head 1.1; access; symbols; locks jmj:1.1; strict; comment @# @; 1.1 date; author jmj; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @#!/packages/bin/perl #------------------------------------------------- # # ep_summary_plots.cgi - LANL database web browser # # Joerg-Micha Jahn, NIS-2, LANL, January 1998 # # This script allows browsing of the LANL database in the spirit # of the CCR data browser. Main difference to the CCR browser is the use of # the CGI.pm module to make forms processing easier, and of date5.pm for # elegant date calculations. # # Modification History: # # #------------------------------------------------- ### add location of modules to the path BEGIN {push@@INC, "/n/toaster/u/jmj/public_html/cgi-bin/test/";} use CGI; use date5; ### default values we will use @@day_name = ("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday", "Friday","Saturday"); @@month_name = ("January","February","March","April","May","June","July", "August","September","October","November","December"); $plot_root_dir = '../../ep_summary_plots'; $a_one = 1; ### start of main script $query = new CGI; # create a new CGI object ### first we need to scan the URL. The reason is that we need to identify ### optional input parameters. Furthermore we need to deal with calls from ### other browsers (namely CCR and MPA), since those will call with a date ### using a '/' rather than a '?' $caller_url = $query->self_url; ### this gets the complete(!) URL if ($caller_url =~ /[\?|\/]/) { ### here we have a query style case - good @@keywords = $query->keywords; ### this gets the optional input if (($#keywords > -1) && ($keywords[0] =~ /[0-9]/)) { # there was a input @@components = (); $i=0; while (1) { $temp = substr($keywords[0],$i,1); if ($temp =~ /[0-9]/) {push(@@components,$temp)} else {last;} $i++; } if ($i == 5) { ### yyDDD $year = "$components[0]$components[1]"; if (int $year >= 76) {$year = "19$year";} else {$year = "20$year";} $DOY = "$components[2]$components[3]$components[4]"; $jday = &Date5::jday($a_one,$a_one,$year); ($month,$day,$year,$weekday) = &Date5::jdate($jday+$DOY-1); } elsif($i == 6) { ### yymmdd $year = "$components[0]$components[1]"; $month = "$components[2]$components[3]"; $day = "$components[4]$components[5]"; if (int $year >= 76) {$year = "19$year";} else {$year = "20$year";} } elsif($i == 7) { ### yyyyDDD $year = "$components[0]$components[1]$components[2]$components[3]"; $DOY = "$components[4]$components[5]$components[6]"; $jday = &Date5::jday($a_one,$a_one,$year); ($month,$day,$year,$weekday) = &Date5::jdate($jday+$DOY-1); } elsif($i == 8) { ### yyyymmdd $year = "$components[0]$components[1]$components[2]$components[3]"; $month = "$components[4]$components[5]"; $day = "$components[6]$components[7]"; } if ($month < 10) {$month = "0$month";} if ($day < 10) {$day = "0$day";} $query->param(-name=>'year', -values=>$year); $query->param(-name=>'month', -values=>$month); $query->param(-name=>'day', -values=>$day); } if (($#keywords > -1) && (($keywords[1] == 'Both') || ($keywords[1] == 'Electrons') || ($keywords[1] == 'Protons'))) { $plot_type = $keywords[1]; $query->param(-name=>'plot_type', -values=>$plot_type); } } ### determine today's date - needed for some of the links (Dst, AE indices); ### this is reasonably fast, so we don't bother with passing those values via ### hidden fields (and save some code that way) $today_julian_day = &Date5::today(); ($today_month,$today_day,$today_year,$today_weekday) = &Date5::jdate($today_julian_day); if ($today_month < 10) {$today_month = "0$today_month";} if ($today_day < 10) {$today_day = "0$today_day";} $today_date = "${today_year}${today_month}${today_day}"; ### for the Dst index we need the info for the previous month; the ### corresponding year is called "prevous_year", though a bit confusing... $previous_month = $today_month - 1; $previous_year = $today_year; if ($previous_month == 0) { $previous_month = 12; $previous_year--; } if ($previous_month < 10) {$previous_month = "0$previous_month";} $query->import_names('Q'); ### import name space to update form - we need ### this since the form is NOT updated when ### we use clickable image buttons or the "jump ### to latest" button. if ($Q::year ne '') { ### this means there was user input ... ### calculate Julian day from input, and then date from this resulting ### julian day - this assures that senseless input (like Feb 31) will ### result in a sensible date - although not quite the one the user ### intended $julian_day = &Date5::jday($Q::month,$Q::day,$Q::year); ($curr_month,$curr_day,$curr_year,$curr_weekday) = &Date5::jdate($julian_day); ### get the day of year (DOY) - THIS IS NOT FINAL YET $j_day_first = &Date5::jday($a_one,$a_one,$curr_year); $DOY = $julian_day - $j_day_first + 1; if ($DOY < 100) { $DOY = "0$DOY"; } if ($DOY < 10) { $DOY = "0$DOY"; } ### save value of image buttons for further use $next_day = $query->param('next_day.x'); $previous_day = $query->param('previous_day.x'); ### 'jump to latest' or image button chosen. We need to pass parameters ### since all "SELECT" fields were not changed for such a request if ($Q::latest) { opendir(DIR, "$plot_root_dir/"); $check_jday = $today_julian_day; while (1) { ($mm,$dd,$yy,$wd) = &Date5::jdate($check_jday); if ($mm < 10) {$mm = "0$mm";} if ($dd < 10) {$dd = "0$dd";} $check_date = "${yy}${mm}${dd}"; $e_filename = "$plot_root_dir/${check_date}_loe.gif"; if (-e $e_filename) {last;}; $check_jday--; } $e_last_date = $check_date; opendir(DIR, "$plot_root_dir/"); $check_jday = $today_julian_day; while (1) { ($mm,$dd,$yy,$wd) = &Date5::jdate($check_jday); if ($mm < 10) {$mm = "0$mm";} if ($dd < 10) {$dd = "0$dd";} $check_date = "${yy}${mm}${dd}"; $p_filename = "$plot_root_dir/${check_date}_lop.gif"; if (-e $p_filename) {last;}; $check_jday--; } $p_last_date = $check_date; if ($Q::plot_type eq 'Electrons') { $latest_date = $e_last_date; } elsif ($Q::plot_type eq 'Protons') { $latest_date = $p_last_date; } else { if ($e_last_date >= $p_last_date) { $latest_date = $e_last_date; } else { $latest_date = $p_last_date; } } $curr_year = substr($latest_date,0,4); $curr_month = int substr($latest_date,4,2); $curr_day = int substr($latest_date,6,2); $keywords[0] = ''; } ### "next" and "previous" day buttons were pressed; calculate the new date if ($next_day) { $julian_day++; ($curr_month,$curr_day,$curr_year,$curr_weekday) = &Date5::jdate($julian_day); } if ($previous_day) { $julian_day--; ($curr_month,$curr_day,$curr_year,$curr_weekday) = &Date5::jdate($julian_day); } ### pass all parameters to object; needed to update form, since the form ### is NOT updated when non-select fields are pressed (i.e. the image ### buttons, and the "latest" field ### NOTE: ONLY object parameters will be saved by the script! $query->param(-name=>'year', -values=>$curr_year); $query->param(-name=>'month', -values=>$curr_month); $query->param(-name=>'day', -values=>$curr_day); ### assure 2-digit month/day - needed to construct file name if ($curr_month < 10) {$curr_month = "0$curr_month";} if ($curr_day < 10) {$curr_day = "0$curr_day";} $curr_date = "${curr_year}${curr_month}${curr_day}"; $curr_short_date = substr($curr_date,2,6); ($month,$day,$year,$weekday) = &Date5::jdate($jday+$DOY-1); ### determine the name of the image file; NOTE: 4-digit years!! $e_image_filename = "$plot_root_dir/$curr_year$curr_month${curr_day}_loe.gif"; if (! -e $e_image_filename) { $e_image_filename = "/lanl_ep_data/images/no_electrons.gif"; } $p_image_filename = "$plot_root_dir/$curr_year$curr_month${curr_day}_lop.gif"; if (! -e $p_image_filename) { $p_image_filename = "/lanl_ep_data/images/no_protons.gif"; } } ### end of if (Q::year != '') $query->import_names('Q'); ### reimport UPDATED (!!) name space; needed ### to update form $query->param(-name=>'year', -values=>$$Q::_year); $query->param(-name=>'month', -values=>$$Q::_month); $query->param(-name=>'day', -values=>$$Q::_day); $query->param(-name=>'plot_type', -values=>$plot_type); $query->import_names('Q'); ### reimport UPDATED (!!) name space; needed $julian_day = &Date5::jday($Q::month,$Q::day,$Q::year); ($curr_month,$curr_day,$curr_year,$curr_weekday) = &Date5::jdate($julian_day); if ($curr_month < 10) {$curr_month = "0$curr_month";} if ($curr_day < 10) {$curr_day = "0$curr_day";} $curr_date = "${curr_year}${curr_month}${curr_day}"; $curr_short_date = substr($curr_date,2,6); ### start building the HTML document/form; the little redirect thing is ### currently a clootch - but iot was the only way I could think o fright ### now which allows to incorporate an updated (!) current date in the web ### page address as it is shown by the browser if (($keywords[0] eq '') && ($Q::year ne '')) { print $query->redirect("http://leadbelly.lanl.gov/lanl_ep_data/cgi-bin/ep_plot_choose_2.cgi?$curr_date+$Q::plot_type"); } else { print $query->header(); } print $query->start_html(-title=>'CPA/SOPA Summary Plots'); ####### begin of form ####### print $query->startform; #print "$caller_url
"; ### if script is called for the first time, print a special entry page if ($Q::year eq '') { print qq{

CCR Logo Los Alamos Energetic Particle Summary Plots

Choose a 24-hour summary plot type:

}; print qq{

}; print $query->radio_group(-name=>'plot_type', -linebreak=>'true', -values=>['Electrons', 'Protons', 'Both'], -default=>'Both', -labels=>{'Electrons'=>' Electrons: 50-315 keV (SOPA) or 30-300 keV (CPA)', 'Protons'=>' Protons: 50-400 keV (SOPA) or approx. 100-600 keV (CPA)', 'Both'=>' Both Electrons and Protons'}); print qq{

}; print "

Choose a date and submit your request:

"; print qq{

}; } else { ### print the following for all subsequent pages print "
"; print "

$day_name[$curr_weekday], $month_name[$Q::month-1] $Q::day, ", "$Q::year ($Q::month/$Q::day/$Q::year, $Q::year$DOY)

"; print $query->image_button(-name=>'previous_day', -src=>'../images/left_arrow.gif', -align=>'MIDDLE'), " "; print $query->image_button(-name=>'next_day', -src=>'../images/right_arrow.gif', -align=>'MIDDLE'), "

"; ### location of survey plot print qq{
}; if ($Q::plot_type ne 'Protons') { print qq{ CPA/SOPA electron data for $curr_year/$curr_month/$curr_day}; } if ($Q::plot_type ne 'Electrons') { print qq{ CPA/SOPA proton data for $curr_year/$curr_month/$curr_day}; } print qq{
}; print "

"; ### Input section, select date, plot type, etc. print qq{

}; print $query->popup_menu(-name=>'plot_type', -values=>['Electrons', 'Protons', 'Both'], -default=>'Both', -labels=>{'Electrons'=>'CPA/SOPA Electrons (spin-averaged)', 'Protons'=>'CPA/SOPA Protons (spin-averaged)', 'Both'=>'CPA/SOPA Electrons and Protons (spin-averaged)'}); } print $query->popup_menu(-name=>'month', -values=>['1','2','3','4','5','6','7', '8','9','10','11','12'], -default=>'1', -labels=>{'1'=>'January','2'=>'February', '3'=>'March','4'=>'April', '5'=>'May','6'=>'June','7'=>'July', '8'=>'August','9'=>'September', '10'=>'October','11'=>'November', '12'=>'December'}); print $query->popup_menu(-name=>'day', -values=>['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8', '9','10', '11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18', ,'19','20','21','22','23','24','25','26', '27','28','29','30','31'], -default=>'10'); print $query->popup_menu(-name=>'year', -values=>['1976','1977','1978','1979', '1980','1981','1982', '1983','1984','1985','1986', '1987','1988','1989', '1990','1991','1992','1993', '1994','1995','1996', '1997','1998','1999','2000', '2001','2002','2003','2004'], -default=>'1997'); print $query->submit('select_date','Submit'); print " or "; print $query->submit('latest','Jump to latest available plot'), "

"; print $query->endform; ####### end of form ####### NOT end of HTML !!!! ### links at the bottom of the page if ($Q::year eq '') { print qq{

"Low Energy" particle summary plots can be viewed and browsed on line. Use this form to choose the date you want to start on. After that each plot page has a "forward" and "back" arrow and a "choose date" button that will bring you back to this page.

About the Plot Format

}; print qq{

[ EP Home | Data Requests | Campaigns & Projects | Information]

}; } else { print "
"; printf qq{

LANL Energetic Particles: Home Page | About the Plot Format \| Request Digital Data

}; if (($curr_short_date + 0) >= 890922) { printf qq{

Additional Data Sets: }; if (($curr_date + 0) >= 19960228) { printf qq{POLAR EP Data |}; } printf qq{LANL MPA Plots

}; } ### determine proper Dst file from Japan printf qq{

Indices: }; $final_Dst_flag = 0; if (($curr_year eq $today_year)&&($curr_month eq $today_month)){ $Dst_id = "dstdir/dst1/q/Dstqthism.html"; } elsif (($curr_year eq $previous_year)&&($curr_month eq $previous_month)){ $Dst_id = "dstdir/dst1/q/Dstqlastm.html"; } elsif (($curr_year + 1) >= ($today_year + 0)) { $Dst_id = "dstdir/dst1/p/dstprov${curr_year}${curr_month}.html"; } else { $Dst_id = "dstdir/dst1/f/dstfinal${curr_year}${curr_month}.html"; $final_Dst_flag = 1; } printf qq{}; if (!$final_Dst_flag) {printf qq{Provisional };} printf qq{Dst}; printf qq{ | AE-ASY/SYM}; if (($curr_date + 0) >= 19970101) { printf qq{ | Quick-Look AE Plots

}; } print qq{
}; printf qq{

Not for Publication or Public Presentation

These summary plots should not be used for publication. Higher quality plots which have been checked for errors are available on request. The data presented here do have known instrumental effects, "bugs" and "glitches" and are provided}; if ($Q::plot_type ne 'Electrons') { printf qq{"as is" (see Proton caveats).\n}; } else { printf qq{"as is". \n}; } printf qq{Keeping the LANL EP team involved in your analysis will help all of us. If you would like to request publishable plots or data or if you have questions about the data please contact:
}; } ### adress information - this is always displayed print qq{
}; #print qq{ # Jörg-Micha Jahn # Produced and Maintains the SEPS Data Browser.
# Last updated April 22, 1998.
}; if ($Q::year eq '') { print qq{ Geoff Reeves Produced and Maintains the LANL EP Web Pages.
}; } print qq{

Please report problems to jmj\@@lanl.gov.

}; print qq{Last updated August 03, 1998, by J.-M. Jahn (jmj\@@lanl.gov)}; print $query->end_html; ####### end of HTML, and of script ####### #******************************************************************* sub get_doy{ # first extract proper date in yyyymmdd $first_month = 1; $first_day = 1; local($mm, $dd, $yy, $weekday) = &Date5::jdate($i); $j_day_first = &Date5::jday($first_month,$first_day,$yy); local($doy) = $i - $j_day_first + 1; # if ($doy < 100) { $doy = "0$doy"; } # if ($doy < 10) { $doy = "0$doy"; } return $doy; } #******************************************************************* @