Florida Department of Education


July 2005








Note:  This document has been excerpted or adapted from its original format for functional and consistency purposes within the warehouse.  To obtain the full document and supplementary materials, please visit the state’s website at:  http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/dwdframe/










Reading Skills

Adult Basic Education

July 2005
Florida Department of Education



Program Title:          Adult Basic Education (ABE)

Program Number:         9900000

Course Title:           Reading

Course Number:          9900002


Literacy Completion Point E

       Level 0.0 – 1.9       (BEGINNING ABE LITERACY)



01.0  Demonstrate mastery of skills prerequisite to reading –- The student will be able to:


01.01  Recognize that printed materials normally flow from left to right, top to bottom, front to back.

01.02  Recognize that letters make words.

01.03  Recognize that words make sentences.

01.04  Recognize that there are spaces between words.

01.05  Recognize that words on the right hand page of a book start at the top left end of the first line of text.

01.06  Listen to and comprehend a story read aloud.

01.07  Narrate a picture story in a sequence.


02.0  Demonstrate basic understanding of phonics/structural analysis as tools for reading -– The student will be able to:


02.01   Identify letters of the alphabet.

02.02   Identify single consonant sounds.

02.03   Identify single vowels.

02.04   Identify rhyming patterns.

02.05   Understand that word order differs between statements and questions.

02.06   Identify the meaning of plural nouns.

02.07   Identify possessives.

02.08   Identify the period, question mark, and exclamation point as ending punctuation marks.


03.0  Demonstrate knowledge of basic vocabulary -– The student will be able to:


03.01  Identify at least 75% of the preprimer, primer, and first grade words from the Dolch list.

03.02  Identify the meanings of frequently used words presented in context.

03.03  Demonstrate ability to read personal information (for example: name, address, zip code, phone number, age).

03.04  Dictate and read back his/her own stories.


04.0  Demonstrate literal comprehension skills -– The student will be able to:


04.01   Determine the main idea and factual details of a paragraph.

04.02   Identify the order of events in a paragraph.

04.03   Predict what a passage is about based upon its title and illustrations.

04.04   Increase comprehension by rereading, re-telling, and discussing.

04.05   Know strategies to discover if information presented in a text is accurate (for example: asking others, checking another source).

04.06   Determine the meaning of a sentence that contains negative words.

04.07  Distinguish verbs denoting the past, present, or future.

04.08  Distinguish between statements, questions, and exclamations.


05.0  Demonstrate evaluative comprehension skills -– The student will be able to:


05.01   Distinguish between fact and fiction in a paragraph, assisted by discussion and/or teacher guidance.


06.0  Understand how word choice affects meaning -– The student will be able to:


06.01  Understand that word choice can shape ideas, feelings, and actions.

06.02  Identify and use repetition and rhyme in oral and written text.


07.0  Respond critically to fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or drama -– The student will be able to:


07.01  Identify the story elements of setting, character, problem, and solution/resolution.

07.02  Use personal perspective in responding to a work of literature (for example: relate characters and simple events in a story or biography to his/her own life).


Literacy Completion Point F
           LEVEL 2.0 – 3.9 - (BEGINNING BASIC EDUCATION)



08.0  Demonstrate basic understanding of phonics/structural analysis as tools for reading development -– The student will be able to:


08.01   Identify vowels and consonants.

08.02   Identify consonant blends.

08.03   Identify consonant digraphs.

08.04   Use standard pronunciation in oral reading;

08.05   Identify long and short vowel sounds.

08.06   Identify vowel combinations.

08.07   Identify and define compound words.

08.08   Identify root words.

08.09   Identify words with prefixes to determine meaning and increase vocabulary.

08.10   Identify words with suffixes to determine meaning and increase vocabulary.

08.11   Identify the meanings of contractions.


09.0  Demonstrate knowledge of basic vocabulary –- The student will be able to:


09.01   Identify 98% of the words on the second and third grade lists from the Dolch Word List.

09.02   Follow teacher-read content text in order to develop student’s vocabulary.


10.0  Construct meaning from a wide range of texts, literary forms, and printed materials -- The student will be able to:


10.01   Identify words and construct meaning from text, illustrations, graphics, and charts using the strategies of phonics, word structure, and context clues.

10.02   Determine the main idea or essential message from a text and identify supporting information.

10.03   Answer “who,” “what,” “where” questions about sentences or paragraphs.

10.04   Follow simple written directions.

10.05   Recognize the characteristics of the paragraph and stanza (verse) forms in writings (for example: indentation, poetry spacing).

10.06   Use simple references to obtain information (for example: beginner’s dictionary, glossary, etc.).

10.07   Identify the meanings of abbreviations.


11.0  Demonstrate inferential comprehension skills -– The student will be able to:


11.01   Identify the meanings of words in context using comparison and contrast clues.

11.02   Identify the cause and effect implied in a paragraph.


12.0  Demonstrate evaluative comprehension skills –- The student will be able to:


12.01   Distinguish between facts and opinions in a paragraph.

12.02   Appropriately evaluate information from pictures, maps, or signs to answer informational questions.


13.0  Understand how word choice affects meaning –- The student will be able to:


13.01   Recognize that a writer’s word choice may influence how a reader thinks and feels.


14.0  Understand the distinguishing features of a variety of literary forms –- The student will be able to:


14.01  Distinguish between fact and fiction.

14.02  Identify story elements including setting, plot, character, problem, and solution/resolution.

14.03  Recognize the function of introductory and concluding paragraphs in an essay.


Literacy Completion Point G        



15.0  Demonstrate basic understanding of phonics/structural analysis as tools for reading –- The student will be able to:


15.01  Recognize synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms.

15.02  Define multiple-meaning words.

15.03  Understand how punctuation affects text.


16.0  Demonstrate knowledge of basic vocabulary –- The student will be able to:


16.01  Use phonics, word structure, and visual cues to identify words and construct meaning.

16.02  Use prefixes, suffixes, root words, words with multiple meanings, antonyms, synonyms, and word relationships to determine meaning and increase vocabulary for reading and the workplace.

16.03  Begin to classify nouns with similar characteristics under appropriate headings (such as rose and daisy as flowers).

16.04  Utilize vocabulary words in the content areas.


17.0  Demonstrate literal comprehension skills –- The student will be able to:


17.01  Determine the main idea or essential message of a text and identify relevant supporting details and facts.

17.02  Identify the cause and effect expressed in a paragraph.

17.03  Follow written directions.

17.04  Re-tell and/or summarize previously read material.

17.05  Describe sequence of events in context.

17.06  Answer “who,” “what,” “where,” “when,” “why,” and “how” questions about sentences or paragraphs.

17.07  Identify specific information found in a text and apply it to answer a question.


18.0  Demonstrate inferential comprehension skills –- The student will be able to:


18.01  Predict content and purpose of a reading selection by previewing table of contents, index, headings, captions, and illustrations.

18.02  Make logical predictions using prior knowledge, re-reading, and self-questioning strategies.

18.03  Differentiate a question from a statement.

18.04  Identify the meanings of words in context using example clues, direct explanation clues, synonym clues, and/or comparison and contrast clues.

18.05  Identify the pronoun referent in a sentence or paragraph.

18.06  Identify the cause and effect in a paragraph even if implied.

18.07  Identify an appropriate conclusion or generalization for a reading selection.


19.0  Demonstrate evaluative comprehension skillS –- The student will be able to:


19.01  Identify the author’s purpose.

19.02  Recognize whether a text is primarily intended to persuade, inform, or entertain.

19.03  Recognize the difference between fact and opinion.

19.04  Recognize the basic characteristics of fables, stories, and legends.

19.05  Recognize the use of comparison and contrast.

19.06  Obtain and evaluate information from pictures, maps, signs, diagrams, tables, graphs, or schedules.

19.07  Select and explore sources such as a dictionary, encyclopedia, atlas, directory, newspaper, and thesaurus to obtain information for a specific task such as research.

19.08  Obtain appropriate information from an index and a table of contents.

19.09  Draw conclusions from information in an article of fact or fiction.

19.10  Select an appropriate title for an article.


20.0  Demonstrate understanding of how word choice affects meaning -– The student will be able to:


20.01  Understand that word choice can shape reactions, perceptions, and beliefs.

20.02  Recognize different techniques used in media messages and the purposes of such techniques.


21.0  Demonstrate understanding of a variety of literary forms -– The student will be able to:


21.01  Identify features that distinguish fiction, drama, poetry, fables, and legends.

21.02  Identify major characteristics (for example:  facts and opinions) of creative non-fiction, such as biography and essay.

21.03  Explain the development of plot and conflict resolution in a story.

21.04  Identify the characters, setting, and events presented in various texts.


22.0  Respond critically to fiction, poetry, drama and essay -– The student will be able to:


22.01  Recognize cause-and-effect relationships in literary texts.

22.02  Recognize the effects of language such as sensory words, rhymes, choice of vocabulary, and story structure (for example: patterns used in children’s texts).

22.03  Respond to a work of literature by explaining how the motives of the characters or the causes of events compare with those in his or her life.

22.04  Identify the major theme in a story.

22.05  Form his or her own ideas about what has been read in a literary text and use specific information from the text to support these ideas.

22.06  Distinguish between author’s opinion and objective data in essays.



Literacy Completion Point H




23.0  Understand patterns and functions of language -– The student will be able to:


23.01  Understand that there are patterns and rules that govern the semantic/grammatical structure of English.

23.02  Understand that exceptions to grammar rules and semantic patterns exist.

23.03  Demonstrate awareness that language and literature are powerful means by which culture and values are transmitted.

23.04  Demonstrate an awareness of the difference between the use of English in formal and informal settings.

23.05  Understand that acceptable language use and structure change over time.


24.0  Demonstrate knowledge of basic vocabulary -– The student will be able to:


24.01  Use a variety of strategies to analyze words in context.

24.02  Employ consistent and effective use of interpersonal and academic vocabularies in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

24.03  Use vocabulary in content areas.


25.0  Demonstrate literal comprehension skills –- The student will be able to:


25.01  Determine the main idea or essential message in a variety of printed materials.

25.02  Identify relevant details, facts, and patterns of organization in a variety of printed materials.

25.03  Use strategies to clarify meaning.

25.04  Answer “who,” “what,” “when,” “where,” “how,” and “why” questions concerning a wide range of texts, literary forms, and printed materials.


26.0  Demonstrate inferential comprehension skills -– The student will be able to:


26.01  Predict probable outcomes from knowledge of events obtained from a reading selection.

26.02  Select an appropriate title based on interpretation of a given article.

26.03  Identify and interpret information from a wide range of text, literary forms, and printed materials.


27.0  Demonstrate evaluative comprehension skills –- The student will be able to:


27.01  Locate, organize, and interpret written information for a variety of purposes (for example:  class research, collaborative decision-making, class or real-world tasks).

27.02  Identify an author’s purpose and/or point of view.

27.03  Evaluate the validity and accuracy of information by differentiating fact from opinion.

27.04  Gather information from a variety of reference materials and tools (for example:  tables of contents, indices, magazines, newspapers, journals, computer catalogs) and evaluating which information best serves the student’s purpose.


28.0  Demonstrate understanding of how word choice affects meaning –- The student will be able to:


28.01  Identify language that shapes reactions, perceptions, and beliefs.

28.02  Use literary devices and techniques in the comprehension and creation of written, oral, or visual communications.

28.03  Distinguish between emotional and logical argument.


29.0  Demonstrate understanding of the distinctive features in literary forms -– The student will be able to:


29.01  Identify the defining characteristics of classic literature (for example: timelessness, dealing with universal themes and experiences, and communicating across cultures).

29.02  Recognize complex elements of plot such as setting, character development, conflict, and resolution.

29.03  Understand various elements of word choice, symbolism, figurative language, mood, irony, foreshadowing, flashback, persuasion, and point of view.

29.04  Know how mood or meaning is conveyed in poetry through word choice, dialect, invented words, concrete or abstract terms, sensory or figurative language, use of sentence structure, line length, punctuation, and rhythm.

29.05  Identify universal themes in literature.


30.0  Respond critically to fiction, poetry, drama and essay -– The student will be able to:


30.01  Identify the effects of the attitudes and values of a time period or culture on a specific piece of writing.

30.02  Respond to a work of literature by interpreting selected phrases, sentences, or passages, and apply the information to modern life.

30.03  Develop essays to answer specific, evaluative research questions.







Language Arts

Reading Skills

Pre-GED Preparation

July 2005






Note:  This section has been excerpted from the Pre-General Education Development section of the Florida Department of Education Curriculum Framework.  To obtain the full document and supplementary materials, please visit the state’s website at:  http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/dwdframe/

Literacy Completion Point D         Language Arts, Reading Skills

Level Pre-GED




04.01          Determine the main idea and identify relevant details, facts, and patterns of organization in fiction, non-fiction, poetry, workplace, and community documents.  (LA.A.1.3.1, LA.A.1.3.2, LA.A.2.3.1)

04.02          Apply additional information to presented text, such as current events, diaries, biographies, historical, social, economic, ethical, and legal documents. (LA.A.2.3.5, LA.A.2.3.8)

04.03          Analyze text organization to understand the presentation of ideas in materials, which illustrate cause and effect, compare and contrast, and relating events in chronological order. (LA.A.2.3.1)

04.04          Use background knowledge to make simple and complex predictions about content, purpose, and organization of a reading selection. (LA.A.1.3.1)

04.05          Synthesize and separate collected information into useful components using a variety of techniques, such as source cards, note cards, spreadsheets, and outlines.  (LA.A.2.3.7)

04.06          Identify the author’s purpose and/or point of view in text and use the information to construct meaning. (LA.A.2.3.2)

04.07          Recognize stereotypes, bias, persuasion and propaganda techniques in print and non-print messages. (LA.C.2.3.1, LA.A.2.3.3)

04.08          Check the validity of information, differentiate fact from opinion, and recognize how personal values influence conclusions. (LA.A.2.3.8)

04.09          Respond to a work of literature by interpreting selected phrases, sentences, or passages. (LA.E.2.3.2, LA.E.2.3.3)

04.10          Ask questions and make comments and observations that reflect understanding and application of content, processes, and experiences. (LA.C.3.3.2)

04.11          Recognize language that shapes reactions, perceptions, and beliefs. (LA.D.2.3.1)

04.12          Use strategies to interpret graphs and clarify meaning, such as rereading, note taking, outlining, summarizing, and writing reports. (LA.A.1.3.4, LA.E.2.3.4)

04.13          Use a variety of reference materials, such as glossaries, magazines, newspapers, journals, and computer manuals, to gather information. (LA.A.2.3.6)

04.14          Locate, organize and interpret written information for a variety of purposes, including classroom research, decision making, performing a school or real-world task, and to develop personal preferences in reading.  (LA.A.2.3.4, LA.A.2.3.5)




Language Arts

Reading Skills

GED Preparation

July 2005



Note:  This section has been excerpted from the General Education Development section of the Florida Department of Education Curriculum Framework.  To obtain the full document and supplementary materials, please visit the state’s website at:  http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/dwdframe/


Literacy Completion Point D         Language Arts, Reading Skills

Level GED




The student will be able to:


04.01   Restate, paraphrase, or explain ideas, and summarize main ideas in a text selection.  (LA.A.1.4.1, LA.A.1.4.4, LA.A.2.4.1)

04.02   Apply critical thinking skills to use information, ideas, concepts and principles in a new context.  (LA.E.1.4.3, LA.E.2.4.7, LA.E.2.4.8)

04.03   Analyze elements of literary style, structure, and technique a wide range of literature, art, nonfiction, and workplace and community documents.  (LA.A.1.4.1, LA.A.1.4.2, LA.E.1.4.1, LA.E.2.4.1, LA.E.2.4.2, LA.E.2.4.3)

04.04          Analyze and critique a variety of reading passages, drawing conclusions, making inferences, identifying cause and effect relationships, recognizing unstated assumptions, and distinguishing conclusions from supporting statements. (LA.A.1.4.2, LA.A.1.4.4, LA.A.2.4.1, LA.A.2.4.8, LA.E.2.4.1, LA.E.2.4.6)

04.05          Interpret the tone, point of view, style, purpose, structure, or pattern of a text selection.  (LA.A.2.4.1, LA.A.2.4.2)

04.06          Compare and contrast information from reading passages and make connections among parts of the text.  (LA.A.2.4.1, LA.A.2.4.4, LA.A.2.4.8)

04.07          Integrate information from other sources with elements and information in the passage.  (LA.A.2.4.4, LA.A.2.4.7, LA.A.2.4.8)