92 2 J~ames Baker E[ud~ins. Movin~ along streets, alleys and. paths backward “to~iard town~“ the interviewer reached. another hill. Almost a quarter of a mile a‘we~ she spied an. old colored man sunning b~mself on the front porch of a well kept cottage. Somthing about his white hair and erect1y~sl~rnped bearing screamed. “Ex‘~‘s1ave“~ even at. that distance. A. negro youth v~as passing. “I beg your pardon, can you tell me v~here to find. Wade Street and Tatnes Baker ?~ “Ya~ya~ya---s nia‘aiu. ~ de house over da-~da-da~-~da-~ r. He-~--~he- ~he lives at his daughtex~‘s“ “Co~.ld that be he on the porch V‘ Ya~~ya~~-yas ma‘am~. Dat~~~ d.at ~ -~diit‘s right.~ AYes ‚ ma‘ani Itm J~aines Baker ~ Yes mat‘am~ I rexaeniber s about the ~ar You want to talk to nie about it. Let me ~et you a chair. You‘d rather sit ri~t there on the step ? il_l ri~it ma‘am~ I was born in Hot Spring eounty, below ~alvern lt v~~as. •I was borned. on the farm. of a man named Eexaraonds. But I ~N85 pretty little v~hen he sold. me to some folks named Yenton, ‘~esntt with thex~ so very 1or~g. You kno‘w how it goes~-back in ehem days. v/hen a girl or a boy would marry ‚ v~hy they‘d