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An Instrumentation Complex for Atmospheric Raidation Measurements in Siberia

Sakerin, S.M., Dorofeev, F.V., Kabanov, D.M., Kozlov, V.S., Panchenko, M.V., Pkhalagov, Yu.A., Polkin, V.V., Shmargunov, V.P., Terpugova, S.A., Turchinovich, S.A., and Uzhegov, V.N., Institute of Atmospheric Optics Sib. Div. RAS, 1, Academicheskii ave., Tomsk, 634055, Russia
Thirteenth Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting

The instrumentation complex is described, which was designed for carrying out radiation experiments in the region of Tomsk (West Siberia). The complex consists of three groups of devices for measurements of (1) characteristics of downward total radiation; (2) the most variable components of the atmospheric column directly affecting the radiation income (aerosol optical depth, columnar water vapor, total ozone content, etc.) and (3) aerosol and meteorological characteristics of the near-ground layer of the atmosphere. The first group includes the MS-802 pyranometer (global solar radiation), the MS-53 pyrheliometer (direct radiation) and the MS-202 pyrgeometer (sky counterradiation). The second group includes three types of sun photometers: the CE318 photometer (0.34 to 1.02 mm) operating in the AERONET composition, the SP4 multiwavelength photometer (0.308 to 4 mm) operating all-the-year-round and the SP5 scanning photometer (0.4 to 4 mm) for measuring the scattering phase functions. Another device, the MFR-7 Rotating Shadowband Radiometer, is capable of determining both the fluxes of the incoming radiation (global and diffuse) and the aerosol optical thickness in separate spectral ranges. Two photometric sites are arranged near the city of Tomsk and in forest area 60 km far from the city. The third group includes: (a) the aerosol monitoring station consisting of the polarization nephelometer capable of measuring the aerosol scattering coefficients at the wavelengths of 0.41, 0.51 and 0.63 mm and the parameter of hygroscopic activity of particles; (b) aethalometer (the optical measurer of the mass concentration of soot); (c) photoelectric counter capable of measuring the number density and size distribution of particles of the size 0.4 to 10 mm; (d) the measurer of the spectral transparency of the atmosphere on the long horizontal path in 28 wavelength ranges from 0.44 to 12 mm. The results of observations carried out in fall and winter 20022003 are discussed. It is noted that the use of several types of sun photometers makes it possible to extent the information capacity, to perform intercalibration of the devices and to compare different techniques for calculating the aerosol optical depth. The comprehensive analysis of all data allows to completely describe the optical state of atmospheric aerosol and to correctly estimate its contribution into the radiation regime of the atmosphere under specific conditions.

Note: This is the poster abstract presented at the meeting; an extended version was not provided by the author(s).