what is "Offline-Autocalibration db-Data"?

Generic questions :

  1. How can I get _complete_ list of db nodes ?
  2. What is the "root" password for database at ?
  3. What is the purpose of node ? It contains offline slave, but seems to be unused?


PID in the upsilon pp 2006 data set

Some defintions:

nHitsFit = # hit points in the TPC used for the fit

nHitsPot = # of possible of hit points in the TPC


HFT Software

2009-02-13 13:30
2009-02-13 14:30
Friday, 13 February 2009
510-4867333, at 18:30 (GMT), duration : 01:00


Correlated pedestals - BTOW

 The goal of this exercise is to establish if there is a correlation between correlated pedestal noise and 60 Hz power line.


ZDC polarimetry using trigger data


February 2009 BNL to KISTI data transfer

Following a Mock Data Transfer (MDT) challenge, here are results from transfering data from BNL counting house to KISTI. The parameters were

Spin PWG meeting (2/12/09)


The PDF for my slides is linked below.



test production

  1. test done locally in DEV with files from Yifei.

The files are AuAu MB events with |Zvertex| < 40 cm and sigma_vertex

W-algo BTOW


L2 W-algo for BTOW, p+p 500 GeV , 2009 run

Run time params
2 int    dbg, randomAcceptPrescale 

M-C W prod request 2009, worksheet

We would like equivalent of LT=50/pb QCD Pythia events @ 500 GeV