286 MONTHLP WEATHER REVIEW. JUNE, 1903 ~ + 1.9 + 1.6 + 1). 5 - 0.1 + 0. li + 0.1 + 0.6 + 0.9 u. 0 - 1.0 - 0.2 26. North Carolina, 6, 7, 8, 17, 18, 19, 20. Oklahoma, 20, 21, 23, 24. Oregon, 1, 11, 12, 14, 16. Pennsylvania, 7, 9, 10, 13, 16, 25. South Carolina, 1, 2, 6, 9, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25. South Dakota, 6,8,10,17,18,19,20, 23,28,29,30. Tennessee, 1, 9, 11, 17, 20, 23. Texas, 6, 7, 19, 23, 24, 25. Utah, 9, 15. Vermont, 19. Virginia, 7, 12, 17, 20. Washington, 15, 16. West Virginia, 9, 11, 13, 20. Wisconsin, 18, 22. Wyoming, 3, 6, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 23, 28, 29. New Pork, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13,18, 19, 20. Ohio, 6, 6,8, 9, 22, 23. SLEET. The following are the dates on which sleet fell in the Colorado, 5, 10, 20. respective States : Missouri Valley ............. 4 9 Northern Slope ............. 4.8 Middle Slope.. .............. 5.7 Southern Slope ............. 6.2 Southeru Plateau ......... 3.0 I HUMIDITY. The relative humidity was normal in the South Atlantic and east Gulf States, and the upper Mississippi Valley; slightly below normal in the Florida Peninsula, west Gulf States, up- per Lake region, North Dakota, and the miclclle Pacific dis- trict; elsewhere it was above normal, with marked departures in the middle and southern slope, southern Plateau and north Pacific regions. The averages by districts appear in the subjoined table: Average relative humidity and departurea jrom the normal. New Enfflaud ,.:. ............ hliddle tlantic ............. South Atlantic ............... Florida Peninsula. ........... - New En land ............... Middle Pitlantic .............. South Atlantic.. ............. Florida Peninsula.. .......... East Gulf .................... West Qulf .................... Ohio Valley and Tennessee.. . Lower Lake.. ................ 7.0 6 .6 5.4 6 .1 U per Lake .................. 2 orth Dakota ................ Upper Mississippi Valley.. ... East G u l f .. .................. West Gulf. ................... Ohio Valley and Tennessee.. . Lower Lake.. ................ Upper Lake. ................ North Dakota. ............... Upper hlissiaaippi Valley.. ... 5.4 4.7 5.6 5.8 5.2 4.2 4.8 Middle Plateau ............. Northern Plateau ........... North Pacific. ............... hIiddle Pacific .............. Youth Pacific ................ ATMOSPHERIU ELECTRICITY. Numerical statistics relative to auroras and thunderstorms are given in Table rV, which shows the number of stations from which meteorological reports were received, and the number of such stations reporting thunderstorms (T) and auroras (A) in each State and on each day of the month, respectively. Thunderstornis. -Reports of 6045 thunderstorms were re- ceived during the current month as against 6406 in 1902 and 5690 during the preceding month. The dates on which the number of reports of thunderstcrms for the whole country was most numerous were: sth, 359; 9th, 316; 19th, 295; 20th, 307. Reports were most numerous from: Missouri, 329; Ohio, 283; North Carolina, 254; Florida, 250. Auroras.-The evenings on which bright moonlight must have interfered with observations of faint auroras are assumed to be the four preceding and following the date of full moon, viz: 5th to 13th. In Cunada: Thunderstorms were reported at St. John, N. B., 8, 12; St. Johns, N. I?., 28; Halifax, 25; Grand Nanan, 12, 25, 26; Yarmouth, 10, 25; Charlottetown, 27; Father Point, 10; 3.5 4 7 6.9 3.3 3.8 Quebec, 10, 11, 20; Montreal, 18, 25, 26; Kingston, 13, 24; Toronto, 9, 24; White River, 9; Port Stanley, 7, 17, 19; Parry Sound, 21; Port Arthur, 21; Winnipeg, 8, 29; Qn'Appelle, 3, 4, 18, 23; Medicine Hat, 18; Swift Current, 3, 14, 18, 30; Banff, 13, 17, 29; Battleford, 30; Barkerville, 10, 12, 25; New Westminster, 17, 20; Hamilton, Bermuda, 23. An aurora was reported from White River on the 17th. 79 78 78 75 71 74 SUNSHINE AND CLOUDINESS. The cloudiness was above the average, except in the upper Lake region and northern slope, where it was normal, and in the Florida Peninsula, North Dakota, upper Mississippi Valley, and the northern Plateau region, where it was slightly below the normal. The distribution of sunshine is graphically shown on Chart VII, and the numerical values of average daylight cloudiness, both for individual stations and by geographical districts, appear in Table I. The averages for the various clistricts, with departurea from the normal, are shown in the following table: Average cloudineso and departurea from the normal. + 6 0 - 2 0 - 3 + 4 d Districts. Northern Slope .............. Middle 810 ................ Southern , lope .............. Southern Plateau ........... Niddle Plateau. ............. Northern Platean ........... North Pacific ............... Middle Pacific ............... South Pacific. ............... 64 + 6 69 +Y 53 +13 37 +IO 41 + Y 53 + 1 71 + 8 62 - 1 GS + 3 MouutTamalpair Pal.. . North Head, Wash ..... Ita. ................ Point Reyes Light, Cal.. 110 ................. Do ................. Do. ................ 29 26 27 1 3 4 13 Do ................. Sioux City. Iowa. ....... Tatoosh Island, \Vash . . Taylor. Tex. ............ Valentine, Nehr ........ __ ESA a e;; Q s - + 0.1 0.0 + 2.0 + 1.8 + 1.1 + 0.5 + 0.8 + 0.1 + 0.5 - a4 - 30 8 7 22 23 The maximum wind velocity at each Weather Bureau station for a period of five minutes is given in Table I, which also gives the altitude of Weather Bureau anemometers above ground. Following are the velocities of 50 miles and over per hour registered during the month: bfaxiinum wind velocities. Do ................. Do ............... Stations. 27 28 19 2U 12 1 34 1 3 3 4 7 8 9 ~~ LA .a 0 .d - d - 50 56 r2 59 54 69 59 59 55 62 56 55 54 60 68 56 M 62 58 51 50 Stations, U w. U. e. ne. ow. IIW. IlW. U W . U w. nw. u w. IlW. UW. UW. UW. nw. UW. UW. UW. uw. UW. - LA 8 e .d - P - 50 b4 52 60 53 50 61 50 67 56 70 66 55 51 65 75 66 56 50 50 d f! a .- e nw. 8. uw. nw. se. nw. nw. nw. nw. nw. nw. nw. nw. nw. nw. nw. nw. e. nw. nw. DESCRIPTION OF TABLES AND CHARTS. By Mr. W. B. STOCKMAN, Forecast Official, in charge of Division of Meteorological Records. Table I gives, for about 137 Weather Bureau stations mak- ing two observations daily and for about 3 1 others making only one observation, the data ordinarily needed for climato- logical studies, viz, the monthly mean pressure, the monthly means and extremes of temperature, the average conditions as to moisture, cloudiness, movement of the wind, and the depar- JUNE, 1903. MONTHLY WE4THER REVIEW. as7 tures from normals in the case of pressure, temperature, and precipitation, the total depth of snowfall, and the mean wet- bulb temperatures. The altitudes of the instruments above ground are also given. Table 11 gives, for about 2,800 stations occupied by volun- tary and other cooperating observers, the highest maximum and the lowest minimum temperatures, the mean temperature deduced from the average of all the daily maxima and minima, or other readings, as indicated by the numeral following the name of the station, the total monthly precipitation, and the total depth in inches of any snow that may have fallen. When the spaces in the snow column are left blank it indicates that no snow has fallen, but when it is possible that there may have been snow of which no record has been macle, that fact is in- dicated by leaders, thus (. . . .). Table 111 gives, for all stations that make observations at 8 a. m. and 8 p. m., the four component directions and the resultant directions based on these two observations only and without considering the velocity of the wind. The total move- ment for the whole month, as read from the clial of the Rob- inson anemometer, is given for each station in Table I. By adding the four components for the stations comprised in any geographical diivision the average resultant direction for that &maion can be obtained. Table IV gives the total number of stations in each State from which meteorological reports of any kind have been re- ceived, and the number of such stations reporting thuncler- storms (T) and auroras (A) on each clap of the current month. Table V gives a record of rains whose intensity a t some period of the storm’s continuance equaled or exceeded the following rates: Duration, miuutes. .. . 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 46 50 60 80 100 120 Rates per bow (iun.). .. . 3.00 1.60 1.40 120 1 09 1.00 0 94 0.90 0.M 0.84 0.75 0.6U 0.54 0 50 In the northern part of the United States, especially in the colder months of the year, rains of the intensities shown in the above table seldom occur. I n all cases where no storm of sufficient intensity to entitle it to a place in the full table has occurred, the greatest rainfall of any single storm has been given, also the greatest hourly fall during that storm. Table VI gives, for about 30 stations furnished by the Cana- dian Meteorological Service, Prof. R. F. Stupart, director, the means of pressure and temperature, total precipitation ancl depth of snowfall, and the respective departures from normal values, except in the case of snowfall. Table VII gives the heights of rivers referred to zeros of gages; it is prepared by the Forecast Division. NOTES EXPIANATORY OF THE C U T S . Chart I, tracks of centers of high areas, ancl Chart 11, tracks of centers of low areas, are prepared by the Forecast Division. The roman numerals show number and chronological order of highs (Chart I) and lows (Chart 11). The figures within the circles show the days of the month; the letters a and p indi- cate, respectively, the observations a t 8 a. m. and 8 p. m.7 sev- enty-fifth meridian time. Within each circle is also given (Chart I) the highest barometric reading and (Chart 11) the lowest barometric reading a t or near the center at that time, and in both cases as reduced to sea level ancl standard gravity. The scale of shades show- ing the depth of rainfall is given on the chart itself. For isolated stations the rainfall is given in inches ancl tenths, when appreciable; otherwise, a ‘‘ trace ” is indicated by a capi- tal T, and no rain at all by 0.0. Chart IV.-Sea-level pressure and resultant surface winds. The pressures have been reduced to sea level and standard gravity by the method fully described by Prof. Frank H, Chart =I.-Total precipitation. Bigelow on pages 13-16 of the REVIEW for January, 1902. The pressures have also been further reduced to the mean of the twenty-four hours by the application of a suitable correction, to the mean of the 8 a. m. and 8 p. m. readings, a t stations taking two observations daily, and to the 8 a. m. or 8 p. m. observation, respectively, at stations taking but a single ob- servation. The diurnal corrections so applied will be found in Table 27, Volume 11, Annual Report of the Chief of Weather Bureau, 1900-1901, pp. 140-164. The isotherms on the sea-level plane have been constructed by means of the data summarizecl in chapter 8 of Professor Bigelow’s Report on the Barometry of the United States and Canada, which can be found in the Annual Report of the Chief of the Weather Bureau for 1900-1901, Volume 11. The cor- rection to -f, or temperature on the sea-level plane minus the station temperature, by Table 48 of the Barometry Report, is added to the observed surface temperature to obtain the adopted sea-level temperature. The wind directions are the computed resultants of obser- vations a t 8 a. m. and 8 p. m. daily. The resultant duration is shown by figures attached to each arrow. Chart V.-Hydrographs for seven principal rivers of the United States, prepared by the Forecast Division. Chart VI.-Surface temperatures; maximum, minimum, and mean of these. Lines of equal monthly mean temperature in red; lines of equal maximum temperature in black; and lines of equal minimum temperature (dotted) also in black. The average cloudi- ness at each Weather Bureau station is determined by numer- ous personal observations during the day. The difference between the observed cloudinesw and 100, it is assumed, repre- sents the percentage of sunshine, and the values thus obtained have been usecl in preparing Chart VII. Chart VIII. Isobars ancl isotherms a t 10,000 feet. The mean monthly station pressure for each station has been re- cluced to the 10,000-foot plane by entering Table 53, “ Reduc- tion of pressure to the sea level, the 3500 and 10,000-foot planes ” pages 789-988, Barometry Report, with the tempera- ture argument t corresponding to and correcting the station pressure by the reduction B, - B after applying the pla- teau correction, C‘. 1 0. H, and the corrections for e and J A, the argument t being the mean monthly air temperature. This reduction is fully described in Professor Bigelow’s Report on the Barometry of the United States and Canada, pages 772 to 786 of the Annual Report of the Chief of meather Bureau for 1900-1901, Volume 11. The reduction for obtaining R,may also be found by using gradients from the station pressure to the height of 10,000 feet as set forth on pages 18 and 19, of the The isotherms on the 10,000-foot plane have been computed by using the gradients for temperature for each month and station as shown by the Summary Table of Normals, Table 48, Chapter VIII, of Professor Bigelow’s Report on the Barometry of the United States and Canada. Chart IS.-Isobars and isotherms at 3500 feet. The pres- sure and temperature data entered on this chart are found by the method described for the same data on the 10,000 foot plane. Chart S.-The total snowfall. This is based on the re- ports froin regular and voluntary observers, and shows the depth of the snowfall during the month in inches. In gen- eral, the depth is shown by lines inclosing areas of equal snow- fall, but in special cases figures are also given. Cliart SI.-Depth of snow on ground a t the end of the month. When there is no snow the last two charts may be replaced by others. Chart VI1.-Percentage of sunshine. bIONTHLY li7EATHER REVIEW for January 1902. g 6 6 7 i 6 2 4 8 7 4 2 3 2 3 5 5 4 3 5 6 7 8 6 11 7 12 9 12 11 6 2 I1 14 7 3 3 8 10 11 S 9 11 8 9 10 9 5 9 3 11 12 15 15 6 13 11 10 9 14 9 11 9 3 5 8 4 2 5 10 5 7 13 8 15 10 5 8 11 10 16 11 4 16 5 12 7 14 15 5 rn m Ly d f l 2 . d a =' .a" Id 2 ; g 203 5 2 ' .g c 5 5 2 5 .4 B -%:& - 2 7.0 11 13 6.8 6 18 7.0 7 16 6.7 3 20 7.0 2 22 7.6 11 I 7 7.1 9 17 6.9 3 1 9 .... 5 18 6.8 6.6 3 23 7.6 10 18 7.2 I 20 7.6 9 19 7.7 7 20 7.5 6 19 7.4 13 12 6.0 15 11 6.2 11 16 7.0 10 15 6.5 9 15 6.8 14 9 5.3 14 8 5.3 9 15 6.5 13 6 4.7 6.4 15 8 5.4 9 9 5.0 10 11 5.5 5 13 5.3 11 8 5.3 12 12 6.4 26 2 5.5 8 11 5.6 12 4 4.2 19 4 4.9 20 7 6.1 6 . I 20 7 6.3 14 8 5.4 14 6 5.0 15 4 4.7 6.4 12 10 6.7 7 14 5.8 12 7 5.1 13 9 5.3 12 9 5.4 13 7 4.9 12 9 5.2 13 12 6.2 4.7 12 9 5.4 25 2 4.8 15 4 4.2 10 8 4.7 11 4 4.2 7 8 4.5 16 8 5.6 10 7 4.5 10 9 4.8 6 . 6 14 6 5.0 14 7 5.3 11 5 4.2 9 12 5.4 11 8 4.8 12 9 4.9 18 9 6.1 13 12 6.3 8 14 6.4 15 11 6.6 14 14 7.1 15 10 6.6 15 5 4.8 il 14 6.1 12 11 6.2 10 7 5.2 9 13 6.2 4 11 5.0 10 10 5.7 13 12 6.5 6.2 10 12 5.8 10 9 4.9 10 10 5.6 9 5 3.7 8 11 5.4 13 13 6.6 7 7 3.8 20 5 5.6 10 8 4.8 11 12 6.3 13 3 4.4 a 7 4.7 15 i n 5.6 5.8 . 27 3 3 6 3 27 3 27 3 3 31, 4 30 30 3 4 a E 2Y 30 30 30 19 30 21 30 30 21 24 21 21 21 16 I 1 24 14 18 21 19 18 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 24 18 17 20 24 21 30 30 21 30 30 30 30 31) 30 9 30 30 6 9 9 30 30 30 30 30 30 3 28 4 7 8 30 50 29 27 7 30 3n 7 a r a . i d :j 59 63 68 69 66 62 63 63 68 71 71 52 73 52 6$ 69 i n :: 74 78 i Y 73 74 80 i 4 i6 81 \2 X? s3 84 $5 86 9<5 88 85 89 SO 55 81 US h., 78 8t 83 55 s4 81 xo <3 8.3 41 62 86 85 80 751 79 .S 0 i6 i 9 75 76 75 74 76 52 IX 67 il 70 68 68 70 i l 70 66 67 68 64 68 68 68 70 i 3 68 iy 70 . 1 23 1 16 5 1 3 1 1 1 23 1 1 3 2 1 3 14 3 13 13 18 14 13 17 13 13 13 13 13 I:( 14 13 29 26 26 3 13 13 13 13 13 2 2 13 1 1 1 14 1 14 1 1s 1 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 18 1 1 1 1 1 11 13 12 12 12 12 11 12 10 15 11 12 12 11 10 13 . r( a 'a .' z 3 s 47 51 5 5 0 46 53 53 54 52 54 55 51 5Y 58 59 e 5 4 59 60 59 64 611 63 G2 54 55 60 63 (1s h4 63 67 io 65 lit; 69 70 i 4 77 77 71 63 65 70 69 66 63 ti5 i u ti4 62 64 71 63 71 65 66 65 61 59 64 61 59 61 61 57 59 57 58 58 51 51: 53 54 54 56 56 57 56 55 4s 49 52 41 49 52 47 55 5 3 52 50 76 I03 298 876 12 26 ...... 97 875 314 374 52 17 123 112 18 681 91 144 2. 293 2.255 773 11 8 376 78 48 351 IW 65 43 28 22 24 34 1. 174 370 56 5 i 3'23 375 247 51 249 457 357 20 670 54 r01 5J3 762 1. 004 397 546 969 431 822151 628 824 842 638 610 I. 940 767 335 523 597 713 762 629 625120 730153 609 612 632 668 734 638 614 8'23241 681 617 702 69 82 81 117 70 79 16 60 125115 181 43 85 11 60 10 38 106117 140 102 115 79 90 108 350 94 1(H 117168 la4 805111 119 39 48 47 51 69 117 5Y 76 11 5a 83 ti8 102 111 82 90 40 47 53 75 68 76 12 47 12 30 93 101 82 90 14 92 114 122 89 97 7Y 89 101 129 10 4s 10 53 60 67 190 216 93 99 79 96 88 96 100 112 84 93 62 74 88 121 77 84 79 94 93 100 48 53 106 111 106 I12 73 79 80 91 55 63 106 112 35 88 140 154 122 134 75 102 525114 136 72 82 164 152 160 173 190 116 123 77 84 41 50 178 206 76 91 81 102 97 113 92 I02 190 201 62 70 127 193 68 80 43 57 54 92 66 74 29 116 rO 120 40 61 274 124 142 49 86 95 116 ....... New Enyland . East rt ............ Portrnd. Me ........ Concord ............. Northfield ........... Boston .............. Nantucket .......... Block Island ........ Narra ansett ..... New daven . : ....... Mid . Aflanfic Slafea . Albany ............. Binghamton ........ New York ........... Harrisburg .......... Pbiladelphia ........ Scran'.on ............ Atlantic City ........ Ba timore ......... Washington ........ Cape Henry ......... Lynchburg .......... Norfolk ............ Richmond ........... Wytheville .......... 8 . A/lanfic Sfafrs . Asheville ........... Charlotte ............ Hatteras ............ Kittyhawk ........ Raleigh ............. Wilmington ........ Charleston .......... Columbia, 6 . C ..... Augusta ............. Savannah ........... Jacksonville ........ Florida Penimicla . Jupiter .............. Key West ........... Sand Key ........... Tampa .............. Atlanta ............. Macon .............. Pensacola ........... Mobile .............. Moot omery ........ Merifiau ........... Vicksburg ........... New Orleans ........ IVeal &kU Stales . Bhreveport .......... Fort Smith .......... Little Rock ......... Corpus Christi ...... Fort Worth ......... Galveston ........... Palestine ............ San Antonio ........ Taylor .............. Ohio 1'111 . and Ten>! . Chattanooga ..... Knoxville ........... Memphis ............ Nashville ........... Lexington .......... Louisville ........... Evansville .......... Indianapolis ........ Cincinnati .......... Columbus ........... Pittsburg ........... Elkins .............. Lourrr Lake R t y i o i r Buffalo .............. Rochester ........... Syracuse ............ hrie ................. Cleveland ........... Sandiisky ........... Toledo .............. Detroit ........... Upper Lake Reyioib . Alpena .............. Escanaba ............ Grand Haven ....... Hoiighton .......... hlarquette ........... Port Huron ......... Sault Ste . nfarie ..... Chicago ............. Milwaukee .......... Qreen Bay .......... Duluth ............. Ca ye, May . ........... E d a1dj A'fate8 . Parkersburg ........ Oswego .............. 17 .a 53.1 56 . 7 58.8 . 5.4 - 2 .a - 6.6 - 6.5 6.16 1.69 5.53 7 . 75 4.75 7 . 19 1.10 4 . 42 6.?2 7.41 + 2 . 8 - 1.8 + 2.2 + 4.6 + 1.7 + 1 . 1 - 1.7 + 2.2 + 3.7 + 4.5 57.6 5s.3 57.8 60 . 8 66.7 63.2 . 3.6 - 3 . 7 - 6.8 - 6 . 5 - 6.2 - 5 . 8 29.95 29.95 29.93 ............ . . 02 - . 02 - . 04 6.01 6.4.4 5.79 7 . $2 5.63 + 1.4 + 2 . 8 + 2 . 4 + 4.3 + 1.4 29.94 29 . Y3 29.94 29.93 29.Y3 . . 04 - . 06 - . 01 - . 05 - . 05 5.48 7.73 4.38 4.48 3 . 60 44.4 4 . 10 3 . 40 5 . i3 3.67 5.55 5.35 3.35 6.09 4.61 8 . 63 4.64 !I . 97 5.35 6.01 3.?2 6.71 4.74 2.91 5.3s 6 . 65 3.53 3 . 28 2 . 65 5 . 63 1.80 5 .n i 5.71 7 . n i 3.84 3.24 + 2.4 f 1 .2 + 1.3 + 1.0 .- 0.4 + 0.5 + 0.6 - 0.4 ...... ...... ...... + o . a + 1.5 + 0.8 - 1.2 + 1.5 + u.7 + 2 . 9 - 1.0 + 5 . 8 + 0 . 8 - 0.6 - 2.2 - 0.9 i- 0 . I - 3 . 8 + 2 . 7 - 2.1 - 3 .2 + 1.0 - 2.5 + 0 .2 - I . 4 ...... ...... - a . n 63.2 li3.2 64.2 67 . 2 68.6 r0.3 70.2 63.5 73 . 4 54 . 6 dl.8 73.4 70.2 72.0 74.2 76.5 74.2 75.0 i 7 . 0 77.9 19.5 82.2 81.0 79.2 74.7 71.4 75 .(I 75 . s 76.2 74.9 7.3 . 2 7.3 . 8 77.4 74.3 i l .4 71 . 6 77.3 73.3 111 . U i Y . P 75.8 75.0 68 . 4 7u . 8 11.8 70 . 4 67 . 7 6; . 0 28 . 8 80.3 74 .a - . 59.1 ...... - 3.6 - 4.0 - 6 . 3 - 4.5 - 5 . 4 - 4.8 ...... - 3 . 2 - 5 . 0 -4 .0 - 0.6 - 4.0 - 3.7 - 2 .5 - 2.3 - 4.8 - 3 . 8 - 2 . 3 - 2.2 + 0.5 - 0.3 - 0.8 - 4 .1 - 4 . 3 - 3 . 6 - 3 .5 ~ 4.5 - 4 . 4 - 5.4 - 2 .!I - 5.6 - 4 . 7 - 5.4 . 2 . 6 - 5 . 6 - 5.0 - 4.9 ~ 6.6 - 4.4 - 4.5 -6 .3 - 6 . 2 - 5.9 - 6.2 ...... - o . a ...... ...... - 4 .a ..... ...... 29.91 YY.94 29 . 93 29.92 29.93 29.93 29.95 29.94 29.93 29 . SII ............ . . 10 - . 07 - . 0s - . 0!I - . 08 - . 08 - . 06 - . 05 - . 08 - . i n ............ 29.94 29 . 92 2Y . 9% 2Y.90 29.Y2 . . 05 - .(IS - . 111; - . 07 - . 06 29.96 29.94 29.96 2Y.96 29.93 . . 04 - . 06 - . 01 - . 03 - . I J i 29.96 29.93 29.96 29.94 2Y.93 29.95 29.95 29.94 . . 02 . . 04 - . 01 - .os - .OB - . 05 - . 05 . . 0s 61.3 6a.4 62 . 4 60.0 62.9 ...... - 4.7 - 2 . 6 - 4.0 - 3.5 29.91 29.92 29.93 29.93 . . 06 - . 05 - . 04 - . 04 3 . 17 3 . i 9 6.32 2.57 1 . I3 2.40 0.60 2.16 2.47 1.49 1.m 1.51 1.03 0.79 3 .x i 1.72 . 0 . 6 - 0 . 1 + n . .I + 2.6 - a . o - 1.2 - 2.6 - 1.5 ...... -1 .4 - 1.0 -1 .6 - 2.2 -2 .6 - 2.6 - 3.8 MONTHLP WEATECER REKIEW . TABLE I.--(19lmatolo~l data for Wdlaer Bweuu stations. June. 1.90~7. JUNE. 1903 . z u a i 5 t I B c 0 . a 52 w 56 55 56 56 58 60 59 60 57 60 62 62 62 64 58 59 65 G!I 65 68 70 67 6S 70 70 74 75 72 64 ... ... 6n 69 68 66 70 66 64 64 72 io 66 68 63 63 fi6 64 62 60 fil 59 59 61 56 58 55 57 57 57 57 55 53 53 55 50 56 51 55 56 56 52 Elevation 01 instruments . Pressure. in incbes . Temperature of the air. in degrees Fahrenheit . Precipitation. i n inches . Wind . . R d . d e < 2: W I c 5 . 26 26 40 .>I 18 2'. 24 33 33 36 27 "9 27 36 28 10 26 31 ?2 x2 26 28 31 81 25 17 20 27 ?2 2:! 25 28 26 21 18 19 16 24 23 30 19 22 27 34 24 22 29 27 24 21 "9 17 23 26 28 31 30 23 29 2fi 27 27 24 25 37 26 30 37 26 26 34 29 20 24 31 28 24 34 32 34 2s 28 35 23 28 34 33 $3 3n . a z i .. E . 7s 79 83 43 tli 71 75 77 85 86 s4 83 96 84 84 s 2 79 8s 55 8S 91 90 85 85 85 57 92 89 91 91 92 93 YO 90 !) 1 93 94 89 93 87 91 93 92 91 93 96 92 92 90 514 84 !It 99 93 R8 87 91 si S8 87 85 s7 85 34 82 92 83 87 84 90 s4 99 8s S6 61 79 62 S4 86 84 81 90 86 86 83 a7 9a 89 sn . a 2 . . .. a B - 41 48 3Y 31 48 47 46 40 44 45 41 53 4!1 51 46 51 5.3 53 4s 57 541 54 s2 45 41 49 60 5s 50 55 53 52 59 6 2 70 69 611 66 46 51 60 59 53 51 52 6U 53 50 53 5Y 48 5 i 4s M 51 49 12 54 47 12 44 4.4 32 4.4 41; 44 47 40 49 47 42 45 4!l 4s 44 47 47 3s 37 39 35 39 46 40 4.4 42 36 40 6n 26 zs % a a 81 43 __ 29.92 29 . 86 29.66 29.0.3 29.83 29 . Y5 29.94 2Y . a3 29.84 29.01 29.61 29 . 53 29 . 82 29.09 29.88 29.94 29.79 29 . 81 29.89 29.19 29.84 29.78 27.60 27.65 29.11 29 . 93 ?J . 53 29 . x:l 29 . 90 29.56 29.73 29.87 29.83 2!t . 93 29.92 29.91 29.72 29 . 54 21, . sx 2Y . 88 29.69 29.54 29.64 29.88 29.68 29.47 29.58 29.89 29.25 2Y . 86 29.42 29.20 29 . 33 29.16 2s . 90 29.54 29.3s 38.89 29.38 29.47 29.08 29.27 29.07 29 . Q4 29 . 2s 27.93 29.10 29 . 56 29.37 29.29 29.16 29.12 29 . 26 29.26 20.15 29.30 29 . 32 29.27 29.27 29.21 29.27 29.28 29.10 29.25 29.31 29.24 ..... ..... ..... . 0 01 h a M d .e . 0 -* '2 E - ne . s . U . 8 . C . se . be . e . ne . e . e . ne . S . C . 8 8 . 8 . S . se . 4 . ne . s . W . nw . Ue . SW . SW . bW . 8w . S . sw . sw . S W . S . be . sc . ne . se . se . e . nw . 6 . SW . SW . Il . ne . ne . sw . UP . r . ow . jc . W . 5 . 6 8 . U . W . 3W . nw . nw . uw . U . 0 . U . sw . ow . n . U . BW . Je . 9 . W . 0 . ue . ne . se . e . ue . ue . nw . 0 . W . nw . uw . U . Ut.. e . ne . ne . ne . Maximnm velocity . . 6 . I5 . I f 1: 1: 1( 1: 1: 1: 1: 2: ..I 4 1- 1: 1: 11 1: 1: 1: 2( 1- 1: 1 2: 21 1: 1) If 2f 11 L 11 21 2t 8( 2I 2( < 2f ?k 2f 2: 2t 2t 15 "< 21 1:- 24 1: 2: 2 . "'i 2: I 2 . 1 t 14 I 2: 14 I t 2: 1: 14 2: 2; 2: 1: I I 2: 1; 2: 31 2: 1: 5 3( 1: 1; . 4 D a b 22 z O E . 42 40 32 32 41 28 I 2 41 26 24 24 33 20 24 2Y 26 25 36 17 26 20 28 34 22 3 7 20 "5 31 40 30 31 41 30 45 39 30 56 24 38 23 32 32 24 33 32 31 26 34 56 $2 37 44 50 47 30 36 29 30 25 30 29 26 3s 30 20 16 32 23 20 34 26 47 29 31 30 31 28 40 24 2Y 31 32 35 34 31 30 40 . i 8 5 . . c . ne . e . e . e . be . e . e . ue . 9 . .... W . W . W . I1 . 8 . U . $ . I1 . u w . n w . n w . sw . bw . U W . C . nw . sw . nw . nw . W . U . S . U . uw . .... e . ne . ne . se . se . n . W . 9w . W . UW . UW . nw . 8 . nw . nw . 0 . nw . W . I1W . nw . P . II w . w . 8 . W . W . IlW . 9w . W . nw . 9 . n . se . ne . ne . se . se . sw . Be . W . W . SW . SW . nw . IlW . sw . 11 . II w . 0 . 11 w . e . ne . nw . W . a3 87 80 75 79 91 90 R2 ;: 84 75 77 74 87 76 81 74 79 82 80 75 Y4 74 80 77 78 74 79 77 80 i 6 78 78 78 ... ... ... 76 77 71 76 74 6Y 6Y 70 82 81) 76 71 74 73 i s 75 75 69 74 52 74 72 73 R2 77 79 79 76 ... ... ... ... ... ... .. , i5 53 78 71 75 71 74 67 77 65 71 77 71 68 ... ... I 4P 48 49 52 54 54 54 54 5ti 56 56 53 59 59 ti0 59 62 56 57 61 67 62 6S 1 3 64 64 ti7 6b 72 73 70 60 66 65 w2 67 61 59 59 70 64 63 63 XI e2 61 57 56 57 55 55 hi 51 5s 52 53 M 53 53 55 4!1 49 51 45 5'2 45 50 58 52 47 60 a 10 1 7 17 1 4 I1 16 15 15 19 14 17 17 12 15 14 16 14 16 14 15 12 19 17 17 13 13 9 14 14 17 14 12 17 1 I) 18 11 11 11 13 13 9 12 11 14 9 14 11 6 11 10 9 7 11 8 9 13 12 7 10 15 10 9 10 14 13 15 11 18 12 15 13 16 16 17 16 17 Iti 7 6 9 6 11 12 7 8 7 10 i n 30.00 29.99 29.97 29 . Y7 29 . 97 29.96 29.97 + . 07 + . 04 + . 01 + . 01 + . 01 - . (Y2 . 00 7. 123 6. 365 3. 394 5. 176 6. 976 9,5.54 u. 272 ..... 6 . 034 4. is2 3. G25 6. 924 4. 463 6. 460 3. 932 5. 680 5. 2118 5. 115 4. 133 9 . 17s 2. i3i 6. PIS 3. 64s 3. 35'2 4. 5% 4. 267 9 . lias H. 919 1. 164 5. 750 i. 630 4. 920 3. Rli2 5. 214 6. 735 5. 329 7. 5!Is 4. 33s 7. 0%- 6. 559 3. 63.3 6. $56 4. iSli 3.9'24 . 3. 243 5. 358 3. W i 4.211: 3. 761 7,2.1'2 5. 415 7. 4x8 3. 9118 4. 7119 404 3. 966 4. !I51 4. 244 4. 963 3. 818 6. 106 5. 1172 I. 254 6. 385 .. 038 3. ti39 2. 838 2. 396 i. 505 5. iw 4. 693 fi. 331 5. 9Ul R . 734 5. 520 6. l i 5 7. 107 5. 705 2. 7'6 5. 651 6. 576 4s 331 5. 131 6. 6% 9. 729 6. 386 6. 179 5. 2?7 5. 928 57.5 6.1 59.4 11 6.5 61.0 I- 5.3 lX.0 . 5.0 65 . 1 - 5.4 65 . 8 I - 5.9 .. 29 . Y5 . 03 . 92 11 . oi 29.93 29.91 29.92 29.93 29.93 29.97 ... . . 07 . . 09 . . 09 . .u7 - . 08 . . 04 ... 07 - . 08 . . 07 29.94 29.93 29.94 29.94 . . 07 29.92 - . 09 29.94 - . 05 3 . 61 1 . 55 1.37 0 . 71; 6.4Y 3 . i a . 3.0 . 0.7 . 2.2 . 3.0 . 3.6 + 3.8 29.94 29.94 29.94 29.92 29.98 29.91 29.94 29.91 29.94 . . 02 . ou . . 0' + . 01 + . 06 - . 04 . 00 + . 01 + . 02 4 . 5.1 3 . 14 4 . 19 4 . 75 3.08 3 . 90 3.39 1.87 7.58 2 . 71 3.52 2.52 3 . 19 3.27 3.07 5.27 4 . 13 5.51 4.36 3.95 5.57 3.66 5 . YO 4 . .n 3 . a i ...... . 1.7 . 0.1 + 2.1 . 0.6 - 0 .t i . 0 . 7 . 2 . 8 + 3.3 . 1.5 ...... . o . a ...... - 1.5 - 1.1 - 0.4 + I. s - u . 8 70 . IJ 69 . 8 6fi . 4 67.6 66.0 65 . 8 ai . 9 . 5.1 ...... . 6 . 1 . 6.2 . 5.3 . 5.8 . 5 . 6 ...... + 0.7 + 0.4 + 2.2 + 0.4 61 . 7 61 . S 62 . 2 63 . 6 63.4 62 . 8 69.3 57.3 58.2 59.8 ...... . 5.2 . 5 . 6 . 5.4 . 6.4 . 5 . 1 .. 3.0 . 3.0 . 2.3 . 4.6 ...... + 0.6 29.94 . 04 29 . !I3 11 . 05 29.94 . . 04 29.94 - . 03 2Y . 94 - . 0.3 . 00 . . 01 + . (16 + . 04 29.96 29.98 29.95 58 . 5 56.4 60 . 2 57 . 5 61.2 ...... . 2.6 . 3.9 . 2 . 7 . 5.5 + ;0u . . 01 . . cr2 + . 02 + . 0.3 + . 0.3 + . 08 61.5 62.2 59.0 . 1 . n + 1.2 ~ 4 . 5 JUNE, 1903. w m :G $ $7 5" $1 Q H 935 1,674 1,875 .... a37 714 606 861 698 614 356 64.4 534 567 784 Yti3 1,324 .... 1,189 L (598 1,135 I, 572 1,306 1,233 1,505 ! 371 !,965 1,234 ;,os3 i,3i2 !.E21 i.291 L,685 1:110 ,398 !,5n~ ,868 ,214 ,738 1,676 /,762 ,013 i,907 ,108 141 1,910 1,720 1,344 i.479 I, 366 1,608 !, r39 757 1,492 ,000 211 259 13 213 86 1.54 618 6'2 332 69 155 490 30 330 338 S i 201 30 11 57 82 1,?71 ,929 1,375 MONTHLY WE,THER REVIEW. TAB^ I.--clinratobgieal data 3or Wther Bwmu stotiona, June, IgOS-~ntlnued. kT :{ :: 5 ; 2; 54 16 14 99 71 71 84 100 63 S7 R2 75 111 11 74 98 81 75 105115 47 96 43 56 42 46 42 88 45 46 56 26 43 79 80 $2 74 79 45 10 10 47 12 50 16 51 82 59 10 105 43 53 61 52 46 101 65 11 12 114 113 7 68 56 62 11 50 106 161 7 9 67 116 94 46 5 i 6 87 48 io2 44 289 - I 4 17 17 !!I 6 15' 30 30 30 30 30 30 3lJ 3 0 30 30 4 0 31) 30 30 28 30 I 7 17 !9 li I 7 I 7 I1 !8 2s !X I X ?8 29 30 !!I !!J I9 24 !9 39 ?5 39 3s !8 1s 27 !7 35 !4 !9 4 15 I1 !7 I1 4 7 7 s 4 8 7 7 6 ti 7 7 6 6 6 !i 6 5 !I; . !l I !5 6 - *' t a B 9 g 9 * z - 56 56 51 57 60 59 5s ti0 ti4 60 6 1 61 1;1 59 ti1 86 58 5 i 5.5 172 50 51 55 49 50 58 %2 54 61 59 61 62 ti4 5s 57 49 46 59 ti4 S2 4% 51 4 i 54 55 52 55 54 .53 5!1 53 5.5 51 56 55 52 50 1; 1 5!1 53 ... ... ... .. . ... 64 5!1 S!l 54 ... ... ... 7G a a .I I , 709 6, nno 4, h45 5,916 2, I67 4.6R4 5,Wi 4,537 7,624 7,220 4,251 3,691 4,036 6,393 ..... 4, 752 6,190 x, 060 4,779 3,8":3 3,463 2, 326 3, 8(J8 5,464 5, 106 4, (J6" 1,393 4,637 3, 722 6,925 3,227 3,641) 2 ,t i S i 5,000 7,003 6,521 0,725 2,374 4, 79s 4, w3 3,933 4,126 4,6S1 3,613 ..... ...... 5,248 ,, h24 29.99 +'.'05 30.01 .-.I + .OR 29.96 29.96 29.95 + .O 1 + .01 .w + .01 + .os + . 03 2. 13 2. 59 5. i l 2.16 2. :i5 a. 95 - 2.3 - 0. x + 0.6 - 1 .4 - 2. 7 - 2. 6 - I). 5 + 0.1 - 1. 6 29.96 9. :Is 3n. on 2Y. 94 2!4. 96 31). (IU 29.98 3(J, !I O 3u. 00 29.98 29.92 2Y. Y7 29.95 29.96 29.98 29.97 30.01 + .07 + .l 0 + .l o + .ll + .12 + .ll + .13 + .oi + .09 + .0li + .I1 + .I 4 + .I 2 + .15 + .I 5 + .14 + .09 + .13 + .09 + .04 + .O i + .10 + .05 + .os + .05 + .01 - .U' + .04 + .04 + .O1 + .01 . 00 + .04 - 4. 4 - 2.0 + 1.8 - 1.3 - 1.n 28.99 2 9 .9 i 29. !I!4 30. no 29.95 :w. no 1.26 1.15 3. 36 3.87 2. R3 1.41 2. 50 3. 87 1.88 0. IS 0. MJ 0.02 0. 68 T. - 3. 7 - 1. 6 + 0.2 + 0.6 - 0.2 + -. 1 + 2.9 + 1.5 + (1. 1 0. 0 + 0 .1 - 0.4 + $1 n. I) 29.95 29. 05 2!4. $0 29.89 29. s:3 29. 75 29.73 29.82 29.90 29.89 2Y. 83 29. 85 29.87 29.96 f .01 29.91 .00 29.93 - .01 29.91 29.97 29.94 30.04 30. U l 30.04 3u. 02 311. 03 30.01 30.02 + .04 + .03 - .U2 + .os - .02 t .04 - .01 .oo - .03 - .01 29. 8.5 29.91 29. 90 2!1. 96 . 00 + .O 1 - .oz + .01 .. ..!... 15 I...l 12 ...!... 3 4.3 a 5 21 4 5.5 26 15 11) 5 4.2 '0TE.-The data at stations having no departures are #t used in computing the district averages. * fore than one da ago . Stations . Alabapno . Annistou ................. Ashville .................. Benton ........................ Bermuda ................. Bridgeport ..................... Burkeville ..................... Calera ......................... Camphill ................ Citronelle ............... Clanton .................. Cordova ................. Daphne .................. Decatur .................. Demopolis ...................... Dothan ................... Eufaula ................. Eutaw ................... Evergreeu ............... Flomatoo ............... Florence a ...................... Florence b ................ Fort Deposit ............. Gadsden ................. Goodwater ............... Greensboro ............... Greeoville ...................... Hale mille .............. Hameton ................. Helena. ........................ Letohatchie .................... Livin ston .............. Madison Station.. ........ Maplegrove .............. Marion .................. Milstead ....................... Newbern ................. Notasulga ...................... Oneonto ................. Opelika .................. Ozark .................... Prattville ................ Pushmataha .............. Riverton ................. Scottsboro ............... Selma .................... Talladega ................ Highland Home .......... Lockko.4 .. : ............ MON!PHLY WElLLTHlER REVIEW . ~ .- s 0 89 90 98 92 94 91 93 94 95 95 93 95l 95 94 91 94 93 92 93 92 92 93 94 93 98 95 97 98 8s 94 96 95 94 94 94 97 95 JUNE. 1903 Arizona.Cont'd . Superstition ................... TABU II.-tXnuat~bgiccrZ ncOra'of rrolulrtaoy and other coopcrating observers, June. 1903 . 0 Defta*s .................. Drytown ................. Dunoigan*6 .............. Durham .................. East Brother L . H .............. 104 106 106 107 Blauchard ................ Briukley ................. Camden n ................. Camden b ................ Couway .................. Coruiug ................. Dallas ..... Dardan ....... De Queeu ................ Dudd City ............... Dutton .................... Elou ..................... Tuscumbia ............... Tuskegee ................. Union Spriugs ............ Uniontowu ............... Valleyhead ............... Verbena ........................ Wetumpka ............. Alaska . Killisnoo ........ : ........ Sitka ..................... Skagway ................. Arizona . Agna Caliente ............ Allaire Ranch .................. Arizona Canal Co's Dam .. Ashfork .................. Aztec .................... Benson .................. Bishee .............. 90 94 93 94 92 94 72 77 82 114 109 99 114 108 Oakland ................. Ogilhv 8 6 ................. Ontaiio ................. Orlaud ................... 9Y 118 99 102 Orleans ................. Oroville (near) ........... Palermo .................. Payo Robles .............. Peachland* 5 ............. Piedras Blancas L . H Pigeon Point L . H ............ Pine Crest ................ Placerville ............... Point Ann Niievo L . H Poiut Arena L . H ............. Point Bonita L . H ............. Point Conception L . H Point Fermin L . H Point George L . H ............ Poiut Hoeneme L . H .......... 109 10s 107 106 102 .......... 8s 98 ........ ........ .......... Fort Huacbuca .......... Gilabend ............... Greaterville .............. Jerome .................. K i n p a n ................. Maricopa ............... Mesa .................. Mesa (near) ............. nlohawkSurnmit*l ...... Natural Bridge ................. Nogales .................. Oracle .................... Oro .......................... Parker ................... Phoenix .................. Pinal Ranch ................. Prescott .................. San Carlos ................ San Simon ............... &ntinel*l ............... Signal ................... 99 110 94 100 105 113 114 113 118 103 97 120 114 96 111' 102 113 117 Bodie .................... Bowman ................. Branscomb ............... Caliente* 1 ............... Canipbell ................. Campo .................... Ca e Mendociuo L H Ceiarville ...... .I .... : : Chico ................... Cisco *I C'laremout ................ Cloverdale ................ Cornin *I ................ Coronaio ................. Crescent City ............ COIllBa ................... . Poiut Lobos .............. Puiut Lorna L . H .............. Point b~outara L . I1 .......... Poiut Pinos L . H .............. 87 (;lriiuEy ................... Redlan s ................ Reedley .................. Represa .................. Heddinf ................. 90 102 99 107 100 Temperature . 1 (Fahrenheit.) Temperature . (Fahrenheit.) Temperature . I (Fahrenheit.) Precipita- tion . . d B E . 0 70.2 71.1 75 . 5 .... .... .... .... 73.4 76.2 72.0 73.2 76.8 72 . 2 77.4 75.3 76.3 75 . X 75 . li 7u . 5 74.6 72.4 73.3 73.4 72.1 70 . Y 7 4 2 73.6 73 . 7 72.6 71 . 6 74 . 8 75.2 70.4 73.8 i6.2 73 . 5 74 . 2 69.6 71.4 75 . 7 73.3 76.0 71.8 71.6 75.0 75 . 5 7.3 . 8 70 . 3 75.3 53 . 6 52.8 57.6 85.8 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 82.9 66 . 6 77 . 7 73.8 77.3 76 . 7 82 . 4 78 . 8 io . 8 60.2 79.5 84.0 71 . 0 76.4 90.3 86.0 84.4 84.0 92 . 5 75 . 2 77.8 $8 . 0 83.6 63.8 74.9 93.2 83.4 .... .... .... .... .... .... . . $ s . 0 ..... 68.0 76.4 80 . 4 73.0 61.0 65.4 .... .... 67 . 8 69 . 8 i ? . 2 70.8 69 . !I 72.0 70.3 74 . 2 72.2 68 . S i o . 7 74.8 68.6 71 . S 67 . 8 65.0 74 . 8 6S . 7 72.3 70 . 2 69.5 72.6 70.6 68 . 4 71.8 72 . 0 64 . 8 70 . 5 68 . 6 68 . 6' 72 . 5 70.4 68.0 70.6 70.6 71.2 72.0 69.6 66.4 75 . 3 72.6 69.9 72.9 71.9 66 . 4 71.6 70.2 73.0 73.6 70 . 6 68.4 71.5 65.5 66.0 75.7 i o . 0 94.0 77.3 77.2 62 . 9 69 . 0 52.2 49.9 63 . 2 61.2 86.0 63.0 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... 63.8 75.0 64.3 66.0 73.0 i 4 .4 77.3 65 . 8 57.7 l- ~ d d . 0 .... 59.7 77 . 6 71.5 70 . 6 74.7 68.4 73.4 73 . 6 72.0 65.0 76.5 5s . U 69.2 B6.0 66.2 79.0 i o . 0 I55 . 2 61.6 Y3.6 91.1 68.8 71.5 70.4 70 . 5 65.9 64 . 8 70 . 1 58.8 78 . i 61 .t i 68.2 71.4 66.2 87 . 8 74 . 5 59.9 SO . 1 i o . 3 73.7 i5.6 76.2 65.8 66.8 66.6 91.6 65 . 0 73.2 75.8 64 . 3 67.2 69 . 7 ti4 . 1 95.6 71.0 71 . 8 75.4 73.6 68.1 68 . 'L .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 71.9 .... .... 64.0 66.3 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 56.8 .... .... .... .... iti . 0 63.6 76 . 1 70 . 9 80.6 73.2 .... . ; .. El 2 . 0 ..... 42 52 57 45 c2 30 ..... ..... 45 49 51 48 48 4!4 48 w2 49 53 4 Y 51 44 $2 4 9 45 $2 50 45 49 46 47 51 46 $2 47 4Y 45 45 47 451 50 43 40 46 4s 49 43 43 52 47, 43 51 37 42 45 47 51 47 52 44 48 43 40 43 47 70 47 43 42 4s 24 14 40 33 64 34 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 4n ..... ..... ..... ..... 37 4i .P2 40 44 49 50 56 35 . $ . . a 5 . 0 .... 39 53 42 46 45 46 42 38 46 57 42 M 37 211 40 36 38 66 72 50 60 41 40 32 41 49 32 46 35 43 46 42 62 49 37 48 42 ... 4n .... .... 3x .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 45 52 42 37 42 42 73 35 44 42 46 37 39 47 75 47 50 42 49 44 36 49 .... .... .... .... 49 3s .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 48 .... .... .... .... 45 34 51 42 53 50 ... . .. a s . 0 4.4 44 54 ... ... ... ... 51 55 51 46 5s 47 55 54 51' 54 54 44 52 47 48 50 48 45 52 52 46 45 43 50 49 45 49 52 48 50 42 42 52 48 51 48 49 51 52 48 40 50 38 36 33 51 60 33 50 51 46 61 63 53 42 34 57 59 51 56 56 61 61 55 76 47 55 61 57 39 50 78 53 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... P * . 1 . 9: 4 a .. Ins . 2.89 2.88 5.25 3.99 4 08 5 . 15 3 . 8fi 6.38 6 . 37 5 . 54 2.87 2 . 07 2 . 1!1 5 . 24 7.30 2.66 4 . 35 6.80 9.70 9 . 70 Y . 31 5.50 4 . 6s 4 . 90 5.84 3.37 3.30 4.76 3 . 25 5 . 75 4 . 94 9.17 2 . 05 2 . i 8 5.34 4 . 98 6 . 17 5.69 3.29 5.31 6 . 78 5.02 3.68 3 .7 i 7 . 78 3.88 ti . 85 2 . 70 5 . !I9 4 . 87 4.95 5 . 10 7.60 3 . 92 6 . 72 5.36 0.75 0 . 90 0.56 0.00 0.33 0.34 n . s i 2.23 ..... n . 00 0.65 0.60 0.00 0.00 T . 0.34 1.08 4.67 0.43 0.00 1.81 0.40 0.27 0.10 0.24 U . 18 0.00 1 .2 i 0.64 0.31 2 . 40 0 . 00 0 . 20 0.41 0.96 0.46 0 . 80 0.00 0.02 ..... 1712 . IIIJ . 0.61 1.94 0.60 0.22 0.08 0.06 0.59 0 . l b 3.34 2.78 a . ti1 3 . 40 2 . w 1 . 6U 4.04 1 . 60 :i 21 3 . 52 0 . 45 1 . 9x 1.25 U.60 2 . 86 2.55 4.55 2.24 4 . 79 .1 . 06 1.91 1.76 2 . 74 2.10 1 . 53 2.30 2.114 2.00 1 . .w 1.69 .. 35 2.26 4.93 1.52 0 . 97 4 . 00 0.67 0 . 74 1.01 1.82 2.86 2.28 1 .no 5.50 3.52 1 . s9 2.11 2.91 8.01 2.22 1.39 1.74 1 . 72 2.90 3 . 13 2.44 1.30 3 . 18 5 . i S ..... ..... 7 . aq 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.00 T . 0.36 T . (I . 20 T . 0.31 0.40 0.24 0.02 0 . I x ) T . 0.30 1 .i s 0.00 0.00 0 2:! T . T . 0.00 0.19 'r . fib8 . Cbl+mia-Cont'd . O Crescent City L . H ............. Cuvamaca ............... 82 InS . 0.64 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.20 0. uo 0.05 T . T . 0.0 0.00 0.05 0.01 0.92 0.09 0.00 0.03 0.00 0. GI 0.00 T . 0.00 0.89 0.09 T . 0.00 0.06 0.00 T . 0.00 0.00 0.00 T . 0.15 T . 0.25 0.00 0.10 T . 0.00 0.00 0.00 T . 0.00 0.00 T . 0.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 T . 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.32 0.96 T . 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0 . 15 T . 0.00 0.00 T . 0.57 0.04 0.04 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 T . 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 T . 0.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.92 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 Elcajon .................. 89 Elmdale ................. I 108 88 90 96 93 YY 94 !I3 li 98 S8 93 95 51 94 90 $9 !I4 91 94 93 92 95 94 90 96 94 w 92 87 !I5 9s 93 Y i :E 93 94 95 95 8Y 94 94 94 96 96 $8 96 92 97 99 88 9' 96 S6 S i 108 96 113 108 110 101 98 57 84 88 100 1 u" 10" .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... 94 llJ6 79 103 110 103 106 75 80 hlare Island L . H ........ Milton (near) .... Puiut Sur L . H ................ Portersille ............... 107 Powav ......................... JUNE, 1903. Cblijmicr-Cont'd. Riovista .................. Riverside ............... Roe Island L. H. .............. Rohnerville ................. Roeewood ................ Sacramenta .............. Balinae ................... Salton .................... San Bernardino .......... San Jacinto .............. tlan Jose ................. San Leandro ............. San Luis L. H. ................ Yan Mateo 1 ............. San Mi iel* 1 ............ Santa &barn. ........... Santa Barbara L. H ........... Santa Clara.. .................. Banta Clara College. ...... Santa Cruz .............. Santa Cmz L. H.. ............. Santa Maria. ............. Santa Monica.. ........... Banta Paula. ............. Santa Rosa.. ............. Shaeta. ................... Sierra Madre.. ........... Sisson .................... Sonoma ....................... S E. Farallone L. H ....... Stockton ................. Storey .................... Rummerdale .............. Susanville ............... Tehama* 1. ............... Trinidad L. I3 ............ Trockee*1 ............... Tulare c .. ................ Tustin ................... Ukiah ................... Upland.. ................. Upperlake ................ Upper Mattole*l.. ....... Vacaville* 1 .............. Ventura. ................. Visalia ................... Volcano Springs.. ....... Waeco .................... Wheatland ....... Williams * 1 ....... Tejon Ranch ............. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. O 104 96 10: 9F 97 12C 101 1oU 100 101 1W IO? K5 106 100 91 75 87 107 106 49 99 103 107 85 90 105 100 10s 84 107 94 101 94 109 81 107 120 107 104 lUli 1 O? 104 Zenia .......... ... Cblorado. Alford ................... Antelope Springa.. ....... Ashcroft ................ Blaine.. .................. Boulder .................. Borelder ...................... Breckenridge ............ Buenavista .................... Cast erock. ............... C a y o n .................. .... 98 89 X5 79 99 88 78 95 90 Clearview ................ Colorado Springs.. ....... Collbran ....... ... Durango ................. Fort Collins .............. Fort Morgan ............. Fruita ................... Garnett .................. FOX. ..................... i R 92 91 82 92 'J2 !I5 98 87 Greeley ................. Grover ........................ Gunnison ................ Hampe.. ................. Hoehne .................. Holly .................... Husted ................... Lake Moraine.. .......... Lamar ................... Laporte .................. Las Aniluna. ............ Lay ...................... Leadville (near) ......... Leroy ................... Longs Peak .............. Mancos.. ................. Meeker.. ................. !I5 86 Quincy.. ................. Kockwell. ................ St. Andrews ............. St. Augustine ............ 9k 99 92 95 TABLE II.-cOimatolo~l recurd of voluntary and other a p f f a t h g obtnmmeContinued. Precipita- 1) tion. Temperature. 1 (Fahrenheit.) Temperature. 1 (Fahrenheit.) P r e c i p i b tion. Temperature. (Fahrenheit. ) l- ~ d I z - 0 71.4 68.8 .... .... 75. 2 70. li 61.3 94.2 70.6 71. 8 65. 6 63.8 69. 9 74.0 63.4 .... .... .... 63.4 61. 9 63. 7 GI. 8 70.0 65.8 i7.4 67.2 65.8 .... .... .... io. 7 61. 2 62. 7 81. 6 75.2 55.3 76.6 73.0 6h. ? 67. X 67.5 56.8 74.4 64.2 75. 6 8% 5 77.6 ;a. 7 83.0 67.8 75.8 74. n .... .... 6n. 6 56. 6 52.9 49.8 fi6.2 61. '2 47. 8 62. 1 5% 6 64. 8 57.8 47.3 57.8 62. 7 61.7 59.3 62. 1 62. 0 68. 5 56. 6' 57.6 61.0 ti2 1 55.0 59.0 59.8 66. 1 56. 2 4.4. 1; 66.3 G4. 4 56. 7 61. ? 47. 6 5*. 8 58.7 .... .... 62. n .... .... .... .... ~ a .d 2 4 - 0 91 91 89 93 95 95 98 94 ... 90 96 96 89 Y6 90 94 92 92 93 R7 101 9s 91 86 96 92 98 9.4 99 92 92 92 96 96 93 96 89 91 93 91 Y 1 92 96 94 99 S9 91 97 9.3 94 $E !I6 !I6 91 96 94 ... ... ... ... ... 94 94 97 96 87 93 95 95 95 93 89 95 90 94 93 91 95 97 88 YY 89 !IO 90 !I4 \3 !Ili \.i w 88 Y9 86 !IO 76 90 ... - d I 2 - 0 77.0 77.8 76. 1 78.7 78. 1 78. 2 78. 4 77. 3 72.0 77.6 77.4 70.0 77.4 72.6 77.3 72.3 74.6 67. 4 76.8 77.6 i 2 . 6 fi8.0 76.7 69.3 78. 1 76.4 78.2 73. 4 73.0 72.9 77.2 74.2 78.2 71). 4 71. 1 73.8 72.6 73.4 75.2 76.6 78.0 71.5 75. 6 76.4 76.2 76.6 74. 1 77.2 i4.8 74.4 78. 6 73.0 72.8 75. 8 76.0 7s. x 69.2 72.2 7s. 4 77.0 75.3 73.3 69.8 77.6 71.0 76. 0 77.2 73.4 78.0 79.0 74.4 75.8 83. fi 64. 6 66.0 70.4 59. fi 64 6 5s. 4 60.5 59.0 i6.0 I;?. 6 63.6 52.8 64.1 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... - a B .- 2 a - 0 45 46 .... .... 42 48 40 62 40 46 40 43 58 49 47 .... ... ... 3 i 36 43 48 611 37 45 50 35 ... ... ... 43 42 38 33 56 49 34 48 64 39 46 38 41 54 48 46 59 -15 48 5x 4? 4s 35 31 26 28 35 39 22 37 34 3? 36 27 37 41 40 37 36 30 45 331 35 36 36 31 32 33 40 35 25 39 34 23 34 19 38 33 ... ... ... ... 40 ... .... .... .... - B c d a ". 25 ddm El .I d - Ifla. T. 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.03 T. 0. 00 0.00 0.00 T. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0. cr2 0.00 0.00 0. (IO 0. IJO 0.00 0.00 0.03 T. 0. 19 0. 33 T. 0. uo 0. 00 0. w 0.29 0. 32 T. T. 0.67 0. Y8 0.00 0.00 T . T. 0. 88 T. 0. 1J5 0.00 0.00 T. 0.00 0. O? T. 0.00 0. 79 3.30 1.37 3.53 1.68 1.87 4.04 2.06 0. so 3.66 3.25 0. 16 3. 14 2. 63 fi. 60 5. 10 1.93 2. o2 2.23 2.85 2. 71 1.16 2.15 1.43 5.43 1 .3 i 1.76 1.71 2.21 3.73 4.2s 6.51 4.07 6. 10 4.35 a. 03 2. Si 0. ?3 1. 62 1.0; 3. ?7 1.51 0.68 0. nu n. 00 0. on 0. on ~- g .* .- E - 2: 3( 41 3: 3: 3: 2 3 3: 3t 2! 4:. 8: :if .... ... ... ... 3" 2; 28 3; ... 44 35 -10 44 36 47 3s 40 38 43 35 87 41 ... ... ... ... ... ... 46 46 4s 511 54 54 47 6ii 65 68 60 59 66 55 61 67 63 61 66 66 63 65 64 61 61; 6 2 lj5 fi3 61) fi3 58 51i 56 e:! 64 70 57 70 67 55 54 6" 6? FI I 5i 55 62 5s 60 62 54 ... - E - 0 51.4 66.6 64. 5 65.3 65. 7 50.9 58.2 si. 4 95.0 54. 3 64.4 52.0 li0. 6 .... .... .... .... .... 59.2 55.6 47.0 64.0 .... 6?. 1 58. 1 5'J. 2 60. 8 G2.0 60.3 GO. 0 w2. 5 60.6 59. 0 59. 8 61. 1 62. 0 .... .... .... .... .... .... 67. !I 66.5 65. I 6fi. 6 67. 7 64. 2 67. 1; 77.9 m. 5 *?. 4 11.2 77.6 8U. 8 75.8 79.4 80.8 78.5 77.4 r9. 2 un. 3 18. 2 A I . 4 7!1. 8 78.0 79. 2 77.9 77. 7 is. 4 74. 4 w. 0 79. 0 S1.6 76.4 79.4 SII. 2 77. 5 ,I,. 2 76. 2 79.1) 81.0 ?: ; 77. n ". ..... ..... 77. 8 77. 2 SI. 6 78. 8 7i. 4 78. 2 77. 4 a 3 - 0 :$ 9 8 2 a .LI ~ Ins. 3. 25 0. 68 1. PO 2. 77 0. rn 3. 94 0.58 4.81 2. 68 2.47 1.92 !I. 25 I). s3 3. 4s .i. 4s 1. !I4 2. 35 2. 34 ?.!I1 i. 01 3. os 1.55 2. 10 8.48 11.69 s. 40 IO. 01 l1.0:1 11). 34 5.G5 1.33 10. 54 I?. 10 9.05 9. 24 6. S.3 11.43 11.25 !I. 74 9.79 2. 66 4. 93 2. !I7 3. 93 3. 4G 2.44 4.04 5.11 4.39 8. "5 5.63 IO. 3 X IN 20 8.27 8.15 $1. 55 7. w 4.61 7. 98 4.03 IO 45 4. !13 5. 71 6. 9s $1. 51 3. n6 6. 51 11). 12 7. 1'3 5.57 4. 72 1. 64 4. 77 5. 57 5.96 3. 73 IO. 48 5. 64 5. .50 i. 64 P. 0'2 7. m I . 115 S. 01) 6. 27 14.54 5. 13 3.40 5. .w 2.31 ..... 6.04 ...... ...... - a 2 2 3 - 0 6( 61 5s 64 63 57 56 60 ... 46 68 57 48 53 46 57 46 47 43 61 M 47 44 63 41 55 51 53 54 47 47 5s 47 55 45 44 47 46 52 51 55 45 52 51 52 55 50 51) 48 62 55 47 ... ... ... ... ... 14 ... ... ... 45 53 51 54 42 44 59 $2 90 49 443 5s 45 57 54 J!I 5s Sk 52 50 37 37 38 44 311 40 31 36 2s 53 42 36 30 40 ... ~ a 3 8 . - at 9 8 d El .d - IM. 3.59 4.51 IO. 01 5.46 9.89 9.25 8. 10 4.45 6.18 4.84 2.62 7.59 8. 51 6. 15 4.12 3.61 7. 17 3.63 6. 12 4.02 7.99 I I . 14 5.03 5.46 4.32 IO. 05 3. i o 11.67 4.62 6.51 3.39 6.56 6.76 7.65 2.27 8.59 8.36 5. 16 3.72 6. a3 6.44 5.26 4.81 3.96 IO. 20 6. 72 3.19 6. jS 4. 72 3.20 3.93 !I. 56 8.43 5.25 5. 31 5. 67 3. 78 6.46 5.09 8.69 6.20 11.16 7. 98 6.01 7.82 5. 46 4. 83 5. l? 7. 29 9.31 5. 10 5. 80 4.43 7. 67 5.72 6. 92 6.59 7.95 5.4.4 9.27 4.76 0. 32 0.06 0. 68 2.47 0.51 0. 77 0. 71 0. 79 3. R6 0.46 1.20 3.33 5. n5 n. 59 .... Stations. a z ." n E d I Vilas ....... Stouthirigton ........ South Manchester.. . Storrs ................... Voluntoan ............... Seaford. .................. Uislrid qf filrcnibin. Distrihiiting Reserroir* 6 . Receivjpg Reservoir * 6 ... Florida. Archer ................... Avon Park ............... West Washington ........ Ins. Im. FPmidn-Cont'd. Sumner .................. Switzerland ............. Tallahaesee.. ............. Tarpon Springs.. ........ Titusville ................ Waokeenah Waosau .................. Wewahitchka ............ Georgia. Ahberille ............... Adairsville.. ......... Albany.. ............. Allapaha ................. A I ph aret t a ............... Americus ................ At.hens.. ................. Baiubridge ............... Blakelj .................. Eastman ................. Eatonton.. .............. Elberton ................. Experiment .............. Fitzgerald. ............... ............ ............... ............ .................. ville.. ........... Newnan ................. Oakdale ................. Oak field. ................. Point Peter .............. Poulan ................... Putnam .................. Quitman ...... Ramsey ........ Resaca ................... Toccoa .............. Valona ................... YU 91 85 88 h4 XI1 85 93 95 Y2 !I3 92 97 !I4 95 9 i 95 90 93 90 99 92' 9.1 $13 97 98 !I2 95 S8 91 $13 96 95 $17 92 !45 Y2 !E 94 94 95 !I1 Y8 Willits ................... Willow.. ................. Yerba Boena L. H.. ....... Bartow .................. Bonifay ................. Carrabelle ................ Clermont ................ De Funiak Springs.. ..... Deland .................. Eoetis ................... Federal Point.. .......... Fernandina .............. Flamingo ................ Fort Mea e .......... Fort Myers.. ............ Fort Pierce.. ............. Gainesville ............. Grasmere ................ Huntington ............. Hypoliixo ................ Inveruess ................ Fort Geor$e*t::. ........ 3.2 Jasper. ................... Gissiiumee ............... Lake City ....... Macclenny ...... hladisou ................. Malabar. ................. blauatee. ................. Merritt Island. Miami ................... hliddlehurg .............. hldiuo ................... Ocala ......... Pinemount.. ......... Vidalia. .................. Washington. ............. Waverly .................. Gilmau ...................... Gleneyre ................. 93 Glenwood Springs.. ...... 91 Waycross ................ Wayneshoro ............. Westpoint ............... Iddnho. 92 99 $19 92' i4 101 YY $10 92 76 87 90 .... .... root ................ Burnside.. ............... Camhridge ............... Che~terfield .............. Dickey ................... Foruey .................. Garuet ................... Graugeville .............. Idaho Citv ............... Lake ...................... Lakeview ................ 6.0 St. Leo ................... $15 Stephensville.. .......... .I MOXCHLY WEATHER IUXlEW. TAB&= II.-t3imutob~ reaord of votunrtary and other aooperating obameraContinued. Idaho-Cont'd. Lost River ............... Meadows ....... Murray .................. Oakley ................... Ola.. ..................... Pollock. .................. Porthill ......... .: ....... Priest River.. ............ Riddle ................... Roosevelt ................ St. Maries. ............... Silver City ............... Soldier.. ................. Vernon .................. Weston .................. Illinois. Albion ................... Aledo .................... Alexander ............... Antioch .................. Ashton.. ................. Astoria. .................. Aurora.. ................. Beardstown ................ Benton.. ............. Blooolington ......... Bushnell ................. Camhrid e ............... Carlinvife ............... Centralia. ................ Charleston ............... Chester .................... Chicago Heights ........... Cisne .................... Coatsburg ................ Cobden. .................. Danville ................. Decatitr .................. Dixon.. .................. Effin ham ............. EquaYity .: 1:. ............ Fandon .................. Flora.. ................... Friendgrove ............. Galva .................... Grafton .................... Grcenville. ............... Qri gsville ............... Hafiway ....... Halliday ....... H a ~a n a .............. Henr .............. Hil1sZo;o:::. ............. Hoopeston ............... Joliet .................... Kishwaukee ............. Knoxville.. .............. La range' ............... La%ar Lanark. m : ~. ............ Dwight.. ................. ......... Illinois-Cont'd. Tiskilwa ................. Toscola .................. Urbana.. ................. Walnut .................. Winchester .............. Winnebago.. ............. Yorkville ................ Zion.. .................... Itidinnn. Anderson ................ II -4neola.. ................ C a r r d i ................... Cedar Rapids. ........... Chariton ................. Charles City.. ............ Chester .................. Clarinda ................. Clearlake ................. Clinton .................. College Springs .......... Columbus Junction ...... 90 96 90 81; 85 03 !I5 94 91 51 6 . 8 i6. 3 i7. 4 15. 6 i i . 0 i5. 7 iQ.2 i4.4 i6.4 .... .... i3. 2 3 .2 il. 4 3. 9 i3.4 i2. 6 i4.0 i2. Y $1. S' i3. 6 i l . 8 j 3 .V 53.8 3 .4 El. 1 i5.3 53. 6 ..... ..... 64. M 65. ti 62.8 65. ?e 64.8 62.2 1;2. M 64. Y 64.6 65.4 64. 8 64. 5 65.3 65.4 62.7 64. 1 ..... ..... ..... Curniiig .................. Cor) don ................. Cvoncil Bluffs. ........... ll Cumberland.. ................ 6:4 88 91 ........ 1,esuto ................... I ~U W S .. ................... Earlham ................. Elliader .................. Estherville ............... 49 88 $8 90 86 Holland ................. Huntingtun ............. Jeffersonrille .............. Kokomo.. ................ Lafayette ................ Laporte .................. Logansport. .............. Madison (I.. .............. Madison b ................... ... Forest City .......... .......... Fort Dodge Fort Madisun ............ ............... Cialva 115 X i ti9 ..... ..... ...... ..... Hamptun ................. Haulontuwn ............ Harlan.. ................. Hopeville ................ Humboldt.. .............. 88 SS 91 99 SY Marengo ................. Marion .................. Narkle ................... Moores Hill. ............. Mount Vernon .......... NorthEeld ................ Paoli .................... Prairie Creek ............ l \l 3 I l Z y .................. 90 9'2 88 S4 T2 sY 8tl 87 89 Seymour Y .. .............. hlielbyville ............... South Bend .............. Syracuse ................. Terre Haute.. ........... 87 8& SY 9- 9C To eha .................. Veedersburg ........... .- Vevay.. .................. Vincennes. .............. Washington .............. Wiuamac c .............. Ardmore ................. Chick aa h a ............... \TaTpiraiso ............... Itidirrir Terrilory. Maecoutah .......... . Mattoon ............. Minonk .................. Morrison ................. sonville ............ t Carmel. ............ t Pulaski ........... Mount Vernon ........... New Bornside ........... Olney .................... Ottawa, .................. Palestine ............... Pana ..................... Pans. ................... Iowa. Afton .................... Alhia.. ................... AI ona ................... Alferton ................ Alta ..................... Amana.. ................. Ames .................... Atlantic ................. Audubuu ................. Baxter ................... Bedford.. ................ Bonaparte ............... 9- S! $11 9( s: 9: 91 9: 91 8! 9( 9: JUNE, 1903 Temperature. I (Fahrenhelt.) Temperature. I (Fahrenheit.) I Temperature, Precipitsr (Fahrenheit.) 1 tion. - d I z - e i3.9 i5.9 i5. 5 i5. 8 i7. 4 i3.2 i3. 7 14.0 i5.G i3.0 2. 6 i i . 2 E. 4 i6. 1 iti. 3 3. 8 ii. 7 5. ti i9. 9 i4. 8 i4.0 i4. 0 i7. 6 i6. 0 i6. 2 i3. 3 $4.8 jS. 3 55. 2 59.8 J5.6 i5. 8 j3. 4 $6.0 j9. 2 j9.3 5 .0 53. 8 55. 1 56.2 53. 8 57.4 55.4 58. 0 5.5. 0 65.4 59.2 68.5 6!l. V $7.6 67. 6 63. 8 64.6 62.5 65. I 6i. 7 69.2 68.4 64. 3 72. 4 71. Y 74.2 tis. H 71.2 70. ti 71.1 io. 1 io. 4 io. 2 io. 6 72.3 io. ti i3. n ... 56. n .... 68.6 63.2 .... .... .... 69. C ill. 0 1;s. 1 64.4 65. 4 1;4. F 63.3 64. 9 64. & 64. 4 64. e 64. 4 64.6 65.8 - I- ~ $ .- 9 3 - 0 40 38 40 3s 4.4 :jG 37 3i 41 42 42 42 41 38 41 39 40 40 38 44 44 41 43 50 3!1 3C 40 40 39 $2 44 ;; 41 41 41 37 39 41 3s 41 41 3> SF 3: :jt 35 X t 3; XC a. 41 31 .31 3: 4: 41 41 3t 4- 4( 31 3t 4! 41 51 41 3 4! 4 4 4: 4! 41 4' 4 ... ... ... ... ... 41 41 ?: {. 4 31 3. I 3 31 3 31 3. 31 7 3 3 i, 8 . ¶E :% a z - hs. 2. fi'2 3.60 2.56 I . 9fi 3.04 2. is 4. 72 1.55 4. 48 3.35 4. 10 2. 55 9.49 5. w 4. 30 4. ?I1 3.67 5.20 2. fi4 1.36 3. CY 2. sz 3. iri 3. 65 5. 19 2. 75 3.00 2. 78 3.37 4. 15 2. 47 2.3i 3.06 3. ti5 n. s!! i. 31 2. 3s 1;. fio 2. a 3. 52 4. 16 4.0" 2.42 3.26 3. 59 2. S' 2. 34 3. 72 3. !I4 5. 71 4. 12 8. 11 4. 55 2.66 5.52 3. 24 2.24 3.31 1.32 3.71 :3. so 3.11 4.24 2.29 1.39 5. ss 3. $18 4.44 1.90 1. do 0.43 3. 48 I.Ml 1.11 3.115 1.68 2. 19 2. %3 0.82 1.11 2.97 3. Y3 4. ?ti 3. !I0 4. 4s 1.33 1.9; 3.34 3. 33 1. 42 1.50 2. 31) .... a. 2n .... - j .- El ." z - 0 36 40 36 41 37 34 3' 4 t 37 37 .la 4u 40 3i .l? ... ... ... 39 38 30 42 37 34 31 3s 30 3E 37 34 35 3e 4i 37 3: YI 3s 3: 3; 3% 4( 3t 3: 41 31 34 3f 3: 3: 3. 3( 41 3! 31 3: 31 4: 3t 3t 4( 3: 3: 31 31 3: 31 31 4: 31 3: 31 4; 4: dl 31 3' 41 4 4 3! 4 y' 31 3! 3r -I: 31 41 4 41 ... ... .... .... .... .... ... ... I¶ 2 3 . 9 % d $ 3 L rm. 0.77 2.64 1.80 2. I O 0. 70 0.47 3.06 1.45 3. 17 0.98 0.36 3.47 1.28 0. '55 0.77 0.58 3.54 5.20 2. YO 1.6s 3.50 4.09 2. 59 2. 47 3.25 1.43 3. 85 3.75 2.34 5.55 2.69 1.91 3.07 4. 50 2.25 2. 65 2. 61 I. 46 2. 37 4.57 2.40 1.57 2. 13 2.33 3.64 3. 40 2.41 3. 14 2.78 I. 91 2.56 2.67 4. 26 1. 84 1.68 2.38 2.43 3.06 2 .3 3.96 4.09 3.33 3.92 3.12 4. 12 2.27 3. I F 6. P2 1.9E 4. 88 3. 13 3.67 3. iv 2.51 3.21 1. I ( 2.1: 2. Y I 3.3f 1.94 1.3> 6.15 1. 61 1.6: 3.01 1. 6: 2.2f 3. 0t 1.3; 3. 6( 2.0: 4.9! 3. ns I . 138 3. n:! ;: ;: Stations. 9 a ;i 2 - 0 34 31 40 37 37 43 43 39 361 34 271 43 33 83 32 3i 4U 38 41 36 35 39 38 43 37 3Y 41 4 40 40 ... ... ... 40 39 42 39 33 39 38 48 42 38 40 42 3n ... 41 4.5 43 40 38 42 36 40 36 36 33 37 31 44 33 44 36 37 33 37 41 3Y 43 44 Xd 42 38 35 39 44 37 .11 41 3: 4? 3; 3s 41 3t 31. 4: 3s 4( 3; 31 .I: ... ... ... ... 4 3 - 0 59.6 io. 6 il. 0 il. 9 $5.6 $8.2 iM. 4 ,2.6 72. 1 io. 8 i4.0' i5.4 i2. 1 io. 4 Y. 6 i4.2 i9.4 56.0 j6. Ii $3. 6 72. 8 i5.2 53. 4 70.0 57. 2 57.4 55. 5 57.2 57.9 57. 6 .... .... .... 5n. 8 56. 8 58.7 Sfi. 2 56.2 54.8 65 8 67.9 68. 8 65.9 67.3 67. 8 64. 2 68.3 69.4 6Y. 7 69.4 65. 0 66.8 65. I 64.4 62.4 64.0 62.0 66.0 61. Y 69.2 64. 6 67. 0 65. C 64. E 64. E 63. I 66. f 66. I G!I. f 70. I 69. -1 67. :: 69. 4 63. f 6i. 2 io. ( 65. 1 66. : 66. ( 65. : 69. : e?. I 66. : 64.2 66. > 63. ! 70.. 63. . 64. I 66. I 63.1 6s. 1 .... .... .... .... .... 0 90 SY $1 I 91 91 91) SI1 119 86 47 8s S:$ 66 88 si 49 Yd Y2 P5 Y2 hS hH xs RS R!l 92 91 90 9u Y!I !IO R9 94 93 !U nx I16 0 84 90 88 92 96 92 97 83 90 f 88 75b 92 88 81 93 91 92 88 87 90 89 90 54 93 90 S9 90 90 n3 ns .... ... .... 90 92 89 92 90 93 94 87 90 93 X9 86 90 92 93 89 90 94 93 Y4 90 90 93 86 93 !I0 90 90 87 I34 Y 1 83 89 a!) 89 90 81 91 89 92 91) 88 95 89 90 51 90 90 89 89 YY 51 '90 91 90 89 89 88 65 ... a9 ... .... .... 51s. .................. Iou~&-Cont'd. Britt Buckingham Burlin.Qton ............... 91 .... 86. 2 I. 14 3. 61 I. 93 3. 29 1.60 I. G6 1.44 2. 69 3. 38 4.31 1. 83 2.96 3.64 1.57 2. 12 3. 17 3. 82 3.07 4. 20 1. .w 3.36 1.91 1. 'io 3.49 4.07 2. 66 1.90 2. 56 4.83 3. 14 3.62 2.49 1.33 2.82 3. oi 6.0.1 3. dl 3.35 4. 51 1.9: 2.1: 4.5! 2.41 4.6( 2. 0t 3. 3. 3. 0: 3. 0: 3.81 3. 6: 2. 6' 3. i: 5.2: 2. 11 2. 'i; 1.4: 4.0: 3.3! 1. O! 1.1: 2. O! 1.8' 3.2: 3. 71 5. 4: 1. 3.3! 2. 11 4. 1: 1. 7: 2. 3' 1.71 3. 0! 3. 51 3.2: 3. 2! 1. ?' 5. 9: 4. 21 5. 2 4. 2. 2. 3: 3. 4: 1. 7: 3. 9! 3. 2 1.4 4. 8, 4. O! 1. I? 0. 9: 2.29 .... 1.90 Blooiuing Butlerville .............. Can ibridae Citv ......... .I Uauville ...................... Decorah .................. 83 Delaware ................. 8 i Denison .............. Rfi ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... ...... Logan ................... le Valley.. ............ 8.c H'; 85 x i Y' 91 9i 9f 9s Uarshalltnwn ........ nias8)n City .............. hlont.icello ............... Mountajr ................ nrvrlnt i ~~n n t .......... nIoiint Vernqm ........... Loami .................... McLeansboro.. ........... Martinton. ............... 10: X! ai 9 1 3: 91 Hugs,. ......................... Marlow .................. !I: Pauls alley ............. 9- nlusko$ee ................ 9: ................ Huff. Y- South McAlester.. Ravia Tulsa ........................ Wnyoner ................. 8. Webbers Falls.. .......... !I: Ridfewa,y ............... Roc we1 City ........... Sac City .................. St. Charles ............. ............... ......... Sigoiiruey Siavux Center.. S! fipirit. lake ............... Riocli1wrt ..................... Htorin Lake .............. $1 htuart.. .................. 9( Thurman ................. 9. Tipton ................... 9: JUNE, 1903. ima-Cont'd. Toledo. .................. Villisca .................. vinton * 1 ................ Wapelb.. ................ Washington .............. Washta. ....................... Waterloo ................. . Waukee ....................... Waverly ................. Wentbend ................ Westbranch .................. West Uniou ................. Whitteu. ................. Wilton Junction ......... Winterset ................ Woodburn ................... KaMas. Achilles .................. Alton .................... Anthony ...................... Atchison b. ............... Baker.. .................. Beloit.. .................. Burlington ............... Chanote .................. Clay Center. ............. Colby .................... Columbus ................ Cotton wood .............. Dresden.. ................ Ellinwood ................ Emporia ................. Englewood ............... Eureka.. ..................... Eureka Ranch. ........... FdlRiver ................ Farnsworth .............. Fordha. .................. Fort Leavenworth. ....... Fort Scott.. .............. Frankfort ................ Gove * I.. ................ MOWHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE II.--crmrotO~ re.wrd of vdhntary and other moperating obeeruera-Continued. 0 89 Y l 83 89 92 85 87 S8 90 94 92 98 99 V2 91 98 93 92 97 97 91 93 99 96 95 98 9G 91 95 9Y 93 92 98 9s Maine-Cont'd. Gardiner ................ Houlton.. ................ Nay field ................ Millinocket .............. North Bridgton .......... Orono .................... Patten ................... Rumford Falls ........... South Lagrange *I . ....... The Furks.. ............... Vanburen ................ Vanceboro ............... Winslow ................. Boettcherville ............ Chase .................... Chelteuham .............. Chestertown .............. Darlington. .............. Deqiark.. ............... Denton .................. Eastou ................... Fallston ....... Frederick ...... Grautsville .... (ireat falls ................ iireenspring Furnace.. ... H an coc k ........ Harney ................... Jewell.. .................. Johns Hopkiua Hospital. Laurel .......... McDonogh ...... Priucess Auue ........... Sharpsburg .............. Solomons. ............... Sudlersville .............. Takoma Park ............ Van Bibber .............. Woodstock ............... illnssachuaells. Amherst ................. Bedford. ................. Bluehill (summit). ....... Cohasset .... Concord ................. East Templeton 21.. ...... Fall River. ............... Fitchhorga *I .. .......... Hyannis Jefferson .................. .................. Lawrence ................ Leominster ..... Padocah 4 .. ................... Padocah b .. .............. Richruoud ............... St. John .................. 96 93 86 . Grenola .................. Hanover .................. Harrison ................. Ha s... .................. Horbn. ....................... Horton.. ................. Hoxie ................... Hutchinson .............. Independence ........... Jetmore .................. La Crosse ............... Lakin .................... !E 9s 96 95 96 98 97 97 99 96 96 McPherson ............... Madison ................. Manhattan b.. ............ 9Y 94 101 Jeuuings ...................... Lafayette ........... Lake Charles ....... Lake Providence.. ....... Lakeside ................. Lawrence ................ Leesville ................. Libertyhill ............... Mansfield ................ 95 94 93 !I4 !I4 9s $13 95 Ness City ................ Norwich ................. Oberliu ........................ Olathe ................... Osborne ........................ Oswego.. ................. Ottawa.. ................. 103 96 90 90 9" Pratt ................. Republic ................ Rome .................... Salina. ................... Sedan .................... Toronto.. ................ Ulysses ................... Valley Falls. ............. Vimqua .................. Wakeeney ..................... Wallace. ................. Walnut .................. Wame 0.1 ............... Winfiefd ................. Yates Center.. ........... Kentucky. Alpha.. .................. Anchorage ............... Bardstown ............... 99 95 93 100 94 93 1 0 0 ~ 93 100 99 90 96 95 93 83 W 90 Mousun .................. New Bedford.. .......... Plymouth*'. ............. Princeton ................. Provincetown ............ Jalem ..................... 5omerset *I .. ............. 3terling ................... Taunton ................ Webster .................. Westboro ................. Weston.. ................. Williamstown ............ Winchendon .............. Worcester. ............... Michignn. Adrian ................... A ricultural College. ..... Aylegan ....... Venice ................... Wallace .................. Maine. Bar Harbor .............. Belfast ................... Bemis ................... Danfortb ....................... Fairtield ................. Farmiugton .............. Fort Fairfield.. .......... 90 95 82 S3 SI 84 80 82 %2 Temperature. 1 (Fahrenheit.) Temperature. (Fahrenheit.) Precipita- tion. ~ ~~ Temperature. (Fahrenheit.) Precipita- tion. l- - d d - 64. ( 67. C 64.6 6.1. € 63. E 63. 1 63. G 65. i .... .... .... .... 65.0 66. 0 65.1 .... 6 2 . 6 67. 3 67.5 66. 1 67.7 6;. 8 69.4 67. 6 64.2 68. Y 67.0 64.2 t;i. 4 67.2 69.2 65. 0 68. 5 64.2 68.6 69.1 68.0 ti7.4 66.5 66. 9 67. 1 68. 8 65. 5 6.5. 1 67.4 65. 2 11.2 64. 8 64. 7 65. 2 65.6 38.4 53. 3 64.2 67. 7 57.0 69. 6 58. 7 58.4 58.0 ii. 5 58. 3 is. 7 58. 6 58.1 36. 8 38.8 56. 5 71.1 78. 4 3 .2 56. 3 38.4 i i . 8 $9.0 37. 6 jG. 4 56. 2 j4.6 i3.6 jY. 4 j7.6 38. 2 37.0 $6. 7 3 .8 59.6 ... ... .... y5.0 57. n .... .... .... ... -1 1 - Stations. ~ d d - 0 .... 68.3 68.2 69.0 68.9 68.5 69.8 69. 1 GX. 4 GY. 6 6 i . 6 66.2 6b. 0 63. 3 69. 4 68. 1 69. 2 68. 6 70. 8 67.8 67.6 67.7 68. 8 69. 3 6s 4 63. h 67. 9 68. 3 68. s 69. 0 il. 9 70.3 1;s. 3 66 8 67. 8 69.8 69. 6 8%. 7 66.0 11.0 75. 0 76 5 i5. 6 tb. 2 73. 7 75.2 74. 6 74.4 i4.2 i7.4 76.3 76. 3 77. 6 76. 1 76. 6 76. Y 76. 1 75.8 73.4 56.6 77.4 73.3 74.2 71.8 77.2 75.4 74.8 76.3 is. 2 73. 6 76. 0 72. A 7i. 6 i8.0 78.9 73.4 75.4 i 5 .4 .... .... -* -. .... .... .... -0 D ,r. - 78. 0 I.:. s .... 1r.u 56. 2 57.6 59.0 59.4 60.6 59. 6 59. 2 .... - a .* z i - 0 s2 82 e4 81 83 80 87 81 80 84 87 80 80 81 88 83 96 87 91 86 90 87 87 86 S i 92 .... .... .... 66 80 87 87 84 89 81 86 90 92 85 88 e7 87 85 85 86 HA 84 86 84 90 86 83 89 R8 86 82 83 b5 84 84 62 78 84 86 88 .... 86 .... .... .... 86 85 84 83 84 82 84 84 79 89 83 85 86 81 83 90 88 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... - d 4 - 0 61.0 GO. 5 5Y. 6 60.4 58. 5 59. 6 60. 0 59. 8 56. 6 GO. 2 61.7 58.5 63.7 60.5 €4.3 67. 4 65.8 68.2 68. 1 66.8 64.6 64.0 67. 4 66.0 65.13 58. Od 67.2 67.8 65.4 67.5 5Y. 2 67. 6 67.0 67.0 67.0 66.7 66. 2 65.3 65.9 68.8 68.2 66.4 65. 6 68. 4 67. Od 66.0 66.2 63.0 67. 3 60.3 59. 0 58. 7 GO. 6 60.8 58.8 60.5 61.2 59.9 59.3 60.1 59.2 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 60.2 G I . 4 60.8 55. 7 59.0 59.6 59. 6 60. 4 59. 5 64.6 59.2 61.3 59. 1 59.6 61.6 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... .... 60.5' - a 2 %. at 8 % A E .d - IRI. 2.07 3. HZ 1.91 2.99 1. 70 4.72 1.93 3.11 1.86 3.03 1.5i 0.75 3.45 2.04 4. 23 3. 77 0.96 2.00 1.78 3.11 2. 63 3.26 4. 16 2.44 2. 19 1.90 1.92 1. $2 3.97 1. u5 1. 66 0.5i 3. 00 2. 92 1. Y9 0. Y3 3. 95 4. 64 3.64 2. 63 1. "I 0.82 2. 55 1. 65 4.46 2. 73 2.26 2. 55 1.48 1.52 1.08 2.63 8.99 1.60 3.46 3.46 1. 20 1. 20 1.53 1 . 61 2. 34 1.75 2.5s 0. 63 2. 29 3. 10 0. 45 1. 66 0.60 1. 46 2. 94 3.79 2.24 3. 05 3.10 2. 35 2.49 0. 58 2. 51 3. 43 1.48 1. 55 1. 3(1 7. 10 4.82 2.46 3.93 2. 34 3.14 4.22 1.29 2.03 4.69 4.48 0.38 3. n i ~ 2 .d 2 - .... 4u -13 47 39 41 42 41 45 40 38 3s 3 i 43 51 3s $2 41 41 44 -12 41 43 38 43 42 44 43 43 44 48 43 41 42 42 -12 41 -1' 41 55 50 53 54 50 53 56 50 52 5" 53 55 57 s5 53 52 54 54 55 53 56 58 49 5'2 47 51 54 56 5 i 53 50 56 5'2 64 53 S4 48 50 52 52 58 60 55 36 37 39 42 37 34 25 .... ... ... ... ... ... ~ P z . d k 9 % A - d a .d - AIS. 5. 19 3.93 2. 97 1.72 5.9s 3.59 1.92 4. 78 4. 00 2. 55 4.28 3.67 2.7s I . 26 3. 99 5. 45 3.84 1.59 3. 39 3.50 2.23 5.43 4. 05 li. 30 5. 22 0.70 3.27 1 65 a. 35 3. 75 0.47 0. S2 2.90 3.94 3. 17 1. h i 4. I;? 4.97 4. 15 3.64 4. "2 5.40 2.98 4.19 5. SI; 2. li6 x. E 1. 50 3.49 4. 45 1. 15 7. 48 2. 97 5.16 1.65 4. 79 7. "Y J. 51 4.2s 4.62 2. 79 9. 14 3 2.3 2 h7 s. ?2 4. 85 2. 61 3.23 4. 85 1. 82 1.58 5. 70 7.7i 3.33 3. i 9 2.01 3. 91 I . 37 4. "8 4.45 (I. 99 5. 80 4.34 3. .% 5. 25 6.32 5.81 3.23 3.51 4.60 8. 83 3. 72 3. 56 5. 7tI 1. Yd - 2 .- E s - 0 37 33 36 42 40 32 40 32 21 38 43 26 40 30 47 41 45 47 46 4s 41 44 49 43 47p 35d 43 45 48 47 36 49 47 43 51 45 47 4Y 48 51 44 13 48 62 46d 48 49 41 46 38 3R 45 40 40 36 41; 46 48 42 37 35 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... 38 40 40 3G 85 39 43 4s 44 43 33 38 36 38 46 ..... ..... ..... ..... .... .... .... .... 311 - .d 54 - 34 42 46 -12 35 37 37 39 .... .... .... .... 35 36 39 .... 33 41 47 48 H 42 45 41 35 46 40 43 41 45 40 40 43 38 44 46 4.5 41 37 40 43 43 39 39 42 45 39 39 47 40 39 38 40 47 82 40 44 41 4? $2 45 41' 39 43 46 4i 49 -11 46 45 42 55 46 38 4u 43 42 45 40 -1& 44 35 33 47 4Y 44 42 44 38 4U .... ... ... ... ... ... a, %. d k A I d a E a m E .- - IM. 5.12 2.46 2.79 6.54 2.07 6.3M 2.09 2.29 5.25 4.36 2.03 3.40 4.47 4.96 3.87 7.49 5.48 4.36 3.28 2.95 3. 12 6.70 5.81 3.09 5.27 5.34 6.07 5.63 6.55 2. 10 8. 13 5.37 7.27 6.43 4 86 7.06 8. 19 7.63 5.91 5.22 6.41 6.36 8.17 2.08 4.23 4 26 3.11 5.97 3. 12 4.39 6.35 4.97 6.96 5. 16 7.79 8.31 6.46 7.40 8. 14 6.75 8.30 6.51 5. 14 0.34 8.98 8.55 0.92 3.25 8.97 7. 63 9.89 9. 11 0.00 8.03 3.38 5.88 4.13 4.76 IO. 08 3.52 IO. 48 5.35 IO. 56 4.49 7.26 LO. 37 7.93 9.07 8. 18 7.44 2. R3 6.28 2.06 5. sa .... - 0 .... 89 89 89 91 87 $12 $10 89 h9 RS E8 90 86 $9 89 !IO 90 YO $8 8s 87 92 92 ss 9:: U j 89 S i II Owentun ................. I Y:! .... fils. Illd. Berea .......... Blaudville.. .... Franklin ................. Greensburg .............. Highbridge .............. Hopkiusville ............. Irv1ngt.on ................ Jackson .................. nlayfield ................ Ma sville ................ Iddlesboro ............. Scott.. ................... S i Shelby City .............. 8s Alexandria ......... Amite .............. Cheuey rille ........ Clinton ............ Collinston ............... 96 Coviu$on. ................ 9 i Doual sonville ........... Y3 Emilie ................... 93 Farnierville .................... Lowella .................. Lowell h... ............... Ludlow Center.. ......... Niddleboro .............. 294 MONTHLY WEATHER BEVIEW. TABLB II.-C%mafobsiaJ record of vohntmy and other coqperating obamergContinued. JUNE, 1903 Precipitsr tion. Temperature. I (Fahrenheit.) Precipita- tion. Temperature. (Fahrenheit.) Precipita- tion. Temperature. (Fahrenheit.) - d d - 0 61. : 62. t 57. : 62. 5 59. t M. 1 62.4 6Y. i 60.4 63. : 59. f 61. i 56. ( 64. 1 58. 8 56. ( 58. f 68. f 64.1 52. E 58. I 62.4 52. I 6 6 .4 62. E 56. C 61. S 60. 1 60. 7 55.6 56.4 61.1 53.6 64.1 62.6 59.1 61. P 62. 5 58.0 55.8 57.6 64.4 62.8 59.5 61. 5 62.1 60. 5 55. 7 58. R 55. e 59. 6 64.4 63. 6 62.3 62.4 59. 6 61.0 58. 1 58. 8 61.6 56. 4 60.5 6Y. 4 61.9 68. 1 69. 2 62. 6 62. 2 60.4 60. 0 62.2 58.8 69.0 55.6 61.8 64.5 59.2 57. 0 59. 8 63.4 6'2. 7 58.6 5s. 8 56.9 $1. 6 59.2 $2. 1 60. ; .... 59. ; .... m. a .... .... .... .... .... .... I- ~~~ d t z - 0 61. E 61.4 61. 1 60.2 49.0 52. ti 61.6 64.0 62. 9 60.9 63. 62. ti 61. 0 62. 4 63.2 62. 2 6 2 .2 65. 2 C3. 1 63.6 61.4 5% 1 (i2. fi 62. 8 G4.S 5s. 3 63.4 63. 6 61. 4 60.6 611. 4 61. 6 62. 5 62.3 65. 4 60.4 h3. 1 65. 3 63.0 63.4 59. Y 64.3 64.2 67. 2 60. 6 E. 8 61.0 63.2 5s. s 64. 6 IG4. 1 'i4. 2 64.4 51.0 .;.I. 1 51. 7 56.4 55.2 95.5 22.4 50. i 5 .4 $3. k $3.2 $2. 6 73.5 72. 1; io. 9 71. I ; i i . G 74. 3 i0. 6 74. 9 73. 8 71. Y 5%. 4 73. 4 71. 8 74. a i3.2 iY. 4 75. 2 is. 1; i i . 0 74.2 il. 5 71. 4 71.4 i3. 5 73.0 5.< n .... .... .... .... .... - d I E - 0 73.0 73.6 7i. 2 71. 9 76. 8 74.8 74.8 74. 8 74.8 77.0 71. 6 70.6 77. 6 74.0 68.8 73.6 53.2 75.8 75. ti 71.7 71.6 73.4 io. 7 74.6 73.8 74.4 74.5 67.8 6Y. 0 65. S 67.4 65. 6 67.6 68.2 io. 8 6ti. 8 66.3 66.2 66. S 65.8 66. 6 67.8 68.2 67.8 68.8 67.6 65. i 66.6 67.8 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 67.5 66.6 67. 7 68. 8 67.9 68. 6 66.4 6i. H 68.6 6 i . 4 67.5 67. 2 66.4 67.2 68.0 66. 7 65. 5 67. 1 69. R 66.6 66.4 6.1.6 66. 1 6 i . 2 66.4 70.3 69.2 67.4 58.1 58.0 66.6 K. 0 67.0 68.0 .... .... .... .... .... 6s. Y __ 8 3 i - 0 3E 43 3Y 41 34 45 24 41 35 42 39 34 41 32 37 38 M 26 36 43 43 31 39 46 3s 37 43 23 38 42 43 42 25 39 36 3s 43 33 3s 41 40 35 40 48 39 38 42 18 3% 30 24 33 29 33 4.3 38 30 43 43 32 40 40 34 36 36 35 37 32 36 35 44 29 11 43 31 31 34 42 38 35 27 31 41 40 41 42 24 45 42 40 .... .... .... ... ... ... ... ... - a 3 - z . at 9 8 2 a .d - Itw. 2. 95 5. 1: 1. 9, 6.2: 0.7t 5. M 2.24 2. .II 2.94 4 .2 3. -I'r 1.93 1.04 3. 2c 1.37 3.9c 2.02 1.71 2. IC 3. os 3.20 1.71 1.91 3. 91 1.07 3.66 4.39 1.14 2.61 3.63 5.47 1. i 0 1.75 2.5B 4. 21 2. 23 0. 60 2.55 2. 63 2. "9 2.39 3.32 2. 76 1.84 3. 60 5.34 3.81 2. 50 1. 75 1.60 1.01 1. 6Y 2. 71 3. 17 1. so 1.u5 4. 16 5.24 2.36 1. 86 2. 61 0.35 1.51 2.94 4.76 2. 78 2. 10 1. 71 2.94 1. 60 2.32 2.90 1.08 3.76 0. 73 4.01 0.80 1.45 2. 47 2.05 3.61 .... n. 81 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 3. 70 1.07 3.30 1.75 0.35 4.95 2.51 3.70 ~ $ El .d ... - 40 38 41 36 19 30 39 43 41 36 32 42 2s Y2 44 39 3 i 36 40 35 38 31 34 35 x i 3b 25 3s 37 R? 33 "9 32 38 35 36 30 36 35 36 36 27 36 40 41 33 31) 35 41 "5 38 40 40 40 3U 39 35 "4 32 3 i 54 2R 40 40 34 35 45 50 46 47 60 48 48 SI 49 50 41; 51) 45 47 44 54 53 50 S? 4Y 31 50 50 4Y 48 .... .... ... ... ... ~~~ P B . aE 4 9 2 1 - 0 .- - Ins. 3. 50 1.96 3. 99 2.1u 0. 70 3.94 1. i 2 3. Y5 3.25 0.90 0. 61 1.92 3. 4s 0.36 2. 96 3. 58 2. 20 3. 5Y 2. 2s 0. 70 1.3'2 1.03 0. e3 0. e5 1. 10 1.52 1.40 2. 25 1.99 2. 55 0. 92 1.44 2. 12 5.22 1.26 1.26 3. 78 1.60 2.39 1.48 1. ti.? 2.34 2. 16 3. "0 1. 79 1.46 2. 83 2.96 1.30 0.41 1. !I6 1. 88 2.92 1. "8 2. x" 1.59 1. $15 1. 111 1. YO 2. 9Y 2. "1 1.85 1.41 2. 00 1. 60 1.81 .... I . 2n .... .... 3.25 2.36 2. i o 4.97 2. 55 1. (1-1 3.88 2. ti0 3.41 2.18 4.30 4. J-l 1.15 1.6s 3.50 3.29 2 .0 ; 2. 0.7 2.64 4. 35 s. 45 1.35 1.67 1. 41 2. w 1. YI) - 2 .r( i - 0 95 96 101 95 97 98 95 94 96 95 94 90 98 94 93 97 Y2 95 94 95 93 1110 95 95 93 93 97 9u 94 94 Y4 90 93 !I1 Y5 91 89 90 S8 88 90 .... ... .... ... ... ... 91 91 !I4 91 !E 88 92 ... ... ... 90 91 93 91 93 89 92 89 51 90 91 92 !IO $12 91 89 90 93 92 89 91 90 87 90 90 WJ 90 91 H8 $10 91 84 95 91 ... ... ... ... ... 90 - Ei z 3 .- a - 0 49 47 61 43 M 61 50 51 50 55 47 49 54 49 45 48 49 53 54 49 48 44 45 50 -19 53 j l J 44 40 M 4.4 41 40 43 47 $2 40 40 45 37 38 50 43 40 48 43 $2 43 43 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... M 40 36 40 45 46 42 $2 45 43 43 42 40 35 40 42 42 39 51 x3 39 36 43 42 40 45 45 44 45 41 44 44 $2 44 .... ... ... .... ... 46 - d d i. ab 9 1 2 a .- - InS. 4. 59 2.48 3. 12 2. 16 4.39 1. i 5 5.09 6. 68 2.24 1.34 3. 12 3. 72 3.03 4. 06 2.96 1.46 2. 27 3. 13 4.27 9.67 0.25 3. 12 8.54 6.68 7. 10 3.10 5.25 3. 90 5. 73 7. 68 0. il 7.57 6.24 6.35 4.14 7.25 7.21 8.94 5. 48 0.172 5.32 1. s4 2.36 1.92 u. !IS 3. YlJ (I. 71; 2. 12 !I. 74 1. I16 1.51 2. 03 1. 10 0.73 1.09 aE 4 am - 0. no .-. .... .... ~ a z s .- .- e - 40 39 38 37 40 29 38 38 35 50 4.3 49 34 48 43 38 3 i 32, 45 33 41 41 44 J2 37 38 ... .... ... ... ... 40 35 3s 46 40 34 $3 39 45 40 3!l 37' 40 41 31 40 40 :io h'L 45 35 41) 43 37 43 40 41 47, 44 43 40 42 44 44 40 $2 48 45 47. 40 43 42 46 $2 42 46 -12 41 4s 44 41 I 40 4IJ 39 $2 415 45 46 $2 41 $2 ... 50 ... ... ... - P ;. ak %B .a * CI P; IW. 3. 76 12.30 5.22 2.77 6.02 4.41 5. 73 4.96 7.48 6. 32 3. M 1. w 1.24 0.93 3.04 0. w 1.28 1.58 2.55 0. 10 2. 67 2.11 1.44 1.62 2. 08 2.44 2. 12 1.07 1.08 1.92 1.12 1. kl 3.87 1.78 2.64 1.80 1.66 1.39 0.92 1.33 0. YO 3.32 1.93 1.66 3.80 2. 26 1.18 0.92 1. 67 1. 73 1.59 1.46 3.61 1.43 1. s8 1. rw 2.6i 3.32 3.30 2. 77 0.78 2.43 1.00 0. 53 0.62 1. 15 1.11 1. 59 1.16 1.09 0. i 7 1.63 0.19 1.40 1. U3 2.00 0.90 1.03 1.32 0.81 1. 96 1.00 0.97 0. 90 2. 12 2.09 3.54 1. !io 1.34 1. 05 1.00 0.23 0.40 - .... .... .... - a L z - 65. 4 6i. 6 59. 2 64. 4 72. 2 60. 6 70. 0 58.3 61. 6 69.4 72. 4 71.2 61.2 if. 3 62.2 67. 0 65. 8 66. 6 68. 4 62.0 65. s 65. 8 58.6 65.0 64.2 63. I) 63.4 61.2 59. 4 61. 6 63. 4 68. 4 65. 5 69. 1 74. 8 65. 9 .... .... .... .... .... .... 60. J 65. Y 66. 6 69.5 62. 4 i 4 . 2 65.4 5!l. 2 R'?. u 65. 8 68. 5 66. 4 t i l i 5 04.5 72. s 70. 0 67.4 615. (I 62. 9 6% 4 65.0 66. 2 IX 2 65. U 66. I 1 68. 4 66.4 61). 6 1;3. 0 G9. 3 65. 1 62.1 65. 2 ti4. G 63. 1 65. S hi. 6 lis. 6 64.7 63.11 64. s 61.7 1;s. 4 67. !I 63. S 1 3 . H 65. 1; 64. t i .... .... 65. n .... - II 0 89 90 93 ss 93 110 Y8 91 90 94 96 92 90 95 97 87 so 86 81 85 x 3 84 83 80 98 88 83 86 86 84 86 85 83 Y1 8h 84 84 93 90 78 87 85 ... Ins. Ins. 1.98 1.74 0.87 1.28 0. 05 3. 38 3.00 (I. 40 0.52 6. 51 4.06 0.38 0. 26 1.23 4.31 0.52 4.66 0.7!1 a. 06 0.05 0. Y e 3.10 0.112 2. 10 1. (19 0. il 1.46 0.4s 1.25 0. 1x 0.86 1.46 2.48 1. "ti 1. 40 8.98 5. 38 1. 05 1.20 0. 6? 0. 00 1. 17 3. 86 1. Y5 2. 116 1.92 0. 09 (I. 24 1.68 0. M) 2.1J7 6. 70 6. 13 6. 78 3. !I7 3.86 4. 54 5.37 4. 22 2. !I3 4.11s 4. !I0 4. 21 3. 59 2. 71 5. 58 4. 52 4. 96 3. 23 5.0s 3. 53 4. 66 4. Y4 6. 87 4.44 2.01 4. 01 1;. 62 4.55 5. 40 5.21 4. 55 3. 97 4. tr2 4. 15 5.32 111. i 0 5. u:< 7. .?!I 3. 4 i 5. 24 4. 95 4. 65 i. 63 2.30 4. 48 ..... 0 48 34 34 45 40 44 45 ... ... 49 41 32 35 30 40 36 28 34 34 4'2 37 29 30 29 30 27 34 34 31 31 36 28 30 26 35 40 35 31 30 30 32 34 34 31 36 31 36 35 38 38 39 2!1 34 .w 34 M 30 32 30 32 33 40 29 31 28 34 28 34 35 33 27 28 37 31 27 28 34 32 26 31 26 ?R ?!I 31 30 35 33 30 35 31 22 ... ... ... ... ... e 88 84 b3 91 87 86 81 Pi 93 90 84 94 8h 8!l 85 86 47 90 91 8s 90 89 85 h4 85 85 87 8 i 86 87 86 69 a4 84 bh 88 92 93 47 90 84 SS A7 YO $7 84 00 $10 85 89 h9 81 VI s4 S6 86 84 81 97 Y5 76 83 X6 7Y 87 75 95 8'' R2 100 h8 79 78 95 102 X l i xs h4 R5 i\ !J" 95 S4 4!l 94 !1 1 SY b1 88 ... ... ... .. ... ... ... Int. Wo8hingfmi-Cout'd. Danville ................. 94 II Davton .................. 93 UfuA-Cont'd. Pinto .................... Plateau .................. Provo .................... Ranch. ................... Richfield. ................ Soldier Bnmroit .......... Terrace ...... Thiatle ................... Tooele ................... Tropic. ................... Vernal ................... Wellington .............. Woodruff.. ............... I'nnoiil. B u r l i n p q . : ............. Caven ish ............ Chelsea .................. Cornwall.. ............... Granite Falls ........... .!. .... Hooper ................... 100 ll Horseheareu ............ .I . .... Ilnaco ................... 100 Lacenter ................. 96 II Lakeside ................ 96 Lind ..................... 103 Loomin.. ................. 9 i Mutt.in er Ranch ......... lo:! Alayfield ................ 97 Mouut %leassot ........... 94 bioxee .............. ...I 94 Ngnrthprt.. ......... .I Y i i OdeRsa ................... 1 100 Olga ..................... 7J Olympia ................. 96 I'asco .................... 10s Pinehill .................. 99 Pomeroy. .............. 100 Port Townseud ......... 83 Pollman ................ 91 Esttlesuakr ............ 851 Ritzville (near) ........ Bedro-\Voollev. ........... Mouudsville ............. New hlartinsville ........ AlcOva ................... Basin .................... Bedford.. ................ Shenandoah ................... Speers Ferry .................. Spottsville ............... Stanardsville ............. 93' Staunton ................. 85 Stephens City ............ s i wanraw.. ................ a8 JUNE, 1903 d /UJkn. Fort Eghert .............. Furt (iibbon.. ............ Furt, Yukoju ................... J 11 ucau ................... Killixnoo.. ............... Skayaay ................ W3>tNl Ialsnd ............. f t i l (f o r i i i ,i . ~~l :l r ~i l l ~,l l t ................ Mills (‘ollwge.. ............... 1,r I ;mu41 ................ l’ilut. (’ r e k .. .................. Sautn Paula.. ............ I/l;lic,k HON!CHLp WEATHER REVIEW. 64 65 l i U 61 fi4 l i l 81; 11) 85 300 Temperature. Precipitll- (Fahrenheit.) I tion. stations. ‘0. t. ) ~ d d - 0 2.7 i5.2 is. 3 15.4 50.6 i9. 4 i4. 8 i4.6 9. i 13.0 io. 9 il. 5 ii. 3 i9. 4 11.6 i8. 6 $2 8 14. 3 is. 9 $1. 1 75. 6 In. 2 77. Y 18.8 $1.6 34. 3 30. 0 79. 9 31.4 94.0 79.2 76. 8 SI. 0 w. 3 SI. 1 SI. 6 73. 2 81. 0 71.11 90. 6 56. 7 81. 1 ... .... .... .... .... 79. < ta- Tempera1 (Fahrenh Prei ti - 1 .d .e z - 0 37 36 38 60 i l 69 61 60 58 i 4 69 54 65 65 51 64‘ 70 is 68 70 61; 65 61 6i 68 72 66 69 70 71 67 64 71 66 70 70 47 70 5U 69 41 72 ... ... .... .... .... 73 - 1 .e 2 z - 0 90 79 93 89 90 95 87 89 94 Y5 98 90 93 93 91 92 L 98 91 88 91 37 93 93 53 100 56 Y3 95 91 95 92 90 93 94 93 90 95 101 89 S!I i3 96 ..... ..... .... .... .... 88 Stations. Ills. 0. 15 1.53 1.66 4.08 5.85 3.10 0.03 2.65 4.66 5.04 4.35 4. 15 1.73 1. h3 3. 45 11;. io h. 45 i. 47 1 . I 2 5. 74 1. 87 7 04 11.65 14.58 12.89 3 . 40 10.67 I?. 4‘2 8. so o. 68 6.09 8. lis 4. #2 2. li 7 85 3. 13 1.09 4. R1 18. 31; 2. 9!1 11). 45 3.07 10.55 8. 15 10. 9c ll.0E 2. .It ,.- 2.14 h a . 0 80.6 ~n . 2 Ins. 11. SO 7.43 Ins. Wyoming-Cont’d. Tensleep ................ Thayne ................. Thermopolis ........... Port0 RkcO. Adjuntas ............... Agui.rre ................. Arecibo ................. Barroa .................. Bayamon. .............. caguaa .................. Canovanal ........ : ............ .................. Fajardo ................. Hacienda Coloso ........ Hacienda Josefa.. ....... Hacienda Perla ......... Humacao ............... Isabela .................. La Isolina.. ............. Lares ................... Las Maria8 ... Manati ...... Maonaho ............... Rio Piedra0 ............. San German ............ Sau Lorenzo.. ........... sa0 Salvador ............ Santa Isabel ....... Utuado.. ........... Vieques ................ Yauco .................. Mezico. Ciodad P. Diaz ... Coatzacoalcos .......... Leon de Aldamas.. ...... Vera Cruz ............... New Brutwteiek. St. John ................. Isthmus of Panama. Blhajriela Bohio .... Colon ................... Gamhoa ............. La Boca ............. EXPLANATION OF SIGNS. *Extremes of temperature from observed readings of dry thermometer. A numeral following the name of a st.atiou indicates the hours of observation from which the meau temperature wan obtained, t.hus: lhIeauof7a.m.+2p. ~.+9 p .m .+9 p .m .+& 9Mean of 8 a. m. + 8 p. m. + 2. 4nIean of 6 a. N. + 6 p. u1. + 2. 6AIean of 7 a. ni. + 2 y. m. + 2. The absence of a numeral indicates t.hat the mean tern- pernture has been obtained from daily readings of the mari- miiiii and miniiiliiiii thermometers. An italic letter followiug the name o f a station, as “Liv- ingstou 17,” “Livingstou h,” indicates t.hat two or more ob- servers as the caw may lie, are re urtiug from the name statinu! A siuall roman letter fofhviug the name of a station, or in figure columns, indicates the number of days niissiug frum the record; for instance “n” denotes 14 days iuisriug. No uote is made of breaks in the continuity of tempera- tiire recvrds wheu the sa1118 do uot exceed two days. All known lmaks, of whatever duration, in the precipitation record receive appropriate uot.ice. CC )RRECTI( )N8. 8niean of7 a. 111. + i 1). N. + 2. May, 19u3, Arkansas, Princeton. make mean temperature iX.4 iustrarl of 68.6. Florida, Archer, make precipitation 5 .M iirstead of 5.66. Miuursotn lletroit make mean tem- iberature 55.0 iilstcnrl #D f M.4. Washingiou, Granite Falls, umke precilit;rtim i.85 iurjtead uf 7.83. Late rep0998 for Jfcty, 13@S - 40.1 3!1. 4 41;. 8 4s. 4 4s. 4 44. u 60. li 6i. 5 6%. 1 70.3 ..... ..... ..... .... 57.0 6ii. 4 62.8 i l . 8 i l . 0 72. 1 71.4 47.5 68. 4 i n . 8 il.? i 0 . 6 71.2 .... 71. 4 76.2 ..... __ 10 18 3R H I 3 1 33 S i ::a 60 28 .... .... .... .... 41) Y 0 25 43 4:! 44 .E 25 ::R 5‘‘ M 51 54 .... 51; s!i .... - 0.2 8. U - 1.38 u. 11; 0. :35 6. i4 ‘1. 55 1. 11) 4.112 0. 00 (1. 00 0. 011 0. 0. 1u 0.6s 3.8” 3. 1% 13.70 5. 9; 3. ii I;. 113 2. s5 2. ii 1.20 0. 74 1.35 2. I 7 :3. 79 4. SO 1.40 1 . “0 16. i l 3.815 - New &glad. Fast rt Me .......................... Concord N. H ........................ Boston Mas8 .......................... Block Inland R. I .............. Narra ansettl R. I.*... ............... New &en, b u n .................... Middle Allantic SIalea. Binghahton N. Y.t .................. New York A. Y . ..................... Harrisburg Pa .......... P o r x n d , Me .......................... Northfieh, Vt ........................ Nsntdket, Mass.. .................... Albany N. Y ......................... Philadelphh, Pa. ........ Asbeville N. C ........................ Charlotte' N. C ....................... Hatterae 'N. C ........................ Kittyha;k N. C. * .................. Wilmington N. C ...... Charleston 8. c ......... Raleigh, N.' C ............ Columbia. 's. C... ........ Hours. 18 17 13 Novlh Dakoia. Moorhead Minn .................... Williston, N. Dak .................. Upper Midsissippi I'ulley. Minneapolis, Minn. *. ................ St. Paul, Miun ....................... La Crosse, Wia. t .................... Davenport, Iowa.. ................... Des Moines. Iowa.. .................. Bismarck,' N..Dak ................... Hours. 23 21 22 :: 1 22 8 nfiddle slope. Denver, Colo.. ....................... Pueblo, Colo ......................... Coucordia, Kana ..................... Dod e lians ......................... \vicEiia, Kans ....................... 21 11 14 , 4 11 Roseburg. Oreg ..................... Mididdle Puciflc &ast Rrgion. Eureka Cal .......................... Red Bluff, Ca ............ Sacrameuto, Cal ..................... nrount ' r a m a I y ~~ CBI. :: :. ........... 2; 25 14 25 ii 3 30 I Basseterre, St. Kitta, W. I. .................. Rridgetown, B a r l d o s ...................... Grand Turk. W. I. t. ................. 1 Hamilton Rerruuda. ................ 1lJ Havana, Cuba t.. .................... a Puerto Principe, Cuba .___ .. ____ .___. . _. ._.. San Juan, Porto Rico ................ 1 JUNE, 1903. MONTHLY WEATHER RZYIEW. TABLE III.-~ltoort lainde from obseraations at 8 a. m. and 8 p . m., duily, during the month of Jim, 1903. 301 1 Component direction from- Resultant. 11 j Component direction from- Resultant. - W. ~ W. - !Urn- ion. 'our*. - 11 14 12 2 4 2 16 6 17 19 9 14 3 11 9 13 20 c 8 7 6 23 17 3 7 11 27 23 12 14 11 11 15 8 3 11 18 13 20 24 19 9 29 11 41 6 30 9 30 16 17 13 14 18 18 12 19 12 23 8 28 25 23 38 26 62 16 34 53 26 52 24 30 34 5a ....... ....... 21 19 24 w ....... -__ IN. stations. Stations. tion. 8. E. )irection from- 8. E. irection from- {aura. 18 26 7 38 20 24 24 12 21 32 7 20 16 23 21 23 20 16 22 10 16 24 19 11 17 21 24 12 15 19 2Y 22 25 30 33 27 27 15 11 11 9 21 17 7 16 26 10 13 1s 24 14 23 19 1s 5 16 17 11 13 c 1; 11 1: 1: l i 1; l! 1( I! 2; 2( 2: 1: l! ! 1: 11 1 ( 1; 1: 21 I Tours. 26 19 15 10 24 14 24 14 24 14 16 ;; 25 21 21 24 24 22 11 21 22 21 1Y 10 21) 16 7 18 9 10 16 15 6 16 22 24 25 12 4 5 7 12 7 19 15 24 23 14 29 16 20 20 30 7 9 12 1% ; 14 s 13 21 18 10 16 6 17 16 19 1 7 19 16 9 21 21 23 9 14 11 11 1s I f 24 12 1: 2 i roura. 13 10 3 8 13 8 11 3 8 9 5 12 18 13 15 17 11 16 13 8 20 11 16 29 19 13 18 12 23 32 92 21 20 26 21 14 12 1s 26 9 16 24 ID 9 1R 23 15 14 23 6 14 12 I:! ti 3 29 27 23 3 2 Y 21, 7 I t 2. 2: 2E 1; 2: 2: li 3 I! 1: 1: I( 2- 21 1: : 2- 1: 2: 1: 3( 1. I! 1: 1. 0 e. a. 45 e. n. 63 e. 8. 5 e. F. 75 e. a. 61 e. 8. 52 e. 8. 66 e. e. a. 17 e. u. YO e. 8. 43 e. a. 63 e. R. 45 e. P. 1s e. 8. 65 e. e. a. 543 e. u. 9 e. 8. 51 e. s. 68 e. u. 73 w. 11. 52 w. 8. 74 c. s. 10 w. 8. 50 w. a. 75 w. 8. 32 a. 1. 2Y w. s. 29 ti. P. 44 ti. 8. 12 w. 3. 25 c. 0. 32 e. u. 67 e. u. 49 w. u. 1% w. n. 85 w. Y. 65 w. u. 49 w. 11. 16 w. u. S e. 8. 32 w. n. 31 e. u. 61 e. n . 42 w. 8. 72 e. h. t b r. u. 53 e. n. 81 e. u. 27 r. n. s i w. n. 75 w. u. 29 w. u. 70 ti. s. 45 w. n. 56 w. 8. 45 e. n. 20 w. 11. 14 w. 11. 61 w. n. 45 w. n. 67 w. 11. 45 w. 8. 4 w. s. 14 w. s. 10 ti. n. 72 w. u. 27 w, 11. 15 w, e. e. W. u. !! w. W. 8. U. u. 42 e. u. 38 w n. 14 w n. 06 w u. 9 P 11. 78 w n. 23 P n. 25 w n. 26 e U. 0. Toura. 13 13 13 24 11 16 12 16 i n Toirra. 20 17 16 9 18 13 8 16 10 8 19 10 9 15 4 17 12 10 23 20 '33% 23 25 6 10 16 22 13 16 15 1s 25 15 12 "0 23 18 15 2IJ 2s 4 16 17 5 35 20 43 13 24 14 23 22 13 8 1Y "5 2 b 20 3 03 14 "V "1 1 11 1 21 42 E 1 3 I 2: 21 I( ..... ...... 1( "1 1: 2: .... rotrra. 22 23 21 9 21 0 18 17 17 17 12 16 9 14 7 16 17 10 IS 15 18 11 30 24 13 24 24 13 12 13 11 21 1.5 26 15 "0 24 21 27 26 27 26 10 "1 4 17 , 1; , 2t 26 1( It 21 2! 1: I t 1: 1: 1- 1- 1 2: 1- 1 1 1 1' ..... ..... 2 11 0 41 ..... Joura. 11 10 11 10 17 6 ?2 18 24 21 21 24 11 19 12 12 12 5 12 11 12 7 x 9 11 23 14 33 36 24 16 22 17 10 18 12 9 8 11 19 17 37 22 ;; 31 25 33 14 14 23 30 4 16 16 11 23 26 20 29 25 "9 "I 23 45 6 8 54 20 41 39 29 33 34 ...... ...... 2: I 1 ...... 0 0 . 75 e. 0 . 73 e u. 59 e. 0. 27 w. 0. 76 e. 9. 27 w. 0.14 w. 0. 9 w. 0. 25 w. 0. 12 w. It. 77 w. 0. 36 w. 0. 45 w. n. 27 w. 0 . 36 w. n. 18 e. u. 15 e. n. 6s e. R. 80 e n. 30 e. s. 56 e. u. 39 e. b. 75 e. 8. 65 e. n. 45 e n. 9 e. 11. 63 e. 9. 77 w. 5. 53 w. 11. 85 w. n. 12 w. n. 75 ti. R. 17 e. u. 20 e. n. 69 e. n. 72 e. 8. 81) e. u. 61 e. n. 51 e s. 55 e n. 25 e. e. a 70 w. u. 41 e. s. 41 w. a. 68 w. 6. 73 w. n. 41 w. a. 60 w. n. 53 e s. 54 e. n. 81 w n. 78 w 8. 74 c 9. 47 e s. 5 w 8. 21 z n. 81 w B. '(3 w a. 40 w n. 64 w 8. "6 7\ n. 11 w u. 37 w u. 59 w n. 72 e *. 10 e 8. 83 w n. 47 w u. 50 w n. 45 w a. 48 a 6. 78 w Il. 80 w e. W. 14 17 15 14 7 21 16 Y 9 14 11 21 11 15 16 16 10 22 15 17 14 24 19 13 9 15 13 1 (I 13 16 Y 10 10 s 18 23 1 3 1v 16 23 14 23 13 25 1s 25 16 21 21 25 25 115 17 21 31 22 7 21 9 27 17 17 26 20 24 11 13 16 12 16 20 8 l e 25 2? 35 24 7 31 31 1; 31 28 2: 3: 11 19 11 24 22 25 27 21 21 11 25 11 29 31 12 22 2 i I Y 13 17 1H s 17 21 16 IO 17 29 21 I" 29 15 21 21 27 23 20 14 21 11; 13 4 18 14 20 ) 23 13 24 16 , ; 13 1IJ 22 0 17 26 6 21 3s 3 2 2s 26 s 0 19 36 34 7 15 16 1 1 Diibuaue. Iowa ..................... .I ...................... ............................ ..................... ........................ fi Missouri Ihllry. li Columbia. Mo. *. ................... I ..................... ..................... Topeka. Fans.*. ..................... ................... ........................ ................. 10 ' Pierre R.%ak ....................... 1~ Huro; R Dak ...................... .I 11 Tanktln;S. Dak. t . ............... Northerib Slope. ..................... ........................ ..................... ................... .................... ........................ .................. Augusta %a .......................... Jaekmnville, Fla ..................... Florida Peaiilsula. Jupiter, Fla .......................... Key West Fla .................. Tampa, Fia ..................... Ewlcrn Gulf Slates. Atlanta, Qa. ......................... Macon, C8.t .......................... . Penaacola FI8.t ...................... Mobile, Aia ........................... Meri 180 ................ Vicksburg MISE ...................... New Orleah, La.. .................... Western Gull Stales. savannah, Qa.. ....................... Montpm,er&A!a. :. .................. .............. .............. Buffalo, N. Y ......................... Oswego, N. Y ......................... Rochester N. Y ...................... 8 raeuse,k. Y. ....................... Cleskland Ohio ......... Sandusk ' Ohio? ..................... Toledo &io .......................... Detroic Mich ......................... Up er Luke Region. drie Pa ................. Mpena ~i c K ......................... Fmanaba Mich ....................... Qrand &en, Mich. ..... Chicago Ill ........................... Milwaukee, wis ..................... Green Bay Wis ...................... Duluth, M h o .. ....................... .................. ....................... ....................... ................... 14 Middlr Plalean. ................... ....................... ................. Qraud Junction, Culo.. .............. ............ .: :: :: :: :: 1: Northern Platea 11. ....... 10 t ................... Idaho ..................... at Region. .............. ............. .................... .................... 16 I: 1 1 ......... s. 67 e Y. M w 8. 57 e 5. 64 e ......... *From observations at I iu. only. t From observatiooa a t 8 a. m. only. 302 states. Alabama .......... Arizona ........... Arkansas.. ........ California ......... Colorado .......... Connecticut ....... Delaware .......... Disk of Columbia. . Florida ............ Georgia ........... Idaho.. ............ Illinois. ........... Indiana ........... Indian Territory.. Iowa .............. Kansas ............ Kentucky ......... Louisiana ......... Maine ............ Maryland.. ........ Massachusetts ..... Michigan. ......... Minnesota. ........ Mississippi ........ Misaouri .......... Montana .......... Nebraska.. ........ Nevada. ........... New Hampshire.. . New Jersey.. ...... New Mexico.. ..... New York ......... North Carolina .... North Dakota.. ... Ohio. .............. Oklaboma ......... Oregon ........... Pennsylvania ..... Rhode Island ..... South Carolina .... BouthDakota ...... Tennessee ......... Texaa ............. Utah .............. Vermont .......... Virginia.. ......... Washington ....... West Virginin.. ... Wisconsin ......... Wyoming ......... Sums ............ - ,d o a .s * 2; - 62 66 67 167 81 21 6 4 47 66 34 92 58 11 149 77 41 46 19 48 48 106 67 44 95 40 142 40 19 51 31 99 66 48 128 23 74 91 7 46 66 66 96 47 16 60 64 43 6C 31 - 2893 __ T. 1 A. ... T. ... A. ... T. ... A. ... T. ... A. ... T. 4 A. ... T. ... A. .. T. A. _.. T. 7 A. _.. T. 15 A. ._. T. 12 A. ... T. 1 Y A. ... T. 19 A. ... T. ... A. ... T. 3 A. ... T. 4 A. _. T. 13 A. ... T. ... A. ... T. ... A. ... T. ... A. ... T. ... A. ... T. 2 A. ... T. ... A. ... T. 2 A. ... T. 11 A. ... T. ... A. ... T. 2 A. ... T. 4 A. ... T. ... A. ... T. ... A. ... T. 2 A. _.. T. ... A. _.. T. 2 A. ... T. ... A. ... T. ... A. ... T. 1 A. .. T. 4 A. ... T. ... A ... T. _. A. ... T. 17 A. ... T. 1 A. ... T. 19 A. ... T. 1 A. ... T. 10 A. ... T. ... A. ... T. ... A. ... T. IO A. ... T. 1 A. ... T. 2 A. .. T. .. A. ... T. 187 A. 0 - MON!Cl€ LY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE IV.-Thunderstmma and awwaa, June, 1905. - 22 - 4 4 5 5 10 5 ?I 10 1 1 1 I 13 1 1 1 4 14 3 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 ... ... ... I ... 4 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 ... ... ... 16 ... .In ... 1 ... ... ... 10 2 ... ... I ... 11 8 ... ... - 23s 0 26 126 I 27 I 28 ____ 7 1 0 6 1 ............... ............... ............... 8 11 ....... ............... .............. ............... 1 ........ 4 7 ........... .............. ............... .............. ............... ............ 1 15 12 1" 10 ............... ... .. ............... .... 1 l... ........ I ... .... 1 7 4 2 2 ....... I? 3 .... 2 lfi 5 ....... 1 3 5 1 0 ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... .... I .... 7 $, I"+' ''i ............... ............... ............... ?I l l 1 .5 ............... ........ 5 ............... 9 110 ~ : I... ............... 13 4 ....... I ........... ............... ............... ............... ............... 3 2 ....... ............... .............. ............... B ........... 19 4 I ... ............... ............... .... 1 .... 3 ........ 2 24 3 1 ....... 1 ........... ............... .............. ........ 1 ...I... ............... ............... ............ ~ IH 1 ....... 12 16 5 ... 6 2 20 IS ....... ....... ....... ....... 9 6 .... 5 13 4 I3 1 ....... ...... ....... ............... ............ 1 3 ........... 4 3 12 17 ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... .... 4 .... 11 ~ ............... .... 1 .... 3 ............... .............. ............... --__ "27 161 125 141 0 0 0 0 29 130 ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... 3 1 15 10 ...... .__I .__ ...... 1 ... 14 14 3 1 .... 3 .... 2 ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... 3 1 1 1 ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... 5 "E P i ....... ....... __ 17-1 ??P ?C JUNE, 1903 I Total. - f - 11 0 I1 0 16 0 9 0 28 0 I1 0 6 0 7 0 18 0 26 0 21 0 21 0 19 1 8 0 22 1 23 0 20 0 19 0 7 0 22 0 9 0 20 0 lfi 0 16 0 20 0 20 0 22 0 12 0 13 1 IS 0 13 0 22 1 37 0 16 1 24 0 I4 0 21 0 23 0 4 0 25 0 22 1 22 0 25 0 19 0 12 0 22 0 1 n 1 19 0 21 0 21 0 - - - - r. r. r. r. r. r. r. r. r. r. r. r. r. r. r. r. r. r. r. i. i. \. 1. %. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. A. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. T. A. - JUNE, 1903. Albany N. Y ............ AI na'Mich ........... Atlanta, Ga ............. Atlantic City, N. J.. ... Augusta, Ga ............. Baltmiore Md ........... Binghamton N. Y ....... Bismarck N: Dak ........ Block IslAnd, R.1 ....... Boise Idaho ............. Bo@& Mass. ............ Buffald N. Y... ......... Cairo 1'11 ................. Charleston, S. C. ......... Charlotte, N. C ....... Cineinnhi Ohio ..... Cleveland 'Ohio .......... As%ville N.C .......... Do .............. Chattanoo a Tenn.. .... Chicago 1fi.l ........ Colnmbia,'Ivlo ............ Columbia, 8. C ........... Columbns. Ohio .......... Corpus Cbristi, Tex.. ... ................. D o MONTELY WEATHER REVIEW. 30 13-14 9 i 4 Y 11 S 11-12 30 11-12 4 20-21 20 21 IS 20 22 27 22 4-5 1 18 1-3 6 "0 12-13 a03 ................. ................. 355 I>. UI. 335 1'. I l l . 9:45 8.111. :<:%I 1'. 111. 1:02 1'. I l l . 10::jU 11. 111. 1:45 1,. I l l . 8 :~ ................. 5:OO p. 111. ................. ................. ................. 1?:15 y. I l l . 1:45 1'. 111. 3:05 a. I l l . ................. ................. TABLE V.-Aecumukrted a- of * * ' for euch 6 m(lrutee, for 8 h n ~3 in which the rate of fall equaled or exceeded 0.25 in any 5 minutee, or 0.76 m h g June, lWS, ai a l l stationer furn&hed with eelf-registerlng gages. 1.47 1. 1'. 0. "1 1. 29 0. 011 T. 0. 64 n. 13 (I. 00 0. 01 1. Ill ................. S:10 1'. 111. 11:Xi 1'. 111. 4:2S :L. 111. 9:20 1,. IU. 0. 05 1. !E T. T. ................. X:"R 8. 111. Y:25 :I. 111. 111:20 8. 111. ................. ................. ................ 5:Y5 ID. 111. ................ ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. i:05 11. 111. 1. til ...... ...... 0. 16 0. 01 Davenport Iowa.. ....... Denver Cdlo ............ Des Mdines, Iowa ....... Detroit Micb ............ Dodm. k a n s ............ 1 5 1s 6 20-21 4:05 1'. m. ...................... ....................... ....................... 6:lO 1,. ILL ....................... ................ s:nn 1'. 111. 16:45 1'. 111. 1l:lJfl 1'. in. i:50 a. 111. 3:lfi p. 111. (1. 14 0. 03 0.01 0. 05 T. ................ ................ ................ 4.54 :I. IU. 6:54 p.m. 6.04 0.09 ................ 4% p. TU. 4:lZ 1'. IU. 1:25 1). I l l . 12.45 1'. 111. T. T. I). 54 T. ................ ................ ................ ................ ............... ................ 1:15 p. I l l . 4:3s p. 111. 6:10 1). 111. ................ ................ ................ ................ 6:30 p. m. 0.31 0. 10 (1. 14 ..... Lewiston, Idaho.. ....... Lexington K y .......... Lincoln, debr.. ......... Little Rock. Ark ........ 12 7 21 35 .... 12:24 1'. Ill. ...................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ............. 3 3 2 p. Ill. ....................... - .. Nantucket Mass.. ...... Nashville, kenn.. ....... Do. ................. New Haven Coun.. ..... New Orlean;, La.. ....... 12-13 5 9-10 29 22 ............... 11:oJ ib. 111. Y:5S n. I l l . 1u:48 8. 111. 11:10 a. IU. 0. 21 0. $2 ..... ..... 4:30 a. IU. 11.38 a. xu. 2.3s ................ ............... ................ 5:?0 8. 111. 4:on 8. 111. ................ ................ ................ 12:15 p. 111. ................ ................ ................. ................. ................. J :I S ~~.I ~I . 4:15 p. 111. ................. 0.01 0.05 0.02 n.o-I 0. 04 ..... ..... ..... .._.. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 10 22-23 2-3 12-13 27 9-10 22 11 20 Depths of precipitation (in inches) during periods of time indicated. Stationa. I - 5 min. - 0. 36 ..... ..... 0.05 0. :34 (I. :e 0.05 u. 0s I!. '10 u. 13 (1. "0 0. 16 0. 18 0. 23 0. 14 ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... 0.011 I). IJ!I 0. 12 U. li .... 0. os 1.21 2. UY .... .... .... 0. U5 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... u. 07 0. 19 0.07 0.21 0. 26 11. 25 .... .... .... .... 0. 10 0.44 I). 17 0. 10 0.11 0. 22 0. I6 0. ":? u. 11) .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0. "7 .... .... 0.16 .... 1. SI 0. 10 0.11 0. 51 I). (1.3 .... .... n. x6 .... 0. os 0.11 0. Ill .... ..... .... ..... ..... 0.119 11. 116 ..... 6 4:13 p. IU. I . 403 p. IU. 4:36 p. m. 0. 73 ...................... 1.06 ...................... 0.81 r). 8 1 3 1 4 N. 5:s p. 111. !. ' j ' ~ 0.173 .... .... 0. 15 0. i4 0. 54 .... .... .... 0. 10 0. il 0.23 0. S i 0. i0 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 0. 22 0.73 .......... .......... 3 2 5 p. 111. .......... 4:4i 1). IU. 3318 p. I l l . .......... .......... 9:10 8. 111. 3 2 5 p. m. 12::-17 p. IU. 9 :s p. 111. 1:05 11. 111. i:23 p. 111. ll:m a. ni. l:X2 p. 111. ?:A1 a. Ill, .......... ......... .......... ............ ............ ........ 0.39 40 a.m. 1.59 .... .... ........... 0 .2 2 0.33 0.40 0. i 4 IJ.42 (1.55 0. 3 i ~ I). 51 1 0. 4s 0. i 5 U. 3i I). 6li I). 45 0. 53 0.30 0.46 ........... ........... ........... (1.46 0.51 0.75 ..... 0. 61 (I. 68 0. 56 0. 59 0. 7s 0. SO 0.61 0 .6 i 0.55 ..... ..... ........... ..... .......... 7:35 1'. I l l . 1135 1'. 111. Y:55 a. 111. Y:32 1'. Ill. 0. i0 ..... ...... ........... 7:4S a. UI. S:3R 8.111. !I25 8. IU. 6. k7 0.31 1.47 2.93 0. %% 0. 68 0. 13 0.43 0 .4 i 0.89 0. il 0. i 2 II. 55 0. !IC u. 74 1.38 0. 99 0. 7 i 0. 72 0.33 1.60 1.15 0. 82 1.61 0. s5 1.0" 1.51 1.05 0. 59 0.84 1. so 0.96 0.50 0.20 0.35 0. .a 0. 36 0. 02 1. 16 1.24 0. fi5 0.95 0. ti1 0.43 2.94 .......... ........... ........... 4:25 p. I l l . ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... .......... 6:45 1'. 111. ........... n::n p. 111. 10:22 1'. I l l . 1025 p. ILL 7:lO a. I U . ?:56 p. m. .......... ........... .......... 4:12 a. IU. 6 4 3 1J. 1U. ........... 0, 21; 0. 40 U. 56 0. 61 0. lj5 0. 1;s 0.45 0.63 0.94 I. 13 1.23 1.29 0.43 0. 51 0. ti6 0. i o 0. i? 0. h l 0.47 i l l i l 0. 65 0.69 0.70 0. i 0 0. i 4 ..... ..... ..... 0. "3 ..... ..... u. 77 0. 7s 0.5i 0. SI; ........... ........... ........... 0.14 0.1Y 0. 65 (I. 72 ...................... .................. 0.3 0.85 0.Y3 0.97 .......... ............................ ......... u. 53 0. 75 u.21 0.50 0.19 u.31 (1. $2 0. 1% ........... ::Is a. 111. ,:?n 1'. 1 1 ~. 6:S2 8. 111. ..... 0. 02 0. 01 u. I):< ..... ......I ...... I ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... 0. 4S 0. i 4 1 .I P .r l ..W 1.d0 1.00 1 .I U 1 .,d I _:.... 1 ......I ...... I ...... 16.65 I 0 .6 9 I6.72 10.7s I ..................... ........................ .............................. ..... ..... ......I ...... I ...... I ...... I ...... 1 .....I ...... 1 , 0.25 ..... I 0. E! 1. .....I. .... .I . .... .... _I . .....I. .... .I. .... .1::::::1::::::1: ..... ........... c,, . -,. . -n . _" .......... I:,% a. 111. 6:u) p. N. 6:07 a. IU. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ......... 12M 1). 111. 4:oj 1'. I l l .......... .......... ...... .......... 5:20 p. TU. 6:lO 1). UI 1 ...... 0.50 ................. ..... 1 ......I ............ 0.30 ................. ...... I ...... I ...... 1 ......I , .I 0.18 ~......~......I ...... ................................... ...... 0.41 .................. .__..I ...... ..... ...... ...... n , .., LOS Ang Lo1 1.Y Macuu r u .. 1. z - ............. I ...... 1 ......I ...... ........................ 0. si ........... .I: :::: : 1 j 0.58 10.63 10.70 1 0 .S I1.1b 11.52 .................. 1 ' ::::: . 0.43 ............ ... ." l i l mem nrs, ienn ......... Merisian. M~ss.. ....... .I ...... 0. 34 1.91 0. 15 0.40 ...... ..... 0.43 2. 113 ......I ...... ...... ...... 1 ......I ...... ..... 0.4: 2.11 3.13 ..................................................... ....................................... 0.21 .................. 0.35 0.43 0.49 0.58 0.iO U.82 1.04 1.58 2.05 ............ 0.81 ~ 1.03 11.31 11.54 11.59 11.66 ~ ' ' .......... 6:30 a. UI. 11:45 1,. IU. ........... i:50 B. 111. 1235 a. 111. ..... 0.25 0.02 ..... 0. 26 0. 67 .... 1 ......I ..... ......................... .......... 10:35 a. 111. 9:08 a. 111. 9:58 a. m 10:4H a. III .......... .......... .......... 4% a. Ill. 320 a. ni. .......... ......... .......... 11:oo :%.Ill .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 3:05 p. 111 x:35 p. 111 .......... NewYork,N.Y ......... j 29 ..... I ..... 11 ..... 1%16 ..... 24 Oklahoma 6kla.. .. Omaha, NAbr. *. Palestine, Tex.. ......... Philadelphia P a .. . Pittsburg Pi ....... Pocatello'Idaho.. .. Portland' Me. ...... Portland' Orcg ..... Pueblo dolo ...... Raleigi N. C ...... Richrndnd Va ..... Rochester,'N. Y. ... ... 22 ..... ...................................................... 0.28 .................. 0.25 n. 35 0.49 0. v 0. 59 0. i:i 0.65 n. 1.11; 1.56 1. s i ............ 0.15 I (1.21j 10.35 I o .i i ; I 0 .l j l I 0 .6 R ~ 1 ~.~~ 1 0 .~ 0.78 In.81 ....... I ...... I ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... I I I I I I I I 10.43 I I 1 29.Y2 30.01 :3J.01 3n.o; -.IN +.0 i +. 12 +.i n GU. 1 56 9 61.5 lil). 5 5!1. 7 64.0 61.7 57.9 5lj.O 60. 3 511. h 61.8 lis. li 59.0 54. 9 73.11 5s. Y - 1.6 + 0.5 -0 .7 + 0. 9 - 0. 2 + 2.0 + 1.7 + 1.7 + 4.5 + 3.4 + 2. 1 t 2. 3 1- 4. b i- 2. 7 + 4.2 - 2.0 ...... f n x . 2.57 1.60 0.4Y 1.03 1.46 T. 2.26 2.05 1.w 4.94 1.07 2.00 0. lil 0.K 3.58 3.83 0.50 Ins. Ins. +O. 15 .... -1.13 .... -2.w .... -1.97 ... -].!I6 .... -2.76 .... -1J.41 .... -U.40 .... -1.43 .... +"OS ... -1.44 .... -1.31 .... -0.81 .... -O. 2'1. !Ilj 29.65 ?!I. 73 2Y. 34 29. 60 29. 60 29. 54 2% 70 29.30 29.24 rlls. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .___.I :::::I ... 70. 3 49. L 67.2 46. ( 75.4 47. ( Parry Poiind, Out ..... Port Arthur, o u t . ..... WinnilDeg:, Mau ....... hliiiuedosa, Man ...... (~o'Allpelle Assin.. ... hIw,licine d a t , Assin . . Swift Current, .Issin . . Calgary. Alberta ...... Rantf, Alherta ......... h'dinnutuii. Alberta. ._ . Priuce Alhert. Sask.. .. -1.76 -1. A 5 -0. 2 i -0. 9Y t 3 . :I? -u. 43 -11. !I4 -u. 6:) -0.14 +I ."?. +o. x:: +:+. 1;:j +3. i:: +I). 45 - 0. 5!1 +O. 6Y -0.32 Yarmouth N.S ....... Charlottetkwn P. E. I . Chatham, N. h ........ Father Point, Que.. ... Quebec Que ........... Moutreh Que ......... Bissett d u t ........... Ottawi Out ........... Kingston, Out.. ....... Toronto Out .......... White giver, Out ..... Port Stanley, Out ..... Saugeen, Out.. ........ 55.3 + 0.3 62. i 55. 6 -- 1. S 61.!I 57.2 - 2. 8 67.i 49. 4 - 3. li M .2 59.3 - 1.9 67.1; 63.3 - 1. G 71.7 59. li - 2.0 is. 1 t z . n - 2. 5 73.1 61.6 - 1.8 69.7 61. 8 - 1. Ij 71. 1 55. 7 - 3.0 71. 6 60. 6 - 3. 2 6!1. , 57.4 - 3.0 66.4 Rnt.tleDd, Saak ....... Kalulonps B (7 \'ictavria k.(L:':::::::: Rarkervhle 8. C .. ..... Hamiltou, kermuda. . Dawsou City, Yukon.. . TABLE VII.-Heights of rivers referred to zeros of gages, Jiiue, 1309. - & c ? 9 z Feel. li. 6 6. 3 5. n 8.0 10. 0 11.3 7. 7 Y. 9 11. 5 7. 1 13.6 16.4 - ~ W i6 a M L e W M :g - FWt. 23 30 30 34 33 42 42 42 45 16 17 - $ e z z Feet. 21.8 30. R 26.8 2Y. 2 27. 7 37.1 42,o 35.8 39. 3 14.1 7.0 - - R - A & 1 a g z - Feet. 15. 8 17.0 15. 4 13.1 14.4 t i . 2 12.7 12.8 11.7 3.1 6. 0 m .9 . -& n *a W M 3 ~ Feel. 14 14 12 12 1s 15 10 15 16 8 15 13 Highest water. Lowest water. Highest water. 1 Lowest. water. I Date. n height. I Date. Stations. .eight - __ Date. 334 1,2 1 1 2:; 4-8 .&7 6 5 L( 5,6 eight n e t . ~ 11.9 10. 3 9. 7 11.9 14.6 15.6 10.2 13.2 1.1. 6 10.6 19. 5 22.5 'eight __ Feel. 3.4 3.0 2. s 4. 1 4.0 5. 1 3. 8 4. 7 6.2 3. 4 fi. 1 8.4 Date.. Fret. h. 5 7. 3 6. 9 7. s 10. 6 10.5 6. 4 8.5 1.2 13. 4 14. 1 s. 4 Xiilc8 1,306 1,264 1,189 1,003 843 767 635 5!>5 474 1 os Y8 FWt. 1s. 4 38. 0 23. 3 34. 5 33: 0 $2. 9 45.6 39. 4 43. 1 15.1 9.0 Milos. 1,YW 1,914 1,884 1,819 1,759 1,699 1.609 1,593 1.562 1,472 1,463 1,4W illiasissip~i Rii~+~r-(.'unt'al. (iraftou, 11 ................ St.. Louis &lo. ............. CIiester ' ~I I ................ New hiidrid hlo.. ......... Memphis, Tinn ........... Helena. Ark ............... Arkansas City, Ark.. ...... Greeuville, hiiss.. ......... l i l l m s t o i i e River. Glendive, Mont.. .......... Vickshurg, Miss.. ......... New nrleans, La.. ......... Miariadippi River. St. Paul, Minn ........... Red Wing Ninn .......... Reeds Laiding. Minn.. .... 30 28-30 30 30 31) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 La Crosse, WiS ........... Prairie du Chieu, Wis ..... Dubuqoe Iowa. ........... Leelaire 'Iowa.. ........... Davenpdrt Iowa.. ......... Nuscatinel lowa.. ......... Galland, Ibwa ............. Keokuk Iowa ............. Hannibh, 810. ............ 20 1 3.0 1 1 JUNE, 1903. Fret. 5.6 6. 3 7.0 4.6 MONTF€ LY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE VII.-HdghtS of rivere refwed to zero8 of gages-Continued. 26 21,22 23,25,26 28 306 I)." 2. 5 4.6 4. 0 3. x 4. 6 6.4 Y. 2 !U. 4 15. 9 Ili. 7 15. 5 9. 0 x. 1 4. 2 6. 7 '3.3 4. 1 5. i 0. 3 4.5 2. s 6. 5 ,. Y 4.5 2.0 5. 1 R. 6 5.7 t 5 A. 3 _. 6 4.0 6. 3 7.6 11.6 11.3 7. b 8. Y 8. 5 1. 4 7. 7 7.4 6. 1 2. i IO. 3 I S 1 IS. 4 1.1 6.2 3.8 5. 6 9.4 3. .I "7 1.1 3. ti 0. 7 - h 26 a * r M 3 9 1 Feet. 14.7 17.7 16.2 16. 2 19.6 10.6 4.0 11.4 8.9 9.8 14.4 17.9 1.3 3.6 6. 1 6.3 4.0 !I. 0 - n. I 2. n 9.6 2. 8 10.3 7.4 15. 1 5.0 4.5 15. 2 10.3 2.0 16. 1 11.0 10.0 n. 5 24.9 19.3 1.4 12. 3 18.1 5.3 9.8 16.6 8.5 16.0 10. 1 11.1 14.9 12.9 11.0 11.1 6. 1 io. n 10. 6 5. 8 4.0 2. 0 0.6 9. 6 19. 1 2. 3 io. n 6. a 1.2 - "l C L l r nucI., ZIT.. ......... 1 1 0 117iife Rioer. 1 1 Nawnnrt Arb I inn - W 0 . Z W M e & y 3 - Feet 25 9 10 12 14 14 19 18 17 10 21 20 24 16 14 10 23 14 13 20 20 .... IO 18 25 18 7 8 14 80 20 14 14 14 22 25 27 36 36 39 50 50 50 50 46 28 35 45 20 17 18 15 25 17 31 20 25 14 6 15 29 25 33 24 16 25 24 50 40 42 28 40 40 IO -.-.. ',".., __._ .............. Ihzoo River, - - f 4 0 - Fer/. 0. 3 1.8 6. 9 5. 3 7. 2 7. 4 IO. 7 11.5 7. 8 9.8 !U. 9 15.9 9. i 9.8 2. s 1.7 2. 2 2 ' 3 0. n 1. Ij 1. Y 3. !I 1.4 1.4 3. 2 9. 1 9. 4 2.5 0.5 3. (I 7.0 1.5 0. ti 2. 5 3. s 6.3 6. u 1. 1 6 0 7.9 11.5 IO. 4 11.!1 13.5 I?. 5 6. 9 12. 1 !I. 9 35.8 6.3 4. 2 2.3 6. 0 1.3 9.9 6. 5 0 2 5. 1 2. (1 1.4 1. 6 3. 1 3.9 r,. s 5. 1 6 4 7. 5 9 .8 2.6 J. n 6. h -1" - 2 I.6 ~.m M D M ;z ~ Fer!. 23 ?2 21 23 26 25 27 29 33 39 28 4a 31 16 16 17 17 12 20 24 ?" 8 18 18 12 8 12 30 38 6 2i 12 12 12 15 24 7 15 32 11 20 18 20 i n 11 20 30 16 35 35 33 35 43 21 24 39 26 ?5 40 20 15 ?3 29 8.0 1 8. 7 2. 8 5. I - d M 4- a 4 ~ Feel. 1.3 2.7 3.4 5. 7 5.2 3. 6 9.8 13.0 6.6 LO. 6 IO. 2 19.9 $1.5 3.6 2. 1 5.3 3. 3 0.4 3.0 4. 1 2.0 3.4 5. 1 2.4 1.9 1.4 5.0 13.8 7. 1 4.5 6.8 7.0 7.3 9.5 6.6 14 4 2. n 4.3 13.4 4.0 6.5 6.5 5. 6 7. 1 8. I 5.4 5.3 5. 8 10.3 0 5 8. 0 9. 5 1 5 4. 6 5.5 n. 6 n. I 22. 7 3% 3 3.3 21. 2 14. 7 0. a - 22-24,30 25 30 48.29 \Villiesh&re Pa .......... Harrishurg,'Pa ............ Ili.81 Bmrich Susqwhnunrr. 183 69 Jtrn iofu IRiwr. .?'hr,riaridoah Riaer. €4,lorrinc Rirsr. Houtiugdou, Pa. .......... Riverton, V a .. ........... 90 58 Unrr R i i r r . Daiirille, V a .............. Ronnnke River. Clarksrillr Ta ............ \%'r1(1ou, N: c... ........... fhpe Fear R i w r . Fayettwillz, N. C ......... Edislo Rifler. Edisto,S. C ................ P?drp R i w r . C'heraw, S. C ............... 55 196 1 2 ~ 112 75 149 Culumbia, 8. c ............. IIi2lerre Ricvr. Camdeu, 9. C. ............ Ililccnnlnn~ River. 37 45 Brood River. Flinf Rit7er. Carlton. 0 3 ................ 30 Macon, Ga ................. Alilwrille,c;n. ............. 125 50 Tuscalnosa. Ala.. .......... Brtizos R i w r . Kopperl. Tes .............. Boitth, TPX ................ R P ~ R i w r of Ihr LVorth. Mnorhead. Iliun .......... W ~C O . TPX ................. 90 369 301 i6 419 Allmny, Oreg ............. Port laud, ( IreR, .......... .9ni.rfivieii Io Rirvr. Red Bliiff, Cal. ............ Sacramento, Cal.. .......... 118 12 265 64 Highest water. Lowest water. Highest water. Lowest water. [eight. Date. - Date. __ Date. Stations. [eight. eight. [eight Date. IH I Feet. -0. 1 2. 8 i. 9 6.3 8. 7 9.2 12. 5 14.4 11.2 15.0 35.0 26.3 30.9 25.5 8. 0 13.0 5. n 7.3 2.5 4. R 6.5 11. 8 5.0 3.0 4. 0 12.0 14. 5 6.0 1.6 4. 5 8. 2 4. 7 4.2 4.4 6. 0 !I. 9 10.6 15.3 14. 7 13.4 13.4 16. 6 15. 9 16. 7 17. 7 15.9 s. 3 18.4 2Y. 4 43.4 7.1 9. 0 4.7 10. 6 3.0 12.5 8.6 0. fi 7.5 2.3 4.4 5.0 6.4 1.4 11.6 9 4 111 IJ 19. t 15. 3 in. 1 17.0 2i. 4 38.0 7.6 Frrt. -0. 5 0. 9 4. 9 4.1 5. 2 8.7 6. 8 6. 8 14. 6 10.4 14.2 14.0 -1.0 !I. 9 0.6 0. , 0. 4 1.5 0.2 0. 2 1.5 7.5 6. 7 1.5 4 .4 2. 4 4. 6 3. n 9. n 0. n (I. 2 -1. a 4 .1 1.8 ?. 0 4. 6 3.0 3. i 3.4 5.6 4. 6 8. 1 6.5 9.0 10.3 9. s 5.6 11.3 25.0 6.0 2. 8 1. 4 3.0 n. 1 n. 6 Y. 1 5.9 -0. 5 3. 9 1.6 0. G 0. 3 1. 7 2.2 4.1 2.5 2. 5 2. !I 4.4 1. 6 2. 0 3. 1; 5. 9 1.8 FrrI. 20. 3 24.0 %. 2 25.6 17. 1 12. 0 20. 1 11. 7 15. 5 20. i 28.6 32. 0 6. 2 li. 5 1. ? 2. 6 9. 5 6. U 10.0 5.6 12.8 14. I 5. 2 8.0 25.4 14.0 5.3 21. 2 11.8 13. 9 2 4 n 1;. 0 n. 15. a 27. 2 2s. 3 3. 2 15.3 2;. 3 8. a 12.9 20.0 12. n 19.0 14. s 13. 1 17. 1 14. 7 15.3 17.0 3. 1 13. I J 16.4 1;. (I i. 0 6. 7 8. 4 25. 1 43.1 4. i 24. (1 1.6 li. 9 Miles. 210 ...... 3,504 2,285 1,309 1,114 784 669 641 481 231 199 103 90 135 59 15 177 128 73 29 3'2 161 119 81 40 64 35 10 58 103 155 95 36 966 960 925 875 703 660 651 612 499 413 361 184 47 I , 073 70 110 77 50 30 117 65 156 52 103 1.44 70 635 556 452 402 256 225 95 616 305 189 126 833 368 785 -4 rk.ci?ieas Rii'er.-Cont'd. illilra. ... 465 403 ....... 256 I 1-L1 20-30 1 8-10 9,10 23-25 25 28 1 1 2 5 6 6 1,2 1 ,2 9-1 1 30 30 25 24 24 24 23,24 1u 8 30 30 23 24 30 6 7 "9 29 13,?9 24 25 25 2s 26 07 2; 2h 2!1 30 7 Y 13 26 8 7 ?,7 11,1? 11,12 i, Y 9 Y 5 ,s 7 8 ; 8 7 3 4 5 , (i f ; 5 6 2 1-6 29 30 30 4 i, 4 14 14 15 16 27 19 2s 30 5, r, 7 13 5- I O 6-Y 5 12,18 i a 5,6,4 19,20 ; I 697 11-13 6-9 15, I6 19,?0 3-6, !I 21-23 6, 11 lB,?X I J 7 6 ti 6 18 19 20,26 21 30 30 23,?4 -7,18,20 1 4 29,30 30 2.3 2,23,2r"2; T M 0 31) 1s 27 25 22, ''9 27 27 2G.27 27 1,25.2%31 %,30 30 26 ?ti 27,28 26,2i 14 1,3 1 1 3 6 ,7 27-30 1 3 6 1 3 1 26-30 13 26 26 27 21; 26 24,30 I0 29 30 7 Y 27 24 9 24 6. 7 9 16 13 15 9 8 27 7 8 7 9 6 7 5 12 11 6 8 10 9-1 1 1 9 I 16 16 "2 I ,? 15 15 2 lS, 19 1 1-3 6.5 6.3 10.7 30. 7 2. 6 0.4 2.9 u. !I - 1.4 0. 5 3. 2 0.4 2. n - a. 4 2 .5 1.0 0.2 3.5 11). 2 3. 7 3.3 3. 1 0. b 3. !I 6.5 2.3 9.0 1.8 3.0 9.2 2.7 3. 1 3.4 3. 5 4. I! 4. I 2.0 4.2 1.8 4. 3 5.9 - ?. 0 2. 2 6. 2 0. 2 4. 1 7.8 15. 5 24.0 2. 4 13.2 0. 11. , 3. I! - 26 29,30 2 i,9.11 4-11 44.11 5-8 7 2 6,7 27,28 23,24 4>5 18,19 3 5 1Y-24 !2, ?3,26 21) I9 1 -2 1Y 1 7 3 1 1 1 8 25 25,26 23 19.20 25 26 92 26 2 1 2 6 27 21 !O, 23-26 21,2? 2?,23 20, ?I 22 4 5 ,6 30 1 1 2 i 1 2430 30 1 .4 9 __ Jrrnrra R i w r . Lvnchbur Va ........... .I 260 Hhhmoud?Va ............ 111 Conway, S. C .............. 40 Snrnnanh L'ur:... 1 Calhouu Falls, S. C. ...... 347 Auywta, Ga.. ............ 268 utllatiiia, o ~g ............ 270 The Pnlles, Orey.. ,. ._ ._ . 166 lI'il/~t~nrIte R i w r . .. (1) 2!1 days ouly. Date. l..... 2..... 3..... 4..... 5..... 6 ..... 7 ... . S.... . g ..... 10.. ... 11 ..... 12 ..... 13 ..... 14 ..... 15. .... 16 ..... 17 ..... 18 ..... 19 ..... 20 ..... 21 ..... 22 ..... 23 ..... 24 ..... 26 ..... 27 ..... 29 ..... 80. .... 31 Sums.. Means. Depart- ure.. s..... a8 ..... - c m d m E g c 0) * 30.09 30.04 3 .9 8 29.94 29.92 29.95 29.99 29.99 30.01 29.99 29.97 29.98 30.00 29.98 29.96 29.92 29.99 29.94 39.97 29.97 30.00 29.99 29.99 29.97 29.98 30.03 29.96 30.W ........... ...... 29.98 -.03 30.00 29.97 2 I Sea-level pressures. ~ $ .C a - s g 0 2 d f a =% e- .@ Means. r' .s 8 d .3 65.5 65.5 66.7 66.3 66. 3 64.5 63.3 154.0 67.3 63.5 65.5 65.0 6.3. 5 fi3. 7 63.U 6 1 7 64.5 G3.7 65.7 66.0 6 i .0 65.0 64.0 63.0 64.5 65.5 63.7 63.5 67.0 ........ 64. !r 4 .1 ;& :; 22 i4 .-.Z 80 77 80 77 $1 70 69 70 74 66 76 74 65 70 65 73 69 69 75 BH G9 66 66 63 66 66 64 C l 65 ........ 70. : -0. ! .- a s 7.5 75 81 111 82 83 80 33 82 81 80 81 SI R3 84 65 h4 84 f.5 Y4 83 s3 S4 55 83 83 83 7s 80 84 ....... ....... 53.0 ........ 2 2 .* 69 70 69 68 66 67 71 71 73 71 69 70 i o 67 65 65 G6 66 73 72 71 72 71 7u 74 75 75 70 67 70 69. 1 7: 71 71 70 68 71 72 73 72 75 73 70 72 73 73 70 73 68 75 77 74 74 74 75 77 76 77 77 76 70 .......... .......... 72. 9 6 7 68 69 68 66 67.5 66 67.5 69.5 68.5 67.5 68 67 67.5 66 65.5 67 65.6 611.5 70.5 68 67.5 66.5 68 69 68 68 68 69 65.5 67. 6 10 5-3 3-5 4 3-10 4-2 3 8 30.15 30.05 30.03 29.97 30.01 30.04 30. ox 30.12 30.06 30.03 30.00 29. tr5 29.90 29. 93 29. 96 39. 96 29.96 29.9; 29.99 "W.96 49.96 29.94 2Y.95 29.44 29.90 29.50 29.8!1 29. 99 29.~14 0.22 0.35 0.40 0,04 0.06 0. 00 0. u:3 0.00 0. 02 0. 00 0.01 0.23 0.0'2 0. (Ik 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (I no 0.07 4 8-4 2 3-1 -1-2 3-1 2 4-2 4 4 1-5 2-6 4 4 b 3 4 6 4 2-1 30.05 30.08 3u.00 29. $17 29.59 3n.uo 30.04 30.03 3 .0 5 30.01 30.04 30.03 30.05 50.07 30.03 30.05 30.05 .......... .......... 29.91; 29.94 2Y.9i 39.95 29.95 0.06 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.00 26.97 29.96 29.95 29. 97 I ). 00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 ..... '9.954 ........... 1.57 ...... HAWAII. HILO, e. and ne. Waiakea ..................... Fed. 50 riichcd. 4.9 4. &9 7. 11 3.17 3.37 2. 5' 4. 18 1.75 0. 33 0.55 0.27 0.25 0.34 0. 16 1. 35 1.07 U. S. Naval Station, sw.. ... Kapiolani Park, sw College Hills. ..... Manna (Woodlawn Dairv) c hhUiJa (Rliodes Gardens) :. School at.reet (Bishop), s w .. Insane Asylum sw ......... Karueliaiueha dchool.. ..... Kalihi-Uka RW.. . Nuuaoii (d. W. H Nuuano Wrllie street) Nuuanu \El&.'Stat.iou), &: Niioanu (Luakaha) c .. .... ~. ~~ Niul i i ........................ Kohala (Mission) ............ Kohala (Sugar C o .). .......... Hawi.hIill. ................... 200 521 270 700 Funkia Ranch ............... Puuliue Ranch.. ............. \\'aimen ............. Holualoa ..................... Kaukah41ko Lellrula. ........ Kainaliu ..................... KUNA, W. 600 I , Si7 2,720 1,360 3,500 1,470 Kula (Erehaon), 0 .. ......... Puuamalci,n.. ............... 4 000 (WO 306 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. JUNE, 1903 Mmn temperatwe table for June, 1903. BN ULIMATOLO(3IUAL DATA. z1 Obematione at Honohlu, June, 1903. During twenty-four hours preceding 1 p. m. Greenwich time, or 1:30 a m. Honolulu time. URTIB J. LYONE. Territorial Meteomloplat. HAW& By Mr Meorobg Mtan Cor. min. av'ge. Eleva- Mean 1 tion. I max. Stations. ~~ Tempern- ture. 0 78.7 85. 1 80. 4 i4.0 72.0 81.0 R2.4 S?. 6 Wind. Fee6. Pepeekeo ................ ............................ ............................. Tempera ture. 69.2 6i. 2 67. I 60.0 62. 8 67.0 69.5 71. 1 76.3 75.9 73. 1 66.3 61.7 73.3 75.2 76.1 - $ $4 it - 5 >1 1-0 1-0 1-0 2 4 5 1 3 3 2 3-1 3-1 2 14 1-0 l-IJ 2-0 3 4 2-0 :3-0 4-1 4-2 3 &j 5 3-5 4 ... ... 2.3 ... - Ewutu.-The heaviest monthg rainfall for May was given as being at Mountain View, Olaa, 11.70 inches; a delayed report from Nahiku, Maui, gives the amount at that place 14.89 inches, which was the heaviest for May. Naalehu humidity average 73.6; barometer average, 99.41; highest, 29.49 ; lowest. 29.35; greatest, 24-hour change, .07; trade wind clays. 26 Naalehu reports light earthquake on the 9th, at 7:20 p. m. Heavy gale at 1V:timea. Hawaii, on t,he 97th. Pepeekeo reports a fine glow in t,he mornings and afternoons Iiohala reports the lowest June rain record (1.01) with one Iiohala, clew point average, 65.5'; humidity, 75.0. on several occasions during the month. exception (1897) in twenty years. Rainfall data for Jicwr, 1903. ne. ne. ne. ne. sw. hW. ne. cue. ne. ne. ne. ne. ne. ne. ne. ne. ne. ne. ne. ne. ne. nue-ne. ne. ne. ne. lie. cue. Ot.. UP. lie. ........ ........ ........ ........ 3 30.04 3 30.06 2 30.06 4-5 30.0; 9-91 SO. 06 - d .* c c 'u r4 - Feet. 250 47 50 120 6 10 175 285 360 30 455 50 250 405 860 350 ,360 25 300 100 350 25 37 900 60 45 200 15 700 200 300 1,000 15 325 10 15 15 52 ;, 000 .... .... > 150 .... .... 850 450 225 800 1uo .... .... .... I , 600 - r' a -4 8 __ Inclrcs. 1.80 0.92 1.57 1.27 1.66 1.65 0.39 2. 16 5. 97 9.97 1. Y4 7. .55 1.34 3.01 r6. -19 2. 17 6.72 8.64 1.56 6.91 2.93 3.59 0.66 1.99 2.20 I . 15 2.57 3.84 3.66 9.25 3.11 3.87 ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... 0. 18 2.85 5. 14 2. 15 4. S6 2. 31 ....... ....... 3.26 1. 77 1.28 14 89 winds. __ I 4.01 30.041 hIIUI--C'out'd. Haleakala Ranch.. ......... ........... Wailuku, n e .. .............. C I A H I J. ..... I ..... I'iinnhoii (W. K ), 8w ....... KiiL~~kaIiiin(C':~stlrj, nw.. .. h1:ikiki Heserruir .......... ~ Mean temperature for the rnoiith of Juue 1903 (6 + 2 + 9) i 3=76.0°; noriual in 7 1 ~0 ~. Mean pressure for the mouth of .laor, 1903, y9-k;) +2=-. "[I !IS!!; noriual is 30.011. *This pressure i s as recorded at 1 p. m. Greenwich time. These teiuperatiires are ob- served at 6 a. IU., local, or 4.31 p. m., &reenwich time. 1 $heye values are the means of (6+9+2+9)+4. BBeaiifort scale. Maximum thermometer set at 9 p. 111. and minlmum at 2 p. 111 . local time. GENERAL SUMMARY FOR JUNE, 1903. Honolulu.-Temperature mean for the month, 76.0' ; normal, 76.0' ; average daily maximum, 82.0' ; average daily minimum, 69.7'; mean daily range, 12.3O; greatest daily range, 20'; least daily range, 5"; highest temperature, 55'; lowest, 65'. Barometer average, 2!).98!); normal, 30.011; highest, 30.15; lowest, 29.85; greatest 24-hour change, .OS; lows passed Hono- lulu, 16th; highs, lst, 2d, and 27th. Relative humidity average, 70.5 per cent; normal, 71.0 per cent; mean dew-point, 64.9'; normal, 65'; mean absolute moisture, 6.74 grains per cubic foot; normal, 6.83 grains. Rainfall, 1.57 inches; normal, 1.52 inches; rain record days, 15; normal, 19; greatest rainfall in one day, 0.40, on the 2cl; total a t Luakaha, 13.49; normal, 5.63; a t Kapiolani Park, 0.39; normal, 0.36. The artesian well water level fell during the month from 34.65 feet above mean sea level to 34.15; June 30,1902, i t stood at 33.50. The average daily mean sea level for the month was 9.78 feet, the assumed annual mean being 10.00 feet above datum. For June, 1902, it was 9.76. Trade wind days, 28, (two of ENE.); normal, 26; average force of wind during daylight, Beaufort scale, 2.3. Average cloudiness, tenths of sky, 4.0; normal, 4.0. Approximate percentages of clistrict rainfall as compared with normal: Hilo, 60 per cent; Haniakua, 23; Kohaia, 34; Waimea, 40; Hona, 3s; I h i , 112; Puna, 73; RIaui, 135; Oaliu, 110; Iiauai, 135. The heaviest Pi-hour rainfalls for the month were a t Nahiku, 3.18 on the 4th; Luakaha, 3.07, 3d, and Mountain View, Olaa, 2.54, on the 9th. The heaviest monthly rainfall, Nahiku, 15.70. ...... .I1 Houokaa (1,1110) ............ 3.30 Nahiku .................... NOTE.-The letters n. 8, e, w, and c IOW the exposure of the statiou relative to t