WILLIAM TOD HELMUTH. William Tod Helmuth, the well-known sur- geon and homeopathist, was born in Philadelphia, October 30, 1833. He was educated at St. Timothy's College, Baltimore, and in 1850 began studying medicine. He graduated in 1853 and began practice in Philadelphia, leaning towards surgery more than towards medicine. He removed to St. Louis in 1858 and was one of the founders of the Missouri Homeopathic Medical College, in which college he became professor of anatomy. He was also surgeon of the Good Samaritan Hos- pital. In 1859, he married a Miss Pritchard of St. Louis. Later on, in 1869, he organized the St. Louis College of Homeopathic Physicians and Surgeons, of which he became the dean and professor of surgery, but the following year he removed to New York where he became professor of surgery in the Homeopathic Medical College and surgeon to the Hahnemann and New York Surgical hospitals. He published several medical and humorous books. His first work was, " Surgery, and its Adaptation to Homeopathic Practice" (1855). I am informed that this book called the attention of the homeopathic physicians of St. Louis to him, and led to his shortly afterwards taking up his habitation in the Mound City. His other (182)