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Quarterly Index of African Periodical Literature

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Effect of percurtaneous balloon mitral valvotomy on pulmonary venous flow in severe mitral stenosis (1999)
The effect of permethrin impregnated sisal curtains on vector density and malaria incidence : a pilot study (1993)
Effect of petroleum effluent pollution on carbohydrate reserves of the Nile tilapia, oreochromis niloticus (L.) (2000)
Effect of phosphorus fertilisation on legume nodule formation and biomass production in Mount Kenya region (2003)
Effect of phosphorus fertilizer application on some forms of phosphorus in selected Ghanaian cocoa-growing soils (1997)
Effect of phosphorus on growth of pyrethrum plants (chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium) and on flower yields (1997)
The effect of photoperiod on the haemolymph protein profile in the silkworm, bombyx mori L. (1995)
Effect of physiological age of mother plants on the in vitro microtuberisation of solanum potato (1997)
Effect of pinching on earliness and yield of okra (1990)
Effect of placement method and rate of application of crushed fish bones on the activity of predatory ants and impact on termite damage to maize (2002)
Effect of plant age on chamomile (matricaria chamomilla L.) flower yield, essential oil content and composition (1989)
Effect of plant age on sesame infection by alternaria leaf spot (1999)
The effect of plant architecture of open-pollinated and hybrid varieties of maize on their attractiveness to ant predators of termites (1999)
Effect of plant density and seed size on growth and yield of solanum potato in Khartoum State, Sudan (2001)
Effect of plant hormones on the growth and nutrient uptake of maize in acidic soils of the humid tropics (2004)
The effect of plant population and water conservation methods on grain yield of early-maturing maize varieties in the moisture-stress areas of southern Ethiopia (2000)
Effect of plant population density on the growth and yield of sorghum varieties grown on a vertisol (2002)
Effect of plant population on yield of maize and climbing beans growth in an intercropping system (2005)
Effect of plant quinones on insect flight muscle mitochondria (1995)
Effect of planting date and cultivars on bacterial blight and yield of cowpea in Zimbabwe (1997)
Effect of planting method on establishment of napier grass varieties (1998)
Effect of planting methods and soil moisture on cassava performance in the semi-arid Sudan savanna belt of Nigeria (1999)
Effect of plasmodium falciparum parasitaemia on some haematological parameters in adolescent and adult Nigerian HbAA and HbAS blood genotypes (2002)
Effect of plot size and plot situation on the assessment of resistance in wheat cultivars to septoria tritici (1997)
The effect of plucking on dry matter production and partitioning in young clonal tea plants (Camellia sinensis L.) (1988)
Effect of post-treatment temperature on the insecticidal activity of neem, azadirachta indica A. Juss., seed extract on schistocerca gregaria (Forskäl) : a preliminary report (2000)
Effect of pretreatments on seed viability during fruit development of two varieties of Irvingia gabonensis (2006)
The effect of privatisation and trade liberalization in Tanzania (1995)
Effect of processing on antiphysiological factors and nutritive value in Kerstings groundnut (Kerstingiella Geocarpa Harms.) and Bambara groundnut (vigna Subterrnea (L) verdcourt seeds (1998)
Effect of processing on nutritional quality of finger millet-cowpea formulations (1999)
Effect of processing on the nutrient profiles of terculia Africana decne seed (2005)
Effect of prolonged birth spacing on maternal and perinatal outcome (2004)
The effect of prolonged exposure of rats to sub-lethal doses of acetaminophen (1991)
Effect of propiconazole (tilt) and pruning on severity of black sigatoka disease and yield of plantain (1999)
Effect of protein fractions isolated from cereal grains on the development and survival of the cowpea weevil, callosobruchus maculatus (1995)
The effect of proteolytic and lipolytic enzyme activities on cheddar cheese yield (2004)
Effect of proximity between intercropped maize and beans on growth and yield of maize under varying nitrogen levels (1994)
Effect of pruning and trellising of tomatoes on red spider mite incidence and crop yield in Zimbabwe (2003)
Effect of pruning machine on recovery and yield of tea (2003)
Effect of pruning quality and method of pruning placement on soil microbial composition (1997)
Effect of pubescence on the oviposition and feeding behaviour of M. vitrata (Fab.) on vigna species (2006)
Effect of rainfall variability on grassland herbage production and ruminant livestock productivity in the Accra Plains of Ghana (1998)
The effect of rate and time of application of nitrogen on maize yield in Chinyika resettlement area, Zimbabwe (2001)
Effect of rate and time of nitrogen fertilizer application on striga hermonthica infestation in field-grown maize (1997)
Effect of ratooning on the yield of hybrid and open-pollinated cabbage cultivars (2000)
The effect of reconstituting diluents on the viability of T1 strain mycoplasma vaccine (1991)
Effect of recreational fish feeding on reef fish community composition and behaviour (2005)
Effect of recruitment period on the performance of cultured oysters in Ghana (2007)
Effect of reduced plate width on the structural behaviour of a triangularly folded plate barrel vault (1993)
Effect of refugee concentrations on vegetation cover and range condition around Dadaab refugee camps in Kenya (2003)
The effect of resettlement and agricultural activities on tsetse populations in Gambela, south-western Ethiopia (1992)
The effect of resistant sorghum hybrids in suppression of busseola fusca Fuller and chilo partellus (Swinhoe) populations (1998)
Effect of resuscitation on bacterial translocation in haemorrhagic shocked rats (1996)
Effect of rhizobium leguminosarum strains on faba bean performance and soil fertility (1997)
Effect of rhizobium, phosphate and nitrogen on nodulation and growth of faidherbia albida seedlings (1995)
Effect of ridge spacing on wheat yield in areas with short growing periods (1989)
The effect of rootstocks on bud-take and bud growth vigour of rose (rosa spp) cultivar 'first red' (2001)
The effect of rounding-off age on the calculated prevalence of anthropometric indices of malnutrition in children aged 2-5 years (2000)
Effect of route of administration on systematic availability of oxamniquine in the rabbit (1996)
Effect of seagrass cover and mineral content on kappaphycus and eucheuma productivity in Zanzibar (2003)
Effect of season and location on mineral concentration of natural pasture in Bako area, Western Ethiopia (2001)
The effect of seed coat on the susceptibility of faba bean to callosobruchus chinensis L. (2001)
Effect of seed dressing with Imidaclopride on the control of aphids transmitting bean common mosaic (2006)
Effect of seed rate and weed control on agronomic performance of faba bean (vicia faba L) (2005)
Effect of seed rate on seed yield and yield components of linseed under different frequencies of hand weeding (2005)
The effect of seed rate, nitrogen fertilizer, and cutting time on forage yield and quality of Phillipesara (1989)
The effect of seed source and previous crop husbandry practices on groundnut seed viability (1987)
Effect of seed storage on germination and seedling growth of Dacryodes edulis (Don. G. Lam H. J) (2007)
Effect of selected preservation methods on the shelf life and sensory quality of 'Obushera' (2002)
Effect of shear, filter medium, sludge ageing and sequence of chemical addition on sludge dewaterability number (SDN) (1990)
The effect of short-term malaria chemoprophylaxis on the immune response of semi-immune adult volunteers (1990)
The effect of simulated soil erosion and fertilizer application on maize yield (2000)
Effect of size and duration of rim-lungs on tea yields and plucker productivity in the pruning year. (1990)
Effect of smoking on the iodine content of some Ghanaian sea fish (2000)
The effect of soaked soybean (glycine max) yellow variety on growth and some blood serum components i.e. cholesterol, total lipids, triglycerides and muscle glycogen of common carps, cyprinus carpio (L.) (1995)
The effect of social changes on the aged in Ghana : national health and nursing implications (1996)
Effect of socio-economic factors on the association between HIV-1 and tuberculosis in Kenya (1994)
Effect of sodium hydroxide treatment of wheat straw on intake, digestion, rumen degradability, passage rate and faecal particle size of goats (1995)
Effect of sodium sulphate on the adsorption of chloroquine and mefloquine to activated charcoal (1991)
Effect of soil amendment with amaranthus on soil fertility (1996)
Effect of soil amendments on bacterial wilt incidence and yield of potatoes in southwestern Uganda (2001)
Effect of soil characteristics, inoculation and N-fertilisation on N-fixation by faba bean and cowpea (1997)
Effect of soil fertility management on the diversity and abundance of microfauna in smallholder farmer's fields of Kabras Division Western Kenya (2004)
Effect of soil fertility technologies on the profitability of kale and tomato in Western Kenya (2005)
Effect of soil moisture tension on the availability of nitrogen and phosphorus to maize in two soil types of Botswana (1993)
The effect of soil pollution by crude oil on seedling growth of machaerium lunatus (L) G. F. W. meg (2006)
The effect of soil pre-treatment by humic acid and by heat on phosphate uptake by sorghum plants (1988)
Effect of soils, vegetation and landuse on infiltration in a tropical semi-arid catchment (1992)
Effect of solar drying period of beans on seed viability, cooking time and injuriousness of acanthoscelides obtectus Say (1998)
Effect of solar radiation on photosynthesis and pigmentation in the cyanobacterium microcoleus chthonoplastes (2007)
Effect of sole and amended plant residues on soil nutrient contents and yield of okra (Abelmoschus esculentum L) (2006)
The effect of some climatic factors on the incidence of caprine pleuropneumonia in the Sultanate of Oman (1992)
Effect of some fungicidal treatments on leafspot diseases of groundnut in Cameroon (1997)
Effect of some micro-environmental factors on conidial germination and mycelial growth of the entomogenous fungi, Metarrhizium flavo-viride and M. anisopliae (Deuteromycota : Hyphomycetes) (2000)
Effect of some physical properties of cocoa beans and post-harvest delay on its compressive and impact rupture load (2003)
Effect of some socio-economic and cultural factors on utilization of health facilities for birth delivery in Nyanza Province, Kenya (2001)
Effect of sorghum and cowpea intercropping pattern on the spotted stemborer, chilo partellus (Swinhoe) larval establishment in southwestern Kenya (1995)
Effect of source and amount of protein supplementation on voluntary intake and digestability of sodium hydroxide treated wheat straw by cattle (1995)
The effect of source of supplemental nitrogen on intake and digestibility in sheep fed maize sheaths (1997)
Effect of source of yeast (Saccharomyces spp) on alcohol content and quality of pineapple (Ananas comosus) wine (1990)

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The Library of Congress >> Overseas Offices >> Nairobi, Kenya >> Search the Index
January 22, 2009