function lat2arab,latin ;+ ;function lat2arab ; return arabic (decimal) equivalent of a latin numeral ; ;syntax ; arabic=lat2arab(latin) ; ;parameters ; latin [INPUT; required] the latin numeral ; ;keywords NONE ; ;restrictions ; * spaces, "."s, and anything that is not part of the ; roman numeral system (I V X L C D M) is ignored. ; * guaranteed to work only in simple cases. ; DON'T push the envelope! ; * CAVEATVSVATOR ; ;history ; vinay kashyap (Nov95) ;- np=n_params(0) if np eq 0 then begin print,'Usage: arabic=lat2arab(latin)' print,' returns decimal equivalent of latin numeral' return,0 ;-> endif num=strtrim(strupcase(latin),2) & lnum=strlen(num) larr=strarr(lnum) & narr=lonarr(lnum) for i=0,lnum-1 do begin c1=strmid(num,i,1) & larr(i)=c1 case c1 of 'I': narr(i)=1 'V': narr(i)=5 'X': narr(i)=10 'L': narr(i)=50 'C': narr(i)=100 'D': narr(i)=500 'M': narr(i)=1000 else: narr(i)=0 endcase endfor ;initialize arab=0 & tmp=narr(lnum-1) for i=lnum-2,0,-1 do begin if narr(i) ge narr(i+1) then begin arab=arab+narr(i)+tmp & tmp=0 ;add up endif if narr(i) lt narr(i+1) then begin tmp=tmp-narr(i) ;accumulate subtractions endif endfor arab=arab+tmp ;final return,arab end