{CaptionsBy} InDyne, Inc. {LastEditor} Anita Barrett {ScannedBy} Seven/Still Photo Imaging {author} NASA or National Aeronautics and Space Administration {date} 27-Nov-2000 {description} After their arrival at the Shuttle Landing Facility, the STS-97 crew gather to address the media. At the microphone is Mission Specialist Joseph Tanner. Behind him stand Commander Brent Jett, Pilot Michael Bloomfield and Mission Specialists Marc Garneau, who is with the Canadian Space Agency, and Carlos Noriega. Mission STS-97is the sixth construction flight to the International Space Station. Its payload includes the P6 Integrated Truss Structure and a photovoltaic (PV) module, with giant solar arrays that will provide power to the Station. The mission includes two spacewalks to complete the solar array connections. STS-97 is scheduled to launch Nov. 30 at about 10:06 p.m. EST. {highres} 2670 x 1815 {highsize} 600403 {hightype} JPEG {lowres} 320 x 217 {lowsize} 98963 {lowtype} GIF {mediumres} 1024 x 696 {mediumsize} 135962 {mediumtype} JPEG {number} KSC-00PD-5101 {othernumbers} KSC-00PADIG-101 {slideres} 172 x 150 {slidesize} 37188 {slidetype} GIF {tinyres} 100 x 68 {tinysize} 10373 {tinytype} GIF {title} STS-97 Mission Specialist Tanner talks to media after arrival for launch {type} Image {end}