Flux Gate Compass Calibration


Hereafter, "FG" refers to the flux gate compass. For all mobile mesonet data from VORTEX-95, whenever the vehicle was moving faster than 4 m/s the following pairs were recorded: {FG direction, FG-GPS direction}. Thus, a value >0 in the second position means the FG reads too high near that azimuth. Only pairs more than 5 degrees removed from the compass cardinal points (n, E, S, and W) were retained. This is because the vehicles were usually moving in one of those four directions, and the huge number of data points could bias the calibration.

The data were plotted using SciPlot (a freeware scientific graphing application for NeXTStep), and then the following equation was fit to the data:

y = A+Bsin(x)+Ccos(x)+Dsin(2x)+Ecos(2x)
where y = FG-GPS, and x = FG.

This is simply the first two terms of a Fourier series, and was chosen because it is easy to fit, and recognizes the periodic nature of compass directions.

Note that this calibration procedure negates the need to adjust the FG compasses to true vs. magnetic north. We are calibrating them against GPS, which is a true system. Thus, the calibration coefficients inherently contain the offset for the average declination. The application, or lack thereof, of FG corrections in the MM software itself becomes totally irrelevant. The wind directions are derived from RMY directions and FG pointing angles. If we can be confident of the FG pointing angles (through this calibration), we can be confident of the wind directions.

Example of a calibration curve fitting.

Example of a calibration curve fitting

This example is a plot of calibration points and the derived calibration curve for the vehicle PROBE1 (P1). It can be seen that the error in the flux gate compass, primarily caused by the vehicle's magnetic field, is about 12 degrees when the vehicle heading is roughly southwest, and generally less than this amount for other headings. Visual inspection shows that most points cluster within about 5 degrees of the fitted curve.

Calibration of individual vehicles

The notes that follow are mainly unedited notes composed while the calbrations were being performed. If any of this requires elaboration, email rasmussen@nssl.uoknor.edu, and hope that my memory contains something useful.

Calibration of P1

The PROBE1 laptop was apparently used by some other vehicle on 8-9 June. By that time, P1 was supposedly decommissioned. However, the P1 laptop has data on those dates, with a radically different calibration of the FG on 8-9 June. Calbiration curves will be obtained for the period through 4 June only. If the P1 data are to be used on 6/8, whichever vehicle it was, we will need to do a special FG calibration as well as determine the RMY pointing error for that day alone.

Number of samples: 15,766
Average absolute error prior to calibration:  6.45 degrees
Average absolute error after calibration:  2.91 degrees

Calibration of P2

PROBE2 had consistent errors through the whole season.

Number of samples: 17,653
Average absolute error prior to calibration:  8.42 degrees
Average absolute error after calibration:  2.61 degrees

Calibration of P3

PROBE3 had consistent errors through the whole season.

Number of samples: 16,380
Average absolute error prior to calibration:  5.83 degrees
Average absolute error after calibration:  3.02 degrees

Calibration of P4

PROBE4 had consistent errors through the whole season.

Number of samples: 15,361
Average absolute error prior to calibration:  4.29 degrees
Average absolute error after calibration:  3.28 degrees

Calibration of P5

PROBE5 had consistent errors through the whole season.  

Number of samples: 21,268
Average absolute error prior to calibration:  8.28 degrees
Average absolute error after calibration:  2.72 degrees

Calibration of P6

PROBE6 had consistent errors through the whole season.  The initial graphing appears to have a lot more scatter than some of the other platforms.

Number of samples: 19,579
Average absolute error prior to calibration:  10.94 degrees
Average absolute error after calibration:  2.90 degrees

Calibration of P7

The PROBE7 FG calibration changed after the 4/30/95 mission.  So the calibration must be performed in two separate runs.

First group; P7a:  Cases prior to 5/1/95.
Number of samples: 5,450
Average absolute error prior to calibration:  40.41 degrees
Average absolute error after calibration:  2.90 degrees

First group; P7a:  Cases after 5/1/95.
Number of samples: 10,626
Average absolute error prior to calibration:  5.17 degrees
Average absolute error after calibration:  2.63 degrees

Calibration of P8

PROBE8 had consistent errors through the whole season.

Number of samples: 18,122
Average absolute error prior to calibration:  8.97 degrees
Average absolute error after calibration:  2.77 degrees

Calibration of P9

PROBE9 had consistent errors through the whole season.

Number of samples: 12,403
Average absolute error prior to calibration:  7.77 degrees
Average absolute error after calibration:  2.56 degrees

Calibration of T1

TURTLE1 had consistent errors through the whole season.

Number of samples: 12,011
Average absolute error prior to calibration:  7.66 degrees
Average absolute error after calibration:  2.67 degrees

Calibration of T2

TURTLE2 had consistent errors through the whole season.

Number of samples: 19,133
Average absolute error prior to calibration:  8.11 degrees
Average absolute error after calibration:  2.75 degrees

Calibration of N1

NSSL1 had consistent errors through the whole season.  The scatter plot shows that the N1 sensor had a significantly larger-amplitude error than the units on the sedans.

Number of samples: 20,136
Average absolute error prior to calibration:  15.25 degrees
Average absolute error after calibration:  3.54 degrees

Calibration of N2

NSSL2 had consistent errors through the whole season.

Number of samples: 20,285
Average absolute error prior to calibration:  9.13 degrees
Average absolute error after calibration:  4.59 degrees

Calibration of N4

NSSL4 FG had an equipment change or a calbration after the 4/26/95 mission.  On that mission and prior, the average FG errors were around 80 degrees.  After that date, they were around -10 degrees.  Therefore, two different calibrations must be used for this vehicle.

First group; N4a:  Cases prior to 4/29/95.
Number of samples: 2,473
Average absolute error prior to calibration:  81.32 degrees
Average absolute error after calibration:  4.58 degrees

First group; N4b:  Cases after  4/28/95.
Number of samples: 17,515
Average absolute error prior to calibration:  18.39 degrees
Average absolute error after calibration:  4.39 degrees

Calibration of FC

The performance of the FC compass seemed to change around 4/18.  So the calibration was run in two parts.  This is confirmed by looking at the scatter plots.  However, the scatter about the large-amplitude error curves was fairly small, leading to the good absolute error results shown below.

First group; FCa:  Cases prior to 4/18/95.
Number of samples: 3,892
Average absolute error prior to calibration:  82.36 degrees
Average absolute error after calibration:  3.35 degrees

First group; FCb:  Cases after  4/18/95.
Number of samples: 18,196
Average absolute error prior to calibration:  16.72 degrees
Average absolute error after calibration:  4.29 degrees

Calibration of C1

CAM1 had consistent errors through the whole season.  

Number of samples: 11,933
Average absolute error prior to calibration:  5.31 degrees
Average absolute error after calibration:  X.XX degrees

Calibration Coefficients Table

Veh   A        B        C        D       E       ave abs error
P1    5.2103  -3.0160  -2.8220  -0.2519  0.1059  2.91
P2    7.4855  -3.0830  -1.9402  -0.4022 -0.3234  2.61
P3    4.0520  -2.6925  -3.6788  -0.6090 -0.5131  3.02
P4    0.539   -0.7660  -4.4933  -0.2732 -0.2292  3.28
P5    7.7902  -0.9188  -3.9160   0.0324 -0.4591  2.72
P6   10.248   -0.6967   0.0610  -0.5260 -0.5933  2.90
P7a -41.678   -4.1116  -0.0619  -0.7489 -0.3579  2.11
P7b   3.8138  -1.7244  -3.2351  -0.1186 -1.0482  2.63
P8    7.5597  -2.3033  -2.9932  -0.3886 -0.3699  2.77
P9    5.5201  -4.7514  -5.4312  -0.9971 -1.0899  2.56
T1    6.6508  -3.1098   3.5417  -0.5266 -0.0637  2.67
T2    7.7146   0.5168  -3.7172  -0.4984  0.5528  2.75
N1   11.8505  -8.8821  -3.2433  -0.166  -0.2618  3.54
N2    8.6005   6.5244   4.6025  -0.5648  1.2422  4.59
N4a  83.2274  18.1516  18.0258   1.8348  1.1860  4.58
N4b  -6.3063  17.6484 -17.007   -0.8563 -0.5729  4.39
FCa -82.126   -9.8598 -22.914   -1.1593 -0.5630  3.35
FCb   7.5719  23.4466  -7.616    1.7824 -0.1171  4.29
C1    3.4844  -0.7399  -1.8489  -1.2279 -0.3748  3.18

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