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PDB Table for Streptococcus mutans

Gene ID Name PDB Hits
SMu0002dnaN  pdb2POLA Chain A, Pol Iii (Beta Subunit) (E.C. >gi49... 530 8e-152
SMu0005pth spoVC  pdb2PTH Peptidyl-Trna Hydrolase From Escherichia Coli 131 9e-032
pdb2PTH Peptidyl-Trna Hydrolase From Escherichia Coli 293 8e-081
SMu0006mfd trcF  pdb1C4OA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The Dna Nucleotide Exc... 67 1e-011
pdb1D2MA Chain A, Uvrb Protein Of Thermus Thermophilus Hb8; A... 67 1e-011
SMu0007 pdb1DM9B Chain B, Heat Shock Protein 15 Kd >gi7245731pdb1D... 131 2e-032
SMu0012hgt hprT  pdb1HGXA Chain A, Hypoxanthine-Guanine-Xanthine Phosphoribosy... 157 7e-040
pdb1TC2B Chain B, Ternary Substrate Complex Of The Hypoxanthi... 145 3e-036
pdb1TC1B Chain B, A 1.4 Angstrom Crystal Structure For The Hy... 145 3e-036
SMu0019kprS prsA  pdb1DKRB Chain B, Crystal Structures Of Bacillus Subtilis Pho... 391 7e-110
SMu0020aspC  pdb1BKGA Chain A, Aspartate Aminotransferase From Thermus The... 218 8e-058
pdb1BJWA Chain A, Aspartate Aminotransferase From Thermus The... 216 4e-057
pdb1BW0B Chain B, Crystal Structure Of Tyrosine Aminotransfer... 115 1e-026
SMu0023ACP acpP  pdb1ACP Acyl Carrier Protein (Nmr, 2 Structures) 61 2e-011
SMu0024comA  pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 62 5e-011
SMu0028purB purF  pdb1AO0A Chain A, Glutamine Phosphoribosylpyrophosphate (Prpp... 566 2e-162
pdb1GPH1 Chain 1, Glutamine Phosphoribosylpyrophosphate (Prpp... 565 3e-162
pdb1ECFB Chain B, Escherichia Coli Glutamine Phosphoribosylpy... 301 1e-082
SMu0030purM  pdb1CLIA Chain A, X-Ray Crystal Structure Of Aminoimidazole R... 306 2e-084
SMu0031purN  pdb|3GAR| A Ph-Dependent Stablization Of An Active Site Loop... 134 1e-032
pdb|1C3E|A Chain A, New Insights Into Inhibitor Design From The... 132 4e-032
pdb|1CDD|A Chain A, Phosphoribosylglycinamide Formyltransferase... 132 4e-032
SMu0044purD  pdb1GSOA Chain A, Glycinamide Ribonucleotide Synthetase (Gar-... 337 1e-093
SMu0046purE  pdb1D7AA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of E. Coli Pure-Mononucle... 137 7e-034
pdb1QCZA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of E. Coli Pure, An Unusu... 137 7e-034
pdb1D7AA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of E. Coli Pure-Mononucle... 157 7e-040
SMu0047purK  pdb1B6SB Chain B, Structure Of N5-Carboxyaminoimidazole Ribon... 127 2e-030
pdb1B6RA Chain A, N5-Carboxyaminoimidazole Ribonucleotide Syn... 127 2e-030
pdb1EYZA Chain A, Structure Of Escherichia Coli Purt-Encoded ... 84 3e-017
SMu0054asl purB  pdb1F1OA Chain A, Structural Studies Of Adenylosuccinate Lyases 657 0.0
pdb1C3UA Chain A, T. Maritima Adenylosuccinate Lyase >gi7245... 442 5e-125
pdb1C3CA Chain A, T. Maritima Adenylosuccinate Lyase >gi7245... 440 2e-124
SMu0059ptp  pdb5PNT Crystal Structure Of A Human Low Molecular Weight ... 90 2e-019
pdb1DG9A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Bovine Low Molecular W... 82 4e-017
pdb1C0EA Chain A, Active Site S19a Mutant Of Bovine Heart Pho... 81 9e-017
SMu0073grpE  pdb1DKGA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The Nucleotide Exchang... 70 2e-013
SMu0074dnaK  pdb1DKGD Chain D, Crystal Structure Of The Nucleotide Exchang... 387 2e-108
pdb1HJOA Chain A, Heat-Shock 70kd Protein 42kd Atpase N-Termi... 319 6e-088
pdb3HSC Heat-Shock Cognate 7okd Protein (44kd Atpase N-Ter... 317 3e-087
SMu0075dnaJ  pdb1HDJ Human Hsp40 (Hdj-1), Nmr 95 1e-020
pdb1BQZ J-Domain (Residues 1-77) Of The Escherichia Coli N... 90 5e-019
pdb1BQ0 J-Domain (Residues 1-77) Of The Escherichia Coli N... 90 5e-019
SMu0076truA  pdb|1DJ0|A Chain A, The Crystal Structure Of E. Coli Pseudourid... 147 1e-036
SMu0089sorD  pdb1BLE Phosphoenolpyruvate-Dependent Phosphotransferase Sy... 77 1e-015
SMu0107adh  pdb1TEHA Chain A, Structure Of Human Liver Chichi Alcohol Deh... 429 3e-121
pdb1CDOA Chain A, Alcohol Dehydrogenase (E.C. (Ee Iso... 362 3e-101
pdb1HDYA Chain A, Alcohol Dehydrogenase (E.C. (Beta-2... 337 1e-093
SMu0113acoA adhA  pdb1DTWA Chain A, Human Branched-Chain Alpha-Keto Acid Dehydr... 136 4e-033
pdb1QS0A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Pseudomonas Putida 2-O... 89 1e-018
SMu0114acoB adhB  pdb1DTWB Chain B, Human Branched-Chain Alpha-Keto Acid Dehydr... 198 7e-052
pdb1QS0B Chain B, Crystal Structure Of Pseudomonas Putida 2-O... 197 2e-051
SMu0115acoC adhC yugF  pdb1B5SA Chain A, Dihydrolipoyl Transacetylase (E.C. 166 5e-042
pdb1E2O Catalytic Domain From Dihydrolipoamide Succinyltra... 141 2e-034
pdb1DPC Dihydrolipoyl Transacetylase (E.C. (Catal... 109 5e-025
SMu0116acoL adhD  pdb3LADA Chain A, Dihydrolipoamide Dehydrogenase (E.C. 275 7e-075
pdb1LPFA Chain A, Dihydrolipoamide Dehydrogenase (E.C. 260 3e-070
pdb1DXLA Chain A, Dihydrolipoamide Dehydrogenase Of Glycine D... 252 1e-067
SMu0123mleS  pdb|1DO8|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of A Closed Form Of Human... 292 6e-080
pdb|1EFK|A Chain A, Structure Of Human Malic Enzyme In Complex ... 292 6e-080
pdb|1QR6|A Chain A, Human Mitochondrial Nad(P)-Dependent Malic ... 292 6e-080
SMu0126gor gshR  pdb|1GER|B Chain B, Glutathione Reductase (E.C. Complex... 150 4e-037
pdb|1GES|B Chain B, Glutathione Reductase (E.C. Nad Mut... 149 5e-037
pdb|1EBD|A Chain A, Dihydrolipoamide Dehydrogenase Complexed Wi... 147 2e-036
SMu0137rpsO  pdb|1A32| Ribosomal Protein S15 From Bacillus Stearothermophi... 115 1e-027
pdb|1FKA|O Chain O, Structure Of Functionally Activated Small R... 110 4e-026
pdb|1QD7|H Chain H, Partial Model For 30s Ribosomal Subunit 110 5e-026
SMu0138comR pnpA  pdb1E3PA Chain A, Tungstate Derivative Of Streptomyces Antibi... 475 9e-135
pdb1E3HA Chain A, Semet Derivative Of Streptomyces Antibiotic... 464 2e-131
SMu0153rpsI  pdb|1FJF|I Chain I, Structure Of The Thermus Thermophilus 30s R... 128 3e-031
pdb|1FJF|I Chain I, Structure Of The Thermus Thermophilus 30s R... 224 3e-060
SMu0162 pdb|1E39|A Chain A, Flavocytochrome C3 From Shewanella Frigidim... 209 1e-054
pdb|1QJD|A Chain A, Flavocytochrome C3 From Shewanella Frigidim... 208 2e-054
pdb|1D4C|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The Uncomplexed Form O... 206 6e-054
SMu0164sloA  pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 73 4e-014
pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 70 2e-013
SMu0166fimA lraI  pdb1PSZA Chain A, Pneumococcal Surface Antigen Psaa 443 2e-125
pdb1TOAA Chain A, Periplasmic Zinc Binding Protein Troa From ... 135 6e-033
SMu0168sloR  pdb|1B1B|A Chain A, Iron Dependent Regulator 73 4e-014
pdb|2TDX| Diphtheria Tox Repressor (C102d Mutant) Complexed ... 73 4e-014
pdb|1BI1| Structure Of Apo- And Holo-Diphtheria Toxin Repres... 71 9e-014
SMu0209als ilvB  pdb1POXA Chain A, Pyruvate Oxidase (E.C. Mutant With ... 212 9e-056
pdb1POWA Chain A, Pyruvate Oxidase (E.C. (Wild Type) ... 212 1e-055
pdb1BFD Benzoylformate Decarboxylase From Pseudomonas Putida 152 1e-037
SMu0211ilvC  pdb|1QMG|A Chain A, Acetohydroxyacid Isomeroreductase Complexed... 122 9e-029
SMu0212ilvA  pdb|1TDJ| Threonine Deaminase (Biosynthetic) From E. Coli 218 1e-057
SMu0216 pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 98 1e-021
pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 87 2e-018
SMu0218 pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 208 7e-055
pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 112 5e-026
SMu0219 pdb1WDNA Chain A, Glutamine-Binding Protein >gi1943541pdb1... 68 3e-012
pdb1HSLA Chain A, Histidine-Binding Protein Complexed With L-... 63 9e-011
SMu0224yurY  pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 68 2e-012
SMu0226nifS  pdb1C0NA Chain A, Csdb Protein, Nifs Homologue 358 7e-100
pdb1ECXB Chain B, Nifs-Like Protein >gi7546479pdb1ECXA Ch... 92 9e-020
pdb1EG5B Chain B, Nifs-Like Protein >gi7546280pdb1EG5A Ch... 89 1e-018
SMu0231oppA  pdb|1B05|A Chain A, Structure Of Oligo-Peptide Binding Protein ... 155 9e-039
pdb|1JET|A Chain A, Oligo-Peptide Binding Protein (Oppa) Comple... 155 9e-039
pdb|1DPE| Dipeptide-Binding Protein 94 4e-020
SMu0234amiE oppD  pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 123 2e-029
pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 121 2e-028
SMu0235oppF  pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 126 3e-030
pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 122 6e-029
SMu0237 pdb|1A04|A Chain A, The Structure Of The NitrateNITRITE RESPON... 95 1e-020
SMu0238arcB argF  pdb1A1S Ornithine Carbamoyltransferase From Pyrococcus Fur... 235 5e-063
pdb1C9YA Chain A, Human Ornithine Transcarbamylase: Crystallo... 200 2e-052
pdb1DXHA Chain A, Catabolic Ornithine Carbamoyltransferase Fr... 196 5e-051
SMu0241aguC arcC  pdb1B7BA Chain A, Carbamate Kinase From Enterococcus Faecium ... 316 2e-087
pdb1E19A Chain A, Structure Of The Carbamate Kinase-Like Carb... 230 1e-061
SMu0243purA  pdb1ADEA Chain A, Structure Of Adenylosuccinate Synthetase Ph... 421 6e-119
pdb1CG1A Chain A, Structure Of The Mutant (K16q) Of Adenylosu... 420 2e-118
pdb1CG4A Chain A, Structure Of The Mutant (R303l) Of Adenylos... 419 4e-118
SMu0249rmpF  pdb|1DZZ|P Chain P, L-Fuculose-1-Phosphate Aldolase From Escher... 62 5e-011
pdb|1DZW|P Chain P, L-Fuculose-1-Phosphate Aldolase From Escher... 62 5e-011
pdb|1DZV|P Chain P, L-Fuculose-1-Phosphate Aldolase From Escher... 62 5e-011
SMu0258comA  pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 94 7e-020
pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 72 3e-013
SMu0262tkt tktA  pdb|1TKB|A Chain A, Transketolase (E.C. Complexed With ... 537 2e-153
pdb|1TRK|A Chain A, Transketolase (E.C. >gi|515260|pdb|... 537 2e-153
pdb|1AY0|A Chain A, Identification Of Catalytically Important R... 533 3e-152
SMu0268polA polI  pdb|1XWL| Bacillus Stearothermophilus (Newly Identified Stra... 552 5e-158
pdb|2BDP|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Bacillus Dna Polymeras... 551 1e-157
pdb|1BGX|T Chain T, Taq Polymerase In Complex With Tp7, An Inhi... 510 2e-145
SMu0271tgt  pdb1F3EA Chain A, A New Target For Shigellosis: Rational Desi... 377 2e-105
pdb1EFZA Chain A, Mutagenesis And Crystallographic Studies Of... 376 4e-105
pdb1WKE Trna-Guanine Transglycosylase 374 1e-104
SMu0277gpi pgi yugL  pdb|1C7Q|A Chain A, The Crystal Structure Of Phosphoglucose Iso... 546 2e-156
SMu0278srlD  pdb|1I01|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Beta-Ketoacyl [acyl Ca... 123 3e-029
pdb|1HDC|A Chain A, 3-Alpha, 20-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogena... 104 1e-023
pdb|1EDO|A Chain A, The X-Ray Structure Of Beta-Keto Acyl Carri... 104 2e-023
SMu0285dapD ykuQ  pdb3TDT Complex Of Tetrahydrodipicolinate N-Succinyltransfe... 146 2e-036
SMu0289galU  pdb1FXOA Chain A, The Structural Basis Of The Catalytic Mecha... 78 1e-015
pdb1G23A Chain A, The Structural Basis Of The Catalytic Mecha... 78 2e-015
SMu0296gltX  pdb|1GLN| Mol_id: 1; Molecule: Glutamyl-Trna Synthetase; Chai... 265 1e-071
SMu0301argH  pdb|1AOS|A Chain A, Human Argininosuccinate Lyase >gi|2914652|p... 376 4e-105
pdb|1AUW|A Chain A, H91n Delta 2 Crystallin From Duck >gi|29817... 370 2e-103
pdb|1DCN|D Chain D, Inactive Mutant H162n Of Delta 2 Crystallin... 332 4e-092
SMu0302rnpA  pdb1A6F Rnase P Protein From Bacillus Subtilis 105 2e-024
pdb1D6TA Chain A, Rnase P Protein From Staphylococcus Aureus 101 3e-023
pdb1D6TA Chain A, Rnase P Protein From Staphylococcus Aureus 179 9e-047
SMu0312nrd ydgI  pdb1NOX Nadh Oxidase From Thermus Thermophilus 66 4e-012
SMu0314ksgA  pdb1QANA Chain A, The Structure Of The Rrna Methyltransferase... 85 1e-017
pdb1YUB Solution Structure Of An Rrna Methyltransferase (Er... 73 4e-014
SMu0317rpe  pdb1RPXA Chain A, D-Ribulose-5-Phosphate 3-Epimerase From Sol... 192 4e-050
SMu0322rpsL str  pdb|1FJF|L Chain L, Structure Of The Thermus Thermophilus 30s R... 175 3e-045
pdb|1FJF|L Chain L, Structure Of The Thermus Thermophilus 30s R... 224 4e-060
SMu0323rpsG  pdb|1HUS| Ribosomal Protein S7 222 1e-059
pdb|1FJF|G Chain G, Structure Of The Thermus Thermophilus 30s R... 174 5e-045
pdb|1RSS| Ribosomal Protein S7 From Thermus Thermophilus 167 6e-043
SMu0324EFG fus tetO  pdb1ELO Elongation Factor G Without Nucleotide >gi1633250... 931 0.0
pdb2EFGA Chain A, Translational Elongation Factor G Complexed... 929 0.0
pdb1FNMA Chain A, Structure Of Thermus Thermophilus Ef-G H573a 927 0.0
SMu0325gap gapC  pdb1GD1O Chain O, holo-D-Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydroge... 344 9e-096
pdb1HDGO Chain O, Holo-D-Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydroge... 342 3e-095
pdb2DBVO Chain O, Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Mu... 340 2e-094
SMu0326pgk  pdb|1VPE| Crystallographic Analysis Of Phosphoglycerate Kina... 364 1e-101
pdb|1PHP| 3-Phosphoglycerate Kinase (Pgk) (E.C. 321 9e-089
pdb|1QPG| 3-Phosphoglycerate Kinase, Mutation R65q 296 3e-081
SMu0329glnA  pdb|1F52|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Glutamine Synthetase F... 284 2e-077
SMu0331gltD  pdb1E1LA Chain A, Structure Of Adrenodoxin Reductase In Compl... 68 3e-012
SMu0335 pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 107 2e-024
pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 72 7e-014
SMu0339 pdb|1CYD|A Chain A, Carbonyl Reductase Complexed With Nadph And... 68 8e-013
SMu0341 pdb|1DTY|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Adenosylmethionine-8-A... 104 3e-023
pdb|1QJ3|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of 7,8-Diaminopelargonic ... 103 3e-023
pdb|1GBN|A Chain A, Human Ornithine Aminotransferase Complexed ... 89 7e-019
SMu0345 pdb|1FRB| Fr-1 ProteinNADPHZOPOLRESTAT COMPLEX 70 3e-013
pdb|1EXB|A Chain A, Structure Of The Cytoplasmic Beta Subunit-T... 67 3e-012
pdb|1QRQ|A Chain A, Structure Of A Voltage-Dependent K+ Channel... 67 3e-012
SMu0359glpF  pdb1FX8A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The E. Coli Glycerol F... 86 6e-018
SMu0363pfl  pdb|3PFL|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Pfl From E.Coli In Com... 619 4e-178
pdb|1CM5|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of C418a,C419a Mutant Of ... 612 5e-176
pdb|1QHM|A Chain A, Escherichia Coli Pyruvate Formate Lyase Lar... 542 5e-155
SMu0366 pdb1ADR P22 C2 Repressor (Amino-Terminal Dna-Binding Domai... 111 5e-026
SMu0373 pdb1EMSA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The C. Elegans Nitfhit... 61 9e-011
SMu0374 pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 97 2e-021
pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 86 4e-018
SMu0382infB  pdb1G7SA Chain A, X-Ray Structure Of Translation Initiation F... 164 4e-041
pdb1G7RA Chain A, X-Ray Structure Of Translation Initiation F... 159 1e-039
pdb1D1NA Chain A, Solution Structure Of The Fmet-Trnafmet Bin... 132 2e-031
SMu0386copA ctpA  pdb1EULA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Calcium Atpase With Tw... 85 3e-017
SMu0390cylA  pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 112 5e-026
pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 84 2e-017
SMu0412pbp2X  pdb1QMEA Chain A, Penicillin-Binding Protein 2x (Pbp-2x) >gi... 809 0.0
pdb1PMD Penicillin-Binding Protein 2x (Pbp-2x) 785 0.0
SMu0415rheB yqfR  pdb|1FUU|A Chain A, Yeast Initiation Factor 4a >gi|11513345|pdb... 190 3e-049
pdb|1QVA|A Chain A, Yeast Initiation Factor 4a N-Terminal Domain 114 2e-026
pdb|1QDE|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The Atpase Domain Of T... 114 3e-026
SMu0418 pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 224 1e-059
pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 138 7e-034
SMu0420trxB  pdb1VDC Structure Of Nadph Dependent Thioredoxin Reductase 218 8e-058
pdb1CL0A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Reduced Thioredoxin Re... 199 4e-052
pdb1TDE Thioredoxin Reductase (E.C. (Wild Type) 199 4e-052
SMu0422nadE  pdb2NSYA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Nh3-Dependent Nad+ Syn... 313 1e-086
SMu0423pepC  pdb|1CB5|A Chain A, Human Bleomycin Hydrolase. >gi|7546635|pdb|... 323 2e-089
pdb|2CB5|A Chain A, Human Bleomycin Hydrolase, C73sDELE455 MUTA... 318 7e-088
pdb|1GCB| Gal6, Yeast Bleomycin Hydrolase Dna-Binding Proteas... 298 9e-082
SMu0432gmk kguA  pdb|1GKY| Guanylate Kinase (E.C. Complex With Guanos... 135 5e-033
SMu0435fmt  pdb|2FMT|A Chain A, Methionyl-Trnafmet Formyltransferase Comple... 226 3e-060
SMu0438pknB  pdb1B38A Chain A, Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 2 >gi4139570... 106 6e-024
pdb1DM2A Chain A, Human Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 2 Complexed W... 106 6e-024
pdb1QMZA Chain A, Phosphorylated Cdk2-Cyclyin A-Substrate Pep... 104 2e-023
SMu0441 pdb1A04A Chain A, The Structure Of The NitrateNITRITE RESPON... 138 8e-034
pdb1TMY Chey From Thermotoga Maritima (Apo-I) >gi2781153p... 90 2e-019
pdb1SRRA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of A Phosphatase Resistan... 64 2e-011
SMu0442 pdb2RMCA Chain A, Cyclophilin C Complexed With Cyclosporin A ... 87 6e-018
pdb1CYNA Chain A, Cyclophilin B Complexed With [d-(Cholinyles... 82 2e-016
pdb1DYWA Chain A, Biochemical And Structural Characterization... 78 2e-015
SMu0446pfl pfl-2  pdb|3PFL|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Pfl From E.Coli In Com... 189 2e-048
pdb|1CM5|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of C418a,C419a Mutant Of ... 186 8e-048
pdb|1QHM|A Chain A, Escherichia Coli Pyruvate Formate Lyase Lar... 99 2e-021
SMu0449cysK  pdb1FCJA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Oass Complexed With Ch... 233 3e-062
pdb1D6SA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The K41a Mutant Of O-A... 230 1e-061
SMu0457dam dpnM  pdb2DPMA Chain A, Dpnm Dna Adenine Methyltransferase From Str... 404 9e-114
SMu0458dpn  pdb1EG2A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Rhodobacter Spheroides... 76 5e-015
SMu0469coaD kdtB  pdb1B6TA Chain A, Phosphopantetheine Adenylyltransferase In C... 110 9e-026
SMu0475 pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 64 6e-011
SMu0476 pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 68 4e-012
pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 67 5e-012
SMu0483trpE  pdb|1QDL|A Chain A, The Crystal Structure Of Anthranilate Synth... 280 2e-076
SMu0484trpG  pdb1QDLB Chain B, The Crystal Structure Of Anthranilate Synth... 157 7e-040
pdb1JDBF Chain F, Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthetase From Escheri... 62 4e-011
SMu0486trpC  pdb|1A53| Complex Of Indole-3-Glycerolphosphate Synthase Fro... 129 5e-031
pdb|1IGS| Indole-3-Glycerolphosphate Synthase From Sulfolobus... 129 5e-031
pdb|1PII| N-(5'phosphoribosyl)anthranilate Isomerase (E.C.5.... 129 5e-031
SMu0487trpF  pdb1NSJ Crystal Structure Of Phosphoribosyl Anthranilate Is... 112 3e-026
pdb1DL3A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Mutually Generated Mon... 112 4e-026
pdb1PII N-(5'phosphoribosyl)anthranilate Isomerase (E.C.5.... 69 5e-013
SMu0488trpB  pdb|1QOP|B Chain B, Crystal Structure Of Wild-Type Tryptophan S... 397 1e-111
pdb|1A50|B Chain B, Crystal Structure Of Wild-Type Tryptophan S... 397 1e-111
pdb|1BEU|B Chain B, Trp Synthase (D60n-Ipp-Ser) With K+ >gi|321... 397 1e-111
SMu0489trpA  pdb|1GEQ|A Chain A, Entropic Stabilization Of The Tryptophan Sy... 117 2e-027
pdb|1QOQ|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Wild-Type Tryptophan S... 107 1e-024
pdb|1QOP|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Wild-Type Tryptophan S... 107 2e-024
SMu0491dpr  pdb1QGHA Chain A, The X-Ray Structure Of The Unusual Dodecame... 139 3e-034
pdb1DPSA Chain A, The Crystal Structure Of Dps, A Ferritin Ho... 70 1e-013
SMu0496bipA typA  pdb|1FNM|A Chain A, Structure Of Thermus Thermophilus Ef-G H573a 111 2e-025
pdb|1ELO| Elongation Factor G Without Nucleotide >gi|1633250|... 111 2e-025
pdb|2EFG|A Chain A, Translational Elongation Factor G Complexed... 109 7e-025
SMu0498murD  pdb1E0DA Chain A, Udp-N-Acetylmuramoyl-L-Alanine:d-Glutamate ... 162 6e-041
pdb3UAGA Chain A, Udp-N-Acetylmuramoyl-L-Alanine:d-Glutamate ... 160 3e-040
SMu0499murG  pdb1F0KA Chain A, The 1.9 Angstrom Crystal Structure Of E. Co... 78 1e-015
pdb1F0KA Chain A, The 1.9 Angstrom Crystal Structure Of E. Co... 419 4e-118
SMu0502ftsZ  pdb|1FSZ| Crystal Structure Of The Cell-Division Protein Fts... 205 9e-054
SMu0503 pdb|1B54| Crystal Structure Of A Yeast Hypothetical Protein -... 77 2e-015
pdb|1CT5|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Yeast Hypothetical Pro... 70 2e-013
pdb|1B54| Crystal Structure Of A Yeast Hypothetical Protein -... 295 2e-081
SMu0508ileS  pdb1FFYA Chain A, Insights Into Editing From An Ile-Trna Synt... 1004 0.0
pdb1ILE Isoleucyl-Trna Synthetase 310 3e-085
pdb1GAXA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Thermus Thermophilus V... 212 2e-055
SMu0512arcB argF  pdb|1DXH|A Chain A, Catabolic Ornithine Carbamoyltransferase Fr... 291 6e-080
pdb|1ORT|A Chain A, Ornithine Transcarbamoylase From Pseudomona... 289 4e-079
pdb|1DUV|G Chain G, Crystal Structure Of E. Coli Ornithine Tran... 284 1e-077
SMu0517glnQ  pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 257 1e-069
pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 142 4e-035
SMu0521folD  pdb1B0AA Chain A, 5,10, Methylene-Tetrahydropholate Dehydroge... 229 4e-061
pdb1DIAA Chain A, Human Methylenetetrahydrofolate Dehydrogena... 202 4e-053
pdb1A4IB Chain B, Human Tetrahydrofolate Dehydrogenase CYCLO... 202 4e-053
SMu0531ahrC argR  pdb1B4AA Chain A, Structure Of The Arginine Repressor From Ba... 71 5e-014
SMu0536hlpA hslA  pdb|1HUE|A Chain A, Histone-Like Protein >gi|1311346|pdb|1HUE|B... 113 6e-027
pdb|1B8Z|A Chain A, Hu From Thermotoga Maritima >gi|7245987|pdb... 86 1e-018
pdb|1IHF|B Chain B, Crystal Structure Of An Ihf-Dna Complex: A ... 63 9e-012
SMu0542pyrD  pdb2DORA Chain A, Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase A From Lactoco... 414 5e-117
pdb1EP1A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Lactococcus Lactis Dih... 106 5e-024
pdb1D3GA Chain A, Human Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase Complexe... 66 6e-012
SMu0543gpmA pmgY  pdb1QHFA Chain A, Yeast Phosphoglycerate Mutase-3pg Complex S... 258 4e-070
pdb4PGMB Chain B, Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Phosphoglycerate M... 258 4e-070
pdb3PGM Phosphoglycerate Mutase (E.C. De-Phospho E... 243 1e-065
SMu0546ddlA  pdb1EHIA Chain A, D-Alanine:d-Lactate Ligase (Lmddl2) Of Vanc... 187 2e-048
pdb1IOV Complex Of D-Ala:d-Ala Ligase With Adp And A Phosph... 164 1e-041
pdb1IOW Complex Of Y216f D-Ala:d-Ala Ligase With Adp And A... 163 3e-041
SMu0549murF  pdb1GG4A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Escherichia Coli Udpmu... 194 2e-050
SMu0554prfC  pdb1FNMA Chain A, Structure Of Thermus Thermophilus Ef-G H573a 182 9e-047
pdb1ELO Elongation Factor G Without Nucleotide >gi1633250... 182 9e-047
pdb2EFGA Chain A, Translational Elongation Factor G Complexed... 180 4e-046
SMu0557deaD rheA  pdb|1FUU|A Chain A, Yeast Initiation Factor 4a >gi|11513345|pdb... 269 6e-073
pdb|1QDE|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The Atpase Domain Of T... 171 2e-043
pdb|1QVA|A Chain A, Yeast Initiation Factor 4a N-Terminal Domain 166 6e-042
SMu0571sod sodA  pdb|1MNG|A Chain A, Manganese Superoxide Dismutase (E.C.1.15.1.... 217 9e-058
pdb|1D5N|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of E. Coli Mnsod At 100k ... 199 2e-052
pdb|1VAR|A Chain A, Mitochondrial Manganese Superoxide Dismutas... 166 2e-042
SMu0578nagB  pdb1DEAA Chain A, Mol_id: 1; Molecule: Glucosamine 6-Phosphat... 130 1e-031
pdb1D9TA Chain A, Human Glucosamine-6-Phosphate Deaminase Iso... 121 9e-029
SMu0583qor  pdb|1QOR|A Chain A, Quinone Oxidoreductase Complexed With Nadph... 66 6e-012
SMu0594msmK  pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 158 6e-040
pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 100 2e-022
SMu0596 pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 98 1e-021
pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 78 1e-015
SMu0601spaR  pdb|1B00|A Chain A, Phob Receiver Domain From Escherichia Coli ... 71 9e-014
pdb|1QKK|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The Receiver Domain An... 62 5e-011
SMu0608argD  pdb|1GBN|A Chain A, Human Ornithine Aminotransferase Complexed ... 190 2e-049
pdb|2OAT|A Chain A, Ornithine Aminotransferase Complexed With 5... 190 2e-049
pdb|1D7U|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The Complex Of 2,2-Dia... 159 4e-040
SMu0609nrdB nrdF  pdb2R2FA Chain A, Ribonucleotide Reductase R2f Protein From S... 312 4e-086
pdb1AV8A Chain A, Ribonucleotide Reductase R2 Subunit From E.... 63 5e-011
pdb1XIKB Chain B, Ribonucleoside-Diphosphate Reductase 1 Beta... 63 5e-011
SMu0610nrdA nrdE  pdb4R1RA Chain A, Ribonucleotide Reductase R1 Protein With Su... 161 4e-040
pdb1RLR Structure Of Ribonucleotide Reductase Protein R1 161 4e-040
pdb2R1RA Chain A, Ribonucleotide Reductase R1 Protein With Dt... 160 6e-040
SMu0612acnA citB  pdb|5ACN| Aconitase (E.C. (Inactive (3fe-4s) Cluster... 202 1e-052
pdb|1B0J|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Aconitase With Isocitr... 201 3e-052
pdb|1C97|A Chain A, S642a:isocitrate Complex Of Aconitase >gi|6... 201 3e-052
SMu0613citZ  pdb|1AJ8|A Chain A, Citrate Synthase From Pyrococcus Furiosus >... 260 2e-070
pdb|1A59| Cold-Active Citrate Synthase 254 2e-068
pdb|6CSC|A Chain A, Chicken Citrate Synthase Complex With Trifl... 103 4e-023
SMu0614citC icd  pdb|1ISO| Isocitrate Dehydrogenase: Structure Of An Engineer... 438 5e-124
pdb|4ICD| Phosphorylated Isocitrate Dehydrogenase (E.C.1.1.1... 433 2e-122
pdb|1BL5| Isocitrate Dehydrogenase From E. Coli Single Turno... 432 4e-122
SMu0616pthP  pdb1PTF Histidine-Containing Phosphocarrier Protein (Hpr) 126 5e-031
pdb1FU0A Chain A, Crystal Structure Analysis Of The Phospho-S... 125 1e-030
pdb1SPHA Chain A, Phosphocarrier Protein (Hpr, Histidine-Cont... 104 3e-024
SMu0617ptsI  pdb|1EZA| Amino Terminal Domain Of Enzyme I From Escherichia... 195 1e-050
pdb|1ZYM|B Chain B, Amino Terminal Domain Of Enzyme I From Esch... 195 1e-050
pdb|3EZA|A Chain A, Complex Of The Amino Terminal Domain Of Enz... 184 3e-047
SMu0618gapN  pdb1QI6A Chain A, Second Apo Form Of An Nadp Dependent Aldehy... 892 0.0
pdb1QI1A Chain A, Ternary Complex Of An Nadp Dependent Aldehy... 888 0.0
pdb1BI9D Chain D, Retinal Dehydrogenase Type Two With Nad Bou... 219 6e-058
SMu0620ycgG  pdb|1A80| Native 2,5-Diketo-D-Gluconic Acid Reductase A From... 208 8e-055
pdb|2ALR| Aldehyde Reductase 156 3e-039
pdb|1EKO|A Chain A, Pig Aldose Reductase Complexed With Idd384 ... 152 5e-038
SMu0621ycgG  pdb|1A80| Native 2,5-Diketo-D-Gluconic Acid Reductase A From... 189 5e-049
pdb|1C9W|A Chain A, Cho Reductase With Nadp+ 151 1e-037
pdb|1FRB| Fr-1 ProteinNADPHZOPOLRESTAT COMPLEX 150 2e-037
SMu0636cmk  pdb|2CMK|A Chain A, Cytidine Monophosphate Kinase In Complex Wi... 158 5e-040
pdb|1CKE|A Chain A, Cmp Kinase From Escherichia Coli Free Enzym... 155 3e-039
SMu0637infC  pdb1TIG Translation Initiation Factor 3 C-Terminal Domain 120 9e-029
pdb2IFEA Chain A, Translation Initiation Factor If3 From Esch... 83 3e-017
pdb1TIF Translation Initiation Factor 3 N-Terminal Domain 74 1e-014
SMu0649pepC ppc  pdb|1FIY| Three-Dimensional Structure Of Phosphoenolpyruvate ... 345 2e-095
SMu0651tuf tufA  pdb1DG1G Chain G, Whole, Unmodified, Ef-Tu(Elongation Factor ... 553 2e-158
pdb1D8TA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Elongation Factor, Tu ... 551 6e-158
pdb1EFCA Chain A, Intact Elongation Factor From E.Coli >gi46... 551 6e-158
SMu0652tpiA  pdb|2BTM|B Chain B, Does The His12-Lys13 Pair Play A Role In Th... 276 2e-075
pdb|1BTM|B Chain B, Triosephosphate Isomerase (Tim) Complexed W... 275 4e-075
pdb|1B9B|B Chain B, Triosephosphate Isomerase Of Thermotoga Mar... 217 9e-058
SMu0660pacL  pdb1EULA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Calcium Atpase With Tw... 453 3e-128
SMu0666 pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 64 1e-011
SMu0676ftsY  pdb1FTS Signal Recognition Particle Receptor From E. Coli 240 2e-064
pdb1NG1 N And Gtpase Domains Of The Signal Sequence Recogn... 140 4e-034
pdb2NG1 N And Gtpase Domains Of The Signal Sequence Recogn... 138 1e-033
SMu0692ahpC  pdb1QMVA Chain A, Thioredoxin Peroxidase B From Red Blood Cel... 130 1e-031
pdb1QQ2A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of A Mammalian 2-Cys Pero... 128 6e-031
SMu0693ahpF nox1  pdb1CL0A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Reduced Thioredoxin Re... 159 6e-040
pdb1TDE Thioredoxin Reductase (E.C. (Wild Type) 159 6e-040
pdb1F6MA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of A Complex Between Thio... 155 8e-039
SMu0701lysS  pdb|1BBU|A Chain A, Lysyl-Trna Synthetase (Lyss) Complexed With... 471 1e-133
pdb|1E1O|A Chain A, Lysyl-Trna Synthetase (Lysu) Hexagonal For,... 469 4e-133
pdb|1B8A|A Chain A, Aspartyl-Trna Synthetase >gi|4388837|pdb|1B... 119 9e-028
SMu0705aroD  pdb|1QFE|A Chain A, The Structure Of Type I 3-Dehydroquinate De... 125 6e-030
SMu0707aroB  pdb|1DQS|B Chain B, Crystal Structure Of Dehydroquinate Synthas... 162 8e-041
SMu0711aroA  pdb1G6SA Chain A, Structure Of Epsp Synthase Liganded With Sh... 131 2e-031
pdb1EPS 5-Enol-Pyruvyl-3-Phosphate Synthase (E.C. 129 8e-031
SMu0712aroK  pdb|1SHK|A Chain A, The Three-Dimensional Structure Of Shikimat... 80 1e-016
pdb|2SHK|B Chain B, The Three-Dimensional Structure Of Shikimat... 79 3e-016
pdb|1SHK|B Chain B, The Three-Dimensional Structure Of Shikimat... 78 4e-016
SMu0731 pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 263 2e-071
pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 145 4e-036
SMu0732glnP  pdb1WDNA Chain A, Glutamine-Binding Protein >gi1943541pdb1... 116 6e-027
pdb1HSLA Chain A, Histidine-Binding Protein Complexed With L-... 106 9e-024
pdb2LAO Lysine-, Arginine-, Ornithine-Binding Protein (Lao... 101 3e-022
SMu0739 pdb|1WDN|A Chain A, Glutamine-Binding Protein >gi|1943541|pdb|1... 94 2e-020
pdb|1HSL|A Chain A, Histidine-Binding Protein Complexed With L-... 75 9e-015
pdb|2LAO| Lysine-, Arginine-, Ornithine-Binding Protein (Lao... 66 5e-012
SMu0740arcT  pdb|1BKG|A Chain A, Aspartate Aminotransferase From Thermus The... 100 5e-022
pdb|1BJW|A Chain A, Aspartate Aminotransferase From Thermus The... 98 2e-021
pdb|1BW0|B Chain B, Crystal Structure Of Tyrosine Aminotransfer... 74 3e-014
SMu0741glnH  pdb1WDNA Chain A, Glutamine-Binding Protein >gi1943541pdb1... 101 8e-023
pdb1HSLA Chain A, Histidine-Binding Protein Complexed With L-... 77 2e-015
pdb2LAO Lysine-, Arginine-, Ornithine-Binding Protein (Lao... 72 8e-014
SMu0745dnaG  pdb|1DD9|A Chain A, Structure Of The Dnag Catalytic Core >gi|77... 152 1e-037
pdb|1EQN|A Chain A, E.Coli Primase Catalytic Core >gi|9256899|p... 144 2e-035
pdb|1D0Q|A Chain A, Structure Of The Zinc-Binding Domain Of Bac... 106 6e-024
SMu0746rpoD  pdb1SIG Crystal Structure Of A Sigma70 Subunit Fragment Fr... 131 1e-031
SMu0750rgpBc  pdb1QGQA Chain A, Udp-Manganese Complex Of Spsa From Bacillus... 152 7e-038
SMu0752rgpDc  pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 82 1e-016
pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 65 1e-011
SMu0761ycgG  pdb1A80 Native 2,5-Diketo-D-Gluconic Acid Reductase A From... 201 8e-053
pdb1AE4 Aldehyde Reductase Complexed With Cofactor And Inhi... 188 8e-049
pdb1CWN Crystal Structure Of Porcine Aldehyde Reductase Ho... 188 8e-049
SMu0762gor gshR  pdb1GERB Chain B, Glutathione Reductase (E.C. Complex... 577 8e-166
pdb1GESB Chain B, Glutathione Reductase (E.C. Nad Mut... 569 3e-163
pdb1XAN Human Glutathione Reductase In Complex With A Xant... 437 2e-123
SMu0763folC  pdb1FGS Folylpolyglutamate Synthetase From Lactobacillus C... 226 5e-060
SMu0765 pdb1ECXB Chain B, Nifs-Like Protein >gi7546479pdb1ECXA Ch... 265 9e-072
pdb1EG5B Chain B, Nifs-Like Protein >gi7546280pdb1EG5A Ch... 256 3e-069
pdb1C0NA Chain A, Csdb Protein, Nifs Homologue 76 9e-015
SMu0776 pdb1AL3 Cofactor Binding Fragment Of Cysb From Klebsiella A... 66 7e-012
SMu0780pyrR  pdb1A4XA Chain A, Pyrr, The Bacillus Subtilis Pyrimidine Bios... 198 5e-052
SMu0782pyrB  pdb2AT2A Chain A, Aspartate Transcarbamoylase (E.C. (... 324 8e-090
pdb1D09A Chain A, Aspartate Transcarbamoylase Complexed With ... 142 5e-035
pdb1EKXA Chain A, The Isolated, Unregulated Catalytic Trimer ... 142 6e-035
SMu0783carA pyrA  pdb|1JDB|F Chain F, Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthetase From Escheri... 302 6e-083
pdb|1C30|B Chain B, Crystal Structure Of Carbamoyl Phosphate Sy... 298 9e-082
pdb|1CS0|B Chain B, Crystal Structure Of Carbamoyl Phosphate Sy... 297 1e-081
SMu0786 pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 140 1e-034
pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 110 2e-025
SMu0788rpsP  pdb|1EMW|A Chain A, Solution Structure Of The Ribosomal Protein... 77 4e-016
SMu0792trxB  pdb|1F6M|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of A Complex Between Thio... 85 2e-017
pdb|1TDF| Thioredoxin Reductase (E.C. Mutant With Cy... 83 3e-017
pdb|1TRB| Thioredoxin Reductase (E.C. Mutant With Cy... 83 3e-017
SMu0795fruA fxpC  pdb1A6JB Chain B, Nitrogen Regulatory Bacterial Protein Iia-N... 65 2e-011
SMu0805msmK  pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 353 2e-098
pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 100 3e-022
SMu0806dexB  pdb|1UOK| Crystal Structure Of B. Cereus Oligo-1,6-Glucosidase 572 4e-164
pdb|1BVZ|A Chain A, Alpha-Amylase Ii (Tvaii) From Thermoactinom... 127 3e-030
pdb|1SMA|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of A Maltogenic Amylase >... 92 1e-019
SMu0807galR  pdb|1VPW|A Chain A, Structure Of The Purr Mutant, L54m, Bound T... 83 6e-017
pdb|2PUE|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The Laci Family Member... 83 6e-017
pdb|2PUA|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The Laci Family Member... 83 6e-017
SMu0810galE  pdb|1KVS| Udp-Galactose 4-Epimerase Complexed With Udp-Phenol 233 2e-062
pdb|1UDC| Structure Of Udp-Galactose-4-Epimerase Complexed Wi... 232 5e-062
pdb|1KVR| Udp-Galactose 4-Epimerase Complexed With Udp-Phenol 232 6e-062
SMu0821dapB  pdb|1ARZ|D Chain D, Escherichia Coli Dihydrodipicolinate Reduct... 94 2e-020
SMu0824 pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 82 2e-016
pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 72 2e-013
SMu0825 pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 74 4e-014
pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 67 7e-012
SMu0829gdhA  pdb|1BGV|A Chain A, Glutamate Dehydrogenase >gi|1942184|pdb|1HR... 483 1e-137
pdb|1K89| K89l Mutant Of Glutamate Dehydrogenase 480 2e-136
pdb|1AUP| Glutamate Dehydrogenase 478 5e-136
SMu0836 pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 83 6e-017
pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 68 4e-012
SMu0837 pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 73 1e-013
pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 65 2e-011
SMu0841llrF  pdb1B00A Chain A, Phob Receiver Domain From Escherichia Coli ... 68 1e-012
SMu0844cpsY  pdb|1AL3| Cofactor Binding Fragment Of Cysb From Klebsiella A... 66 6e-012
SMu0849 pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 225 4e-060
pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 124 1e-029
SMu0852fni  pdb1QCWA Chain A, Flavocytochrome B2, Arg289lys Mutant >gi51... 67 3e-012
pdb1LCOA Chain A, Mol_id: 1; Molecule: L-Lactate Dehydrogenas... 66 5e-012
pdb1LTDA Chain A, Flavocytochrome B2 (E.C. Complexed ... 66 5e-012
SMu0855mvaA  pdb1QAXA Chain A, Ternary Complex Of Pseudomonas Mevalonii Hm... 315 8e-087
pdb1DQ8A Chain A, Complex Of The Catalytic Portion Of Human H... 63 6e-011
SMu0857thyA  pdb|1B02|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Thymidylate Synthase A... 130 2e-031
pdb|1BKP|B Chain B, Thermostable Thymidylate Synthase A From Ba... 128 7e-031
pdb|2TSC|A Chain A, Thymidylate Synthase (E.C. Complex... 98 2e-021
SMu0859dfr dhfr dyr  pdb|1AO8| Dihydrofolate Reductase Complexed With Methotrexate... 117 7e-028
pdb|3DFR| Dihydrofolate Reductase (E.C. Complex With... 116 2e-027
pdb|1DHJ|B Chain B, Dihydrofolate Reductase (Dhfr) (E.C. 91 9e-020
SMu0861clpX  pdb1E94E Chain E, Hslv-Hslu From E.Coli >gi11513636pdb1E94... 97 3e-021
pdb1DO2A Chain A, Trigonal Crystal Form Of Heat Shock Locus U... 97 3e-021
pdb1G3IA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The Hsluv Protease-Cha... 96 1e-020
SMu0872rpl  pdb|1DD3|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Ribosomal Protein L12 ... 86 2e-018
SMu0874mmgC  pdb|1IVH|A Chain A, Structure Of Human Isovaleryl-Coa Dehydroge... 230 2e-061
SMu0876hom  pdb|1EBF|A Chain A, Homoserine Dehydrogenase From S. Cerevisiae... 77 4e-015
SMu0877thrB  pdb|1FWK|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Homoserine Kinase Comp... 97 2e-021
SMu0878folC  pdb1FGS Folylpolyglutamate Synthetase From Lactobacillus C... 207 2e-054
SMu0879folE mtrA sulC  pdb1FB1A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Human Gtp Cyclohydrola... 178 4e-046
pdb1GTPA Chain A, Gtp Cyclohydrolase I >gi1943378pdb1GTPB... 125 3e-030
pdb1A8RA Chain A, Gtp Cyclohydrolase I (H112s Mutant) In Comp... 122 3e-029
SMu0880folP sulA  pdb|1AD1|A Chain A, Dihydropteroate Synthetase (Apo Form) From ... 212 4e-056
pdb|1AJ0| Crystal Structure Of A Ternary Complex Of E. Coli D... 189 3e-049
pdb|1EYE|A Chain A, 1.7 Angstrom Resolution Crystal Structure O... 165 6e-042
SMu0881folA folQ  pdb|1DHN| 1.65 Angstrom Resolution Structure Of 7,8-Dihydrone... 123 8e-030
pdb|1DHN| 1.65 Angstrom Resolution Structure Of 7,8-Dihydrone... 211 3e-056
SMu0882folK  pdb|1CBK|A Chain A, 7,8-Dihydro-6-Hydroxymethylpterin-Pyrophosp... 126 2e-030
pdb|1DY3|A Chain A, Ternary Complex Of 7,8-Dihydro-6-Hydroxymet... 114 6e-027
SMu0883murB  pdb|1MBB| Oxidoreductase >gi|1827629|pdb|1MBT| Oxidoreductase 90 3e-019
pdb|2MBR| Murb Wild Type, Complex With Enolpyruvyl-Udp-N-Ace... 88 2e-018
pdb|1UXY| Murb Mutant With Ser 229 Replaced By Ala, Complex ... 87 4e-018
SMu0884potA  pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 247 2e-066
pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 121 1e-028
SMu0887potD  pdb1POT SpermidinePUTRESCINE-Binding Protein Complexed Wit... 247 1e-066
pdb1POY2 Chain 2, SpermidinePUTRESCINE-Binding Protein Comple... 247 1e-066
pdb1A99A Chain A, Putrescine Receptor (Potf) From E. Coli >gi... 157 2e-039
SMu0890bglP ptbA  pdb|1AX3| Solution Nmr Structure Of B. Subtilis Iiaglc, 16 S... 143 8e-035
pdb|1GGR|A Chain A, Complex Of Enzyme Iiaglc And The Histidine-... 116 1e-026
pdb|1F3G| Phosphocarrier Iiiglcfast >gi|2914331|pdb|1F3Z| ... 116 1e-026
SMu0893bglC  pdb1D5YA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The E. Coli Rob Transc... 64 3e-011
pdb1BL0A Chain A, Multiple Antibiotic Resistance Protein (Mar... 64 3e-011
SMu0895bglA  pdb1BGGA Chain A, Glucosidase A From Bacillus Polymyxa Comple... 240 4e-064
pdb1TR1A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of E96k Mutated Beta-Gluc... 239 7e-064
pdb1BGAA Chain A, Beta-Glucosidase A From Bacillus Polymyxa >... 239 7e-064
SMu0899asd  pdb|1BRM|C Chain C, Aspartate Beta-Semialdehyde Dehydrogenase F... 77 4e-015
SMu0900dapA  pdb|1DHP|A Chain A, Dihydrodipicolinate Synthase >gi|1942362|pd... 188 9e-049
pdb|1F6P|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Analysis Of N-Acetylneura... 97 2e-021
pdb|1FDZ|A Chain A, N-Acetylneuraminate Lyase In Complex With P... 90 2e-019
SMu0907fecE yclP  pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 92 5e-020
pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 80 2e-016
SMu0912topA  pdb|1CY7|A Chain A, Complex Of E.Coli Dna Topoisomerase I With ... 451 1e-127
pdb|1ECL| Amino Terminal 67kda Domain Of Escherichia Coli Dn... 451 1e-127
pdb|1CYY|B Chain B, Crystal Structure Of The 30 Kda Fragment Of... 160 6e-040
SMu0916ysaC  pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 125 5e-030
pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 112 5e-026
SMu0918llrG  pdb|1B00|A Chain A, Phob Receiver Domain From Escherichia Coli ... 63 3e-011
SMu0926accB bccP  pdb|1DCZ|A Chain A, Biotin Carboxyl Carrier Domain Of Transcarb... 61 2e-011
SMu0942int int-Tn  pdb1BB8 N-Terminal Dna Binding Domain From Tn916 Integrase... 132 9e-032
pdb1B69A Chain A, The Solution Structure Of Tn916 Integrase N... 126 5e-030
SMu0943xerC ymfD  pdb|1A0P| Site-Specific Recombinase, Xerd 64 3e-011
SMu0944glrA  pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 92 8e-020
pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 79 6e-016
SMu0947vicR ycbL  pdb|1F51|E Chain E, A Transient Interaction Between Two Phospho... 67 2e-012
pdb|1SRR|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of A Phosphatase Resistan... 67 2e-012
pdb|1FSP| Nmr Solution Structure Of Bacillus Subtilis Spo0f P... 66 5e-012
SMu0949ydfG  pdb|1I01|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Beta-Ketoacyl [acyl Ca... 85 6e-018
SMu0950ecsA yfiL  pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 94 2e-020
pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 76 4e-015
SMu0958prs prsA  pdb|1DKR|B Chain B, Crystal Structures Of Bacillus Subtilis Pho... 321 7e-089
SMu0959nifS  pdb1ECXB Chain B, Nifs-Like Protein >gi7546479pdb1ECXA Ch... 228 1e-060
pdb1EG5B Chain B, Nifs-Like Protein >gi7546280pdb1EG5A Ch... 221 1e-058
pdb1C0NA Chain A, Csdb Protein, Nifs Homologue 95 1e-020
SMu0968ffh  pdb2FFHA Chain A, The Signal Sequence Binding Protein Ffh Fro... 346 4e-096
pdb1FFH N And Gtpase Domains Of The Signal Sequence Recogn... 263 5e-071
pdb2NG1 N And Gtpase Domains Of The Signal Sequence Recogn... 260 2e-070
SMu0971atmD opuAA  pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 176 3e-045
pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 134 2e-032
SMu0974guaA  pdb|1GPM|A Chain A, Escherichia Coli Gmp Synthetase Complexed W... 492 3e-140
SMu0976 pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 92 1e-019
pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 78 1e-015
SMu0983dfp dfpA  pdb1E20A Chain A, The Fmn Binding Protein Athal3 109 3e-025
SMu0985pgmA  pdb|3PMG|A Chain A, Phosphoglucomutase Mol_id: 1; Molecule: Alp... 69 1e-012
pdb|1JDY|A Chain A, Rabbit Muscle Phosphoglucomutase >gi|194219... 68 3e-012
SMu0986 pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 73 1e-013
SMu0990glyA  pdb|1DFO|B Chain B, Crystal Structure At 2.4 Angstrom Resolutio... 474 6e-135
pdb|1EQB|B Chain B, X-Ray Crystal Structure At 2.7 Angstroms Re... 473 2e-134
pdb|1CJ0|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Rabbit Cytosolic Serin... 329 3e-091
SMu0991 pdb|1HRU|A Chain A, The Structure Of The Yrdc Gene Product From... 71 1e-013
SMu1001vex2  pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 120 1e-028
pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 106 3e-024
SMu1003atmD choQ proV  pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 174 8e-045
pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 128 8e-031
SMu1007ascB bglA  pdb3PBGA Chain A, 6-Phospho-Beta-Galactosidase Form-C >gi239... 221 1e-058
pdb2PBG 6-Phospho-Beta-D-Galactosidase Form-B 220 2e-058
pdb1TR1A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of E96k Mutated Beta-Gluc... 220 3e-058
SMu1017gyrA  pdb1AB4 59kda Fragment Of Gyrase A From E. Coli 478 1e-135
pdb1BJT Topoisomerase Ii Residues 409 - 1201 >gi1633273p... 72 3e-013
SMu1018lct ldh  pdb|1LLC| L-Lactate Dehydrogenase (E.C. Complex Wit... 422 2e-119
pdb|1LDN|A Chain A, L-Lactate Dehydrogenase (E.C. Comp... 328 6e-091
pdb|2LDB| L-Lactate Dehydrogenase (E.C. Complex With... 328 6e-091
SMu1020naoX nox nox-2  pdb1F8WA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Nadh Peroxidase Mutant... 295 6e-081
pdb1NPX Nadh Peroxidase (E.C. Non-Active Form With... 294 2e-080
pdb1NHS Nadh Peroxidase (Npx) (E.C. Mutant With S... 293 4e-080
SMu1023psaA rnsA  pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 109 6e-025
pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 92 2e-019
SMu1027pdp  pdb|1BRW|B Chain B, The Crystal Structure Of Pyrimidine Nucleos... 440 2e-124
pdb|2TPT| Structural And Theoretical Studies Suggest Domain ... 279 5e-076
SMu1028 pdb|1DUS|A Chain A, Mj0882-A Hypothetical Protein From M. Janna... 151 5e-038
SMu1029coaA  pdb1ESMA Chain A, Structural Basis For The Feedback Regulatio... 255 5e-069
SMu1030rpsT  pdb|1FJF|T Chain T, Structure Of The Thermus Thermophilus 30s R... 85 1e-018
SMu1032ciaR gcrR  pdb1B00A Chain A, Phob Receiver Domain From Escherichia Coli ... 74 2e-014
pdb1A04A Chain A, The Structure Of The NitrateNITRITE RESPON... 69 4e-013
SMu1036atmD pstB  pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 128 8e-031
pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 85 1e-017
SMu1037pstB  pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 114 1e-026
pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 85 7e-018
SMu1042 pdb1IMBA Chain A, Inositol Monophosphatase (E.C. Com... 83 2e-017
pdb2HHMA Chain A, Human Inositol Monophosphatase (E.C. 83 2e-017
SMu1048covR scnR  pdb1B00A Chain A, Phob Receiver Domain From Escherichia Coli ... 86 4e-018
pdb1D4ZA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Chey-95iv, A Hyperacti... 68 8e-013
pdb1UDRA Chain A, Chey Mutant With Lys 91 Replaced By Asp, Ly... 67 2e-012
SMu1050lctF  pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 74 2e-014
SMu1064 pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 65 2e-011
pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 64 3e-011
SMu1068psaA  pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 126 3e-030
pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 115 4e-027
SMu1074cysD  pdb1QGNA Chain A, Cystathionine Gamma-Synthase From Nicotiana... 201 1e-052
pdb1CS1A Chain A, Cystathionine Gamma-Synthase (Cgs) From Esc... 188 1e-048
pdb1CL2A Chain A, Cystathionine Beta-Lyase (Cbl) From Escheri... 131 2e-031
SMu1075pcrA  pdb|3PJR|A Chain A, Helicase Substrate Complex >gi|2781090|pdb|... 724 0.0
pdb|2PJR|A Chain A, Helicase Product Complex >gi|9257173|pdb|2P... 598 1e-171
pdb|1UAA|B Chain B, Structure Of The Rep Helicase-Single Strand... 377 2e-105
SMu1078aatB abp atmA  pdb|1WDN|A Chain A, Glutamine-Binding Protein >gi|1943541|pdb|1... 99 7e-022
pdb|2LAO| Lysine-, Arginine-, Ornithine-Binding Protein (Lao... 96 6e-021
pdb|1LST| Lysine-, Arginine-, Ornithine-Binding Protein (Lao... 96 6e-021
SMu1079msmK  pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 146 3e-036
pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 146 3e-036
SMu1083mtlA2  pdb|1A3A|C Chain C, Crystal Structure Of Iia Mannitol From Esch... 116 1e-027
SMu1086glmS  pdb1MOSA Chain A, Isomerase Domain Of Glucosamine 6-Phosphate... 243 3e-065
pdb1GDOB Chain B, Glutaminase Domain Of Glucosamine 6-Phospha... 185 9e-048
pdb1AO0A Chain A, Glutamine Phosphoribosylpyrophosphate (Prpp... 85 3e-017
SMu1089pyk pykA  pdb|1PKY|A Chain A, Pyruvate Kinase From E. Coli In The T-State... 347 1e-096
pdb|1E0U|A Chain A, Structure R271l Mutant Of E. Coli Pyruvate ... 347 2e-096
pdb|1E0T|A Chain A, R292d Mutant Of E. Coli Pyruvate Kinase >gi... 345 8e-096
SMu1090pfk pfkA  pdb|6PFK|D Chain D, Phosphofructokinase, Inhibited T-State >gi|... 360 2e-100
pdb|4PFK| Phosphofructokinase (E.C. Complex With Fr... 360 2e-100
pdb|2PFK|D Chain D, Phosphofructokinase (E.C. 296 2e-081
SMu1097rpsA  pdb1SRO S1 Rna Binding Domain, Nmr, 20 Structures 73 6e-014
pdb1E3PA Chain A, Tungstate Derivative Of Streptomyces Antibi... 68 3e-012
pdb1E3HA Chain A, Semet Derivative Of Streptomyces Antibiotic... 68 3e-012
SMu1099bcat ilvE  pdb|1A3G|A Chain A, Branched-Chain Amino Acid Aminotransferase ... 112 8e-026
SMu1100parC  pdb1AB4 59kda Fragment Of Gyrase A From E. Coli 393 5e-110
pdb1BJT Topoisomerase Ii Residues 409 - 1201 >gi1633273p... 68 3e-012
SMu1106parE  pdb1EI1A Chain A, Dimerization Of E. Coli Dna Gyrase B Provid... 301 2e-082
pdb1AJ6 Novobiocin-Resistant Mutant (R136h) Of The N-Termi... 185 2e-047
pdb1BJT Topoisomerase Ii Residues 409 - 1201 >gi1633273p... 72 2e-013
SMu1108cpdB dnt  pdb2USHB Chain B, 5'-Nucleotidase From E. Coli >gi5542500pd... 131 3e-031
SMu1110ung  pdb|1EMH|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Human Uracil-Dna Glyco... 219 3e-058
pdb|2SSP|E Chain E, Leucine-272-Alanine Uracil-Dna Glycosylase ... 217 1e-057
pdb|4SKN|E Chain E, A Nucleotide-Flipping Mechanism From The St... 214 7e-057
SMu1112atmA  pdb1HSLA Chain A, Histidine-Binding Protein Complexed With L-... 72 7e-014
SMu1117pyrF  pdb1DBTA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Orotidine 5'-Monophosp... 249 2e-067
pdb1EIXC Chain C, Structure Of Orotidine 5'-Monophosphate Dec... 184 7e-048
SMu1118pyrD  pdb|1EP1|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Lactococcus Lactis Dih... 430 8e-122
pdb|2DOR|A Chain A, Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase A From Lactoco... 102 6e-023
pdb|1D3G|A Chain A, Human Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase Complexe... 70 3e-013
SMu1119pyrDII pyrZ  pdb|1EP3|B Chain B, Crystal Structure Of Lactococcus Lactis Dih... 245 4e-066
pdb|1EP1|B Chain B, Crystal Structure Of Lactococcus Lactis Dih... 245 4e-066
SMu1120cpsY  pdb1AL3 Cofactor Binding Fragment Of Cysb From Klebsiella A... 68 1e-012
SMu1122deoD  pdb1ECPA Chain A, Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase >gi1633414... 227 1e-060
SMu1124pnp punA  pdb|1FXU|A Chain A, Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase From Calf S... 233 3e-062
pdb|1A9Q| Bovine Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase Complexed W... 233 3e-062
pdb|1A9P| Bovine Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase Complexed W... 233 3e-062
SMu1135nrd ybiE  pdb|1NOX| Nadh Oxidase From Thermus Thermophilus 74 1e-014
SMu1140eno enoA  pdb1ONEA Chain A, Yeast Enolase Complexed With An Equilibrium... 402 5e-113
pdb4ENL Enolase (E.C. (2-Phospho-D-Glycerate Hydr... 400 1e-112
pdb1PDZ Mol_id: 1; Molecule: Enolase; Chain: Null; Synonym... 391 8e-110
SMu1156hisF  pdb|1THF|D Chain D, Cyclase Subunit Of Imidazoleglycerolphospha... 274 9e-075
pdb|1QO2|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of N-((5'-Phosphoribosyl)... 66 5e-012
SMu1157hisA  pdb|1QO2|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of N-((5'-Phosphoribosyl)... 123 2e-029
pdb|1THF|D Chain D, Cyclase Subunit Of Imidazoleglycerolphospha... 105 5e-024
SMu1164hisS hisZ  pdb|1QE0|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Apo S. Aureus Histidyl... 67 4e-012
SMu1167gyrB  pdb1EI1A Chain A, Dimerization Of E. Coli Dna Gyrase B Provid... 337 3e-093
pdb1AJ6 Novobiocin-Resistant Mutant (R136h) Of The N-Termi... 204 2e-053
pdb1BJT Topoisomerase Ii Residues 409 - 1201 >gi1633273p... 80 6e-016
SMu1181yfjE  pdb|2FX2| Flavodoxin >gi|443463|pdb|3FX2| Flavodoxin (Low ... 80 2e-016
pdb|1BU5|A Chain A, X-Ray Crystal Structure Of The Desulfovibri... 79 2e-016
pdb|1FX1| Flavodoxin 79 3e-016
SMu1182add  pdb|2ADA| Adenosine Deaminase (E.C. Complexed With 6-... 100 2e-022
pdb|1A4M|A Chain A, Ada Structure Complexed With Purine Ribosid... 100 2e-022
pdb|1FKX| Murine Adenosine Deaminase (D296a) 99 6e-022
SMu1183yghU  pdb1F2EA Chain A, Structure Of Sphingomonad, Glutathione S-Tr... 67 3e-012
pdb1AW9 Structure Of Glutathione S-Transferase Iii In Apo ... 64 3e-011
SMu1189adcA lraI sloC  pdb1PSZA Chain A, Pneumococcal Surface Antigen Psaa 110 3e-025
pdb1TOAA Chain A, Periplasmic Zinc Binding Protein Troa From ... 80 8e-016
SMu1195aldR  pdb1QD9A Chain A, Bacillus Subtilis Yabj >gi6573366pdb1QD9... 137 6e-034
pdb1QU9A Chain A, 1.2 A Crystal Structure Of Yjgf Gene Produc... 123 6e-030
SMu1198asnS  pdb|1B8A|A Chain A, Aspartyl-Trna Synthetase >gi|4388837|pdb|1B... 208 9e-055
pdb|1EOV|A Chain A, Free Aspartyl-Trna Synthetase (Asprs) (E.C.... 142 7e-035
pdb|1ASZ|A Chain A, Aspartyl Trna Synthetase (Asprs) (E.C.6.1.1... 142 7e-035
SMu1199aspB aspC  pdb|1BKG|A Chain A, Aspartate Aminotransferase From Thermus The... 277 2e-075
pdb|1BJW|A Chain A, Aspartate Aminotransferase From Thermus The... 275 8e-075
pdb|1BW0|B Chain B, Crystal Structure Of Tyrosine Aminotransfer... 120 2e-028
SMu1207butA  pdb1YBVA Chain A, Structure Of Trihydroxynaphthalene Reductas... 141 8e-035
pdb1EDOA Chain A, The X-Ray Structure Of Beta-Keto Acyl Carri... 122 5e-029
pdb1I01A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Beta-Ketoacyl [acyl Ca... 118 9e-028
SMu1210ftsE  pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 140 2e-034
pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 128 6e-031
SMu1217sfp  pdb|1QR0|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The 4'-Phosphopantethe... 128 6e-031
SMu1222bacC  pdb|1AMU|B Chain B, Phenylalanine Activating Domain Of Gramicid... 221 5e-058
pdb|1BA3| Firefly Luciferase In Complex With Bromoform >gi|20... 83 3e-016
SMu1223bacA  pdb1AMUB Chain B, Phenylalanine Activating Domain Of Gramicid... 269 2e-072
SMu1224grs mycB  pdb|1AMU|B Chain B, Phenylalanine Activating Domain Of Gramicid... 254 5e-068
SMu1225bacA  pdb|1AMU|B Chain B, Phenylalanine Activating Domain Of Gramicid... 272 5e-073
pdb|1BA3| Firefly Luciferase In Complex With Bromoform >gi|20... 71 1e-012
SMu1227fabD  pdb|1MLA| Mol_id: 1; Molecule: Malonyl-Coenzyme A Acyl Carrie... 106 5e-024
SMu1228ituA mycA  pdb|1BA3| Firefly Luciferase In Complex With Bromoform >gi|20... 72 2e-013
SMu1231psaA  pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 127 2e-030
pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 108 5e-025
SMu1246 pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 127 2e-030
pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 108 5e-025
SMu1260leuC  pdb|1B0M|A Chain A, Aconitase R644q:fluorocitrate Complex 98 3e-021
pdb|1B0J|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Aconitase With Isocitr... 98 3e-021
pdb|1C97|A Chain A, S642a:isocitrate Complex Of Aconitase >gi|6... 98 3e-021
SMu1261leuB  pdb|1XAC| Chimera Isopropylmalate Dehydrogenase Between Baci... 319 3e-088
pdb|2AYQ|B Chain B, 3-Isopropylmalate Dehydrogenase From The Mo... 318 7e-088
pdb|1IDM| 3-Isopropylmalate Dehydrogenase, Loop-Deleted Chim... 313 2e-086
SMu1265deaD rheB  pdb1FUUA Chain A, Yeast Initiation Factor 4a >gi11513345pdb... 148 1e-036
pdb1FUKA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The Carboxy Terminal D... 82 8e-017
pdb1QDEA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The Atpase Domain Of T... 82 1e-016
SMu1271lepA  pdb1FNMA Chain A, Structure Of Thermus Thermophilus Ef-G H573a 90 9e-019
pdb1ELO Elongation Factor G Without Nucleotide >gi1633250... 90 9e-019
pdb2EFGA Chain A, Translational Elongation Factor G Complexed... 90 9e-019
SMu1286frdC  pdb|1E39|A Chain A, Flavocytochrome C3 From Shewanella Frigidim... 97 4e-021
pdb|1QJD|A Chain A, Flavocytochrome C3 From Shewanella Frigidim... 96 7e-021
pdb|1QO8|A Chain A, The Structure Of The Open Conformation Of A... 68 3e-012
SMu1288yhcA  pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 140 7e-034
pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 118 3e-027
SMu1295qr1  pdb|1QR2|A Chain A, Human Quinone Reductase Type 2 >gi|5822325|... 78 6e-016
pdb|1QBG|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Human Dt-Diaphorase (N... 70 2e-013
pdb|1D4A|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Human Nad[p]h-Quinone ... 70 2e-013
SMu1296acoC yugF  pdb|1B5S|A Chain A, Dihydrolipoyl Transacetylase (E.C. 131 1e-031
pdb|1E2O| Catalytic Domain From Dihydrolipoamide Succinyltra... 112 7e-026
pdb|1DPC| Dihydrolipoyl Transacetylase (E.C. (Catal... 106 4e-024
SMu1297acoB  pdb|1DTW|B Chain B, Human Branched-Chain Alpha-Keto Acid Dehydr... 213 2e-056
pdb|1QS0|B Chain B, Crystal Structure Of Pseudomonas Putida 2-O... 203 3e-053
pdb|1DTW|B Chain B, Human Branched-Chain Alpha-Keto Acid Dehydr... 468 6e-133
SMu1298acoA  pdb|1DTW|A Chain A, Human Branched-Chain Alpha-Keto Acid Dehydr... 117 2e-027
pdb|1QS0|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Pseudomonas Putida 2-O... 93 4e-020
SMu1299acoL adhD  pdb|1EBD|A Chain A, Dihydrolipoamide Dehydrogenase Complexed Wi... 261 9e-071
pdb|3LAD|A Chain A, Dihydrolipoamide Dehydrogenase (E.C. 251 1e-067
pdb|1LPF|A Chain A, Dihydrolipoamide Dehydrogenase (E.C. 242 7e-065
SMu1307bgc  pdb1CEM Endoglucanase A (Cela) Catalytic Core, Residues 33... 77 3e-015
SMu1308icaA  pdb1QGQA Chain A, Udp-Manganese Complex Of Spsa From Bacillus... 199 5e-052
SMu1311yvyH  pdb1F6DA Chain A, The Structure Of Udp-N-Acetylglucosamine 2-... 352 4e-098
SMu1316livG  pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 85 1e-017
pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 69 5e-013
SMu1322als alsS  pdb|1POX|A Chain A, Pyruvate Oxidase (E.C. Mutant With ... 173 5e-044
pdb|1POW|A Chain A, Pyruvate Oxidase (E.C. (Wild Type) ... 173 5e-044
pdb|1BFD| Benzoylformate Decarboxylase From Pseudomonas Putida 113 4e-026
SMu1327cpsN rmlB  pdb|1BXK|B Chain B, Dtdp-Glucose 4,6-Dehydratase From E. Coli >... 295 6e-081
pdb|1DB3|A Chain A, E.Coli Gdp-Mannose 4,6-Dehydratase 75 1e-014
pdb|1KVS| Udp-Galactose 4-Epimerase Complexed With Udp-Phenol 72 9e-014
SMu1330rfbA rmlA  pdb1FXOA Chain A, The Structural Basis Of The Catalytic Mecha... 409 3e-115
pdb1G23A Chain A, The Structural Basis Of The Catalytic Mecha... 402 4e-113
SMu1336apt  pdb|1QB7|A Chain A, Crystal Structures Of Adenine Phosphoribosy... 63 2e-011
SMu1340 pdb1I01A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Beta-Ketoacyl [acyl Ca... 75 1e-014
pdb1EDOA Chain A, The X-Ray Structure Of Beta-Keto Acyl Carri... 74 2e-014
pdb1HDCA Chain A, 3-Alpha, 20-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogena... 69 7e-013
SMu1355lacG  pdb|3PBG|A Chain A, 6-Phospho-Beta-Galactosidase Form-C >gi|239... 920 0.0
pdb|2PBG| 6-Phospho-Beta-D-Galactosidase Form-B 918 0.0
pdb|4PBG|A Chain A, 6-Phospho-Beta-Galactosidase Form-Cst >gi|2... 916 0.0
SMu1357celC lacF  pdb1E2AA Chain A, Enzyme Iia From The Lactose Specific Pts Fr... 151 2e-038
SMu1363rexA  pdb3PJRA Chain A, Helicase Substrate Complex >gi2781090pdb... 114 6e-026
pdb1UAAB Chain B, Structure Of The Rep Helicase-Single Strand... 98 8e-021
pdb2PJRA Chain A, Helicase Product Complex >gi9257173pdb2P... 89 4e-018
SMu1372pheT  pdb1PYSB Chain B, Phenylalanyl-Trna Synthetase From Thermus T... 350 3e-097
SMu1374pheS  pdb1EIYA Chain A, The Crystal Structure Of Phenylalanyl-Trna ... 266 2e-072
SMu1375smc  pdb|1E69|A Chain A, Smc Head Domain From Thermotoga Maritima >g... 141 3e-034
SMu1379covR vicR  pdb1B00A Chain A, Phob Receiver Domain From Escherichia Coli ... 110 2e-025
pdb1TMY Chey From Thermotoga Maritima (Apo-I) >gi2781153p... 75 1e-014
pdb1SRRA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of A Phosphatase Resistan... 73 4e-014
SMu1380glnQ  pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 224 9e-060
pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 125 7e-030
SMu1381glnH  pdb1WDNA Chain A, Glutamine-Binding Protein >gi1943541pdb1... 71 2e-013
SMu1386murA  pdb|1UAE| Structure Of Udp-N-Acetylglucosamine Enolpyruvyl Tr... 373 3e-104
pdb|1NAW|A Chain A, Enolpyruvyl Transferase >gi|2392465|pdb|1NA... 372 3e-104
pdb|1EYN|A Chain A, Structure Of Mura Liganded With The Extrins... 372 4e-104
SMu1389atpD  pdb1SKYE Chain E, Crystal Structure Of The Nucleotide Free Al... 655 0.0
pdb1MABB Chain B, Rat Liver F1-Atpase 537 9e-154
pdb1NBMD Chain D, The Structure Of Bovine F1-Atpase Covalentl... 534 8e-153
SMu1390atpG  pdb1MABG Chain G, Rat Liver F1-Atpase 96 4e-021
pdb1E1QG Chain G, Bovine Mitochondrial F1-Atpase At 100k >gi... 96 4e-021
SMu1391atpA  pdb1SKYB Chain B, Crystal Structure Of The Nucleotide Free Al... 715 0.0
pdb1E1QA Chain A, Bovine Mitochondrial F1-Atpase At 100k >gi... 545 6e-156
pdb1EFRC Chain C, Bovine Mitochondrial F1-Atpase Complexed Wi... 545 6e-156
SMu1394atpB  pdb1C17M Chain M, A1c12 Subcomplex Of F1fo Atp Synthase 67 3e-012
SMu1396glgP  pdb|1C8L|A Chain A, Synergistic Inhibition Of Glycogen Phosphor... 615 5e-177
pdb|1E1Y|A Chain A, Lavopiridol Inhibits Glycogen Phosphorylase... 615 5e-177
pdb|1C50|A Chain A, Identification And Structural Characterizat... 615 8e-177
SMu1399glgC  pdb|1G23|A Chain A, The Structural Basis Of The Catalytic Mecha... 78 2e-015
pdb|1FXO|A Chain A, The Structural Basis Of The Catalytic Mecha... 77 3e-015
SMu1401pul  pdb|1BF2| Structure Of Pseudomonas Isoamylase 106 8e-024
pdb|1SMA|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of A Maltogenic Amylase >... 66 1e-011
SMu1403ligA  pdb1DGSA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Nad+-Dependent Dna Lig... 437 2e-123
pdb1B04B Chain B, Structure Of The Adenylation Domain Of An N... 306 6e-084
SMu1406rr11 yocG  pdb|1A04|A Chain A, The Structure Of The NitrateNITRITE RESPON... 90 1e-019
SMu1410yvfR  pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 81 2e-016
pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 80 3e-016
SMu1415map pepM  pdb4MATA Chain A, E.Coli Methionine Aminopeptidase His79ala M... 149 5e-037
pdb3MATA Chain A, E.Coli Methionine Aminopeptidase Transition... 149 5e-037
pdb1C22A Chain A, E. Coli Methionine Aminopeptidase: Trifluor... 149 5e-037
SMu1421pacL  pdb1EULA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Calcium Atpase With Tw... 481 2e-136
SMu1422glg  pdb|1EM6|A Chain A, Human Liver Glycogen Phosphorylase A Comple... 507 2e-144
pdb|1FC0|A Chain A, Human Liver Glycogen Phosphorylase Complexe... 507 2e-144
pdb|1FA9|A Chain A, Human Liver Glycogen Phosphorylase A Comple... 507 2e-144
SMu1424malR rliA  pdb1BDHA Chain A, Purine Repressor Mutant-Hypoxanthine-Palind... 118 9e-028
pdb2PUAA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The Laci Family Member... 117 2e-027
pdb2PUEA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The Laci Family Member... 116 3e-027
SMu1425malE  pdb|1ELJ|A Chain A, The Crystal Structure Of Liganded Maltodext... 83 6e-017
pdb|1MDP|1 Chain 1, Maltodextrin-Binding Protein (Male178 Mutan... 83 6e-017
pdb|1MDQ| Maltodextrin-Binding Protein (Male322) (Maltose-Bi... 82 2e-016
SMu1428msmK  pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 360 2e-100
pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 102 9e-023
SMu1429murZ  pdb|1UAE| Structure Of Udp-N-Acetylglucosamine Enolpyruvyl Tr... 334 1e-092
pdb|1A2N| Structure Of The C115a Mutant Of Mura Complexed Wi... 330 2e-091
pdb|1NAW|A Chain A, Enolpyruvyl Transferase >gi|2392465|pdb|1NA... 329 5e-091
SMu1430metK  pdb|1FUG|A Chain A, S-Adenosylmethionine Synthetase >gi|1827908... 465 5e-132
pdb|1XRB| S-Adenosylmethionine Synthetase (Mat, Atp: L-Methi... 457 1e-129
pdb|1QM4|A Chain A, Methionine Adenosyltransferase Complexed Wi... 428 5e-121
SMu1435birA  pdb1BIA Bira Bifunctional Protein (Acts As Biotin Operon Re... 92 6e-020
SMu1438 pdb|1F5M|A Chain A, Structure Of The Gaf Domain >gi|11513782|pd... 96 3e-021
pdb|1F5M|A Chain A, Structure Of The Gaf Domain >gi|11513782|pd... 183 1e-047
SMu1441thrS  pdb|1QF6|A Chain A, Structure Of E. Coli Threonyl-Trna Syntheta... 511 7e-146
pdb|1EVK|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of A Truncated Form Of Th... 311 2e-085
SMu1445amy  pdb1HVXA Chain A, Bacillus Stearothermophilus Alpha-Amylase 491 7e-140
pdb1VJS Structure Of Alpha-Amylase Precursor 469 4e-133
pdb1BLI Bacillus Licheniformis Alpha-Amylase 460 1e-130
SMu1446ccpA regM  pdb1BDHA Chain A, Purine Repressor Mutant-Hypoxanthine-Palind... 123 4e-029
pdb2PUEA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The Laci Family Member... 122 8e-029
pdb2PUAA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The Laci Family Member... 121 1e-028
SMu1447pepQ  pdb1JAW Aminopeptidase P From E. Coli Low Ph Form 108 1e-024
pdb1AZ9 Aminopeptidase P From E. Coli 108 1e-024
pdb1A16 Aminopeptidase P From E. Coli With The Inhibitor P... 108 1e-024
SMu1450cah  pdb|1KOQ|B Chain B, Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Carbonic Anhydrase 127 6e-031
pdb|1KOQ|A Chain A, Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Carbonic Anhydrase 127 6e-031
pdb|1KOP|A Chain A, Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Carbonic Anhydrase >g... 127 6e-031
SMu1453celC licA  pdb1E2AA Chain A, Enzyme Iia From The Lactose Specific Pts Fr... 84 5e-018
SMu1456bglA celA  pdb1QOXA Chain A, Beta-Glucosidase From Bacillus Circulans Sp... 220 3e-058
pdb1TR1A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of E96k Mutated Beta-Gluc... 217 2e-057
pdb1BGGA Chain A, Glucosidase A From Bacillus Polymyxa Comple... 217 2e-057
SMu1457frp  pdb1NOX Nadh Oxidase From Thermus Thermophilus 74 2e-014
pdb1VFRA Chain A, The Major Nad(P)h:fmn Oxidoreductase From V... 68 1e-012
SMu1458gloA lguL  pdb1F9ZA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The Ni(Ii)-Bound Glyox... 97 9e-022
pdb1QIPB Chain B, Human Glyoxalase I Complexed With S-P- Nitr... 66 2e-012
pdb1BH5B Chain B, Human Glyoxalase I Q33e, E172q Double Mutan... 65 4e-012
SMu1468fpg mutM  pdb1EE8A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Mutm (Fpg) Protein Fro... 164 1e-041
SMu1471era  pdb1EGAB Chain B, Crystal Structure Of A Widely Conserved Gtp... 229 3e-061
SMu1476msrA  pdb1FF3A Chain A, Structure Of The Peptide Methionine Sulfoxi... 130 1e-031
pdb1FVGA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Bovine Peptide Methion... 115 5e-027
pdb1FVAA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Bovine Methionine Sulf... 114 7e-027
SMu1478frr  pdb1DD5A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Thermotoga Maritima Ri... 177 8e-046
pdb1EH1A Chain A, Ribosome Recycling Factor From Thermus Ther... 163 1e-041
SMu1480rplA  pdb|1EG0|N Chain N, Fitting Of Components With Known Structure ... 217 1e-057
pdb|1AD2| Ribosomal Protein L1 Mutant With Serine 179 Replac... 213 1e-056
pdb|487D|H Chain H, Seven Ribosomal Proteins Fitted To A Cryo-E... 212 4e-056
SMu1481rplK  pdb|1MMS|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The Ribosomal Protein ... 204 4e-054
pdb|1EG0|K Chain K, Fitting Of Components With Known Structure ... 204 5e-054
pdb|487D|L Chain L, Seven Ribosomal Proteins Fitted To A Cryo-E... 197 5e-052
SMu1484ppiA  pdb1CLH Cyclophilin (Nmr, 12 Structures) 83 4e-017
pdb2NUL Peptidylprolyl Isomerase From E. Coli 82 1e-016
pdb1LOPA Chain A, Cyclophilin A Complexed With Succinyl-Ala-P... 79 5e-016
SMu1488gcaD glmU  pdb|1FWY|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of N-Acetylglucosamine 1-... 212 6e-056
SMu1492metS sym  pdb1A8H Methionyl-Trna Synthetase From Thermus Thermophilus 330 4e-091
pdb1QQTA Chain A, Methionyl-Trna Synthetase From Escherichia ... 169 9e-043
SMu1501exoA smxA  pdb1DEWB Chain B, Crystal Structure Of Human Ape1 Bound To Ab... 164 1e-041
pdb1DE8A Chain A, Human ApurinicAPYRIMIDINIC ENDONUCLEASE-1 (... 164 1e-041
pdb1BIX The Crystal Structure Of The Human Dna Repair Endo... 164 1e-041
SMu1502end3  pdb|2ABK| Refinement Of The Native Structure Of Endonuclease ... 143 2e-035
pdb|1MUY|A Chain A, Catalytic Domain Of Muty From Escherichia C... 68 1e-012
pdb|1MUN| Catalytic Domain Of Muty From Escherichia Coli D13... 66 4e-012
SMu1504ogt  pdb|1SFE| Ada O6-Methylguanine-Dna Methyltransferase From Es... 84 9e-018
pdb|1EH6|A Chain A, Human O6-Alkylguanine-Dna Alkyltransferase 77 2e-015
pdb|1QNT|A Chain A, X-Ray Structure Of Human O6alkylguanine-Dna... 75 4e-015
SMu1505serA  pdb|1PSD|A Chain A, D-3-Phosphoglycerate Dehydrogenase (Phospho... 127 2e-030
pdb|1DXY| Structure Of D-2-Hydroxyisocaproate Dehydrogenase 76 7e-015
pdb|2NAD|A Chain A, Nad-Dependent Formate Dehydrogenase (E.C.1.... 75 1e-014
SMu1508serC  pdb1BT4A Chain A, Phosphoserine Aminotransferase From Bacillu... 333 3e-092
pdb1BJOA Chain A, The Structure Of Phosphoserine Aminotransfe... 305 4e-084
pdb1BJNA Chain A, Structure Of Phosphoserine Aminotransferase... 303 2e-083
SMu1509glnB  pdb|2PII| Pii, Glnb Product >gi|1127243|pdb|1PIL| Signal Tr... 110 5e-026
pdb|1GNK|B Chain B, Glnk, A Signal Protein From E. Coli >gi|582... 101 3e-023
pdb|2GNK|A Chain A, Glnk, A Signal Protein From E. Coli 100 1e-022
SMu1514holB  pdb1A5T Crystal Structure Of The Delta Prime Subunit Of The... 80 4e-016
SMu1515kthY tmk  pdb|4TMK|A Chain A, Complex Of E. Coli Thymidylate Kinase With ... 135 5e-033
SMu1517livF  pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 94 1e-020
pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 89 7e-019
SMu1518livG  pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 115 6e-027
pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 108 1e-024
SMu1521livK  pdb2LBP Leucine-Binding Protein (LBP) 111 1e-025
pdb2LIV Leucine(Slash)Isoleucine(Slash)Valine-Binding Prot... 109 4e-025
SMu1524clpP  pdb1TYFA Chain A, The Structure Of Clpp At 2.3 Angstrom Resol... 217 8e-058
SMu1525upp  pdb|1UPF|A Chain A, Structure Of The Uracil Phosphoribosyltrans... 129 2e-031
pdb|1BD3|A Chain A, Structure Of The Apo Uracil Phosphoribosylt... 129 2e-031
SMu1526patB  pdb|1C7N|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Cystalysin From Trepon... 237 2e-063
pdb|1D2F|B Chain B, X-Ray Structure Of Maly From Escherichia Co... 189 7e-049
pdb|1BKG|A Chain A, Aspartate Aminotransferase From Thermus The... 87 5e-018
SMu1527metB  pdb|1CS1|A Chain A, Cystathionine Gamma-Synthase (Cgs) From Esc... 291 7e-080
pdb|1QGN|A Chain A, Cystathionine Gamma-Synthase From Nicotiana... 191 1e-049
pdb|1CL2|A Chain A, Cystathionine Beta-Lyase (Cbl) From Escheri... 108 9e-025
SMu1541dlt1 dltA  pdb1AMUB Chain B, Phenylalanine Activating Domain Of Gramicid... 176 7e-045
SMu1545 pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 68 1e-012
pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 62 9e-011
SMu1566murI  pdb|1B74|A Chain A, Glutamate Racemase From Aquifex Pyrophilus ... 159 3e-040
SMu1568lysA tabA  pdb|7ODC|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Ornithine Decarboxylase F... 66 8e-012
SMu1574greA  pdb|1GRJ| Grea Transcript Cleavage Factor From Escherichia Coli 118 5e-028
SMu1582accC  pdb1DV1A Chain A, Structure Of Biotin Carboxylase (Apo) >gi9... 447 1e-126
pdb1DV2A Chain A, The Structure Of Biotin Carboxylase, Mutant... 446 3e-126
pdb1CE8A Chain A, Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthetase From Escheri... 71 4e-013
SMu1583fabZ  pdb1MKAA Chain A, E. Coli Beta-Hydroxydecanoyl Thiol Ester De... 167 5e-043
SMu1584accB bccP  pdb|1A6X| Structure Of The Apo-Biotin Carboxyl Carrier Prote... 80 2e-016
pdb|3BDO|A Chain A, Solution Structure Of Apo-Biotinyl Domain F... 75 3e-015
pdb|1BDO| Structure Of The Biotinyl Domain Of Acetyl-Coenzym... 75 3e-015
SMu1585fabF  pdb1E5MA Chain A, Beta Ketoacyl Acyl Carrier Protein Synthase... 364 1e-101
pdb1KAS Beta-Ketoacyl-Acp Synthase Ii From Escherichia Col... 326 4e-090
pdb1DD8A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Beta-Ketoacyl-[acyl Ca... 193 3e-050
SMu1586fabG  pdb1EDOA Chain A, The X-Ray Structure Of Beta-Keto Acyl Carri... 214 9e-057
pdb1I01A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Beta-Ketoacyl [acyl Ca... 194 7e-051
pdb1HDCA Chain A, 3-Alpha, 20-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogena... 133 2e-032
SMu1587fabD  pdb1MLA Mol_id: 1; Molecule: Malonyl-Coenzyme A Acyl Carrie... 241 7e-065
SMu1590fabH  pdb1HN9A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Beta-Ketoacyl-Acp Synt... 222 3e-059
pdb1EBLA Chain A, The 1.8 A Crystal Structure And Active Site... 217 2e-057
pdb1HNHA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Beta-Ketoacyl-Acp Synt... 214 1e-056
SMu1592fabM phaB  pdb1DUBD Chain D, 2-Enoyl-Coa Hydratase, Data Collected At 10... 89 8e-019
pdb1NZYA Chain A, 4-Chlorobenzoyl Coenzyme A Dehalogenase Fro... 81 2e-016
pdb1NZYB Chain B, 4-Chlorobenzoyl Coenzyme A Dehalogenase Fro... 80 2e-016
SMu1611syv valS  pdb|1GAX|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Thermus Thermophilus V... 632 0.0
pdb|1FFY|A Chain A, Insights Into Editing From An Ile-Trna Synt... 270 7e-073
pdb|1ILE| Isoleucyl-Trna Synthetase 233 9e-062
SMu1649scnF  pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 98 2e-021
pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 74 3e-014
SMu1653scnR  pdb|1B00|A Chain A, Phob Receiver Domain From Escherichia Coli ... 91 1e-019
SMu1660aspS  pdb|1EFW|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Aspartyl-Trna Syntheta... 495 7e-141
pdb|1EQR|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Free Aspartyl-Trna Syn... 480 2e-136
pdb|1C0A|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The E. Coli Aspartyl-T... 480 2e-136
SMu1663yfbQ  pdb|1BKG|A Chain A, Aspartate Aminotransferase From Thermus The... 131 1e-031
pdb|1BW0|B Chain B, Crystal Structure Of Tyrosine Aminotransfer... 131 2e-031
pdb|1BJW|A Chain A, Aspartate Aminotransferase From Thermus The... 126 4e-030
SMu1667ansB aspG  pdb|3ECA|A Chain A, Asparaginase Type Ii (E.C. (Eca) >g... 145 7e-036
pdb|1HFJ|A Chain A, Asparaginase From Erwinia Chrysanthemi, Hex... 143 3e-035
pdb|4ECA|A Chain A, Asparaginase From E. Coli, Mutant T89v With... 141 1e-034
SMu1670alr  pdb|1SFT|A Chain A, Alanine Racemase >gi|3891941|pdb|1BD0|A Cha... 310 2e-085
pdb|2SFP|A Chain A, Alanine Racemase With Bound Propionate Inhi... 308 8e-085
SMu1672aroG  pdb|1GG1|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Analysis Of Dahp Synthase... 191 9e-050
SMu1673aroG aroH  pdb1GG1A Chain A, Crystal Structure Analysis Of Dahp Synthase... 187 2e-048
pdb1GG1A Chain A, Crystal Structure Analysis Of Dahp Synthase... 473 1e-134
SMu1677scrA  pdb1GGRA Chain A, Complex Of Enzyme Iiaglc And The Histidine-... 122 1e-028
pdb1F3G Phosphocarrier Iiiglcfast >gi2914331pdb1F3Z ... 122 1e-028
pdb1AX3 Solution Nmr Structure Of B. Subtilis Iiaglc, 16 S... 105 2e-023
SMu1679scrR  pdb2PUAA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The Laci Family Member... 130 3e-031
pdb2PUEA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The Laci Family Member... 129 4e-031
pdb1QPZA Chain A, Purine Repressor-Hypoxanthine-Palindromic O... 129 5e-031
SMu1680nusB  pdb1EYVA Chain A, The Crystal Structure Of Nusb From Mycobact... 71 5e-014
pdb1EY1A Chain A, Solution Structure Of Escherichia Coli Nusb... 63 2e-011
SMu1685pepP  pdb1JAW Aminopeptidase P From E. Coli Low Ph Form 96 7e-021
pdb1AZ9 Aminopeptidase P From E. Coli 96 7e-021
pdb1A16 Aminopeptidase P From E. Coli With The Inhibitor P... 96 7e-021
SMu1692rpsR rs18  pdb|1FKA|R Chain R, Structure Of Functionally Activated Small R... 64 3e-012
pdb|1FKA|R Chain R, Structure Of Functionally Activated Small R... 94 3e-021
SMu1693ssb  pdb1EYGA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Chymotryptic Fragment ... 69 4e-013
pdb1QVCA Chain A, Crystal Structure Analysis Of Single Strand... 69 4e-013
pdb1KAWA Chain A, Structure Of Single Stranded Dna Binding Pr... 69 4e-013
SMu1697mutY  pdb1MUYA Chain A, Catalytic Domain Of Muty From Escherichia C... 175 1e-044
pdb1MUN Catalytic Domain Of Muty From Escherichia Coli D13... 173 4e-044
SMu1698adhB  pdb|1YKF|A Chain A, Nadp-Dependent Alcohol Dehydrogenase From T... 111 1e-025
pdb|1KEV|A Chain A, Structure Of Nadp-Dependent Alcohol Dehydro... 110 3e-025
pdb|1TEH|A Chain A, Structure Of Human Liver Chichi Alcohol Deh... 97 3e-021
SMu1699trxA  pdb1QUWA Chain A, Solution Structure Of The Thioredoxin From ... 93 1e-020
pdb1XOA Thioredoxin (Oxidized Disulfide Form), Nmr, 20 Str... 83 8e-018
pdb2TRXA Chain A, Thioredoxin >gi230778pdb2TRXB Chain B, ... 83 8e-018
SMu1700mutS2  pdb1EWRA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Taq Muts >gi11514362... 113 1e-025
pdb1EWQA Chain A, Crystal Structure Taq Muts Complexed With A... 112 2e-025
pdb1E3MA Chain A, The Crystal Structure Of E. Coli Muts Bindi... 87 1e-017
SMu1707manL ptnAB  pdb1BLE Phosphoenolpyruvate-Dependent Phosphotransferase Sy... 139 3e-034
pdb1PDO Phosphoenolpyruvate-Dependent Phosphotransferase S... 84 2e-017
SMu1710comA  pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 89 1e-018
pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 76 2e-014
SMu1714serS sys  pdb|1SES|A Chain A, Seryl-Trna Synthetase (E.C. (Serin... 259 3e-070
SMu1724 pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 76 9e-015
SMu1744pdgA  pdb|1EGA|B Chain B, Crystal Structure Of A Widely Conserved Gtp... 75 2e-014
SMu1748gcrR  pdb1B00A Chain A, Phob Receiver Domain From Escherichia Coli ... 87 2e-018
pdb1A04A Chain A, The Structure Of The NitrateNITRITE RESPON... 63 3e-011
pdb1SRRA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of A Phosphatase Resistan... 62 8e-011
SMu1751psaA  pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 109 4e-025
pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 101 9e-023
SMu1757sdcBA  pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 96 8e-021
pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 92 2e-019
SMu1760cnhA  pdb1EMSA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The C. Elegans Nitfhit... 102 5e-023
pdb1EMSA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The C. Elegans Nitfhit... 380 1e-106
SMu1762atmD  pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 165 6e-042
pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 136 5e-033
SMu1766leuRS  pdb1FFYA Chain A, Insights Into Editing From An Ile-Trna Synt... 99 2e-021
pdb1ILE Isoleucyl-Trna Synthetase 92 3e-019
pdb1GAXA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Thermus Thermophilus V... 81 5e-016
SMu1774groEL  pdb1AONH Chain H, Crystal Structure Of The Asymmetric Chapero... 599 3e-172
pdb1DERA Chain A, The 2.4 Angstrom Crystal Structure Of The B... 596 2e-171
pdb1OELA Chain A, Mol_id: 1; Molecule: Groel (Hsp60 Class); C... 595 4e-171
SMu1775groES  pdb1AONO Chain O, Crystal Structure Of The Asymmetric Chapero... 63 8e-012
SMu1779levE  pdb|1BLE| Phosphoenolpyruvate-Dependent Phosphotransferase Sy... 187 9e-049
SMu1782levR  pdb|1A04|A Chain A, The Structure Of The NitrateNITRITE RESPON... 97 2e-021
pdb|1DZ3|A Chain A, Domain-Swapping In The Sporulation Response... 63 3e-011
pdb|1TMY| Chey From Thermotoga Maritima (Apo-I) >gi|2781153|p... 62 6e-011
SMu1784rbsB  pdb1DRK D-Ribose-Binding Protein Mutant With Ile 132 Repla... 80 3e-016
pdb1DBP D-Ribose-Binding Protein Mutant With Gly 72 Replac... 78 1e-015
pdb2DRI D-Ribose-Binding Protein Complexed With Beta-D-Rib... 78 1e-015
SMu1785ssbA  pdb1EYGA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Chymotryptic Fragment ... 68 4e-013
pdb1QVCA Chain A, Crystal Structure Analysis Of Single Strand... 68 4e-013
pdb1KAWA Chain A, Structure Of Single Stranded Dna Binding Pr... 68 4e-013
SMu1796ackA comYI  pdb1G99A Chain A, An Ancient Enzyme: Acetate Kinase From Meth... 342 6e-095
SMu1809tyrS  pdb2TS1 Tyrosyl-Transfer RNA Synthetase (E.C. >gi2... 487 9e-139
pdb1TYC Tyrosyl-Transfer Rna Synthetase (E.C. Muta... 386 2e-108
pdb1TYDE Chain E, Tyrosyl-Transfer Rna Synthetase (E.C.6.1.1.... 383 2e-107
SMu1811adcC  pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 64 1e-011
SMu1817rpoA  pdb1HQMA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Thermus Aquaticus Core... 241 1e-064
pdb1BDFB Chain B, Structure Of Escherichia Coli Rna Polymeras... 207 2e-054
pdb1COO The Cooh-Terminal Domain Of Rna Polymerase Alpha S... 63 4e-011
SMu1818rpsK rs11  pdb1FJFK Chain K, Structure Of The Thermus Thermophilus 30s R... 139 1e-034
SMu1819rpsM rs13  pdb1FJFM Chain M, Structure Of The Thermus Thermophilus 30s R... 128 3e-031
SMu1820if1 infA  pdb1AH9 The Structure Of The Translational Initiation Fact... 106 6e-025
pdb1HR0W Chain W, Crystal Structure Of Initiation Factor If1 ... 86 7e-019
SMu1821adk  pdb1ZIN Adenylate Kinase With Bound Ap5a >gi2392649pdb1Z... 224 9e-060
pdb1AKY Atp:amp Phosphotransferase, Myokinase Mol_id: 1; M... 170 1e-043
pdb3AKY Atp:amp Phosphotransferase, Myokinase Mol_id: 1; M... 170 1e-043
SMu1825rpsE rs5  pdb1PKP Ribosomal Protein S5 (Prokaryotic) 192 2e-050
pdb1EG0B Chain B, Fitting Of Components With Known Structure ... 189 2e-049
pdb1DV4E Chain E, Partial Structure Of 16s Rna Of The Small R... 189 2e-049
SMu1827rl6 rplF  pdb1RL6A Chain A, Ribosomal Protein L6 >gi6137592pdb1C04B... 214 5e-057
pdb1EG0J Chain J, Fitting Of Components With Known Structure ... 203 2e-053
pdb487DJ Chain J, Seven Ribosomal Proteins Fitted To A Cryo-E... 192 2e-050
SMu1828rpsH rs8  pdb1SEIA Chain A, Structure Of 30s Ribosomal Protein S8 >gi1... 192 1e-050
pdb1EG0E Chain E, Fitting Of Components With Known Structure ... 131 4e-032
pdb1EMIA Chain A, Structure Of 16s Rrna In The Region Around ... 130 9e-032
SMu1829rpsN rs14  pdb1FJFN Chain N, Structure Of The Thermus Thermophilus 30s R... 91 2e-020
pdb1FJFN Chain N, Structure Of The Thermus Thermophilus 30s R... 123 2e-030
SMu1830rl5 rplE  pdb1FFKD Chain D, Crystal Structure Of The Large Ribosomal Su... 80 2e-016
pdb1FFKD Chain D, Crystal Structure Of The Large Ribosomal Su... 187 1e-048
SMu1832rl14 rplN  pdb487DM Chain M, Seven Ribosomal Proteins Fitted To A Cryo-E... 176 9e-046
pdb1FFKH Chain H, Crystal Structure Of The Large Ribosomal Su... 76 2e-015
pdb487DM Chain M, Seven Ribosomal Proteins Fitted To A Cryo-E... 182 2e-047
SMu1833rpsQ rs17  pdb1EG0G Chain G, Fitting Of Components With Known Structure ... 138 1e-034
pdb1QD7I Chain I, Partial Model For 30s Ribosomal Subunit 134 2e-033
pdb1RIP Ribosomal Protein S17 (Nmr, 6 Structures) 134 2e-033
SMu1836rpsC rs3  pdb1FJFC Chain C, Structure Of The Thermus Thermophilus 30s R... 215 5e-057
SMu1837rl22 rplV  pdb1BXEA Chain A, Ribosomal Protein L22 From Thermus Thermoph... 109 1e-025
SMu1838rps19 rpsS  pdb1FKAS Chain S, Structure Of Functionally Activated Small R... 64 3e-012
pdb1QKFA Chain A, Solution Structure Of The Ribosomal Protein... 64 3e-012
pdb1FKAS Chain S, Structure Of Functionally Activated Small R... 79 5e-017
SMu1841rps10 rpsJ  pdb1FJFJ Chain J, Structure Of The Thermus Thermophilus 30s R... 70 4e-014
SMu1846tfs tufA  pdb1EFUB Chain B, Elongation Factor Complex Ef-TuEF-Ts From E... 177 1e-045
pdb1AIPC Chain C, Ef-Tu Ef-Ts Complex From Thermus Thermophil... 80 3e-016
SMu1847rpsB rs2  pdb|1FJF|B Chain B, Structure Of The Thermus Thermophilus 30s R... 223 2e-059
SMu1850pepO  pdb|1DMT|A Chain A, Structure Of Human Neutral Endopeptidase Co... 221 2e-058
SMu1851dexS treC  pdb1UOK Crystal Structure Of B. Cereus Oligo-1,6-Glucosidase 451 7e-128
pdb1BVZA Chain A, Alpha-Amylase Ii (Tvaii) From Thermoactinom... 127 3e-030
pdb1SMAA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of A Maltogenic Amylase >... 102 8e-023
SMu1852pttB treB  pdb|1AX3| Solution Nmr Structure Of B. Subtilis Iiaglc, 16 S... 122 1e-028
pdb|1GGR|A Chain A, Complex Of Enzyme Iiaglc And The Histidine-... 115 2e-026
pdb|1F3G| Phosphocarrier Iiiglcfast >gi|2914331|pdb|1F3Z| ... 115 2e-026
SMu1858ptaA ptsG  pdb|1AX3| Solution Nmr Structure Of B. Subtilis Iiaglc, 16 S... 113 6e-026
pdb|2GPR| Glucose Permease Iia From Mycoplasma Capricolum 98 4e-021
pdb|1GGR|A Chain A, Complex Of Enzyme Iiaglc And The Histidine-... 87 7e-018
SMu1867cadA cadD  pdb|1EUL|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Calcium Atpase With Tw... 84 4e-017
SMu1868 pdb1EXIA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Transcription Activato... 62 7e-011
SMu1870rscR  pdb|1AL3| Cofactor Binding Fragment Of Cysb From Klebsiella A... 64 3e-011
SMu1872hemH hemZ visA  pdb|1C9E|A Chain A, Structure Of Ferrochelatase With Copper(Ii)... 71 2e-013
pdb|1DOZ|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Ferrochelatase 71 2e-013
pdb|1AK1| Ferrochelatase From Bacillus Subtilis >gi|7546509|p... 71 2e-013
SMu1874galE  pdb|1EK5|A Chain A, Structure Of Human Udp-Galactose 4-Epimeras... 386 2e-108
pdb|1UDC| Structure Of Udp-Galactose-4-Epimerase Complexed Wi... 363 1e-101
pdb|1UDB| Structure Of Udp-Galactose-4-Epimerase Complexed W... 363 2e-101
SMu1882nrdD  pdb1B8BA Chain A, Class Iii Anaerobic Ribonucleotide Triphosp... 622 4e-179
SMu1892recA  pdb1G18A Chain A, Reca-Adp-Alf4 Complex >gi12084114pdb1G19... 391 9e-110
pdb2RECA Chain A, Reca Hexamer Model, Electron Microscopy >gi... 376 3e-105
pdb2REB The Structure Of The E. Coli Reca Protein Monomer ... 376 3e-105
SMu1895ruvA  pdb1C7YA Chain A, E.Coli Ruva-Holliday Junction Complex >gi2... 96 4e-021
pdb1CUK Escherichia Coli Ruva Protein At Ph 4.9 And Room T... 95 5e-021
pdb1D8LA Chain A, E. Coli Holliday Junction Binding Protein R... 94 2e-020
SMu1896hexB  pdb1BKNA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of An N-Terminal 40kd Fra... 218 1e-057
pdb1B62A Chain A, Mutl Complexed With Adp 218 1e-057
pdb1B63A Chain A, Mutl Complexed With Adpnp 215 2e-056
SMu1898hexA  pdb|1E3M|A Chain A, The Crystal Structure Of E. Coli Muts Bindi... 511 1e-145
pdb|1EWQ|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Taq Muts Complexed With A... 499 5e-142
pdb|1EWR|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Taq Muts >gi|11514362|... 416 5e-117
SMu1900ahrC argR  pdb1B4AA Chain A, Structure Of The Arginine Repressor From Ba... 72 4e-014
SMu1903ahrC argR  pdb|1B4B|A Chain A, Structure Of The Oligomerization Domain Of ... 62 2e-011
pdb|1B4A|A Chain A, Structure Of The Arginine Repressor From Ba... 62 2e-011
SMu1904argS  pdb1BS2A Chain A, Yeast Arginyl-Trna Synthetase 373 3e-104
SMu1907aspS  pdb|1EFW|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Aspartyl-Trna Syntheta... 538 5e-154
pdb|1EQR|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Free Aspartyl-Trna Syn... 535 5e-153
pdb|1C0A|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The E. Coli Aspartyl-T... 532 4e-152
SMu1908hisS  pdb1QE0A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Apo S. Aureus Histidyl... 364 1e-101
pdb1KMMC Chain C, Histidyl-Trna Synthetase Complexed With His... 308 1e-084
pdb1HTTA Chain A, Histidyl-Trna Synthetase >gi1942450pdb1H... 308 1e-084
SMu1920opuCA  pdb1G291 Chain 1, Malk >gi12084695pdb1G292 Chain 2, Malk 146 5e-036
pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 134 2e-032
SMu19243mgh tag  pdb|1BNK|A Chain A, Human 3-Methyladenine Dna Glycosylase Compl... 89 4e-019
pdb|1F4R|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The Human Aag Dna Repa... 89 5e-019
pdb|1EWN|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The Human Aag Dna Repa... 87 1e-018
SMu1930gabD  pdb|1CW3|A Chain A, Human Mitochondrial Aldehyde Dehydrogenase ... 213 3e-056
pdb|1AG8|A Chain A, Aldehyde Dehydrogenase From Bovine Mitochon... 212 8e-056
pdb|1BPW|B Chain B, Betaine Aldehyde Dehydrogenase From Cod Liv... 210 3e-055
SMu1937rpsD rs4  pdb|1EG0|A Chain A, Fitting Of Components With Known Structure ... 199 2e-052
pdb|1FKA|D Chain D, Structure Of Functionally Activated Small R... 189 3e-049
pdb|1FJF|D Chain D, Structure Of The Thermus Thermophilus 30s R... 186 2e-048
SMu1940dnaC  pdb|1JWE|A Chain A, Nmr Structure Of The N-Terminal Domain Of E... 90 4e-019
pdb|1B79|B Chain B, N-Terminal Domain Of Dna Replication Protei... 87 5e-018
SMu1941rl9 rplI  pdb|487D|K Chain K, Seven Ribosomal Proteins Fitted To A Cryo-E... 92 3e-020
SMu1949 pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 123 3e-029
pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 103 2e-023
SMu1950 pdb|1G29|1 Chain 1, Malk >gi|12084695|pdb|1G29|2 Chain 2, Malk 139 5e-034
pdb|1B0U|A Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 109 5e-025
SMu1953 pdb1BGYA Chain A, Cytochrome Bc1 Complex From Bovine >gi4139... 70 4e-013
pdb1QCRA Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Bovine Mitochondrial C... 70 4e-013
pdb1BCCA Chain A, Cytochrome Bc1 Complex From Chicken >gi582... 67 5e-012
SMu1957guaB imdH  pdb1ZFJA Chain A, Inosine Monophosphate Dehydrogenase (Impdh;... 885 0.0
pdb1B3OB Chain B, Ternary Complex Of Human Type-Ii Inosine Mo... 320 3e-088
pdb1EEPB Chain B, 2.4 A Resolution Crystal Structure Of Borre... 314 1e-086
SMu1958trsA  pdb|1D2R|A Chain A, 2.9 A Crystal Structure Of Ligand-Free Tryp... 146 5e-036
pdb|1D2R|A Chain A, 2.9 A Crystal Structure Of Ligand-Free Tryp... 463 2e-131
SMu1959 pdb1B0UA Chain A, Atp-Binding Subunit Of The Histidine Permea... 77 4e-015

Total Records: 485
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