NASA scientist Mitzi Adams hosted a conference call from Lusaka, Zambia, throughout the eclipse. She, with students and faculty from Williams college, observed the eclipse from atop a hotel in the city, surround by and array of telescopes, cameras, and computers. Participants all over the world got to share in the excitement through internet and telephone connections.

To listen to a replay of the conference call use the following links:
Streaming MP3 Playlist (try first)
Link for AOL Media Player or to copy directly into media player (try second)

For RealPlayer or Windows Media Player formats (provided by MCI/Worldcom) go to the Worldcom site where you'll need to enter the following information:
Conference ID: 1924872
Conference Passcode: eclipse

Here is a movie made from a webcam on the scene in Lusaka, Zambia. The webcam was uploading a new image about twice a minute.

Here is a timeline for the movie:

Time (CDT) Event
3:03 - 3:20 Setting up computer and cameras for the eclipse
3:22 Image of the sun through #12 welders' glass
3:23 - 3:55 More setup, web cam shut down for a while
6:11 - 6:45 An experiment with ultraviolet-sensitive balls to see if sunglasses protect from UV
6:45 - 7:16 Still bright out, but the eclipse has begun!
7:18 The crescent of the Sun is clearly visible
7:20 - 7:27 Time to take temperature measurements, start taking pictures
7:28 - 7:55 The light through a pin-hole shows the odd shape of the Sun
7:56 - 8:22 Totality comes and goes!
log of temperature, showing drop during eclipse
Chart of temperature data -- a text version is also available. The temperature took quite a dive during the brief time in shadow.