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 Congressman Denny Rehberg, 516 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515


June 13, 2007
Rehberg Introduces Legislation to Bolster Border Security
WASHINGTON, DC - Montana's Congressman, Denny Rehberg, today announced he has introduced legislation to increase security on America’s borders.  Rehberg introduced the Border Infrastructure and Technology Modernization Act of 2007 with Representative Henry Cuellar (D-TX).

            “Border security is the first step toward real immigration reform,” said Rehberg, a member of the House Appropriations Committee.  “If we can’t monitor who is crossing our borders, we can’t develop a good plan for tracking them once they’re already here.  This legislation would help us track those coming into our country and would be a huge step in strengthening our national security.”

            The legislation directs the Department of Homeland Security to prepare annually, and submit to Congress, a National Land Border Security Plan that includes a vulnerability assessment of each land port of entry located on the U.S. northern and southern borders and authorize $100M per year for the implementation of this security plan for all 154 land port of entries. It also would help fix America’s longstanding border infrastructure improvement backlog and provide funds for additional border technology upgrades.   Finally, the legislation provides an additional 300 personnel per year to border security agencies until 2012. 

            “Montanans have said that they want border security first,” said Rehberg.  “The proposals up for a vote so far haven’t done that. I’m working to bring this legislation to the House floor as soon as possible so we can quickly put a halt to people trying to illegally enter our communities.”

            The 14 Montana Land Ports Include: Port of Chief Mountain, Port of Del Bonita, Port of Morgan, Port of Opheim, Port of Piegan , Port of Raymond, Port of Roosville, Port of Scobey, Port of Sweetgrass, Port of Turner, Port of Willow Creek, Port of Wild Horse, Port of Whitetail, Port of Whitlash.

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