2. 5 C~verse.r whipped us too. Mar.. lohn had a brothr nei~d Mare. Andrsw and he was a good m. H ‚ d .~ to th ovsreasr ‚ ‚ Now don‘ t whip thas girli 80 iflUCh, they can‘t work.‘ Oh, he was a good men. Oh~ white folks wae the devil in slavery ti~s. I wa~ scared to death of ‘sa. They‘d have thsee long cow hide whip.. Honey, I wae treated bad. I seen a time in this world. “Oh Lord, y.., that was long ‚ tore the war. I wae right down on wy master‘ e place when it atart.d. They said it wae to tree the niggers. ~ Lord, we wae right under it in Davidson Couzity where I o~e tr~. ~i Lord, yea, I knowed all about when the war started. I‘ se a young ~ a you~€ woman. We wa~ treated just like dogs and hogs. We seed a hard t ime I kiiow what I ‘~i talkizi ‚ aboet. “Oh God, I seed the Yankees. I asw it a.ll• We wae ao .carsd v run urAder the house and the Yankese called ‚ C~ ou~t Dinah ‚ ( dIdII ‚ t call non ~ us anything but Dinah) • They said ‚ Dinah, we ‚ re fight in ‚ to tree you ~.d ~t you out trŚn under bondage . ‚ I ~re understood that but I didn‘ t fl~ve no better aense than to go back to mistreaa. ~Oh Lord ‚ yea ‚ I aeed the Eu Klux. They didn‘ t bother ~ cause I ~i dL‘ t atay where they could ; I wae way under the houas. “YankeeB burned up everything Mares ~‘ohn had. I looked up the pike &:~ seed the Yankeea a comin‘. They say ~ a tightin‘ tor you, Dinah~‘ ~&ikees walked in, chile, juat walked right in on us. I tell you I‘ve seed a tii~ • You talkin ‚ ‚ bout war you bettr wish no more war c~. : i~, when the war etarted. The Seoeaaore on this eide az~d the Ye~k.ea ~L that aide. Yea, Mies, I seen enough. My brother wnt and JIn.d the ~eoes3ora and they killed him tine he got in the war.