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TOPAZ programs and organization
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and Organization

TOPAZ consists of 6 programs that are interdependent. Not all programs need to be executed for a particular application. This section briefly describes each program and its functions, as well as the interdependence between the programs and their execution sequence.


Program DEDNM

Program DEDNM (Digital Elevation Drainage Network Model) performs the basic raster processing and produces fundamental raster data necessary for the operation of all other TOPAZ programs.

Program DEDNM performs the following specific functions:

- read and check the DEM input data;
- optionally perform smoothing and/or aggregating of the DEM data;
- rectify depressions and flat surfaces in DEM;
- identify surface drainage;
- define the drainage network;
- identify watershed and subcatchment boundaries;
- assign indices to the channel links and subcatchments;
- define channel link length and topology;
- calculate subcatchment area.


Program RASPRO

Program RASPRO (RASter PROperties) derives additional spatial landscape information and parameters from the basic rasters produced by program DEDNM.

Program RASPRO derives the following additional raster information:

- location and extent of depressions and flat surfaces in the DEM;
- elevation reclassification into user specified classes;
- alternative evaluations of raster cell slope and aspect;
- enhancement of the visualization of channel network and drainage divides;
- subcatchment aggregation;
- distance from each cell to the next channel and to the watershed outlet;
- elevation drop from each cell to the next channel and to the watershed outlet.


Program RASFOR

Program RASFOR (RASter FORmatting) is a raster reformatting utility program. It reads the unformatted raster files produced by programs DEDNM and RASPRO, and reformats this raster data into either ASCII or GIS specific file formats.

Program RASFOR can convert raster files to the following formats:

- ASCII 1-Dimensional data string;
- ASCII 2-Dimensional array format;
- IDRISI GIS format;
- ARC/INFO GIS format.


Program RASBIN

Program RASBIN (RASter to BINary network) transforms a raster based drainage network definition into a binary (2 inflows per junction) drainage network definition.

Program RASBIN performs the following specific functions:

- decomposes complex junction nodes into simple junction nodes;
- assigns channel link and subcatchment indices to the binary network;
- computes the sequence for cascade-type flow routing through the binary network;
- define channel link length and topology for the binary network;
- calculate subcatchment area for the binary network.


Program NSSTAT

Program NSSTAT (Network and Subcatchment STATistics) computes the statistics of the channel link and subcatchment properties for both the raster and binary channel network.

Program NSSTAT performs the following mean and standard deviation calculations for the entire network and for each Strahler channel order:

- number of channel links;
- length of channels and channel links;
- elevation of channels and channel links;
- slope of channels and channel links;
- direct and total drainage areas;
- drainage density;
- channel link sinuosity;
- network composition;
- subcatchment drainage areas;
- channel, right, left and source drainage areas.


Program PARAM

Program PARAM (PARAMeterization) computes representative subcatchment properties and parameters from the rasters produced by programs DEDNM and RASPRO.

Program PARAM performs the following calculations for each subcatchment in the watershed:

- length to the center of moment;
- mean flow path length;
- drainage area;
- topographic based slope alternative;
- flow path based slope alternative;
- cell path based slope alternative.


TOPAZ Organization

The TOPAZ programs are interdependent in as far as the output of one program is used as input into other programs (Figure). The exception is program DEDNM which accepts only user provided data and does not depend on input from any other program. Because of program interdependence, the sequence in which the programs are executed is important for proper TOPAZ operation.

  • Program DEDNM is always evaluated first followed by either of the three programs RASBIN, RASPRO or RASFOR.
  • If the user chooses to exercise program RASPRO, then program RASFOR should be executed after program RASPRO.
  • Program NSSTAT can only be used when program RASBIN has been executed.
  • Program PARAM execution depends on output of data from both programs DEDNM and RASPRO and cannot be executed until both program have run.
  • The arrows in the figure define the model execution sequences of the TOPAZ programs.



TOPAZ Versions

TOPAZ Version 3.12 and TOPAZ Version 1.22 are available for distribution.

TOPAZ Version 3.12

  • Release date: November 1999.
  • Same as TOPAZ Version 3.11 (see below) but with: a) a streamlined code for the treatment of flat areas that should result in faster execution times with very large DEMs; b) a modification to the Global Slope calculation for subcatchments to account for special channel/subcatchment configurations; and, c) an increased output format in the header of ARC/INFO output files.

TOPAZ Version 3.11(Superseded by Version 3.12)

  • Release date: September 1999.
  • Same as TOPAZ Version 3.10 (see below) but with revisions that address problems in output formats associated with very large DEMs.

TOPAZ Version 3.10 (Superseded by Version 3.11)

  • Release date: July 1999.
  • This TOPAZ Version 3.10 is written in the FORTRAN 90 software language.
  • Array size definition in FORTRAN90 is dynamic and is automatically assigned by the program. No user intervention is required.
  • Representative area, slope and length values for the subcatchments within a watershed are calculated.
  • Selected algorithms have been streamlined and are faster.
  • Code is available in ASCII format for user compilation and executable format for Windows 95/98.
  • The TOPAZ programs that are included in TOPAZ Version 3.10 are DEDNM, RASPRO, RASFOR, RASBIN, NSSTAT and PARAM (For explanation see TOPAZ programs and organization).
  • Overview and installation are manuals available. The user manual will be released in August-September 1999. Until that time, the user manual of TOPAZ Version 1.22 is provided as a guide for TOPAZ Version 3.10.

TOPAZ Version 1.22

  • Release date: October 1997.
  • This TOPAZ Version 1.22 is the final version that was written in the FORTRAN 77 software language.
  • Array size definition in FOTRAN77 is static and must be explicitly defined in the code before program compilation. When large array sizes are desired the user may have to manually edit the code to increase the value of the array size parameter.
  • The source code must be compiled by the user with a suitable FORTRAN77 compiler.
  • The TOPAZ programs that are included in this TOPAZ version 1.22 are DEDNM, RASPRO, RASFOR, RASBIN and NSSTAT (For explanation see TOPAZ programs and organization).
  • Overview, installation and user manuals are available.



Software Availability

The source code of software TOPAZ and manuals are available free of charge upon written request. The request should include:

  • your name
  • mailing address
  • phone with country code
  • fax with country code
  • e-mail
  • we would appreciate a brief description of your intended application of TOPAZ

Send request to:

Dr. Jurgen Garbrecht
USDA-ARS Grazinglands Research Laboratory
7207 West Cheyenne St.
El Reno, Oklahoma 73036
Fax: (405) 262-0133

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