Alpena NFWCO
Midwest Region


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Alpena, MI 49707

Fish Movement and Passageway
Between Lake Erie and Metzger Marsh

Monitoring of an Experimental Fish Passage Structure
1999 Progress Report

January 2000



Table 1.  List of fish species found at Metzger Marsh and their species codes.

Alewife                                                                     ALW
Bigmouth Buffalo                                                    BIB
Black Bullhead*                                                       BLB
Black Crappie*                                                         BLC
Bluegill*                                                                    BLG
Bluntnose Minnow                                                 BLM
Bowfin*                                                                     BOW
Brown Bullhead*                                                      BRB
Brook Silverside                                                       BKS
Carp*                                                                          CAR
Channel Catfish                                                        CHC
Emerald Shiner                                                          EMS
Freshwater Drum                                                      FRD
Gizzard Shad                                                              GIS
Goldfish*                                                                   GOF
Golden Shiner*                                                         GOS
Largemouth Bass*                                                   LMB
Logperch                                                                   LOP
Longnose Gar*                                                         LOG
Northern Pike*                                                          NOP
Orangespotted Sunfish*                                         ORS
Pumpkinseed*                                                           PUM
Quillback Carpsucker                                               QUB
Rainbow Trout                                                          RAT
Rockbass                                                                    ROB
Round Goby                                                               ROG
Sand Shiner                                                                SAS
Spotfin Shiner                                                            SFS
Smallmouth Bass                                                       SMB
Silver Lamprey                                                           SIL
Spottail Shiner                                                           STS
Tadpole Madtom*                                                    TAM
Troutperch                                                                 TRP
Walleye                                                                      WAE
White Bass                                                                WHB               
White Crappie*                                                         WHC
White Perch                                                               WHP
White Sucker                                                             WHS                           
Yellow Bullhead*                                                      YEB
Yellow Perch                                                              YEP

*  Indicates species which are dependant upon wetland habitats for the majority of their lives.
:    Indicates exotic/introduced species.


Table 2.  Complete list of species and their abundance for both the ingress and egress samples along with combined totals.

SPECIES                                 TOTAL INGRESS               TOTAL EGRESS                            TOTAL
ALW                                                       0                                              15                                            15
BIB                                                         6                                              1                                              7
BLB                                                        6                                              1                                              7
BLC                                                        6                                              5                                              11
BLG                                                        24                                            71                                            95
BLM                                                       23                                            5                                              28
BOW                                                       27                                            7                                              34
BRB                                                        2                                              5                                              7
BKS                                                        7                                              171                                          178
CAR                                                        323                                          1                                              324
CHC                                                        8                                              1                                              9
EMS                                                        2927                                        645                                          3572
FRD                                                        50                                            7                                              57
GIS                                                          2371                                        640                                          3011
GOF                                                        23                                            1                                              24
GOS                                                        1                                              0                                              1
LMB                                                       34                                            146                                          180
LOG                                                        8                                              0                                              8
LOP                                                        3                                              6                                              9
NOP                                                        1                                              0                                              1
ORS                                                        20                                            19                                            39
PUM                                                       38                                            158                                          196
QUB                                                       16                                            1                                              17
RAT                                                        1                                              0                                              1
ROB                                                        2                                              4                                              6
ROG                                                       251                                          268                                          519
SAS                                                         23                                            22                                            45
SFS                                                          9                                              18                                            27
SMB                                                       1                                              2                                              3
SIL                                                          2                                              0                                              2
STS                                                         349                                          43                                            392
TAM                                                      1                                              4                                              5
TRP                                                        11                                            1                                              12
WAE                                                       12                                            1                                              13
WHB                                                       255                                          84                                            339
WHC                                                       2                                              1                                              3
WHP                                                       36                                            47                                            83
WHS                                                       3                                              0                                              3
YEB                                                        15                                            0                                              15
YEP                                                         6                                              4                                              10
TOTAL                                                   6909                                       2405
GRAND TOTAL = 9314                                      


Table 3.   Catch per unit effort calculations for both the ingress and egress samples.  Shannon – Weaver index calculations for both samples.

Table 3.   Catch per unit effort calculations for both the ingress and egress samples.  Shannon – Weaver index calculations for both samples.

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Last updated: July 8, 2008