876 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. JUNE, 1911 CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA FOR JUNE, 1911. DISTRICT NO. 6, MISSOURI VALLEY. MONTROSE W. HAYES, District Editor. G EN ERA L SUMMA BY. In most of the district dry, hot weather revailed, and in that portion 1 ing in South Dakota, Rebraska,, unusually high, and the precipitation was as li lit as has ricultural and stock raisin interests in practically all Mountains were being deleteriously affected by the extreme heat and lack of rain. In niucli of this terri- tory the rainfall has been deficieii t throughout the grow- ing season, the subsoil is very dry, and tlic niolvtlire rcceived by the surface stratum during June soon evaporated under the influeqce of intense sunshine, hi li The small streams in the territory lying at a lower eleva- tion than 2,000 feet are very low, and some of them have . In South Dakota there is a scarcity of water for stoc dT . Pasturage is short everywhere to the east of the foothills. There were soveral hailstorim in Mon- tana and Wyoming, but in the remainder of the drainage area tho month was free fFom severe locd storiiis, n natural scquence of the deficient rainfall. TEMPERATURE. Kansas, Iowa, and K fissouri the teniperaturcs were over been recorded in June. At the close of 3.l e month I the country to the etlst o f the footllills of the R O C ~Y temperatures, and a rather hlgh movement of dry win f Y. At the headwaters of the viwious rivers tributary to the Missouri the mean teni erature for the ~nontli wtw average, but in the remainder of the district unmually warm weather prevailed, and in South Dakota, Nebra-skn, Kansas, Missouri, and western Iowa the mean was higher thm in any other June since state-wide observations have been made. h a rule, the. last 15 days were the hottest, but during the first 15 tlicre were few days with a mean tcniperature below the. normal, and there mere several days with abnornially high temperatures. In no areas of any considerable extent were there well-marked periods of cool weather or of temperatures that were 'especially hi her than at one or more other times during the m0nt.h. sowever, in iiiost of Kansas the 25th was the hottest day, and in parts of Nebrnska and western Iowa the 29th wa8 the hottest. To the east ?f tlic foothill country there were comparatively few stations that liad masimurn tempcratures of less than 100'. The highest temperature recorded was IlG' at Clay Center, ICans., on the 25th. either normal-or not marke tI ly higher than the sci~~onal PRECIPITATION. In Montana, thc mountain country of Wyoming and Colorado, and in southwestern North Dakotn there wcre localities that had niore than the normal precipitation, but in the remainder of the district there was a decided deficiency, t l i n t was most pronounced from South Dakota southward and southeastward. In this region of espe- ciall deficient preci itation the month just ended was sufficiently extensive to render the conditions compara- ble. Large areas in Missouri and Kansas had less than 20 per cent of the normal rainfall, restricted localities had even less, and individual stations, confined to no particu- lar section, had mere sprinkles. Progressing in a nortli- erly and westerly direchon the deficiency decreased! but in all the country east of the foothills it was unusually great. In Coloritdo and Wyoming most of the rain occurred during the latter half of the month, and in eastern Ne- braska and western Iowa light showers were fair1 general trict the showers were very widel scattered, both' geo- graphically and through the rnontz. the K riest of all the 3 unes in which the observations were from the 14th to the 17th. In the remainder o 9 the dis- RIVERS. The rivers continued exceptionally low. The Missis- sippi at St. Louis was lower than ever before recorded in June, and the highest stage for the month (10.5 feet) was lower than the lowest readings for 45 of the last 50 years. The following remarks, taken from the reports of the section directors of the various States that lie entirely or partly in the Missouri River drainage area, are consiclered of especial interest in view of the dry weather that has prevailed over a large part of the drainage area: Mmlntaa.-The precipitation was c uite irreqularly distributed, but pierally was in excese of t,he nornYi\. In n tew localities thcre was 2% niarked exress, while in others t.here was a decided defiriency. The monthly btals iia a rule were lightest. in the eastmi counties, but coni- parittivelv few st;Et,ions had less than 3 inches :ind many of the mom- tiin stadins h3.d more than 1 inches. June has been wetter 7 t,imes iii t,he hst. 17 years. and the average for the driest. June of this period \V;EP about 1 inch in 1900; the average of Julie of this year was 2.65 inches, or 0.34 inch above t,he nornd. The rains were well distributed through the month and most of the nmist.iire was abtbsorbed by the soil. Hail storms occurred in various localit,ies, but most of them were light and did litt,le damage. The severest reported was in northern Yellow- stone County, near Lavina. Its path was about 1 mile wide: within it growing wheat was destroyed and sheep were killed by hailstones, IVtyonLing.-Dry weather prevailed during t.he first two weeks: geileral rains occurred on the 14th and 15th, filling the streanis and restoring vegetation to normal condition. Hail occurred at, a number of stntions on the Sth, 9th, 9 1 , and Z3d. Cdordo.--Drou hty condit.ions revailed durinq the greater port.ion of t,he month, an8 there wits lit& rain before the 16th. 9 cattercd showers occurred during the latter half of the niont,h, and the greatw p r t of the monthly precipitation occurred from the 15th t.o the 17th, iuclusive. The monthly amounts were considerably less than t,he norm31. except at some ol the extreme weskrn stations. Nortlb Dakota.-The average precipitation w a ~ 2.81 inches, or 0.84 inch below the normd Although the ruins were fairly well distributed geographimlly and through the month, some localities were in great need of moisture at, the close of the month. South Dnkotn.4ver the western port,ion of the State showem were insufficient and drought of a varying degree of severity prevailed niost of the time, resulting in short pasturage, scarcity of water for live stock nlany of which were aa large as hen's e,w. .. JUNE, 191 1. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 877 escept in t+e Black Hills, a poop outlook for hay, and serious daninge to small ff"" and other crop. The ship ing of live stock from that section o the State has been excessive For the season. Many new settlem on land between the Missouri River and the eastem border of the Black Hilln have been iorced to move out. In parts of that sec- tion some of the seeds sown did not come u owin t~ dry soil, and in laces there was little new pasturage u n t i f k u &e middle of June. !here were, of course, some localities that were favored with good showers and severe damage waa averted. The eastern ortion of the State fared somewhat better in the matter of rainfall, {ut there nlso insufficient moisture with excessive heat and sunshine, cassed serious dama e to small and grasses in most counties, although there were L i t e d localities where opportune raina prevented serious damage. In thia section corn did well; it made unusual progrees for the season on account of the warm nights. The grarvr crop, however, is short and under the most favorable conditions from now till the close of the season ita yield can hardly be other than deficient. Owing to drought, and in some cases to lightning, fires were numerous in the Black Hills, and tree seeds sown on 1.OOO acres in the national forest have not ger- minated properly. In all portions of the State conditions resulting from insufficient rainfall and excessive heat have been intensified by the dry s t a b of the subsoil a t the beginning of the season. Ncbraska.--June, 1911, was the warmest and driest recorded since 1876. The records in the State extend back to 1849, but previous to 1876 the number of stations was small. The Y stations with a record in 1870 and the 3 in 1857 and 1859 indicate that the rainfall in those three years waa as 1' ht, or probably lighter, in June than in the month juet passed. The%eficienc in rainfall was greatest in the southeastern section, as-it averaged !em than one-sixth of the nornial and for con- siderable areas the total fall for the monlh was about half an inch. In par@ of the central and northeastern sections the rainfall was normal, or slightly more than normal; this also was the case in the North Platte Valley. The cloudiness waa much less than the average for the season. The mean for the entire State w a ~ 20 clear days, 9 partly cloudy, and 1 cloudy, a rcnuukable record for June in Nebraska. li'amau.--The maximum temperatures were above 100" at e\ery statiou. They were llOo or more in the Smoky Hill Valley froin Gove County eastward, in the Solomon Valley from Oslwrne south. in the Republican Valley from Re ublic County south, and in the Rlue Valle In the Kansas Valley &ey ranged from 112O a t the mouth of the &publican to 100' at hansas City, Mo. The precipitation waa below normal at all stations. The average number of rain days m s 3, the smallest number on record. No April, May. June, Jury, August, or September since records began has beeu as dry as June, 1911. Hot winds occurred on Revera1 days. louvz.4une ie usually a wet and cool month in this section, but this year the temperatures were abnormally high and the rainfall w a ~ exceptional1 light, except a t a few stations in the extreme northern part of the hate, where moderately heavy Rhowers occurred on the night of the 35th. However, there was onlv one station th:it received an excess of moisture. The Rhowers were light, widely scattered, and occurred a t long intervals. except between the 14th and lith, when they were quite eneral, but even then the amounts were mall at most stations. T i e temperatures were high most of the time. The intense sunshine, and long-continued drought and the excewively high temperatures were damaginsto all late crops except corn, and that waa injured to some extent w ere the drought was most severe. dlimouri.-The month ivm the warmest and driest June of ~rhich we have a record. Both the heat and the dry weather bepi1 early in May, and high temperatures were continuous, save a few short intcr- ruptiona. The areas in which the perind of dry weather was broken b beneficial showem were scattered and limited in extent. A1 the c6se of the month astures were as dry and brown as in late summer. and most crops ha$ suffered. All atreanis were low and sonie werc completely dr . In the southwestern part of the State it was reported that many w e b had gone drv, and sonie of them were reported never to have failed before in the laat 40 years or more. T m EROSION OF SIOUX. POINT, SOUTH DAKOTA. B y G. W. MCDOWALL, Local Forecaster, United States Weather nureau. Within the past few years the Missouri River has encroached rapidly upon the South Dakota shore line for a distance of 3,000 yards above the junction of the Missouri and Big Sioux Rivers. Little attention was paid to the cutting till 1909, as no immediate loss was threatened except that of pasture and cultivable land. About that time it was feared that, unless checked, it grounds and boat-dub properties as well as the dectric and C., M. & St. P. Railway tracks, and cause the inunde tion of lowlands on both sides of the Big Sioux for one- half mile upstream. In 1910 an appropriation of $32,500 waa granted by the Government for the purpose of shore protection along this bank on condition that an equal amount be raised by local subscri tion. The mone was not raised, shift southward, but cutting continued at such a rapid rate that conditions became critical during the spmg of 1911, and the conclusion was unavoidable that immedi- ate action was necessary to save the threatened proper- ties. A delegalion was sent to Washington in June, and an increased a propriation was secured, leaving but been pledged and the remainder is in si ht. It is intended woven mat, 75 to SO feet wide, will be used, one side being ballasted with rock and sunk in the stream, the other reachin up over the bank. The bank will then be rock pave$ over its entire face. About 1,500 yards from Sioux Point a dike will be built to deflect the current. Re uisition has been made for the necessary possible. Plans are under way to conimence construc- tion within a few days and the completion of the work is expected tLis summer. The soil of the threatened bank is of gumbo and sand composition and offers little resistance to the encroach- ing stream. Nearer the junction of the streams the shore is heavily wooded and the work of the river has been materially llindered by tlie tree roots. The bank rises almost 15 feet above the present surface of the water till within 300 yards of Sious Point, whence it is little more than 3 feet above tlie stream. A river stage of 14 feet would submerge tllis lowland and it would be swe t away almost at once. Another source of danger hundred yards and on17 distant therefrom a few rods. Upon the first breach in this wall the water will pour through the old channel and it will be too late to sare Sious Point. as it was thought t \ e channel wou f d automatically $16,000 to be raise $ locally. About $11,000 of this has to rotect the shore by riprapping E om Gumbo Point to E ioux Point, a distance of about 3,500 yards. A materials an 1 these are being gathered as rapidly as is t P le old river bed paralleling the shore line for several FLOODS OF THE UPPER MISSOURI RIVER. By C. I). REED, Local Forecaster, United States Weather Burcnu. Little has been publishecl on the subject of flood condi- tions and flwtuat4ions of river stages in the upper Mis- souri River. It is therefore hoped that this short article, treating of some phases of the subject, niay be interesting to those who are now trying to revive navigation, to those who are engaged in bank protection and other works of construction along the stream, and to the many fanners who venture to till the broad acres of unusually - fertile land subject to occasional overflow that lie adja- cent to the river through several States. The conclusions reached proceed from 10 years' study of the stream, during a considerable ortion of which the Weather Bureau on the Missouri River and tributaries a t a.nd above Sious ('ity, Iowa. The scope of the paper will therefore be confiied to that portion of the river. The drajnwe area of the Mssou~i River above Sioux writer wa.s in charge of the river an K flood service of the might soon devour all of Sioux Point'and reaching across the present bed of the Big Sioux destroy the Iowa shore as far back as the bluffs. This would include the fair City includesnfour-fift.hs of Montana, considerable terri- tory in the Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan in Btauona. J 8 counties MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. -Climatologkal &tu for June, 1911. &h.iet No. 6, M i m u t i Valley. Montana. Adel: .................. Agricultursl College .... Au nsta... ............ Ba%b .................. Bald Butte.. .......... Bigtimber.. ........... BI hber Creek ............ Bloomfleld.. ........... Boulder Nu-. ...... Bowen ................. E %e w ............. Busby ................. Busteed ............... Cabin Creek.. ......... Canyon Ferry .......... Cascade ................ ................ .............. ear ................ JUNE, 1911 CBsarde ........... 5 XK? Gallath.. ........ 4:7Oa Lewis and Clark.. 4 071 Teton ............. 4:461 Lewis and Clark.. 6.m Sweet Grass.. .... 4,072 do ................... Yellowstone.. .... 3,115 Teton 4,280 Dawson.. ................ Jefterson.. ........ 4,820 Beaverhead ....... 6,060 Cartan ........... 3,664 Yellowstone. ............ Rosebud ................. Sweet G r m .............. Beaverhead.. ............ Lewls and Clark.. 3 tM4 Cascade ........... 3:361 ............. - l !j !i! - €! U 2 6 12 2 2 2 8 lo 10 5 4 3 2 4 6 2 6 2 2 )3 1 5 6 13 i 7 9 1 19 to IO 7 6 !1 1 .O 4 5 8 9 4 I 3 9 II) 5 I9 9 7 2 2 3 1 i 23 5 4 7 7 5 6 4 5 2 7 .. 13 13 14 5 2 5 16 4 3 17 6 3 6 8 4 7 a 13 2 J .n I B 4 ................ ............ I... 88.4 + 1.3 195 .... i5.5 .... ....... I... 0 I $1 .......I %a ....... 86 ....... 81 + 3.1 87 + 5.5 w ....... 89 ....... 96 ....... 78 ....... 70 ....... 93 ....... 82 ....... 97 .......... ;9;3;1::. ... .I.. . ..... 81 ............... r0.4 ....... 99 19.1 ....... 72 i7.8 ....... 92 37.3 ....... w i1.0 ....... 71 i3.4 ....... 75 i8.2 + 5.6 W ............... 57.6 ....... so o.3 + 0.9 w i9.6 + 3.3 83 ............... ............... ............ 17.1 ...... .('s? 57.4 ....... IK1 6.8 + 5.1 w D.2 + 3.2 88 '1.4 ....... 95 i5.7 ....... 91 ................ ............... ............... i8.7 ....... 92 0 .2 I I ....... 87 ............... i9.6 + 0.9 81 i:.2d ....... 70 E.4 - 4.4 91 5 .6 ....... 95 $0.6 + 3.0 89 14.4 ....... 93 i8.0 ....... 95 ............... ............... ............... i8.1 ....... 100 ............... is.5 ....... w 68.6 ....... ............... 49.7 ....... 71 47.4 ....... 73 49.0 ....... 7f 53.0 ....... 8C 52.6 ....... 76 53.2 ....... 81 46.2 ....... 76 53.3 ....... s5 51.4 ....... 71 63.9 ....... ............ 82.3 I ....... ............... 66.0 + 3.3 95 56.0 ....... 78 83.6 ....... 9ti 56.0 + 0.2 85 51.8 ....... 80 64.6 ....... 94 62.6 ....... 83 66.8 ....... 86 82.3 ..... :: 88 83.2 + 2.3 87 88.4 ....... 89 ............... l .____.I 31 I 48 41 31 .I3 37 40 38 25 32 44 ,3 5 38 ........ ........ I? 35 7 4 0 12 22 I1 49 29 40 18 ..... ........ 17 ........ 71 39 12 36 12 35 16 14 41 ........ ........ ........ ... ........ ........ I2 12 34 33 1 39 ........ 12 40 ........ ........ ........ 17 47 12 44 7 4( 13 3: 12 I 12 2! 2 2 12 2! 13 2( 1 3 2.! 1 3 n 2 0 % 2i ........ ........ ........ gt ........ ........ 17t '31 10 2( 12 3f 19 3$ lt 32 19 3c 22 31 12 23 12 38 19 38 IS 38 IS 38 1st 37 23 39 ........ ........ ........ .... I .... I ..... 10 Qhl 1.54 9 36 2.85 St 48 1.15 10 38 2.43 11 39 1.64 11 48 1.14 5 36 0.33 5 4. ...... 25 45 2.03 3 t 24 2.50 4 45 2.30 3 39 3.35 5 I2 1.30 ......... ........ ........ ........ ........ + 0.07 .- 1.13 ........ ......... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ I ..... !:E 0. GO 1.02 0.78 0.75 0.10 1.20 1.00 1.84 0.85 0.75 .._.. 2.72 ........ 1.16 ........ 0.64 .-..I .... ...... I ........ ..... ........ -_ 5 t i i z ;l - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... .... .... .... .... T. n .... .... T. .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 .... .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .... - fi hE j 8 3 5 - 6 4 1 6 3 3 8 8 4 6 15 4 3 9 5 9 11 3 7 5 5 11 9 5 5 4 6 6 9 5 1 5 7 3 7 6 7 8 8 6 7 8 6 4 11 5 12 fl 5 11 11 4 6 16 7 18 8 8 19 16 13 2 11 8 .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 18 10 17 6 11 8 19 6 20 16 5 6 9 12 17 18 ... - I '1 $4 4 9 4 - 8 19 '23 1' 12 11 7 7 21 13 41 16 10 8 I9 10' 23 18 17 11 14 17 13 23 21 13 25 18 10 20 4 17 12 11 15 17 8 5 9 8 11 16 8 18 10 17 7 11 13 16' 21 7 17 0 13 9 13 15 5 9 8 21 .. .. ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 12 6 17 11 8 11 2 9 4 23 13 14 13 I6 ... ... - F ?;P - 21 10 4 141 5 9 7 19 7 11 121 7 14 16 10 13 8 11 10 13 5 7 16 5 5 15 4 12 16 10 20 13 15 18 11 11 141 13 18 0 12 10 15 13 12 12 12 12' 8 18 0 16 0 8 0 8 6 4 13 2 .. .. .. .. ... ... .. ... ... ... ... m ... ... ... .._ 7 14 16 9 18 17 14 25 9 19 7 14 14 10 9 ... .. - '. IT I P ,8 5 13 .c - 1 1 3 7' I3 LO 16 4 3 6 71 7 ti 6 1 .. 4 0 1 3 6 11 6 1 2 1 2 1 0 4 0 6 0 3 1 4 2 2 4l 9 1 I4 10 2 8 1 I1 7 5 1' 1 6 13 8 17 13 17 7 9 16 9 7 .. .. .. 8 4 9 4 1 5 5 3 12 7 1 3 2 7 I .. .. 4 e 1 - a. nw. nw. nw. W. ..... SW. sw. W. sw. W. W. W. sw. W. n. ..... ..... ..... SW. W. ..... ..... nw. ..... W. W. SW. S. sw. sw. SB. W. W. ..... ..... ..... ..... nw. W. S. SW. ..... ..... nw. W. S. sw. sw. W. W. sw. SW. W. nw. ..... se. nw. nw. se. a. sw. sw. W. sw. ...... W. sw. RW. sw. W. sw. nw. e. ...... ...... W. aw. W. W. W. W. ...... ...... ...... ...... n. ne. nw. e. W. ..... SW. Observer. ;A. E. Deitr. rhos. Freeguard. 0. J. Roberaon. Chas. C. Young. U. S. Forest Service. Alex. Hastie. bf. C. Cook. Louis A. Gregory. U. 8. Weather nureflu. A. H. Wookver. Chm. A. C. SIIOW. C. W. Dibble. Jas. Smith. Abe Mills. Henr C Miller Dr. F! H. Weity. F. A. Eaton. M. R. Hunter. Wm. Richardson. U.. 5. Forest Servirc. Frank Jameson. John Hunton. U. 8. Forest Yervire. L. E. Watson. 8. D. Perry. U. 8. no. Forest Service. Wm. Rooth. 1'. L. Ford. D. Y. Zum Brunhen. aeo. A. Knowles. Owen Shupp. U. S. Weather Bureau. Univmlty of Wyoming. C. A. Cowdin. Mar E Painter R. {EdHarrison. D. E. Goddad. C. A. Sherman. Edwin Moore. 8. W. Johnson. . 8. Reclamation Scrvico. rs. Arthur Rug& C. L. Beatty. 1T. 8. Reclamation Service. E. J. Ehrenleid. P. Woxen. 0. Frederick Clark. U. 8. Forest Scrvix U. 8. Weather Ri~resu. U. 8. Reclamation Brrvicr. Cleo. L. Courtney. John Shcrlork. A. L. Duhlp. 0. E. McPherren. Jas. L. McLauchlln. 0. A. Roode. A. de F. Snlvely. Ira G. Wiant. 11. 8. Forest Service. Harry 8. Smith. U. 8. Rwlamntion Service. U. 8. Weather RurPall. U. 8. Army. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. * DO. Do. Do. Do. MIX. B. F. Burch. Prof. E. Burke. C. C. Covlngton. U. 8. Reclamation Servicw. M. W. Alderson. F. A. Sevtmmce. J T olsnass d. Cj.Yeather.Bureau. Adolph Aman. E. B. Chaney. 0.8. Forest Servlce. B. B. Lawrence. L. E. Card. Mabel Rev. a. Sudduth. A. Linscheid. T. H. Busteed. W. J. Crowell. A. C. Pmtt. Dr.E E.Jamw. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW.. Taam l.-Climalological datu for June, 1911. District No. 6-Continued. 2.62 3.56 2.90 881 .............. ........ ........ ........ JUNE, 1911. - Dlrty Creek. ........... Dry WolI Cam East Gallatln Ziiii.;:: Ekalaka.. ............. Elkhom.. ............. Evans.. ............... Fallon. ................ Plsh Creek.. ........... Flathead Creek ......... Fors yth. ............... Fort Benton .......... Fort Shaw ............ Fort W. H. Harrlson.. . Foster. ................ Garnell.. .............. Glasgow.. ............. (:lend i ve. .............. Goldbutte.. ........... Graham.. ............... Gmvlip.. ............. Oreit alk ............ Half Moon Pass.. ...... Half Way House ....... Harlowton.. ........... Havre. ................ Helena.. ............... IIlghwood ............. Huntl?. .............. Jones anyon .......... Jordan. ................ Knoblea r.tnch.. ....... Dry Creek.. ........... Chouteau ................ 4.60 4.6' 4.63 1.69 2.54 .............. ........ ........ ........ ............. - 1.10 + 0.29 66.8 71.6 61.6 ............. + 3.8 1'99' + 0.0 99 ....... 188 19 13 18 19 19 >2 1 s t 22 ?' P 23 ?2 19 19 19 12 12 19 19 12 7 19 19 39 39 42 36 25 40 ........ ........ ........ ........ 34 43 3s 42 ........ ........ ........ ........ 36 40 44 36 46 35 30 3s 30 3fi 38 37 43 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ Pdplar.. ............... Red Lodge.. ........... Renova.. .............. Rye ate Sevlfle. ::.-.:: 1: 1: 1: :::: Sidney ................. Spokane ranch.. ....... Valley. ........... 2.1323 Carbon.. .......... 5.548 JeRerson.. ........ 1 .1 3 Yellowstone.. .... 3,640 Teton.. ........... 3.980 Dawson .................. Lewls and Clark .......... 19 1 19 19 12 22 :3 19 20 7 19 19 21 21 19 ......... 42 35 36 36 2 3 4 0 28 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 37 ........ 2 ......... 33 41 26 43 41 39 40 31 ......... Springbrook.. .......... Steams .................. Thrmforlia.. ........... Tokna. ................. Trail Creek ............. Twete.. ................ Utica.. ................ Valentlne. ............. Virpia ci%. ......... W 1 Rock ountaln ... Warm Sprlngs Creek.. . Wilder.. ............... Wolf Creek ............. Woodville .............. I Lewls and Clark ... Gallatin.. ......... Dawson. .......... Park.. ............ Chouteau.. ........ Fq'l~s.. .......... .... .do.. ........... Madison. ......... Broadwater.. ..... Madison .......... Fergus ............ Lewis and Clark . . Jefferson.. ........ 63.8 67.3 65.; ............. I .... ....... 91 ................. ................. ................. ....... ' 98 .......I 2.31 3 .w ............. ........ ........ 3.81 3 .6 3.00 4.27 2.73 2.36 1.30 2.45 1.19 2.01 3.32 2.99 ........ f0.33 - 0.81 - 0.37 - 2.72 fO.18 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ Billings.. ......... Stark.. ........... McLean.. ......... Burlelgh .......... Mercer. ............ Willisms.. ........ 08.0 8 .0 66.1 67.0 67.3 W.4 68.0 66.5 ............. I .... + 4.8 98 ....... 98 ....... 95 + 0.2 I 97 + 7.2 104 + 5.6 ,102 ....... 196 + 4.8 xm ............. I .... ... Pmlpltatlcm, In Inches. ... ... - r .. $- Temperature, in degreea Fahrenheit. a e ! %E E t 5.: 2 .E $: 4 - 19 13 10 10 19 16 12 15 10 5 0 10 18 16 15 15 13 6 22 8 3 7 14 11 5 9 12 14 17 IS 5 13 19 12 6 20 11 13 12 12 .9 G 11 13 17 10 19 10 15 9 8 7 18 9 12 5 14 13 14 7 16 16 18 17 .. .. .. la .. .. .. .. .. 1: I ia .. .. 11 11 9 9 6 5 9 10 11 11 9 9 Sky. - 4 *r 8 ' 5 ¶ __ 36 45 42 39 40 48 I 43 41 46 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 45 u1 3" 46 30 46 47 U 48 *' 40 40 36 .. .. .. .. .. 41 37 35 39 .. 42 36 39 45 38 35 40 44 41 13 40 40 40 45 55 42 35 42 39 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 43 .. 41 42 UI 36 38 39 40 43 44 40 .. .. - A S I 67 2 $4 Zl __ 7 16 7 15 10 18 9 17 0 16 R 0 11 10 23 13 4 13 11 22 12 ... ... ... in ... ... Ij ; 17 12 15 1s 1 i ... ... ... 2s 6 11 15 8 18 8 17 7 17 16 IS 13 12 6 5 20 3 17 8 2 12 6 Q 0 20 8 9 4 18 4 17 17 22 23 .. .. _. .. .. 12 12 16 4 12 24 6 4 21 12 7 16 - ' I 1: .o UT >D I- .< - 13 4 4 1 12 7 1 20 0 3 4 14 6 4 14 2 6 I4 7 2 10 2 s 9 2 6 6 S 3 2 20 6 2 11 9 1 .. a .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 1 3 0 3 0 2 7 5 9 3 4 5 7 7 3 6 2 20 1 7 5 12 1 4 I 4 1 4 .. .. .. .. 4 1 5 8 8 5 9 6 9 2 4 9 - J i? c. - 76 90 w 92 ss 95 oc M $5 S i ... ... ... ... ... ... ... - 2 n - 4 6 6 .. n .. 5 5 21 5 n 5 .. .. .. 5 li 5 5 5 G 5 6 5 26 yl 5 5 .. 5 6 5 57 .. .. .. 6. 5 54 27 6 5 25 27 5 5 5 51 M 6 5 27 5 6 5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 .. 27 87 27 27 27 4 27 27 7 .. 2a .. - : 2 I4 4 - 10 10 10 12 2 5 4 12 10 8 19 24l 5 14 3 15 20 3 12 6 8 ?2 15 1S 11 12 9 4 10 0 3 10 17 4 13 11 15 12 LW 13 11 12 15 11 19 16 7 24 8 15 21 15 18 19 10 51 15 16 14 11 !a 6 9 7 3 .. .. a .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 17 9 18 10 1 15 20 0 16 19 5 Statlons. 0 bseroers. B - 0. BO 0.66 0.45 0.72 0.60 1.04 1.55 0.50 0.56 0.74 0.54 1.W 0.76 1.00 0. R:! 1.51 1.17 0.51 2.13 1.06 1. 22 0.70 0.52 0.91 0.75 2.02 0.66 0.06 1.35 0.59 0.91 0.44 0.60 0.60 2.09 0.71 1.39 0.67 0. $0 1.98 0. 40 0.75 0.93 1.73 1.00 1.02 0.75 0. m 0. G3 0.6s 0.70 0.45 2.33 0.63 0.41 3.85 1.20 0.51 0.55 1. GO 0.38 1.65 0.32 0.73 0. Bo 0.51 0.80 .... .... .... 1.50 .... .... .... .... 0.50 .... .... ..... ..... ..... 1.35 0.64 0.77 1.76 1.01 1.37 0.54 1.14 0.24 0.58 0.58 0.72 I 7 I..... 3 ' 52.8 13 ' 68.0' 6 I 63.0' 2 :__.__ 7 163.0 5.11 ........ 2.6s ........ 1.76 - 0.85 sw. W. w. W. w. w. W. ne. ...... ...... nw. ..... W. ...... ...... sw. W. W. sw. W. W. sw. ...... ne. W. nw. SW. sw. W. W. W. W. ...... ..... e. C. D. Schmidt. E. D. Keith. T. O'Hanlon Co. T. J. Moore. Corter. Sedgewick. Frank Eberl. Dr. T. B. Marquis. I. 8. Martlne. Orvllle Harris. €1. R. Bamber. J. W. Bdmmer. C. N. Thomas. A. .4nderson. P. J. arelsenauer. Prof. J. E. Monroe. Lewls Camerun. J. 0. Stuart. Mrs. J. Eberhart. R. .I. Eveleth. Wm. Frease. Jss. H e m . H. Thrasher. Mrs. A. C. Glfford. 0. B. Tilton. Alta \Villlams. W. Wakefleld. J. Sullivan. U. 9. Reclamation Ei I !lee. Post Hospltal. E. K. Bowman. T. E. Scall W. W. Mag&. E. C. Leonard. J. Berthelote. J. 8. Rue. P. Kerzenmacber. S. H. Batman. Thos. Stl n. Gordon &us. Jose h Mulr. U. 8 Weather Bureau. Do. W. 8. YcCord. U. 8. Reclamation Servlc I'. Jas. McCune. W. C. Henderson. F. H. boble. W. W. Watson. W. A. Jennlngs. E. Wilson. U. 8. Reclamatlon Service. J. 8. Collier. E. J. Parkinson. Leon R. Clark. U. 8. Weather Bureau. Madison River Power Co. F. L. Br nt Robert a n : Mm. T. Glermeyer. H. M. Cosier. I. A. Draper. F. B. Elmer. U: H S. Scherfenbe Rwlama%n Service. F. W. Amdt. 0. E. Penwell. Mm. H. L. Miller. I. W. Hardgrove. M .8 .h nter U. S. ~X w t i b n Service. A. Weidenbauer. C. R. Noyes. P. w. Iiorell. B. M. Bean. M. Malland. J. 0. Rogpi. A. J. Reed. Anna Kinman. G. H. CQllhW. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... n .... .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lnwls and Clark.. 5,275 Choutnau.. ....... 3,140 ..... do ............ 2,502 Teton.. ........... 3,810 Chouteau ................ Lewis and Clark.. 4,671 Park.. ............ , ....... Teton.. ........... i.. ..... Meagher.. ........ I.. ..... Rosebud.. ........ 3.041 Valley ............. 1,927 Carbon.. ................. Teton ............. : 3.700 Rosebud .......... ! 3,400 Fergus.. .......... 3 .m Beaverhead.. ..... 5,147 Broadwater. ..... .! 5:500 C d e ........... ~ 6.000 Callatin.. ........ 0,000 Custer ........... .I.. ..... JeEerson.. ......... 6,576 Cascade.. ......... 4,900 Sllver Bow.. ...... 8.500 Gallatln.. ......... 6.000 Rosebud.. ....... .! 2.514 Chouteau ......... ' 2 .W Cascade.. ......... 3,500 LewlsandClark ... 4.004 Yellowstone. ............ Ferqus ............ I 5.500 Valley ............. 2.092 Dawson ............ 2,069 Chouteau.. ....... i.. ..... Custer ................... Gallatin.. ......... B.mO Cascade ........... I 3.350 Fergus ............. 6.500 Broadwater.. ..... 6.m Chouteau ......... I 2.505 Lewis and Clark.. . 4,110 Chouteau ................ Yellowstone ....... , 3.014 Gallatln.. ....... ..I 6.800 Damon.. ......... !. ...... Meagher.. ........ I 6 000 Custer.. .......... I 2.208 Meagher.. ........ I 4,165 ...... ...... + 4.7 ...... ...... ...... 1 6 30 S 1 12 7 3 2 2 3 I1 .3 4 7 2 2 G 32 23 8 2 3 15 21 4 6 6 rn 2 2 4 32 32 5 5 2 6 15 15 6 5 1 2 2 20 5 3 3 3 26 12 13 2 3 1 10 2 1 6 3 17 5 23 a 2 8 2 ... 1; ... ... ... .. 5 5 15 37 4 6 19 10 4 13 2 ... ...... I ...... Go.6iJ ...... ......I ..... .; c i .2 + 3.- rO.l ...... 5i. (I ...... xJ.8 + 5.1 60.4 + 1.3 ............ ............ ...... 1 ...... ......I ............ .... .... fi.2 ....... 100 50.6 ....... 72 56.5 ........ 90 .................. 6fl.S + 3.9 92 64.8 ....... 102 67.4 ....... 95 62.6 0.0 I w ..... 2,27 ..... ..... 1 ........ 1.m - 1.38 2.21 - 1.12 5.91 I ......_ . .................. 51.4i ....... ' 74 81.7 + 3.4 190 .... 2.57 2. $3 4.44 4.21 2.11 2.14 3.32 ........ ........ - 0.54 ........ ........ ........ - 0.68 + 1.21 sw. SM'. W. sw. W. sw. sw. nw. W. sw. W. e. ...... ....... I...' ............. I. ... w .~ ....... i a7 61.4 + 0.8 ~ ss 6G.o + 3.1;: 93 2.23 ........ 3.3s ........ 5.05 ........ 1 . 67.2 ....... .... ............. 5.35 ........ 3.12 - 0.37 Lewislown.. ........... Fer us 4.010 ~ir~ngston .......... Par& .:.::':'::::: 4.4% Lonetree.. ............ Chouteau.. ...... 3 ,Q a Malta ................. Valley .......... .I 2,240 ................. GI.3 ....... 191 G6.2 ....... (I7 64.2 I ....... 1 % .... 3.07 2. i n ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ + 0.67 ........ ........ ........ ........ - 1 .3 - 5.44 + 2.31 W. W. se. ...... nw. ne. S. sw. W. W. W. se. sw. W. W. e. ...... 8. ...... ...... sw. sw. sw. W. W. W. nw. ...... ...... se. W. e. se. se. nw. ...... nw. ne. nw. e. nw. S. nw. Medicine Lake.. ............ do.. ................. Melstone ............... Fe s 2.903 Mildred.. ......... .....I Cixr::::: : 1: : 11.. ..... Miles Cltv.. ................. do.. .......... 2.371 ............... ........ ................. Sweet Grass nCreek ............ JeRerson .......... 0.345 Norrls.. Madism.. 1.W Pipestone Pass.. ..do.. 7.000 .......... -" tg.. 61.2 ....... 54.1 ....... 79 ............. .... 67.3 + 3.6 !lo0 58.2 + 2.2 : 85 61.2 + 2.5 ~ 91 62.8 ....... 60.6 ....... 67.6 ....... 95 ....... 69.5 ...... ........ ........ ........ + 1.30 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ + 1.71 ............... 59.8 + 2.1 ! 6 64.4 ....... 9 58.0 + 2.0 I e ........ + 1.12 ........ ........ .... Norlh Dakota. I I J. B. Hagelbarger. D. J. Sterner. W. F. Oobius. C. L. Hall. U. 8. Weather Bureau. E. M. Walker. J. A. Beisel. L. R. Waldron. 0. A. Thompson. Y A U F.. 0.. AF 0. L. Roblnson. ...... 2.759 2.583 2. os2 1,674 1,944 2.453 1.468 1.439 ...... ...... ...... Aplln.. ................ Beach.. ................ Belfield ................ Berthold Agency ....... Bismarck.. ............ Hroncho ............... Buford.. ............... Diekinson.. ............ Edgeky ................ Garrison. .............. 5%%-ii ::: : : : : : :: : : : : ........... ........ Wllllsms.. ......... Stark.. Lamoure.. Dlckey.. .......... McLean.. .......... 1 882 z 1 65.0 69.9 MONTHLT WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE l.-Climatological datu for June, 1911. DQkict No. 64ontinued. la $g $ p s ....... 99 ....... 101 BtatioM. H C I - 2.95 1.19 2.07 1.99 2.78 3.05 2.98 3.77 3.19 3.45 3.18 1.78 3.53 4.31 5.27 0.72 4.39 1.44 Hale ................. Jamestown.. .......... Lsmoine .............. McHenry ............. Manfred... ............ Mwmarth.. ........... y[arstonmoor .......... Madora. ............... Melville.. ............. Mott.. ................ Napoleon. ............ New Rockford ........ New Salem ______ ___ __. Ha$:::::::::::::: New England ......... gi! 2:: B $9 ........ ........ ............. - 2.02 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ - 0.33 - 0.28 ........ - 3.42 + 1.29 ........ ........ ........ .............. ............. ........ -2 .1 3 ~ ~ Olap. :. . -. . - . - . . - . s c er ................ Steele.. ............... Washburn.. .......... Williston .............. -- %E ........ 80d D&&. Bowman.. ............... Adam ............ Dlvlde.. .......... 3tutsman.. ....... Kidder.. ................. Foster.. .......... Wells ............. Bowman. ................ 3tutsDlan. ............... Billlngs. .......... Foster ............. Hettinger ................ Logan ............. Hettinger. ........ Yo n ............ Adam.. ................. McKenrle.. Kidder.. .......... KcLeau.. ......... Willi ams... ....... Ed% ............ Aberdeen.. ........... Academy.. ........... Alexandria.. .......... Ardmore.. ............ Armour.. ............. Bellelomhe. ......... Brookhgs.. ........... Camp Crook ........... Canton.. .. , ........... Cascade 8 rings ....... Centervllle.. .......... Clark.. ............... Cottonwood.. ......... Davlston.. ............ Ddwood ............. Deerfleld.. ............ De Bmet .............. Dowll ............... D-3 ............... Ealea .................. Elk Mountain.. ....... Elk Point ............. Ellingson .............. Englewood.. .......... Eureka ................ FaulLton. ............. F l a n h u . ............ Forestburg.. .......... Frederick. ............ Oannvalley ............ Greenmont ............ Qresnnood ............ Hardy RaugexStation. Harvey8 Ranch ..___ __ Hennoas.. ............ Elghmore. ............ Hopewell.. ............ Howard.. ............. Howell.. .............. Huron. ................ IGwich.. ............. o h . .............. Kennebec.. ........... Kidder.. .............. Kimball.. ............ La Delle.. ............ Lead.. ................ Lemmon.. ............ Mandemon. ........... Marion.. .............. Marston.. ............. Yellette.. ............. Menno.. .............. Milbank.. ............ Mitchell. .............. Mobrldg. ............ Yurdo ................ Oelrichs.. ............. Orman.. .............. Ottumwa. ............ Pierre.. ............... Plsnklnton ........... Pollock. .............. Ra idCity ............ Regfleld .............. Rochford. ............. Rosebud.. ............ Rosebud Agency.. .... Roslyn.. .............. Belby.. ............... Sioux Falls.. ......... castle woo^ ............ 2,253 2,275 1.390 1,509 1,605 2.225 1,509 1.955 2,400 1,531 2.163 .............. 1 1,857 1.731 1.575 i ! Counties. 69.0 69.4 69.0 65.4 + 6.9 1105 ...... .I100 + 6.4 1105 + 6.4 \lo5 '3 P 23 m 19 22 u 25 3 8 30 24 24 29 24 Y 20 21 2q 29t 29 20 30 3uIly 3 ink ............. 1,300 utchhon ....... 1.325 3mnt. ............ 1.148 Davlson ........... 1.312 E! ........ 3 0 3 0 2 0 3 0 3 0 3 3 37 Y E ........ 37 37 38 46 ........ ........ 32 2 2 4 5 2 3 4 4 2 3 4 6 40 8 4 5 1 8 3 4 45 ........ :i 4b 13 40 31 36 451 ........ Z O i G ........ ........ ........ 50 4.5 2 2 4 5 8 4 5 4.2 40 47 39 47 3 0 4 4 ..... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ... ... 5 1 4 9 5 0 0 e. se. se. ..... ........ ........ w. se. s. se. s. >a?.-. .................. Ra worth... ............. dtnnehaha.. ...... I 1.400 1.03 2.49 2.31 1.63 2.70 0.57 3.78 1.06 1.66 2.07 2.86 2.76 1.72 0.64 0.60 - L i d E 1 3 - 4 5 5 24 4 10 2 15 14 20 18 10 3 4 4 5 2 5 5 8 32 21 12 P 2 15 3 22 I9 I6 3 5 I4 17 3 2 2 2 2 2 12 2 21 19 111 2 .. .. 16 2 13 3 17 2 19 1 2 1 5 15 9 29 14 3 1s 7 2 2 22 14 10 .. 3 16 14 9 17 3 19 5 3 19 17 5 23 13 1 17 5 .. .. i - 3.24 - 1.50 - 1.94 - 1.58 ........ - 0.02 - 1.66 -3 .2 9 ........ - 2.11 -2 .B I ........ ........ ........ ........ Temperature, in degrees Fahrenheit. Frown ............ ,harles Mix .............. Banson.. ......... Fall River.. ...... Dougk.. ......... Butte ............. Brookings.. ....... Barding ........... Llneoln. .......... Fall River.. ...... Bamlin. .......... rum-.. .......... >lark. ............ 5tanley.. ......... Perkins. ................. Lawrence.. ....... Pennhgton. ...... Kin bury ........ Lawrence. ........ Potter. ................... h t e r ............. union ............. Perkins.. ................ Lawrence. ........ McPhemn.. ...... Faulk.. ........... Moody ............ 3anbom ........... Brown.. .......... Buffalo ................... Lawrence.. ....... :hark Mix Lawrence ......... ... .do.. ........... 3uster ............. Kyde .............. 3tanley ................... Miner.. ........... Hand. ................... Beadle ............ Edmunds ......... 3tsnley ........... L an ........... P arshall.. ........ Brule.. ........... 3pink. ............ Lawrence.. ....... Perklns.. ......... 3hannon. ................ rurner.. .......... 3taIi%y ............ 1.300 1.352 3.557 1.521 3,000 1, E36 3 .W 1.248 3.422 1,655 1. 229 1.779 2.414 4.535 6.000 1,726 2.250 6.195 4.700 1. 127 5.723 1.891 1.595 1.566 1.231 1,371 6.430 .............. 6.600 6.252 3,275 1.890 1,564 1.306 1,530 2,467 1.GS9 1.295 1.788 1.400 5,200 2.345 1. _.____I ....... I .... Q.0 ....... 96 a.4 ....... 91 65.4. ....... 71.2 74.9 77.3 73.7 70.81 73.3 70.1 76.0 71.6 71.3 74.2 71.4 75.9 71.4 65.8 ...... ....... .... 61.2 ....... + 5.5 104 + 7.3 101 +10.0 102 + 5.9 106 ....... 99. + 8.7 lo4 + 7.4 99 + 9.5 103 ....... 94 ....... 97 + 7.5 101 + 6.0 100 ....... 102 ....... lo4 ....... a3 ................. 2.57 1.03 1.30 0.71 1.88 1.59 1.04 5.41 0.88 2.55 1.29 1.70 3.14 l.W ................. 66.7 ....... 95 69.5 1 ..... ..I101 ........ ........ - 2.43 ........ ........ + 1.75 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ - 1.59 - 1 .3 - 2.13 ......I ....... I .... 0.71 3.14 1.56 0.96 1.91 2.14 0.09 ...... 67.8 ....... ............. - 3.46 ........ - 2.41 ........ ........ ........ - 3.48 75.2 77.1 p.6 r4.6 76.6 72.91 73.5 73.2 ...... 75.1 ....... ................. + 7.9 105 + 7.7 104 ....... 100 + 7.4 105 ....... 105 + 5.2 101 ....... 106 + 6.6 100 ................. ................. ................. ................. 72.4 ....... 101 74.2 + 9.3 104 73.4 + 8.3 101 74.6 !I + 8.6 105 30 24 I E ;;+ 29 29 22t 24 23 mt 29 7t 3 46 4lq ........ :; 47 3 0 4 5 41 ........ ........ ;; 39 48 40 2 2 4 5 3 0 4 0 42 45 ..... E ........ ...... I ........... 75.9 I... .... 74.4 + 7.3 69.6 I.... ... 73.3 + 6.2 75.6 + 9.5 67.0 ....... 103 lo4 100 101 lo4 S9 .....I... .... ........... 2.25 2.93 0.51 2.38 aS.6 ....... 74.2 ....... ........ - 0.44 - 4.41 ........ 75.3 74.4 73.6 74.6 70.7 73.6 75.1 72.5 73.8 74.4 76.0 -_ d c1 8 -_ 6 6 27 27 I .. .. 3; 27 5 26 5 27 6 27 12 .. .. 7 n 6 '27 6 w 11 13 12 8 7 Gi 27 27 E, 27 6 .. .. .. .. Gi 6 6 14 5 6 6 10 q n 6 6 6 27 28 14 27 27 27 13 d 6 27 25 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 fY 27 6 6 27 6i ... ... ... ... 27 27 1st ................. ................. + 9.2 103 ....... 107 + 6.8 I02 + 7.3 102 + 5.5 102 + 5.9 99 ............. IO4 ....... 105 + 6.5 97 ....... 101 ....... 105 + 7.7 (102 - !a ii J - 50 50 40 47 37 I 57 501 41 47 58 11 49 37 3G .. .. .. .. .. .. 53 37 54 52 48 39 51 41 47 37 44 I 51 48 45 39' 46 .. .. .. .. 38 41 40 39 46 42 37 49 41 55 41 44 37 46' 501 41 38 38 36 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 41 47 40 39 42 41 55 4J3 43' 47 35 471 43 45 .. ... ... ... ... 37 10 45 3.03 4.63 0.20 1.38 1.87 3.M 4.65 0.1 1.05 2.25 0.39 T 0.57 3.80 2.01 0.w 1.77 2.91 1.?5 2.65 0.73 PreclpitaWon, In inches. ............. ........ - 0.81 -2 .1 0 - 2.59 - 0.34 + 0.39 - 0.89 ........ ........ - 2.21 -0 .3 9 - 2.10 . .__ _.. __ ........ ........ ........ ........ -2 .8 6 ............. ............. ........ ........ - 1.85 Walworth.. Lyman ........... Fall River.. ...... Butte ............. Itanley .................. Bughes.. ......... 4urom.. .......... hmubell. ............... .............. 2.300 3.339 2.920 1.573 1.528 Pendington.. ..... Ipink. ............ ?ennington. ...... Podd ............. ... do ............ 3.251 1,295 5. a28 2.800 2,800 0.49 3.63 0.41 1.52 ........ - n.54 - 1.96 ........ - FF A d 33 2 u - 1.94 0.35 0.50 0.95 0.62 1.11 1 .S 1.00 0.70 1.48 1.02 0.63 1.10 1.35 1.96 0 .4 3.00 0.45 .... .... .... 0.36 1.28 0. i 7 1.60 1.30 0.18 1.29 0.73 0.85 1.95 1. 48 1.75 1.21 0.30 0.45 0. so 0. 41 0.50 0.27 0.71 0.97 0.41 2.10 0.50 0. BO 0.53 0.74 1.00 0.61 0.25 0.99 0.74 0.88 0.78 1.23 0.01 0.35 1.10 0.23 1.13 1.32 0.75 1.15 0.80 0. 20 0.70 1.62 2.20 0.07 0. LE 0.64 1.25 1.40 0.20 1.00 2.25 D. 15 T. D. 60 1.62 I. 00 3.33 1.32 1.13 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 1. m 1.65 1. a0 - 3 E* po 5 a l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .... .... .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u 0 0 u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .... .... .... n .... .... ._ i Tg !k !S -1 ;.: ;.E 1, - 9 7 I4 4 9 11 12 7 5 8 9 5 7 11 10 3 4 IO .. 5 7 5 2 4 5 9 4 4 2 I1 7 5 5 2 10 6 4 7 6 5 7 IO 4 I1 6 7 7 6 6 7 4 4 6 3 4 3 8 6 7 5 5 3 L2 4 6 5 5 7 12 5 3 2 1 6 0 .. t B 6 0 5 5 0 6 S __ B 5 ii. i' 2 - 15 13 12 11 11 14 14 14 12 11 13 17 14 6 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 18 20 23 16 24 7 12 17 26 21 10 10 17 18 17 19 25 15 16 23 16 19 15 17 4 5 P 12 1s 24 26 16 25 16 12 15 11 5 26 19 I 17 10 10 11 24 20 19 24 22 25 11 10 29 12 13 14 9 17 16 15 17 17 m m .. .. .. .. ... ... ......... ...... ... ... 12 12 12 15 ... ... 4 11 6 15 14 9 4 8 8 17 13 12 11 7 9 5 14 10 5 14 11 13 3 26 9 16 10 18 12 6 4 7 5 12 15 15 15 20 3 3 5 12 19 20 19 3 7 1 6 I 4 15 12 1 i7 16 12 16 5 13 11 8 1: ... .. .. .. .. ... ... in 0 1 4 0 0 0 2 10 0 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 7 3 0 4 5 1 5 0 1 1 0 0 3 3 10 0 2 1 1 2 0 1 1 I h 5 2 4 3 5 .. 8 .. .. .. .. ... se. SI. se. se. S. se. 8. se. S. se. ne. se. ...... se. S. SIR. W. SW. S. se. ...... ..... se. s. sa. SB. se. se. se. ...... ...... ..... ...... se. se. se. 3. nw. 8. sa. S. sw. sw. se. Sb. H,. S. sw. ..... ..... ..... ..... S. 8. nw. JUNE, 1911 ObSWVWS. A. Y. Oberchain. W. R. Lanxon. C. P. dmsbaugh. Tbos. Pettigrew. E. V. Virgin. John Knox. P. B. Anderson. 8. P. Grane. H. H. YcCumber. J. W. Hesser. J. P. Kidder. 0. H. Oplmd. C. 5. Hoof. J. L. YcGovern. J. I. Christlanson. V. M. Sundberg. J. E. Goforth. V. 0. Morris. B. C. Smith. W. R. Peterson. U. 8. Weather Bureau. D. 0. Gallett. I. 7'. Lothrop. Albert Hill. Chi. Burl. & Quiiicy R. R. T. J: Markey. U. 8. Reclamation Service. Ex rlment Station U. !? l ore st service: John E. Holsey. Fred Noerenberg. Y. N. Bradley. Frank Williams. 0. H. La Craft. Ex riment Station. 0. Davis. R. E. Grimsihaw. Frank E. Miller. J. 0. Puriutun. M. l'. Dowllng. A. B. Wood. A. H. Peterson. W. A. Harris. 8.8. Judy. J. E. Je5ers. V. P. Dri s H. C. Hokuhr. T. C. Williamson. Mrs. E. A. Oundlwh. Jerome Harvey. 8. Y. Booth. E rlment Station. E T . Myers. I. J. Cox. M. A. Shuster, 'r U. 8. Weather bureau. J. B Ta lor. Rev: 1). i. Drown. R. C. Van Horn. H. C. Schussler. 0. D. Rose. E. L. Rbbert. E. F. Irwln. W. E. Lyman. W. A. Spencer. M. H. Dahs. John 6. Walker. Frank A. Howe. J. 11. Swanton. I. T. Patridge. C. W. Downey. Thos. J. Morns. I. L. E. C. Strouse. Bode. U. 8. Reclamation Service. J. W. Rretr. U. S. Weather Bureau. W. 0. Andrews. J. R. Jones. U. 8. Weather Bureau. A. 8. Hall. Mrs. M. E. Deflenbmgh. FiY"..i%ier. 0.0. Floren. Miss Gertrude Ball. 1. E. Bechtold. JUNE, 1911. - e 'E 5 f C B e d - 21 1 1: I ( 1 1i If 1: jl 11 f 1; 1 11 6 1 l o E 11 14 30 3 2 29 13 6 1 9 20 15 11 22 10 16 11 12 8 3 2 1 2 8 15 a0 .. .. a a m .. 6 16 Eo 16 6 12 la 19 0 D 17 a D I1 .5 3 6 3 4 5 7 6 2 8 4 18 3 12 ._. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE l.-Climuto2ogiaal datu for Junc, 1911. District No. 6Antinued. 2 z n o __ 0 27 27 12 27 13 27 27 13 883 - k a - .- a -e l e - 53 6 4 5 51 36 48 6 % 38 39 37 33 ....... ...... ...... ...... 44 StStlOnS. ?ot 22 2lt 29 8t 22 8 south Dokota--ConM. SoNm ................. spesresh ............... Steph an... ............. T-8.. ................ Tyndall.. .............. Vale. .................. Vermilion ............. Waters Ranch.. ....... Watertown. ........... Weotworth.. .......... Wessln n Springe.. .. Winner.. .............. Yankton.. ............. Mnnt8ota. Pipestone.. ............ &brado. Akron. ................ Albion Lake ____. _.___. Alma.. ................ Amba (near). - - - ._. . _. Auldhurst.. ........... Bennett (near) ......... Boulder.. .............. Burlington.. ........... censells.. .............. Castle Rock.. .......... C h m a n .. ............ Cheyenne Wells ........ Cope.. ................. corona.. ............... Denver...... .......... Edgewarn.. ........... Estea Park Hatchery.. Ft. Collins.. ........... Ft. Lupton ............ Ft. Morgan ............ Frances.. .............. Fry8 ranch ............ Geo town ............ G Z ................ White E k e ............ H a d .. .............. Hawthorn.. .......... Hol oke(near) ........ Geota.. ................ Laporte.. .............. Leroy (near) ........... Longmont ............. Longs Peak (near) ..... Moraine Park .......... Platte Canyon.. ....... St. Cloud.. ............ eedgwlrk ............. .' sill mine .............. I I d 2 0 springs.. ........ -_ 31 4 3! 51 2 0 4 4! 4. ........ ........ &; ........ ........ 51 counties. i0.4 73.2 74.0 75.8 72.4 75.8 Barding.. ....... Lawrence.. ...... Byda ............. Keade. .......... Bonhomme ...... Butte.. .......... :lay.. ........... 'odington. ....... Lake.. ........... lereuld .......... hrora. .......... Pripp.. .......... Yankton.. ....... L8NlYnCG. ....... ....... 91 ....... 1@ ....... LO: + 7.2 10: ....... 101 ................ ....... 91 Pipestone.. ...... 1.11 0.88 0.24 1.25 0.62 4.16 1.38 1.48 1.44 3.92 2.10 3.4s 2.93 waahington.. .... Boulder.. ........ ?ark.. ........... >Lncoln. ......... Pder.. .......... L r a ahoe ........ 3oJder.. ........ ?ark.. ........... derson ......... :heyenne. ....... Kashlngton ...... ?rand. .......... ?ewer. ......... eflerson ......... ,arlmer.. ........ . ..do.. ......... Weld.. .......... d o r y .. ........ 3ou der... ....... .lear creek.. .... Weld.. .......... 'ark.. ........... loulder.. ........ Brim .......... 3seeola. ......... IlOUX. ........... poodb ury... .... .lay ............. ?lwnont.. ....... ;herokee.. ....... ..larke. .......... P a p . ............ ?i:X?!-: 1 : : : : : : Xckinsm ........ tiley. ........... hbome .......... itchisou.. ....... ditchell.. ........ tnwllns .......... tarshall.. ....... Ilemiihhs.. ....... pcklnson... ..... .lay.. ........... 'homas.. ........ :loud ............ forton.. ......... 1watur.. ........ Nsworth.. ...... )ickinson.. ...... Vabansee.. ...... me.. ........... loarbon.. ........ farshall. ......... rnderson ........ 'herman.. ........ love.. ............ Vashington ....... ewe11 ............. Illis.. ............ :raham.. ......... Irown ............ 0vdl ............. )OlWIas.. ......... eavmworth.. .... mi th... .......... [cPhorson ........ pwell ............. lttawa ........... .lien .............. Isborne ........... ~~ lorton ............ )es?atur.. ......... [arshall ......... Dhnson.. ......... 'sage.. ........... 'ranklm.. ........ 'hilllp.. ......... - G 4 .9 2 : -. 2.2w 1 .M 1.31: 1.W 1, m ...... 1,3X 1.30! ...... 1,lM i,aoi ...... ...... tz 1: l l i 1.101 ...... 1,315 1,lN 1,181 1,474 1,m 1,224 ...... ...... ...... ...... ::E ...... 922 ...... ...... 1,051 w 1: 212 ..... 1,135 1.157 861 ..... ..... 1.1.57 1,lW 1.651 973 1,3Y3 2. R94 1.105 1.256 1.113 1.203 3.138 1.398 2. m 2.731 1.537 1.144 1,412 2, m 857 1.146 950 3.887 2.7.50 1.225 1.801 2, Ooo 2,134 1. Isa 1.5110 9D7 913 1.812 1.333 1,784 1 .W 1.088 1,834 2.m 2, 539 1,194 1,032 LOR1 97i0 1,939 - I @ i 5 - B I4 I 1: 3; 2( l! ?: l i I t 2( l i 11 I 1( 21 1% 1I 1 t 1: l i t 1f 4 21 1: 1( € E 44 16 2( 11 11 12 12 11 18 11 2? 1 14 13 l? 12 1 i o 53 9 a0 lti 14 5 2 7 10 24 27 17 7 P 5 10 36 17 5 4 22 14 10 43 3 22 6 43 67 13 5 2 21 I5 2 13 24 3 16 I2 I7 Eo a Temperature, In de- Fahrenheit I ................ 77.8 I .. .... ...... I ......... 78.3 I+ 5.7 la 81.5 ....... ....... 112 76.2 ....... .....I.% ..... I... 79.5 ....... 1m 81.0 ....... 111 .....I ....:.. I... Bl.2 +10 6 106 31.0 ....... 111 79.8 ....... - P n ... ... 29 8 8 ... 30 29 8 29 29 25 29 29 8 30 29 8 ... 30 29 29 29 8 30 8 8 20 29 8 29 30 29 25 8 29 8 4 8 8 8 22 25 8 9 .. '25 25 25 25 29 25 25 25 29 25 25 25 25 25 lol 25 161 25 a5 25 25 25 25 25 8 25 25 2s s i 7 25 81 25 25 7 ... :' ... ... ... ... ... - 1 b . _. .... .... 48 51 48 .... 55 53 5a 52 51 50 53 50 52 49 52 47 52 42 44 52 50 50 53 47 51 51 53 47 w 51 52 51 65 47 50 47 50 51 64 50 48 47 47 .... .... 45 50 M 4s 44 50 49 48 48 55 55 50 47 50 57 44 52 46 60 48 50 .50 47 49 55 58 59 58 53 53 51 54 52 54 52 SI 52 .... .... .... .... .... .-.. f n - _. .. 13 13 12 _. 13 1 1 13 27 13 1 3 13 13 28 13 1 15 13 13 13 13 1 13 13 13 28 13 13 13 13 13 7 1 I 6 13 13 13 1 2s .. m 28 .. 13 13 14 13 12 13 LB 13 12 13 12 12 13 13 12 12 13 13 .. m I .. ti' 13 12 11 I3 13 11 12 13 13 ID 13 .3 :3 3 ai n - ... ._. 44 31 6 ... 28 33 39 36 4 42 34 35 .IC 39 32 41 43 45 38 37 31 53 32 33 43 35 36 44 42 46 46 31 31 37 44 48 40 ... % 38 38 40 32 ... 4s 46 37 44 P 40 42 47 43 36 44 46 48 41 35 53 41 49 36' 50 45 42 4a 47 36 31 32 42 40 37 42 .. ... ... ... ... 38 37 39 39 48 Precipitstlon, In Inches. - c. i?l - 1.62 1.35 0.39 3. w) 2.99 0.35 0.17 1.21 1.71 0.31 0.42 0.76 0.13 0.76 1.01 1.30 1.39 0.29 0.27 2.30 0.63 1.14 1.39 3.12 0.77 2.48 4.79 0.39 0.78 2.29 0.95 1.53 0.47 2.30 1.88 0.33 1.95 1 .B 2.37 1.45 2.12 1.17 0.32 2.50 0.50 1.7a 0.44 0.10 0.36 0.61 0. i 4 0.44 0.13 1.15 0. S5 D. 30 D. S 3.18 3.17 3.69 I.G2 1.22 3.07 1.13 1.12 1.81 1.81 1. 14 1.45 1.79 1.99 1.45 1.85 1. ti5 1.42 1. 28 1.45 1.19 1.83 1.02 1.18 1.31 ). 08 ). 75 n. a3 n. 41 n. os I. m ..... ..... a E-4 e l n B ...... - 2.4 - 4.51 - 1 .4 - 1.w - 3.8: - 3.w - 5.1I - 3.4: - 3.7: - 2.9 - 4.1, - 3.0, - 3.31 - 4.41 - 1.1: - 4.a - 3.2: - 3.M t 0.6: - 3.81 - 1 .a - 3.11 - 4.21 - 1.7: - 3.1: - 4.1: - 2.7t - 3.21 - 2.1! - 8.Z - 1 .n - 5 .a - 1.8: - 3 .a ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... - 4 .a - 4 .a - 3 .s - 4 .a - 4.0: - 2.56 ...... ...... ...... ...... - 2.13 - 4.12 - 3.08 - 4.94 - 2.20 - 4.86 - 5.14 - 3.38 - 4.86 - 3.68 - 2.27 - 2.30 - an1 . 3 .w . 4.13 - 4.84 . 3.m . 2.46 - 4.48 . 4 .w - 5.35 . 3.62 ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... - 4.70 ...... ...... ...... ...... FT "d z3 t t3 - 0.53 0. a 0.m 2.53 1. l e 0.35 0.12 0. M 1.28 0.15 0.25 0.50 0. ia i.3a 0.42 0.64 0. Do 0.46 0.07 0.25 1.85 0.43 0.78 1.20 1.66 0.40 2.00 3.55 0.32 1.m 0.68 0.86 0.33 J. 18 0.85 0.15 0.92 0.85 1.80 1.36 0.67 0.22 1 .6 0.39 0.78 1.28 0.16 0.10 0.14 0.35 0.30 0.30 0. ai 0.18 0.13 0. os 0.54 0.48 0.28 0.47 0.46 0.14 0.12 0.40 0.63 0.22 0.05 0.10 8.12 0.68 0.80 D. os 1. !26 0. 49 1.49 0. 18 0. 47 0.50 0. 16 0. 18 0.45 0. 15 0. 49 0.01 0.09 0.17 0.44 D. 44 ..... ..... - - gg 8 2 3 g 2 - c c ( ( ( ( E E C c c C C c E E E E E E C E C C r m m m m a m a a a a a 0 0 0 (I 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .... .... i %I ii II ;.l 1: I. 4 : 4 4 4 1 ; 4 3 I I 3 I 2 t I 3 3 I! 6 4 5 I 3 1 1 5 3 4 5 e 5 5 6 3 9 4 5 5 2 a 4 1 4 4 6 3 1 3 1 1 4 5 2 2 5 2 2 4 7 1 2 3 1 4 2 2 1 3 5 5 3 2 6 1 a 6 2 1 B 7 a a 8 4 . _. E b1 ;, 1' 4 -. It 2! 21 3i ... ... 2i z 18 15 21 24 2i 24 3 1f 2; 12 1: 2: 2i 2: z l i 21 ?f 21 1: P 24 I 13 21 21 2E a! x I 16 16 13 24 24 .. .. i a 27 23 17 13 al 20 n 26 16 17 13 7 23 I9 20 19 a7 24 m e w 25 25 231 19 a 16 23 I6 14 27 25 27 15 10 I2 I7 18 23 Y ... m ... - II B %' 8: 41 - 1: ( I I ... ..I I ( 1: 1; d 4 I 1: ; 11 4 11 I 1 I l i 4 I I 13 ! li 4 i 1 13 12 16 5 .. .. m 13 2 B 11 16 6 6 3 8 13 15 22 3 LO 7, I1 11 2 LO F B 4 1 3 5' 2 4 I1 4 1 IO I 5 3. 15 4 17 I1 6 4 6 a ... - a >' ;- i - I I 1 1 ( 1 : ! 4 ( ( ( 1 ( 1 : ( ( ( I I 2 1 E 1 4 1 1 2 1 4 1 6 0 2 1 4 1 2 0 0' 4 0 1' 1 1 2 01 9 0 3 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 1 a 6 3 D a a 61 0 - 4 a .El "1 5 LE E PI - BW. 8. 8e. e. ..... ..... sw. sw. SE. SW. SW. s. 8. S. m. se. se. se. SW. sw. 8. 88. 8W. 8. s. se. s. se. S. SW. 8e. SW. SB. w. 1. S. 88. 8. 8. se. s. sa. ,.-.. ..... .... se. S. 8. s. S. 88. sw. 98. se. S. B. sw. 5. 0. Be. S. 1. 9. S. sw. sw. ..... ..... lw. 3. 3e. sw. *. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. m. 1. W. 1. s. 1W. s. 1. 1. 1. m. ..... 0bSQA.VWS. R. E. SwiIt. C. D. Fuller. 8. W. Orton. J. C. Elliott. F. C. Evans. A. T. Giauque. Hon. N. W. Rowell. Mrs. w. 8. Geo. slagle. Shrlvw. Thas. H. Whltney. Geo. E. Selloge. E. E. H a y . Gordon Peacock, Jr. C. C. Burr. A. 8. Van Sandt. Jemme Smith. T. T. C. Bowen. B. W. Cmssley. J. 0. H. J. Colby. Reppert. w. c. van Neas. Henry Barnes. R. B. Oldham. C. A. Reynolds. F. B. Hanson. T. J. Fitspatrick. Alomo Prultt. 0. A. C. Clarke. J. L. Hurley. Morris Gardner. Geo. H. Glbson. Glenn H. Stern. M. T. Ashley. E. Starrier. C. 0. PWkInS. H. H. McCartney. 2;. %%%&hh. H. Q. Doollttle. J. de Ruyter. 8. U. Qlllespie. 8. Weather Bureau. C. R. Paul. H.L.Felter. . C. B. McDonouKh. A .F .B d . . 1'. W. Sherman. U. Prof. A. J. Ptorer. 0. Hamilton. . Prof. M. F. Troxell. F. A. Slack. C. L. Henderson. M. Norton. N. 8. Haren. Dr. R. McShes. 0. I.. Slade. G. H. Kinkel. U. 8. Weather Bureau. J. I. Grlfflth. Jacob Bock. oeo. Lit& E. 0. Wagner. Geo. D. Went. C. M. Jennison. E. A. shaver. E. C. Dunham. D. D. Judy. c. c. Calvert. Jesse Royer. A Jaedicke jr. ~~h o n ~e jey. G. X. He&. t. R. Mort. bfrs. 8. C. Belden. 0. A. Shin. Rof. H. P. Cady. F. H. Lemon. E. V. Bowr. h. J. Fnderickson. W. F. Issac. L. L. steele. *. J. Norton. >. 0. Hunt. 31m 1. K. Slew. Huber. r. A. church. Dr. 8. B. 8. Wilson. W. C. White. 8. F. McDougal. S. E. Bailey. 886 Flalnville .............. -ton ............. Republic. .............. Russall ................. MONTHLI' WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE l.--Climatologkm? datu for June, 1911. Dish+% No. 6-hntinued. Rooks ......... _...I 2,156 1.im .............. &rz Republic .......... 1,495 Russell ............ I 1,834 JUNE, 1911 18 m I9 21 - '1 8 3 .2 d d 0 - 2 4 3 2 3 3 5 3 2 4 4 3 4 3 1 3 5 5 3 2 2 R 7 5 6 3 4 5 4 3 5 ' 4 9 6 8 5 4 6 4 3 1 5 2 4 7 4 4 I z 9 5 S 8 2 5 3 5 9 .. .. .. a .. - 11 m 9 10 11 7 2 4 4 k i i 2 - 5 9 8 12 1 3 27 5 1 a5 12 2 as 41 18 3 21 25 22 24 36 31 22 28 6 29 20 34 20 38 19 30 22 19 23 23 30 23 17 19 22 33 1s 5f 11 34 4c 4c 3? l i 1( 31 2: 6 22 19 .. 39 19 .. 3; - Vinlnland ................ Wakeaney ............. Wallace ................ Wamego. .............. Mjaourt. Douglss ........... 8Ro re ............. a.466 Pottawatomle ..... 1.002 w8- ........... 3 .m Bates.. ........... St. Clair ........... Vernon.. .......... Livlngaton ......... Mlller.. ........... Harrison.. ........ Polk. ............. Cooper.. .......... Chariton. ......... Boone. ............ Nodaway ......... cedar.. ........... Howard.. ......... Callaway. ........ Howard.. ......... Worth.. .......... ca&a ............... Livingaton. ........ oaseonade.. ...... Texas.. ........... cole.. ............. Jackson.. ......... Caldwell .......... Pettis.. ........... Lackde.. ......... Lalayette.. ....... Cla ............. Saline.. ........... Webster ........... Nodaway ......... Law-. ........ Vernon.. .......... Holt .............. st. Clair ........... Davless. .......... Phel a ............ St. &arks ........ Buch anan... ...... St. Louh City ..... Adair.. ........... Gruudy ........... Pu tnm... ........ Johnson.. ......... Warren. .......... Benton.. .......... Hickory.. ......... Phelpa.. .......... Da L... ........... I'empemture, in degrees Fahrenheit. I Precipitation, in lnchea. - 1? jJ FI - ...... ...... ...... . 4.3s - x g d rg e: 3 - D. 25 0.46 0.33 0. ari 0.62 0.23 0.34 0.43 0.32 0.32 0.53 0.13 1.06 0.03 0.72 0.32 0.35 0.70 0.25 0.73 1.46 0. 26 0.15 0.30 0.57 0.37 0.36 0.42 Q 05 0.30 0.70 1.17 0.28 0.12 0.20 0.70 1.10 0.3 0.08 1.02 0.20 0.58 1.82 0.39 0.09 0.53 0.71 0.63 0.10 0.35 0.44 0.30 0.25 0.64 0.52 0.30 .... n. 15 .... .... 0.48 0.48 ..... - - 1? fi FI - ..... ..... ..... k 7.1 i. 7.1 k 7.: k 7.1 k 6.1 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... I- 6.1 I- 6.d I- 7.: I- 7.1 I- 6.1 I- 7.1 I- 4.: I- 7.' + 6.: .... .... .... .... .... .... .... I- 8.1 t 5.1 t 4.. t 7.: t 6., t 3.1 t 7.1 t 7. t 6. t 7. t 5. t 4. f 8. t 7. t 4. t 7. t 6. t 5. t 6. t 3. .... .... ._.. ._.. .... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... - p - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 .... .... n .... a a a a 0 0 0 .... - - t z 5 b 9 C - 0 1 i 1' 1 1 n 0 2 2 0 1 3 1 8 0 1 1 0 7 6 1 1 3 3 3 3 a 9 a 5 1 2 5 5 3 0 0 a 3 4 C 4 i 4 3 ; ! 1 I 1 J iz - .. 101 111 113 107 107 114 10.3 I06 104 I10 104 ... ... ... 103 IC6 102 101 90 I02 I02 102 100 I10 IW lo3 106 101 103 1oE w1 103 101 101 la 105 101 1M 101 1M 1M: 105 1M @ 101 91 lM: 101 10: lo: ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... - 1 3 - ..... 54 50 44 45 34 52 48 57 52 52 47 .... ..... ..... 53 55 54 56 54 50 5lj 54 52 55 58 56 6s 50 55 62 54 54 56 56 57 55 56 56 50 x 57 54 58 m 51 56 52 56 56 45 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... 8. - ... 13 21 13 12 12 13 12 13 13 13 12 ... .. 13 1 z - .... m. 8 80.3 Bo. 4 7s. 2 77.5 81.2 76.2 80.8 79.6 79.1 77.1 .... .... .... 80. a 80. a 79. 2 18. 4 80. a .... 78.9 .... tS.6 .... 78.7 78.4 60. (2 79.5 78.6 82.0 76.9 78.4 so. E 78.4 so. 9 78. E 79.6 80. i 80.4 79.2 77. ( 79. I 77.( 78. ! 81.! So. ( 79.4 79. ( 78. I 77. : 80. I 76. : 79. i .... .... .._. ._.. .... .... .... .... .... - - .. 25 25 25 24 2s 25 24 23 25 25 24 .. .. .. 16 24 16 1G 30 1c I 10 P 21 10 29 1c 1n 3c 2: 2E 1c 5 1E 6 1( 1t 22 l i 2: s 1t 5 1( 3( 3t 3 I 11 1( .. .. .. .. .. .. .. F J S Ilrnm. B: F: BEker. J. W. Ambrose. Rohert Brebner. D. J. Hutto. I. E. Uplinger. Prnt A. W. Jones. J I3 Lou hran. 3. i i . Nefm. U. 8. Vi eather Bureau. Miss Nettie Maxwell. A. A. Schick. 5. Peacock. M. 'P. Griggs. Y. L. Stone. 0.45 0.63 0.67 0.36 1.02 0.34 1.01 0.74 1.04 0.55 1.02 0.64 0.45 1 .x 0.03 0.66 0.61 2.07 0.5d 0,45 1.08 2.22 1.06 0.42 0.59 0.62 9. op1 0.83 0.53 0.69 0.11 0.68 2.09 3. c7 0.96 0.33 0.36 2.54 1.77 0.28 0.08 1.55 0.24 1. (16 4.35 1. oc 0.28 1.91 0. a1 1.M 1.61 0.27 1.34 I . 12 0.4 0.67 1.75 1.48 ..... ..... ..... 0.40 ..... - ... 313 50 51 51 46 39 46 31 35 4s .. 48 .. 40 40 +e. 3. 1. 1. 3. re. w. sw. sw. 38. ...... sw. sw. 9. sw. sw. sw. sw. e. 8. 8. 8. SW. ___.. ..... ..... 8e. 8W. 8w. ..... e. S. S. 8. sw. 8. 8. 8. sw. ge. sw. 9. 8W. sw. EB. se. e. S. e. 9. 8W. 8. 8. 8W. 88. 8W. ..... ..... ..... - RusssllS in@ ........ Logan.. ........... at. FmE ........... ..I Chevenne ......... I--3& ...... - 3.78 - 4.26 - 3.72 - 2.70 - 1.24 - 5.24 ...... ...... ...... ...... - 5.12 : 1.74 - 6.07 - 4.81 - 3.21 - 3.34 - 4.89 - 5. n - 3.79 - 4.14 - 4 .a - 4.14 - 3.N - 4.0: - 3.64 - 2.a - 2.11 - 3.3f - 4.33 - 4.46 - 2 .3 - 3.14 - 4.9: - 5.1: - 3.4i - 4.71 - 3.9: - O.% - 4 .a - 4.62 - 3.31 - 2.51 - ?. 5! - 4.8: - 3.1: - 4 .x - 3.02 - 4.0; - 4.31 - 2.72 ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... - ................... ........... B a i a i 22; Scott Scott., 2,971 . Smlth Center... ........ Smith. ............ 1 .W V ley Falk ............ Jefferson .......... 913 -. ................... ............ T o p a ................ Shawnee .......... 997 IS I9 12 15 15 25 26 18 1s 18 .. 850 853 fa6 767 594 881 1.070 600 652 784 gS2 7M) 725 818 618 1,130 912 482 1.280 622 963 1,017 863 1.265 813 RB4 1,089 779 1.493 1.160 1,480 I O 1.113 7.v 1,092 dl4 825 %7 1 .m 812 1,072 88a rn 7m I12E ...... ...... ....... 4 16 9 15 4 3 12 5 6 10 fi ... Darby h i t falltl. T. C . Brown. George V. Randolph. J T Armstmn F. d. Ashbaua: W. 8. Broelnnan. W. H. Skinner. E. Waltz. C. Randecker. Louls Beneke. U. 5. Weather Bureau. Fr. Adhelm Hess. Samuel Graham. Prof. T. Berry Smith. Dr. J. L. Brenneman. J. J. Shaughnessy. W. H. Camphell. A J Sh W. H. B%&. C. T. Yaushund. E. Dempsey. Yh Emma Swift. U. 5. Weather B m u . J. F. Sharp. Dr. W. E. Walker. J. Y. W. W. Keithley. &rl. w. c. Wllmott. c. 8. crow. Dr. W. H. Black. C . A. McCambs. J. R. Brink. J. R. White & Son. C. Jewell. Tom Cu W. E. M? a thews. Wm. Burton. l'rol. P. J. Wilkins. I.. C. Saegr. IT. 5. Weather Bureau Do. IewisS rigga. Geo. W. Davis. A. F. Smlthaon. Dr. John E. Frick. Dr. J. R. Smith. Mrs. 8. A. Jackson. iv. H. Em. Amoret.. .............. Ar&. ............. Arthur.. ............... Avalon ................. Bayell.. .............. Bet m y ............... Bolivar.. ............... Boonville .............. Brunawick.. ........... Cdumbla. ............. concaptian.. ........... Eldo~udo Springs ....... Fa tte ................ Fur ton.. ............... Glasgow ................. Grant City ............. Hanlsonv~Ile.. ......... HsEelhurst.. ........... Hemlanu. ............. Howton. .............. Jef?emn City .......... K a w Clty ............ Kidder.. ............... Lamonte.. ............. Lebanon.. ............. Larlngtom.. ............ Liberty.. .............. Loekwood .............. Mershall.. ............. Ymhfield.. ........... Mar ville .............. Mt. %emon ............ Nevada.. .............. Ap letoncity .......... ...... 14 : 42 14 I 32 14 I 41 13t, 37 ...... ~. 19 21 1 9 ' 8 2 4 ; 3 ...... 2 3 ' 4 26 15 2 7 5 24 0 14 G 8 10 0 11 5 5 6 7 4 f .. ; : i i 13 If 6 e 12 .. - _._I.__ ... l(i 6 25 15 2 101 15 27 19 25 25 21 19 26 22 22 ?5 10 21 16 12 14 25 20 21 15 17 ... ... - 13 : as 13 ' 37 1 39 15 35 1 34 1 2 1 4 2 34 ....... E I :: ....... ....... 13 I 35 ....... 13 37 1 3 6 13 32 1 2 7 1 3 4 13 30 1 3 4 1 3 4 1 I 42 m 37 ORgOn ................. Ornola.. .............. Pattomburg. .......... Rolla. .................. St. Charles.. ........... St Joae h .............. Bubktt ................ Trenton. ................ Unionvllle ............. Warrenab urg... ........ wanenton.. ........... warsaw.. .............. Wheatland.. ........... st: Lou% ............... ....... I - a, b, %etc., indicate, resuectivelv. 1. 2. 3. ctr.. daw missinc from the rerord. _. ., ,- t. .Also on other &tes.' T. Precipitation Is less thm 0.01 inch raln or melte snow. - Temperature extremes are from observed readiys of the dry bulb; means am computed from observed mdlngs. JUNE. 1911 . MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW . TABLE Z.-Daily precipitulioat for &le. 1911 . District No . 6. Missouri T'alky . 887 Stailons . Watershed . Wwaing . Arapahoe ........... Bighorn ....... Barnum ............ Powder ....... Basln ............... Blghorn ....... Bennett ............. North Platte .. Big Creek Station ....... .do ....... Burns ............... South Platte . Cody ................ Bighorn ...... Crazy Creek ......... Clarks Fork .. Dome Lake ......... Tomue ...... Dou las ............. ! Norfh Plattg . Dubfm .............. Bighorn ...... Eatons Ranch .... ..I Tongue ...... Echeta .............. Powder ...... Elk Mountain ....... 1 North Platte . Encampment ...... Ervay do ....... Ft . Laramie do ....... Fox Park ..do.. ..... Germanla .......... .I .... .do ....... Glllette ............. Powder ...... Horse Creek ......... Bighorn ...... Hunters Station ...._I Powder ...... Hyattvllle .......... Bighorn ...... Jlreh ................ Nlobrara ..... ............. ..do.. ..... KirtleP- know ea . ............ . Belle Fourrhe &rage ............ I North Platte . Lander .............. Bighorn ...... Laramle ............ I Norlh Platte . Leo ................ .I ... ..d 0 . ...... I ~v e l l .................. .d 0 . ...... Lark ................ Niobrara ..... Manville ............ Moore ............... i Newcastle ........... Lolabama Ranch .... I Blghorn ...... Pathhder .......... Phllll ............. Pine Eun .......... Powell .............. Rawlins ............. Rocky Polnt ........ Sheddan ............ Shoshone Dam ...... Soldiers Kome ...... south PassCity ..... Themnopolls ........ Upton .............. E%'%iii EGG: I Valley .............. Verona .............. Wheatland .......... Wlantsranch ....... Woodrock ........... I Toneue ...... .... .d 0. ...... North Platte . South Fork a Cheyenne . North Platte . .... .do ....... South PIatte . Bighorn ...... North Flatte . Powder ...... North Platte . .... .d 0 . ...... Tongue ...... Bighorn ...... Powder ...... North Platte . Bighorn ...... South Fork c Cheyenne . Bighorn ...... Ton ue N o h P g t k .... .d u ....... (2) Gallatin ............ do ....... (3) Grandcan on . Yellowstone .. (4) W e Yedw- ..... do ....... (5) Norris ......... (6) Rlverslde ...... (7) &daBut ta. ... (8) 8 Ivan Pass ... (9) &umb ....... (10 TowerFalls .. (11) U perGeyser gasin . stone . I .... .d 0 . ...... Madison ..... Montam . Adel ................ Yellowstom .. Agrlcultunrl College . Gallatln ...... A ........... sun .......... Bald Butte ......... Missouri ..... B mber Creek ......... do ....... B E .................. do ....... Blaci%af ........... Mlssoula ..... Bloodeld .......... Yellowstone .. Bowen ................... do.. ..... Brldger ............. Yellowstone .. Broadview ............. ..d 0 . ...... Busby ................... do ....... Busteed ................. .do ....... Cubin Creek ......... JeUerson ..... m y o n Ferry ....... Missouri ..... casosde .................. do ....... Chessman Reservoir .... .do. ...... Chester ................. .do ....... B a T ? ............ Milk ......... Bigt!mher .......... Yellowstone .. Boulder Nursery .... Jefferson ..... I Day or month . 1.53 1.25 0.34 2.14 1.54 2.95 1.15 2.43 1.61 1.14 0.33 2 .BE 2.50 2.30 3.35 1.30 1.36 2.72 1.28 1.80 2.67 9.36 0.71 3.87 3.44 1.14 1.54 0.97 1 .0 2. QL 1.28 0.37 0.98 2.17 1.79 0.58 0.73 3.12 1.33 1.33 1.98 1.M 1.70 1.44 1.45 1.77 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 1.28 1.87 ..... 1 .si: 1.40 1.45 1.82 1.91 0.45 2.70 2 . a0 1.45 3 . &Z 2.85 2 . a 2 6 3.95 253 3.33 0 . w 2.53 1.96 ..... ..... ..... 4.70 3.23 4.85 2.37 3.43 1.59 5 .I 2.09 3 .1 3.60 1.20 1.W 2.55 2.12 4.72 3.45 5.11 2.68 ..... 888 Stations . MoTonbna-ConM . Chinook ............. Chouteau 1 I ........ Clearcreek ........... clemons ............ Clydepark .......... Conrad .............. Copper .............. Crow dgenry ....... Culberfson .......... c U m m 1 y s .......... (.'ut Bank ........... Ikcker .............. Denton ............. Dillon .............. Dirty Creek ......... Dry Creek .......... Dry Wolf Cam East Gallstin lb; . c;. E kalrka ............ Elkhwn ............ Evans .............. Fslloa .............. Flsh Creek .......... Flathead Creek ..... Forsyth ............. Fort Benton ........ Fort Shaw .......... Foster .............. Garno11 ............. Glasgow ............ Qlendlve 1 I ........ Goldbutte .......... H a m .............. Helena .............. Highwood .......... Huntley ............ Jones Canyon ....... Jordan .. .I .......... Knobles ranch ...... Lewlstown .......... Llvlngston ......... Lonetree ............ Malta ............... Medlche Lske ...... Melstone ............ Mildred ............. Miles Citv ........... Norris .............. Nve ................. Ohen Creek ........ Pipestone Pass ...... Poplar .............. Red Lirlge .......... Renow ............. R.IWg8t.9 ............ Sevllle .............. Sldney ............. Rpokaneranch ...... Springhrook ........ stesms ............. Threeforks .......... Toha .............. Trall Creek ........ Tweta .............. Ut& ............... Valent1 ne.. .......... Vlrghla City ....... Woodvllle .......... Nmth Dakota . Aplin ............... Beach ............... Belfleld ............. Berthold Agencv .... Blwarck ............ Bronrho ............ Buford .............. Diekinson ........... Edgelev ............. E p g G ............. Fu rton ........... Oanlson ............ Homnc ........... Jamestown .......... Lamoine ............ McHenry ........... Manfred ............. me% .............. ............ MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW . TABLE ?.-Daily pwcipitntiott fos Jum. 1911 . Dkkict No . 6-Continued . JUNE. 1911 -~ ~ Day of month . I 1. iti 2.62 3.56 2. !w 4.25 2.92 2.15 1.45 1 .I 5.32 2. .w 3.63 3.35 4.97 3.19 2.86 4.00 4.60 1.62 4.63 1.89 2.54 3 .n 1.03 2.21 5.91 2.57 2.88 4.44 4.21 2 . 11 2.14 3.32 2.23 3.38 5.06 6.35 3.12 2.07 2.70 1.47 2.87 3.44 4.34 2.44 3.82 4.34 1.75 2.07 3.40 2. OB 5.90 1.18 2.94 5.83 4. PA 2.68 1.41 4.19 1.48 5.17 .03 3.46 2.33 2.31 3.90 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 1.m ..... ..... 3.81 3.85 3.w 4.27 2.73 2.38 1.a 2.45 1.10 2.01 3.32 2 .go 2.95 1.19 2.07 1.90 2.78 3.05 ..... JUNE. 1911 . Stations . xllui D.tdr--con. Marmarth ........... Marstonmoor ........ Medm ............ MeIvllle ............ Mott ............... Napoleon .......... New England ....... New Rockford ..... New Salem ........ er ............. Steele .............. Washbum ......... Wllliaton ........... %&h Dakota . amy.. .......... Aberdeen I I ....... Aeademj, ......... Ale= na ......... Ardmore 1 I ........ Armour ............ Bellefonrche ....... Brookings .......... Camp Crook ....... Canton ............. W a d e 8 in@ *tlewoof;f ... -1: 1 Centerville ......... Clark .............. Cottonwood ........ Daviaton ........... Deadwood ......... Deertieid ........... De Smet ........... Dowlig ........... Dumont ........... Eales .............. EUrMountaln ...... Elk Point .......... Elllngaon .......... Englewood ......... Eureka ............ Faulkton .......... Flandmu ......... Foreatbur7 ........ Frederlck I ....... Ganvalley .......... Gremmon ......... Greenwood ......... Hardy Ranger S h tlon . Harveya rench ..... H e r m a ........... Blghmore .......... Hwpewell .......... Howard ............ Howell ............. Buron ............. Tpqwich ............ hadoka ............ Kennebec .......... Kldder ............. Kimball ............ La Dolle ............ Lead ............... Lmmon ........... Manderson ......... Marion ............. Maston ............ Uellette ............ Memo ............. Mitchell 11 ......... Mobridge ........... Mnrdo ............. Oelrichs ............ orman ............. Ottumwa .......... Pierre .............. Plankinton ......... Pollock ............ Ra idCity ......... Relfleld 11 ......... Rochford ........... Rosebud ........... Rosebud Agency ... Roslyn ............. Selby .............. Sioux Falls ......... Sorum ............. Spearlkh ........... Staphan ............ Tma .............. Tvndall ............ vale ............... Vermilion .......... Waters ranch ...... Watertown ......... Wentworth ........ Wesslneton Rprings While Lake ........ Winner ............ Yankton ........... Mnnedota . Pl-ne .......... MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW . TABLE !?.-Daily precipitatim for June. 1911 . District No . 6-Continued . Day of month . . .- Little Missouri . T .. 48 . 02 .... Watershed . 2.98 3.77 2.19 3.45 3.18 1.78 3.53 4.34 5.21 0.72 4.39 1.44 1.03 2.49 2.31 . 1.k3 2.70 0.57 3.78 1.06 1.66 2.07 2.86 2.70 1.72 0.c4 0.10 2.87 1.03 1.30 0.71 1.5 1.59 1.04 5.41 0.88 2.55 1.29 1.76 3.14 1.94 0.71 3.14 1.56 0.9G 1.91 2.14 0.00 3.63 0.41 1 .I 1.112 1.78 2.25 2.93 0.51 2.38 3.03 4.63 1.38 1.57 4.E5 0.38 1.05 2.25 0.39 T . 0.67 3.98 0.53 0.92 1.71 2.91 1.25 ? .R8 1.11 0.?4 1.Z5 0.62 4.16 1.38 1.487 3.48 1.44 3.92 2.10 2.w ..... ..... ..... n.49 ..... ..... n.20 2.01 ..... ...... ...... n.88 ..... 890 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. JUNE, 1911 TABLE 2.-Daily precipitation for June, 1911. District No. 6-Continued. - . - I I Day of month. 1.213 1.57 0.77 0.28 2.21 1.02 1.30 1.45 1.02 0.91 1.85 1.23 1.07 1.96 0.56 1.30 1.15 1.78 0.39 3.64 1.44 1.22 2.59 2.21 2.11 1.91 1.60 2.34 0. a9 2.21 0.93 1.66 ...... ...... 1.74 ...... n. BO 2.68 0.94 2.23 1.40 1.16 1.15 2.47 4.a 1.85 0.63 0.97 0.54 0.88 0.38 0.93 1.45 0.92 1.23 2.66 3.48 0. &( 1.15 0.60 0.17 ...._. 1.81 2.50 T. 0.58 1.w 0.85 ...... 0.64 1.59 1.06 0.23 1.12 0.41 1.59 2.77 1.69 1.64 0.68 3.92 1.58 l.M 4.11 4.37 0.79 4.9 ..... 0.38 a82 0.49 0.75 1. la 1.80 a. 92 1.29 1.28 1.9 1.35 3.18 a 81 JUNE. 1911 . Statlons . Nsbrcuto--Qntd . Lodgepole ......... Loup .............. Loyal .............. McCook ............ Madison ........... Marquetb ......... h n C i t y 11 ...... Minden ............ Mitohell 11 ......... Mullen (near) ...... Nebmka.City ..... 232v: . :..!.... Norfolk ............ North Lou ........ North Platg ....... Oakdale ........... Omaha ............ ord ................ p a r i ........... Pawnee CIty ....... Paxtos ............ Plymouth 1 I ....... Purdum ........... Ravenna ........... Red Cloud ......... St . Libory ......... St . Paul ........... santee ............. . Sargent 11 ......... Schuyler ........... Soottabluff ......... Beward ......... SherIdau ........... Sidney ............. Springview ........ stanton ............ stratton ........ s mu88 ........... &u-h ......... Tekamah .......... Tobias ............. Valentine .......... Wahoo ............ WaLeeeld ......... Waithill ........... Watertown ........ wauneta .......... Wee i Water .... wisner ............ York .............. Iowa . Afton .............. Allerton ........... Buperior \I ........ weafpoxlt ......... Alton .............. Atlantic ............ Audubon .......... Bedford ............ centervllle ......... charfton ........... ClarInda I I ......... Cornine ............ eia .......... I ............ ............. Lenox .............. teon ............... Llttle SIOUX ........ Logan .............. Mount Ayr ......... Mum ............ Odeboft ............ Omwa ............. Pacllic Tunctlon .... Rook Rapids ....... Sheldon ............ ter ....... mky& .......... %EEii:::::::::: SIOUX City ......... Warhta ............ Woodbarn ......... Kansos . .......... A ton .............. Atchlson ........... Belolt 11 ........... Blsbsman .......... BlaeRaplda 11 ..... Oenhalls ........... MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW . ..................... . ........ ............. ..... ................ Platte .................. 46 6G 1 30 71 .... do ................................. .45 South Plat te .... 69 ........................ T ... ............ I .............. 05 ..... 06 .................... . 02 ........ I::::/ .... I .... 1 ....I .... I .... 1 T.1 .... 1 T.1 .... I .... LOUD .............................. I I I 1 I ' I ............ I 1 ' !.. .. ... I....!.... / .................................... I.... . .... do.. ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. ....I .... Loup .............. ............. ........ ....I ........................................ Blue ................ ......... 021 . 18 ........ ....I ................. 39 . 4 North Platte M ............ 1.49 ................. 49 ......... 06 ........ T ~o u p .............................. ........ I . M ............ i ............. 14 ..... M ................. 05 W i u r i ........................... T . ___.I .... .FA ........ j ................................ T ......... Elkhorn ........ 20 ........... 30 ...... 09 ............. 05 ... LOU io ....... 80 .................... ............... Elkhorn ............... .03 .... 14 ............ .5S ............. 15 ........ ................ Missouri ....... T ..... T .............. T ......... T ......... T .. 30 ..... T ......... IAup ............... a6 . 08 ............................................. 03 89 . 20 ................ Republican ................... , ........................................ .3 4 . ............... ................. 05 .... ........ QreatNemaha .......................... 05 ....I .... ........ South Plat te ........... .................... T ............. 05 ........ ........ ...... .... T ......... .. ................... ..... ................ Blue 91 10 04 T ........ . ........... ..... ..... ........ .......... .O 1. ....................... i oz .o 1. .o 1. 05 ..... . ........ .... .... .... ..... ..... .... ... ! 05 .os 65 26 58 70 35 ....... ....... ... 55 10 .... ~ ......... .15 .... .20 ................I-.... .... ......... 10 .... .23 ............ ....I.... ............................................................. 15 .......................... 10 ........ 30 .... T ......... :::: 1 ........................ T ................. NorthPlat te ... 1 T.1 .MI.. .. I.... 1 T.1 T.1 T . I . d 4.1 .... 1 .... 1 .... 1 .... I.. ..I .24) 2.33) T .. I.... 1 ... 1 . 041 . 031 .... I .... I . 02) .... I .... 1 T . 1 ....I .... 1 Blue ................... ....... ........ ........ ...... 09 ... ... 33 .... ....... .. 72 05 T 03 2.25 ........ ............ ........ .... .... ............. ..... .... ..................... ........ .............. ................ ......... ............ ....... 03 . 12 ................ ............................ .26 ................ T 12 Mhurl 10 22 T Niobram ............... T .............. ............ ......... ...... Plat te ....,.... .15 .... .10 ........ Blue 80 .14 T Elkhorn ....... .. ...... ............ .. .......... ..... ........ Missouri ............ 01 ..... 22 m 1.20 ................ Platte .............. 63 Republican ..... Elghorn ............... .......... 10 Missouri 03 T Oi .... do .............. 71 15 ...... I T ..... 1.18 ................ Blue ........... T ..... T ................. .... ................ .... .. . ........ ........ .05 .............. Yiurl 02 .03 12 T 05 T T 16 T T .O5 T T 15 04 04 T T T T ........ ...... ............ .................... ......... ..... ..... ..... ........ .. ....... ....... . ... ............ .... ........ .... ............ ..... ..... .... .. ............ ..... .... ............ ......... .................. ............ ...................... ....... .................................... ...... .... 02 ........ ...................................... ............. . ...... .............................................. ..................................... .......... T T T T 37 T 64 ChwltlnJ ....... :::: .... :::: ........ . 90 ............ T T T 40 _._.! Nodaway ...... 08 .... ........... .... ....................... M h o ........ ... T ......... T ............. T ......... 42 .... .4 6 .2 4 ........................... 2 5 T ..... .02 ....... .... do ............................... Nodaway .......................... ............................. 02 ......... 25 ............................................ Mlssouri ................. 01 ... ..... 01 T .............. 03 .... 1.85 ............................ T .. 40 ............... Nlshbotna 43 .... .OS .la ................................................. Nishbotna .... .... 15 . 97 ... T .. 01 ... T ......... Blg Sioux ....... ................ 13 . 15 1.80 .... T .. 12 .... Mlsgourl ........ T ............ 40 . 05 ... 31 01 ........ Llttle Sioux 19 ............... Floyd ............ .... T . T .. 20 T ..... T ..... ...... 02 .... Mlssourl.. ........................................................... 32 T . T ......... _._.do .............................................. T ............. T Little Sionx ............. 05 ......... 08 ............. 02 ................. .44 ............... Mhourl._.__. ....................... 12 ............................ T .. .. 15 ................ _._.do .............................................. T . T .......... 37 T ......... .... do ............................................... 06 ............. ._. .............. , ....... .............. _._.do ................... 03 ......... 40 ................................ 05 .............. _._.do .......... T .. 10 ............. 10 ................. 10 .... ................ .... do T .......................... 15 .... .08 .. T ......... .......... ........... ..... ............... 85 .95 ... .03 ....... Blg Sioux 67 05 03 Floyd T 05 15 85 Big Sioux T .12 Floyd .......... T .. ............. .... T ..... I .... Ylssourl ......... 04 .... ........ T ...... T .......... Little SIoux ......... .... ....... .... Mhourl ........ T .. 05 Charlton 11 ............ T T ..... .... T Little Sloux ............................. 06 . 05 . 01 . 05 . 05 ............................................. 1 i ........................ ..... . .... ........... .................. ................ . .............. ................ ......... .... .16 ........ .... .06 .... T ......... .. 10 ........ T . T ..... T ....... I . ................... 04 ..... 12 ........ T T .l 2 . ........ ................. ................ ................ 30 T ...... ........ Bepubllarn ......... 30 11 .................... Blne ................................ .................................... .... do .................................. ...... T ...... 18 ........ 06 ......... ... ....... ......... ..... ....... 2.70 0.56 2.03 1.01 0.80 4.w 1.08 1.01 2.16 0.40 0.50 5.22 4.92 1.13 3.64 0.w 2.17 0.39 0.81 1.77 1.05 1.08 1.56 2.23 0.75 2.16 1.30 0.58 0.65 2.71 0.70 1.03 3. Oa 1.P 5.16 0.90 0.74 0.46 1.62 1.20 0.w 0.77 2.82 2.75 1.52 1.35 0.39 3. w) 2.99 0.35 0.17 1.21 1.71 0.31 0.42 0.76 0.13 1.78 0.76 1.01 1.30 1.39 0.29 0.27 2.30 0.63 1.14 1.39 312 0.77 2.48 4.79 0.39 0.73 2.29 0.95 1.53 0.47 2.30 1.88 0.33 1.96 1.23 2.37 1.45 2.12 1.17 0.32 2.60 0.60 0.44 0.10 0.36 0.61 0.44 0.03 0.41 ..... ..... ..... a74 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. JUNE, 1911 statlom. Kanaw4mthned. chspman. .......... Gla center ........ conomdia.. ......... Densmore.. ......... DrePden I E n * .......... Farusworth.. ....... Fort Scott i l .. ...... Fml!&ft.. ......... aarnstt ............. Qoodland. .......... Qove... ............. Hmover.. .......... Harrison.. .......... Horton ........... JemU.. ............. Ism. .......... Leavenworth ........ Lebanon.. .......... Linasborg 11 ........ MenkatO.. .......... Ylnnespolls.. ..... Moran. .............. Natoma.. ........... Norton.. ............ O b e r l i ............. oketo... ........... Olathe.. ............ OsageCityII ...... Ottawa.. .......... Phiipsburg ....... Plainville. .......... Pleaswton.. ....... Republic.. ......... Ruassll ............. St. Franc= .......... Salina.. ............ acott.. ............. Smith Center.. ..... To ks ............ Vinland ............ Wakeeney.. ....... Wallace.. .......... wamegcl.. ......... M.9souri. ColEy.. ............. Ellsaorti. : : : : : : : : : : hmx. ........... ............. ........... Russell Springs.. .. v a y Falls ........ Amoret ............ Ap letoncity ArlLton 11 .:::I:: Arthur.. ........... Avalon.. ........... Bagnell 1 I ......... Bothany.. ......... Bolivar. ........... Bwnvil!o I BrullswFk\i 1::::: Columbia.. ........ Conception.. ....... Mdoraclo Springs.. Fafette: : .......... Fii ton .......... (IlaSgoW I I ......... Grant City.. ....... Rarrironville I I .... Hszelhmt. .__ ___. . Hermsnn 11 ....... Houston.. ......... Jetlemon City I I ... Kansas City ........ Kidder 11 .......... Lamonto.. ......... Isbanon.. ......... Lsxington 11 ....... Llbertv.. .......... TaockWoOd.. ........ Marshnll.. ......... Marshbld. ........ Mar ville Iu ....... ~t . %ernon.. ...... Nevada. ........... Oregon.. ........... Oszealaj I .... .~. .. Pattons )urg 1 I ... Rolls ............... St. Charles ......... St. J w p b .......... st. Lous ........... Sublett ......... : ... Trenton.. .......... Unionville i u ...... Warmburg.. ..... Warrentonll ...... Warsaw.. .......... Wheatland ......... TABLE 2.-Daily precipitation for JUM, 1911. District No. 6-Continued. Day of month. Watershed. - &sss ......................... __..I .I .94 1.26 Republican.. .................. .05 ......... lflssOur1 ............................... .16. ... Soloman.. Smokg Jilll:. : : : : : : : : :. ~, :. Repu uarn .15.. Solomon.. .I6 Marmaton T. ............................... 01.49 ... .................................... .. ... .. ........... ...... ...... .. ..... ........................... .............................. ... ......................................................... * Pmjpitation included in that of the next msaslurunent. t Separate dates of falls not recorded. T. Pmlpitation b lpea than 0.01 Inch raln or melted mow. 11 Precipitation for the 24 houra ending on the morning when it is measured. JUNE. 1911 . MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW . 893 TABLE 3.-iUaximum and minimum tcmpnvrturea at Sekded etatwm for JUIIC. 1911 . Dislrict No . 6. AfkaouSi Valley . Date . Wyoming . Basin . &in . 52 46 46 45 .. Max .... 55 57 63 64 Max . 70 70 77 82 i 9 84 81 76 74 79 79 91 75 I 76 85 88 WI 81 87 Min . -_ 43 39 40 45 50 4 i 51 32 49 40 43 49 8 3 5 4 8 G 5 0 53 49 44 51 51; 54 53 $8 5 0 53 I .-. 57 fa 53 74.7 I a0 1 .... .? .... 3 .... 4 .... 5 .... 6 .... 7 .... 8 .... 9 .... 10 .... 89 78 81 87 89 92 8R 82 89 91 80 75 82 79 81 81 78 72 .- 51 7 9 4 8 46 46 52 47 8 6 5 5 58 53 44 56 79 60 51 7? 53 s o 5 6 53 54 70 78 48 50 47 8 0 5 4 8 3 5 5 8 0 5 4 81 79 81 78 50 8 2 5 4 55 56 55 s o 5 2 8 8 5 4 17 .... 18 .... 19 .... 3 .... 21 .... 22 .... 21 .... '?4 .... 25 .... 2R .... 27 .... ,28 .... 29 .... 30 .... 86 80 9n 93 92 91 89 80 7G 78 81 89 92 91 87 83 I 78.9 53 51 dl 50.4 Date . -- Miles City . . i MI,, . I I- Kin . 58 59 53 64 51 46 59 67 54 52 55 52 57 53 58 48 57 - 67 62 82 68 52 42 52 57 68 56.9 ... Max . 78 66 87 83 67 89 77 84 71 75 72 77 78 81 8 0 7 9 75 81 93 6 3 9 7 6 8 9 3 86 76 78 8 2 9 7 , 77 69 72 83 88 88 80.3 ..... 90 87 I 85 78 ...... 58 (12 51 57 65 53 ! 74 (Is 77 82 67 42 81 49 85 61 79 54 66 52 76 I il 54 51 49 8 8 5 3 52 49 56 60 54 53 4 .... 5 .... 948 56 70 I 52 72 78 78 73 77 82 94 97 89 78 78 74 70 78 . 87 78.4 - 52 46 s a w 60 53 46 52 60 61 66 7 2 6 2 69 61 8 8 8 2 54 6 0 5 0 44 54 8 8 5 0 60 54.8 ...... 52 ~ ........... 63 I ............ 5 s ........... 84 89 84 66 5 9 8 0 9 1 23 .... 95 24 .... / 82 25 .... I 74 28 .... 73 27 .... 84 28 .... 83 29 .... 88 30 ..... 88 66 61 54 56 49 59 57 59 Montana . __ Billings . .. Newcastle . Yellow- Shcr'dan . atonc Park Cheyenne . Fort . Laramm . Lander . Diilon . Havre . j Helena . h i 5 town . Malta . PathEnder . Min . . 45 38 40 47 42 40 48 54 43 36 46 48 53 49 54 52 48 47 50 49 49 46 46 49 46 . Min . 50 5'2 51 68 50 66 Rs 5d 45 47 46 02 5s 60 5s .so 52 60 67 Q 62 56 62 56 48 44 07 &5 Q 5R6 48 ..... - . din . . 57 54 51 52 44 52 57 51 51 49 44 53 54 59 53 49 55 54 *1 59 6? G3 58 32 51 48 4a 53 51 50 53." . fin . . 53 5? 45 50 42 39 52 50 50 47 4 1 48 CQ 54 I 47 48 47 XI 50 Nl 55 57 57 47 45 53 5? 49 59 . s . . ... Kin . 49 53 51 41 49 48 59 (i5 58 47 45 40 53 55 59 55 48 53 55 60 57 59 54 ' 5 5 54 51 49 60 51 63 53 . ? . . . Kin . 62 50 41 37 36 52 42 45 49 4? 52 47 57 48 46 49 47 32 53 5G 57 56 53 54 30 52 5? 41 45 4a IY, .. . ah . . 53 45 45 43 46 46 45 43 45 47 45 50 53 fQ 59 50 51 55 M1 59 w 56 57 50 45 38 49 51 54 48 50.2 .. . . din . 40 4" 45 39 32 36 4" 40 41 42 43 46 40 49 43 41 47 41 51 48 49 47 41: 43 37 36 44 45 43 40 3.8 . . .... Max, - 90 86 86 94 80 91 99 90 89 83 84 9? 93 89 84 63 77 Ro 91 93 88 88 92 s.1 79 93 96 93 93 $7.7 813 .. - __ KSX . - 75 73 70 81 77 83 81 79 62 77 81 90 80 $2 60 66 73 80 so 78 80 I ti2 76 75 . dax . 85 86 84 92 86 86 94 86 84 71 7" 82 90 88 85 7ti 81 90 92 94 90 92 90 91 82 74 $4 92 94 94 la3 ._ . . 4f3X . 70 77 77 89 69 80 so 83 G3 74 so 91 84 81 153 75 84 w 90 85 79 SCI 89 82 75 73 90 79 89 84 w) . 7 . .. . dnx .. 65 b 81 R? 72 84 90 so 70 79 78 86 84 85 76 80 89 92 95 88 84 91 $9 80 74 77 84 so 77 58 11.3 _- . . Mal . 73 i 8 i 9 G8 72 i 8 72 i 5 so 82 85 $7 84 83 85 80 $6 85 80 I so $1 83 ST, 85 so '16 70 Po 50.1 .%2, .. . . Max, . 78 72 80 69 67 i 8 70 Gli 75 77 $2 84 s5 83 78 Srl 68 91 93 84 81 93 79 71 62 75 73 77 70 77.9 711 .... - . Max . 61 07 73 e8 07 07 65 72 78 84 &2 79 70 71 80 I 90 81 so ti2 92 71 69 74 73 73 77 61 ra 7a . Max . 78 78 BR 80 70 78 81 72 70 79 78 I 81 78 70 . 83 90 93 97 87 Po 77 92 74 07 OB 74 75 78 77 79.2 I Iin . 37 38 40 32 36 38 37 41 41 43 45 46 45 49 40 44 43 39 3'1 40 41 37 11'2 48 48 46 40 37 40 1 . s 40 . . 11 .... 92 12 .... 95 13 .... 86 15 .... 1 78 14 .... I 84 53 FQ (13 1% 57 63 C4 co 50 50 47 52 50 49 56 1.0 . . 55 1 71 48 1 73 77 54 53 53 59 53 58 49 43 45 47 52 49 50 3.0 - . 7? 73 7? 77 75 5s 60 89 73 60 54 e' 17.3 - . 73 I 43 115 ' 47 84 51 78 53 78 j 50 Mns .. 80.5 I I .. 77.5 : 47.0 I . -._ ... North Dakota . Montana . South Dakota . I- Poplar . Berthold Agency . 'amestown . Wiiliston . .berdee n. DO Huron . Bismarck . Diekinson . . din, 62 64 64 56 56 46 54 68 65 55 53 52 51 51 60 82 56 57 58 56 62 82 65 64 72 58 49 53 66 74 8.0 . . . M h . 51 48 50 49 48 46 57 54 53 51 48 42 49 61 57 47 53 57 57 61 64 60 61 61 bo 38 63 52 59 59.9 . 61 . . din . 48 50 bo 48 56 42 64 58 55 66 62 45 56 55 82 46 44 51 60 68 62 68 63 80 51 33 51 54 63 53 . B . .... . . din . a 53 66 41 63 51 57 65 64 47 47 56 64 61 45 48 53 82 68 64 60 59 58 51 55 45 49 54 61 H . 3 _ . 4s - . ' I- [ax . 'Min . 'Max . 94 I 03 88 91 52 s9 89 58 89 97 54 93 82 w 79 -I_/- I -,.- din .. Max I 64 I 90 64 86 62 79 00 I 76 -I- 57 I 94 . Min . . -1 . .. .... ...... 55 62 ...... ..... 63 80 57 ..... 92 63 : 65 ~ 55 ...... . dax 72 68 80 89 72 83 92 77 8 72 78 88 91 81 73 82 90 96 lOa 93 90 aa a4 88 74 68 73 80 89 81 61.7 _. . . [ax . 84 63 78 87 75 a4 85 88 80 76 81 83 83 78 81 84 95 100 96 77 82 73 88 80 73 84 87 93 E? . 4' . 73 .... . . lax . 81 74 83 84 71 83 88 80 72 78 70 78 76 81 80 75 80 90 96 98 88 72 73 96 85 65 70 81 92 94 51.1 . . . lax . 89 89 71 70 69 74 79 77 75 72 71 70 75 80 81 78 76 89 89 86 85 72 71 74 74 73 56 61 76 85 74.0 . ..... . IrrS . 81 86: 93 90 80 80 87 97 98 80 76 79 79 84 90 76 82 87 90 97, 96 99 95 98 94 76 72 82 99 100 . 37 .a . Kin . 'Max . Mln -I-- ' I [ax . I Min 59 52 5u 56 50 45 59 67 56 51 54 48 61 58 80 58 50 55 58 65 64 63 61 61 58 50 44 51 63 68 56.7 . 85 96 98 95 96 83 83 91 88 88 79 90 95 94 99 100 98 92 103 95 79 80 102 100 102 92.1 .... 51 64 70 63 56 60 56 57 60 67 66 55 62 67 70 75 75 67 89 70 57 52 5s 68 84 I . 5 - . 88 93 90 78 77 77 83 88 88 79 75 78 87 90 97 94 84 81 95 80 72 80 89 93 96 % . 2 - 80 44 85 32 90 55 91 65 8 0 6 4 49 51 47 44 57 62 49 49 56 80 64 85 62 80 53 39 bo 55 66 54.2 . 59 .- 76 53 79 50 75 50 84 47 88 53 71 65 65 82 .... .... 41 56 82 so B . 7i .- 96 99 93 98 93 83 74 87 101 9s 87.6 - ... 80 I ...... ! ..... I 102 ~~~ 64J ........... i 99 65 ~ ........... : 92 80 I ........... 100 68 '......I ...... 93 61 I ........... i 73 ........... I 70 63 ,...... I...... 96 71 1 ............ 102 3.9 89.6 47 i I 52 I._._._I 93 .- . .- Mns .. '83.4 I 58.0 I 894 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW . JUNE. 1911 TABLE 3.-Maximum and minimimi temperaturea at aelccted atutwnaJor June. 1911 . Dietn'ct No . 6-hntinued . ~ Yankton . South Dakota . I colorado . I . Denver . Nebrash Kin . til .- 62 61 57 70 ... .- Wray . -~ Max . Min . 85 : 58 - ... 84 I 'a 89 I 49 8G 60 a4 , 48 Ilebron . Lincoln . [in . 61 72 67 65 64 67 70 71 5?i E.5 GQ 68 54 63 65 71 78 78 75 4.3 .. Max . .. 84 100 97 87 99 5 8 8 3 93 102 100 6 6 8 3 5 5 8 6 82 5 0 8 5 87 6 5 8 8 78 6 0 8 5 80 5 4 9 3 5 9 0 6 98 94 100 103 6 4 8 4 5 3 8 3 6 6 9 0 103 100 92.1 ' 93 -~ ...... Kax . 87 91 - 100 loo 78 87 94 86 100 95 78 75 88 101 98 f9.6 ZI ~- Yin .. 60 e 2 6 5 60 9 4 G o 9 0 5 5 8 0 6 0 8 9 6 8 05 fxi 59 7 9 6 6 7 9 6 5 50 8 6 6 9 60 8 6 6 5 8 3 6 2 8 5 6 9 8 9 5 3 0 3 5 9 61 8 67 66 58 52 57 67 72 59.6 z Kax . 80 88 98 89 102 100 83 82 84 ga e2' 95 Min . -- 64 9 8 6 8 9 7 7 3 71 73 8 2 6 3 65 73 74 71 8 4 6 5 8 0 6 2 GI 62 60 7 7 6 5 8 1 6 3 8 7 6 4 72 74 e7 9 0 6 8 .. 1 .... 2 .... 3 .... 4 .... 5 .... 6 .... 7 .... 8 .... 9 .... 10 .... 85 93 96 94 80 89 w lo2 97 90 Min . 50 55 66 67 71 72 55 53 50 53 I Go 62 ti7 ti7 65 01 50 8 w.7 Max . _- 79 87 85 6 0 s s 5 4 8 3 c i a s o 87 97 97 6 0 8 3 71 74 76 82 87 70 80 6 5 8 5 6 0 9 0 6 5 9 0 94 6 9 9 8 96 6 8 9 6 95 75 5 5 9 4 97 85.6: 7n m n ..... 53 75 66 58 54 57 65 I 62 09 8 72 71 72 62 52 55 70 76 li3.0 86 a 9 0 87 80 78 5 9 8 3 5 5 % s9 84 76 8 8 w 70 5 8 8 3 5 9 8 4 86 81; 82 91 95 80 77 90 94 93 88 84.5 ..... 11 .... 12 .... 13 .... 14 .... 15 .... 69 82 78 91 90 17 .... 18 .... 19 .... a0 .... 21 .... 22 .... m .... 24 .... 25 .... 90 92 95 97 97 99 100 101 105 m .... 27 .... as .... 29. ... 30 .... 77 75 81 100 06 Kim . 51 57 64 60 51 . 54 .. Mas . 78 95 92 93 6 0 8 4 85 .. m . Yln . 65 57 58 53 47 64 62 53 47 51 57 _- Mas . _- 73 9s 88 5 0 9 9 100 Bo 5 8 8 5 1M 100 6 5 9 0 78 72 80 70 6 0 8 6 tax . 79 97 97 97 84 100 lo2 89 81 93 79 74 8 5 ' 88 06 86 e2 97 91.4 Mln . -- 54 9 7 6 5 74 71 71 67 8 8 6 4 9 5 6 8 73 68 67 8 3 5 9 55 58 62 70 8 6 6 8 66 8 8 6 3 e 3 6 0 9 4 8 3 9 4 8 8 8 9 6 9 70 74 67 8 8 0 3 . 59 71 9 9 7 2 65.8 1 ......... 2 ......... 3 ......... 4 ......... 5 ......... 0 ......... 7 ......... 8 ......... 9 ......... 10 ......... I1 ......... 12 ......... 13 ........ 14 ......... 15 ....... 93 91 87 9s 77 78 eo 96 83 70 78 81 87 &I 91 96 97 97 94 103 74 9 3 6 9 71 66 8 8 6 6 70 74 57 51 78 5 3 8 0 83 5 3 8 4 5 5 8 8 10 ....... 17 ....... 1s ...... 19 ...... 20 ........ 75 80 55 88 93 07 69 65 67 01 97 94 91 '96 97 26 ......... . 27 ......... 28 ......... 29 ......... 30 ......... 75 76 93 103 99 Alma . Brldge- Port . Grand Island.$j HW SpIhlgS . Norlh Platte . Oakda le.. Omaha. . dax . 91 s7 86 93 79 84 91 94 90 80 80 88 93 88 89 79 85 Ls5 s8 90 91 100 s8 88 87 101 95 95 Bs . 8 . .... .... . .. . [in . 62 58 Ya 54 50 4s 58 63 56 61 51 43 52 e 58 61 60 53 65 56 61 66 61 67 60 57 49 65 70 73 3.1 . . . [in . 63 73 05 ti5 lis 57 66 74 72 I 67 58 54 66 64 69 63 07 50 61 65 66 68 78 76 65 56 68 75 73 0.0 . . .. . [in . . 50 48 48 45 50 42 42 42 55 48 40 52 50 5ti 56 50 48 48 52 57 70 52 52 51 56 54 40 48 58 70 I . 1 . . . [in 62 70 67 67 72 61 62 73 76 64 59 56 55 64 65 69 65 59 58 57 65 62 66 71 73 66 57 63 7ti 78 5.3 . . .. . dax 83 89 90 91 84 80 8i( 100 09 78 76 79 79 84 91 85 84 86 89 91 95 97 97 97 94 78 70 81 99 97 8. . 7 . . .. . da . 8 9 8 9 8 P 9 9 9 S 8 8 9 9 9 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 n 10 9 s 0 i o io 9 00 . . .. . Kin . 58 57 54 49 48 52 57 58 I '49 48 42 49 56 60 58 55 51 55 64 01 59 5s 60 so 59 5s 63 OB 72 66.9 . . . din . .. 60 Gs 63 60 lis 62 I3 70 G4 54 65 49 50 62 70 62 62 59 54 64 Go ti2 68 68 74 63 51 8 74 75 3 . 2 - ... . [in . . 54 45 43 42 48 45 45 55 51 46 45 38 50 53 40 53 Go 56 60 55 56 55 57 52 44 63 58 os 1.3' .... .... - .. . bar . . 69 79 81 100 81 &tj 92 104 100 85 88 54 92 90 99 87 83 86 91 95 9s 100 100 102 101 82 84 95 103 101 81.9 . .... . bax . 87 s6 a0 90 80 82 80 82 53 78 86 80 80 I 70 80 83 83 86 90 91 93 03 95 7s 82 95 w 95 35.8 . 90 . ... . bax . 86 98 97 9s 96 84 92 101 100 85 87 82 88 89 98 91 78 86 90 93 911 98 9s 101 105 83 88 94 102 100 9 2 8 . . .... . KaX . 89 89 89 93 81 83 94 93 93 78 82 84 91 89 93 79 81 84 86 90 93 95 95 97 92 81 87 w 104 97 89.3 . . .. Max . _. 9u 98 87 101 99 90 104 lo2 99 88 88 87 93 88 100 90 Ro 87 91 95 9G 9s 100 10.3 103 83 93 97 102 100 94.7 .- ..... . 55 59 63 57 62 46 54 64 55 51 49 45 44 54 59 57 51 57 59 61 60 64 05 71 61 43 44 51 ti3 jcl . 3 rs .. . 55 60 61 cio 48 51 55 ti3 58 60 53 52 51 58 62 59 58 50 61 61 55 53 ti1 62 % . 9 m _- .. MOL ~1 .2 I I _- yuaeouri . Kaosae . Valentine. ____ Dale . Clarlnd n. &) I Nebr . 1 Sibley.00 Sioux City . Colby . Balina . Topeka . KansaS city . st . Louh . . Kin . 53 64 57 50 50 53 59 69 62 56 51 48 59 64 61 54 62 59 64 65 60 01 63 64 57 59 b4 65 73 69 58.9 . . . din . 68 62 71 73 70 67 08 68 77 71 66 54 52 62 69 73 65 63 00 59 58 63 06 71 76 68 56 73 79 75 66.7 . . . Min . 60 69 73 74 73 72 89 73 76 71 63 60 67 66 68 77 68 65 63 62 66 68 70 70 82 . . Ti1 0 8 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 6 6 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 5 6 1 1 02 . . . . Kin . 63 65 76 78 78 68 I 67 72 75 74 88 65 64 66 70 74 86 ea 68 12 74 74 70 71 74 67 88 70 74 70.1 . . . Tin . 83 70 77 75 78 72 68 73 79 76 05 83 62 64 68 74 70 66 64 67 71 76 71 72 78 71 68 G7 75 77 . 7o . 6 . . din. 53 58 64 71 10 62 60 61 70 72 64 69 55 SB 60 88 64 60 55 56 64 70 68 68 10 74 Bo 52 60 72 a 0 . . . 6 i i . 60 67 71 67 65 57 62 72 72 66 62 56 54 58 64 69 66 59 57 61 66 os 71 71 72 . ..... dl0 . - 55 58 67 60 67 62 61 65 69 72 00 5s 52 60 60 04 05 58 50 56 . lax . 78 87 93 92 95 81 88 100 97 81 74 80 79 84 87 86 85 80 91 92 . . fax . 90 93 93 96 98 90 98 1M 100 BB 90 83 87 99 97 88 86 82 91 93 95 06 96 102 114 106 95 100 102 101 35.7 .. - . dax 81 97 84 . 94 97 91 91 101 99 91 90 .!a 88 90 95 100 79 82 88 92 95 84 91 100 108 . . [ax . . 91 94 92 98 101 95 104 102 99 87 91 90 98 98 97 92 81 88 e2 92 e6 97 101 105 110 97 93 100 102 90 a6.0 . . b X . 79 98 95 95 98 88 86 100 88 94 88 81 85 85 e6 100 80 79 86 90 94 n3 88 96 100 87 88 86 88 97 30.9 . . . fax 81 . 86 96 97 95 83 88 90 88 98 88 78 83 81 89 97 94 76 85 91 95 93 82 82 88 86 86 87 92 95 88.6 . . . Hax . 80 93 94 e6 OB 86 e6 08 85 84 80 88 90 88 80 86 90 86 98 97 88 96 w 90 84 w 100 91.4 . m a7 88 . . Sax . 93 98 85 98 93 90 102 102 98 90 89 89 99 06 87 80 85 89 92 91 94 95 100 104 84 91 104 105 99 bL . 2 . 1" . I- 90 85 ' 8 8 95 98 96 79 87 91 92 94 95 96 99 110 59 55 65 67 72 08 I 59 56 61 62 67 72 80 r6 21 ......... 95 22 ......... 98 23 ......... 87 21 ......... 95 25 ......... 1 92 8 5 65 i 99 70 93.8 166.9 91 71 j I 92.6 69.0 Mnr ....... 1 87.7 32.1 87.6 5 8 7 87 6 04.1 1 1 .1 .1 .. b . c etc .. indicate respectively 1 2 3 etc . days missing from the record . Dab from standkd instrumedta'ndt ;u piled by the United States Weather.Bureau . Instruments are read in the morning; t i e maximum temperature then read IS charged to the preceding day. on .w hi& It almwt alway8 occurs .