C. 5» C0M3££*tCE OF THE BLACK SEA. 34* warehouffs and other building! during r#r j ^id is efteemed fqpr the feliibrity of The fortrefi of Patraffk; which fentds the mouth of the Brod&* wd 6ommand$ the ftc^tiers, iras alfo er^ed during the late war. It is advantageoufly fituated, as form- ipg a direft communication with the haven$ of Crim Tartairy, ^nd mighty ^afily be ifiore fecure than that of Tagatiroc, from p^ripr depth of water. By the poffeflion of .thefe fortreffes, }:he Ba^igation of thei Sea of Azof U perfe6lly fepured* The ^rpntiera of this ceded territory, to the weft of that Sea, aaregtia^iled by a chain of^mail forts, extending ftom Fetrof^ to the Pnicper; % % The fortreffes of Kertfch and Yenikal^ fituated ^n the .eaftern coafts of Crim Tartitry, and near the northern entrance of the fkaits of C^ffa, arc of the greateft importance, by com* ing the palfege whjich form# the commani** ^ between the Sea of Azof and the Euxina ,3. Kinbuxn is the only |>ort poffefled by thd Ruffians oxt the coafts qf the Black Sea; it Jft^nd^clofe |o the frontiers, at J^e mouth of «the Dnieper, oppofitf tlie T«rk^|h fmtrefs Otchakof, which being a plaice of fuperior ftrength, muft, % while it continues in the hand^of the Turks, in cafoof a mptur%!thenaTigation>of #as intended for the principal