A&AS Advisory & Assistance Service General
A&G Acquisitions & Grants General
A&G Administrative & General General
A&R Audit & Reimbursement General, IT Organization
A-PT ActionPhase Topic General
A/P Accounts Payable General, IT Organization
A/R Applicant and/or Recipient General
A109 OMB Circular "Major Systems Acquisitions (ADP)" General
A121 OMB Circular "Charge Back for ADP Services Provided to Multiple Users" General
A130 OMB Circular "Management of Federal Information Resources" General
A2HA American Association of Hospital Accountants General, Health Care
A76 OMB Circular "Policies for Acquiring Commercial or Industrial Products or Services General
AA Associate Administrator General
AAA Agricultural Adjustment Administration General
AAA American Automobile Association General, Health Care
AABB American Association of Blood Banks General, Health Care
AABH Association for Ambulatory Behavioral Healthcare General, Health Care
AACN American Association of Colleges of Nursing General, Health Care
AACR American Association for Cancer Research Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
AADA Abbreviated Antibiotic Drug Application General, Health Care
AAF Aplastic Anemia Foundation General, Health Care
AAFES Army & Air Force Exchange Services General, Health Care
AAFP American Academy of Family Physicians General, Health Care
AAGEG Administrative Analysis Grade Evaluation Guide General
AAHA American Association of Homes for the Aging Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
AAHP American Association of Health Plans Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
AAHSA American Association of Homes & Services for the Aging Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
AAI Applications Alarms Infrastructure (GTE/MTS) General, IT Organization
AAKP American Association of Kidney Patients Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
AAMC Association of American Medical Colleges General, Health Care
AAO American Academy of Ophthalmology General, Health Care
AAP American Academy of Pediatrics General, Health Care
AAPC American Association of Professional Coders General, Health Care
AAPCC Adjusted Average Per Capita Cost General, Health Care
AAPD American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry General, Health Care
AAPHR American Association of Physicians for Human Rights General, Health Care
AAPP Affirmative Action Program Planning General
AARG Average Annual Rate of Growth General
AARP American Association of Retired Persons Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
AARR Approval, Adjustment & Reject Response General
AB (BC/BSA's) Administrative Bulletin General
ABA American Banking Association General
ABA American Bar Association General
ABD Aged, Blind & Disabled Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
ABEND Abnormal Ending General
ABENDAID ABEND Analysis Software General, IT Organization
ABG Arterial Blood Gases General, Health Care
ABH Association of Behavioral Healthcare Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
ABN Advanced Beneficiary Notice General, Health Care
ABR American Board of Radiology Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
ABS Annual Beneficiary Summary Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
AC Actual Charge Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
AC Allowable Cost General
ACA Amputee Coalition of America Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
ACC American College of Cardiology General, Health Care
ACC Automated Change Control General
ACCT Action Plan by Electronic Claims Transaction Institute General, IT Organization
ACD Audit Clearance Document General
ACD Automatic Cancellation Date General
ACE (Carrier) Automated Claims Examination General
ACEI Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors General, Health Care
ACEP American College of Emergency Physicians General, Health Care
ACERS Annual Contractor Evaluation Reporting System General
ACF Administration for Children & Families Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
ACGIH American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists General, Health Care
ACH Automated Clearing House General
ACHE American College of Healthcare Executives General, Health Care
ACIP PHS Immunization Practice Advisory Committee General
ACL Access Control Lists General
ACLI American Council of Life Insurance General
ACLU American Civil Liberties Union General
ACM Association of Computing Machinery General, IT Organization
ACMP Audit/Civil Monetary Penalties General
ACMS Advanced Cost Management Systems General
ACO Administrative Contracting Officer General
ACOG American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists General, Health Care
ACP American College of Physicians General, Health Care
ACPS Advanced Claims Processing System General, IT Organization
ACPV Average Cost per Visit General, Health Care
ACR Adjusted Community (Contract) Rate Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
ACR American College of Radiology General, Health Care
ACRG Annual Compound Rate of Growth General, IT Organization
ACRP Adjusted Community Rate Proposal Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
ACRS Accelerated Cost Recovery System General, IT Organization
ACS Accredited Standards Committee Health Care
ACS American Cancer Society Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
ACS American College of Surgeons General, Health Care
ACS Automated Cartridge System General, IT Organization
ACSC Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions General, Contractor
ACSI American Customer Satisfaction Index Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
ACSS Advisory Council on Social Security General
ACT Access Control Table General
ACTG AIDS Clinical Trials Group Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
ACTS Automated Case Tracking System General
ACU Automatic Calling Unit General
ACV Arithmetic Coefficient of Variation General, IT Organization
ACYF Administration on Children, Youth & Families Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
AD Admitting Diagnosis General, Health Care
ADA American Dental Association General, Health Care
ADA American Dietetic Association General, Health Care
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
ADAD After Date of Award Document General
ADAMHA Alcohol, Drug Abuse & Mental Health Administration General, Health Care
ADAP AIDS Drug Assistance Program General, Medicare Beneficiary, IT Organization, Health Care, State, Contractor, HIPAA Administrative Simplification
ADAPSO Association of Data Processing Services Organization General, IT Organization
ADARS Automated DASD Archival Restoration System General, IT Organization
ADC Adult Day Care Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
ADG Ambulatory Diagnostic Group General, Health Care
ADG-HOSDOM Ambulatory Diagnostic Group Hospital Dominant General, Health Care
ADHA American Dental & Hygienists Association General, Health Care
ADJ Adjusted Claim General, Health Care
ADL Activities of Daily Living Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
ADMC Advance Determination of Medicare Coverage General, Health Care
ADMS Administrative Message General
ADMS Alcohol, Drug Abuse & Mental Health Services Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
ADOBI Advanced DOB Information (System) (SSA) General
ADP (Medicaid) Alternative Disposition Plan Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
ADP Advance Planning Document Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
ADP Automated Data Processing General, IT Organization
ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution (EEO) General
ADR Automated Date Review General
ADR Automated Desk Review General, Health Care
ADS Alternative Delivery System General
ADS Amount, Duration & Scope General
ADS Automated Data System General, IT Organization
ADS Automated Development System General
ADSB Application Development System Batch General
ADSO Application Development System Online General
ADT Admission/Discharge Transfer Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
ADWOH Average Day's Work On Hand General
AE Administrative Enhancement General
AEP Appropriateness Evaluation Period General
AEP Annual Coordinated Election Period General, Medicare Beneficiary
AEP Annual Enrollment Period IT Organization
AERO Automatic Earnings Recomputation Operation (MBR) General, IT Organization
AF Administrative Function General
AFA Alternative Form of Annuity General
AFCEA Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association General
AFDC Aid to Families with Dependant Children (Title IV of the SS Act) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
AFDS Alternative Financing & Delivery System General
AFEHCT American Federation of Electronic Health Care Transactions General, Health Care
AFEHCT Association for Electronic Health Care Transactions Health Care
AFFIRM Association of Federal Information Resources Management General
AFHHA American Federation of Home Health Agencies General, Health Care
AFIPS American Federation of Information Resources Societies General
AFN Accumulation File Number General, IT Organization
AFPS Accounting for Pay System General, IT Organization
AFSCME American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees General
AG Affiliated Group General
AGA Association of Government Accounts General
AGNS AT&T Global Network Services IT Organization
AGPAM American Guild of Patient Account Managers General, Health Care
AHA American Heart Association Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
AHA American Hospital Association Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
AHCA American Health Care Association General, Health Care
AHES Average Hourly Earnings General
AHFSA Association of Health Facility Survey Agencies General, Health Care
AHIMA American Health Information Management Association General, Health Care
AHP Accountable Health Partnership General, Health Care
AHP Accountable Health Plan General, Health Care
AHP Alternative Health Plan General, Health Care
AHP Average Historical Payment General
AHPA American Health Planning Association General, Health Care
AHPB Adjusted Historical Payment Basis General
AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality General, Medicare Beneficiary
AHSEA Adjusted Hourly Salary Equivalency Amount General
AHSS Adhoc Sampling Survey General
AI Audit Intermediary General
AIC Amount In Controversy General, Medicare Beneficiary
AICC Anti-Inhibitor Coagulant Complex General, Health Care
AICPA American Institute of Certified Public Accountants General
AICR Alternative Internal Control Review General
AID Agency for Informational Development General, IT Organization
AID Agency for International Development General
AIF Applications Interface Facility General
AIIM Association for Information & Image Management (trade association) General, IT Organization
AIM Automated Insertion Machine General, IT Organization
AIMS Audit Information Management System General, IT Organization
AINS Advanced Information Network System General, IT Organization
AKF American Kidney Fund Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
ALBN Amount of Last Billing Notice General, Health Care
ALC Active License Counter General
ALC Active Location Counter General
ALC Alternate Level of Care General, Health Care
ALE Annual Loss Expectancy General
ALFA Assisted Living Federation of America General, Health Care
ALJ Administrative Law Judge General
ALNF Auto Liability NoFault General
ALOS Average Length of Stay Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
ALS Advanced Life Support Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
ALS Advanced Logistics System General, IT Organization
ALSO Automatic Lump Sum Operation (MBR) General, IT Organization
ALT Average Length of Treatment Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
AM Adjustment Module General
AM Amplitude Modulation General, IT Organization
AMA American Medical Association Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
AMASDS Asset Management & Automated Software Distribution System General
AMCP Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy General, Medicare Beneficiary
AMCRA American Medical Care & Review Association General, Health Care
AMCS Automated Medical Coding System General, Health Care
AMHPS Association of Minority Health Professional Schools General, Health Care
AMI acute myocardial infarction (heart attack) Health Care
AMIA American Medical Informatics Association Health Care
AMIS American Management Information System General
AML Arithmetic Mean of the Logarithm General, IT Organization
AMOC Automated Manual Ordering Cycle General
AMP Average Manufacturer's Price General
AMR Acquisition Management Review General
AMRA American Medical Records Association General, Health Care
AMS Activities Management System General
AMW Average Monthly Wage General
AN Account Number (also A/N) General, Health Care
ANA Administration for Native Americans Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
ANA American Nurses Association General, Health Care
ANCHR Access to the NCH Repository (online query to 5% sample) General, Health Care
ANCI American National Standards Institute General, Medicare Beneficiary
ANDA Abbreviated New Drug Applications General, Health Care
ANNA American Nephrology Nurses Association General, Health Care
ANSCII American National Standard Code for Information Interchange General, IT Organization
ANSI American National Standards Institute General
ANSI X12 837 American National Standards Institute Health Data Committee X12 file format 837 General, Health Care
AO Accreditation Organization General, Medicare Beneficiary
AOA Administration on Aging Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
AOA American Optometric Association General, Health Care
AOA American Osteopathic Association General, Health Care
AOLS All Other Local Screens General
AONE American Organization of Nurse Executives General, Health Care
AOPA American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association General, Health Care
AOR After Outliers Removed General
AOR Application Owning Region General
AP Award Processing General
APA American Pharmaceutical Association General, Health Care
APA American Psychiatric Association General, Health Care
APACHE Acute Physiology & Chronic Health Evaluation General, Health Care
APC Ambulatory Payment Class General, Health Care
APC Average Per Capita General
APC Average Projected Costs General
APCSS Automated Production Control & Scheduling System (at HDC) General
APD Advanced Planning Documents Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
APDA Accretion Premium Due Amount General
APDSR Average Per Diem State Rate General
APF Authorized Program Facility General
APG Ambulatory Patient Group General, Health Care
APG Ambulatory Payment Group General, Health Care
APHA American Public Health Association General, Health Care
APHP Acute Partial Hospitalization Program General, Health Care
APHP Applied as Hospital Insurance Premiums General, Health Care
APHSA American Public Human Services Association General, Health Care
API Application Programming Interface General
APM Admission Pattern Monitoring General, Health Care
APM Audit Priority Matrix General
APMA American Podiatric Medical Association General, Health Care
APME Advisory Panel on Medicare Education General, Health Care
APO Awards Processing Operation General
APP Application Portability Profile General
APPC Advanced ProgramtoProgram Communication General, IT Organization
APPS (GHP) Automated Plan Payment System General
APR Acquisition Procurement Request General
APR Agency Procurement Request General
APR Average Payment Rate General
APR - DRG all payer refined - diagnosis related groups Health Care
APS Acquisition Planning Schedule General
APS Acute Physiology Score General, Health Care
APS Adjudication Payment System General
APS Annual Person Summary System General
APS Application Productivity System General
APSA American Political Science Association General
APT Automated Production Turnover General
APTD Aid to the Permanently & Totally Disabled Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
APWA American Public Welfare Association (changed to APHSA) General
AQI Audit Quality Initiative General
AQL Acceptable Quality Level Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
AQRP Audit Quality Review Program General
AR Accounts Receivable General
AR Alpha Representation General
ARA Assistant Regional Administrator General
ARA Associate Regional Administrator General
ARC AIDS Related Complex General, Health Care
ARC American Red Cross Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
ARC Association for Retarded Citizens General
ARCS Accounts Receivable & Collection System General
ARF Actuarial Reduction Factor Program (MBR) General
ARF Area Resource File General
ARIMA Arithmetic Moving Average General
ARK Arkansas Part B System General
ARMIS Ad Hoc Reports Management Information System General
ARMS Adhoc Reports Management System General
ARMS Automated Resource Management System General
ARO Annualized Rate of Occurence General
ARP Admission Review Program General
ARS Active Record Status General
ARS Advanced Record System (GSA) General
ARS Advanced Retrieval System General
ARS Age/Race/Sex General
ARS Agricultural Research Service General
ARS Altanthus Response System General
ARSTOP ARS Telephone Communications Operating Procedures General
ARTEMIS (mainframe project management software testing tool) General
ARTS Automated Reporting & Tracking System General
ARU Audio Response Unit General
ARU Automated Response Unit (Phone system with automated routing) General
AS Administrative Simplification General
AS Advanced System (AJS) General
AS American Samoa General, Health Care
AS Application System General
ASAP Automated Standard Application for Payments General
ASAP American Society of Automation in Pharmacy General, Medicare Beneficiary
ASBCA Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals General
ASBCA Armed Services Board of Contract/State Assessments General
ASC Accredited Standards Committee (ANSI) General
ASC Ambulatory Surgical/Surgery Center General, Health Care
ASCA Administrative Simplification Compliance Act HIPAA Administrative Simplification
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange (see ANSCII) General
ASCM Application Software Configuration Management General
ASCO American Society of Clinical Oncology General, Health Care
ASCP American Society of Consultant Pharmacists General, Health Care
ASCPT American Society of Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics General, Health Care
ASCT American Society of Cytotechnology General
ASCW Audit Selection Criteria Worksheet General
ASER/SA Annual State Evaluation Report/State Assessments General
ASF Automatic System Facility General
ASH Assistant Secretary for Health General, Health Care
ASHP American Society of Hospital Pharmacists General, Health Care
ASHP American Society of Health Systems Pharmacists General, Medicare Beneficiary
ASHRM American Society of Healthcare Risk Management General, Health Care
ASI Alert Screen Initiative General
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit General
ASIM American Society of Internal Medicine General, Health Care
ASIS Association Society of Industrial Security General
ASM Annuity & Survivors Master (OPM file) General
ASMB Assistant Secretary for Management & Budget General
ASMH Assembler H Software General
ASMT American Society for Medical Technologists General, Health Care
ASO Administrative Services Only General, Health Care
ASO Application Services Organization IT Organization
ASP Acquisition Strategy Plan General
ASPA American Society of Public Administrators General
ASPE Assistant Secretary for Planning & Evaluation General
ASPEN Automated Survey Processing Environment General
ASPER Assistant Secretary for Personnel General
ASTER Automated System for Transaction Exception Resolution General
ASTHO Association of State & Territorial Health Offices General, Health Care
ASTM American Society for Testing & Materials General
ASTME31 ASTM Committee 31 General
ASTS American Society of Transplant Surgeons General, Health Care
ATARS Audits Tracking & Reporting System General
ATB All Trunks Busy General
ATBCB Architectural & Transportation Barriers Compliance Board General
ATLA Association of Trial Lawyers of America General
ATM Aschronous Transfer Mode General
ATP Advanced Technology Projects (GTE) General
ATRA American Therapeutic Recreation Association General, Health Care
ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry (EPA) General, Health Care
AUF Automatic Update Facility General
AUSA Assistant United States Attorney General
AUSCT Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation General, Health Care
AUSU Assistant U S Attorney General
AUTO3480 HDC LMS Robotic Processing software General
AVERT AntiVirus Emergency Response Team (McAfee) General, Health Care
AVGS Ambulatory Visit Groups General, Health Care
AVP Assistant Vice President General
AVT Automated Voice Technology General
AWAS Automated Work Administration System General
AWP Actual Wholesale Price General
AWP Average Wholesale Price (Drugs) General
AWP Average Wholesale Price General, Medicare Beneficiary
AZT Azidothymidine (AIDS drug therapy) General, Health Care
B&P Bid & Proposal General
BA Basic Agreement General
BA Budget Administration General
BA Budget Authority General
BA Business Associate Health Care
BAAADS Budget Apportionment Allotment Allowance & Database System General
BAC Beneficiary Advisory Committee Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
BAC Billing Action Code General
BACOM Beneficiary Annotation & Communication Operation General, Health Care
BAR Beneficiary Adjustment Report General, Health Care
BARS Bid Analysis & Reporting System General
BATF Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms General, Health Care
BBA Balanced Budget Act of 1997 Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
BBA Balanced Budget Act General, Medicare Beneficiary
BBRA Balanced Budget Refinement Act of 1999 (PL 106113) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
BC/BS Blue Cross/Blue Shield Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
BCA Board of Contract Appeals General, Health Care
BCB Beneficiary Confidentiality Board Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
BCBSA Blue Cross/Blue Shield Association Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
BCC Billing Cycle Code General
BCC Block Check Character General
BCCE Baltimore Computer Conference & Exposition General
BCCP Business Continuity & Contingency Plan General
BCD Binary Coded Decimal General
BCF Benefit Correction Form Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
BCN Batch Clearance Notice General
BCSS Batch Completion Status Summary IT Organization
BD Budget Distribution General
BDAM Basic Data Access Method General
BDF Bulk Data Facility General
BDOD Beneficiary Date of Death General, Health Care
BDP Beneficiary Database Prototype General, Health Care
BDPC Breakthrough Drug Pricing Committee General, Health Care
BDPP Beneficiary Database Prototype Project General, Health Care
BDTS Batched Data Transmission System General
BEA Budget Expense Account General
BEA Bureau of Economic Affairs General
BEA Bureau of Economic Analysis General
BEA Business Enterprise Area General
BEAM Brain Electrical Activity Mapping General, Health Care
BEAU Budget Expense Account Unit General
BEER Beneficiary Earnings Exchange Record General, Health Care
BEI Budget Estimating Initiative General
BENDEX Beneficiary & Earnings Data Exchange System General, Health Care
BENDEX Beneficiary Data Exchange General, Health Care
BERT (EDB) Beneficiary Enrollment Retrieval System General, Health Care
BESS Part B Extract & Summary System (nee BMAD) General, Health Care
BEST Beneficiary Eligibility State Tape (EDB Bene Alpha File) General, Health Care
BEST Beneficiary State Totals (from SPACE System) General, Health Care
BETOS Berenson Eggers Type of Service General
BF Beneficiary File General, Health Care
BGN Beneficiary Given Name General, Health Care
BHO Behavioral Health Organization General, Health Care
BHS Business Health Services General
BI Background Investigation General
BI Benefits Integrity General, Health Care
BI Buy In General
BIA Business Impact Analysis General
BIC Beneficiary Identification Code General, Health Care
BICEQN BIC Equate Number General
BIEC BuyIn Eligibility Code General
BIER Billing Information Exchange Record General
BIF Beneficiary Insurance File General, Health Care
BIF Benefit Information Form General, Health Care
BIMF Beneficiary Inactive Master File General, Health Care
BIPA Benefits, Improvements & Protection Act of 2000 General, Health Care
BISC Benefit Integrity support Center General, Health Care
BISYNC Binary Synchronous Communication (IBM data communications protocol) General
BIT Beneficiary Inquiries Taskforce General, Health Care
BITF Beneficiary Implementation Task Force General, Health Care
BITS Beneficiary Information Tracking System General, Health Care
BITS Beneficiary Inquiry Tracking System General, Health Care
BITSMIS BITS Management Information System General
BIW Beneficiary Inquiries Workgroup General, Health Care
BL Black Lung General, Health Care
BLASER Black Lung Automated Search & Edit Routine General, Health Care
BLM Bureau of Land Management General
BLP Bypass Label Processing General
BLS Basic Life Support General, Health Care
BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics (DOL) General
BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics General, Medicare Beneficiary
BLUC Bottom Line Unit Cost General
BLUES Blue Cross/Blue Shield associations General, Health Care
BMA BioMedical Applications General, Health Care
BMACS Part B Medicare Automated Claims Systems General, Health Care
BMCHRD Bureau of Maternal & Child Health & Resources Development General, Health Care
BOA Basic Ordering Agreement General
BOAN Beneficiary's Own Account Number (SSN) General, Health Care
BOCMIS Beneficiary Overpayment Control & Management Information System General, Health Care
BOD Bid Opening Date General
BOIS Beneficiary Online Inquiry System (HI/SMI online in HCFA) General, Health Care
BOM Bill of Materials General
BOMA Building Owners & Managers Association General
BOME Bureau of Medical Examiners General, Health Care
BOR Before Outliers Removed General
BOSS Best on Open Systems Solutions General
BOSSN Beneficiary's Own SSN General, Health Care
BP Benefit Period Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
BP Best Price General
BP Business Partner Health Care
BPA Blanket Purchase Arrangement (or Agreement) General
BPC Base Period Charge General, Health Care
BPO Bargain Purchase Option General
BPR Budget & Performance Requirements General
BPR Business Process Reengineering General
BPS Budget Preparation System General
BPST Bill Processing System Test General
BQAS Part B Quality Assurance System General, Health Care
BR Budget Request General
BRA Business Resumption Assessment General
BRC Base Rate Calculation General
BRDPI Biomedical Research & Development Price Index General, Health Care
BRDS Bill Review Documentation Summary form General
BRI Basic Rate Interface General
BRI Benefit Rate Increase General, Health Care
BRRR Bills Received & Returned Report General
BRS Bibliographic Retrieval Service General
BRT Business Roundtable General
BSA Business Software Alliance General
BSC Binary Synchronous Communication General
BSF Benefit Stabilization Fund General
BSP Business Systems Planning General
BSR (Part B) Bill Summary Records General, Health Care
BSRS Benefit Savings Reporting System General, Health Care
BSS Beneficiary Satisfaction Survey General, Health Care
BSS Benefit Summary Statistics General, Health Care
BTW Bill Type Weight General
BUCS Budget Under Control System General
BUR Billing Update Record General
BUTE Beneficiary Database Update Transaction System (HDBUTE) General, Health Care
BVR Budget Variance Report General
BVS Bureau of Vital Statistics General
BY Budget Year General
C&P Compensation & Pension (DVA) General
C/BR Cost/Benefit Ratio General
C/BR Cost/Burden Reduction General
C/O Center or Office General
C/S Client/Server General
C/SPS Cost/Scheduling Performance System General
C:D Connect:Direct IT Organization
C2IW CAFM II Implementation Workgroup General
CA Certification Authority General
CA Change Administration General
CA Claims Analyst General
CA Competitive Advocate General
CAAS Certificate for Advisory & Assistance Services General
CAAS Contracted Advisory & Assistance Services General
CABBS Carrier Bulletin Board System General, Health Care
CABG coronary artery bypass graft Health Care
CABLE Combined A/B Local Eligibility General, Health Care
CABS Carrier Access Billing System General, Health Care
CABS Contractor Administrative Budget & Cost Reporting System General
CABWF Combined A/B Working File (also see CWF) General, Health Care
CAC Carrier Advisory Committee General, Health Care
CAC Categorical Assistance Code General
CAC Contractor Advisory Committee General
CACO Corporate Administrative Contracting Officer General
CAFM Contractor Administrative, Budget & Financial Management General
CAGE Contractor & Government Entity Code (formerly FSCM) General
CAH Critical Access Hospital Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
CAHHS California Association of Hospitals & Health Systems General, Health Care
CAHP Consumer Assessment of Health Plan General, Medicare Beneficiary
CAHPS Consumer Assessments of Health Plans Survey General, Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
CAHSA California Association of Home Services for the Aged General, Health Care
CALPERS California Public Employees Retirement System Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
CALSO (Death Termination System (SSA)) General, Health Care
CAMP Carrier Accountability Monitoring Project General, Health Care
CAMS Customer Account Management System General
CAN Claim Account Number General, Health Care
CAN Common Accounting (or Account) Number General
CANDA Computer Assisted New Drug Applications General, Health Care
CAP Change Acceleration Process General
CAP Corrective Action Plan General
CAP community acquired pneumonia Health Care
CAP-REL Capital Related General
CAPI Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (software) General
CAPS Capitated Ambulatory Plan General, Health Care
CAPS Claims Automated Processing System (SSA MBR) General, Health Care
CAR Corrective Action Review General, Health Care
CAR Cost Accounting Report General
CARE Center for Analytical Review & Education General, Health Care
CARES Contractors Analysis & Reporting System General
CARF Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities General, Health Care
CARRPR Carrier Payment Record General, Health Care
CAS Cost Accounting Standards General
CASB Cost Accounting Standards Board General
CASE Committee on Academic Science & Engineering Report General
CASE Computer Aided (or Assisted) Software Engineering General
CASE Computer Assisted Systems Engineering General, Health Care
CASF Carrier Alphabetic State File General, Health Care
CASL Competition Advocate Shopping List General
CASO (HI) Combine & Sort Operation General
CASPER Certification and Survey Provider Enhanced Reporting General, Medicare Beneficiary, State
CASPRO Clinical Area Support PRO General, Health Care
CASR Contractor Audit & Settlement Report (System) General
CAST Carrier Alpha State Microfilm/Microfiche System General, Health Care
CAST Carrier Alpha State Tape General, Health Care
CAST Contractor Assessment Security Tool General
CASU Cooperative Administrative Support Program General
CAT Computerized Axial Tomography General
CAWR Combined Annual Wage Reporting General
CB Consolidated Billing General, Health Care
CB Cost Benefit General, Health Care
CBA Cost/Benefit Analysis General, Health Care
CBC Cipher Block Chaining General
CBC Center for Beneficiary Choices General, IT Organization
CBI Confidential Business Information General, Medicare Beneficiary
CBO Congressional Budget Office General
CBR CASE Based Reasoning General
CBR Cost Based Reimbursement General, Health Care
CBS Current Beneficiary Survey (by OACT) General, Health Care
CBSR Cost Benefit Savings Report General, Health Care
CBSS Customer Billing Services System General, Health Care
CBT Computer Based Training General, IT Organization
CC Ceiling Cost General
CC Claims Control General, Health Care
CC Complication or Comorbidity General
CC Condition Code General, Health Care
CC Configuration Control General
CCA Catastrophic Coverage Act General, Health Care
CCA Child Care Association General, Health Care
CCB Change Control Board IT Organization
CCC Change Control Coordination General
CCC Civilian Conservation Corps General
CCC Comprehensive Care Center General
CCDR Contract Cost Data Report General
CCDRS Contract Cost Data Reporting System General
CCHCC Coordinating Center for Home & Community Care General, Health Care
CCI Correct Coding Initiative General
CCIP Chronic Care Improvement Programs General, Medicare Beneficiary
CCITT Consultative Committee on International Telephone & Telegraph General, IT Organization
CCLR Claims Collection Litigation Report General, Health Care
CCM Common Cap Module General
CCN Carrier Control Number General, Health Care
CCN Claim Control Number General, Health Care
CCN Correspondence Control Number General, Health Care
CCO Claims Collection Officer General, Health Care
CCP Change Control Planning General
CCP Comprehensive Care Provider General, Health Care
CCP Coordinated Care Plans General, Health Care
CCP Comprehensive Compliance Program General, Medicare Beneficiary
CCPR Coordinated Comprehensive Provider Review General
CCR Cost to Charge Ratio General
CCR Coverage Compliance Reviews General
CCRC Continuing Care Retirement Community Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
CCRC Continuum of Care Residential Center General, Health Care
CCS Community Care Setting General, Health Care
CCS Contract Control System General
CCU (Carrier) Cost Containment Unit General, Health Care
CCUITT Consultive Committee on International Telegraphy & Telephony General
CD Civil Defense General
CD-RISC Clinically Detailed Risk Information System for Costs General
CDB (Carrier) Correspondence Database System General, Health Care
CDC Center for Disease Control Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
CDC Corporate Data Center General
CDE Core Data Element General
CDF Children's Defense Fund General
CDI Catastrophic Drug Insurance (Trust Fund) General, Health Care
CDM (Hospital) Charge Description Master (Files) General, Health Care
CDOC Covered Days of Care General, Health Care
CDP Computerized Decision Procedures General
CDR Continuing Disability Review General, Health Care
CDR Critical Design Review General
CDRG Children's Diagnosis Related Groups General, Health Care
CDRL Contract Data Requirements List General
CDRTS COMDISCO Disaster Recovery Services General
CDS Central Distribution System General
CDS Chain Directory System General
CDT Current Dental Terminology Health Care
CDW Collision Damage Waiver General
CDWOH Calendar Days Work on Hand General
CE Covered Entity Health Care
CEA Cost Effectiveness Analysis General
CEA Council of Economic Advisors General
CEB Contractor Efficiency Benchmark General
CEB Cost Efficiency Benchmark General
CEBMA Computer & Business Equipment Manufacturers Association General
CED Committee for Employees with Disabilities General, Health Care
CELIP Claim Expansion & Line Item Processing General, Health Care
CEMS CostEffectiveness Measurement System General
CER Capital Expenditure Review General
CER Combined Exchange Record (from the MBR) (nee URIC) General
CER Comprehensive Evaluation Report General
CER Cost Estimating Relationship General
CERT Comprehensive Error Rate Testing General
CES Cost Estimating System General
CES Credential Evaluation Service General, Health Care
CF Case Folder Control System General
CF Conversion Factor General
CFB Cipher Feedback General
CFE Contractor Furnished Equipment General
CFO Chief Financial Officer General
CFOA Chief Financial Officer's Act of 1990 General
CFPP Contracting for Prepaid Plans General
CFR Code of Federal Regulations General
CFSR Contract Funds Status Report General
CGMP Current Good Manufacturing Practice General
CHA Catholic Health Association General, Health Care
CHA County Health Authorities General
CHAFF Change of Address System (MBR) General
CHAIN Chain Provider Director System General, Health Care
CHAMPUS Civilian Health & Medical Programs of the Uniformed Services (Now TRI-CARE) General, Health Care
CHAMPVA Civilian Health & Medical Program of the Veterans Administration General, Health Care
CHAP Child Health Assurance Program General, Health Care
CHAP Community Health Accreditation Program General, Health Care
CHAPS Consumer Assessment of Health Plans Survey General, Health Care
CHBI Commission on Health Benefits & Integration General, Health Care
CHC Community Health Center General, Health Care
CHC Comprehensive Health Center General, Health Care
CHC Continuous Home Care General, Health Care
CHCC Center for Hospital & Community Care General, Health Care
CHCL Center for Health Care Law General, Health Care
CHDR Center for Health Dispute Resolution General, Health Care
CHDS (National) Charge Distribution System General
CHER Center of Health Economics Research (aka HERI) General, Health Care
CHF Congestive Heart Failure General, IT Organization
CHHA Certified Home Health Agency General, Health Care
CHHC Continuous Home Health Care General, Health Care
CHI Catastrophic Health Insurance General, Health Care
CHICN HI Enrollment Cards Operation (HECHICN) General, Health Care
CHICO Combined Health Insurance & Checkwriting Operations General, Health Care
CHIM Center for Healthcare Information Management General, Health Care
CHIME College of Healthcare Information Management Executives Health Care
CHIP Catastrophic Health Care Program General, Health Care
CHIP Child Health Insurance Program Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
CHMSA Critical Health Manpower Shortage Area General, Health Care
CHN Community Health Network General, Health Care
CHO Community Health Organization General, Health Care
CHOW Change of Ownership General, Medicare Beneficiary
CI Catastrophic Indicator General, Health Care
CI Configuration Identification General
CI Configuration Item General
CI Control Interval General
CIA Commercial Industrial Activity (also GCIA) General
CIADV Carrier/Intermediary Advance Notice General, Health Care
CICA Competition in Contracting Act (1984) General
CICG Critical Infrastructure Coordination Group General
CICO Commercial Industrial Control Officer General
CICS Customer Information Control System (replaces SSADARS) General
CID Commercial Item Description General
CIEP Contractor Inspection & Evaluation Program General
CIM Corporate Information Management General
CIM Coverage Issues Manual General, Health Care
CIMS Case Investigation Management System General
CIN Common Identification Number General
CIO Chief Information Officer General
CIP Claims In Process General, Health Care
CIP Competitive Incentive Program General
CIP Continuous Improvement Process Program General
CIP Customer Initiated Payments General
CIPS (FRC) Center Information Processing System General
CISC Complex Instruction Set Computing General
CISTR Correspondence Image Storage, Transmission & Retrieval General
CITIC Consolidated Information Technology Infrastructure Contract General
CKD Count Key Data General
CKM Constructive Key Management General
CLAIM Community Leaders Assisting the ICA (Insurance Counseling Assistance) in Missouri General
CLCCP Comprehensive Limiting Charge Compliance Program General
CLFS Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule General, Health Care
CLIA Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (of 1965) (Amendments 1988) General, Health Care
CLIA Clinical Laboratory Interstate Act (or Amendments) General, Health Care
CLM Current Logical Model General
CLMA Clinical Laboratory Management Association General, Health Care
CLOE (Carrier) Claims Only Entry System General, Health Care
CLT Certified Lab Technician Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
CLUW Coalition of Labor Union Women General
CM Complexity Metrics General
CM Configuration Management General
CM Configuration Manual General
CMA Contract Management Action General
CMA Current Month Accrual General
CMD Carrier Medical Director General, Health Care
CMD Contractor Medical Directors General, Health Care
CMFMRA Consolidated Master File of Military Retirees & Annuitants General
CMG Case Mix Group General
CMG Computer Measurement Group General
CMG Contractor Management Group General
CMHC Community Mental Health Center (or Clinic) General, Health Care
CMHS Continuous Medical (or Medicare) History Sample (or Study) General, Health Care
CMI Case Mix Index General
CMIS Communications Management Information System General
CMM Capability Maturity Model General, Health Care
CMN Certified Medical Necessity General, Health Care
CMP Capacity Management Program General
CMP Career Management Program General
CMP Change Management Process General
CMP Civil Monetary Penalty General
CMP Competitive Medical Plan (under TEFRA) General, Health Care
CMP Comprehensive Medical Plan General, Health Care
CMP Configuration Management Plan General
CMP Competitive Medical Plan General, Medicare Beneficiary
CMP-EIS CMP Executive Information System General
CMPL Civil Monetary Penalty Law General
CMPL Civil Monetary Penalty Liability General
CMPTS Civil Monitory Penalty Tracking System General
CMR Comprehensive Medical Review General, Health Care
CMRI California Medical Review, Inc. General, Health Care
CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (HCFA prior to July 1, 2001) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
CMS Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services General, Medicare Beneficiary
CMSA Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area General
CMSS Council of Medical Specialty Societies General, Health Care
CMTI Customized Claims System Identifier General
CN Claim Number (also C/N) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
CNACO Community Nursing & Ambulatory Care Organization General, Health Care
CNBC Congress of National Black Churches General
CNH Community Nursing Home General, Health Care
CNPB Clean NonPIP Bills General, Health Care
CNV Conversion Phase General
CO Central Office General, Health Care
CO Change Order General
CO Coinsurance General, Health Care
CO Contract Officer General, Health Care
CO Control Officer General
COA Change of Address Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
COB Close of Business General, Health Care
COB Coordination of Benefits Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
COB Coordination of Benefit General, Medicare Beneficiary
COBA Coordination of Benefits Agreement Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
COBC Coordination of Benefits Contractor Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
COBRA Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (of 1985) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
COC Certificate of Competency General
COCA Clearinghouse on Computer Accommodation General, IT Organization
COF Carrier Option File General, Health Care
COFFE Council of Former Federal Employees General
COG Continuity of Government General
COGME Council On Graduate Medical Education General
COI Certificate of Indebtedness General
COI Change of Intermediaries General, Health Care
COM Centralized Office Minicomputer General
COM Computer Output Microfilm General
COM Current Operating Month General
COMPAS COMDISCO Plan Automation System General
COMSEC Communication Security General
CON Certificate of Need General
CONOPS Concept of Operations General
CONUS Continual U.S. (48 Contiguous states & DC, aka: CONTERMINOUS U.S.) General
COO Chief of Operations General
COO Chief Operating Officer General
COOP Continuity of Operation Plan General
COP Concept of Operations Papers General
COP Conditions of Participation General, Health Care
COP Continuation of Pay General
COPC Community Oriented Primary Care General, Health Care
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease General, Health Care
COPES Community Options Program Entry System General
CORC Carrier of Record Control General, Health Care
CORF Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility General, Health Care
CORTS Calculation of Overpayment Recovery Timeliness System General, Health Care
COT Chain of Trust Health Care
COTF Chain Organization Task Force General
COTR Contract Officer's Technical Representative General, Health Care
COWAPS Council on Wage & Price Stability General
CP Claims Processing General, Health Care
CP Contractor Profiles General
CP/M Control Program for Microprocessors General
CPA Cost Plus Award General, Health Care
CPAF Cost Plus Award Fee General, Health Care
CPAP Common Provider Audit Program General, Health Care
CPAP Continuous positive airway pressure General, Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
CPAS Claims Processing Assessment System General, Health Care
CPCM Certified Professional Contract Manager General
CPD Competitive Pricing Demonstration Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
CPD Cost Per Discharge General, Health Care
CPDA Current Premium Due Amount General, Health Care
CPDAH CPDA Hospital Insurance General, Health Care
CPE Certified Public Expenditures General
CPE Contractor Performance Evaluation General
CPEP Contractor Performance Evaluation Program (or Profile) General
CPFA Cost Plus Fee Award General, Health Care
CPFF Cost Plus Fixed Fee General, Health Care
CPHA Commission on Professional Hospital Activities General, Health Care
CPI Consumer Price Index General
CPI Coverage Period Indicator General
CPI-PD Consumer Price Index for Prescription Drugs and Medical Supplies General, Medicare Beneficiary
CPI-U Consumer Price Index for Urban Areas General
CPIC Certification Package for Internal Controls General
CPIF Cost Plus Incentive Fee General
CPM Claims Processing Manual General, Health Care
CPM Clinical Performance Measure General, Health Care
CPM Contractor Performance Management (Module) General, Health Care
CPM Critical Path Method General
CPM Current Payment Month IT Organization
CPM/EIS Contractor Performance Management / Enterprise Information System General, Health Care
CPMD Continuous Passive Motion Device General
CPO Care Plan Oversight General, Health Care
CPO Chief of Purchasing Office General
CPPC Cost Plus Percentage of Cost General, Health Care
CPQC Claims Processing Quality Control General, Health Care
CPR Comparative Performance Report General
CPR Computerized Patient Record General, Health Care
CPR Contractor Performance Report General
CPR Cost Performance Report General
CPR Customary, Prevailing & Reasonable (Charge) General
CPRI Computer-based Patient Record Institute Health Care
CPRS Contractor Performance Reporting System General
CPS Center for Policy Studies General
CPS Classified Position System General
CPS Critical Payment System General, Health Care
CPSC Consumer Products Safety Commission General, Health Care
CPSR Contractor Purchasing (or Procurement) System Review General
CPT Claims Processing Timeliness General, Health Care
CPT Common Procedural Terminology General, Health Care
CPT Cost Per Treatment General, Health Care
CPT Current Procedural Terminology General, Health Care
CPT-4 Current Procedural Terminology, Version 4 General, Health Care
CPU Central Processing Unit General
CPV Cost Per Visit General, Health Care
CQAS Carrier Quality Assurance System (now Part B QAS) General, Health Care
CQI Continuous Quality Improvement General, Health Care
CQMR Carrier Quarterly Medical Review General, Health Care
CR Change Request General
CR Continuing Resolution General, Health Care
CR Cost Report General
CR Cross Reference General
CRAG Contractor Risk Assessment Guide General
CRAH Change Request Approval History General
CRAM Cross Region Access Method General
CRB Change Review Board General, Health Care
CRC Capital Related Costs General
CRC Career Resource Center General
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check General
CRCC Compensation Related Customary Charges General
CRD Chronic Renal Disease (aka: ESRD (preferred)) General, Health Care
CREP Cost Report Evaluation Program General
CRESUS Cost Report Evaluation System subsystem General
CRF Change Request Form General
CRG Carrier Representative Group General, Health Care
CRI Client Record Index General
CRI Controlled Rate of Increase General
CRIPA Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act General
CRLE Cost Reimbursement Level of Effort General, Health Care
CROWD Contractor Reporting of Operational & Workload Data General
CRP Common Rules Processor General
CRP Consolidated Review Program General
CRS Congressional Reporting System General
CRS Congressional Research Service General
CRSL Cost Report Settlement Log General
CRTS Cuff Records Tracking System General
CRVR Catastrophic Repeal Validation Review General
CRVS California Relative Value Study General
CRWH Change Request Work History General
CS Claims Services General, Health Care
CS Covered Services General, Health Care
CS Abbreviation for Customer Service General, Medicare Beneficiary
CSA Computer Security Act of 1987 General, IT Organization
CSA Cross Service Agreement General
CSAMS Customer Service Assessment & Management System General
CSAP Center for Substance Abuse Prevention General, Health Care
CSAT Computer Security Awareness Training General, IT Organization
CSC Customer Service Center General
CSCC Customer Service Call Center (nee SPOC, now CSC Customer Service Center) General
CSD Customer Service Desk General
CSF Critical Success Factor General
CSI Computer Security Institute General, IT Organization
CSIRC Computer Security Incident Response Capability General, IT Organization
CSMI Corporate Storage Management Initiative General
CSMM Customer Support for Medicare Modernization IT Organization
CSO Community Service Offices General
CSO Customer Service Order General
CSOT Customer Service Outstation Team (also OCST) General
CSP Certified Systems Professional General, IT Organization
CSP Customer Service Plan General
CSP Customer Service Program General
CSR Core Security Requirements General, IT Organization
CSR Customer Service Record General
CSR Customer Service Representative General
CSR Customer Service Request General
CSR Abbreviation for Customer Service Representative General, Medicare Beneficiary
CSRA Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 General
CSRS Civil Service Retirement System General
CSSP Computer Systems Security Plan General, IT Organization
CSSR Communications System Segment Replacement General, IT Organization
CSSR Cost Schedule Status Report General
CST Consumer Service Team General
CSTE Council of State & Territorial Epidemiologists General, Health Care
CSTP Carrier System Testing Project (or Program) General, Health Care
CTC Certified Transplant Center General, Health Care
CTMP Contractor Task Management Plan General
CTR Contingency Plan Report General
CTS Clear To Send General
CTS Contracts Tracking System General
CUI Customer User Interface General, IT Organization
CVA Current View Area General
CVE Common Vulnerabilities & Exposures General
CVF Current Value of Funds General
CWF Common Working File (see NCHS) General, Health Care
CWF/MSP Common Working File / Medicare Secondary Payer General, Health Care
CWFA Common Working File Part A General, Health Care
CWFB Common Working File Part B General, Health Care
CWFDOCO Common Working File Documentation File General, Health Care
CWFHPEP Common Working File Host Performance Evaluation Program General, Health Care
CWFINFOBASE Common Working File Information Database General, Health Care
CWFM Common Working File Maintenance General, Health Care
CWFM/IV&V Common Working File Maintenance / Independent Verification & Validation General, Health Care
CWFMC Common Working File Maintenance Contractor General, Health Care
CWFMQA CWF Medicare Quality Assurance System General, Health Care
CWFQAS Common Working File Quality Assurance System General, Health Care
CWRS Contractor Workload Reporting System General
CWS Compressed Work Schedule General
CWS Contractor Workload System General
CY Calendar Year General
CY Critical Year General
D&F Determinations & Findings General
DA Data Acquisition General
DA Data Administration General
DA Data Administrator General
DA Data Analysis General
DA Data Architecture General
DA Direct Access General
DA Dynamic Allocation General
DA&A Drug Addiction & Alcoholism General, Health Care
DAB Departmental Appeals Board General
DAC Discretionary Access Control General
DACA Days After Contract Award General
DAD Data Access Diagram (aka: DSD) General
DAE Data Entity General
DAF Discretionary Adjustment Factor General
DAMA Data Administration Management Association General
DAP Data Administration Plan General
DAP DMERC Advisory Panel General, Health Care
DARC Delete Automatic Renewal Clause General
DARO Days After Receipt of Order General
DAS Distributed Application Services General
DASD Direct Access Storage Device (also Global DASD) General, IT Organization
DASM Data Administration Standards Manual General, IT Organization
DASMB (HHS) Deputy Assistant Secretary for Management & Budget General, Health Care
DAT Decision Analysis Team General
DAT Digital Audio Tape General, IT Organization
DATAMED Medicaid Quality Control System General
DAWN Drug Abuse Warning Network General, Health Care
DB Direct Billing General
DBA Data Base Administrator General, IT Organization
DBA Database Administration General, IT Organization
DBA Doing Business As General
DBC Drug Benefit Calculator IT Organization
DBDB Direct Billing Data Base General
DBE Data Base Environment General, IT Organization
DBF Data Base File (also DB/F) General, IT Organization
DBI Direct Billing Integration General
DBIS Direct Billing Integration System General
DBM Database Management General, IT Organization
DBMS Database Management System General, IT Organization
DBPC Direct Billing Premium Collection General
DBPS Drug Bill Processors General, Health Care
DBRP DB Rules Processors General, IT Organization
DBS Direct Billing System General
DC Data Communications General, IT Organization
DC Data Controls General, IT Organization
DC Deck Checks (also D/C) General, IT Organization
DC Diagnostic Code General, Health Care
DC Discharge General, Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
DCAA Defense Contract Audit Agency General
DCB Data Control Block General, IT Organization
DCC Debt Collection Center General
DCCA Data Computer Corporation of America General, IT Organization
DCD Data Carrier Direct General, IT Organization
DCF Dually Certified Facility General, Health Care
DCG Diagnostic Cost Group (Demonstration) General
DCIA Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1966 General
DCIS Debt Collection & Improvement Act General
DCIS Department Contract Information System General
DCN Document Control Number General
DCO Directed Change Order General
DCO Directed Charge Order General
DCP Data Conversion Plan General
DCP Department of Carrier Procedures General, Health Care
DCS Debt Collection System General
DD Data Dictionary General
DD day (i.e., mmddyyyy) General
DD Developmental Disabilities Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
DD/DBA Designation of Data / Database Administration General
DDDL Data Dictionary Definition Language General
DDE Direct Data Entry General, Health Care
DDE Dynamic Data Exchange General
DDI Data Distribution Initiative General
DDL Data Description Language General
DDP Direct Dealing Provider General
DDP Distributed Data Processing General
DDPS Drug Data Processing System IT Organization
DDR Discharge During Referral General, Health Care
DDS Data Dictionary System General
DDS Disability Determination Service General, Health Care
DDS Distributed Database System General
DEA Delegated Examining Authority General
DEA Drug Enforcement Administration (or Agency) General, Health Care
DEAR Department of Energy Acquisition Regulations General
DEBCO Debit & Benefit Conversion Operation (MBR) General
DEC Dual Entitlement Code General
DECC Dental Content Committee Health Care
DED Data Element Dictionary General
DEERS Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DOD, CHAMPUS) General
DEFRA Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 General
DEIS Draft Environmental Impact Statement General
DEL Delivery General
DEMOST Dual Entitlement Maintenance Operation System General
DEP Deputy General
DEPO Division of Enrollment and Payment Operations IT Organization
DEPPM Data Exchange & Participating Physician Monitoring General
DES Data Encryption Standard General, IT Organization
DES Dollar Equivalency System (FTE hrs. worked x $ paid to employee) General
DESI Drug Efficacy Study & Implementation Program General, Health Care
DESY Data Extract Software System General
DF/DSS Data Facility/Data Set Service (Utility Software) General
DFD Data Flow Diagram General
DFLSD Death File Limiting State Death (SSA DUMAS National Death Repository) General, Health Care
DFP Data Facility Product General
DFWA DrugFree Workplace Act of 1988 General
DHHS Department of Health & Human Services Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
DHHSAA DHHS Audit Agency General, Health Care
DHWHIM Daily Health Insurance Master Health Insurance Merge General, Health Care
DI Disability Insurance Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
DIA Defense Intelligence Agency General
DIB Data Integrity Board General
DIB Disability Insurance Beneficiary General, Health Care
DICOM Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine Health Care
DIDO Duplication In, Duplication Out General
DII Defense Information Infrastructure General
DIMES Departmental Information Management Exchange System General
DIP Dual InLine Package General
DIRT Distributed Index of Rejected Transactions General
DIS Disabled (beneficiary) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
DISA Data Interchange Standards Association Health Care
DISA Direct Inward System Access General
DISC Departmental Independent Study Center General
DIU Defense Intelligence University General
DJ Department of Justice (DOJ) General
DL Data Language General
DLL Dynamic Linked Libraries General
DLRO Designated Lead Regional Office General
DM Data Manager General
DM Data Model General
DM&S (DVA) Department of Medicine & Surgery General, Health Care
DMCL Data Base Management Control Language General, IT Organization
DMD Data Model Diagram General, IT Organization
DME Distributed Management Environment General
DME Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
DMEFS Durable Medical Equipment Fee Schedule General, Health Care
DMEPOS Durable Medical Equipment Prosthetic, Orthotics & Supplies General, Health Care
DMERC Durable Medical Equipment Regional Carrier Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
DML Data Management Language General, IT Organization
DML Data Manipulation Language General, IT Organization
DMP Data Match Project General, IT Organization
DMS Data Mass Storage General, IT Organization
DMS Disk Management System General, IT Organization
DMS/OS DASD Management System General, IT Organization
DMSS Data Management SubSystem Capabilities General, IT Organization
DNA Data Normalization Analysis General, IT Organization
DNC Data Network Contractor General, IT Organization
DNMNTR Denominator System General, IT Organization
DO Data Owner General, IT Organization
DO District Office IT Organization
DOA Department of Agriculture General
DOB Date of Birth Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
DOC Days of Care General, Health Care
DOC Department of Commerce General
DOD Date of Death General, Health Care
DOD Department of Defense (DoD) General
DOD Department of Defense General, Medicare Beneficiary
DODCI Department of Defense Computer Institute General, IT Organization
DOE Date of Entitlement General, Health Care
DOE Department of Energy General
DOEH Date of Entitlement to Hospital Insurance (Medicare Part A) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
DOES Date of Entitlement to Supplementary Medical Insurance (Medicare Part B) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
DOG Day One Group General
DOI Department of Interior General
DOIAC District Office Intermediary Action Cases General
DOIAC District Office/Intermediary Aged Cases (OBSOLETE) General
DOJ Department of Justice General
DOL Department of Labor General
DOLA Delegation of Leasing Authority General
DOLBA Date of Last Billing Action General
DOM Developmental Office Minicomputer General, Health Care
DOME (Society of Health Systems) Directors of Management Engineering General
DOORS Dynamic Object Oriented Requirements System General, IT Organization
DOS Date of Service General, Health Care
DOST Date of Suspension or Termination General
DOT Department of Transportation General
DOTH Date of Termination of Hospital Insurance General, Health Care
DOTS Date of Termination of Supplementary Medical Insurance General, Health Care
DP Data Processing General, IT Organization
DP Disability Pension General, Health Care
DP Distinct Part General
DPA Delegation of Procurement Authority General
DPD Deferred Payment Date General
DPF Distinct Part Facility General
DPM Deputy Program Manager General
DPNA Denial of Payment New Admissions General
DPP Disproportionate Patient Percentage General
DQC Data Quality Committee General, Health Care
DQSC Data Quality Steering Committee General, Health Care
DR Desk Review General, Health Care
DRA Data Release Agreement General
DRA Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 General
DRA Disaster Recovery Assessment General
DRAFT Dictionary/Repository Access Facility & Tools System General
DRAIN Desk Review Artificial Intelligence Network General
DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory General
DRG Diagnostic Related Group (patients with similar illness) General
DRI Drug Rebate Initiative General, Health Care
DRP Disaster Recovery Plan General
DRS Data Review System General
DRUG Data Release Users Guide General
DS Data Set General
DSAF Decision Support Access Facility General
DSCN Data Service Centers & Network General
DSD Data Structure Diagram (aka: DAD) General
DSD Detailed Systems Design General
DSH Disproportionate Share Hospital General
DSM Diagnostic & Statistical Manual General
DSM-IV Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition General
DSMD Discount Schedule & Marketing Data General
DSMO Designated Standards Maintenance Organizations General
DSMS Development & Support Management System General
DSN Data Set Name General
DSN W/W Defense Switched Network Worldwide General
DSP Design Specification Package General
DSP Disproportionate Share Payments General
DSR Data Set Ready General
DSR Design Manager General
DSS Decision Support System General
DSS Department of Social Services General
DSTU Draft Standard for Trial Use Health Care
DTC Design to Cost General
DTE Data Terminal Equipment General
DUA Data Use Agreement General, IT Organization, Health Care
DUCS Daily Update Control System (HDDUCS) General
DUDEX Daily Update Data Exchange System General
DUMAS Daily Update Master Accounting System (MBR) General
DUNS Data Universal Numbering System General
DUO Daily Update Operation General
DUR Drug Utilization Review General, Health Care
DVA Department of Veterans Affairs (nee VA) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
DVAAP Disabled Veterans Affirmative Action Program General, Health Care
DVR Data Validation Review General
DWA Disabled Working Aged Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
DWARF Data Warehouse Access & Retrieval Facility General
DWB Disabled Widow's Benefits Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
DWI Data Warehouse Initiative General
DWI Disabled & Working Individual (see QDWI) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
DWOH Days Work On Hand General
DX Diagnosis General, Health Care
DXGROUP Diagnosis Group General, Health Care
E-PSA Electronic Public Service Announcement General
E/M Evaluation & Management General
EA Emergency Assistance General, Health Care
EA Exception Analyst General
EAB Enumeration at Birth (SSA) General, Health Care
EAC Estimate at Completion General
EAC Estimated Acquisition Cost General
EAC Executive Advisory Committee General
EACH Essential Access Community Hospital General, Health Care
EAJA Equal Access to Justice Act General
EAL Evaluation Assurance Level General, Health Care
EAQC Equal Access Quality Committee General
EAR Early Alert Report General
EB ESRD Bene General, Health Care
EBCDIC Extended BinaryCoded Decimal Interchange Code General
EBNE Eligible But Not Enrolled General
EBRI Employee Benefit Research Institute General
EC Enrollment Control General
EC Evaluation Criterion General
EC Event Cycle General
ECB Electronic Code Book General
ECD Executive Development Council General
ECF Extended Care Facility General, Health Care
ECFMG Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates General
ECI Employment Cost Index General
ECKD Extended Count Key Data General
ECM Electronic Counter Measures General
ECP External Counterpulsation General, Health Care
ECP Electronic Claims Processing System General, Health Care
ECP Engineering Change Proposal General
ECR Electronic Cost Report General
ECRD Early Complaint Resolution Process General, Health Care
ECRS Electronic Correspondence Referral System General
ECS Electronic Certification System General
ECS Extended Care Services General, Health Care
ECTI Electronic Claims Transaction Initiative General, Health Care
ED Electronic Commerce Health Care
ED Emergency Department General, Health Care
EDB Enrollment Database (CMS Medicare beneficiary entitlement record) General, Health Care
EDB Enterprise Database General
EDBCCB EDB Change Control Board General, Health Care
EDBCRP EDB Common Rules Processor General, Health Care
EDBFPS EDB Five Percent Sample General, Health Care
EDBO EDB Online General, Health Care
EDBOTP EDB OnLine Transaction Processing General, Health Care
EDBP Enrollment Database PRISM (Staff) General, Health Care
EDBS Enrollment & Direct Billing System General, Health Care
EDBTP EDB Transaction Processors General, Health Care
EDBUPT EDB Online Update Facility General, Health Care
EDBW EDB Workbench General, Health Care
EDEES ESRD Data Entry & Editing System General, Health Care
EDF Execution Diagnostic Facility General, Health Care
EDG Emergency Department Group General, Health Care
EDG Enterprise Database Group IT Organization
EDI Electronic Data Interchange General, Health Care
EDIFWG Electronic Data Exchange Federal Work Group General
EDIPAC Electronic Data Interchange / Payment & Collection General, Health Care
EDOH Executive Director, Office of Hearings General
EDP Electronic Data Processing General
EDPO EDB Printout General, Health Care
EDTA European Dialysis & Transplantation Association General
EDW Electronic Data Warehouse General
EEG Electroencephalograph General, Health Care
EEVS Enrollment Eligibility and Verification System IT Organization
EF Exposure Factor General
EFC Exclusions From Coverage General, Health Care
EFT Electronic Funds Transfer General
EFTS Electronic File Transfer System (GHP large volume transfer to HDC) General, Health Care
EFTS Electronic Funds Transfer System General
EGHP Employer Group Health Plan Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
EH Emergency Hospital General, Health Care
EHNAC Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission Health Care
EHS Abbreviation for Environmental Health & Safety General, Medicare Beneficiary
EIA Electronic Industries Association General
EIA 232-C EIA electrical interface standard 232C General
EIB Employer Insured Beneficiary General, Health Care
EIN Employee Identification Number (aka SUEI) General, Health Care
EIN Employer Identification Number General, Health Care
EIS Enterprise Information System General
EIS Environmental Impact Statement General
EIS Executive Information Systems General
EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture General
EJR Expedited Judicial Review General
EKMS Electronic Key Management System General
ELAN Extended Local Area Network General, IT Organization
ELF Extremely Low Frequency General, IT Organization
EM Enrollment Module General, Health Care
EMATS Electronic Memo Acceptance Tracking System (TSO to NCC) General
EMB Eligible Medicare Beneficiary General, Health Care
EMBER Edit for Multiple Bene Entitlement Records General, Health Care
EMC Electronic Media Claim General
EMCP Electronic Media Claims Processing General
EMCSES Electronic Media Claims Standard Enforcement Software General
EMEVS Electronic Medicaid Eligibility Verification System General, Health Care
EMI/EMC Electromagnetic Interference/Electromagnetic Compatibility General, IT Organization
EMIA Educators Mutual Insurance Association General, Health Care
EMSS Emergency Medical Service System General, Health Care
EMT Emergency Medical Technician General, Health Care
EMTALA Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act General, Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
ENDOP End of Month Operation General
ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer General
ENOA Elimination of Notice of Admission (also EONA) General
ENQ Enquiry Control Character General
ENROLL Enrollment General, Health Care
ENS Electronic Network Services General
ENTMRG Prior Entitlement Merge (HDENTMRG) General, Health Care
ENTRAP ENrollment TRAnsaction Processors General, Health Care
EO Executive Order General
EOB Explanation of Benefits Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
EOC Episode of Care General, Health Care
EOIS Enrollment Online Inquiry System (use EDBOIS) General, Health Care
EOM End of Month General
EOMB Executive Office of Management & Budget General
EOMB Explanation of Medical Benefits Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
EONA Elimination of Notice of Admission (also ENOA) General
EOP Executive Office of the President General
EOQ Economic Order Quantity General
EOS Economies of Scale General
EOT End of Transmission General
EOY End of Year General
EP Enrollment Period General, Health Care
EP STUDIES Electrophysiological Studies General, Health Care
EPA Environmental Protection Agency General
EPAAR EPA Acquisition Regulations General
EPC Emergency Protection Coordinators General, Health Care
EPESE Established Populations for Epidemic Logic Studies for the Elderly General, Health Care
EPICS Eligibility Programs Integrated Computer System General
EPM Electronic Post Mark General
EPOC External Point of Contact IT Organization
EPSDT Early & Periodic Screening, Diagnosis & Treatment Program (or Services) General, Health Care
ER EntityRelationship General
ERA Electronic Remittance Advice General
ERD EntityRelationship Diagram General
ERIC ERISA Industry Committee General
ERISA Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 General
ERISA Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) General, Medicare Beneficiary
ERMA Edit & Reformat Maintenance Operation (HMERMA) General
ERMA Edit & Reject Monthly Accumulation Report System General
ERN Electronic Remittance Notice General
ERNIE EDB Enrollment Retrieval New Interactive Edit System General, Health Care
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning General
ERQ Engineering Requirements General
ERS Experimental Reimbursement System General
ERV EntityRelationship Verification General
ES Emergency Service General, Health Care
ESA Enterprise System Architecture General
ESA Exceptional Service Award General
ESA Extended Structure Architecture General
ESA Extended Systems Architecture General
ESP External Services Providers General
ESQ Entitlement Status Query General
ESRD EndStage Renal Disease Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
ESRD End Stage Renal Disease General, Medicare Beneficiary
ESRD PMMIS ESRD Program Management & Medical Information System General, Health Care
ESRDBF EndStage Renal Disease Beneficiary File General, Health Care
ESS Estimating System Survey General
ESTS Enrollment Statistical Tabulation System General
ET Expenditure Target General
ETB End of Block General
ETC Estimate to Complete General
ETL Extraction Transformation & Loading General
ETM Extended Terminal Multiplexer General
ETV Estimated Test Volume General
EVAN Electronic Verification of Alleged Number General
EVPN Enhanced Virtual Private Network IT Organization
EVS Eligibility Verification System General, Health Care
EVS Enumeration Verification System General
EWU Equivalent Work Unit General
EXA EExtended Architecture General
F&A Fraud & Abuse Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
F&D Findings & Determination General
FA Field Audit General, Health Care
FA Fiscal Agent General
FA Functional Area General
FAA Federal Aviation Administration General
FAC Federal Acquisition Circular General
FAC Freestanding Ambulatory Care General, Health Care
FAC Freestanding Ambulatory Center General, Health Care
FACA Federal Advisory Committee Act General
FACCT Foundation for Accountability General
FACP Final Administrative Cost Proposal General
FACS Final Administration Cost System General
FACS Financial Accounting System IT Organization
FACTS Federal agency Centralized Trial Balance System General
FADPUG Federal ADP Users Group General
FAFD Federal Assistance Financing Division General
FAH Federation of American Hospitals General, Health Care
FAHS Federation of American Health Systems General, Health Care
FAIR Fund for Assuring an Independent Retirement General
FAQ Frequently Asked Question Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulations (48 CFR, Ch. 1) General
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulation General, Medicare Beneficiary
FARA Federal Acquisition Regulation Automated System General
FARC Federal Archives Records Center General
FARS Financial Assistance Reporting System General
FASA Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994 General
FASA Federated Ambulatory Surgery Association General, Health Care
FASAB Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board General
FASB Federal Accounting Standards Board (or Bureau) General
FASC Freestanding Ambulatory Surgery Center General, Health Care
FASEB Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology General, Health Care
FAT First Article Testing General
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation General
FBR Federal Benefit Rate General, Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
FC Final Claim General
FC Folder Control General
FCA Farm Credit Administration General
FCA Functional Configuration Audit General
FCC Federal Communications Commission General
FCCA Federal Claims Collection Act of 1966 (31USC3711 & 4CFR) General, Health Care
FCCA Federal Computer Crime Act of 1984 General
FCCBC Federal Coordinating Committee on Breast Cancer General, Health Care
FCD First Claims Development General, Health Care
FCM First Credit Month General
FCT File Control Table General
FCW Freedom of Choice Waiver General, Health Care
FDA Food & Drug Administration Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
FDA Food and Drug Administration General, Medicare Beneficiary
FDG Fluorodeoxyglucose General, Health Care
FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation General
FDO Formula Driven Overpayment General
FDOEH First Date of Entitlement to Hospital Insurance (Part A) General, Health Care
FDOES First Date of Entitlement to Supplementary Medical Insurance (Part B) General, Health Care
FEC Federal Election Commission General
FEC Freestanding Emergency Center General, Health Care
FED-STD Federal Standard General
FEDSIM Federal Computer Performance Evaluation & Simulation Center General
FEDSIM Federal Systems Integration Management General
FEDSTRIP Federal Standard Requisitioning & Issue Procedures General
FEDWIRE Federal Wire Transmission System General
FEHBP Federal Employee Health Benefits Program General, Medicare Beneficiary
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency General
FEPCA Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act of 1990 General
FERAS Front-End Risk Adjustment System IT Organization
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission General
FERCCA Federal Erroneous Retirement Coverage Corrections Act of 2000 General
FF Facility File General
FFB Federal Financing Bank General
FFMIA Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996 General
FFP Federal Financial Participation General
FFP Federal Fixed Price (contract) General
FFRDC FederallyFunded Research & Development Centers General
FFS Fee for Service Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
FFUND Fixed Income Index Investment Fund General
FFWG Federal Finance Functional Workgroup General
FFY Federal Fiscal Year General
FGSTF Federal Government Service Task Force (Congressional caucus) General
FHA Federal Highway Administration General
FHA Federal Housing Administration General
FHIBA Federal Health Insurance Benefits Accounts General
FHP Family Health Plan General, Health Care
FI Fiscal Intermediary Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
FICA Federal Insurance Contributions Act General, Health Care
FICARR Fiscal Intermediary/Carrier General, Health Care
FID Fraud Investigation Database General, Health Care
FIFO First In/First Out General
FIG Fiscal Intermediary Group General, Health Care
FILS Federal Information Locator System General
FIM Facer Identification Mark General
FIPO Freedom of Information & Privacy Office General
FIPR Federal Information Processing Resources General
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards General
FIPSPUB FIPS Publication General
FIQAS Fiscal Intermediary Quality Assurance System General, Health Care
FIRMPOC Federal Information Resources Management Policy Council General
FIRMR Federal Information Resources Management Regulations General
FIRS Federal Information Relay Service General
FIRS Federal Information Reporting System General
FIRS Financial Information Reporting System General
FIS Forms Information System General
FISCAM Federal Information System Controls Audit Manual General
FISS Fiscal Intermediary Standard (or Shared) System General, Health Care
FITA Federal Information Technical Architecture General
FLC Federal Liason Committee General
FLM Future Logical Model General
FLRA Federal Labor Relations Authority General
FLSA Fair Labor Standards Act General
FM Financial Management General
FM Frequency Modulation General
FM-TAG Financial Management Technical Advisory Group General
FMA Federal Managers Association General
FMAP Federal Medical Assistance Payments General
FMAP Federal Medical Assistance Percentage General
FMC Facility Management Contract (Contractor) General
FMC Federal Maritime Commission General
FMC Foundation for Medical Care General, Health Care
FMCS Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service General
FMFIA Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act of 1992 General
FMFIA Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act General, Medicare Beneficiary
FMIS Field Management Information System General
FMM Financial Management Manual General, Medicare Beneficiary
FMR Focused Medical Review General
FMS Federal Monitoring Survey General
FMS Federal Monitoring System General
FMS Financial Management Service (Treasury Dept.) General
FMS Financial Management System General
FMSNET Financial Management System Network General
FMSS Financial Management System Software General
FMV Fair Market Value General
FNMA Federal National Mortgage Association General
FNS Food & Nutrition Service (DOA) General, Health Care
FO Field Operations General
FO Financial Operations General
FOB Freight On Board General
FOC Full Operating Capacity General
FOI Freedom of information General
FOIA Freedom of Information Act of 1966, etc. Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
FOIA Freedom of Information Act General, Medicare Beneficiary
FOP Financial Operating Plan General
FORTRAN Formula Translation General
FOSC Freestanding Outpatient Surgery Center General, Health Care
FOSE Federal Office Systems Exposition General
FOSE Field Office Systems Enhancement (Claims Modernization Project) General
FP Fixed Price General
FPAF Fixed Price Award Fee General
FPC Fiscal Policy Committee General
FPDC Federal Procurement Data Center General
FPDS Federal Procurement Data System General
FPEFA Fixed Price with Economic Price Adjustment General
FPI Fixed Price Incentive General
FPIST Fixed Price with Successive Targets General
FPL Federal Poverty Level General
FPLE Fixed Price Level of Effort General
FPMS Federal Productivity Measurement System General
FPMS Forms & Printing Management System General
FPOC Fixed Price Options Clause General
FPR Final Project Report General
FPR Fixed Price Redeterminable (contract) General
FPRA Forward Pricing Rate Adjustment General
FPS Five Percent Sample General
FPSC Federal Product & Services Codes General
FQA Functional Quality Assurance General
FQHC Federally Qualified Health Center Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
FQHC Federally Qualified Health Centers General, Medicare Beneficiary
FQI Federal Quality Institute General
FR Federal Register General
FR Final Rule General
FR (F/R) Formal Review General
FRA Federal Railway Administration General
FRCS Federal Reserve Communication System (Treasury Dept.) General
FRD Functional Requirements Document General
FRO Field Regional Office General
FRS Federal Reserve System General
FS Final Settlement General
FS Financial Statement General
FS Fixed Standard General
FSA Family Services Administration General, Health Care
FSA Family Support Administration General, Health Care
FSA Federal Service Area General
FSA Flexible Savings Account General, Medicare Beneficiary
FSCM Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers (OBSOLETE now called CAGE) General
FSE Federal Software Exchange General
FSIIS Field Staff Information & Instruction Series General
FSIL First State Issuing License General
FSP Federal Specific Portion General
FSPML First State Professional Medical License General
FSS Florida Shared System General
FSY Fee Screen Year General
FT FrontEnd Edit General
FT Full Time General
FTAPE Foreign Tape System General
FTC Federal Trade Commission General
FTCA Federal Tort Compensation Act of 1988 General
FTI Federal Tax Information General
FTP File Transfer Protocol General, IT Organization
FTR Failed Transaction Report IT Organization
FU Followup General
FULS Federal Upper Limits (of Medicaid drug pricing) System General, Health Care
FUSA Families USA General
FUTA Federal Unemployment Tax Act General
FWA Fraud, Waste & Abuse General, Health Care
FWS (U.S.) Fish & Wildlife Service General
FWS Federal Wage System General
FY Fiscal Year General
FY/CY Fiscal Year/Calendar Year General
FYE Fiscal Year End or Ending General
FYTD Fiscal Year To Date General
G&A General & Administrative (costs) General
G-CPR Government ComputerBased Payment Related Project General
GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles General
GAAS Generally Accepted Auditing Standards General
GAB Grant Appeals Board General
GAF Geographic Adjustment Factor General
GAGAS Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards General
GAM General Administration Manual General
GAMSS General American Medicare Standard System General
GAO (U.S.) General Accounting Office General
GAO Government Accounting Office General, Medicare Beneficiary
GAS Government Auditing Standards General
GASB Government Auditing Standards Board General
GB Global Budget General
GBL Government Bill of Lading General
GCB Geographic Code Book General
GCIA Government Commercial Industrial Activity (also CIA) General
GCIP General Defense Intelligence Program General
GCPI Geographic Cost of Practice Index General
GDC Government Data Center General
GDG Generation Data Group General
GDP Gross Domestic Product General
GEB General Enrollment Beneficiaries General, Health Care
GED General Graphics Editor General
GEP General Enrollment Period Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
GFE Government Furnished Equipment General
GFI Government Furnished Information General
GFI Government Furnished Items General
GFM Government Furnished Materials General
GFP Government Furnished Property General
GFR Government Furnished Resources General
GFUND Government Securities Investment Fund (GSIF) General
GHP Group Health Plan Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
GHPPS Group Health Plan Payment System General, Health Care
GHPS Group Health Processing System General, Health Care
GI Geographic Index General
GIC General Inpatient Care General, Health Care
GIS Geographic Information Systems General
GIS Gentran Integration Suite IT Organization
GL General Ledger General
GMATS Grants Management & Tracking System General
GMIS Grants Management Information System General
GMRA Government Management & Reform Act of 1994 General
GNMA Government National Mortgage Administration General
GNP Gross National Product General
GOALS Government Online Accounting Link System General
GOCO Government Owned, Contractor Operated activity General
GOSIP Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile General
GOTS GovernmentOffTheShelf General
GP Generalized Claims Systems Procedures General, Health Care
GPCI Government Practice Cost Index General
GPCI Government Purpose License Rights General
GPI Group Practice Indicator General
GPNPI Group Practice National Provider Indicator General
GPO Government Printing Office General
GPO Government Project Officer General
GPO Group Purchasing Organization General
GPP Group Practice Plan General, Health Care
GPP Group Premium Payor General
GPPP Group Practice Prepayment Plan General, Health Care
GPRA Government Performance & Results Act of 1993 General
GPS Generic Performance Standards General, Health Care
GQS Generic Quality Screens General
GRC General Research Corporation General
GRECC Geriatric Research, Education & Clinical Center General, Health Care
GRH GrammRudmanHollings Act General
GROUCH GHP Report Output User Communications Help General
GRS General Records Schedule General
GS General Schedule General
GSA General Services Administration General
GSAR General Services Acquisition Regulation General
GSBCA General Services Administration Board of Contract Appeals General
GSD General Systems Design General
GSS General Support System General
GT Growth Target General
GTL Government Task Leader (contracts) General
GTM Government Task Monitor General
GTR Government Transportation Request General
GTR Guaranteed Test Region General
GWAC Government Wide Acquisition Contract General
HA HI Reinstating Operation General
HAA Hispanic Agenda for Action General
HAASC Hospital Affiliated Ambulatory Surgical Center General, Health Care
HART HCFA Accounting Records Tracking System General, Health Care
HAS Hospital Annual Survey General, Health Care
HAS Health Savings Account General, Medicare Beneficiary
HASEALP HA Search Alpha Program (Beneficiary Alpha Match/Reinstate Operation) General, Health Care
HAVEN Home Assessment Validation & Entry System General, Health Care
HBP HospitalBased Physician General, Health Care
HBP Hospital Based Physician General, Health Care
HC Hardcopy Claims General
HC HI Control Operations General
HCA Hospital Corporation of America General, Health Care
HCBWP Home & Community Based Waiver Program Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
HCC Health Care Compare General, Health Care
HCC Hierarchical Coexisting Condition General
HCC Hierarchical Condition Category General, IT Organization, Health Care
HCCA Health Care Commuting Area General, Health Care
HCFA Health Care Financing Administration (renamed CMS effective July 1, 2001) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
HCG Health Care Group General, Health Care
HCH Health Care for the Homeless General, Health Care
HCIRC Health Care Information Resource Center General, Health Care
HCIS HCFA Customer Information System General, Health Care
HCIS Health Care Information System General, Health Care
HCLEACON HC Report SSI Leads Activity Operation General
HCM Hardware Configuration Management General
HCPC HCFA Common Procedure Code General, Health Care
HCPCS Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System General, Health Care
HCPP Health Care Prepayment Plan General, Health Care
HCQII Health Care Quality Improvement Initiative General, Health Care
HCQIP Health Care Quality Improvement Program General, Health Care
HCR Health Care Reform General, Health Care
HCRIS Healthcare Provider (or Hospice) (or Hospital) Cost Report Information System General, Health Care
HCRS (Maintain) HCRIS Process General, Health Care
HCTP Health Consumer Training Program General, Health Care
HD Handicapped/Disabled (do not use Handicapped, use IWD or PWD) General, Health Care
HD Health Insurance Daily Operations General, Health Care
HDBUTE Health Insurance Database Update Program General, Health Care
HDDUCS Health Insurance Daily Update Control System General, Health Care
HDENTMRG Health Insurance Daily Prior Entitlement Merge General, Health Care
HDHIDAD HD Health Insurance Daily Actions Dispersion System General, Health Care
HDHIDUP HD Health Insurance Daily Update Program General, Health Care
HDHISS HD Health Insurance Segmented Sort System General, Health Care
HDI Health Data Institute General, Health Care
HDID HI Daily Identification (also see BOIS) General, Health Care
HDLC HighLevel Data Link Control General, Health Care
HDMEDMRG HD Medicaid Merge Program General, Health Care
HDMUPS HI Daily Master Update Processing System General, Health Care
HDPRENT HD Prior Entitlement Program General, Health Care
HDRIM Health Insurance Retrieve Inactive Master System General, Health Care
HDSEX HD Sorted Exceptions Program General
HDSQRD HD Monthly Sequential Read Program General
HDSS Hospital Data Support System General, Health Care
HE HI Enrollment Operations General
HECHICN HE Health Insurance Enrollment Cards Operation General, Health Care
HEDIS Healthplan Employer Data Information Sets Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
HEDIS Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set General, Medicare Beneficiary
HEO Hispanic Employee Organization General
HEP Hispanic Employment Program General
HEPA High Efficiency Particulate Attraction General
HEZ Health Economic Zone General, Health Care
HF HI Database Specifications Format General
HFMA Healthcare Financial Management Association General, Health Care
HG HI General Documentation General
HH Hold Harmless General
HH Home Health General, Health Care
HHA Home Health Agency General, Health Care
HHABN Home Health Advanced Beneficiary Notice General, Health Care
HHC Home Health Care General, Health Care
HHCOV Home Health Coverage General, Health Care
HHI Home Health Intermediary General, Health Care
HHL Home Health Line General, Health Care
HHPPS Home Health Prospective Payment System General, Health Care
HHQI Home Health Quality Initiative General, Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
HHQIS Home Health Quality Indicator System General, Health Care
HHRG Home Health Resource Group General, Health Care
HHS (Department of) Health & Human Services (also DHHS) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
HHS Home Health Services General, Health Care
HHS Department of Health and Human Services General, Medicare Beneficiary
HHSAR Health & Human Services Acquisition Regulation (48 CFR, Ch.3) General, Health Care
HHSSA Home Health Services & Staffing Association General, Health Care
HI Health Insurance (Medicare) General, Health Care
HIAA Health Insurance Association of America General, Health Care
HIAM Health Insurance Alpha Microfilm General, Health Care
HIB Health Insurance Benefits (Medicare) General, Health Care
HIB Hospital Insurance Benefits (Part A) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
HIBRR Health Insurance Benefits Rights & Responsibilities General, Health Care
HIC Health Information Center General, Health Care
HIC Health Insurance Claim General, Health Care
HIC Health Insurance Company General, Health Care
HIC Home Intensive Care General, Health Care
HIC Health Insurance Claim number used by CMS General, Medicare Beneficiary
HICAN Health Insurance Claim Account Number (Medicare Number) General, Health Care
HICDA Hospital International Classification of Diseases Adapted General, Health Care
HICN Health Insurance Claim Number (Medicare Number) General, Health Care
HICR Health Insurance Correction Request General, Health Care
HIDA Health Insurance Distributor's Association General, Health Care
HIDAD HI Daily Actions Dispersion System General, Health Care
HIDUP HI Duplicate Payments Systems General, Health Care
HIFA Health Insurance Flexibility and Accountability General, Health Care
HIICAP Health Insurance Information, Counseling & Assistance Program General, Health Care
HIIM Health Insurance Inquiries Manual General, Health Care
HIM Health Insurance Manual General, Health Care
HIMA Health Industry Manufacturers Association General, Health Care
HIMA Health Insurance Master General, Health Care
HIMBEX Health Insurance Master Billing Exception Process General, Health Care
HIMF Health Insurance Master File General, Health Care
HIMICS (OHPS) Management Information Control System General
HIMR HI Master Record General
HIMSS (AHA's) Healthcare Information & Management Systems Society General, Health Care
HIN Health Industry Number General, Health Care
HIN Health Insurance Networks General, Health Care
HIN HI Number (see HICN) General, Health Care
HINN HospitalIssued Notice of Noncoverage General, Health Care
HIO Health Insurance Organization General, Health Care
HIP Health Insurance Pamphlet General, Health Care
HIP Health Insurance Plan General, Health Care
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996 Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
HIPDB Healthcare Integrity & Protection Data Bank General, Health Care
HIPO Hierarchical Input Processing & Output General
HIPPS Health Insurance Prospective Payment System General, Health Care
HIPPS Health Insurance Prospective Payment System, a CMS payment code system General, Medicare Beneficiary
HIQA Health Insurance Query A (Part A inquiry data) General, Health Care
HIQR Health Insurance Online Query Response General, Health Care
HIRAM Health Insurance Reinstating Alphabetic Master General, Health Care
HIRD HI Reduction Data (30 QC field on MBR) General
HIRO Health Insurance Regional Office General, Health Care
HIRTF Health Insurance Reform Task Force General, Health Care
HIS Health Information Systems (3M Inc.) General, Health Care
HIS Health Interview Survey General, Health Care
HIS Indian Health Service General, Medicare Beneficiary
HISAC Health Insurance Screening & CrossReferencing (HMHISAC) General, Health Care
HISB Health Informatics Standards Board Health Care
HISB Healthcare Informatics Standards Board General, Health Care
HISDG HCFA Information Systems Development Guide General, Health Care
HISKEW Health Insurance Skeleton Eligibility Writeoff General, Health Care
HISM Handbook of Information Security Management General
HISPP Healthcare Informatics Standards Planning Panel General, Health Care
HISS Health Insurance Segmented Sort System (HDHISS) General, Health Care
HISTM Health Insurance System Test Module General, Health Care
HIUM Health Insurance Utilization Master (or Microfilm) General, Health Care
HIURPS Health Insurance Utilization Records Processing System General, Health Care
HJ HI Direct Billing Operations (SOBER) General
HJCOIN Health Insurance Central Office Inquiries General, Health Care
HL7 Health Level Seven Health Care
HLM HCFA Logical Model General, Health Care
HLQ High Level Qualifier General
HM HI Maintenance Operations General
HMA Higher Monitoring Authority General
HMB Hospital Market Basket General, Health Care
HME Home Medical Equipment General, Health Care
HMERMA HM Edit & Reformat Maintenance Operation General
HMHISAC HM Health Insurance Screening & CrossReferencing Operation General, Health Care
HMNCI HM NCI Program General
HMO Health Maintenance Organization General, IT Organization
HMO/CMP HMO Competitive Medical Plan General, Health Care
HMODR CMS Medicare Outpatient Data Review General, Health Care
HMPSA Health Manpower Shortage Area General, Health Care
HMQ HI/MBR Query General
HMS Housekeeping Monitoring System General
HMSA Health Manpower Shortage Areas General, Health Care
HMUPHMO HI Master Update HMO General, Health Care
HMWHIM Health Insurance Master Weekly Health Insurance Merge General, Health Care
HO Hearing Officer General
HOL HCFA OnLine General, Health Care
HOP Hospital Orientation Program General, Health Care
HOS Health Outcomes Survey General, Health Care
HOST Healthcare Open Systems & Trials General, Health Care
HP HI Payment Records Operations General, Health Care
HPA Health Policy Agenda General, Health Care
HPAC HI Premium Amount Collectable (MBR / BCM) General, Health Care
HPB Historical Payment Basis General
HPBSS HCFA Part B Standard System General, Health Care
HPEP Host Performance Evaluation Program\ General
HPG Homogeneous Patient Groups General
HPMS Health Plan Management System General, Health Care
HPPC Health Plan Purchasing Cooperative General, Health Care
HPSA Health Professional (or Personnel) Shortage Area General, Health Care
HQ HI Query Operations General, Health Care
HR Human Resources General
HRA Health Reimbursement Account General, Medicare Beneficiary
HRCI Human Resources Certification Institute General
HRET (AHAs) Hospital Research & Educational Trust General, Health Care
HRG Health Research Group General, Health Care
HRGA High Rate Geographical Area General
HRSA Health Resources & Services Administration (formerly HRA, formerly PHS) General, Health Care
HRSA Health Resources and Services Administration General, Medicare Beneficiary
HS HI Updating Provider Files Operations General
HSA Health Service Area General, Health Care
HSA Health Services Administration General, Health Care
HSA Health Systems Agencies General, Health Care
HSA Historical SPAC Amount General
HSC (Army) Health Services Command General, Health Care
HSI Health Systems International General, Health Care
HSP Hospital Specific Portion General, Health Care
HSR Hospital Specific Rate General, Health Care
HSRA Health Resources & Services Administration General, Health Care
HTML Hypertext Markup Language IT Organization
HTR HowToRead General
HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure IT Organization
HUD (Department of ) Housing & Urban Development General
HUQA (Part A inquiry data) General, Health Care
HURA Health Underserved Rural Area General, Health Care
HWI Hospital Wage Index General, Health Care
HYBC Hypothetical Base Year Calculations General, Health Care
I-CASE Integrated Computer Aided Software Engineering General, IT Organization
IA Information Access General
IA Information Assurance General
IA Inter/IntraAgency Agreement General, Health Care
IAC Industry Advisory Council General
IAC InterAgency Committee General
IACS Individuals Authorized Access to CMS Computer Services IT Organization
IADL Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
IAG Interagency Advisory Group General
IAM Innovative Access Method General
IAPD Implementation Advance Planning Document General
IAR Inventory & Assessment Report General
IBD Initial Billing Date General
IBIS Industrial Base Information System General
IBN Incorrect Bill Notice General, Health Care
IBNR Incurred But Not Reported General
IBPO Initial Bill Processing Option General
IBPR Intermediary Benefit Payment Report General, Health Care
IBPR Intermediary Benefits Payment Report General, Health Care
IBR Intermediary Benefit Payment General, Health Care
IC Individual Consideration General
IC Initial Claims Operations General, Health Care
IC Integrated Circuit General, IT Organization
IC Internal Controls General
ICA Information Control Area General
ICA Information, Counseling & Assistance General
ICA Insurance Counseling Assistance (Program) General, Health Care
ICA Internal Control Area General
ICAM Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing General, IT Organization
ICB Information Collection Budget General
ICB Inner Company Billing (Code) General
ICC Interstate Commerce Commission General
ICCB Infrastructure Change Control Board General
ICCP Individual Community Care Plan General, Health Care
ICCSHE Interagency Committee on Computer Support of Handicapped Employees General, IT Organization
ICD Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator General, Health Care
ICD Interface Control Document General
ICD International Classification of Diseases General, Health Care
ICD-9-CM International Classification of Diseases 9th Edition Clinical Modification General, Health Care
ICDA International Classification of Diseases Adapted for the U.S. General, Health Care
ICEP Initial Coverage Election Period IT Organization
ICF Intermediate Care Facility General, Health Care
ICF/MR Intermediate Care Facility for Mental Retardation General, Health Care
ICFS/MR Intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded General, Medicare Beneficiary
ICMA Individual Case Management Association General
ICMS Information Center Management System (Cullinet) General
ICN Inhouse Claim Number General
ICN Inquiry Control Number General
ICN Intercontractor Notices General
ICN Intermediary Control Number General, Health Care
ICN Internal Control Number General
ICN Inventory Control Number General
ICP Internal Control Program General
ICPR Informal Dispute Resolution General
ICQ Internal Control Questionnaire General
ICR Image Copy Recognition General
ICR Incomplete Claims Reject General, Health Care
ICR Information Collection Requirement General
ICR Intelligent Character Recognition General, IT Organization
ICR Internal Control Review General
ICR Investigative Claims Report General
ICST Institute for Computer Sciences & Technology General, IT Organization
ICSTP Intermediary/Carrier System Testing Project General, Health Care
ID Identification (Number) General
ID Identifying Data General, IT Organization
ID Implementation Date General
IDB Information Data Base General, IT Organization
IDD Integrated Data Dictionary General
IDE Investigational Device Exemptions General
IDEF Integrated Data Engineering Facility General, IT Organization
IDIQ Indefinite Delivery / Indefinite Quantity General
IDIQ Indefinite Duration, Indefinite Quantity General, Medicare Beneficiary
IDMS Information Data Management System General, IT Organization
IDMS Integrated Database Management System General, IT Organization
IDMS/R Integrated Database Management System/Relational General, IT Organization
IDRC Improved Data Recording Capability General, IT Organization
IDS Integrated Delivery System General
IDS Intrusion Detection Software (or System) General, IT Organization
IDTF Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility General
IE Industrial Engineering General, IT Organization
IEC International Electrotechnical Task Force General, IT Organization
IEF Information Engineering Facility General, IT Organization
IEP Initial Enrollment Period Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
IEQ Initial Enrollment Questionnaire General, Health Care
IER Interim Expenditure Report General
IER Intermediary Expenditure Report General, Health Care
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force General, IT Organization
IEVS Income & Eligibility Verification System General
IFB Invitation for Bids General
IFC Interim Final Rule with Comment General
IFQ Invitation for Quote General
IG Implementation Guide Health Care
IG Inspector General General
IGA Interim Geographic Adjustment General
IGAA Inspector General Act Amendments of 1988 General
IGCE Independent Government Cost Estimate General
IGLAS Integrated General Ledger Accounting System General
IHPP Intergovernmental Health Policy Project General
IHS Indian Health Service General, Health Care
IIA Information Industry Association General
IIA Institute of Internal Auditors General
IIB Impact & Implementation Bargaining General
IIC Inflation Index Charge General
IIHI Individually Identifiable Health Information General, Health Care
IJST Internal Job Stream Action (MBR) General
IL Intermediary Letter General, Health Care
ILDJ Interactive Language Dependent Job General
IM Information Memorandum General
IM Intermediary Manual General, Health Care
IMA Individual Medical Account General, Health Care
IMC International Medical Center General, Health Care
IMCAS Intervening Medical Care Analysis System General, Health Care
IMD Institution for Mental Disease General, Health Care
IME Indirect Medical Education General, Health Care
IMF Individual Master File (ICR) General
IMI Infant Mortality Initiative General, Health Care
IMI Interim Manual Instructions General
IMN Internal Machine Number General
IMP Implementation Phase General
IMPACC Immediate Payment Critical Case Process (MBR) General
IMPACT Integrated (or Improved) Management of Personnel Administration thru Computer Technology General, IT Organization
IMRP Instruction Manual for Renal Providers General, Health Care
INFOMAN Information Management General, IT Organization
INFOSEC Information (System) Security General, IT Organization
INRA Immigration Nursing Relief Act of 1989 General, Health Care
INS Immigration & Naturalization Service General
INS SAVE Immigration & Naturalization Service's Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements General
IOC Inspection of Care General, Health Care
IOF Input Output Facility General
IOF Interactive Output Facility General
IOL Intraocular Lens General, Health Care
IOM Institute of Medicine General, Health Care
IOR Individual Operating Report General
IORM Intermetrics Oversight & Risk Management General
IOU (CWF) Identify Ownership Utility General
IP/SNF Inpatient SNF General, Health Care
IPA Independent Practice Association General
IPA Individual Practice Association General
IPAC Immunization Practice Advisory Committee General, Health Care
IPAP Interagency Placement Assistance Program General
IPC Information Processing Center General
IPL Independent Physiological Lab General, Health Care
IPL Initial Program Load General
IPMG Investment Planning & Management Group General
IPO Initial Program Offering General
IPOA InterPlan Operating Agreement General
IPP Individual Practice Plan General
IPP Individual Program Plan General
IPP Integrated Planning Process General
IPP Integrated Project Planning General
IPPB Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing General, Health Care
IPR Independent Professional Review General
IPRP Interim Payment Review Program General, Health Care
IPS Institutional Provider of Service General, Health Care
IPS Interim Payment System General
IQC Integrated Quality Control (System) General
IQC Internal Quality Control General
IQUE Inplant Quality Evaluation General
IR Incident Report General
IR Information Requirement General
IR&D Independent Research & Development General
IRA Initial Review Analysis General
IRAC Information Resources Administration Councils General
IRB Institutional Review Board General, IT Organization
IRB Intern & Resident to Bed (ratio) General, Health Care
IRC Informal Resolution Conference General
IRC Information Resource Center General, IT Organization
IRC Inpatient Respite Care General, Health Care
IRC Internal Revenue Code General
IRCA Immigration Reform & Control Act of 1986 General
IRD Intercomponent Review Draft General
IRD Internal Research & Development General
IRDS Information Resource Depository System General, IT Organization
IRDS Information Resource Dictionary System General, IT Organization
IRE Independent Review Entity General, Medicare Beneficiary
IRF Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility General, Health Care
IRIS Interim & Resident Information System General, Health Care
IRIS Interns & Residents Information System General, Health Care
IRM Information Resources Management General, IT Organization
IRMP Information Resource Management Program (or Plan) General, IT Organization
IRMS Information Resource Management Service General, IT Organization
IRP Incentive Reward Program General
IRP Insurance Reimbursement Program General, Health Care
IRP Interim Review Package General
IRR Implementation Readiness Review General
IRS Identical, Related & Similar (drugs) General, Health Care
IRSAP Internal Revenue Service Acquisition Procedure General
IRU Initial Review Unit General
IS Information Sharing (QC) General, IT Organization
IS Information System General, IT Organization
IS/T Information Systems/Technology General, IT Organization
ISA In Service Area General, Health Care
ISA Internet Security Assessment General, IT Organization
ISBN International Standard Book Number General
ISC Information Strategy Council (senior management team) General
ISC Intersystem Communication General, IT Organization
ISCLT International Society for Clinical Laboratory Technology General, Health Care
ISES Information System Empowerment Strategy General, IT Organization
ISFUG Integrated Software Federal Users Group General, IT Organization
ISM Information Systems Management General, IT Organization
ISO Interconnection System Operation (OSI Model) General, IT Organization
ISO International Standards Organization General
ISR Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance General, IT Organization
ISSO Information Systems Security Officer General, IT Organization
ISSP Information Systems Security Plan General, IT Organization
ISTP Intermediary System Testing Program General, Health Care
ISW Information Systems Workgroup (also ISWG) General, IT Organization
IT Information Technology General, IT Organization
IT Integration Team General, IT Organization
IT-IRB Information Technology Investment Review Board General, IT Organization
ITA Information Technology Architecture General, IT Organization
ITA International Trade Association General
ITAG Information Technology Architecture Group General, IT Organization
ITAR International Trafficking Acquisition Regulations General
ITC Information Technology Council General, IT Organization
ITC International Trade Commission General
ITMRA Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996 General, IT Organization
ITPIL Initial Three Percent Investigation List General
ITS Information Technology Systems General, IT Organization
ITS Inspection Tracking System General
ITV InterAgency Transfer Voucher General
IU International Unit General
IUC Incurred But Unreported Claims Reserve General
IV&V Independent Validation & Verification General
IVR Interactive Voice Response General, IT Organization
IWD Individuals With Disabilities General, Health Care
JAD Joint Applications Design (or Development) General
JAMA Journal of the American Medical Association General, Health Care
JAS Job Accounting System General
JAS Joint Agreement Statement General
JCA Jewish Council for Aging General, Health Care
JCAHCO Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations General, Health Care
JCAHO Joint Commission for Accreditation of Health Organizations General, Medicare Beneficiary
JCHACO Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations (JCHACO) General, Medicare Beneficiary
JCL Job Control Language General, IT Organization
JCP Joint Committee on Printing General
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff General
JES Job Entry Subsystem General
JES2 Job Entry System MVS/XA General
JFMIP Joint Financial Management Improvement Program General
JOA Joint Operating Agreement General
JOFOC Justification for Other than Full & Open Competition General
JRC Job Rehabilitation Contact General
JRC Joint Review Committee General
JTR Joint Travel Regulation General
JUA Joint Underwriting Association General
JURIS Justice Retrieval & Inquiry System General
JURIS RRB Jurisdiction Change Operation General, Health Care
JV Journal Voucher General
KAL Key asset List General
KBIT KnowledgeBased Intelligence Tracking General, IT Organization
KBMS Knowledge Base Management System General, IT Organization
KBSA KnowledgeBased Software Assistant General, IT Organization
KD Knocked Down General
KE Knowledge Engineering General, IT Organization
KFL Key Facilities List General
KIDS KnowledgeBased Integrated Design System General, IT Organization
KIP Key Intelligence Position General, IT Organization
KIQ Key Intelligence Question General, IT Organization
KMC Key Management Center General
KMID Key Material Identification Number General, IT Organization
KRA Key Result Areas General
L-H Labor Hour General
LAC Library Advisory Committee General
LAE Limitation on Administrative Expenses General
LAF Ledger Account File (code) General
LAG Local Application Group General
LAG Logical Application Group General
LAN Local Area Network General, IT Organization
LAP Last Action Processed General
LARPA Locality Adjusted Reduced Prevailing Amount General, Health Care
LARPA Locality Area Reduced Prevailing Allowance General, Health Care
LBRS LockBox Bank Remittance System (DB) General
LCC Lesser Cost or Charges General
LCC Life Cycle Cost General, Health Care
LCD Local Coverage Determination General, Health Care
LCDM Life Cycle Development Methodology General, Health Care
LCER Limiting Charge Exception Report General, Health Care
LCL Lowest Charge Levels General, Health Care
LCP Letter Charge Proposal General
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol General
LDBM Local Database Manager General, IT Organization
LDD Logical Database Design General, IT Organization
LDDI LDD Implemented General
LDM Logical Data Model General, IT Organization
LDO Legally Defined Overpayment General
LEACON Report SSI Leads Activity Operation (HCLEACON) General
LEIE List of Excluded Individuals & Entities General
LEP Late Enrollment Penalty IT Organization
LET Liaison Education Team General
LGHP Large GHP General, Health Care
LIA Litigation Information Action General
LIHEA Low Income Home Energy Assistance General
LIL Limitation of Liability General, Health Care
LIS Low-Income Subsidy General, Medicare Beneficiary
LISP List Processor General
LM Line Manager General
LMRP Local Medical Review Policy Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
LOB Line of Business General
LOC Letter of Credit General
LOC Level of Care General, Health Care
LOC Lines of Code General, IT Organization
LOE Level of Effect General
LOE Level of Effort General, Health Care
LOI Letter of Intent General, Health Care
LOINC™ Logical Observation Identifiers, Names and Codes ™ Health Care
LOS Length of Stay General, Health Care
LP Legislative Projects General
LPC Locality (or Locally) Prevailing Charge General, Health Care
LQC Local Quality Control General
LRD Lifetime Reserve Days Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
LRF Logical Record Facility General
LRI Laboratory Roll In General
LRO Lead Regional Office General
LRS Labor Relations Staff General
LSA Local Systems Administrator IT Organization
LSC Life Safety Code General
LSI Large Scale Integration General
LSR Limited Service Rural (Hospital) General
LSR Local Shared Resource General
LSS Litigation Support System General
LSU Last Summary Update General
LT Location Type General
LTC Long Term Care Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
LTCF Long Term Care Facility Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
LTCIAC Long Term Care Insurance Advisory Council General, Health Care
LTCM Long Term Care Management General, Health Care
LTCP Long Term Care Program General, Health Care
LTCU Long Term Care Unit General, Health Care
LTD Live Test Demonstration General, Health Care
LTE Less Than Effective (drug) General, Health Care
LTP Lifetime Psychiatric Days General, Health Care
LU Logical Unit (data connection) General
LUMI Last Update Month Indicator General
LUPA Low Utilization Payment Adjustment General, Health Care
LVAD Left Ventricular Assist Device General, Health Care
LVE Low Volume Exemption General
LVRS Lung Volume Reduction Surgery General, Health Care
LW Living With General, Health Care
M&M Medicare & Medicaid General, Health Care
M+C Medicare + Choice Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
M+C NSF Medicare + Choice National Standard Format General, Health Care
M+CO Medicare + Choice Organization General, Health Care
MA Major Action General
MA Medicaid Agency General, Health Care
MA Medical Assistance General, Health Care
MA Medicare Advantage (formerly Medicare+Choice) General, Medicare Beneficiary
MA BSF Medicare Advantage Benefit Stabilization Fund IT Organization
MA-PD Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug Plans General, Medicare Beneficiary
MAA Medical Assistance Agency General, Health Care
MAA Memorandum of Advance Agreement General, Health Care
MAABD Medical Assistance to Aged, Blind & Disabled General, Health Care
MAAC Maximum Allowable Actual Charge General, Health Care
MAAR Mandatory Annual Audit Requirement General
MAC Major Ambulatory Category General, Health Care
MAC Maximum Allowable Cost (or Charge) General, Health Care
MAC Medicare Appeals Council General, Medicare Beneficiary
MACE Medicare Alternate Claim Entry System General, Health Care
MADC Major Ambulatory Diagnostic Categories General, Health Care
MADCAP Manual Adjustments Credits & Awards Program (MBR) General
MADRS Medicare Automated Data Retrieval System General, Health Care
MADS Mass Adjusted System General
MADS Medicare Actuarial Data System General, Health Care
MAF Medical Assistance Facility General, Health Care
MAFDUDE MBR Master File Duplication Detection Operation General
MAFDUP Abbreviated MBR File in MAFDUDE Operation General
MAH Most Accessible Hospital General, Health Care
MAISARC Major Automated Information Systems Acquisition Review Committee General
MAN Medicare Automated Network General, Health Care
MANRLINE Menu-driven Access to 100% Near-Line Claims Files System (NCH) General
MAO Medical Assistance Only General, Health Care
MAO Medicare Advantage Organization General, IT Organization
MAP Manufacturing Automated Protocol General
MAP Maturity Actions Program (MBR) General
MAP Medical Assistance Payments General, Health Care
MAP Medical Assistance Program General, Health Care
MAPC Maximum Allowable Prevailing Charge General, Health Care
MAPD Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug General
MAPSA Medicare A Provider Services Assistants General, Health Care
MARI Medicare Administrative Reform Initiatives General, Health Care
MARK Mechanized Assignment & Record Keeping (System) General
MARS Management & Administrative Reporting System General
MARS Management Administration Reporting Subsystem General
MARS Medicare Accounts Receivable System General, Health Care
MARX Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug System IT Organization
MAS Medicare Appeals System IT Organization
MAS (GSA) Multiple Award System General
MAT Master Account Title General
MAU Memorandum of Advance Understanding General
MAU Multistation Access Unit General
MAX Medicaid Analytic Extract General, Medicare Beneficiary
MB Market Basket General
MBA Monthly Benefit Amount (SSA) General, Health Care
MBAS Medicare Benefit Accounting System General, Health Care
MBCIS Medicare Compliance Issues System General, Health Care
MBCS Medicare Budget & Cost System General, Health Care
MBCSP Medicare Beneficiary Customer Service Program General, Health Care
MBD Medicare Beneficiary Database General, Health Care
MBD Medicaid Beneficiary Database General, Medicare Beneficiary
MBDA Minority Business Development Agency General
MBE Medicaid Budget & Expenditures General, Health Care
MBES Medicaid Budget & Expenditures System General, Health Care
MBHCW (Medicare or Medicaid) Home & Community Based Services Waivers System General, Health Care
MBI Minimum Background Investigation General
MBN Medicare Benefit Notice Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
MBO Management by Objectives General
MBPRP Monthly Bill & Payment Records Processing System General
MBR Master Beneficiary Record (SSA) General
MBSCAN Maximum Direct Record Scans (searches) General
MBSPAS State Plan Amendments System General
MC Maintenance Contractor General
MCA Management Control Area General
MCA Maternity Center Association General, Health Care
MCAB Medicare Contractor Administrative Budget General, Health Care
MCAC Medical Coverage Advisory Committee General, Health Care
MCBFMR BESS Focused Medical Review General, Health Care
MCBS Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey General, Health Care
MCCA Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988 (PL 100360) General, Health Care
MCCB Medicare Change Control Board General, Health Care
MCCOY Managed Care Online Information System (GHP) General, Health Care
MCCRA Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Repeal Act of 1989 (PL 101234) General, Health Care
MCDATA MedicareMedicaid Common Data Initiative General, Health Care
MCDC Medicare Contractor Data Center General, Health Care
MCE Medicare Code Editor General, Health Care
MCE(S) Medical Care Evaluation (Studies) General, Health Care
MCF Master Control File General
MCH Maternal & Child Health Services General, Health Care
MCI Medicare Claims Inquiry General, Health Care
MCIGLAS Medicare Contractor Integrated General Ledger Accounting System General, Health Care
MCM Medicare Carrier Manual General, Health Care
MCO Managed Care Operation General, Health Care
MCO Managed Care Organization Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
MCOB Medicare Contractor Oversight Board General, Health Care
MCP Management Control Plan General
MCP Monthly Capitation Payment General
MCPI Medical Care Component of the Consumer Price Index General, Health Care
MCPI Medicare Contractor Productivity Improvement General, Health Care
MCPS Medicare (Part A) Claims Processing System (Veritus) General, Health Care
MCR Management Control Review General
MCS Mandatory Claim Submission System General, Health Care
MCS MultiCarrier System General
MCSC Medicare Customer Service Center General, Health Care
MCSID Medicare Contractor Systems Information Database General, Health Care
MCSS Medicare Contractor Standard System General, Health Care
MCSSMR Medicare Contractor Standard Systems Medical Review General, Health Care
MCWRS Medicare Contractor Workload Reporting (System) General, Health Care
MCWS Medicare Contractor Workload System General, Health Care
MD Medical Director General, Health Care
MDAS Medicaid Override Application System General, Health Care
MDC Major Diagnosis Category General
MDC Medicare Data Center General, Health Care
MDCN Medicare Data Communications Network General, Health Care
MDH Medicare Dependent Hospital General, Health Care
MDRI Medicaid Drug Rebate Initiative General, Health Care
MDS Medicare Decision Support General, Health Care
MDS Minimum Data Set General, IT Organization
MDS Mortality Data System General, Health Care
MDSRH Medicare Dependent Small Rural Hospital General, Health Care
MDSS Medicare Decision Support System General, Health Care
MDTA Manpower Development & Training Act General
MDW Modernized Development Worksheet General
ME Medical Effectiveness General, Health Care
ME Medical Endurance General, Health Care
MEASURES Medicare/Medicaid Automated Survey Reporting System General, Health Care
MECA Medicare Expanded Choice Act of 1987 General, Health Care
MECCA Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988 (also MCCA) General, Health Care
MECT Multiple Electroconvulsive Therapy General, Health Care
MED Medicare Enrollment Data (System) General, Health Care
MED Medicare Exclusion Database General, Health Care
MED-ED Medical Education General, Health Care
MEDAL Medicare/Medicaid Eligibility Data Linkage General, Health Care
MEDB Manage the EDB System General, Health Care
MEDB Medicare Part B General, Health Care
MEDIBAPS Medicare Budget Allocation Process System General, Health Care
MEDICAID Medical Aid (State administered health insurance program) General, Health Care
MEDIGAP Medicare Gap (Medicare complementary insurance program) General, Health Care
MEDIRS Medicaid Eligibility Determination & Information Retrieval System General, Health Care
MEDMRG Medicaid Merge Program (HDMEDMRG) General, Health Care
MEDPAC Medicare Payment Advisory Commission General, Health Care
MEDPAR Medicare Provider Analysis & Review General, Health Care
MEDPARD Medicare Participating Physician/Supplier Directory General, Health Care
MEDSTAT Medicaid Statistical Information (Reporting) System (now MSIS) General, Health Care
MEDTEP Medical Treatment Effectiveness Program General, Health Care
MEF Master Earnings File (SSA) General, Health Care
MEI Medical Economic Index General, Health Care
MEI Medicare Economic Index General, Health Care
MEQC Medicaid Eligibility Quality Control (System) General, Health Care
MES Medicare Entitlement System General, Health Care
MET Medicaid Eligibility Terminal General, Health Care
MEWA Medicare & Multiple Employer Welfare Associations General, Health Care
MEWA Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement General
MFAIC Medicare Fraud & Abuse Information Coordinator General, Health Care
MFCU Medicaid Fraud Control Unit General, Health Care
MFIS Medicare Fraud Information Specialist General, Health Care
MFS Medicare Fee Schedule General, Health Care
MFSDB Medicare Fee Schedule Database General, Health Care
MFSR Medicare Focused Medical Review Status Report General, Health Care
MGA Medicaid Grant Awards General, Health Care
MGCRB Medical Geographical Classification Review Board General, Health Care
MGCRB Medicare Geographic Classification Review Board General, Health Care, Contractor
MHB Maximum Hospital Benefit General, Health Care
MHCRS Maintain HCRIS Process General
MHOS Medicare Health Outcomes Survey General, Health Care
MHS Medical History Sample General, Health Care
MI Manual Issuance General, Health Care
MI Medical Insurance (Part B or SMI) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
MIA Mark Interface Application General
MIB Medical Information Bureau General, Health Care
MIB Medical Insurance Bureau General, Health Care
MICH Maternal, Infant & Child Health General, Health Care
MICO Midwestern Consortium (Chicago & Kansas City HIROs) General, Health Care
MIDES (Intermediary) Medicare Internal Data Entry System General, Health Care
MIG Medicare Insured Group General, Health Care
MIH Maternal & Infant Health Initiative General, Health Care
MIIR Management Information Integrated Repository IT Organization
MIM Medicare Intermediary Manual General, Health Care
MIMS Medicare Information Management System General, Health Care
MIP Medicare Integrity Program General, Health Care
MIR Medicare Information Request General, Health Care
MIRPS Miscellaneous Information Reference PostEntitlement System (SSA MBR) General, Health Care
MIS Major Information Systems General
MIS Management Information System General, IT Organization
MIS Manual Issuance System General
MISCOR Miscellaneous MBR Correction Operation General
MISF Management Information System Facility General
MLS MultiLevel Security General, IT Organization
MLT Multiple Logical Tasking General
MM Media Management General
MM Month or Minutes (i.e., mmddyyyy) General
MMA Medicare Modernization Act (of 1999) General, Health Care
MMACS Medicare/Medicaid Automated Certification System General, Health Care
MMAP (AARP) Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
MMCITS Medicaid Managed Care Information Tracking System General, Health Care
MMCQI Medicare Managed Care Quality Improvement General, Health Care
MMCS Medicare Managed Care System General, Health Care
MMDDCCYY Month-Month/Day-Day/Century-Century/Year-Year (i.e., 02/26/2001) (also MMDDYYYY) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
MMDDYY MonthMonth/DayDay/YearYear Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
MMIS Medicaid Management Information System General, Health Care
MMORP Medicare Management & Open Review Program General, Health Care
MMP Mixed Model Plan (GPP/IPP combination) General, Health Care
MMPS Medicare Mortality Predictor System General, Health Care
MMR Monthly Membership Report IT Organization
MMS (U.S.) Minerals Management Service General
MMS Manpower Management System General
MMS Metropolitan Medicare System General
MMWR Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report General, Health Care
MN Medical Necessity General, Health Care
MN Medically Needy General, Health Care
MNIL Medically Needy Income Levels General, Health Care
MO Management Office General
MO Multiply Occurring General
MOC Management Oversight Council General
MODEM ModulatorDemodulator General, IT Organization
MOE Method of Evaluation General
MOL Maximum Order Limitation General
MOLI Mirtel OnLine Inquiry System (HCFA access to RRB Database) General, Health Care
MOPD Maintenance Operations Protocol Loader Daemon General
MOR Medicaid Overpayment Report General, Health Care
MOSS Mandatory Offsite Storage System General
MOU Memorandum of Understanding General
MOUT Maximum Output General
MP Master Processor General
MPA Master Pending Accretion General
MPARTS Mistaken Payment Recovery Tracking System General, Health Care
MPC Medical Patterns of Care General, Health Care
MPCC Medicare Premium Collection Center General, Health Care
MPCS Medicare Premium Collection System General, Health Care
MPD Medicare Provider Database General, Health Care
MPDB Medicare Prescription Drug Beneficiaries General, Health Care
MPF Master Provider File General, Health Care
MPFS Medicare Physician Fee Schedule General, Health Care
MPFSDB Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Data Base General, Health Care
MPI Medicare Provider Inventory General, Health Care
MPIER Medicare Physician Identification & Eligibility Registry (or Record) General, Health Care
MPIES Medicare Physician Identification & Eligibility System General, Health Care
MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching IT Organization
MPP Massive Parallel Processing General
MPR (carrier) Master Procedure Record General, Health Care
MPR Mathematical Policy Research General, IT Organization
MPRS Medical Policy Retrieval System General, Health Care
MPS Market Penetration Survey General, Health Care
MQA Medicare Quality Assurance (CWF data validation) General, Health Care
MQAG Medicare Quality Advisory Group General, Health Care
MQC Medicaid Quality Control General, Health Care
MQFE Medicare Qualified Federal Employment IT Organization
MQGE Medicare Qualified Government Employee General, Health Care
MQIS Medicare Quality Indicator System General, Health Care
MQM Medicare Quality Monitor General, Health Care
MQSA Mammography Quality Standards Act of 1992 General, Health Care
MR Management Review General
MR Master Record General
MR Medical Review General, Health Care
MR Mortality Ratio General, Health Care
MR/DD Mentally Retarded / Developmentally Disabled General, Health Care
MR/UR Medical Review / Utilization Review General, Health Care
MRA Minimum Retirement Age General, Health Care
MRAR Medical Review Annual Report General, Health Care
MRB Medical Review Board General, Health Care
MRCRA Medicare Regulatory & Contractor Reform Act of 2001 General, Health Care
MRI Medical Records Institute Health Care
MRO Multiple Region Option General
MRO MultiRegion Operation General
MRP Material Requirements Planning General
MRP Maximum Reimbursement Point General
MRRS Medicaid Retrospective Reimbursement System General, Health Care
MRS-1 Medical Review System Version 1 (aka: Part B Medical Review Savings Reporting System) General, Health Care
MRT Medical Review Team General, Health Care
MRTAG Mortality Review Technical Advisory Group General, Health Care
MS/R MultiState/Regional (Contractor) General
MSA Major Service Area General
MSA Medical Savings Accounts Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
MSA Medical Statistical Area General, Health Care
MSA Metropolitan Statistical Area (for PPS) General
MSA Monthly Statement of Accounts General
MSA Medicare Savings Account General, Medicare Beneficiary
MSAT Medicaid Strategic Analysis Team General, Health Care
MSC Medicare Status Code General, Health Care
MSC Message Switching Centers (SSA ARS/SSADARS) General, Health Care
MSHIP Medicare Supplemental Health Insurance Programs General, Health Care
MSIS Medicaid Statistical Information System (formerly MedStat) General, Health Care
MSIS Medicaid Statistical Information System General, Medicare Beneficiary
MSN Medicare Summary Notice Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
MSOM Modernized Systems Operations Manual (SSA) General, Health Care
MSP Manager Software Products General, IT Organization
MSP Medicare Secondary Payor Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
MSP Message Security Protocol General, IT Organization
MSPFQA Medicare Secondary Payer Functional Quality Assurance (Steering Committee) General, Health Care
MSPLS Medicare Secondary Payer Litigation Support General, Health Care
MSPPAY Medicare Secondary Payor Payment Module General, Health Care
MSPQA Medicare Secondary Payer Quality Assurance General, Health Care
MSR MidSession Review General
MSS Medical Social Sevices General, Health Care
MSS Medicare Statistical System General, Health Care
MSSC Medicare Systems / State & County (Reimbursement) General, Health Care
MTAG Medicare Technical Advisory Group General, Health Care
MTD Month to Date General
MTEA Medical Treatment Effectiveness Agenda General, Health Care
MTI Medicare Telephone Inquiry General, Health Care
MTM Methods Time Measurement General
MTMC Military Traffic Management Command General
MTMP Medication Therapy Management Program General, Medicare Beneficiary
MTOP Multiple Type of Provider General
MTS Medicare Target Scenario General, Health Care
MTSO Medical Transcription Service Organization General, Health Care
MTUS Miles/Times/Units/Service General
MUA Medically Undeserved Area General, Health Care
MUDD Maximum Direct Output General
MUDS Medicare Utilization Data System General, Health Care
MUP Master Update Processor General
MUPPET Medicare UPdate Processors for Enrollment Transactions (nee NEWDUP) General, Health Care
MUPS (HI) Maintenance Update Processing System General
MUR Minimum Utilization Rate General
MVPS Medicare Volume Performance Standard General, Health Care
MVS/ESA MVS/Enterprise System Architecture General
MWRS Medicare Workload Report System General, Health Care
N&R Needs & Requirements General, Health Care
NAAP National Association of Activity Professionals General
NAATP National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers General, Health Care
NAAV National Average Actuarial Value General
NABP National Association of Boards of Pharmacy General, Health Care
NAC National Association of Counties General
NACDS National Association of Chain Drug Stores General, Health Care
NACHA National Automated Clearing House Association General
NACHC National Association of Community Health Centers General, Health Care
NACHRI National Association of Children's Hospitals & Related Institutions General, Health Care
NACI National Agency Check & Inquiry General
NACRH National Advisory Committee on Rural Health General, Health Care
NADSA National Adult Day Services Association General, Health Care
NAEYC National Association of Education for Young Children General
NAF NonAppropriated Fund General
NAHC National Association for Home Care General, Health Care
NAHDO National Association of Health Data Organizations General, Health Care
NAHFE National Association of Hispanic Federal Executives General
NAIC National Association of Insurance Commissioners General, Health Care
NAIT National Alliance for Infusion Therapy General, Health Care
NAM National Association of Manufacturers General
NAMDRC National Association for Medical Directors of Respiratory Care General, Health Care
NAMES National Association of Medical Equipment Suppliers General, Health Care
NAMI National Alliance for the Mentally Ill General, Health Care
NAP National Advisory Council General, Health Care
NAPA National Academy of Public Administration General
NAPH National Association of Public Hospitals General, Health Care
NAPHS National Association of Psychiatric Health Systems General, Health Care
NARA National Archives & Records Administration General
NARA National Association of Rehabilitation Agencies General, Health Care
NARD National Association of Retail Druggists General, Health Care
NARF National Association of Rehabilitation Facilities General, Health Care
NARFE National Association of Retired Federal Employees General
NAS National Academy of Sciences General
NASA National Aeronautic & Space Administration General
NASBO National Association of State Budget Officers General
NASIRE National Association of State Information Resource Executives General
NASIS National Association of State Information Systems General
NASLTCOP National Association of Long Term Care Ombudsman Program General, Health Care
NASMD National Association of State Medicaid Directors General, Health Care
NASOP National Association of State Ombudsman Programs General, Health Care
NAUGH Network Administrator's Users Group General
NAV (Carrier) Name & Address Verification General, Health Care
NAWRS National Association for Welfare Research & Statistics General
NBME National Board of Medical Examiners General, Health Care
NBS National Bureau of Standards General
NC Network Council General
NCA National Coverage Analysis General, Health Care
NCAI National Coalition for Adult Immunization General, Health Care
NCAL National Coalition for Assisted Living General, Health Care
NCC Network Coordinating Counsel General
NCCAP National Certification Council for Activity Professionals General
NCCLS National Council of Clinical Laboratory Services General, Health Care
NCCNHR National Citizen's Coalition for Nursing Home Reform General, Health Care
NCCR National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable General, Health Care
NCD National Coverage Determination General, Health Care
NCGME National Council on Graduate Medical Education General, Health Care
NCH National Claims History General
NCH National Clinical History General
NCHA National Clearing House Association General
NCHBPL National Claims History Beneficiary Program Liability General, Health Care
NCHDB National Claims History Database General
NCHICA North Carolina Healthcare Information and Communications Alliance Health Care
NCHLS National Council on Health Laboratory Services General, Health Care
NCHPR National Claims History Processing Reports General
NCHQA National Claims History Quality Assurance General
NCHS National Center for Health Statistics Health Care
NCHS National Center for Health Statistics (or Studies) General, Health Care
NCHS National Claims History System (CWF) General
NCHSR National Center for Health Services & Research General, Health Care
NCHSTS National Claims History Statistical Tabulation System General
NCHSUM National Claims History Summary General
NCI National Cancer Institute Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
NCIP National Inventory Control Point General
NCITS National Committee for Information Technical Standards General, IT Organization
NCMA National Contract Management Association General
NCNHR National Coalition on Nursing Home Reform General, Health Care
NCOA National Change of Address (SSA & USPS) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
NCOA National Council on the Aging General, Health Care
NCOCIC National Coordination Office for Computing, Information & Communications General, IT Organization
NCP National Coverage Policy General, Health Care
NCPDP National Council of Prescription Drug Programs General, Health Care
NCPDP National Council for Prescription Drug Programs General, Medicare Beneficiary
NCPSSM National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare General, Health Care
NCQA National Committee for Quality Assurance Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
NCQHC National Committee for Quality Health Care Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
NCR National Cash Register Corp. General
NCS National Communications System General, IT Organization
NCSA National Computer Security Association General, IT Organization
NCSB Neurological, Cognitive, Sensory & Behavorial (Variables) General, Health Care
NCSC National Computer Security Center General, IT Organization
NCSC National Council of Senior Citizens General, Health Care
NCSI National Capitol Systems Inc. General
NCSL National Conference of State Legislatures General
NCTL National Computer & Telecommunications Laboratory General, IT Organization
NCVHS (PHS) National Center for Vital & Health Statistics General, Health Care
NCVHS National Center for Vital and Health Statistics General, Medicare Beneficiary
NDAA National Defense Authorization Act of 1991 General
NDC National Drug Code General, Health Care
NDEP National Diabetes Education Program General, Health Care
NDG Network Design Group General
NDI National Death Index General, Health Care
NDM Network Data Mover General
NDMS National Disaster Medical System General, Health Care
NDPS National Drug Pricing System General, Health Care
NDR National Death Repository (SSA) General, Health Care
NDRR National Data Reporting Requirements (System) General
NDS Netware Directory Services General
NEA National Endowment for the Arts General
NEARLINE NCH Nearline update and maintenance System General
NECMA New England County Metropolitan Area General
NEHA New England Health Assembly General, Health Care
NEIC National Electronic Information Clearinghouse General, IT Organization
NEJM New England Journal of Medicine General, Health Care
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act General
NEPSC Northeast Program Service Center, SSA General
NESRD NonEnd Stage Renal Disease General, Health Care
NETT National Emphysema Treatment Trial General, Health Care
NF Nursing Facility General, Health Care
NFA Net Fixed Assets General
NFC National Finance Center General
NFID National Foundation for Infectious Diseases General, Health Care
NFPA National Fire Protection Association General
NGA National Governor's Association General
NGFR NonGovernment Furnished Resources General
NGFSFHP National Guaranty Fund for SelfFunded Health Plans General, Health Care
NH Nursing Home General, Health Care
NHA Nursing Home Administrator General, Health Care
NHAC National Health Advisory Committee General, Health Care
NHB National Health Board General, Health Care
NHC Nursing Home Certifiable IT Organization
NHCAA National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association General, Medicare Beneficiary
NHCAA National Health Care AntiFraud Association General, Health Care
NHCMQ Nursing Home Case Mix & Quality Demonstration General, Health Care
NHDAC National Health Data Advisory Council General, Health Care
NHE Nation's Health Expenditures General, Health Care
NHE National Health Expenditure General, Medicare Beneficiary
NHELP National Health Law Program General, Health Care
NHI National Health Insurance General, Health Care
NHI Nursing Home Information General, Health Care
NHII National Health Information Infrastructure Health Care
NHIS National Health Interview Survey General, Health Care
NHO National Hospice Organization General, Health Care
NHSC National Health Service Corps General, Health Care
NHTSA National Highway & Transportation Safety Administration General
NIA National Institute on Aging Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
NIAID National Institute of Allergies & Infectious Diseases General, Health Care
NIAMSD National Institute of Arthritis & Musculoskeletal & Skin Diseases General, Health Care
NIAP National Information Assurance Partnership General
NICOA National Indian Council on Aging General, Health Care
NIDA National Institute on Drug Abuse General, Health Care
NIDDKD National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive & Kidney Diseases General, Health Care
NIDR National Institute of Dental Research General, Health Care
NIE Net Impact Estimate General
NIF National Insurance File General, Health Care
NIF Not In File General
NIH National Institutes of Health Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
NII National Information Infrastructure General
NIMA National Imagery & Mapping Agency General
NIMBE Not Including Medicare Benefits Exhausted General, Health Care
NIMH National Institute of Mental Health Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
NIMMS National Integrated Medicaid Management System General, Health Care
NINDS National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke General, Health Care
NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health General, Health Care
NIP National Improvement Project General
NIPC National Infrastructure Protection Center, FBI General
NIRA National Industrial Recovery Act (New Deal) General
NISC (OPM) National Independent Study Center General
NIST National Institute of Standards & Technology General
NIT National Internal Telecommunications (MTS) General, IT Organization
NIT Network Information & Technology General, IT Organization
NKF National Kidney Foundation Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
NLA National Limitation Amount General
NLM National Library of Medicine General, Health Care
NLN National League of Nursing General, Health Care
NLRB National Labor Relations Board General
NMAO NonMedical Assistance Only (Cash/Deemed Cash) General, Health Care
NMC National Maintenance Contractor General
NME National Medical Enterprises General, Health Care
NMEP National Medicare Education Program Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
NMES National Medical Expenditure Survey General, Health Care
NMES Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation General, Health Care
NMFA National Medicare Fraud Alert General, Health Care
NMFAI National Medicaid Fraud & Abuse Institute General, Health Care
NMS Network Monitoring System (MTS) General
NMUD National Medicare Utilization Database General, Health Care
NNWP Noncontact Normothermic Wound Therapy General, Health Care
NOA Nature of Action General
NOA Notice of Admission General, Health Care
NOA Notice of Award General
NOAA National Oceanographic & Atmospheric Administration General
NOBA Notice of Budget Approval General
NOC Network Operation Center General
NOC Not Otherwise Classified General
NOCHD Notice of Correction Hearing Decision General, Health Care
NOCO Northeastern Consortium (Boston, New York & Philadelphia HIROs) General, Health Care
NODMAR Notice of Discharge & Medicare Appeal Rights General, Health Care
NOEU National Obscenity Enforcement Unit General
NOF Not On File General
NOI Notice of Intent Health Care
NOMCI Notice of Medigap Claim Information General, Health Care
NOOH Notice of Opportunity for Hearing General
NOPA National Office Products Association General
NOPA Northwest Organ Procurement Agency General, Health Care
NOPR Notice of Program Reimbursement General
NORA National Operational Research Agenda General
NORQS Number of Temporary Procedures General
NOS National Operating Services (GTE) General
NOSIP Network Operations System Implementation Project General
NOU Notice of Utilization General
NP Nurse Practitioner General, Health Care
NP/PA Nurse Practitioners / Physician Assistants General, Health Care
NPA Network Performance Analyzer General, IT Organization
NPA National PACE Association General, Medicare Beneficiary
NPC NetPost Certified General
NPDB National Practitioner Data Bank General, Health Care
NPF National Provider File General, Health Care
NPI National Provider Identifier General, Health Care
NPII NPI Initiative General
NPIP Non Periodic Interim Payment General, Health Care
NPP Narrative Project Plan General
NPP National Privacy Panel General
NPR National Performance Review General
NPRG National Partnership for Reinventing Government General
NPRM National Provider Reimbursement Manual General, Health Care
NPRM Notice of Proposed Rule Making General, Health Care
NPRM Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Health Care
NPS National Provider System General
NQF National Quality Forum General
NQLC National Quality Leadership Conference General
NQMP National Quality Management Program General
NRA National Recovery Administration General
NRA National Rifle Association General, Health Care
NRAA National Renal Administrators Association General
NRC National Research Council General, Health Care
NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission General
NRHA National Rural Health Association General
NRM Notice of Rule Making General, Health Care
NRODC Northwest Regional Organ Donation Center General
NRP Network Resource Planning (tool) General, Health Care
NRU Nurse Review Unit General
NSA National Security Agency General
NSA National Standardized Amount General
NSA Network Security Assessment General
NSC National Security Council General
NSC National Supplier Clearinghouse General, Health Care
NSCLC National Senior Citizens Law Center General
NSDD National Security Decision Directive General, IT Organization
NSEF National Standard Electronic (Media) Format General, IT Organization
NSEMC National Standard Electronic Media Claims General, IT Organization
NSF National Science Foundation General
NSF National Standard Format General
NSF NonStandard Format General
NSF Not Sufficient Funds General
NSN National Stock Number General
NSNA No Stock Number Assigned General
NSR NonShared Resource General
NSS National Systems Support General, IT Organization
NSTISSI National Security Telecommunications & Information Systems Security Institute General, IT Organization
NT New Technology General, IT Organization
NTAG National Technical Advisory Group General, IT Organization
NTE Not to Exceed General
NTEU National Treasury Employees Union General
NTH NonTransplant Hospital General, Health Care
NTI National Technical Information General, IT Organization
NTIA National Telecommunications & Information Administration General, IT Organization
NTIOLS New Technology IntraOcular Lenses General, IT Organization
NTIS National Technical Information Service (NBS, DOC) General, IT Organization
NTRS National Therapeutic Recreation Society General, Health Care
NTSB National Transportation Safety Board General
NUBC National Uniform Billing Committee (AHA) General
NUCC National Uniform Claim Committee (AMA) General
NUL National Urban League General
NVA NonVeterans Administration General, Health Care
NVAC National Vaccine Advisory Committee General, Health Care
NVP National Vaccine Program General, Health Care
NWI National Wage Index General
O&M Operations & Maintenance General
O&M Organization & Management General
O/H Overhead General
OA Office Automation General
OA Office of the Administrator, CMS General
OAA Old Age Assistance General, Health Care
OAA Older Americans Act General, Health Care
OAC OASIS Automation Coordinator General, Medicare Beneficiary
OACT Office of the Actuary General, Medicare Beneficiary
OASB Old Age & Survivors Benefits General, Health Care
OASDHI Old Age, Survivors, Disability & Health Insurance General, Health Care
OASDI Old Age, Survivors & Disability Insurance General, Health Care
OASH Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health General, Health Care
OASI Old Age & Survivors Insurance General, Health Care
OASIS Outcome & Assessment Information Set General
OATS Operation Assignments Tracking System General
OBQI Outcome Based Quality Improvement General
OBQIM Outcome Based Quality Improvement Management General
OBQM Outcome Based Quality Monitoring General, Medicare Beneficiary
OBRA Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act General, Medicare Beneficiary
OBRA Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981/1987/1989/1990 General
OCD OIG Clearance Document General
OCD Operational Capability Demonstration General, Health Care
OCE Outpatient Code Editor (System) General
OCESAA Omnibus Consolidated & Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for FY 1999 General
OCFAA Office of Civil Fraud & Administrative Adjudication General, Health Care
OCHAMPUS Office of Civilian Health & Medical Program of the Uniformed Services General
OCI Organizational Conflict of Interest General
OCR Office of Civil Rights General, Health Care
OCR Optical Character Recognition General, Health Care
OCR Office for Civil Rights General, Medicare Beneficiary
OCSE Office of Child Support Enforcement General
OCST Outstation Customer Service Team (also CSOT) General
ODA Occupancy Depreciation & Amortization General
ODIE Online Data Input & Edit (Subsystem) (OSCAR frontend system) General
ODL Outpatient Diagnostic Laboratory General, Health Care
ODSN Organization Development Services Network General
OEC OASIS Educational Coordinator General, Medicare Beneficiary
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer General
OEO Occupant Emergency Organization General
OEP Open Enrollment Period IT Organization
OEPI Open enrollment period for institutionalized individuals General, Medicare Beneficiary
OEPNEW Open Enrollment Period for Newly Eligible Individuals IT Organization
OES Occupational Employment Survey General
OF Optional Form General
OFA (FSA) Office of Family Assistance General
OFB Outpatient Feedback General, Health Care
OFCCP Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs General
OFPP Office of Federal Procurement Policy General
OGC (HHS) Office of the General Council Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
OGE Office of Government Ethics General
OHCDS Organized Health Care Delivery System General, Health Care
OHDS Office of Human Development Services General, Health Care
OHTA (PHS) Office of Health Technology Assessment General, Health Care
OI Office of Inspections General
OI Office of Investigations, OIG General
OIA Office of Intergovernmental Affairs General
OIC Opportunity to Improve Care General, Health Care
OICS Office of Internal Customer Support, CMS General
OIFO Office of Investigations Field Office General
OIG Office of the Inspector General Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
OIRA Office of Information & Regulatory Affairs General
OIS Office of Information Services, CMS General
OIS Office of Information Systems General, Medicare Beneficiary
OJT OnTheJob Training General
OL Office of Legislation, CMS General
OLAP OnLine Analytic Processing General, IT Organization
OLM Online Mapping General, IT Organization
OLMR Office of Labor Management Relations General
OLQ Online Query General
OLTC Other Long Term Care General, Health Care
OLTP OnLine Transaction Processing General
OMB (HHS) Office of Management & Budget General
OMB Office of Management and the Budget General, Medicare Beneficiary
OMCH Office of Maternal & Child Health General, Health Care
OMESP Omnibus Medicare Enrollment System Processor General, Health Care
OMM Office of Medicaid Management, MB General, Health Care
OMP Operational Management Plan General
OMR Office of Medical Review General
OMR Optical Mark Reading General, Health Care
OMRA Other Medicare Required Assessment General, Health Care
OMS Oversight and Management System IT Organization
OOP Object Oriented Programming General, IT Organization
OOSA Out of Service Area (use OSA) General, Health Care
OP Organization Purpose General
OP Outpatient Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
OP Overpayment Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
OPA Organ Procurement Agency General, Health Care
OPAC Online Payment & Accounting Collection (System) (Treasury) General
OPD OutPatient Department General, Health Care
OPDIV OPerating DIVision General
OPI Office of Primary Interest General
OPI Other Processing Information General
OPIC Overseas Private Investment Corporation General
OPL Operation Policy Letter General
OPM Office of Personnel Management (formerly CSC) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
OPM Office of Personnel Management General, Medicare Beneficiary
OPO Organ Procurement Organization General, Health Care
OPPS Outpatient Prospective Payment System Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
OPR Office of Public Relations, CMS General
OPS Output Performance Standards General
OPSA Office of Professional & Scientific Affairs General
OPTN Organ Procurement & Transplantation Network General, Health Care
OQ Office of Qualification General
OQC Operations Quality Council General
ORA (see OBRA) General
ORBTUP Orbit Update (MBR) General
ORDI Office of Research, Development, and Information, CMS General
ORF Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility General, Health Care
ORHP (HRSA) Office of Rural Health Policy General, Health Care
ORR Office of Refugee Resettlement General
ORSI Office of Retirement & Survivors Insurance General, Health Care
ORT Operation Restore Trust General
ORTIS Operation Restore Trust Information System General
ORUS Operations Resources Utilization System General
OS Office of the Secretary General
OS Organization Structure General
OS/ES Office of the Secretary / Executive Secretariat General
OSA Out of Service Area (also OOSA) General
OSC Office of Standards & Certification General
OSC Office Systems Coordinator General
OSCAR Office of Standards & Certification Automated Retrieval System General
OSCAR Online Survey Certification & Reporting (System) General
OSDIT Office of Software Development & Information Technology General, IT Organization
OSE Office Systems Equipment General
OSE Open Software Evaluation General, IT Organization
OSE Open Systems Environment General
OSERS Office of Special Education Rehabilitation Services General
OSH ACT Occupational Safety & Health Act General, Health Care
OSHA Occupational Safety & Health Administration General, Health Care
OSI Open System Interconnection General
OSI/SAS Optimum System Incorporated/Shared Arkansas System General
OSP Outpatient Speech Pathology General, Health Care
OSPATS OnSite Surveyor Performance Assessment & Training Survey General
OSTP Office of Science & Technology Policy General
OTA (Congressional) Office of Technology Assessment General
OTA Office of Technical Assistance General
OTC OneTimeCost General
OTC Over the Counter General
OTIS Office of Telecommunications & Information Systems General, IT Organization
OTIS Online Telecommunications Information System General, IT Organization
OTP OneTime Payment General
OTR Off theRecord General
OTR On theRecord General
OTS OneTime Source General
OWCP Office of Worker's Compensation Programs General
OWL Older Women's League General, Health Care
OWTDS Office of Washington Training & Development Services General
P Process General
P&E Parenteral & Enteral General
P&T Pharmaceutical and Therapeutic General, Medicare Beneficiary
P/B Provider / Beneficiary General, Health Care
P/N Part Number General
PA Privacy Act of 1974 General
PA Project Assessment General
PAC Patient Assessment Computerized (System) General, Health Care
PAC Personal Access Code General
PAC Political Action Committee General
PAC PreAdmission Certification General, Health Care
PAC Premium Amount Collectible General
PAC Products of Ambulatory Care General, Health Care
PAC Professional & Administrative Careers General
PAC Professional, Administrative, Clerical General
PAC Project Account Code General
PACE Pharmaceutical Assistance Program General
PACE Planning, Assigning, Controlling & Evaluating System General, Health Care
PACE Professional & Administrative Career Examination General
PACE Program for All Inclusive Care for the Elderly Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
PACEMKR Pacemaker System General, Health Care
PACO Principal Administrative Contracting Officer General
PACS Patient Care & Services General, Health Care
PAG Policy Advisory Group Health Care
PAHP Prepaid Ambulatory Health Plan General, Health Care
PAL Patient Accounting Language (IBM software) General, Health Care
PAL Provider Audit List General, Health Care
PAM Priority Audit Memorandum General
PAM Project Administration Manual General
PANAPT (APCSS Automated Production Turnover software) General
PANVALET (APCSS source code management software) General
PAO Procurement Assistance Office General
PAO Property Accountable Officer General
PARD Provider Audit & Reimbursement Department General, Health Care
PARL Physician/Supplier Assignment Rate List General, Health Care
PART A Medicare Hospital Insurance General, Health Care
PART B Medicare Supplementary Medical Insurance General, Health Care
PAS PreAward Survey General
PAS Premium Accrual Stop General, Health Care
PAS Professional Activity Study General
PAS Public Appearances Staff, OPA General
PASARR Preadmission Screening & Annual Resident Review General, Health Care
PASS Policy Access Support System General
PASS Procurement Automatic Source System General
PAT Planning Action Team General
PATCO Professional, Administrative, Technical, Clerical Other General
PATHVU Path View General
PAYERID Payer Identification (national provider identifier initiative) General, Health Care
PBA Part B Advisory General, Health Care
PBA Pharmacy Benefit Administrator General, Medicare Beneficiary
PBC Premium Billing Code General, Health Care
PBGC Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. General
PBIS PerformanceBased Incentive System General
PBMS Pharmacy Benefit Managers General, Medicare Beneficiary
PBO Payment Bill Option IT Organization
PBP Plan Benefit Package General, Medicare Beneficiary
PBP Provider Based Physician General, Health Care
PBR Process Bill Register General
PBX Private Branch Exchange General
PC Partnership Council General
PC Procurement Cycle General
PC Professional Component General
PC Project Coordinator General
PCA Physical Configuration Audit General
PCA Physicians Comparability Allowance General, Health Care
PCA Principle Certification Authority General
PCA Progressive Corrective Action General
PCA Private Collection Agency General
PCAM Punch Card Accounting Machines General
PCAS Patient Care Algorithm General, Health Care
PCC Per Capita Cost (System) General
PCCM Primary Care Case Management General, Health Care
PCCMP Primary Care Case Management Provider General, Health Care
PCD Premium Conversion Date General, Health Care
PCDB Provider/Contractor Data Base General, Health Care
PCE Personal Care Expenditures General, Health Care
PCH Primary Care Hospital General, Health Care
PCIE President's Council on Integrity & Efficiency General
PCMI President's Council on Management Improvement General
PCO Procurement Contracting Officer General
PCP Primary Care Physician (or Provider) General, Health Care
PCPR Provider Claims Processing Requirements General, Health Care
PCR Private Consumer Rate General
PCR Procurement Center Representative General
PCR Prospective Composite Rate General
PCRP Per Capita Rate Payment General
PCRS (Carrier) Performance Control Reporting System General, Health Care
PCS Permanent Change of Station General
PCS Position Classification Standard General
PCT Project Coordination Team General
PCYA Presidential Classroom for Young Americans General, Health Care
PD Physical Database General, Health Care
PD Position Description General
PD Premium Deducted General
PD Process Description General
PD Program Development General
PDA Premium Due Amount General, Health Care
PDBO Public Disability Benefit Offset General, Health Care
PDD Physical Database Design General
PDD Preliminary Design Document General
PDD Presidential Decision Directive General
PDD63 Presidential Decision Directive #63 General
PDE Prescription Drug Event IT Organization
PDED (same as PDD directly above) General
PDF Program Development Facility General
PDFS Prescription Drug Front-End System IT Organization
PDLO Printing & Distribution Liaison Officer General
PDM Parallel Development Manager General
PDM Personalized Documentation Manager General
PDM Program Decision Memorandum General
PDMA Prescription Drug Marketing Act of 1988 General, Health Care
PDOTH Prior Date of Termination of Hospital Insurance General, Health Care
PDP Program Decision Package General
PDP Prescription Drug Plan General, IT Organization
PDP Private Prescription Drug Plan General, Medicare Beneficiary
PDR Physician's Desk Reference General, Health Care
PDS Partitioned Data Set General
PDS Peer (Review Organization) Data System General, Health Care
PDSC Phased-Down State Contribution General, Medicare Beneficiary
PDT Physical Design Team General, Health Care
PDV Program Data Vector General, IT Organization
PE Performance Evaluation General
PE Post Entitlement General
PE Program Evaluation General
PEB Performance Evaluation Board (contracts) General, Health Care
PEBES (SSA) Personal Earnings & Benefit Estimate Statement General, Health Care
PEBS Personal Earnings & Benefit Statement Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
PEBTAG Provider Electronic Billing Technical Advisory Group General, Health Care
PEC Performance Engineering Corp. (SAIC subcontractor) General
PECOS Provider Enrollment, Chain & Ownership System General, Health Care
PED Project Engineering Development General
PEI Postentitlement Internet (MBR Query) General
PEL (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limits General
PENVAL Post Entitlement Notices Validations (SSA) General
PEO Program Executive Officer General
PEP Partial Episode Payment General, Health Care
PEP Partnerships in Education Program General
PEP Performance Evaluation Program General
PEP Proposal Evaluation Plan General
PEPP Payment Error Prevention Program General, Health Care
PEPPER Post Entitlement Premium Payment & Enrollment Program (SSA) General, Health Care
PERT Program Evaluation & Review Technique General
PERVU Practice Expense Relative Value Units General
PESO Post Entitlement Scheduling Operation (SSA) General
PESO Post Entitlement System Operation (SSA) General
PET Positron Emission Tomography General
PET Provider Education & Training General
PET Provider Evaluation & Training General
PETS Problem & Enhancement Tracking System (GHP) General
PETT Position Emission Transverse Tomography General
PEW PRO Efficiency Workgroup General, Health Care
PFCRA Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act General, Health Care
PFF Physician Fee Freeze General, Health Care
PFFS Private FeeForService Plan Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
PFFS Private Fee-For-Service Plan General, Medicare Beneficiary
PH Partial Hospitalization General, Health Care
PHCE Personal Health Care Expenditures General, Health Care
PHCP Prepaid Health Care Plan General, Health Care
PHDDS PRO Hospital Discharge Data Set General, Health Care
PHEC PostHospital Extended Care General, Health Care
PHHH PostHospital Home Health General, Health Care
PHI Personal Health Information General, Health Care
PHI Premium Hospital Insurance General, Health Care
PHI Protected Health Information Health Care
PHIC Partnership for Health Insurance Counseling General, Health Care
PHIP Pharmacist's Incentive Program General, Health Care
PHOS Post Hospital Outcome Study General, Health Care
PHP Partial Hospitalization Program General, Health Care
PHP Prepaid Health Plan General, Health Care
PHPO Prepaid Health Plan Option General, Health Care
PHPO Private Health Plan Option General, Health Care
PHR Professional in Human Resources General
PHRMA Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Researchers of America General, Medicare Beneficiary
PHTP Priority Health Training Programs General, Health Care
PHUS Payment History Update System General
PHY/SUP Physician/Supplier General, Health Care
PI Penalty Indicator General
PI Performance Indicator General
PI Productivity Investment General
PI Program Integrity General
PI Project Initiation General
PIA Primary Insured Amount (MBR) General, Health Care
PIC Policy Information Center (DHHS) General
PIC PRO Intermediary Carrier General, Health Care
PIC Program Information Coordinator General
PICC Peripherally-inserted central catheter General, Health Care
PICS Plan Information Control System General
PICS Program Information Control System General
PID Payer Identification System General, Health Care
PID Program Inspections Division, OIG General
PID Project Idea Document General
PIDS People or Individual with Disabilities (aka POIWD) General, Health Care
PIE Post Implementation Evaluation General
PIG Program Integrity Group, OFM, CMS General, Health Care
PIHP Prepaid Inpatient Health Plan General, Health Care
PIIS Program Instructions Issuance System General
PIM Personal Information Manager General
PIMR Program Integrity Management Reporting General, Health Care
PIN Personal Identification Number General
PIN Physician Identification Number General, Health Care
PIN PreInvitation Notice General
PIN Primary Insured Number (MBR) General, Health Care
PIN Provider Identification Number General, Health Care
PINQ Premium Inquiry General
PIP Performance Improvement Plan General
PIP Periodic Interim Payment General
PIP Physician Incentive Plan General, Health Care
PIP Productivity Improvement Program General
PIP Projects in Progress General
PIPC Public Information Program Circular General, Health Care
PIPDCG Principal Inpatient Diagnostic Cost Group General, Health Care
PIR Periodic Interim Reimbursement General, Health Care
PIR Post Implementation Review General
PIT Process Improvement Team (ALJ) General
PITS PRO Information Tracking System General, Health Care
PJS Personal Job Scheduler General
PL Performance Level General
PL Proposed Legislation General
PL Public Law General
PL99-474 Computer Fraud & Abuse Act of 1986 General, IT Organization
PLAN Plain Language Action Network General
PLAN Protection for Long Term Assistance Needs General, Health Care
PLANNET Plan Network General
PLT Production Lead Time General
PM post meridiem General
PM Procedure Manual General
PM Program Management General
PM Program Memoranda General
PM Project Manager General
PM-PET Program ManagementProvider Education & Training General
PM/PM Per Member/Per Month General
PMA PreMarket Approval General
PMA Prior Month Accrual General
PMBOK Project Management Body of Knowledge General
PMC Patient Management Categories General, Health Care
PMCS Program Management Control System General
PMCS Project Management Collection System General
PME Partial Month Eligible (Medicaid) General, Health Care
PME Prior Month Ending General
PMI Project Management Institute General
PMIS Program Management Information System General
PMIS PSRO Management Information System General
PMMIS Program Management & Medical Information System General, Health Care
PMO Project Management Office General
PMO Property Management Officer General
PMP Preventive Maintenance Program General
PMP Project Management Plan General
PMRS Performance Management & Recognition System General
PMRS Performance Management Rating System General
PMS Payment Management System General
PMS Personnel Manual for Supervisors (SSA) General
PMS Program Management System General
PMS Property Management System General
PMSA (BLSC) Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area General
PMTT Programmable Magnetic Tape Terminal (or Transmission) General
PNM Price Negotiation Memorandum General
PO Post Office Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
PO Privacy Officer General
PO Procurement Office General
PO Project Officer General
PO Purchase Order General
POAM Plan of Action & Milestones General
POC Patterns of Care General, Health Care
POC Plan of Care General, Health Care
POC Plan of Correction General
POC Point of Contact General
POC Principal Operating Component General
POCI Physician Ownership/Compensation Interest General, Health Care
POE Plan of Expenditures General
POIWD People or Individuals with Disabilities (aka PIDS) General, Health Care
POL Physician Office Laboratories General, Health Care
POMS Program Operations Manual System (SSA) (formerly Claims Manual CM)) General
POR Print/Utility Owning Region General
POR Provider Overpayment Recovery General, Health Care
POR Provider Overpayment Report General, Health Care
PORA Principal Official Responsible for Acquisition General
PORS Provider Overpayment Recovery System General, Health Care
PORS Provider Overpayment Reporting System General, Health Care
PORT Patient Outcome Research Team (or Treatment) General, Health Care
PORTS Patient Outcome Research Teams General, Health Care
POS Place of Service General
POS Point of Sale General
POS Point of Service General, Health Care
POS Provider of Service(s) (System) General, Health Care
POSIX Portable Operating System Interface Exchange General
POT Plan of Treatment General, Health Care
PP Project Plan General
PP Prospective Payment General, Health Care
PP&A Plan Performance & Assistance General
PPA Premium Paid Amount General, Health Care
PPAC Practicing Provider Advisory Council General, Health Care
PPAC Prospective Payment Assessment Commission General, Health Care
PPB Planning, Programming, Budgeting General
PPC Processing Payment Cycle General, Health Care
PPG Primary Care Physician Groups General, Health Care
PPI Producer Price Index General
PPL Potentially Penalty Liable General
PPLS Policy Planning Liaison Staff General, Health Care
PPM Parts Per Million General
PPNA Program Planning & Needs Analysis General
PPO Preferred Provider Organization General, Health Care
PPP Preference Procurement Program General
PPP Production Program Profile General
PPR Physician Payment Reform General, Health Care
PPR Prospective Payment Review General, Health Care
PPR IMI Physician Payment Reform Impact Monitoring Initiative General, Health Care
PPRC Physician Payment Review Commission General, Health Care
PPRMS Physician Payment Review Monitoring System General, Health Care
PPRTF Physician Payment Reform Task Force General, Health Care
PPS Prepayment Screen General, Health Care
PPS Primitive Process Specification General
PPS Proposed Price Setting General, Health Care
PPS Prospective Payment System (Medicare Part A) General, Health Care
PPS Prospective Pricing System General, Health Care
PPS Prospective Payment System General
PPSMS Printing & Paper Stock Management System General
PPSP Physician's Primary Sponsor Plan General, Health Care
PPSSCC President's Private Sector Survey on Cost Control General
PPV Pharmaceutical Prime Vendor General, Medicare Beneficiary
PPWY Productivity Per Work Year General
PQE Prior Quarter Ending General
PR Peer Review General, Health Care
PR Program Requirement General
PR Purchase (or Procurement) Request General
PRA Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 General
PRA Per Resident Amount General, Health Care
PRA Percent Reactive Antibody General, Health Care
PRACP Project Review and Coordination Panel General
PRAF Physician Reviewer Assignment Format General, Health Care
PRB Payment Record Batch General
PRB Performance Review Board General
PRCP Project Review & Coordination Panel General
PRENT Prior Entitlement Program (HDPRENT) General
PRES Policy Review & Evaluation Staff General, Health Care
PRG Performance Recognition Group General
PRI Procurement Request Information General
PRICER (PPS pricing software for inpatient stays system) General, Health Care
PRISM Project to Redesign Information Systems Management (begun in 1984, ended in 1991 when funding expired) General
PRM Provider Reimbursement Manual General, Health Care
PRMDS Provider Minimum Data Set General, Health Care
PRO Peer Review Organization (renamed to QIO) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
PRO Principal Regional Official General, Health Care
PRO Professional Review Organization General, Health Care
PRO/FI Professional Review Organization / Fiscal Intermediary General, Health Care
PROM Protocol for Regional Office Monitoring General, Health Care
PROMPTS Peer Review Organization Monitoring Protocol & Tracking System General, Health Care
PROPAC Prospective Payment Assessment Commission (Task Force) General, Health Care
PRP Prospective Reimbursement Plan General, Health Care
PRP Provider Reimbursement Profile General, Health Care
PRPD Payment Reform Policy Development General, Health Care
PRRA Paperwork Reduction Reauthorization Act General
PRRB Provider Reimbursement Review Board General, Health Care, Contractor
PRS Payment Reconciliation System IT Organization
PRS Parameter Release Study General
PRS Prepayment Review System General, Health Care
PRUCOL Permanently Residing Under Color of Law General
PRVSF Provider Summary File General, Health Care
PS Physician Sequential General, Health Care
PS&E Performance Standards & Evaluation General
PS&E TAG Performance Standards & Evaluation Technical Advisory Group General
PS&RR Provider Statistical & Reimbursement Report General, Health Care
PSA PreSolicitation Announcement General
PSA Problem Statement Analysis General
PSA Public Service Announcement General
PSAF Physician/Supplier Action File General, Health Care
PSC Product & Service Code General
PSC Program Safeguard (or Safety) Contractor General
PSC Program Service Center (SSA) (formerly Payment Center (PC)) General, Health Care
PSC Program Support Center (DHHS) General
PSC Public Service Commission General
PSF Provider Specific File General, Health Care
PSGH Policy Standards & Guidelines Handbook General, Health Care
PSI Problem Source Identification General
PSL Problem Statement Language General
PSM Physician Summary Master General, Health Care
PSO Physician Security Officer General, Health Care
PSO Provider Sponsored Organization General
PSO Provider-Sponsored Organization General, Medicare Beneficiary
PSOR Physician & Supplier Overpayment Report General, Health Care
PSOR Physician Supplier Overpayment Recovery General, Health Care
PSOR Provider Statistical & Overpayment Report General, Health Care
PSP Provider/Supplier Service Plan General, Health Care
PSPRICE Physician Fee Schedule System General, Health Care
PSR Proposal Submission Requirements General
PSR Provider Statistics & Reimbursement Report (aka PS&R) General, Health Care
PSR Provider Summary Report General, Health Care
PSRB Performance Standards Review Board General, Health Care
PSRO Performance Standards Review Organization General, Health Care
PSRO Physician Service Review Organization General, Health Care
PSRS Provider Statistical & Reimbursement System General, Health Care
PSS Packet Switch Service (FTS2000) General
PSS Programed Symbol Set (board) General
PT Processing Time General
PT Proficiency Testing General
PTA Part A (of Medicare) General, Health Care
PTA Point of Total Assumption General
PTA Prior To Admission General, Health Care
PTA Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty General, Health Care
PTAC Premium Target Advisory Commission General, Health Care
PTAG Program Training Advisory Group General
PTAMUS Part A Medicare Utilization System General, Health Care
PTAPTT Part A Processing Times Tabulation General, Health Care
PTB Part B (of Medicare) General, Health Care
PTO (U.S.) Patent &Trademark Office General
PTP Performance Test Platform (PRISM) General
PTP Portable Training Package General
PTP Proficiency Testing Program General
PTS Provider Terminal System General, Health Care
PU/ME/DE Public Use / Medical Effectiveness / Demonstration & Evaluation General, Health Care
PUC Public Utilities Commission General
PUDI Prior Unqualifing Disabled Indicator (also RISI) General, Health Care
PUF Public Use Files General
PUFF Proposed Uses of Federal Funds General
PUFS Public Use Files System General
PUP Provider Update Operation General, Health Care
PUT Payment Update Transaction (MBR) General
PV Performance Value General
PV Present Value General
PVA Priority Value Assessment General
PVA Project Valuation Assessment General
PVB Provider Bills General, Health Care
PVC Permanent Virtual Circuit IT Organization
PW Project Workbench General
PW Public Welfare General
PWBA Pension Welfare & Benefits Administration General
PWD Persons With Disabilities General, Health Care
PWS Performance Work Standard General
PWS Payment Withhold System IT Organization
PX Post Exchange General
PY Prior Year General
PYE Prior Year Ending General
Q&A Questions & Answers Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
QA Quality Assessment General
QA Quality Assurance General
QAE Quality Assurance Evaluator General
QAHB (Carrier) Quality Assurance Program Handbook General, Health Care
QAI Quality Assessment Index General
QALY Quality Adjusted Life Year General
QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation General
QAM Quality Assurance Monitoring General
QAP Quality Assurance Program General
QAR Quality Assurance Representative General
QAS Quality Assurance Standards General
QAS Quality Assurance System General
QATAP Quality Assurance Through Attributes Program General
QBE Query By Example General
QBL Qualified Bidders List General
QC Quality Control General
QC Quality Council General
QC Quarters of Coverage (SSA) General
QCEM Quality Control Enforcement Mechanism General
QCM Quality Call Monitoring General
QCM Quality Care Monitoring General
QCP Quality Control Program General, Medicare Beneficiary
QDN Quality Deficiency Notice General
QDR Quality Deficiency Report General
QDWI Qualified Disabled & Working Individual (aka QWDI) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
QDWIS Qualified Disabled and Working Individuals General, Medicare Beneficiary
QI Quality Indicator Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
QIES Quality Improvement Evaluation System General, Medicare Beneficiary
QIO Quality Improvement Organization General, Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
QIP Quality Improvement Process General
QIP Quality Intervention Plan General
QIPRO Quality Improvement Professional Research Organization General
QIS Qualifications Information Statement General
QIS Qualified Individuals General, Medicare Beneficiary
QISMC Quality Improvement System for Managed Care General
QIT Quality Improvement Team General
QM Quality Management General
QMB Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (OBRA 1989 PL101239,Sect.6013) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
QMB Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries General, Medicare Beneficiary
QMCE Qualified Management Care Facility General
QML Qualified Manufacturers List General
QMMP Quality Measurement & Management Project General
QMRP Qualified Mental Retardation Professional General, Health Care
QMS Quality Measurement System General
QO Qualification Officer General
QOC Quarterly Operational Cost General
QPDA Questionable Premium Due Amount General
QPL Qualified Products List General
QR Quarterly Refund General
QR Quarterly Report General
QRO Quality Review Organization General
QRS Quality Review Studies General
QSS Quality Systems & Software General
QST Quality Support Team General
QUEST Quality Assurance Expert System Testbed General
QUEST Quality Evaluation of Settlement General
QUGS Quality Utilization Generic Screens General
QW Quick Reference General
QWDI Qualified Working Disabled Individual (aka QDWI) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
R&A Repair & Alteration (contract) General
R&C Reasonable & Customary General
R&D Research & Development General
R/C Report of Contact General
RA Regional Administrator General, Health Care
RA Remittance Advice General
RA Risk Assessment General, Health Care
RAAC Risk Adjustment Advisory Committee General
RAB Register Accreditation Board General
RAC Reimbursement Advisory Committee General, Health Care
RACF Resource Access Control Facility (software) General, IT Organization
RAD Rapid Application Development General
RAD Requirements Analysis Document General
RAD Respiratory Assist Device General, Health Care
RADAR Radio Detection & Ranging General
RADAR RSDI Account Data Record General
RADARS (HCFA) Ranking & Data Analysis Reporting System General, Health Care
RADARS Rapid Data Retrieval System General
RAFO Research & Find Out General
RAI Resident Assessment Instrument General
RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disk General
RAP Ready Assessment Packages (Y2k) General
RAP Request for Accelerated Payment General, Health Care
RAP Resource Allocation Plan General
RAP Request for Anticipated Payment General, Health Care
RAPS Risk Adjustment Processing System IT Organization
RAPS Risk Adjustment Processing System IT Organization
RAPS Resident Assessment Protocol System General, Health Care
RAS Risk Adjustment System IT Organization
RASC Regional Administrative Support Center, HHS General, Health Care
RAT Remote Access Trojan General
RBAC RoleBased Access Control General
RBBS Remote Bulletin Board System General
RBRVS ResourceBased Relative Value Scale General
RBRVU ResourceBased Relative Value Use General
RBS Report of Benefit Savings General
RC Reasonable Charge (or Cost) General, Health Care
RC Regional Carrier General, Health Care
RCA Refugee Cash Assistance General
RCAS Reconsideration Control & Appeals System General
RCC Ratio of Cost to Charges General, Health Care
RCCAC Ratio of Charges to Charges Applied to Costs General, Health Care
RCCS Revenue Center Code System General
RCE Reasonable Compensation Equivalent General
RCICS Registry Customer Information Control System General
RCL Report Card Listing (SSA) General
RCL Routine Cost Limit General
RCP Reasonable Charge Pricing General
RCP Report of Contractor Performance (ACER replacement) General
RCSRS Resource Cost Reporting System General
RCT Randomized Clinical Trials General, Health Care
RCT Registered Care Technologist General, Health Care
RCT Religious Compensatory Time General
RD&E Research, Demonstration & Evaluation General
RDBMS Relational DBMS General
RDEM Regional Office Data Exchange Manager General
RDES Regional Data Exchange System General
RDF Renal Dialysis Facility Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
RDO Resource Definition Online General
RDS The Retiree Drug Subsidy Program General, Medicare Beneficiary
RDS NUMBER see Plan Sponsor number General, Medicare Beneficiary
RDT&E Research, Development, Test & Evaluation General
RE (Carrier) Reasonable Expectancies (or Expectations) General, Health Care
REA (U.S.) Rural Electrification Administration General
REACH Regional Education About Choices in Health General, Medicare Beneficiary
REACT Return Check Action (MBR) General
REBUS Renal Beneficiary & Utilization System General, Health Care
RECONS (Online) Reconsideration Information System General
RECOUP Recovery of Unpaid Premiums (MBR) General, Health Care
REGO Reinventing Government General
REGTRK Regulations Tracking System General
REINS Reduced Expenditure Initiatives General
REIT Real Estate Investment Trust General
REL Recommended Exposure Limits General
REM Remark Line General
REMAS Recovery Management & Accounting System General
REMAS Report on Medicare as Secondary Payor System General, Health Care
REMIS Renal Management Information System General, Health Care
REPORE Report Output Retrieval System General
RESDAC Research Data Assistance Center General
RETAP Regular Transcript Selection & Attainment Pass (SSA) General
REVS Recipient Eligibility Verification System (Mass. DPW) General
REXX Restructured Extended Executor Language General
RFA Regulatory Flexibility Act (5USC 601612) General
RFA Request for Applications General
RFA Reason for Assessment General, Medicare Beneficiary
RFC (Treasury) Regional Financial Center General
RFC Request for Comment General
RFC Request for Contract General
RFI Request for Information General
RFP Request for Proposal General
RFQ Request for Quotation General
RGT Requirements Gathering Techniques General
RH Rural Hospital General, Health Care
RHC Rural Health Center General, Health Care
RHC Rural Health Claim General, Health Care
RHC Rural Health Clinic General, Health Care
RHHI Regional Home Health Intermediary Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
RHHIPEP Regional Home Health Intermediary Performance Evaluation Program General, Health Care
RHIR Resident Health Insurance Representative General, Health Care
RHP Rebundling of Hospital Payment General, Health Care
RI Regional Intermediary General, Health Care
RI Routing Indicator General
RIA Regulatory Impact Analysis General
RIC Record Identification Code General
RIL Regional Informational Letter General
RIM Retrieve Inactive Master System General
RIMS Reconsideration Information Management System General
RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computing General
RISC Regulatory Information Service Center General
RISI Renal Insured Status Indicator (also PUDI) General, Health Care
RIT Reorganization Implementation Team General
RJE Remote Job Entry General
RM Release Management General
RMA Referral & Monitoring Agency General
RMA Refugee Medical Assistance General, Health Care
RMAPS Rocky Mountain Part A Processing System General, Health Care
RMF Resource Measurement Facility (software) General
RMFA Restricted Medicare Fraud Alert General, Health Care
RMP Resource Management Plan General
RMRP Regional Medical Review Policy General, Health Care
RMS Record Management System General
RMS Regional Management System General
RMS Requirements Management System General
RMS Retention Management System General
RMT Requirements Management Team General
RMU Resource Management Unit General
RN Recruitment Notices General
RN Registered Nurse General, Health Care
RNHCI Religious NonMedical Health Care Institution Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
RNO Race & National Origin General
RO Regional Office General, Health Care
RO Abbreviation for Regional Office. General, Medicare Beneficiary
ROADV Regional Office Advance Copy Note General
ROAM ROAR Master (SSA) General, Health Care
ROAMS Regional Office Appeals Management System General, Health Care
ROAR Recovery of Overpayments Accounting & Reporting System (SSA) General, Health Care
ROAR Regional Office Automating Representatives for Managed Care Operations (ROAR for MCO) General, Health Care
ROC Report of Contact (also R/C) General
ROC Report of Contact General, Medicare Beneficiary
ROC Resumption of Care General, Medicare Beneficiary
ROCL Regional Office Contractor Letter General, Health Care
ROE Report of Eligibility General
ROE Return on Equity General
ROF Regional Office Flag General, Health Care
ROI Return on Investment General
ROM Regional Office Manual General, Health Care
ROMGRS Regional Office Managers General, Health Care
ROPES Regional Office Performance Evaluation System General, Health Care
ROPO Regional Office Project Officer General, Health Care
ROSTAR Regional Office System Tracking for Audit Reimbursement General, Health Care
ROUG Regional Office Users Group General, Health Care
RPA Renal Physicians Association General, Health Care
RPBC Rejected Provider Bill Control (Process) General, Health Care
RPC Remote Procedure Call General
RPCH Regional Primary Care Hospital General, Health Care
RPCH Rural Primary Care Hospital General, Health Care
RPD Run Processing Date General
RPG Report Program Generator General
RPL Reasonable Performance Level General
RPL Reemployment Priority List General
RPM Revolutions Per Minute General
RPO Regional Personnel Officer General, Health Care
RQC Regional Quality Council General
RR Rate Review General
RRB Railroad Retirement Board Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
RRC Rural Referral Center General, Health Care
RRIA Resource Requirements for Impact Analysis General
RRP Reimbursement Review Program General
RS Random Search General
RSC Record Status Code General
RSC Reimbursement Statistics by State & County System General
RSDHI Retirement, Survivors, Disability, & Health Insurance General, Health Care
RSDI Retirement, Survivors, & Disability Insurance General, Health Care
RSF Renal Services Facility General, Health Care
RSI Retirement & Survivors Insurance General, Health Care
RSVP Retired Senior Volunteer Project General, Health Care
RT Record Type General
RT Recovery Team General
RT Respiratory Therapy General, Health Care
RTC Reports to Congress General
RTC Resolution Trust Corporation General
RTG Return to Government General
RTI Return to Intermediary General, Health Care
RTN Routing & Transit Number General
RTP Request for Technical Proposal General
RTP Return To Provider (or Plan) General, Health Care
RTS Recovery Tracking System General
RTS Request to Send General
RTS Return (tapes) to Stock General
RUG Resource Utilization Group General
RUNT RRB Universal RIC General, Health Care
RUR Recurring Utilization Report General
RV Residual Value General
RVS Relative Value Scale (or Schedule) General
RVU Relative Value Unit General
RWJF Robert Wood Johnson Foundation General
RZIP Residence ZIP (Code) General
S&C Survey and Certification General, Medicare Beneficiary
S&E Staff & Equipment General
S&I Supervision & Interpretation General
S-MIME Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions General, IT Organization
S/HMO Social Health Maintenance Organization General, Health Care
S/W Software General, IT Organization
SA Scheduled Allowance General, Health Care
SA Security Administrator General
SA Settlement Agreement General
SA State Agency General, Health Care
SA State Assessment General
SA Supplemental Agreement General
SA Systems Administrator General, IT Organization
SA Systems Analyst General, IT Organization
SA-CMM Software Acquisition Capability Maturity Model General, IT Organization
SAC Special Action Code General
SAC Statistical Analysis Contractor General
SACP (AHA) Society for Ambulatory Care Professionals General, Health Care
SAD Service Area Directory (SSA) General, Health Care
SAD Simultaneous Accretion/Deletion General
SADBUS Small And Disadvantaged Business Utilization Specialist General
SADMERC Statistical Analysis Durable Medical Equipment Regional Carrier General, Health Care
SAEP State Agency Evaluation Plan General, Health Care
SAF Standard Analytic File General
SAGE-204 SAS interface to M204 databases General, IT Organization
SAHD Staff Assisted Home Dialysis General, Health Care
SAI Special Audit Initiative General
SAIC Science Applications International Corp. (PRISM software contractor) General
SALT Suspensions & Life Terminations System (MBR) General, Health Care
SAM Software Asset Management General
SAMHSA Supstance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration General, Health Care
SAR (microfilm) Storage & Retrieval unit General
SAR Safeguard Activity Report General
SAR Service Area Report General
SAS Single Award Schedules General
SAS Statement of Auditing Standards General
SAS Statistical Analysis Software General, IT Organization
SAS Statistical Analysis System General, IT Organization
SAS/C SAS Compiler General
SAVE Systematic Alien Verification of Eligibility General
SB Standards Board General
SBA Small Business Administration General
SBC School Based Clinics General, Health Care
SBI Single Scope Background Investigation General
SBI State Buy In General, Health Care
SBIGPPP State BuyIn Group Practice Prepayment Plan General, Health Care
SBIR Small Business Innovation Research (Program) General
SBR Supplemental Budget Request General
SBRS Senior Biomedical Research Service General, Health Care
SBSA Small Business SetAside General
SBU Sensitive But Unclassified General
SBU Strategic Business Unit General
SC State & County General
SC Sub Contractor General
SCACA Seniors Coalition Against Catastrophic Act General, Health Care
SCAR Significant Correspondence Assignment Report General
SCC (Service Area) State/County Code General
SCC Security Control Center General
SCD Service Computation Date General
SCE Separate Cost Entity General
SCH Sole Community Hospital General, Health Care
SCHIP State Child Health Insurance Program Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
SCHIP State Children’s Health Insurance Program General, Medicare Beneficiary
SCIC Significant Change In Condition General, Health Care
SCIF Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility General
SCIP Survey & Certification Improvement Project General
SCLM Source Code Librarian Manager General
SCM Software Configuration Management General
SCN Strategic Communication Network General, IT Organization
SCOPE Share Cost Options for Private Employees General
SCORE Service Corps of Retired Executives General, Health Care
SCP Sole Community Provider General
SCSA Significant Change in Status Assessment General
SCT Specialty Care Transport General
SDA Software Design Activity General, IT Organization
SDA System Design Alternatives General
SDB Small &Disadvantaged Business General
SDBU Small &Disadvantaged Business Utilization General
SDC Secondary Diagnostic Category General
SDD Software Design & Development General, IT Organization
SDF Standard Deviation Factor General
SDLC System Development Life Cycle General
SDM Structured Development (or Design) Methodology General
SDM/S Systems Development Methodology / Structured General
SDO Servicing District Office (SSA) General, Health Care
SDO Standards Development Organization General
SDO System Design Overview General
SDP Service Delivery Point General
SDP Single Drug Pricer General, Health Care
SDPS (PRO) Standard Data Processing System General
SDR System Design Review General
SDX State Data Exchange General
SEALP Search Alpha Program (Beneficiary Alpha Match/Reinstate) (HASEALP) General
SEALP State Agency Evaluation Program General
SEC (U.S.) Securities & Exchange Commission General
SEER Surveillance, Epidemiology & End Results (Program) General, Health Care
SEF Separated Employee File General
SEF Software Engineering Facility General, IT Organization
SEI Software Engineering Institute General, IT Organization
SEI-CMM Software Engineering Institute Capability Maturity Model General, IT Organization
SEIU Software Engineering Institute Union General, IT Organization
SELF (HHS) Secretary's Executive Leadership Forum General, Health Care
SEMS Security Management System General
SEP Special Enrollment Period Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
SEP Special Election Period IT Organization
SEPG Software Engineering Process Group General, IT Organization
SEPSC Southeastern Program Service Center, SSA General, Health Care
SER Scientific, Engineering & Research General, IT Organization
SER Summary Earnings Record General
SES Standards Enforcement Software General, IT Organization
SES System External Specifications General, IT Organization
SET Secure Electronic Transaction General, IT Organization
SET Software Engineering Technology General
SEX Sorted Exceptions (HDSEX) General
SF Standard Form General
SF-36 Medical Outcomes Study 36 Item Short Form Health Survey General, Health Care
SFI Statement of Financial Information General
SFO Solicitation for Offers (contract) General
SFRO SanFrancisco Regional Office General, Health Care
SFTP Secure File Transfer Protocol IT Organization
SG Surgeon General General, Health Care
SGA Substantial Gainful Activity Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
SGF State Guaranty Funds General
SGL Standard General Ledger General
SH Systems Handbook General
SHA Secure Hash Standard General
SHC Select Health Care General, Health Care
SHCC State Health Coordinating Council General, Health Care
SHI Supplemental Health Insurance Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
SHINE Serving Health Information Needs of Elders General, Health Care
SHIP (AFGE) Supplemental Health Insurance Plan General, Health Care
SHIP (Medicare) Supplemental Health Insurance Programs Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
SHIP Senior Health Insurance Program General, Health Care
SHIP State Health Insurance Assistance Program Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
SHMO Social Health Maintenance Organization General, IT Organization
SHN State Health Notes General, Health Care
SHPDA State Health Planning & Development Agency General, Health Care
SHRM Society for Human Resource Management General
SHS Society for Health Systems General, Health Care
SHTIP Secure Hyper Text Transfer Protocol General
SI Single Intermediary General, Health Care
SI System Integrator General
SI Systems Inventory General
SIC (DOL, BLS) Standard Industrial Classification General
SIC Special Indicator Code General
SIC State Insurance Commission General, Health Care
SICE Social Insurance Claims Examiner General, Health Care
SID (Supplemental) Security Income Data General
SID Special Income Deduction General
SIED (Supplemental) Security Income Entitlement Date General
SIFT Security Income file Type General
SIG Special Interest Group General
SIGCAT Special Interest Group CDROM Applications & Technology General
SIGOMET Special Interest Group on Optical Media in Education & Training General
SII Security/Suitability Investigation Index General
SIM Society for Information Management General, IT Organization
SIMS Standard Information Management System General
SIN Special Item Number General
SIPP Systems Issues, Policies & Procedures (nee HIPP, BIPP) General
SIR (Carrier) System Improvement Request General, Health Care
SIR System Implementation Roadmap General
SIRLIB (change control for M204 user language programs software) General
SIRMON (M204 performance monitoring & operational control tool software) General
SIRT Security Incident Response Team General
SIS Strategic Information Strategy General
SIS System Internal Specifications General
SISC (Supplemental) Security Income Status Code General
SISSO Senior Information Systems Security Officer General
SLA Service Level Agreements General
SLAE State & Local Administration Expenditure General
SLAMS Second Level Appeals Management System General
SLE Single Loss Expectancy General
SLIAG State Legislation Impact Assistance Grants General
SLIM Software Life Cycle Maintenance General, IT Organization
SLIMB Specified LowIncome Medicare Beneficiary Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
SLIP-A Supplemental Low Income Patient Adjustment General, Health Care
SLM Service Level Metrics General
SLMB (see SLIMB) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
SLMB Special Low-Income Beneficiaries General, Medicare Beneficiary
SLMB Specified Low-income Medicare Beneficiary General, Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
SM System Manager General
SMART System for MSP Automated Recovery & Tracking General, Health Care
SMDA State Medicaid Directors Association General, Health Care
SME Subject Matter Expert General, IT Organization
SMF System Measurement Facility General
SMF Systems Management Facility General
SMG State Medicaid Group General, Health Care
SMI Standardized Medreview Instrument General, Health Care
SMI Supplementary Medical Insurance (Part B of Medicare) General, Health Care
SMIB Supplementary Medical Insurance (also Part B) General, Health Care
SMIRK SOBER Miscellaneous Input Record General
SMIS Safety Management Information System General
SML Solicitation Mailing List General
SMM State Medicaid Manual General, Health Care
SMP System Modernization Program General
SMP Special Needs Plan General, IT Organization
SMQC System for Monitoring Quality of Care General, Health Care
SMRF State Medicaid Research Files (aka SMURF) General, Health Care
SMS Shared Maintenance System General
SMS Storage Management System General
SMS System Managed Software General
SMS System Managed Storage General
SMS Systems Management Specialist IT Organization
SMS/SPS Shared Maintenance System / Shared Processing System General
SMSA Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area General
SMURF State Medicaid Uniform Research File (aka SMRF) General, Health Care
SNAP Standard National Accounting Program (BC/BS) General
SNC Skilled Nursing Care General, Health Care
SNCRIS Skilled Nursing Cost Reporting Information System General, Health Care
SNCT Sensory Nerve Conduction Threshold General, Health Care
SNF Skilled Nursing Facility Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
SNFMDS SNF Minimum Data Set General, Health Care
SNI System Network Interface General
SNIP Strategic National Implementation Process Health Care
SNMA Student National Medical Association General
SNSP Safety Net Surveillance Project General
SO Successful Offerer General
SOB Statement of Benefits Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
SOB Shortness of breath General, Health Care
SOC Start of Care General
SOC SubObject (Classification) Code General
SOCO Southeastern Consortium (Atlanta & Dallas HIROs) General, Health Care
SOD Superintendent of Documents General
SOI Statement of Intent General
SOL Solicitation General
SOM SOBER Operating Month (DOE 1 or COM +1) (OBSOLETE) General
SOM State Operations Manual General
SON Submitting Office Number General
SOP Standard Operating Procedure General
SOP Status of Provider General, Health Care
SOP Style of Practice General
SOR (Carrier) Section Operating Report General, Health Care
SOR System of Record General
SORCES Service Office Record Computer Entry System (MTS) General
SORS Systems of Records General
SORT Seniors Organized to Restore Trust General
SOU Statement of Understanding General
SOW Scope of Work General
SOW Statement of Work General
SP Sample Persons General
SP Special Project General
SP Standard of Performance General
SP Systems Performance General
SPA State Plan Amendment General
SPAC SMI Premium Amount Collectable (MBR / BCM) General
SPACE SMI Premium Accounting, Collection & Enrollment (System) General
SPACEX SPACE Exceptions General
SPAMS Small Purchase Automated Management System General
SPAP State Pharmaceutical Assistance Program General, Medicare Beneficiary
SPARC Stroke Prevention Awareness Recognition Campaign General
SPARCS Statewide Planning & Research Cooperative System General
SPAS State Plan Amendment System General
SPAW State Plan Amendment Waiver General
SPBA Society of Professional Benefit Administrators General
SPC State Program Characteristics General
SPC Supervisory Project Coordinator General
SPD Standard Position Description General
SPD Summary Plan Description General, Medicare Beneficiary
SPDATA State Profile Data System General
SPECT Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography General
SPECTRUM State Performance Evaluation & Comprehensive Test of Reimbursement Under Medicaid General, Health Care
SPF Sequential Processing Facility General
SPH Shared Processing Host General
SPI Software Process Improvement General
SPIDER System to Provide Immediate Data on Eligibility for Reimbursement (now CWF) General
SPIES Shared Project & Information Exchange System General
SPIN Standard Prescriber Identification General
SPIN Supplier Profile Identification Number General
SPMS Storage Products Management System General
SPO Self Protection Organization (CD) General
SPO Servicing Personnel Office General
SPOC Single Point of Contact (now CSCC) General
SPOC Single Point of Contact General, Medicare Beneficiary
SPOE Secure Point of Entry IT Organization
SPOE Secure Point of Entry IT Organization
SPOF Single Point of Failure General
SPP Select Provider Program General
SPP SMI Premium Penalty General
SPPS State Plan Profile System General
SPR Safeguard Procedures Report General
SPR Standard Paper Remittances General
SPR Systems Performance Review General
SPRDRS SPR Data Reporting System General
SPRY Setting Priorities for Retirement Years General
SPS Schedule of Providers Serviced General
SPSP State Payment of SMI Penalty General
SQA Software Quality Assurance General
SQIG Supplier Quality Information Group General
SQL Structured (or System) Query Language General
SQRD Monthly Sequential Read Program (HDSQRD) General
SR Service Representative (SSA) General
SR Service Request General
SR Systems Requirements General
SRA Significant Regulatory Actions General
SRA Systems Research Associates General
SRC Status Report Coordinator General
SRD Systems Requirements Definition General
SRD Systems Requirements Design General
SRD Systems Requirements Document General
SRMC Statistical Report Medicaid Services General
SRMS Statistical Report (HCFA2082) on Medicaid Services System General
SRS Social & Rehabilitation Service General
SS Seconds (i.e., ssmmddyyyy) General
SS Sequential Search General
SS Shared Systems General
SS Short Stay General
SS Social Security Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
SS Standard Systems General
SS1 Selective Signaling (Equipment) General
SSA Social Security Act Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
SSA Social Security Administration Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
SSA State Survey Agency Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
SSA Systems Security Assessment General
SSACCS SSA Claims Control System General, Health Care
SSADO Social Security Administration District Office IT Organization
SSAFO Social Security Administration Field Office IT Organization
SSARA SSA Reform Act of 1994 (establishes SSA as independent agency) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
SSB Social Security Board (now SSA) General, Health Care
SSC Standard Source Code General
SSC Systems Security Coordinator General
SSD (GSA) Standard Solicitation Document General
SSDI Social Security Disability Insurance Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
SSG Staffing Support Group General
SSG Standard Systems Group General
SSH Short Stay Hospital General, Health Care
SSI Supplemental Security Income General, Health Care
SSIDUP SSI Duplicate Payment General
SSIPML Second State Issuing Professional Medical License General, Health Care
SSM Standard System Maintainers General
SSM Sterling Space Monitor General
SSMP Systems Security Management Program General
SSN Social Security Number Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
SSO Social Security Office (also DO) General, Health Care
SSO Systems Security Officer General
SSOP Second Surgical Opinion Program General, Health Care
SSP State Supplemental Payments General, Health Care
SSP System Security Plan General
SSPM System Security Plan Methodology General
SSPML Second State Professional Medical License General, Health Care
SSR Social Security Rulings General, Health Care
SSR Supplemental Security Income Record General
SSS Senior Scientist Service General
SSSA Senior Systems Security Advisor General
SSSGS Similarly Sized Subscriber Groups General, Medicare Beneficiary
SST Supplemental Systems Test General
STAG System Technical Advisory Group (aka STAG) General
STAPE Short Format State Magnetic Tape File (HIM) General
STAR (Medicaid) Systems Test for Alternative Reimbursement General, Health Care
STAR Standard Administrative Reporting General
STAR System for Tracking Audit & Reimbursement General
STD ShortTerm Disability General, Health Care
STM Staff Time Measure General
STP Satellite Ticket Printer General
STROBE (Performance Management System application monitoring tool) General
STS Safety Tracking System General
STU System Testing Unit General
STX Start of Text General
SUBC State Uniform Billing Committee Health Care
SUEI Standard Unique Employer Identifier (HCFA0047F) (aka EIN) General
SUL Standard User Label General
SUR Surveillance & Utilization Review (aka S/UR) General
SURS Surveillance & Utilization Review Subsystem (S/URS) General
SUT System User Test General
SVC Supervisor Call General
SVCS Services General
SVES State Verification & Exchange System (SSA) General, Health Care
SVRS Statistically Valid Random Sample General
SW Step Weight General
SW-CMM Software Development Capability Maturity Model General
SW/T Structured Walkthrough General
SWAT Specialized Work Action Team General
SWBI State Welfare BuyIn Enrollment Profile System General
SWICA State Wage Information Collection Agency General
SYS OCO systems support application system code General
T&D Training & Development General
T&M Time & Materials General
T1 Title I of the Social Security Act (Grants for OldAge Assistance & Medical Assistance for Aged) General, Health Care
T10 Title X of the Social Security Act (Aid to the Blind) General, Health Care
T14 Title XIV of the Social Security Act (Grants to States for Aid to the Disabled General, Health Care
T16 Title XVI of the Social Security Act (SSI) General, Health Care
T18 Title XVIII of the Social Security Act (Medicare) General, Health Care
T19 Title XIX of the Social Security Act (MAA (Medicaid)) General, Health Care
T2 Title II of the Social Security Act (SS benefits) General, Health Care
T2R Title II Redesign (SSA) General, Health Care
T4 Title IV of the Social Security Act (AFDC) General, Health Care
TA Termination Actions (MBR) General
TA Technology Assessment General, Health Care
TAA Time Account Adjustment (Schedule or Report) General
TAC Technology Advisory Committee General
TAC Type of Activity Code General
TACT Total Audit Concept Technique General
TACT Transfer, Automate, Contract Out and/or Terminate Project General
TAG Technical Advisory (or Assistance) Group General
TAMRA Technical & Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988 General
TANF Temporary Assistance for Needy Families General
TAP Technical Advisory Panel General
TAP Terminal Acquisition Project (SSA) General, Health Care
TAPEDSN Tape Data Set Protection General
TARS Telephone Action Requests System General, IT Organization
TASC (OWTDS) Training Assistance Services Cadre General
TASC Transportation Administration Service Center General
TAVERN Terminations & Attainments Validation & Enforcement of Returned Notices General
TB Transaction Branch, DMOS (formerly GPABS or PM) General
TBA To be Announced General
TBC Transit Benefit Coordinator General
TBD To Be Determined Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
TBO Transaction Back Out General
TBP To Be Provided General
TBP Transit Benefit Program General
TBSR Total Business Systems Review General
TC Technical Component General, IT Organization
TC Technology Component General, IT Organization
TC Telecommunications General, IT Organization
TC Total Cost General
TC Transaction Code General
TCAB Technical Computer Advisory Board General, IT Organization
TCC Technical Control Center General, IT Organization
TCC Temporary Continuation of Coverage General
TCD Trauma Code Development General
TCP Transitional Corridor Payments General
TCS Telephone Customer Service General, IT Organization
TCSDB Test Case Specification Database General
TD Treasury Department General
TDC Training & Development Center General
TDD Telecommunications Device for the Deaf Medicare Beneficiary, IT Organization, Health Care
TDEA Triple Data Encryption Algorithm General, IT Organization
TDOC Total Days of Care General, Health Care
TDP Testing Designated Positions General
TDY Temporary Duty Travel General
TEAM Technology Evaluation & Acquisition Methods General
TEC Technical Evaluation Criteria General
TEDBA Target Enrollment Database Architecture General
TEDH Third Party Entitlement Date for Hospital Insurance General, Health Care
TEDS Third Party Entitlement Date for Supplementary Medical Insurance General, Health Care
TEFRA Tax Equity & Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (PL97248) General
TENS Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation General, Health Care
TENS Transcutaneous Electrical (or Electronic) Nerve Stimulator General
TEP Technical Evaluation Panel General
TEP Transfer Enrollment Period General
TEP Technical Experts Panel General, Medicare Beneficiary
TERMID Terminal ID General
TFCS Treasury Financial Communications Systems (aka FEDWIRE) General
TFSS Task Force for Standard Systems General
TH Teaching Hospital General, Health Care
THD Total Hospice Days General, Health Care
THE Trailblazers Health Enterprises, Inc. (MD component of TX BC/BS) General, Health Care
TI Texas Instruments General
TIARA Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities General
TIM Technical Instruction Manual General
TIMS Text Information Management System General
TIN Tax Identification Number General
TINA Truth In Negotiations Act General
TIPPS Test of Intermediary Prospective Payment System General, Health Care
TIS Technical (or Technology) Information Services General, IT Organization
TIS Therapeutic Intervention Scoring (System) General
TITLE I Grants to States for old age assistance & medical assistance for the aged Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
TITLE II Federal old age, survivors & disability insurance benefits (OASDI) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
TITLE IV Grants to States for aid & services to needy famlies with children (AFDC) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
TITLE X Grants to States for aid to the blind (AB) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
TITLE XIV Grants to States for aid to the permanently & totally disabled (DI) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
TITLE XIX Grants to States for medical assistance programs (MAA)(Medicaid) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
TITLE XVI Grants to States for aid to the aged, blind and disabled (ABD) & Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
TITLE XVIII Health Insurance (Medicare) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
TITLE XX State operated home health care entitlement program Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
TITLE XXI State Child Health Programs Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
TLC Total Location Counter General
TLS Transport Layer Security General
TLV Threshold Limit Exposure Values General
TMIS Training Management Information System General
TMJ Temporomandibular Joints General
TMP Task Management Plan General
TMR Transmyocardial Revascularization General, Health Care
TMS Tape Management System General
TN Transmittal Number General
TNHP Teaching Nursing Home Program General, Health Care
TNIF Transaction NIF General
TNIF True Not In File General
TO Task Order General
TO Training Office General
TOB Type of Bill General
TOC Transition Office Contact General
TOP Trade Opportunities Program General
TOP Transitional Outpatient Payment General
TOP Treasury Offset Program General
TOP Triple Option Package General
TOP Type of Provider General, Health Care
TOPR Type of Program Record General
TOPS Transitional Outpatient Payments System General, Health Care
TOR Terminal Owning Region General
TOS Type of Service General, Health Care
TP Third Party General, Health Care
TP Transaction Processor General
TPA Third Party Administrator General, Health Care
TPA Tissue Plasminogen Activator General, Health Care
TPAO Third Party Annotation Operation General, Health Care
TPBEST Third Party Billing Extract Statistical Totals General, Health Care
TPBLAST Third Party BuyIn Liability Accretions for Screening & Taping General, Health Care
TPCH Third Party Code for Hospital Insurance General, Health Care
TPCS Third Party Code for Supplementary Medical Insurance General, Health Care
TPDB Third Party Data Base General, Health Care
TPEXLAX Third Party Expel Lapsed, Antiquated & XR Records General, Health Care
TPF Third Party File General, Health Care
TPG Third Party Groups General, Health Care
TPL Third Party Liability General, Health Care
TPLAB Third Party List Agency Billing General, Health Care
TPM Third Party Master General, Health Care
TPN Total parenteral nutrition General, Medicare Beneficiary
TPNS Teleprocessing Network Simulator General
TPO Treatment, Payment, Operations General, Health Care
TPPAYD Third Party Payment Data General, Health Care
TPPC Third Party Premium Collection General, Health Care
TPPG Third Party Private Group General, Health Care
TPQY Third Party Query System General, Health Care
TPR Third Party Record General, Health Care
TPRP Third Party Rules Processor General, Health Care
TR (T/R) Team Review General
TRACE Third Party Recovery Audit Coordinated Effort General, Health Care
TRACS Teleprocessing Remote Access Control System General, IT Organization
TRADE Training & Development Exchange General
TRASOP Tax Reduction Act Stock Ownership Plan General
TRC Technical Review Committee General
TRC Transaction Reply Code IT Organization
TRID Telecommunications Routing Indicator Directory General, IT Organization
TRIDE TRID Extended General
TRIM Target Rate Implementation Monitoring General
TRIM Total Resources Information Management System General
TRM Technical Reference Model General
TRO Tax Refund Offset General
TROMP Track Recovery of Mistaken Payments General
TROOP True Out-of-Pocket General, Medicare Beneficiary
TRPBETA Third Party BuyIn Exceptions for TP Agencies General, Health Care
TRR Transaction Reply Report IT Organization
TS Technical Strategy (official meaning) General
TS Tentative Settlement General
TSC Technical Service Center General
TSCOG TSC Operator Guide General
TSG The Surgeon General General, Health Care
TSIPML Third State Issuing Professional License General
TSO Time Sharing Option IT Organization
TSO Time Sharing Option IT Organization
TSO/ISPF TSO Interactive System Productivity Facility General
TSP Teleprocessing Services Program General
TSP Terminal Simulator Panel General
TSR Terminate & Stay Resident General
TST Testing Phase General
TT Trust Territories (Micronesia, Marshalls, Palau) General
TTDH Third Party Termination Date for Hospital Insurance General, Health Care
TTDS Third Party Termination Date for Supplementary Medical Insurance General, Health Care
TTSF Test Time Sharing Facility General
TTY Text Telephones Medicare Beneficiary, IT Organization, Health Care
TVA Tennessee Valley Authority General
TVA Threat & Vulnerability Assessment General
TVIP Testing, Validation & Implementation Plan General
TVS Test Value Sets General
TWA Time Weighted Average General
TWA Transaction Work Area General
TWG Technical Work Group General
TWP Trial Work Period General
TWWIA Ticket to Work & Work Incentives Act of 1999 Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
U&C Usual and Customary General, Medicare Beneficiary
U/I Unit of Issue General
UA Unit & Analysis General
UAMCDS Uniform Ambulatory Medical Care Data Set General, Health Care
UAT User Acceptance Testing General, IT Organization
UAW United Auto Workers General
UB Uniform Bill General
UB-92 Uniform Billing form 92 General
UBIT Unrelated Business Income Tax General
UC Utilization Control General
UCAS Uniform Cost Accounting Standards General
UCC Uniform Commercial Code General
UCC User Communication & Control (System) General
UCDS Uniform Clinical Data Set General
UCDSS UCD System General
UCF Universal Control Facility General
UCFT Uniform Claim Form Taskforce General
UCR Uniform Cost Report General
UCR Usual, Customary & Reasonable (Charges) General
UCR/PACE Ususal, Customary & Reasonable / Performance & Cost Efficiency General
UCRD Uniform Cost Report Demonstration General
UDB Utilization Database General, IT Organization
UDE User Defined Exit General
UDR Uniform Desk Review General
UE User Etract General
UFAS Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards General
UGMT Users Group Management Terminal General
UHCIA Uniform Health Care Information Act General, Health Care
UHDDS Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set General, Health Care
UHIN Utah Health Information Network Health Care
UHIS Unbundling of Hospital Inpatient Services General, Health Care
UHP Unbundling of Hospital Payment General, Health Care
UHP United Health Plan General, Health Care
UL Underwriters Laboratory General, Health Care
UL User Language General
ULP Unfair Labor Practice General
UMBI Utilization Management & Benefit Integrity General
UMO Utilization Management Organization Health Care
UMPC Union Management Partnership Council General
UMS Universal Measured Service General
UMW United Mine Workers Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
UNAI Uniform Needs Assessment Instrument General
UNCEFACT United Nations Centre for Facilitation of Procedures and Practices for Administration, Commerce, and Transport Health Care
UNEDIFACT United Nations Rules for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce, and Transport Health Care
UNIBILL Uniform Bill (Intermediary Submitted Files of Processed Medicare Provider Bills) General, Health Care
UNICEP Uniform Contractor Evaluation Program General
UNOS United Network for Organ Sharing General
UPD Unilateral Price Determination General
UPIN Unique Physician Identification Number General, Health Care
UPIN Universal Provider Identification Number General
UPL (Medicaid) Upper Payment Limit General, Health Care
UPN Universal Product Number General
UPPS Uninterruptible Premium Power Supply General
UPS Uninterruptable Power Supply General
UPS United Parcel Service Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
UPT User Proposal Team General
UR Upon Receipt General
UR Utilization Review General
URAC Utilization Review Accreditation Commission General, Medicare Beneficiary
URC (Intermediary) Utilization Review Coordinator General, Health Care
URC Utilization Review Committee General
URF User Request Form General
URL Uniform Resource Locator General
URO Utilization Review Organization Health Care
URQ User Requirements General
US User Services General
USAID United States Agency for International Development General
USARC United States America Registration Committee General
USBC Uniform State Bill Committee General
USC United States Code General
USCA USC Annotated General
USCM United States Conference of Mayors General
USCS United States Code System General
USDA United States Department of Agriculture General
USERID User Identification General
USGAO United States General Accounting Office General
USGS United States Geological Survey Department General
USHIK U.S. Health Information Knowledgebase General
USIA United States Information Agency General
USP U.S. Pharmacopoeia General, Medicare Beneficiary
USPCC United States Per Capita Cost General
USPS United States Postal Service Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
USQ Utilization Status Query General
USRDS United States Renal Data System General, Health Care
USTF Uniformed Services Treatment Facility General
UTL Unable To Locate General
UTL Utilization Database application system code General
V&V Verification & Validation General
VA Department of Veterans Affairs General, Medicare Beneficiary
VAD Ventricular Assist Device General, Health Care
VADATS Veterans Administration Data Automatic Transmission System General, Health Care
VAM Volume Allocation Manager General
VAN Value Added Network General
VAR Value Added Reseller General
VAX Value Added Exchange General
VAX Voice Activated Exchange General
VBA Visual Basic architecture General, IT Organization
VC Value Code General
VC Voluntary Closing General
VCPR Visit Code Comparative Performance Report General
VDRE Value Driven Reengineering General
VDS Voluntary Data Sharing General, Medicare Beneficiary
VDSA Voluntary Data Sharing Agreement General, Medicare Beneficiary
VECP Value Engineering Change Proposal General
VERA Voluntary Early Retirement Act of 1993 General
VICP Vaccine Injury Compensation Program General, Health Care
VICS Virtual Integrated Communications System General
VIP Voucher Insurance Plan General, Health Care
VIPS Viable Information Processing Systems General
VISION Vital Information System to Improve Outcomes in Nephrology General, Health Care
VLSI Very Large Scale Integration General
VMS Viable Medicare Systems General, Health Care
VMS VIPS (Viable Information Processing Systems) Medicare System General, Health Care
VMS VIPS Medicare System General, Health Care
VMS Virtual Multiple Storage General
VMX Voice Message Exchange General
VNA Visiting Nurses Association General, Health Care
VOLSER Volume Serial Number General
VOS Virtual Operating System General
VPAC Variable Premium Amount Collectable General, Health Care
VPN Virtual Private Network Health Care
VPS Volume Performance Standard General
VPS VTAM Printer Support System General
VRA Veteran's Readjustment Appointment General, Health Care
VRR Validation Readiness Review General
VRU Ventilator Rehabilitation Unit General, Health Care
VSAM Virtual Storage Access Method General
VSCR Virtual Storage Constraint Relief General
VTAM Virtual Total Access Method General
VWA View Work Area General
WA Working Aged General, Health Care
WAC Wholesale Acquisition Cost General
WAEPA Worldwide Assurance for Employees of Public Agencies General
WAR Working Aged Recovery General, Health Care
WASC (OPM) Washington DC Area Service Center General
WATS Wide Area Telephone Service General, IT Organization
WBS Work Breakdown Structure (or Schedule) General
WBT WebBased Training General, IT Organization
WC Workers Compensation General
WCF Working Capital Fund General
WEAL Women's Equity Action League General
WECO Western Consortium (Denver, San Francisco & Seattle HIROs) General, Health Care
WEDI Workgroup on Electronic Data Interchange General, IT Organization
WEL Women's Executive Leadership General
WEP Windfall Elimination Provision General
WERS Work Experience Reporting System General
WFE Weekly FrontEnd Bill & Payment Records Processing System General
WFP Workforce Planning Initiative General
WG Workgroup General
WHCOA White House Conference on Aging General, Health Care
WHCRA Women's Health & Cancer Rights Act of 1998 General, Health Care
WHIM Weekly Merge File of all HI Processed Transactions General
WHIP Write HI Printout (Format Printout Responses) (HDWHIP) General
WHO World Health Organization General, Health Care
WI Wage Index General
WIC Western Integrity Center General
WIC Women, Infant & Children Program, DOA General, Health Care
WINDEX Widow (and Widowers) Indexing General
WIP Work in Progress General
WIS Warehouse Inventory System General
WIS WWMCCS Information System General
WITS Washington Interagency Telecommunications System General
WIX Wage Index System General
WKFL Workflow (Customer Inquiry System) General
WMTI Women's Management Training Initiative General
WNPSC Western Program Service Center, SSA General, Health Care
WOC Workplan Objective Code General
WOCN Wound Ostomy Continence Nurses General, Health Care
WORKGP Work Group Membership Tracking System General
WPA Whistleblower Protection Act General
WPA Works Progress Administration General
WPC Washington Publishing Company Health Care
WWMCCS World Wide Military Command & Control System General
WY Workyear (formerly manyear) General
XA Extended Architecture Operation System (SSA) General, Health Care
XAC Cross Reference Account Code General
XCN Executive Control Number General
XCOM External Communications System General
XDE Extended Development Environment General
XDP Extended Data Processing General
XDR Extended Data Representation General
XID Exchange Identifier General
XIV Title 14 Grants to States for Aid to the Permanently & Totally Disabled Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
XIX Title 19 Grants to States for Medical Assistance Programs (MAA) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
XIXED Title 19 Entitlement Date Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
XL Excelerator (CASE tool software) General
XLD Excelerator Dictionary General
XMBA Executive Masters in Business Administration General
XMS Cross Memory Services General
XMT Transmit General
XMTL Transmittal General
XQA Expanded Quality Assurance General
XRAN Cross Reference Account Number General
XVI Title 16 Grants to States for Aid to the Aged, Blind or Disabled or Aid & Medical Assistance for the Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
XVIII Title 18 Medicare Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
XX Title 20 State operated home health care entitlement program Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
XXI Title 21 State Child Health Program Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
Y2K Year 2000 Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
YOB Year of Birth Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
YR Year Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
YTD YearToDate Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
YYYY Year (i.e., mmddyyyy) Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
ZBB Zero Base Budgeting (OMB Circular A115) General
ZD Zero Defects General
ZI Zonal Index General
ZIP Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP Codes) General
ZIP+4 9 digit ZIP Code Plan Medicare Beneficiary, Health Care
ZO Zero Overpricing General
ZST Zone Standard Time General
ZULU Greenwich Mean Time General