Graphic of cover for Community How To Guide On Coalition Building



Community How To Guide On…COALITION BUILDING

Advantages of a Coalition
How to Form a Coalition
Hiring a Project Coordinator
Recruiting Participants
Involving Youth in the Coalition
Maintaining the Coalition
Overcoming Obstacles
How Coalitions Can Support Critical Programs
Marketing the Coalition
Communicating With Members


Appendix #1 - Coalition Membership Checklist
Appendix #2 - Coalition Member Roles & Responsibilities
Appendix #3 - Checklist of Attributes of a Good Coordinator
Appendix #4 - Brochure
Appendix #5 - Four-Page Newsletter
Appendix #6 - Two-Page Newsletter


Resources Cited in Community How To Guide
Other Coalition Building Resources


Coalitions have been used successfully in the United States to tackle a number of seemingly intractable problems. For communities that want to reduce their underage drinking problem, putting together a broad-based coalition can bring substantial dividends. In this “Community How To Guide on Coalition Building,” readers will learn the steps that bring together a diverse group of people in pursuit of a common goal.

Effective coalitions, however, require an effective leader and this booklet details what will be needed from the individual who coordinates the effort either as a full- or part-time staff person. Once that individual has been identified, the group can move forward in recruiting the appropriate members of the community. A coalition checklist is included in the Appendix that provides a list of every conceivable organization that may have an interest or stake in the underage drinking issue. To make the process easier, the checklist asks individuals to rate the importance or each group as well as the likelihood of the group’s involvement.

Establishing a coalition can sometimes be easier than maintaining it. To assist communities in sustaining their underage drinking prevention coalition or organization, this booklet discusses ways to overcome obstacles and gives specific ideas on how to keep the effort going. In addition, the reader will learn how coalitions can support critical programs in the community including enforcement and education, thereby making the effort even more relevant to the key target groups.

Finally, the booklet details ways to market the coalition and provides concrete examples of how the coalition can communicate with the public and its members. Samples are provided for an organizational brochure and a newsletter.

Community How To Guide On…COALITION BUILDING

Margaret Mead said it best: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”

A coalition is an alliance of individuals, groups, parties, or states that come together, join forces, or form partnerships usually for a specific or common purpose. Bringing people together in pursuit of a common goal is how a comprehensive underage drinking prevention program starts. Forming a coalition to deal with the problem of underage drinking is neither a new nor radical idea. The traffic safety community has been using coalitions to deal with the problems of impaired driving and occupant protection for decades.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is a good example of an effective coalition. MADD began with one enraged mother and expanded to become a group of ordinary people who helped change the way society views drunk driving. Before that time, many people did not think seriously about having “one for the road.” It was a badge of honor to see how many drinks a person could consume and still drive. That is not the case today and citizen activist groups like MADD, RID (Remove Intoxicated Drivers) and SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) helped to make the difference. Impaired driving is now recognized as a crime and that is due to the coalitions who worked to change public perception, strengthen laws and increase enforcement.

Today, coalition organizers must think creatively when they organize an underage drinking prevention coalition. A broad-based coalition includes more than the traditional organizations that have a professional or personal interest in the issue such as youth, law enforcement, judges, prosecutors, educators and citizen activist groups.

Many other agencies, individuals and organizations also have a stake in underage drinking prevention and organizers should expand the circle of “friends.” Effective coalitions include members from the faith community, the military, civic groups, the YMCA, media outlets, Emergency Medical Services personnel, hospitals, physicians, trauma units, health insurance companies, treatment centers, neighborhood groups, an industry wellness council, the United Way and others.

Advantages of a Coalition

The number of people who are involved

A broad-based, grassroots coalition enhances credibility. One saying is especially appropriate for coalitions: “It is easy to cut one blade of grass, but if you bind many blades together into a sheaf, they are very difficult to cut through.” The more widespread support a project can demonstrate, the more seriously the effort is perceived. When the project demonstrates both widespread support and active involvement, opinion leaders, the media and the public begin to take the effort seriously and pay attention.

Implementation of varied activities and programs

Diverse participants provide diverse skills as well as access to important target populations, i.e., youth, the media, business, policymakers and others. Each coalition member or member organization can contribute their particular expertise or resources to facilitate activities by other members or by the coalition as a whole. They can help organize alcohol-free activities for youth, assist with training, recruit new members or volunteers, hand out flyers, or conduct a market survey. By working together, members often find they solve mutual problems. A representative from a local parent organization, for instance, may be able to provide parent support to plan, organize and implement an alcohol- and drug-free after prom or graduation party. By pooling resources, coalition members multiply opportunities.

Networking opportunities

Many groups or individuals get involved in coalitions because they want to meet other professionals for business or personal reasons. By their very nature, coalitions offer great networking opportunities. Effective networking also means coalition members can identify organizations that can fill a specific need, answer a question, facilitate an introduction or help to secure funds.

New ideas and energy to existing programs

Any program can get stale and die out if it isn’t re-energized with new people and new energy. A fresh perspective on the project’s issue may be just what it is needed to get things moving again. Substance abuse prevention organizations, for instance, may require the shot in the arm that a broad-based program to prevent underage drinking can provide.

Good source of information and feedback

If a community wants to change behavior or attitudes, it is important to know what is going on in that community. One person, or even a small staff, cannot know everything that is relevant to their issue, including information about related programs and potential funding. A grassroots coalition can be the eyes and ears and provide important intelligence information. A wise coalition coordinator will solicit and coalesce the information available from individual members.

One good use of this information and feedback is in the completion of a thorough needs assessment on the nature and extent of underage drinking in the community. (See Community How To Guide on Needs Assessments and Strategic Planning.) Members of the coalition from traffic safety, law enforcement, the medical community, the schools and local government can each provide information about their area of expertise and make it faster and easier to complete this vital task.

Publicity for the program

A coalition’s members should be ambassadors for the program, thus broadening the reach of its message and increasing the project’s exposure. This is particularly important for a community-wide problem such as underage drinking. A coalition may want to provide a sample article to coalition members whose organizations have a newsletter or other publication and request that they publish it.

A distribution network

One of the challenges in implementing public information and education campaigns is distributing materials in the community. Most groups lack resources and staff to disseminate large amounts of information. Materials may be beautifully produced, but if they are unseen, they are valueless. Through their jobs and neighborhood connections, coalition members can serve as an effective network for dissemination.

How To Form A Coalition

Forming a coalition sounds easy, but proper planning and knowledge can avoid problems in the future. Following are some suggested steps to follow in putting together a coalition.

1. Search the landscape

Before starting a coalition, determine whether similar organizations are already in existence in your community. For instance, the community may consider itself a Safe Community whose members may be the same as those sought for the underage drinking prevention effort. There are also many other foundation-funded coalitions in communities across the nation whose issues may focus on a variety of health-related activities. While they may not deal specifically with underage drinking, they may likely have common messages and objectives. Ask yourself these questions before you proceed:

2. Brainstorm ideas on potential participants

Ask three or four other individuals who are affiliated with the current organization or who are well connected in the community to participate in a brainstorming session. Consider inviting representatives from the target population to also participate. This session is designed to solicit names of individuals to contact. Who are the community’s key leaders? Who are the obvious stakeholders in the issue? Whose participation will be critical to the success of the effort? Are diverse populations of the community represented?

Sometimes coalitions can attain visibility and recruit members more quickly if they have a powerful “champion.” The champion may be a judge, political leader, business person, civic leader or member of the faith community, but they should be someone who is well respected and able to generate support for the new entity.

Appendix #1 is a Coalition Membership Checklist, which gives a list of the various organizations that could belong to a broad-based underage drinking prevention coalition. Use this checklist when brainstorming on potential members. It may also be used to assess the effectiveness of an existing underage drinking prevention project.

3. Determine staffing, budget, and resources

The person who manages the coalition is critically important. Coalitions without a staff person dedicated to managing their programs often fail. Whether it is a newly formed group or an existing organization taking on a new mission, coalitions need to be administered, programs need to be carefully implemented and coalition members need to be inspired to continue their work. Each coalition must determine how those tasks will be handled.

Following are a list of questions that a coalition should answer with respect to staffing needs.

  • Will the project director or other manager be paid?

  • Where will those funds come from and how much money will be needed?

  • How much time will the project coordinator be required to dedicate to the program?

  • Will that person have other responsibilities?

  • Who will supervise the coordinator?

Another coalition resource question involves housing the entity. Is there sufficient funding to rent office space or will the coalition be housed at a coalition member’s office location? Is there an organization in the community willing to donate office space as an inkind contribution to the effort? Coalitions with more than ten members also may need to locate additional space for meetings. Often small organizations lack adequate facilities for large groups. A coalition member may, however, have board or meeting rooms they would be willing to let the coalition use each month as part of their contribution (in fact, for some members, like a hotel or conference center that may be a major part of their participation). In some cases, coalition members may choose to rotate the responsibility for hosting the meeting at their offices, but in that case, the coordinator must be especially careful to make sure that members know the schedule and know how to get to the site of each meeting.

Finally, there are costs associated with forming and maintaining the coalition. Expenses include furniture and equipment, postage to mail information, printing and copying and even refreshments for each meeting. Insure that adequate funding or inkind support is available to cover these costs. Also, if the coalition receives government funding, there may be restrictions on the purchase of equipment, furniture or refreshments. If the government grant does not permit the coalition to spend their funds on these items, funding must be obtained elsewhere.

4. Invite people to join

Draft a letter of invitation asking potential members to attend an organizing meeting. If you have recruited a champion, ask him or her to sign the letter. An elected official, a judge, the head of a government agency, the police chief, a prominent business person or some other prominent individual or group of individuals would be good choices. A personal invitation may be more beneficial for some of the more prominent individuals, rather than a letter. Assess what’s in it for them and use this in your recruitment message.

5. Clarify expectations

Develop a list of roles and responsibilities for coalition members. Include the number of times the group can expect to meet throughout the year, the time of the meetings, what is expected of the group, and what individuals may be expected to contribute. Decide what policies or criteria exist for membership.

Make a follow-up phone call two days prior to the meeting to remind individuals to attend. Include some basic activities in the list of roles and responsibilities. For instance, the first activity might be to conduct a needs assessment and individuals may be asked to distribute a market survey to people in their neighborhoods or their organization. Appendix #2 is a sample list of Roles and Responsibilities.

6. Do not assume everyone understands the underage drinking issue

As underage drinking prevention programs expand and reach out to new partners, they will be contacting people unfamiliar with their issues. The task of the coordinators is to demonstrate how the potential members’ priorities and tasks intersect with those of the coalition. They must see “what’s in it for them” and how they can contribute to the coalition. To avoid confusion follow these simple rules.

7. Develop a mission statement

A mission statement expresses the shared vision of a diverse group of people seeking a common goal. The Community How To Guide on Needs Assessment and Strategic Planning provides strategies for crafting a strong mission statement and provides an example of a mission statement for an underage drinking prevention coalition.

8. Define goals and objectives

Once a coalition has determined its purpose through a mission statement, the next important task is to define goals and objectives. The Community How To Guide on Needs Assessment and Strategic Planning includes information on how coalitions can use information gained through a comprehensive needs assessment process to develop goals and objectives that are targeted directly at the problem.

Hiring A Project Coordinator

Good leadership is essential to build and sustain a healthy civic infrastructure. Inspiring leaders can be particularly important in situations where there’s a lack of trust. The temptation exists among some community programs to focus on the process of collaboration. They assume that leadership is less critical than who participates. However, the experience of most successful community programs illustrates that leadership is critical. (Join Together “Effective Community Leaders: Traits and Challenges”)

The most important element in any coalition is the coordinator. The absence of a coordinator or a coordinator that does not have sufficient time or interest can make or break the work of a coalition. The coordinator is the individual, who starts the ball rolling, organizes the coalition, provides the essential structure and leads the organization’s efforts.

Join Together, the national resource for communities fighting substance abuse and gun violence, published an article entitled “Effective Community Leaders: Traits and Challenges” that provides what individuals working in community substance abuse prevention have learned about leadership. Following are two examples. Psychiatrist Martha A. Medrano, an assistant professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center, has worked with community groups and coalitions in San Antonio for years, and has come to develop a theory about what it takes to be a good community leader. “I could list all the things that are characteristics of a person who wants to live to be 100,” says Medrano, “and they are very consistent with someone who moves an idea forward. It is optimism, it is energy level, and it is knowing how to negotiate with people.”

Armentha Russell, who headed the Drug Free Schools program in the St. Louis, Missouri Public Schools for 15 years, recognized she could not do the job alone. “You have to constantly reach out to others,” she said. “You have to have the voice of the community. You can’t just go into communities and say ‘This is what we’re going to do for you.’”

Good, energetic and strong coordinators result in good, energetic and successful coalitions. Full-time, paid coordinators are recommended as the best option but part-time coordinators can be used as long as there is a clear understanding of the workload and a strong commitment from the person to do the work.

The importance of a coordinator cannot be stressed enough because too often it is the lack of this essential element that dooms a good idea. It also makes it more difficult in the future if the problem of underage drinking continues, but people perceive efforts to tackle the problem as a failure -- all because there was no one to lead and organize the effort.

When hiring a project coordinator, it is helpful to consider some universally agreed upon elements of leadership. Good leaders are:

The project coordinator for a coalition seeking to solve a community problem “can give the people in the coalition a map and tell them to go to the mountain top. Or, they can give them boots, a compass, the desire to climb and an invitation to join them.”

Appendix #3 is a Checklist of Attributes of a Good Coordinator.

Recruiting Participants

Involving Youth in the Coalition

Programs that include youth membership and participation will find a source of real energy and commitment. Experience suggests youth learn best from peers. Their involvement could be key to the success or failure of an effort.

Following are some suggestions from “Youth on Board”, a national program that seeks to place young people on boards of directors, on how and why to involve young people in the coalition.

Maintaining the Coalition

Success is the best way to keep people involved in a coalition. Everybody loves a winner. Each coalition achievement may not be big or flashy, but each one should be noted and celebrated. In fact, small victories, in which members of the coalition actively participate, keep people motivated and willing to carry on the campaign that ultimately wins the war. Following is a list of ways to maintain an effective coalition.

One of the best ways to maintain coalition members is to run effective, interesting, productive meetings. Following are some tips on running good meetings:

Before the meeting:

During the meeting:

After the meeting:

Overcoming Obstacles

Every group or organization faces obstacles. Following are some suggestions for ways of dealing with problems common to coalitions.

1. Manage resources effectively to avoid having the coordinator do all the work.

The person or people who establish the group (usually the project coordinator) become, in essence, the coalition’s staff. The members of the coalition, however, may not realize these “staff” people have other duties and responsibilities. Do not fall into the trap of having the project coordinator do all the work.

The best way to overcome this obstacle is to involve members of the coalition in the organization’s projects and activities. Assign a program or activity to a coalition member and ask that individual to recruit others to assist. Organize committees and give full responsibility for managing those committees to the chair. Allow coalition members to report on their activities at each meeting. The project coordinator may also want to develop a job description and discuss it with members of the coalition to make sure everyone understands roles and responsibilities.

A coalition organizer should not expect that everything assigned to the coalition members will automatically be accomplished. Most grassroots coalition members are busy people. They usually have jobs of their own. Many have families. In other words, the coalition may not be their top priority. If coalition members are requested to do something, follow up insures the task is completed or assistance is provided.

2. Allow time for buy-in to insure the group maintains interest and stays involved.

The coalition leader’s task is to insure a delicate balance and make sure members feel a strong sense of participation. Allow sufficient time for all business, but make certain that the process does not become interminable and turn people off.

The organizer or staff person(s) may not like the pace the group has adopted and may want to move ahead more quickly. One of the basics of successful coalition building, however, is obtaining the members’ buy-in and support for the group and its activities. If you ask an individual to donate time and share opinions, that individual must have some time to express those views. Reaching consensus is not always an easy process. A successful coalition operates as a democracy, not a dictatorship, although the staff person(s) organizing the group may wish to make some “kingly” declarations from time to time. It is important to recognize that developing ideas and solutions can take more time than anticipated.

3. Choose a strong leader to maintain focus.

It is essential for the group to choose a leader or chairperson to represent them. A strong leader will keep the coalition on task and moving forward, despite the human tendency to digress from an agenda, particularly if that agenda is difficult. The chairperson does not necessarily have to be well known in the community, but that may help.

Sometimes, a coalition may lack a strong leader and lose focus. If this happens, the project coordinator should identify two or three members of the coalition who are well respected by the other members. The coalition leader should enlist their support in identifying ways to reestablish focus. In the case of underage drinking or drinking and driving, inviting a victim to come speak to the coalition will remind everyone why they are involved and how important the issue of underage drinking is to them and to the community.

4. Provide training for contact with the media.

Dealing with the media can be difficult. Many people do not know how to talk to reporters and convey a story effectively. The coalition leader’s task is to identify one or two coalition members who could serve as good spokespeople. These are usually people who understand the issue and are animated, but controlled, when they talk. Training and practice can refine their presentation skills and their ability to convey the coalition’s message clearly and succinctly. (See the Community How To Guide on Media Relations in this series.) If your coalition includes a member of the media or a person from a local public relations agency, ask that member to provide some tips on effective media presentations.

5. Provide sufficient funding.

A good coalition is full of people with ideas. Coalition members can become easily disillusioned if they propose activities or programs, which they believe are worthwhile, but which cannot be implemented because of insufficient resources. Because there may be more than one coalition in your community, determine whether there are sufficient resources to support more than one group. If resources are scarce, it is much better to be honest and up front in the beginning, so people understand the limitations. Informing the coalition about the financial situation can spur members to help with a fundraising drive or to seek support from government agencies or foundations. (See Community How to Guide on Self-Sufficiency.)

6. Keep moving forward despite the unwillingness of key groups to become involved.

Sometimes a new coalition or project may encounter a likely partner who refuses to participate. Following are suggestions on how to deal with this situation and not get stymied by their refusal.

Cherilynn Uden, project coordinator of Save Our Youth, faced this situation in Salt Lake City, Utah. “Adults from the school system felt they were already doing enough on underage drinking and did not need another group. Our attempts to explain that our goal was to bring people together were not successful. So, we went directly to the young people through a non-profit organization that formed peer leadership teams in nearly every high school in the city,” she said.

If your attempts to involve the partner are not successful, do not stop your efforts. Keep working to make the project successful because nothing sells like success. When other groups see you are making progress, chances are they will want to join, particularly after the effort has been made to win their support.

How Coalitions Can Support Critical Programs

Helping key groups understand how the coalition can benefit them is powerful strategy for recruiting and retaining members. Broad-based coalitions can provide critical support for activities important to their member organizations. Following are just a few examples of the ways that coalitions can work effectively to support efforts critical to the success of an underage drinking prevention effort.

Coalitions can support local governing bodies by doing the following:

One strategy for increasing “buy-in” among coalition members is to devote part of a coalition meeting to brainstorming ways in which the coalition and its members could support other constituent groups. How could a coalition support the judiciary, for instance? Or the medical community? Enumerating the potential benefits for each segment of the coalition can help them to see the value of their participation.

Marketing the Coalition

Marketing is the process whereby an organization “sells” their product or ideas to the public. Marketing of an underage drinking prevention coalition is important in order for the target audience and the general public to accept the actions, plans and ideas the coalition has proposed. It is a necessary component in changing behavior and attitude.

When we turn on the television set, we see dozens of advertisements designed to motivate us to buy particular products, vote for certain candidates, see particular movies or take some other action. Each of the businesses or organizations sponsoring these advertisements has one fundamental goal in mind: to influence their target audiences’ attitudes and behavior by marketing their product or idea to them.

Media and marketing strategies for social change have become increasingly sophisticated over the last decade and social activists have adapted many of the strategies used by businesses in their marketing. Today, media advocacy, social marketing and more traditional media campaigns are all impor-tant tools for underage drinking prevention coalitions and other groups trying to change social attitudes and behaviors. (See the Community How to Guide on Media Relations for a more detailed discussion of each of these strategies.)

Sometimes, coalition organizers may use a more direct approach to market their coalition through individual or group meetings, for instance. Regardless of the strategy they are using to approach someone -- through media or direct contact -- coalition members should ask themselves several critical questions before they proceed:

Communicating With Members

Communication from the project’s organizers to the coalition is critical, particularly if the coalition only meets on a quarterly basis. These updates do not have to be complicated or difficult. If the task of producing the update is too cumbersome, it probably will not be produced because other tasks will take priority. Keep it simple and effective.

Send meeting minutes

At each meeting of the coalition, a person should be designated to take notes so that a report can be compiled and mailed to all the members of the coalition. This keeps every member informed and reminds him or her of what actions have been taken or proposed.

Send news clippings

One of the ways that Gloria Souhami of Texas regularly updates members of the Travis County Underage Drinking Prevention Coalition is to send them news clippings that mention underage drinking. These informative, timely updates are among the reasons, she says, that so many people attend the coalition meetings. She also invites interesting and informative speakers to each coalition meeting.

Produce newsletters/brochures

A brochure about the organization and its mission, goals and objectives is a good way to educate people. Part of the brochure also can ask people to join or financially support the effort. A brochure can also be used to highlight a portion of your program, such as educating parents about their role in preventing illegal underage drinking.

An effective newsletter or brochure does not have to be an elaborate, four-page publication with color photos and graphs and charts. A newsletter can be one sheet of paper, printed front and back as a self-mailer that can be folded and mailed.

Every publication should be interesting to look at and include graphics, bulleted information and, if possible, photos. Most computer systems have some sort of graphics package with symbols that can be easily inserted into a document. If a graphics package is not available, the project organizer can keep a file and clip out interesting graphics from newspapers, magazines and other newsletters. They can be pasted directly onto the project’s newsletter and will appear to be part of that document when it is printed.

Appendix #’s 4, 5 and 6 are samples of a Brochure and two Coalition Newsletters.


Dr. Amos Aduroga, Director of the Bureau of Substance Abuse in Detroit understands the importance of community-based coalitions. “Coalitions are very critical. Coalition building is the only way to participate in the common solution to problems. It brings different segments to the table and is absolutely key,” he said. He credits the successful revitalization of Detroit to the many coalitions that exist in the city. “It is the community coming together, prioritizing needs, and attacking those needs. The time for coalitions has been way overdue. I don’t know how we got along with out them.”




PDF -- Coalition Membership Checklist


PDF -- Suggested Coalition Member Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Participate in determining the direction of the coalition.

  2. Serve as the liaison to the member’s organization. Organizations represented should have an impaired driving policy and conduct employee awareness and education.

  3. Participate in the completion of a comprehensive needs assessment on the community’s underage drinking problem.

  4. Assist in drafting a strategic plan on underage drinking and in prioritizing goals and objectives.

  5. Assist in the implementation of activities, including those that directly involve or relate to the member’s organization.

  6. Serve as a resource for the development of program activities.

  7. Help to represent the coalition at key official meetings and events.

  8. Serve as an ambassador for the work of the coalition and promote its mission when and wherever possible.

  9. Gather and relay appropriate information to the coalition to serve as a basis for decisions.

  10. Attend meetings on a regular basis.

  11. Help to develop and implement a self-sufficiency plan.


PDF -- Atributes of a Good Coordinator

Hiring a coordinator is one of the most important decisions a coalition can make. Following are some valuable attributes for good coordinators.

Does the candidate your coalition is considering or the individual who currently serves as project coordinator possess a majority of the following traits?

Able to Motivate and Inspire

Possesses Knowledge and Enthusiasm

Demonstrates Initiative and Drive

Is a Good Communicator

Is a Good Organizer

Appendix 4 -- Example of a Coalition Public Information Brochure

Page 1 of a sample coalition public information brochure

Page 2 of a sample coalition public information brochure

Page 3 of a sample coalition public information brochure

Page 4 of a sample coalition public information brochure

Appendix 5 -- Example of a Coalition Newsletter

Page 1 of a sample coalition newsletter titled "Voice"

Page 2 of a sample coalition newsletter titled "Voice"

Page 3 of a sample coalition newsletter titled "Voice"

Page 4 of a sample coalition newsletter titled "Voice"

Appendix 6 -- Example of a Coalition Newsletter

Page 1 of a sample coalition newsletter titled "Coalition News"

Page 2 of a sample coalition newsletter titled "Coalition News"



Resources Cited In
Community How To Guide

Bureau of Substance Abuse
Detroit Department of Health
Dr. Amos Aduroga
1151 Taylor, Building 1
Detroit, MI 48202
Fax: 313-876-0778

Drawing the Line on Underage Alcohol Use
Department of Family Resources
Montgomery County Government
8630 Fenton Street, 10th Floor
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Fax: 240-777-3054
Web site: http://www.co.mo.md.us/services/hhs/pubhlth/dtl/dtl.html
E-mail: nancy.rea@co.mo.md.us

Join Together
“Effective Community Leaders: Traits and Challenges”
Join Together to Reduce Substance Abuse, Fall 1999, Volume 3, Number 1
441 Stuart Street
Boston, MA 02116
Fax: 617-437-9394
Web site: http://www.jointogether.org

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
511 East John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700
Irving, TX 75062
214- 744-6233
Web site: http://www.madd.org

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
400 Seventh St., SW
Washington, D.C. 20590
Fax: 202-366-2766
Web site: http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov

Project Extra Mile
Executive Director
302 South 36th Street, Suite 214
Omaha, NE 68131
Fax: 402-231-4307
E-mail: driibe@alltel.net

Remove Intoxicated Drivers (RID)
P.O. Box 520
Schenectady, NY 12301
Fax: 518-370-4917
Web site: http://www.crisny.org

Save Our Youth Coalition
Office of Highway Safety
Department of Public Safety
5263 South 300 West, Suite 202
Salt Lake City, UT 84107
Fax: 801-293-2497
E-mail: pshs.jdame@state.ut.us

Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD)
P.O. Box 800
Marlboro, MA 01752
Fax: 508-481-5759
Products: 800-886-2972
Web site: http://www.nat-sadd.org

Travis County Underage Drinking
Prevention Project
Project Coordinator
P.O. Box 1748
Austin, TX 78767
Fax: 512-473-9316
E-mail: gloria.souhami@co.travis.tx.us

Youth On Board
P.O. Box 440322
Somerville, MA 02144
E-mail: youthboard@aol.com

Other Coalition Building Resources

Community Anti-Drug Coalitions
of America (CADCA)
901 N. Pitt St., Suite 300
Alexandria, VA 22314
Fax: 703-706-0565
Web site: http://www.cadca.org

CADCA is a national organization of coali-tions dedicated to substance abuse preven-tion. CADCA offers training and resource materials, including a series of “Strategizers” for coalitions.

Leonard Communications

Trina Leonard
15713 Cherry Blossom Lane
North Potomac, MD 20878
Fax: 301-948-3736
E-mail: trina@erols.com

National Association for Community Leadership

200 South Meridian Street, Suite 250
Indianapolis, IN 46215
Fax: 317-637-7413
Web site: http://www.communityleadership.org

The National Association for Community Leadership is a non-profit organization, founded in 1979, dedicated to nurturing leadership in communities throughout the United States and internationally. Their mission is to strengthen and transform communities by enhancing the capacity of inclusive, community leadership development efforts.

PMB Communications
Pam Beer
1114 North Illinois Street
Arlington, VA 22205
Fax: 703-237-8831
E-mail: PMBEER@worldnet.att.net

Safe Communities Service Center

c/o NHTSA Region VI
819 Taylor Street, Room 8A38
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Fax: 817-978-8339
E-mail: Safe.Communities@nhtsa.dot.gov
Web site: http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/safecommunities

The Safe Communities Service Center is designed to be an informational resource and technical assistance enterprise to advance Safe Communities nationwide.The Center monitors and tracks activities being conducted by the U.S. Department of Transportation and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), as well as other federal, state and local partners. The Center also catalogs information, resources and materials to community coalitions directly to providers who can service their specific needs. The Center is continually identifying a national network of Safe Community practitioners, marketing best practices, facilitating new partnerships, promoting citizen involvement, evaluating campaign progress, and initiating a number of other handy and helpful ways to build Safe Communities.

Support Centers of America

706 Mission Street, Fifth Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103-3113
Workshop Info: 415-541-9197
Fax: 415-541-7708
Web site: http://www.supportcenter.org

The Support Center/NDC is a consulting and training organization, which conducts workshops, publications, and special management programs. The Center assists non-profits in utilizing the best management tools and concepts to help them best serve their communities.


Best Practices of Effective Non-Profit Organizations: A Practitioner’s Guide
79 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10003-3076
Web site: http://www.fdncenter.org

Topics include defining purposes and goals, adhering to missions, obtaining and retaining high quality volunteers and staff, creating comprehensive financing plans, responding to change by adjusting services and opera-tions, evaluating services to assess effectiveness, and communicating goals both internally and externally.

Commitment, Communication, Cooperation: Traffic Safety and Public Health Working Together to Prevent Traffic Injury

400 Seventh St., SW
Washington, D.C. 20590
202-366-6616 or 202-366-9588
Web site: http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov

This publication is designed to help traffic safety professionals form injury prevention partnerships. It encourages collaboration between traffic safety and public health communities, and suggests program ideas for the federal, regional, state and local levels. Nine extensive appendices include prevention objectives, state highway offices, passenger laws, reading suggestions and a glossary.

The Future Is Ours: A Handbook for Student Activists in the 21st Century

Edited by John W. Bartlett
Henry Holt and Company, Inc.
115 West 18th Street
New York, NY 10011
Fax: 212-633-0748
Web site: http://hholt.com

This book, aimed at people in their 20s, recounts the personal experiences of fledging activists and includes a chapter on how to procure grants for grassroots groups. It offers a step-by-step guide to starting an organization which works for social change, covering meetings, budgets, demonstrations, lobbying and using the press and the Internet.

Handbook of Budgeting for Nonprofit Organizations

by Jae K. Shim, Joe G. Siegel and Abraham J. Simon
Prentice Hall
One Lake Street
Upper Saddle River NJ 07458
Fax: 800-835-5327
Web site: http://www.prehall.com

This book shows how to create, maintain and judge an organization’s budget and how to make sure it conforms to guidelines recommended by the Financial Accounting Standards Board. It includes a disk to be used with Lotus 1-2-3 to develop model spread-sheet programs.

How to Build a More Effective Board

By Thomas P. Holland
National Center for Non-Profit Boards
1828 L Street, NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20036-5104
202-452-6262 or 800-883-6262
Fax: 202-452-6299
Web site: http://www.ncnb.org

This booklet analyzes the characteristics of effective boards and suggests ways for every board to improve its performance.

Six Keys to Recruiting, Orienting and Involving Nonprofit Board Members

by Judith Grummon Nelson
National Center for Non-Profit Boards
1828 L Street, NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20036-5104
202-452-6262 or 800-883-6262
Fax: 202-452-6299
Web site: http://www.ncnb.org

This publication helps boards assess the strengths and weaknesses of their members, identify and cultivate prospective trustees, and recruit and involve qualified and committed new members. It includes sample recruitment forms, letters and checklists. Documents are on disk in Microsoft Word (for Windows), WordPerfect (for DOS), and as generic text files.

“Strategies” -- Join Together

441 Stuart Street
Boston, MA 02116
Fax: 617-437-9394
Web site: http://www.jointogether.org

The newsletter includes stories about successful prevention efforts around the country and resources for coalitions.

Ten Basic Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards

By Richard T. Ingram
National Center for Non-Profit Boards
1828 L Street, NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20036-5104
202-452-6262 or 800-883-6262
Fax: 202-452-6299
Web site: http://www.ncnb.org

This critical primer for board members covers the most fundamental responsibilities of non-profit boards. Includes an orientation for new board members, a refresher course for more experienced leaders, preparation for a planning or self-assessment retreat, a recruiting tool to share with prospective board members, and a referencve for chief executives and other staff.

Welcome to the Board

By Fisher Howe
Jossey-Bass Publishers
350 Sansome Street
San Francisco, CA 94104
888-378-2537 or 800-956-7739
Web site: http://www.josseybass.com

This guide to effective participation provides both active and prospective board members with guidance and basic nuts-and-bolts infor-mation about board membership. It also answers the most common questions and concerns of prospective board members, outlines the key areas of responsibility, and details the rights, obligations and liabilities of nonprofit board members.


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March 2001

Logos of sponsoring organizations and programs: NHTSA, Zero Tolerance, NAGHSR, and Safe Communities