Table of contents for Aphra Behn studies / edited by Janet Todd.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog

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Introduction Janet Todd
Part I. Plays: 1. Sexual politics and party politics in Behn's drama, 1678-83 Sue Owen
2. Popish plots: The Feign'd Curtizans in context Alison Shell
3. Fiction feigning feminity: false counts and pageant kings in Aphra Behn's Popish Plot writings Ros Ballaster
4. More for seeing than hearing: Behn and the use of theatre Dawn Lewcock
5. The Rover and the eighteenth century Jane Spencer
Part II. Poetry: 6. Aphra Behn: poetry and masquerade Paul Salzman
7. 'For when the act is done and finish't cleane, what should the poet doe, but shift the scene?': propaganda, professionalism and Aphra Behn Virginia Crompton
8. Aphra Behn: the politics of translation Elizabeth Spearing
9. 'But to the touch were soft': sex, property and the politics of the penis Jessica Munns
Part II. Fiction: 10. Who is Silvia: what is she?: feminine identity in Aphra Behn's Love-Letters between a Nobleman and his Sister Janet Todd
 11. Slave princes and lady monsters: gender and ethnic difference in the work of Aphra Behn Jacqueline Pearson
12. Oroonoko's blackness Catherine Gallagher
13. Confusing matters: searching the backgrounds of Oroonoko Joanna Lipking
Part IV. Biography: 14. Private jottings, public utterances: Aphra Behn's writings and her Commonplace Book Mary Ann O'Donnell
15. New light on the background and early life of Aphra Behn Jane Jones.

Library of Congress subject headings for this publication: Behn, Aphra, 1640-1689 Criticism and interpretation, Women and literature England History 17th century