% Source: Sherman, Keizer, and Rinzel, Domain model for % calcium-inactivation of calcium channels at low % channel density, Biophysical Journal 58:985-995, 1990. % (implemented for xpp by Gerda de Vries, 12/21/95) % % Initial values of the variables. % init v=-64, pc=1, po=0, n=0.0, cai=0.9 % % Values of the model parameters. % params cm=5310, vcell=1150, kca=0.03, f=0.001 params r=6.5, farad=96.487 %%%%%% for ica: params gca=7, vm=-5, sm=10, taumbar=1.25 params kminus=0.018, kplus=0.036, a=-0.0007 params cao=10, cain=0, p=14, nca=200, ratio=13.35 %%%%%% for ik: params gk=2500, vk=-75, vn=-10, sn=5.6 params c=60, lambda=2.4, vbar=-75, sa=65, sb=20 %%%%%% for ikca: params gkca=30000, kd=100 % % Activation functions. % minf(v) = 1/(1+exp((vm-v)/sm)) alpham(v) = minf(v)/taumbar betam(v) = (1-minf(v))/taumbar ninf(v) = 1/(1+exp((vn-v)/sn)) taun(v) = c/lambda/(exp((v-vbar)/sa)+exp((vbar-v)/sb)) % % Currents. % i(v) = gca*p*v/ratio*(cao-cain*exp(v/ratio))/(1-exp(v/ratio)) ica(v,po) = nca*po*i(v) ik(v,n) = gk*n*(v-vk) ikca(v,cai) = gkca*cai*(v-vk)/(kd+cai) % % Differential equations. % v' = -(ica(v,po)+ik(v,n)+ikca(v,cai))/cm pc' = -alpham(v)*pc + betam(v)*po po' = kminus*(1-po-pc) - kplus*a*i(v)*po + alpham(v)*pc - betam(v)*po n' = (ninf(v)-n)/taun(v) cai' = f*(-ica(v,po)/2/vcell/farad - kca*cai) % % Check the instantaneous fraction of calcium channels % that are inactivated, pb. % aux pb = 1-po-pc done