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KWIC TITLE:Transient One-dimensional Pipe Flow Analyzer 
AUTHORS:W.S. Winters, Jr.
DESCRIPTION:TOPAZ-SNLL, the Transient One- dimensional Pipe flow AnalyZer code, is a user-friendly computer program for modeling the heat transfer, fluid mechanics, and thermodynamics of multi-species gas transfer in arbitrary arrangements of pipes, valves, vessels, and flow branches. Although the flow conservation equations are assumed to be one-dimensional and transient, multidimensional features of internal fluid flow and heat transfer may be accounted for using the available quasi-steady flow correlations (e.g., Moody friction factor correlation and various form loss and heat transfer correlations). Users may also model the effects of moving system boundaries such as pistons, diaphragms, and bladders. The features of fully compressible flow are modeled, including the propagation of shocks and rarefaction waves, as well as the establishment of multiple choke points along the flow path. 
PACKAGE CONTENTS:Media Directory; Software Abstract; Media includes Source Code;/1 CD ROM 
METHOD OF SOLUTION:The flow conservation equations are discretized in space using conventional upwind finite differences. The spatially discretized gas flow equations together with the equations describing the motion of system boundaries constitute a set of mixed algebraic and ordinary differential equations. This equation set is solved implicitly using DASSL, a differential-algebraic system solver. The DASSL software is included. 
OPERATING SYSTEMS:COS 1.15 with CFRT 1.14 compiler (CRAY-XMP/2200). 
SOFTWARE LIMITATIONS:On the Cray1, the simplest problems involving the transfer of gas from a high pressure reservoir to a low pressure receiver via a single pipe generally consume less than 30 seconds of CPU time. When a large number, say 10 or more, vessels are interconnected by a complex arrangement of finely discretized flow paths with multiple branches and numerous ID changes, CPU times may extend to several hours. The test cases included in this package have been run at the NEA-DB on a CRAY-XMP/2200 computer. Execution times were: 87 seconds (exemple 3); 37 seconds (exemple 8). 
UNIQUE FEATURES:TOPAZ checks the data for completeness and consistency and then generates a finite difference mesh to model the user's gas transfer network. The code is designed to permit users who are unfamiliar with the details of fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and numerical methods to make complex multi-species gas transfer calculations. 
OTHER PROG/OPER SYS INFO:The sequence of subroutines beginning with ESINIT and ending with ZROCHK are only called when the MIXT=3 flag (REGION minor directive) is used to specify the Clark-Ashurst five species model of hydrogen- helium isotopes. These routines were written by Gary Clark, now at Los Alamos National Laboratory in Los Alamos, New Mexico (USA). While these are the most accurate equation of state routines for hydrogen-helium isotope mixtures, it is not recommended that they be used in transient gas transfer calculations with TOPAZ. Such calculations are extremely time consuming compared to the other avalaible models (MIXT=l,2,4,5) and the subroutines ESINIT through ZROCHK do not have sufficient error trapping to prevent the calculation of fictitious states (negative pressures, etc.) while the code is iterating to the final solution. The MIXT3 option is most useful in checking initial and final states for accuracy, e.g. comparing the state calculated by MIXT=l to the state calculated by the more accurate MIXT=3 option. The results obtained at NEA-DB with input file for Example 3 (page 31 of the report SAND85-8215) are different from those printed on page 45 of the same report. We are asking the author for clarification. However for Example 8 included in the original package, we do not have a sample output for comparison. 
REFERENCES:TOPAZ-SNLL, NESC No. 9669, Author's Notes on Adapting TOPAZ-SNLL to Other Computer Environments, National Energy Software Center Note 86-30, April 8, 1986. W.S. Winters: TOPAZ - The Transient One-Dimensional Pipe Flow Analyzer: User's Manual, SAND85-8215 (July 1985) W.S. Winters: TOPAZ - The Transient One-Dimensional Pipe Flow Analyzer: Code Validation and Sample Problems, SAND85-8236 (October 1985) W.S. Winters: TOPAZ - The Transient One-Dimensional Pipe Flow Analyzer: Equations and Numerics, SAND85-8248 (December 1985) W.S. Winters: TOPAZ - The Transient One-Dimensional Pipe Flow Analyzer: An Update On Code Improvements and Increased Capabilities, SAND87-8225 (September 1987) W.S. Winters: An "Online" Documentation for the Computer Code TOPAZ. (April 1987) 
HARDWARE REQS:Requires a minimum of 89K words. 174,000 words of main storage were required to run the test cases on a CRAY-XMP/2200 computer. 
ABSTRACT STATUS:Released As-Is 1/23/2008 
RESEARCH ORG:Sandia National Laboratory