This is the title strip "Not All Alien Invaders Are From Outer Space" with a pair of open eyes at the end of the title.

  Mediterranean Fruit Fly,
Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann)

This is a drawing of the Mediterranean fruit fly.

The Mediterranean fruit fly (also called Medfly) is among the world's most destructive pests. The Medfly is originally from Africa and has spread throughout southern Europe, the Middle East, western Australia, South and Central America, and Hawaii. Medflies accidentally brought into Florida and California in imported fruit have almost established permanent populations on many occasions. But Government and the agricultural community have stopped this pest each time.

The Medfly is slightly smaller than a common house fly and very colorful. It has dark blue eyes, a shiny black thorax (back), and a yellowish abdomen with silvery cross bands. Its wings have yellow, brown, and black spots and bands.

The Mediterranean fruit fly destroys many types of fruit, including oranges, grapefruits, peaches, and pears. Female fruit flies lay their eggs in pieces of fruit. The eggs hatch into larvae (also called maggots). The maggots eat the flesh of the fruit, causing it to rot. These flies could cause billions of dollars' worth of damage if they became established in the United States. The scariest thing about these fruit flies is that you often can't see their damage until you bite into a piece of fruit....

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