4 Nov 1997 Daily Meeting Minutes --------------------------------- Announcements (from EOF) ------------------------ Reminder: There will be a WEEKLY meeting at the EOF this Friday to prepare for next week when planning will return to the EOF. We'll have the weekly meeting at 10:00 AM at the EOF to prepare for next week. FOT Briefing ------------ Spacecraft Status: Nominal Spacecraft Anomalies: None Accomplished Activities: RSL,VIRGO Planned Activities: RSL,VIRGO Upcoming Operations: 12/1/97 TR Maintenance and Memory Dumps (6 hrs SVM Reserved Cmd time) Ground Anomalies: 307/1733 2 Min TM Dropout D27 Line Hit Recoverable Also had commands retransmit due to line hit (15 Min pause in NRT) 307/1800 Multiple Commanding Anomalies D27 Several NRT Pauses. Problems seem related to quality of uplink 307/2335 49 Min Commanding Delay/No Ranging Performed D46 6 Resweeps for Ranging Unsuccessful Report of the SOHO daily meeting held at MEDOC on Tuesday: ------------------------------------------------------- * Review of the data and events of the past day(s): - AR 8100 has developed a delta configuration and has been very active since Sunday (with an X flare) - SUMER had to stop its observing program on Monday because of a too high count rate on this target. (it is recalled that a high number of counts also results in gain variations). - EIT observed 3 CME events in a row on Monday 3 (see J. Gurman's message). - LASCO observed a halo event in C2 at 11:44 corresponding to AR8100. - CDS : Spiros shows the Sunday data for JOP66. The exposure time may be too short; a tradeoff could be found if observing in less wavelengths and in a smaller fov. - UVCS : Lyman alpha. A small structure is noted at high latitude. - Other activities: yesterday's dinner (5 bottles of wine have been drunk). * Today's observations: JOP67: pointing coordinates of CDS are (980, 310), (840, 550) and (660, 790) for the 3 rasters. SUMER slit is pointed at (945, 550). UVCS supports JOP 67 at the end of the synoptic program (PA 280 and R= 1.7 Rsol). There is some time overlap w/r JOP 9 but both programs are at the NW limb. * Tomorrow's program November 5 is dedicated to the study of active regions (package JOP36 + GIP-CL + GIP-HE) but AR 8100 is considered as unsafe. The target will be the moderate active region at NW close to the limb. - SUMER provides 1 hr to JOP36, 3 hr to the whole package. The brightest part of the AR should be avoided. The best position will be determined with CDS; the pointing will be adjusted to the different programs. - CDS has a synoptic until 12:00 UT. 12:30 - 14:30 : GIP-Cool Loop (GIP-CL) 14:30 - 15:30 : JOP36 15:30 - 18:30 : GIP-Heating Episodes (GIO-HE) The pointing coordinates will be (850, 300) - EIT has a synoptic @ 13:00 UT, CME watch 195 0:00->14:00, CME watch 171/195 : 14:00->22:00, CME watch 195 22:00->24:00 - UVCS = synoptic + Coronal Hole/Streamer Interface Study (PA= 290) Other programs: SUMER will test the electron-impact-Lbeta program @ 17:00 for 2 hrs (quiet region) CDS and SUMER will test the program "red shifts in TR" (campaign #3035) @ 19:30 for 1 hr Then CDS and SUMER will run JOP9 (with KARINE program for CDS). Next Daily Meeting : 97/11/05, 10:30 (Medoc local time).