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Address/Telephone Directories
from the Former Czechoslovakia
at the Library of Congress

Cover of Telefonny soznam Slovenskej Republiky, 1944

The Library of Congress maintains a large collection of retrospective foreign and domestic telephone directories, most of which are not cataloged. (More specialized directories for commerce, industry, and specific professions are cataloged and may be identified in the Library's online catalog.) The uncataloged directories listed below reflect the Library's holdings (as of July 2007) of Czech and Slovak telephone directories, ending in 1999 for the Czech Republic and 1992 for Slovakia.

Both indexes are arranged chronologically, then alphabetically by city or region (single areas of coverage are listed before multiple areas of coverage). The type of directory is indicated by the words "residential," "organizational" (listing businesses, institutions, and government offices), or "both." The "Notes" field is used to provide additional information about the directory, indicating how each directory is arranged and often listing smaller towns nearby. Please note that in earlier years, administrative units were sometimes rearranged, with the result that some towns were moved from one jurisdiction to another.

For further information concerning telephone directories from the Czech Republic and Slovakia held by the Library of Congress, please contact:

Helen Fedor
Reference Specialist
European Division, Library of Congress,
Washington, DC 20540-4830

Table of Contents:   Czechoslovakia (address directories) -- Czech Republic --
Slovakia and Transcarpathian Ruthenia

Czechoslovakia (address directories)

Year City or Region Title Type Notes
1923/24 Czechoslovakia Ceskoslovensky svetovy adresar organiza-
A "yellow pages" directory (alphabetically, by product or service).
1971 Czechoslovakia Ceskoslovensky adresar: 1. dil organiza-
Contains: alphabetical list of Czechoslovak production enterprises, cooperatives, organizations, and institutions; registers of products; addresses of Czechoslovak enterprises, cooperatives, organizations, and institutions that did not list their products or activities; supplements; advertisements.
1971 Czechoslovakia Ceskoslovensky adresar: 2. dil organiza-
Contains: alphabetical list of Czechoslovak production enterprises, cooperatives, organizations, and institutions; registers of products; addresses of Czechoslovak enterprises, cooperatives, organizations, and institutions that did not list their products or activities; supplements; advertisements.

Czech Republic

Year City or Region Title Type Notes
1921 Prague Seznam telefonnich stanic: site prazske both Includes a very small number of listings for Branik, Hostivar, Kunratice, Pruhonice, Radotin, and Ricany. Listings given by town.
1938 Moravia & Silesia Seznam telefonnich ustreden, hovoren a ucastniku pro zemi Moravskoslezskou both Introductory information and listings in both Czech and German. Listings given by Czech name of town.
1938 Moravia & Silesia Dodatek k seznamu telefonnich ustreden, hovoren a ucastniku pro zemi Moravskoslezskou na r. 1938 both Supplement to the 1938 Moravia and Silesia telephone directory.
1938 Prague Dodatek k seznamu telefonnich ustreden, hovoren a ucastniku site prazske na rok 1938 both Supplement to the 1938 Prague telephone directory.
1938-39 Czech Lands
(excluding Prague)
Seznam telefonnich ustreden, hovoren a ucastniku pro zemi Ceskou (vyjma telefonni sit prazskou) both Listings given by town.
1939 Prague Dodatek k seznamu telefonnich ustreden, hovoren a ucastniku site prazske na rok 1939 both Supplement to the 1939 Prague telephone directory.
1940 Moravia Seznam telefonnich ustreden, hovoren a ucastniku pro Moravu. Verzeichnis der Fernsprechvermittlungsstellen, offentlichen Sprechsstellen und Teilnehmer fur Mahren both The first half of the directory is in Czech. Turn it over to see the same information in German, in the same format.
1940 Prague Seznam telefonnich ucastniku mistni site prazske. Fernsprechteilnehmerverzeichnis des Ortsnetzes Prag both The first half of the directory is in Czech. Turn it over to see the same information in German, in the same format.
1940-41 Czech Lands
(excluding Prague)
Seznam telefonnich ucastniku pro zemi Ceskou (vyjma telef. sit prazskou). Fernsprechteilnehmerverzeichnis fur das land Bohmen (ausser dem Prager Ortsnetz) both Introductory information and "yellow pages" listings in Czech; the remainder of the listings in Czech, but only on right-hand pages. Turn the directory over to see the same information and format in German.
1945 Prague Prozatimni uredni telefonni seznam pro Prahu both  
1945 Prague Dodatek k prozatimnimu urednimu telefonnimu seznamu pro Prahu both Supplement lists only additions and changes to the 1945 Prague telephone directory.
1947 Prague Uredni telefonni seznam pro Prahu both Includes a very small number of listings for Bechovice, Cakovice, Dolni Pocernice, Hloubetin, Horni Pocernice, Horomerice, Jinonice, Kbely, Kyje, Libeznice, Mesice u Prahy, Podbaba, Pruhonice, Radosovice, Reporyje, Ricany u Prahy, Satalice, Suchodol u Prahy, Tuchomerice, Uhrineves, Vinor, Zabehlice, and Zdiby.
1948-49 Prague Odborovy telefonni seznam pro Prahu organiza-
1951 Prague Telefonni seznam pro prazskou mistni sit both  
1951-52 Plzen kraj Telefonni seznam pro kraj 3. Plzen both Listings given by town.
1952 Brno kraj Telefonni seznam pro kraj 10. Brno both Listings given by town.
1952 Prague Telefonni seznam pro prazskou mistni sit both  
1953-54 Prague kraj
(excluding Prague)
Ceske Budejovice kraj
Plzen kraj
Karlovy Vary kraj
Usti nad Labem kraj
Liberec kraj
Hradec Kralove kraj
Pardubice kraj
Telefonni seznam pro kraje 1. Prague, 2. Ceske Budejovice, 3. Plzen, 4. Karlovy Vary, 5. Usti nad Labem, 6. Liberec, 7. Hradec Kralove, 8. Pardubice both Listings given by kraj, then by town within each kraj.
1954 Jihlava kraj
Brno kraj
Olomouc kraj
Gottwaldov kraj
Ostrava kraj
Telefonni seznam pro kraje 9. Jihlava, 10. Brno, 11. Olomouc, 12. Gottwaldov, 13. Ostrava both Listings given by kraj, then by town within each kraj.
1954 Prague Telefonni seznam pro prazskou mistni sit both  
1955 Brno kraj Telefonni seznam pro kraj 10. Brno both Listings given by town.
1955 Gottwaldov kraj Telefonni seznam pro kraj 12. Gottwaldov both Listings given by town.
1955 Jihlava kraj
Brno kraj
Olomouc kraj
Gottwaldov kraj
Ostrava kraj
Telefonni seznam pro kraje 9. Jihlava, 10. Brno, 11. Olomouc, 12. Gottwaldov, 13. Ostrava both Listings given by kraj, then by town within each kraj.
1955 Olomouc kraj Telefonni seznam pro kraj 11. Olomouc both Listings given by town.
1955 Ostrava kraj Telefonni seznam pro kraj 13. Ostrava both Listings given by town.
1955 Prague Telefonni seznam pro prazskou mistni sit both  
1955 Prague kraj
(excluding Prague)
Ceske Budejovice kraj
Plzen kraj
Karlovy Vary kraj
Usti nad Labem kraj
Liberec kraj
Hradec Kralove kraj
Pardubice kraj
Telefonni seznam pro kraje 1. Prague, 2. Ceske Budejovice, 3. Plzen, 4. Karlovy Vary, 5. Usti nad Labem, 6. Liberec, 7. Hradec Kralove, 8. Pardubice both Listings given by kraj, then by town within each kraj.
1956 Prague Telefonni seznam pro prazskou mistni sit both  
1957-58 Prague kraj
(excluding Prague)
Ceske Budejovice kraj
Plzen kraj
Karlovy Vary kraj
Usti nad Labem kraj
Liberec kraj
Hradec Kralove kraj
Pardubice kraj
Telefonni seznam pro kraje 1. Prague, 2. Ceske Budejovice, 3. Plzen, 4. Karlovy Vary, 5. Usti nad Labem, 6. Liberec, 7. Hradec Kralove, 8. Pardubice both Listings given by kraj, then by town within each kraj.
1958 Brno Telefonni seznam pro Brno-mesto both Supplement to the 1957-58 Brno telephone directory.
1958 Jihlava kraj
Brno kraj
Olomouc kraj
Gottwaldov kraj
Ostrava kraj
Telefonni seznam pro kraje 9. Jihlava, 10. Brno, 11. Olomouc, 12. Gottwaldov, 13. Ostrava both Listings given by kraj, then by town within each kraj.
1959 Prague Telefonni seznam pro prazskou mistni sit both  
1959 Prague Dodatek k telefonnimu seznamu pro prazskou mistni sit both Supplement lists only additions and changes to the 1959 Prague telephone directory.
1959-60 Jihlava kraj
Brno kraj
Olomouc kraj
Gottwaldov kraj
Ostrava kraj
Telefonni seznam pro kraje 9. Jihlava, 10. Brno, 11. Olomouc, 12. Gottwaldov, 13. Ostrava both Listings given by kraj, then by town within each kraj.
1959-60 Olomouc kraj Telefonni seznam pro kraj 11. Olomouc both Listings given by town.
1959-60 Ostrava kraj Telefonni seznam pro kraj 13. Ostrava both Listings given by town.
1959-60 Prague kraj
(excluding Prague)
Ceske Budejovice kraj
Plzen kraj
Karlovy Vary kraj
Usti nad Labem kraj
Liberec kraj
Hradec Kralove kraj
Pardubice kraj
Telefonni seznam pro kraje 1. Prague, 2. Ceske Budejovice, 3. Plzen, 4. Karlovy Vary, 5. Usti nad Labem, 6. Liberec, 7. Hradec Kralove, 8. Pardubice both Listings given by kraj, then by town within each kraj.
1962 Prague Telefonni seznam pro prazskou mistni sit: cast I. organiza- tional  
1962 Prague Telefonni seznam pro prazskou mistni sit: cast II. residen- tial  
1964 Brno Telefonni seznam mistni automaticke ustredny Brno (Brno-mesto) both  
1964 Prague Telefonni seznam pro prazskou mistni sit: cast I. organiza- tional  
1964 Prague Telefonni seznam pro prazskou mistni sit: cast II. residen- tial  
1964-65 Severocesky kraj [Northern Czech kraj] Telefonni seznam pro kraj Severocesky both Listings given by town.
1964-65 Stredocesky kraj
[Central Czech kraj]
(excluding Prague)
Telefonni seznam pro Stredocesky kraj (mimo mistni telefonni sit Prazskou) both Listings given by town.
1964-65 Vychodocesky kraj
[Eastern Czech kraj]
Telefonni seznam pro kraj Vychodocesky both Listings given by town.
1964-65 Zapadocesky kraj
[Western Czech kraj]
Telefonni seznam pro kraj Zapadocesky both Listings given by town.
1965 Jihocesky kraj
[Southern Czech kraj]
Telefonni seznam pro kraj Jihocesky both Listings given by town.
1965-66 Jihomoravsky kraj
[Southern Moravian kraj]
(excluding Brno)
Telefonni seznam pro kraj Jihomoravsky (mimo mistni sit Brno) both Listings given by town.
1966 Cesky Tesin
Telefonni seznam mistnich telfonnich obvodu Cesky Tesin, Havirov, Karvina, Orlova both Listings given by town.
1966 Ostrava Telefonni seznam mistni site Ostrava both 0rganizational listings given first, followed by residential listings.
1966-67 Brno Telefonni seznam pro mistni sit Brno both  
1967 Prague Telefonni seznam pro prazskou mistni sit: 1. cast organiza- tional  
1967 Prague Telefonni seznam pro prazskou mistni sit: 2. cast residen-
1967 Stredocesky kraj
[Central Czech kraj]
(excluding Prague)
Telefonni seznam pro Stredocesky kraj (mimo mistni telefonni sit prazskou) both Listings given by town.
1967-68 Jihocesky kraj
[Southern Czech kraj]
Telefonni seznam pro kraj Jihocesky both Listings given by town.
1967-68 Jihomoravsky kraj
[Southern Moravian kraj]
(excluding Brno)
Telefonni seznam pro kraj Jihomoravsky (mimo mistni sit Brno) both Listings given by town.
1967-68 Ostrava
Novy Bohumin
Telefonni seznam mistnich telefonnich obvodu Ostrava, Havirov, Karvina, Novy Bohumin, Orlova both Listings given by town.
1967-68 Severocesky kraj
[Northern Czech kraj]
Telefonni seznam pro kraj Severocesky both Listings given by town.
1967-68 Severomoravsky kraj
[Northern Moravian kraj]
(excluding Ostrava, Havirov, Karvina, Orlova, and Novy Bohumin)
Telefonni seznam pro kraj Severomoravsky (mimo mistni telefonni obvody: Ostrava, Havirov, Karvina, Orlova, Novy Bohumin) both Listings given by town.
1967-68 Vychodocesky kraj
[Eastern Czech kraj]
Telefonni seznam pro kraj Vychodocesky both Listings given by town.
1967-68 Zapadocesky kraj
[Western Czech kraj]
Telefonni seznam pro kraj Zapadocesky both Listings given by town.
1968 Plzen Telefonni seznam uzlovy telefonni obvod Plzen both Listings given by town.
1968-69 Brno Telefonni seznam Brno: mistni sit both  
1968-69 Hradec Kralove Telefonni seznam mistniho telefonniho obvodu Hradec Kralove both Covers Brezhrad, Malsova Lhota, Placky, Predmerice nad Labem, Slatina u Hradec Kralove, Stezery, Svinary, Vsestary, and Vysoka nad Labem. Listings given by town.
1969 Prague Telefonni seznam pro prazskou mistni sit: I. cast organiza- tional  
1969 Prague Telefonni seznam pro prazskou mistni sit: II. cast residen- tial  
1969 Prague Dodatek k telefonnimu seznamu pro prazskou mistni sit: stanice podniku a instituci organiza- tional Supplement to the organizational directory. Publication of part I of the Prague organizational telephone directory was timed to include changes made after federalization.
1969-70 Jihocesky kraj
[Southern Czech kraj]
Telefonni seznam pro Jihocesky kraj both Listings given by town.
1969-70 Severocesky kraj
[Northern Czech kraj]
Telefonni seznam pro Severocesky kraj both Listings given by town.
1969-70 Stredocesky kraj
[Central Czech kraj]
(excluding Prague)
Telefonni seznam pro Stredocesky kraj (mimo mistni telefonni sit Prazskou) both Listings given by town.
1970-71 Hradec Kralove Telefonni seznam c. 10: tranzitni telefonni obvod Hradec Kralove both Covers Hradec Kralove, Jicin, Nachod, Rychnov nad Kneznou, Semily, Trutnov, and Zamberk. Listings given by town.
1970-71 Jihomoravsky kraj
[Southern Moravian kraj]
(excluding Brno)
Telefonni seznam 6: Jihomoravsky kraj (mimo mistni sit Brno) both Listings given by town.
1970-71 Pardubice Telefonni seznam c. 11: tranzitni telefonni obvod Pardubice both Covers Havlickuv Brod, Chrudim, Pardubice, Svitavy, and Usti nad Orlici (excluding Zamberk). Listings given by town.
1970-71 Severomoravsky kraj
[Northern Moravian kraj]
(excluding Ostrava)
Telefonni seznam 7: Severomoravsky kraj (mimo UTO Ostrava) both Listings given by town.
1971 Brno Telefonni seznam 1971: mistni telefonni obvod Brno both residential listings given first, followed by organizational listings.
1971 Brno Dodatek k telefonnimu seznamu pro mistni telefonni obvod Brno both residential listings given first, followed by organizational listings. Supplement lists only additions, changes, and corrections to the 1971 Brno telephone directory.
1971 Prague Telefonni seznam pro prazskou mistni sit 1/I AB: stanice podniku a instituci organiza- tional  
1971 Prague Telefonni seznam pro prazskou mistni sit, 1/II AB: bytove stanice residen- tial  
1971-72 Karlovy Vary Telefonni seznam c. 6, 1971-72: tranzitni telefonni obvod Karlovy Vary both Covers Cheb, Karlovy Vary, Marianske Lazne, Ostrov nad Ohri, Sokolov, and Touzim. Listings given by town.
1971-72 Ostrava Telefonni seznam c. 16, 1971-1972: tranzitni telefonni obvod Ostrava both Covers Ostrava, Bilovec, Frydek-Mistek, Krnov, Novy Jicin, Opava, Trinec, and Vitkov. Listings given by town.
1971-72 Prague area
(excluding Prague)
Telefonni seznam cis. 2, 1971-1972: tranzitni telefonni obvod Praha-venkov both Covers Benesov u Prahy, Beroun, Brandys nad Labem, Caslav, Cesky Brod, Dobris, Horovice, Kladno, Kolin, Kralupy nad Vltavou, Kutna Hora, Melnik, Mlada Boleslav, Mnichovo Hradiste, Nymburk, Podebrady, Pribram, Rakovnik, Ricany u Prahy, Sedlcany, Slany, Uhlirske Janovice, Vlasim, and Votice. Listings given by town.
1972 Prague Telefonni seznam Praha, 1/II AB: bytove stanice residen- tial  
1972 Tabor Telefonni seznam c. 3, 1972: tranzitni telefonni obvod Tabor both Covers Tabor, Kamenice nad Lipou, Milevsko, Pacov, Pelhrimov, Pisek, and Sobeslav. Listings given by town.
1972-73 Ceske Budejovice Telefonni seznam c. 4, 1972-73: tranzitni telefonni obvod Ceske Budejovice both Covers Ceske Budejovice, Blatna, Cesky Krumlov, Dacice, Jindrichuv Hradec, Kaplice, Prachatice, Strakonice, Trhove Sviny, Trebon, Tyn nad Vltavou, and Vimperk. Listings given by town.
1972-73 Hradec Kralove Telefonni seznam c. 10, 1972-73: tranzitni telefonni obvod Hradec Kralove both Covers Hradec Kralove, Broumov, Dobruska, Dvur Kralove nad Labem, Horice v Podkrkonosi, Jaromer, Jicin, Jilemnice, Kostelec nad Orlici, Nachod, Nova Paka, Novy Bydzov, Rychnov nad Kneznou, Semily, Trutnov, Turnov, Vrchlabi, and Zamberk. Listings given by town.
1972-73 Liberec Telefonni seznam c. 9, 1972-73: tranzitni telefonni obvod Liberec both Covers Liberec, Ceska Lipa, Doksy, Frydlant v Cechach, Jablonec nad Nisou, and Novy Bor. Listings given by town.
1972-73 Most Telefonni seznam c. 7, 1972-1973: ranzitni telefonni obvod Most both Covers Most, Chomutov, Kadan, Litvinov, Louny, Podborany, and Zatec. Listings given by town.
1972-73 Plzen Telefonni seznam cis. 5, 1972-1973: tranzitni telefonni obvod Plzen both Covers Plzen, Blovice, Domazlice, Horsovsky Tyn, Klatovy, Plasy, Rokycany, Stribro, Susice, and Tachov. Listings given by town.
1972-73 Usti nad Labem Telefonni seznam c. 8, 1972-1973: tranzitni telefonni obvod Usti nad Labem both Covers Usti nad Labem, Decin, Litomerice, Lovosice, Roudnice nad Labem, Rumburk, and Teplice. Listings given by town.
1973 Olomouc Telefonni seznam cis. 15, 1973: tranzitni telefonni obvod Olomouc both Covers Olomouc, Bruntal, Hranice, Jesenik, Litovel, Prostejov, Prerov, Rymarov, Sternberk, Sumperk, and Zabreh. Also includes Valasske Mezirici and Vsetin from the Gottwaldov area. Listings given by town.
1973 Prague Telefonni seznam pro prazskou mistni sit: 1/I AB organiza- tional  
1973-74 Gottwaldov Telefonni seznam cis. 17, 1973-1974: telefonni tranzitni obvod Gottwaldov both Covers Gottwaldov, Holesov, Kromeriz, Uherske Hradiste, Uhersky Brod, Valasske Klobouky, Valasske Mezirici, Veseli nad Moravou, and Vsetin. Listings given by town.
1973-74 Jihlava Telefonni seznam cis. 12, 1973-1974: telefonni tranzitni obvod Jihlava both Covers Jihlava, Dacice, Havlickuv Brod, Humpolec, Ledec nad Sazavou, Moravske Budejovice, Pelhrimov, Trebic, Velke Mezirici, and Zdar nad Sazavou. Listings given by town.
1973-74 Karlovy Vary Telefonni seznam cis. 6, 1973-1974: tranzitni telefonni obvod Karlovy Vary both Covers Cheb, Karlovy Vary, Marianske Lazne, Ostrov nad Ohri, Sokolov, and Touzim. Listings given by town.
1973-74 Prague area
(excluding Prague)
Telefonni seznam cis. 2, 1973-1974: tranzitni telefonni obvod Praha-venkov both Covers Benesov u Prahy, Beroun, Brandys nad Labem, Caslav, Cesky Brod, Dobris, Horovice, Kladno, Kolin, Kralupy nad Vltavou, Kutna Hora, Melnik, Mlada Boleslav, Mnichovo Hradiste, Nymburk, Podebrady, Pribram, Rakovnik, Ricany u Prahy, Sedlcany, Slany, Uhlirske Janovice, Vlasim, and Votice. Listings given by town.
1974 Brno Telefonni seznam cis. 13, 1974: uzlovy telefonni obvod Brno both residential listings given first, followed by organizational listings.
1974 Ostrava Telefonni seznam cis. 16/a, 1974: Ostrava both  
1974-75 Brno area
(excluding Brno)
Telefonni seznam cis. 14, 1974-1975: telefonni tranzitni obvod Brno (venkov) both Covers Blansko, Boskovice, Breclav, Bystrice nad Pernstejnem, Hodonin, Hustopece u Brna, Kyjov, Mikulov na Morave, Moravsky Krumlov, Prostejov, Rosice u Brna, Tisnov, Vyskov, Znojmo, and Zidlochovice. Listings given by town.
1974-75 Liberec Telefonni seznam cis. 9, 1974-1975: tranzitni telefonni obvod Liberec both Covers Liberec, Ceska Lipa, Doksy, Frydlant v Cechach, Jablonec nad Nisou, and Novy Bor. Listings given by town.
1974-75 Most Telefonni seznam cis. 7, 1974-1975: tranzitni telefonni obvod Most both Covers Most, Chomutov, Kadan, Litvinov, Louny, Podborany, and Zatec. Listings given by town.
1974-75 Olomouc Telefonni seznam cis. 15, 1974-1975: tranzitni telefonni obvod Olomouc both Covers Olomouc, Bruntal, Hranice, Jesenik, Litovel, Prerov, Rymarov, Sternberk, Sumperk, and Zabreh. Also includes Krnov. Listings given by town.
1974-75 Pardubice Telefonni seznam cis. 11, 1974-1975: tranzitni telefonni obvod Pardubice both Covers Pardubice, Havlickuv Brod, Hlinsko v Cechach, Holice v Cechach, Chotebor, Chrudim, Lanskroun, Ledec nad Sazavou, Litomysl, Moravska Trebova, Policka, Prelouc, Svitavy, Usti nad Orlici, and Vysoke Myto. Listings given by town.
1974-75 Plzen Telefonni seznam cis. 5, 1974-1975: tranzitni telefonni obvod Plzen both Covers Plzen, Blovice, Domazlice, Horsovsky Tyn, Klatovy, Plasy, Rokycany, Stribro, Susice, and Tachov. Listings given by town.
1974-75 Usti nad Labem Telefonni seznam cis. 8, 1974-1975: tranzitni telefonni obvod Usti nad Labem both Covers Usti nad Labem, Decin, Litomerice, Lovosice, Roudnice nad Labem, Rumburk, and Teplice. Listings given by town.
1975 Plzen Telefonni seznam cis. 5, 1974-1975: tranzitni telefonni obvod Plzen, dodatek UTO Plzen both Supplement to the 1974-75 Plzen directory lists all the many telephone numbers that changed in the second half of 1975 and early 1976: all telephone numbers beginning with "2" and some of the numbers beginning with "3."
1975 Prague Telefonni seznam pro prazskou mistni sit 1/I AB: stanice podniku a instituci organiza- tional  
1975-76 Hradec Kralove Telefonni seznam cis. 10, 1975-1976: tranzitni telefonni obvod Hradec Kralove both Covers Hradec Kralove, Broumov, Dobruska, Dvur Kralove nad Labem, Horice v Podkrkonosi, Jaromer, Jicin, Jilemnice, Kostelec nad Orlici, Nachod, Nova Paka, Novy Bydzov, Rychnov nad Kneznou, Semily, Trutnov, Turnov, Vrchlabi, and Zamberk. Listings given by town.
1975-76 Ostrava Telefonni seznam cis. 16, 1975-76: tranzitni telefonni obvod Ostrava. both Covers Ostrava, Bilovec, Frydek-Mistek, Krnov, Novy Jicin, Opava, Trinec, Valasske Mezirici, Vitkov, and Vsetin. Listings given by town.
1975-76 Prague area
(excluding Prague)
Telefonni seznam cis. 2, 1975-1976: tranzitni telefonni obvod Praha-venkov both Covers Benesov u Prahy, Beroun, Brandys nad Labem, Caslav, Cesky Brod, Dobris, Horovice, Kladno, Kolin, Kralupy nad Vltavou, Kutna Hora, Melnik, Mlada Boleslav, Mnichovo Hradiste, Nymburk, Podebrady, Pribram, Rakovnik, Ricany u Prahy, Sedlcany, Slany, Uhlirske Janovice, Vlasim, and Votice. Listings given by town.
1975-76 Tabor Telefonni seznam cis. 3, 1975-1976: tranzitni telefonni obvod Tabor both Covers Tabor, Humpolec, Kamenice nad Lipou, Milevsko, Pacov, Pelhrimov, Pisek, and Sobeslav. Listings given by town.
1976 Prague Telefonni seznam pro prazskou mistni sit 1/I AB: stanice podniku a instituci organiza- tional  
1976 Prague Telefonni seznam Praha 1/I AB [sic], 1976: bytove stanice residen- tial  
1976-77 Brno area
(excluding Brno)
Telefonni seznam cis. 14, 1976-1977: tranzitni telefonni obvod Brno (venkov) both Covers Blansko, Boskovice, Breclav, Bystrice nad Pernstejnem, Hodonin, Hustopece u Brna, Kyjov, Mikulov na Morave, Moravsky Krumlov, Namest nad Oslavou, Prostejov, Rosice u Brna, Tisnov, Vyskov, Znojmo, and Zidlochovice. Listings given by town.
1976-77 Ceske Budejovice Telefonni seznam cis. 4, 1976-1977: tranzitni telefonni obvod Ceske Budejovice both Covers Ceske Budejovice, Blatna, Cesky Krumlov, Dacice, Jindrichuv Hradec, Kaplice, Prachatice, Strakonice, Trhove Sviny, Trebon, Tyn nad Vltavou, and Vimperk. Listings given by town.
1976-77 Gottwaldov Telefonni seznam cis. 15, 1976-1977: tranzitni telefonni obvod Gottwaldov both Covers Gottwaldov, Holesov, Kromeriz, Uherske Hradiste, Uhersky Brod, Valasske Klobouky, and Veseli nad Moravou. Listings given by town.
1976-77 Jihlava Telefonni seznam cis. 12, 1976-1977: telefonni tranzitni obvod Jihlava both Covers Jihlava, Moravske Budejovice, Trebic, Velke Mezirici, and Zdar nad Sazavou. Listings given by town.
1976-77 Karlovy Vary Telefonni seznam cis. 6, 1976-1977: tranzitni telefonni obvod Karlovy Vary both Covers Karlovy Vary, Cheb, Marianske Lazne, Ostrov nad Ohri, Sokolov, and Touzim. Listings given by town.
1976-77 Liberec Telefonni seznam cis. 9, 1976-1977: tranzitni telefonni obvod Liberec both Covers Liberec, Ceska Lipa, Frydlant v Cechach, Jablonec nad Nisou, Novy Bor, and Turnov. Listings given by town.
1976-77 Most Telefonni seznam cis. 7, 1976-1977: tranzitni telefonni obvod Most both Covers Most, Chomutov, Kadan, Litvinov, Louny, Podborany, and Zatec. Listings given by town.
1976-77 Olomouc Telefonni seznam cis. 15, 1976-1977: tranzitni telefonni obvod Olomouc both Covers Olomouc, Bruntal, Hranice, Jesenik, Litovel, Prerov, Rymarov, Sternberk, Sumperk, and Zabreh. Listings given by town.
1976-77 Ostrava Telefonni seznam cis. 16a, 1976-1977: uzlovy telefonni obvod Ostrava both Covers Bartovice, Hermanice, Hostalkovice nad Odrou, Hrabuvka, Hrabova, Hrusov, Hulvaky, Janova u Svinova, Koblov, Krmelin, Kuncice, Kuncicky, Lhotka, Marianske Hory, Martinov, Michalkovice, Mosnov, Muglinov, Nova Bela, Nova Ves, Ostrava, Petrkovice nad Odrou, Poruba, Proskovice, Privoz, Pustkovec, Radvanice, Slezska Ostrava, Stara Bela, Svinov, Trebovice, Vitkovice, Vratimov, Vyskovice, and Zabreh. 0rganizational listings given first, followed by residential listings, by town.
1976-77 Pardubice Telefonni seznam cis. 11, 1976-77: tranzitni telefonni obvod Pardubice both Covers Pardubice, Havlickuv Brod, Hlinsko v Cechach, Holice v Cechach, Chotebor, Chrudim, Lanskroun, Ledec nad Sazavou, Litomysl, Moravska Trebova, Policka, Prelouc, Svitavy, Usti nad Orlici, and Vysoke Myto. Listings given by town.
1977 Prague Telefonni seznam pro prazskou mistni sit 1/I AB: stanice podniku a instituci organiza- tional  
1977-78 Hradec Kralove Telefonni seznam cis. 10, 1977-1978: tranzitni telefonni obvod Hradec Kralove both Covers Hradec Kralove, Broumov, Dobruska, Dvur Kralove nad Labem, Horice v Podkrkonosi, Jaromer, Jicin, Jilemnice, Kostelec nad Orlici, Nachod, Nova Paka, Novy Bydzov, Rychnov nad Kneznou, Semily, Trutnov, Turnov, Vrchlabi, and Zamberk. Listings given by town.
1977-78 Plzen Telefonni seznam cis. 5, 1977-1978: tranzitni telefonni obvod Plzen both Covers Plzen, Blovice, Domazlice, Horsovsky Tyn, Klatovy, Plasy, Rokycany, Stribro, Susice, and Tachov. Listings given by town.
1977-78 Tabor Telefonni seznam cis. 3, 1977-1978: tranzitni telefonni obvod Tabor both Covers Tabor, Humpolec, Kamenice nad Lipou, Milevsko, Pacov, Pelhrimov, Pisek, and Sobeslav. Listings given by town.
1978 Prague Telefonni seznam pro prazskou mistni sit 1/I AB: stanice podniku a instituci organiza- tional  
1978-79 Brno Telefonni seznam cis. 13, 1978-1979: uzlovy telefonni obvod Brno both 0rganizational listings given first, followed by residential listings.
1978-79 Ceske Budejovice Telefonni seznam cis. 4, 1978-1979: tranzitni telefonni obvod Ceske Budejovice both Covers Ceske Budejovice, Blatna, Cesky Krumlov, Dacice, Jindrichuv Hradec, Kaplice, Prachatice, Strakonice, Trhove Sviny, Trebon, Tyn nad Vltavou, and Vimperk. Listings given by town.
1978-79 Karlovy Vary Telefonni seznam cis. 6, 1978-1979: tranzitni telefonni obvod Karlovy Vary both Covers Karlovy Vary, Cheb Marianske Lazne, Ostrov nad Ohri, Sokolov, and Touzim. Listings given by town.
1978-79 Liberec Telefonni seznam cis. 9, 1978-1979: tranzitni telefonni obvod Liberec both Covers Liberec, Ceska Lipa, Frydlant v Cechach, Jablonec nad Nisou, Novy Bor, and Turnov. Listings given by town.
1978-79 Most Telefonni seznam cis. 7, 1978-1979: tranzitni telefonni obvod Most both Covers Most, Chomutov, Kadan, Litvinov, Louny, Podborany, and Zatec. Listings given by town.
1978-79 Ostrava Telefonni seznam cis. 16a, 1978-1979: uzlovy telefonni obvod Ostrava both Covers Bartovice, Hermanice, Hostalkovice nad Odrou, Hrabuvka, Hrabova, Hrusov, Hulvaky, Janova u Svinova, Koblov, Kuncice, Kuncicky, Lhotka, Marianske Hory, Martinov, Michalkovice, Mosnov, Muglinov, Nova Bela, Nova Ves, Ostrava, Petrkovice nad Odrou, Poruba, Proskovice, Privoz, Pustkovec, Radvanice, Slezska Ostrava, Stara Bela, Svinov, Trebovice, Vitkovice, Vratimov, Vyskovice, and Zabreh. Organizational listings given first, followed by residential listings, by town.
1978-79 Pardubice Telefonni seznam cis. 11, 1978-1979: tranzitni telefonni obvod Pardubice both Covers Pardubice, Havlickuv Brod, Hlinsko v Cechach, Holice v Cechach, Chotebor, Chrudim, Lanskroun, Ledec nad Sazavou, Litomysl, Moravska Trebova, Policka, Prelouc, Svitavy, Usti nad Orlici, and Vysoke Myto. Listings given by town.
1978-79 Prague Telefonni seznam Praha 1/II AB: bytove stanice a-m residen- tial Last names beginning with A-M
1978-79 Prague Telefonni seznam Praha 1/II AB/2: bytove stanice n-z residen- tial Last names beginning with N-Z
1978-79 Prague area
(excluding Prague)
Telefonni seznam cis. 2, 1978-1979: tranzitni telefonni obvod Praha-venkov both Covers Benesov u Prahy, Beroun, Brandys nad Labem, Caslav, Cesky Brod, Dobris, Horovice, Kladno, Kolin, Kralupy nad Vltavou, Kutna Hora, Melnik, Mlada Boleslav, Mnichovo Hradiste, Nymburk, Podebrady, Pribram, Rakovnik, Ricany u Prahy, Sedlcany, Slany, Uhlirske Janovice, Vlasim, and Votice. Listings given by town.
1978-79 Usti nad Labem Telefonni seznam cis. 8, 1978-1979: tranzitni telefonni obvod Usti nad Labem both Covers Usti nad Labem, Decin, Litomerice, Lovosice, Roudnice nad Labem, Rumburk, and Teplice. Listings given by town.
1979 Prague Telefonni seznam pro prazskou mistni sit 1/I AB: stanice podniku a instituci organiza- tional  
1979-80 Brno area
(excluding Brno)
Telefonni seznam cis. 14, 1979-1980: tranzitni telefonni obvod Brno-venkov both Covers Blansko, Boskovice, Breclav, Bystrice nad Pernstejnem, Hodonin, Hustopece u Brna, Kyjov, Mikulov na Morave, Moravsky Krumlov, Namest nad Oslavou, Prostejov, Rosice u Brna, Tisnov, Vyskov, Znojmo, and Zidlochovice. Listings given by town.
1979-80 Gottwaldov Telefonni seznam cis. 15, 1979-1980: tranzitni telefonni obvod Gottwaldov both Covers Gottwaldov, Holesov, Kromeriz, Uherske Hradiste, Uhersky Brod, Valasske Klobouky, and Veseli nad Moravou. Listings given by town.
1979-80 Jihlava Telefonni seznam cis. 12, 1979-1980: tranzitni telefonni obvod Jihlava both Covers Jihlava, Moravske Budejovice, Trebic, Velke Mezirici, and Zdar nad Sazavou. Listings given by town.
1979-80 Olomouc Telefonni seznam cis. 17, 1979-1980: tranzitni telefonni obvod Olomouc both Covers Olomouc, Bruntal, Hranice, Jesenik, Litovel, Prerov, Rymarov, Sternberk, Sumperk, Zabreh, and Krnov. Listings given by town.
1979-80 Plzen Telefonni seznam cis. 5, 1979-1980: tranzitni telefonni obvod Plzen both Covers Plzen, Blovice, Domazlice, Horsovsky Tyn, Klatovy, Plasy, Rokycany, Stribro, Susice, and Tachov. Listings given by town.
1980 Prague Telefonni seznam pro prazskou mistni sit 1/I AB: stanice podniku a instituci organiza- tional  
1980-81 Ceske Budejovice Telefonni seznam cis. 4, 1980-1981: tranzitni telefonni obvod Ceske Budejovice both Covers Ceske Budejovice, Blatna, Cesky Krumlov, Dacice, Jindrichuv Hradec, Kaplice, Prachatice, Strakonice, Trhove Sviny, Trebon, Tyn nad Vltavou, and Vimperk. Listings given by town.
1980-81 Jihlava Telefonni seznam cis. 12, 1980-1981: tranzitni telefonni obvod Jihlava both Covers Jihlava, Moravske Budejovice, Trebic, Velke Mezirici, and Zdar nad Sazavou. Listings given by town.
1980-81 Pardubice Telefonni seznam cis. 11, 1980-1981: tranzitni telefonni obvod Pardubice both Covers Pardubice, Havlickuv Brod, Hlinsko v Cechach, Holice v Cechach, Chotebor, Chrudim, Lanskroun, Ledec nad Sazavou, Litomysl, Moravska Trebova, Policka, Prelouc, Svitavy, Usti nad Orlici, and Vysoke Myto. Listings given by town.
1980-81 Prague Telefonni seznam 1/II AB/Praha, 1980-1981: bytove stanice a-m residen- tial Last names beginning with A-M
1980-81 Prague Telefonni seznam pro prazskou mistni sit 1/II AB/2: ucastnicke bytove stanice n-z residen- tial Last names beginning with N-Z
1980-81 Prague area
(excluding Prague)
Telefonni seznam cis. 2, 1980-1981: tranzitni telefonni obvod Praha-venkov both Covers Benesov u Prahy, Beroun, Brandys nad Labem, Caslav, Cesky Brod, Dobris, Horovice, Kladno, Kolin, Kralupy nad Vltavou, Kutna Hora, Melnik, Mlada Boleslav, Mnichovo Hradiste, Nymburk, Podebrady, Pribram, Rakovnik, Ricany u Prahy, Sedlcany, Slany, Uhlirske Janovice, Vlasim, and Votice. Listings given by town.
1980-82 Ostrava area
(excluding Ostrava)
Telefonni seznam cis. 16, 1980-1982: tranzitni telefonni obvod Ostrava (venkov) both Covers Bilovec, Frydek-Mistek, Krnov, Novy Jicin, Opava, Trinec, Valasske Mezirici, Vitkov, and Vsetin. Listings given by town.
1981 Prague Telefonni seznam pro prazskou mistni sit 1/I AB: stanice podniku a instituci organiza- tional  
1981-82 Brno Telefonni seznam cis. 13, 1981-1982: uzlovy telefonni obvod Brno both 0rganizational listings given first, followed by residential listings.
1981-82 Gottwaldov Telefonni seznam cis. 15, 1981-1982: tranzitni telefonni obvod Gottwaldov both Covers Gottwaldov, Holesov, Kromeriz, Uherske Hradiste, Uhersky Brod, Valasske Klobouky, and Veseli nad Moravou. Listings given by town.
1981-82 Hradec Kralove Telefonni seznam cis. 10, 1981-1982: tranzitni telefonni obvod Hradec Kralove both Covers Hradec Kralove (organizational listings given first, followed by residential listings), Broumov, Dobruska, Dvur Kralove nad Labem, Horice v Podkrkonosi, Jaromer, Jicin, Jilemnice, Kostelec nad Orlici, Nachod, Nova Paka, Novy Bydzov, Rychnov nad Kneznou, Semily, Trutnov, Turnov, Vrchlabi, and Zamberk. Listings given by town.
1981-82 Liberec Telefonni seznam cis. 9, 1981-1982: tranzitni telefonni obvod Liberec both Covers Liberec, Ceska Lipa, Frydlant v Cechach, Jablonec nad Nisou, Novy Bor, and Turnov. Listings given by town.
1981-82 Most Telefonni seznam cis. 7, 1981-1982: tranzitni telefonni obvod Most both Covers Most, Chomutov, Kadan, Litvinov, Louny, Podborany, and Zatec. Listings given by town.
1981-82 Plzen Telefonni seznam cis. 5, 1981-1982: tranzitni telefonni obvod Plzen both Covers Plzen, Blovice, Domazlice, Horsovsky Tyn, Klatovy, Plasy, Rokycany, Stribro, Susice, and Tachov. Listings given by town.
1981-82 Tabor Telefonni seznam cis. 3, 1981-1982: tranzitni telefonni obvod Tabor both Covers Ceske Budejovice (organizational listings only), Tabor, Humpolec, Kamenice nad Lipou, Milevsko, Pacov, Pelhrimov, Pisek, and Sobeslav. Listings given by town.
1981-82 Usti nad Labem Telefonni Seznam cis. 8, 1981-1982: tranzitni telefonni obvod Usti nad Labem both Covers Usti nad Labem (organizational listings first, followed by residential listings), Decin, Litomerice, Lovosice, Roudnice nad Labem, Rumburk, and Teplice. Listings given by town.
1981-83 Ostrava Telefonni seznam cis. 16a, 1981-1983: uzlovy telefonni obvod Ostrava both Covers Bartovice, Hermanice, Hostalkovice nad Odrou, Hrabuvka, Hrabova, Hrusov, Hulvaky, Janova u Svinova, Koblov, Kuncice, Kuncicky, Lhotka, Marianske Hory, Martinov, Michalkovice, Mosnov, Muglinov, Nova Bela, Nova Ves, Ostrava, Petrkovice nad Odrou, Poruba, Proskovice, Privoz, Pustkovec, Radvanice, Slezska Ostrava, Stara Bela, Svinov, Trebovice, Vitkovice, Vratimov, Vyskovice, and Zabreh. Organizational listings given first, followed by residential listings, by town.
1982 Prague Telefonni seznam UTO Praha, 1982, 1/I AB: stanice podniku a instituci organiza- tional  
1982-83 Brno Telefonni seznam cis. 14, 1982-83: tranzitni telefonni obvod Brno-venkov both Covers Brno (organizational listings only), Blansko, Boskovice, Breclav, Bystrice nad Pernstejnem, Hodonin, Hustopece u Brna, Kyjov, Mikulov na Morave, Moravsky Krumlov, Namest nad Oslavou, Prostejov, Rosice u Brna, Tisnov, Vyskov, Znojmo, and Zidlochovice. Listings given by town.
1982-83 Ceske Budejovice Telefonni seznam cis. 4, 1982-1983: tranzitni telefonni obvod Ceske Budejovice both Covers Ceske Budejovice (organizational listings given first, followed by residential listings), Blatna, Cesky Krumlov, Dacice, Jindrichuv Hradec, Kaplice, Prachatice, Strakonice, Trhove Sviny, Trebon, Tyn nad Vltavou, and Vimperk. Listings given by town.
1982-83 Gottwaldov Telefonni seznam cis. 15, 1982-1983: tranzitni telefonni obvod Gottwaldov both Covers Gottwaldov, Holesov, Kromeriz, Uherske Hradiste, Uhersky Brod, Valasske Klobouky, and Veseli nad Moravou. Listings given by town.
1982-83 Karlovy Vary Telefonni seznam cis. 6, 1982-1983: tranzitni telefonni obvod Karlovy Vary both Covers Plzen (organizational listings only), Karlovy Vary, Cheb, Marianske Lazne, Ostrov nad Ohri, Sokolov, and Touzim. Listings given by town.
1982-83 Pardubice Telefonni seznam cis. 11, 1982-1983: tranzitni telefonni obvod Pardubice both Covers Pardubice, Havlickuv Brod, Hlinsko v Cechach, Holice v Cechach, Chotebor, Chrudim, Lanskroun, Ledec nad Sazavou, Litomysl, Moravska Trebova, Policka, Prelouc, Svitavy, Usti nad Orlici, and Vysoke Myto. Listings given by town.
1982-83 Prague Telefonni seznam pro UTO Praha, 1982-1983, 1/II AB/2 [sic]: ucastnicke bytove stanice MTO Praha, a-m residen- tial Last names beginning with A-M
1982-83 Prague Telefonni seznam pro UTO Praha, 1982-1983, 1/II AB/2: ucastnicke bytove stanice MTO Praha, n-z residen- tial Last names beginning with N-Z
1982-83 Prague area
(excluding Prague)
Telefonni seznam cis. 2, 1982-1983: tranzitni telefonni obvod Praha-venkov both Covers Benesov u Prahy, Beroun, Brandys nad Labem, Caslav, Cesky Brod, Dobris, Horovice, Kladno, Kolin, Kralupy nad Vltavou, Kutna Hora, Melnik, Mlada Boleslav, Mnichovo Hradiste, Nymburk, Podebrady, Pribram, Rakovnik, Ricany u Prahy, Sedlcany, Slany, Uhlirske Janovice, Vlasim, and Votice. Listings given by town.
1982-84 Olomouc Telefonni seznam cis. 17, 1982-1984: tranzitni telefonni obvod Olomouc both Covers Ostrava (organizational listings only), Olomouc, Bruntal, Hranice, Jesenik, Litovel, Prerov, Rymarov, Sternberk, Sumperk, Zabreh, and Krnov. Listings given by town.
1983 Prague Telefonni seznam UTO Praha, 1983, 1/I AB: stanice podniku a instituci organiza- tional  
1983-84 Brno Telefonni seznam cis. 13, 1983-1984: uzlovy telefonni obvod Brno both 0rganizational listings given first, followed by residential listings, by town.
1983-84 Hradec Kralove Telefonni seznam cis. 10, 1983-1984: tranzitni telefonni obvod Hradec Kralove both Covers Hradec Kralove (organizational listings given first, followed by residential listings), Broumov, Dobruska, Dvur Kralove nad Labem, Horice v Podkrkonosi, Jaromer, Jicin, Jilemnice, Kostelec nad Orlici, Nachod, Nova Paka, Novy Bydzov, Rychnov nad Kneznou, Semily, Trutnov, Turnov, Vrchlabi, and Zamberk. Listings given by town.
1983-84 Jihlava Telefonni seznam cis. 12, 1983-84: tranzitni telefonni obvod Jihlava both Covers Jihlava, Moravske Budejovice, Trebic, Velke Mezirici, and Zdar nad Sazavou. Listings given by town.
1983-84 Liberec Telefonni seznam cis. 9, 1983-84: tranzitni telefonni obvod Liberec both Covers Usti nad Labem (organizational listings only), Liberec, Ceska Lipa, Frydlant v Cechach, Jablonec nad Nisou, Novy Bor, and Turnov. Listings given by town.
1983-84 Most Telefonni seznam cis. 7, 1983-1984: tranzitni telefonni obvod Most both Covers Most, Chomutov, Kadan, Litvinov, Louny, Podborany, and Zatec. Listings given by town.
1983-84 Tabor Telefonni seznam cis. 3, 1983-1984: tranzitni telefonni obvod Tabor both Covers Tabor, Humpolec, Kamenice nad Lipou, Milevsko, Pacov, Pelhrimov, Pisek, and Sobeslav. Listings given by town.
1983-84 Usti nad Labem Telefonni seznam cis. 8, 1983-1984: tranzitni telefonni obvod Usti nad Labem both Covers Usti nad Labem (organizational listings given first, then residential listings), Decin, Litomerice, Lovosice, Roudnice nad Labem, Rumburk, and Teplice. Listings given by town.
1983-85 Ostrava Telefonni seznam cis. 16, 1983-85: uzlovy telefonni obvod Ostrava both 0rganizational listings given first, followed by residential listings.
1984-85 Brno area
(excluding Brno)
Telefonni seznam cis. 14, 1984-1985: tranzitni telefonni obvod Brno (bez stredoveho UTO Brno) both Covers Blansko, Boskovice, Breclav, Bystrice nad Pernstejnem, Hodonin, Hustopece u Brna, Kyjov, Mikulov na Morave, Moravsky Krumlov, Namest nad Oslavou, Prostejov, Rosice u Brna, Tisnov, Vyskov, Znojmo, and Zidlochovice. Listings given by town.
1984-85 Ceske Budejovice Telefonni seznam cis. 4, 1984-1985: tranzitni telefonni obvod Ceske Budejovice both Covers Ceske Budejovice, Blatna, Cesky Krumlov, Dacice, Jindrichuv Hradec, Kaplice, Prachatice, Strakonice, Trhove Sviny, Trebon, Tyn nad Vltavou, and Vimperk. Listings given by town.
1984-85 Gottwaldov Telefonni seznam cis. 15, 1984-85: tranzitni telefonni obvod Gottwaldov both Covers Gottwaldov, Holesov, Kromeriz, Uherske Hradiste, Uhersky Brod, Valasske Klobouky, and Veseli nad Moravou. Listings given by town.
1984-85 Karlovy Vary Telefonni seznam cis. 6, 1984-1985: tranzitni telefonni obvod Karlovy Vary both Covers Karlovy Vary, Cheb, Marianske Lazne, Ostrov nad Ohri, Sokolov, and Touzim. Listings given by town.
1984-85 Ostrava area
(excluding Ostrava)
Telefonni seznam cis. 16, 1984-1985: tranzitni telefonni obvod Ostrava (bez stredoveho UTO Ostrava) both Covers Bilovec, Frydek-Mistek, Krnov, Novy Jicin, Opava, Trinec, Valasske Mezirici, Vitkov, and Vsetin. Listings given by town.
1984-85 Pardubice Telefonni seznam cis. 11, 1984-1985: tranzitni telefonni obvod Pardubice both Covers Pardubice, Havlickuv Brod, Hlinsko v Cechach, Holice v Cechach, Chotebor, Chrudim, Lanskroun, Ledec nad Sazavou, Litomysl, Moravska Trebova, Policka, Prelouc, Svitavy, Usti nad Orlici, and Vysoke Myto. Listings given by town.
1984-85 Prague area (excluding Prague) Telefonni seznam cis. 2, 1984-1985: tranzitni telefonni obvod Praha (bez stredoveho UTO Praha) both Covers Benesov u Prahy, Beroun, Brandys nad Labem, Caslav, Cesky Brod, Dobris, Horovice, Kladno, Kolin, Kralupy nad Vltavou, Kutna Hora, Melnik, Mlada Boleslav, Mnichovo Hradiste, Nymburk, Podebrady, Pribram, Rakovnik, Ricany u Prahy, Sedlcany, Slany, Uhlirske Janovice, Vlasim, and Votice. Listings given by town.
1985 Prague Telefonni seznam 1/I AB, 1985: uzlovy telefonni obvod Praha -- stanice organizaci organiza- tional  
1985-86 Brno Telefonni seznam cis. 13, 1985-1986: uzlovy telefonni obvod Brno both 0rganizational listings given first, followed by residential listings, by town.
1985-86 Jihlava Telefonni seznam cis. 12, 1985-1986: tranzitni telefonni obvod Jihlava both Covers Jihlava, Moravske Budejovice, Trebic, Velke Mezirici, and Zdar nad Sazavou. Listings given by town.
1985-86 Liberec Telefonni seznam cis. 9, 1985-1986: tranzitni telefonni obvod Liberec both Covers Liberec, Ceska Lipa, Frydlant v Cechach, Jablonec nad Nisou, and Novy Bor. Listings given by town.
1985-86 Most Telefonni seznam cis. 7, 1985-1986: tranzitni telefonni obvod Most both Covers Most, Chomutov, Kadan, Litvinov, Louny, Podborany, and Zatec. Listings given by town.
1985-86 Olomouc Telefonni seznam cis. 17, 1985-1986: tranzitni telefonni obvod Olomouc both Covers Olomouc, Bruntal, Hranice, Jesenik, Litovel, Prerov, Rymarov, Sternberk, Sumperk, and Zabreh. Listings given by town.
1985-86 Plzen Telefonni seznam cis. 5, 1985-1986: tranzitni telefonni obvod Plzen both Covers Plzen (0rganizational listings given first, followed by residential listings), Blovice, Domazlice, Horsovsky Tyn, Klatovy, Plasy, Rokycany, Stribro, Susice, and Tachov. Listings given by town.
1985-86 Tabor Telefonni seznam cis. 3, 1985-1986: tranzitni telefonni obvod Tabor both Covers Tabor, Humpolec, Kamenice nad Lipou, Milevsko, Pacov, Pelhrimov, Pisek, and Sobeslav. Listings given by town.
1986 Prague Telefonni seznam 1/I AB, 1986: uzlovy telefonni obvod Praha -- stanice organizaci organiza- tional  
1986-87 Ceske Budejovice Telefonni seznam cis. 4, 1986-1987: tranzitni telefonni obvod Ceske Budejovice both Covers Ceske Budejovice, Blatna, Cesky Krumlov, Dacice, Jindrichuv Hradec, Kaplice, Prachatice, Strakonice, Trhove Sviny, Trebon, Tyn nad Vltavou, and Vimperk. Listings given by town.
1986-87 Gottwaldov Telefonni seznam cis. 15, 1986-87: tranzitni telefonni obvod Gottwaldov both Covers Gottwaldov, Holesov, Kromeriz, Uherske Hradiste, Uhersky Brod, Valasske Klobouky, and Veseli nad Moravou. Listings given by town.
1986-87 Karlovy Vary Telefonni seznam cis. 6, 1986-1987: tranzitni telefonni obvod Karlovy Vary both Covers Karlovy Vary, Cheb, Marianske Lazne, Ostrov nad Ohri, Sokolov, and Touzim. Listings given by town.
1986-87 Pardubice Telefonni seznam cis. 11, 1986-1987: tranzitni telefonni obvod Pardubice both Covers Hradec Kralove (organizational listings only), Pardubice (organizational listings first, followed by residential listings), Havlickuv Brod, Hlinsko v Cechach, Holice v Cechach, Chotebor, Chrudim, Lanskroun, Ledec nad Sazavou, Litomysl, Moravska Trebova, Policka, Prelouc, Svitavy, Usti nad Orlici, and Vysoke Myto. Listings given by town.
1987 Prague Telefonni seznam 1/I AB, 1987: uzlovy telefonni obvod Praha -- stanice organizaci organiza- tional  
1987-88 Brno area
(excluding Brno)
Telefonni seznam cis. 14, 1987-1988: tranzitni telefonni obvod Brno (bez stredoveho UTO Brno) both Covers Blansko, Boskovice, Breclav, Bystrice nad Pernstejnem, Hodonin, Hustopece u Brna, Kyjov, Mikulov na Morave, Moravsky Krumlov, Namest nad Oslavou, Prostejov, Rosice u Brna, Tisnov, Vyskov, Znojmo, and Zidlochovice. Listings given by town.
1987-88 Hradec Kralove Telefonni seznam c. 10, 1987-1988: tranzitni telefonni obvod Hradec Kralove both Covers Hradec Kralove (organizational listings given first, followed by residential listings), Broumov, Dobruska, Dvur Kralove nad Labem, Horice v Podkrkonosi, Jaromer, Jicin, Jilemnice, Kostelec nad Orlici, Nachod, Nova Paka, Novy Bydzov, Rychnov nad Kneznou, Semily, Trutnov, Turnov, Vrchlabi, and Zamberk. Listings given by town.
1987-88 Jihlava Telefonni seznam cis. 12, 1987-1988: tranzitni telefonni obvod Jihlava both Covers Jihlava, Moravske Budejovice, Trebic, Velke Mezirici, and Zdar nad Sazavou. Listings given by town.
1987-88 Liberec Telefonni seznam cis. 9, 1987-1988: tranzitni telefonni obvod Liberec both Covers Usti nad Labem (organizational listings only), Liberec, Ceska Lipa, Frydlant v Cechach, Jablonec nad Nisou, and Novy Bor. Listings given by town.
1987-88 Most Telefonni seznam cis. 7, 1987-1988: tranzitni telefonni obvod Most both Covers Most, Chomutov, Kadan, Litvinov, Louny, Podborany, and Zatec. Listings given by town.
1987-88 Ostrava Telefonni seznam cis. 16a, 1987-1988: uzlovy telefonni obvod Ostrava both 0rganizational listings given first, followed by residential listings.
1987-88 Ostrava area
(excluding Ostrava)
Telefonni seznam cis. 16, 1987-1988: tranzitni telefonni obvod Ostrava (bez stredoveho UTO Ostrava) both Covers Bilovec, Frydek-Mistek, Krnov, Novy Jicin, Opava, Trinec, Valasske Mezirici, Vitkov, and Vsetin. Listings given by town.
1987-88 Prague area
(excluding Prague)
Telefonni seznam cis. 2, 1987-1988: tranzitni telefonni obvod Praha (bez stredoveho UTO Praha) both Covers Benesov u Prahy, Beroun, Brandys nad Labem, Caslav, Cesky Brod, Dobris, Horovice, Kladno, Kolin, Kralupy nad Vltavou, Kutna Hora, Melnik, Mlada Boleslav, Mnichovo Hradiste, Nymburk, Podebrady, Pribram, Rakovnik, Ricany u Prahy, Sedlcany, Slany, Uhlirske Janovice, Vlasim, and Votice. Listings given by town.
1987-88 Tabor Telefonni seznam cis. 3, 1987-1988: tranzitni telefonni obvod Tabor both Covers Tabor, Humpolec, Kamenice nad Lipou, Milevsko, Pacov, Pelhrimov, Pisek, and Sobeslav. Listings given by town.
1987-88 Usti nad Labem Telefonni seznam cis. 8, 1987-1988: tranzitni telefonni obvod Usti nad Labem both Covers Usti nad Labem, Decin, Litomerice, Lovosice, Roudnice nad Labem, Rumburk, and Teplice. Listings given by town.
1988 Prague Telefonni seznam 1/I AB, 1988: uzlovy telefonni obvod Praha, stanice organizaci organiza- tional  
1988-89 Brno Telefonni seznam c. 13, 1988-1989: ustredny telefonni obvod Brno both  
1988-89 Ceske Budejovice Telefonni seznam c. 4, 1988-1989: tranzitni telefonni obvod Ceske Budejovice both Covers Ceske Budejovice, Blatna, Cesky Krumlov, Dacice, Jindrichuv Hradec, Kaplice, Prachatice, Strakonice, Trhove Sviny, Trebon, Tyn nad Vltavou, and Vimperk. Listings given by town.
1988-89 Gottwaldov Telefonni seznam cis. 15, 1988-1989: tranzitni telefonni obvod Gottwaldov both Covers Gottwaldov, Holesov, Kromeriz, Uherske Hradiste, Uhersky Brod, Valasske Klobouky, and Veseli nad Moravou. Listings given by town.
1988-89 Karlovy Vary Telefonni seznam c. 6, 1988-1989: tranzitni telefonni obvod Karlovy Vary both Covers Karlovy Vary, Cheb, Marianske Lazne, Ostrov nad Ohri, Sokolov, and Touzim. Listings given by town.
1988-89 Olomouc Telefonni seznam cis. 17, 1988-1989: tranzitni telefonni obvod Olomouc both Covers Olomouc, Bruntal, Hranice, Jesenik, Litovel, Prerov, Rymarov, Sternberk, Sumperk, and Zabreh. Listings given by town.
1988-89 Plzen Telefonni seznam cis. 5, 1988-1989: tranzitni telefonni obvod Plzen both Covers Plzen, Blovice, Domazlice, Horsovsky Tyn, Klatovy, Plasy, Rokycany, Stribro, Susice, and Tachov. Listings given by town.
1988-89 Prague Telefonni seznam 1/II AB, 1988-1989: ustredny telefonni obvod Praha, bytove stanice, a-m residen- tial Last names beginning with A-M
1988-89 Prague Telefonni seznam 1/II AB, 1988-1989: ustredny telefonni obvod Praha, bytove stanice, n-z residen- tial Last names beginning with N-Z
1989-90 Brno area
(excluding Brno)
Telefonni seznam cis. 14, 1989-1990: tranzitni telefonni obvod Brno (bez stredoveho UTO Brno) both Covers Blansko, Boskovice, Breclav, Bystrice nad Pernstejnem, Hodonin, Hustopece u Brna, Kyjov, Mikulov na Morave, Moravsky Krumlov, Namest nad Oslavou, Prostejov, Rosice u Brna, Tisnov, Vyskov, Znojmo, and Zidlochovice. Listings given by town.
1989-90 Hradec Kralove Telefonni seznam c. 10, 1989-1990: tranzitni telefonni obvod Hradec Kralove both Covers Hradec Kralove (organizational listings given first, followed by residential listings), Broumov, Dobruska, Dvur Kralove nad Labem, Horice v Podkrkonosi, Jaromer, Jicin, Jilemnice, Kostelec nad Orlici, Nachod, Nova Paka, Novy Bydzov, Rychnov nad Kneznou, Semily, Trutnov, Turnov, Vrchlabi, and Zamberk. Listings given by town.
1989-90 Liberec Telefonni seznam c. 9, 1989-1990: tranzitni telefonni obvod Liberec both Covers Liberec, Ceska Lipa, Frydlant v Cechach, Jablonec nad Nisou, and Novy Bor. Listings given by town.
1989-90 Most Telefonni seznam cis. 7, 1989-1990: tranzitni telefonni obvod Most both Covers Most, Chomutov, Kadan, Litvinov, Louny, Podborany, and Zatec. Listings given by town.
1989-90 Ostrava Telefonni seznam c. 16a, 1989-1990: ustredny telefonni obvod Ostrava both  
1990-91 Brno Telefonni seznam c. 13, 1990-1991: ustredny telefonni obvod Brno both  
1991-92 Tabor Telefonni seznam c. 3, 1991-1992: tranzitni telefonni obvod Tabor both Covers Tabor, Humpolec, Kamenice nad Lipou, Milevsko, Pacov, Pelhrimov, Pisek, and Sobeslav. Listings given by town.
1993-94 Prague Zlate stanky: Praha 1993-94, uzlovy telefonni obvod Praha both In the first part of the directory, organizational listings given first, followed by residential listings. The second part of the directory is a "yellow pages" section.
1993-94 Northern Moravia, Ostrava area (excluding Ostrava) Zlate stranky: severni Morava, TTO Ostrava, 1993-94 (bez stredoveho UTO Ostrava) both Covers Bilovec, Frydek-Mistek, Krnov, Novy Jicin, Opava, Trinec, Valasske Mezirici, Vitkov, and Vsetin. In the first part of the directory, listings given by okres: organizational listings first, followed by residential listings. The second part of the directory is a "yellow pages" section.
1994-95 Brno Zlate stranky: jizni Morava, UTO Brno, 1994-95 both In the first part of the directory, organizational listings given first, followed by residential listings. The second part of the directory is a "yellow pages" section.
1994-95 Southern Moravia,
Brno area
(excluding Brno)
Zlate stranky: jizni Morava, TTO Brno, 1994-95 (bez stredoveho UTO Brno) both Covers Blansko, Boskovice, Breclav, Bystrice nad Pernstejnem, Hodonin, Hustopece, Kyjov, Mikulov, Moravsky Krumlov, Namest nad Oslavou, Prostejov, Rosice, Tisnov, Vyskov, and Znojmo. In the first part of the directory, listings given by okres: organizational listings first, followed by residential listings. The second part of the directory is a "yellow pages" section.
1994-95 Southern Moravia,
Jihlava area
Zlate stranky: jizni Morava, TTO Jihlava, 1994-95 both Covers Jihlava, Moravske Budejovice, Trebic, Velke Mezirici, and Zdar nad Sazavou. In the first part of the directory, listings given by okres: organizational listings first, followed by residential listings. The second part of the directory is a "yellow pages" section.
1994-95 Eastern Czech Lands, Hradec Kralove area Zlate stranky: vychodni Cechy, TTO Hradec Kralove, 1994-95 both Covers Hradec Kralove, Broumov, Dobruska, Dvur Kralove nad Labem, Horice v Podkrkonosi, Jaromer, Jicin, Jilemnice, Kostelec nad Orlici, Nachod, Nova Paka, Novy Bydzov, Rychnov nad Kneznou, Semily, Trutnov, Turnov, Vrchlabi, and Zamberk. In the first part of the directory, listings given by okres: organizational listings first, followed by residential listings. The second part of the directory is a "yellow pages" section.
1995-96 Brno Zlate stranky: jizni Morava, UTO Brno, 1995-96 both In the first part of the directory, organizational listings given first, followed by residential listings. The second part of the directory is a "yellow pages" section.
1995-96 Southern Moravia, Brno area (excluding Brno) Zlate stranky: jizni Morava, TTO Brno, 1995-96 (bez stredoveho UTO Brno) both Covers Blansko, Boskovice, Breclav, Bystrice nad Pernstejnem, Hodonin, Hustopece, Kyjov, Mikulov, Moravsky Krumlov, Namest nad Oslavou, Prostejov, Rosice, Tisnov, Vyskov, and Znojmo. In the first part of the directory, listings given by okres: organizational listings first, followed by residential listings. The second part of the directory is a "yellow pages" section.
1995-96 Eastern Czech Lands, Pardubice area Zlate stranky: vychodni Cechy, TTO Pardubice, 1995-96 both Covers Pardubice, Havlickuv Brod, Hlinsko v Cechach, Holice v Cechach, Chotebor, Chrudim, Lanskroun, Ledec nad Sazavou, Lytomysl, Moravska Trebova, Policka, Prelouc, Svitavy, Usti nad Orlici, Vysoke Myto, and Zamberk. In the first part of the directory, listings given by okres: organizational listings first, followed by residential listings. The second part of the directory is a "yellow pages" section.
1996-97 Prague Zlate stranky: Praha, 1996-97 (uzlovy telefonni obvod Praha), 1. dil-podniky a organizace organiza- tional 0rganizational listings given first, followed by a "yellow pages" section.
1996-97 Prague Zlate stranky: Praha, 1996-97 (uzlovy telefonni obvod Praha), 2. dil-bytove stanice residen- tial  
1998-99 Central Czech Lands--
Eastern Part
(excluding Prague)
Zlate stranky: stredni Cechy-vychodni cast, 1998-99, TTO Praha (bez stredoveho UTO Praha) both Covers Benesov, Brandys nad Labem, Caslav, Cesky Brod, Kolin,Kralupy nad Vltavou, Kutna Hora, Melnik, Mlada Boleslav, Mnichovo Hradiste, Numburk, Podebrady, Ricany, Sedlcany, Uhlirske Janovice, Vasim, and Votice. In the first part of the directory, listings given by okres: organizational listings first, followed by residential listings. The second part of the directory is a "yellow pages" section.
1998-99 Prague Zlate stranky: Praha, 1998-99 (uzlovy telefonni obvod Praha), 1. dil-podniky a organizace organiza- tional 0rganizational listings given first, followed by a "yellow pages" section.
1998-99 Prague Zlate stranky: Praha, 1998-99 (uzlovy telefonni obvod Praha), 2. dil-bytove stanice residen- tial  

Slovakia and Transcarpathian Ruthenia

Year City or Region Title Type Notes
1938 Slovakia and
Transcarpathian Ruthenia
Dodatek k soznamu telefonnych ustredni, hovorni a ucastnikov pre krajinu Slovensku a Podkarpatsku Rus z roku 1938 both Supplement lists only additions and changes to the 1938 telephone directory for Slovakia and Transcarpathian Ruthenia.
1944 Slovakia Uradny telefonny soznam Slovenskej Republiky, 1944 both Listings given first alphabetically by name; then by subject, then by town. Middle one-third bound in upside-down.
1951 Bratislava kraj Telefonny soznam pre kraj 14. Bratislava, 1951 organiza- tional Listings given by town.
1953-54 Banska Bystrica kraj Telefonny soznam pre kraj 16. Banska Bystrica, 1953-1954 both Listings given by town.
1953-54 Kosice kraj Telefonny soznam pre kraj 18. Kosice, 1953-54 both Listings given by town.
1953-54 Nitra kraj Telefonny soznam pre kraj 15. Nitra, 1953-54 both Listings given by town.
1953-54 Presov kraj Telefonny soznam pre kraj 19. Presov, 1953-54 both Listings given by town.
1953-54 Zilina kraj Telefonny zoznam pre kraj 17. Zilina, 1953-54 both Listings given by town.
1955 Banska Bystrica kraj Telefonny zoznam pre kraj 16. Banska Bystrica, 1955 both Listings given by town.
1955 Kosice kraj Telefonny zoznam pre kraj 18. Kosice, 1955 both Listings given by town.
1955 Nitra kraj Telefonny zoznam pre kraj 15. Nitra, 1955 both Listings given by town.
1955 Presov kraj Telefonny zoznam pre kraj 19. Presov, 1955 both Listings given by town.
1955 Zilina kraj Telefonny zoznam pre kraj 17. Zilina, 1955 both Listings given by town.
1955 Bratislavakraj
Nitra kraj
Banska Bystrica kraj
Zilina kraj
Kosice kraj
Presov kraj
Telefonny zoznam pre kraje 14. Bratislava, 15. Nitra, 16. Banska Bystrica, 17. Zilina, 18. Kosice, 19. Presov, 1955 both Listings given by kraj, then by town within each kraj.
1956 Bratislava kraj
Nitra kraj
Banska Bystrica kraj
Zilina kraj
Kosice kraj
Presov kraj
Telefonny zoznam pre kraje 14. Bratislava, 15. Nitra, 16. Banska Bystrica, 17. Zilina, 18. Kosice, 19. Presov, 1956 both Listings given by kraj, then by town within each kraj.
1958 Bratislavakraj
Nitra kraj
Banska Bystrica kraj
Zilina kraj
Kosice kraj
Presov kraj
Telefonny zoznam pre kraje 14. Bratislava, 15. Nitra, 16. Banska Bystrica, 17. Zilina, 18. Kosice, 19. Presov, 1958 both Listings given by kraj, then by town within each kraj.
1959-60 Bratislava kraj
Nitra kraj
Banska Bystrica kraj
Zilina kraj
Kosice kraj
Presov kraj
Telefonny zoznam pre kraje 14. Bratislava, 15. Nitra, 16. Banska Bystrica, 17. Zilina, 18. Kosice, 19. Presov, 1959-60 both Listings given by kraj, then by town within each kraj.
1964-65 Vychodoslovensky kraj
[eastern Slovak kraj]
Telefonny zoznam pre kraj Vychodoslovensky, 1964-65 both Listings given by town.
1964-65 both Zapadoslovenskykraj
[western Slovak kraj]
Telefonny zoznam pre kraj 8. Zapadoslovensky, 1964-65 both Listings given by town.
1966-67 Bratislava Telefonny zoznam pre miestnu siet Bratislava, 1966-67 both 0rganizational listings given first, followed by residential listings.
1967-68 Stredoslovensky kraj
[central Slovak kraj]
Telefonny zoznam pre kraj 9. Stredoslovensky, 1967-68 both Listings given by town.
1967-68 Vychodoslovensky kraj
[eastern Slovak kraj]
Telefonny zoznam pre kraj 10. Vychodoslovensky, 1967-68 both Listings given by town.
1967-68 Zapadoslovensky kraj
[western Slovakia]
(excluding Bratislava)
Telefonny zoznam pre kraj 8. Zapadoslovensky (bez miestnej siete Bratislava), 1967-68 both Listings given by town.
1968-69 Bratislava Telefonny zoznam pre miestnu siet Bratislava, 1968-69 both 0rganizational listings given first, followed by residential listings.
1969-70 Stredoslovensky kraj
[central Slovak kraj]
Telefonny zoznam pre kraj 9. Stredoslovensky, 1969-70 both Listings given by town.
1970-71 Bratislava and surroundings Telefonny zoznam pre uzlovy telefonny obvod Bratislava, 1970-71 both 0rganizational listings given first, followed by residential listings.
1971-72 Bratislava area
(excluding Bratislava)
Telefonny zoznam c. 19, 1971-72:tranzitny telefonny obvod Bratislava (bez UTO Bratislava) both Covers Dunajska Streda, Galanta, Hlohovec, Holic, Malacky, Pezinok, Piestany, Senica nad Myjavou, Sala, Samorin, and Trnava.Listings given by town.
1971-72 Nitra Telefonny zoznam c. 21, 1971-72:tranzitny telefonny obvod Nitra both Covers Nitra, Hurbanovo, Komarno, Levice, Nove Zamky, Sahy, Sturovo, Surany, Topolcany, Zlate Moravce, and Zeliezovce.Listings given by town.
1971-72 Trencin Telefonny zoznam c. 20, 1971-72:tranzitny telefonny obvod Trencin both Covers Trencin, Banovce nad Bebravou, Ilava, Nove Mesto nad Vahom, Piestany, Prievidza, and Puchov.Listings given by town.
1972-73 Banska Bystrica Telefonny zoznam c. 23, 1972-73:tranzitny telefonny obvod Banska Bystrica both Covers Banska Bystrica, Banska Stiavnica, Brezno, Hnusta-Likier, Krupina, Lucenec, Rimavska Sobota, Safarikovo, Velky Krtis, Zvolen, Zarnovica, and Ziar nad Hronom.Listings given by town.
1972-73 Bratislava
and surroundings
Telefonny zoznam c. 18, uzlovy telefonny obvod Bratislava, 1972-73 both 0rganizational listings given first, followed by residential listings.
1973-74 Bratislava area
(excluding Bratislava)
Telefonny zoznam c. 19, 1973-74:tranzitny telefonny obvod Bratislava (bez UTO Bratislava) both Covers Dunajska Streda, Galanta, Hlohovec, Holic, Malacky, Pezinok, Senica nad Myjavou, Sala, Samorin, and Trnava.Listings given by town.
1973-74 Kosice Telefonny zoznam c. 26:tranzitny telefonny obvod Kosice, 1973-74 both Covers Kosice, Gelnica, Kralovsky Chlmec, Michalovce, Moldava nad Bodvou, Revuca, Roznava, Sobrance, and Trebisov.Listings given by town.
1973-74 Poprad Telefonny zoznam c. 24:tranzitny telefonny obvod Poprad, 1973-74 both Covers Poprad, Kezmarok, Levoca, Spisska Nova Ves, Spisska Stara Ves, Stara Lubovna, and Stary Smokovec.Listings given by town.
1973-74 Presov Telefonny zoznam c. 25:tranzitny telefonny obvod Presov, 1973-74 both Covers Presov, Bardejov, Giraltovce, Humenne, Medzilaborce, Sabinov, Snina, Stropkov, Svidnik, and Vranov nad Toplou.Listings given by town.
1973-74 Zilina Telefonny zoznam c. 22, 1973-74:tranzitny telefonny obvod Zilina both Covers Zilina, Bytca, Cadca, Dolny Kubin, Kysucke Nove Mesto, Liptovsky Hradok, Liptovsky Mikulas, Martin, Namestovo, Povazska Bystrica, Rajec, Ruzomberok, Turcianske Teplice, and Tvrdosin.Listings given by town.
1974-75 Nitra Telefonny zoznam c. 21, 1974-75:tranzitny telefonny obvod Nitra both Covers Nitra, Hurbanovo, Komarno, Levice, Nove Zamky, Sahy, Sturovo, Surany, Topolcany, Zlate Moravce, and Zeliezovce.Listings given by town.
1974-75 Trencin Telefonny zoznam c. 20, 1974-75:tranzitny telefonny obvod Trencin both Covers Trencin, Banovce nad Bebravou, Ilava, Nove Mesto nad Vahom, Piestany, Prievidza, and Puchov.Listings given by town.
1975-76 Banska Bystrica Telefonny zoznam c. 23, 1975-76:tranzitny telefonny obvod Banska Bystrica both Covers Banska Bystrica, Banska Stiavnica, Brezno, Hnusta, Krupina, Lucenec, Poltar, Prievidza, Rimavska Sobota, Safarikovo, Velky Krtis, Zvolen, Zarnovica, and Ziar nad Hronom.Listings given by town.
1975-76 Kosice Telefonny zoznam cis. 26, 1975-76: both Covers Kosice, Gelnica, Kralovsky Chlmec, Michalovce, Moldava nad Bodvou, Revuca, Roznava, Sobrance, and Trebisov.Listings given by town.
1976 Bratislava area
(excluding Bratislava)
Telefonny zoznam c. 19, 1976:tranzitny telefonny obvod Bratislava (bez UTO Bratislava) both Covers Dunajska Streda, Galanta, Hlohovec, Holic, Malacky, Pezinok, Senica nad Myjavou, Sala, Samorin, and Trnava.Listings given by town.
1976-77 Presov Telefonny zoznam cis. 25, 1976-77:tranzitny telefonny obvod Presov both Covers Presov, Bardejov, Giraltovce, Humenne, Medzilaborce, Sabinov, Snina, Stropkov, Svidnik, and Vranov nad Toplou.Listings given by town.
1977-78 Kosice Telefonny zoznam cis. 26, 1977-78: both Covers Kosice, Gelnica, Kralovsky Chlmec, Michalovce, Moldava nad Bodvou, Revuca, Roznava, Sobrance, and Trebisov.Listings given by town.
1977-78 Nitra Telefonny zoznam cis. 21, 1977-1978:tranzitny telefonny obvod Nitra both Covers Nitra, Hurbanovo, Komarno, Levice, Nove Zamky, Sahy, Sturovo, Surany, Topolcany, Zlate Moravce, and Zeliezovce.Listings given by town.
1977-78 Trencin Telefonny zoznam cis. 20, 1977-1978:tranzitny telefonny obvod Trencin both Covers Trencin, Banovce nad Bebravou, Nove Mesto nad Vahom, and Piestany.Listings given by town.
1977-78 Zilina Telefonny zoznam cis. 22, 1977-1978:tranzitny telefonny obvod Zilina both Covers Zilina, Bytca, Cadca, Dolny Kubin, Ilava, Kysucke Nove Mesto, Liptovsky Hradok, Liptovsky Mikulas, Martin, Namestovo, Povazska Bystrica, Puchov, Rajec, Ruzomberok, Turcianske Teplice, and Tvrdosin.Listings given by town.
1978-79 Banska Bystrica Telefonny zoznam cis. 23, 1978-1979:tranzitny telefonny obvod Banska Bystrica both Covers Banska Bystrica, Banska Stiavnica, Brezno, Hnusta, Krupina, Lucenec, Poltar, Prievidza, Rimavska Sobota, Safarikovo, Velky Krtis, Zvolen, Zarnovica, and Ziar nad Hronom.Listings given by town.
1978-79 Bratislava Telefonny zoznam c. 18, 1978-1979:uzlovy telefonny obvod Bratislava both 0rganizational listings given first, followed by residential listings.
1978-79 Bratislava area
(excluding Bratislava)
Telefonny zoznam c. 19, 1978-1979:tranzitny telefonny obvod Bratislava (bez UTO Bratislava) both Covers Dunajska Streda, Galanta, Hlohovec, Holic, Malacky, Pezinok, Senica nad Myjavou, Sala, Samorin, and Trnava.Listings given by town.
1978-79 Poprad Telefonny zoznam cis. 24, 1978-79:tranzitny telefonny obvod Poprad both Covers Poprad, Kezmarok, Levoca, Spisska Nova Ves, Spisska Stara Ves, Stara Lubovna, and Stary Smokovec.Listings given by town.
1979-80 Trencin Telefonny zoznam cis. 20, 1979-1980:tranzitny telefonny obvod Trencin both Covers Trencin, Banovce nad Bebravou, Nove Mesto nad Vahom, and Piestany.Listings given by town.
1979-80 Zilina Telefonny zoznam cis. 22, 1979-1980:tranzitny telefonny obvod Zilina both Covers Zilina, Bytca, Cadca, Dolny Kubin, Ilava, Kysucke Nove Mesto, Liptovsky Hradok, Liptovsky Mikulas, Martin, Namestovo, Povazska Bystrica, Puchov, Rajec, Ruzomberok, Turcianske Teplice, and Tvrdosin.Listings given by town.
1980-81 Banska Bystrica Telefonny zoznam cis. 23, 1980-1981:tranzitny telefonny obvod Banska Bystrica both Covers Banska Bystrica, Banska Stiavnica, Brezno, Hnusta, Krupina, Lucenec, Poltar, Prievidza, Rimavska Sobota, Safarikovo, Velky Krtis, Zvolen, Zarnovica, and Ziar nad Hronom. Listings given by town.
1980-81 Bratislava Telefonny zoznam c. 18, 1980-1981:uzlovy telefonny obvod Bratislava both 0rganizational listings given first, followed by residential listings.
1980-81 Bratislava area
(excluding Bratislava)
Telefonny zoznam c. 19, 1980-1981:tranzitny telefonny obvod Bratislava (bez UTO Bratislava) both Covers Dunajska Streda, Galanta, Hlohovec, Holic, Malacky, Pezinok, Senica nad Myjavou, Sala, Samorin, and Trnava.Listings given by town.
1980-81 Kosice Telefonny zoznam cis. 26, 1980-1981: both Covers Kosice, Gelnica, Kralovsky Chlmec, Michalovce, Moldava nad Bodvou, Revuca, Roznava, Sobrance, and Trebisov.Listings given by town.
1980-81 Poprad Telefonny zoznam cis. 24, 1980-1981:tranzitny telefonny obvod Poprad both Covers Poprad, Kezmarok, Levoca, Spisska Nova Ves, Spisska Stara Ves, Stara Lubovna, and Stary Smokovec.Listings given by town.
1980-81 Trencin Telefonny zoznam c. 20, 1980-1981:tranzitny telefonny obvod Trencin both Covers Trencin, Banovce nad Bebravou, Nove Mesto nad Vahom, and Piestany.Listings given by town.
1981-82 Nitra Telefonny zoznam c. 21, 1981-1982:tranzitny telefonny obvod Nitra both Covers Nitra, Hurbanovo, Komarno, Levice, Nove Zamky, Sahy, Sturovo, Surany, Topolcany, Zlate Moravce, and Zeliezovce.Listings given by town.
1981-82 Presov
Telefonny zoznam cis. 25, 1981-82:tranzitny telefonny obvod Presov both Covers Kosice (organizational listings only), Presov, Bardejov, Giraltovce, Humenne, Medzilaborce, Sabinov, Snina, Stropkov, Svidnik, and Vranov nad Toplou.Listings given by town.
1982-83 Banska Bystrica Telefonny zoznam cis. 23, 1982-1983:tranzitny telefonny obvod Banska Bystrica both Covers Banska Bystrica (organizational listings first, following by residential listings), Banska Stiavnica, Brezno, Hnusta, Krupina, Lucenec, Poltar, Prievidza, Rimavska Sobota, Safarikovo, Velky Krtis, Zvolen, Zarnovica, and Ziar nad Hronom. Listings given by town.
1982-83 Bratislava area
(excluding Bratislava)
Telefonny zoznam c. 19, 1982-1983:tranzitny telefonny obvod Bratislava (bez UTO Bratislava) both Covers Dunajska Streda, Galanta, Hlohovec, Holic, Malacky, Pezinok, Senica nad Myjavou, Sala, Samorin, and Trnava.Listings given by town.
1982-83 Trencin Telefonny zoznam c. 20, 1982-1983:tranzitny telefonny obvod Trencin both Covers Trencin, Banovce nad Bebravou, Nove Mesto nad Vahom, and Piestany. Listings given by town.
1983-84 Kosice Telefonny zoznam c. 26, 1983-1984: both Covers Kosice (organizational listings given first, followed by residential listings), Gelnica, Kralovsky Chlmec, Michalovce, Moldava nad Bodvou, Revuca, Roznava, Sobrance, and Trebisov.Listings given by town.
1983-84 Nitra Telefonny zoznam cis. 21, 1983-1984:tranzitny telefonny obvod Nitra both Covers Nitra, Hurbanovo, Komarno, Levice, Nove Zamky, Sahy, Sturovo, Surany, Topolcany, Zlate Moravce, and Zeliezovce.Listings given by town.
1983-84 Zilina Telefonny zoznam cis. 22, 1983-1984:tranzitny telefonny obvod Zilina both Covers Zilina (organizational listings given first, followed by residential listings), Bytca, Cadca, Dolny Kubin, Dubnica nad Vahom, Kysucke Nove Mesto, Liptovsky Hradok, Liptovsky Mikulas, Martin, Namestovo, Povazska Bystrica, Puchov, Rajec, Ruzomberok, Turcianske Teplice, and Tvrdosin.Listings given by town.
1984-85 Banska Bystrica Telefonny zoznam cis. 23, 1984-1985:tranzitny telefonny obvod Banska Bystrica both Covers Banska Bystrica, Banska Stiavnica, Brezno, Hnusta, Krupina, Lucenec, Poltar, Prievidza, Rimavska Sobota, Safarikovo, Velky Krtis, Zvolen, Zarnovica, and Ziar nad Hronom.Listings given by town.
1984-85 Bratislava Telefonny zoznam c. 18, 1984-1985:uzlovy telefonny obvod Bratislava both 0rganizational listings given first, followed by residential listings.
1984-85 Bratislava area
(excluding Bratislava)
Telefonny zoznam c. 19, 1984-1985:tranzitny telefonny obvod Bratislava (bez stredoveho UTO Bratislava) both Covers Dunajska Streda, Galanta, Hlohovec, Holic, Malacky, Pezinok, Senica nad Myjavou, Sala, Samorin, and Trnava.Listings given by town.
1984-85 Poprad Telefonny zoznam cis. 24, 1984-1985:tranzitny telefonny obvod Poprad both Covers Poprad, Kezmarok, Levoca, Spisska Nova Ves, Spisska Stara Ves, Stara Lubovna, and Stary Smokovec. Listings given by town.
1985-86 Nitra Telefonny zoznam cis. 21, 1985-1986:tranzitny telefonny obvod Nitra both Covers Nitra, Hurbanovo, Komarno, Levice, Nove Zamky, Sahy, Sturovo, Surany, Topolcany, Zlate Moravce, and Zeliezovce.Listings given by town.
1985-86 Presov Telefonny zoznam cis. 25, 1985-1986:tranzitny telefonny obvod Presov both Covers Presov, Bardejov, Giraltovce, Humenne, Medzilaborce, Sabinov, Snina, Stropkov, Svidnik, and Vranov nad Toplou.Listings given by town.
1985-86 Zilina Telefonny zoznam cis. 22, 1985-1986:tranzitny telefonny obvod Zilina both Covers Zilina, Bytca, Cadca, Dolny Kubin, Dubnica nad Vahom, Kysucke Nove Mesto, Liptovsky Hradok, Liptovsky Mikulas, Martin, Namestovo, Povazska Bystrica, Puchov, Rajec, Ruzomberok, Turcianske Teplice, and Tvrdosin.Listings given by town.
1986-87 Banska Bystrica Telefonny zoznam c. 23, 1986-1987:tranzitny telefonny obvod Banska Bystrica both Covers Banska Bystrica (organizational listings given first, followed by residential listings), Banska Stiavnica, Brezno, Hnusta, Krupina, Lucenec, Poltar, Prievidza, Rimavska Sobota, Safarikovo, Velky Krtis, Zvolen, Zarnovica, and Ziar nad Hronom.Listings given by town.
1986-87 Kosice Telefonny zoznam c. 26: both Covers Kosice (organizational listings given first, followed by residential listings), Gelnica, Kralovsky Chlmec, Michalovce, Moldava nad Bodvou, Revuca, Roznava, Sobrance, and Trebisov.Listings given by town.
1987-88 Bratislava Telefonny zoznam c. 18, 1987-1988:uzlovy telefonny obvod Bratislava both 0rganizational listings given first, followed by residential listings.
1987-88 Bratislava area
(excluding Bratislava)
Telefonny zoznam cis. 19, 1987-1988:tranzitny telefonny obvod Bratislava (bez stredoveho UTO Bratislava) both Covers Dunajska Streda, Galanta, Hlohovec, Holic, Malacky, Pezinok, Senica nad Myjavou, Sala, Samorin, and Trnava.Listings given by town.
1987-88 Trencin Telefonny zoznam cis. 20, 1987-1988:tranzitny telefonny obvod Trencin both Covers Trencin, Banovce nad Bebravou, Nove Mesto nad Vahom, and Piestany.Listings given by town.
1988-89 Banska Bystrica Telefonny zoznam c. 23, 1988-1989:tranzitny telefonny obvod Banska Bystrica both Covers Banska Bystrica (organizational listings given first, followed by residential listings), Banska Stiavnica, Brezno, Hnusta, Krupina, Lucenec, Poltar, Prievidza, Rimavska Sobota, Safarikovo, Velky Krtis, Zvolen, Zarnovica, and Ziar nad Hronom.Listings given by town.
1988-89 Nitra Telefonny zoznam cis. 21, 1988-1989:tranzitny telefonny obvod Nitra both Covers Nitra, Hurbanovo, Komarno, Levice, Nove Zamky, Sahy, Sturovo, Surany, Topolcany, Zlate Moravce, and Zeliezovce.Listings given by town.
1988-89 Poprad Telefonny zoznam c. 24, 1988-1989:tranzitny telefonny obvod Poprad both Covers Poprad, Kezmarok, Levoca, Spisska Nova Ves, Spisska Stara Ves, Stara Lubovna, and Stary Smokovec.Listings given by town.
1988-89 Presov Telefonny zoznam c. 25, 1988-1989:tranzitny telefonny obvod Presov both Covers Presov, Bardejov, Giraltovce, Humenne, Medzilaborce, Sabinov, Snina, Stropkov, Svidnik, and Vranov nad Toplou.Listings given by town.
1989-90 Zilina Telefonny zoznam c. 22, 1989-1990:tranzitny telefonny obvod Zilina both Covers Zilina, Bytca, Cadca, Dolny Kubin, Dubnica nad Vahom, Kysucke Nove Mesto, Liptovsky Hradok, Liptovsky Mikulas, Martin, Namestovo, Povazska Bystrica, Puchov, Rajec, Ruzomberok, Turcianske Teplice, and Tvrdosin.Listings given by town.
1990-91 Bratislava Telefonny zoznam c. 18, 1990-1991:uzlovy telefonny obvod Bratislava both 0rganizational listings given first, followed by residential listings.
1990-91 Trencin Telefonny zoznam cis. 20, 1990-1991:tranzitny telefonny obvod Trencin both Covers Trencin, Banovce nad Bebravou, Nove Mesto nad Vahom, and Piestany.Listings given by town.
1991-92 Kosice Telefonny zoznam c. 26, 1991-1992: both Covers Kosice, Gelnica, Kralovsky Chlmec, Michalovce, Moldava nad Bodvou, Revuca, Roznava, Sobrance, and Trebisov.Listings given by town, organizational listings first, followed by residential listings.
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