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ED070873 - Cluster Analyses of the SVIB, MVII, and Kuder OIS As Tests of an Occupational Classification.

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ERIC #:ED070873
Title:Cluster Analyses of the SVIB, MVII, and Kuder OIS As Tests of an Occupational Classification.
Authors:Nafziger, Dean H.; Helms, Samuel T.
Descriptors:Career Development; Career Education; Career Guidance; Classification; Cluster Analysis; Cluster Grouping; Correlation; Interest Inventories; Occupational Clusters; Occupational Tests; Vocational Interests
More Info:
Publisher:Johns Hopkins Univ., Center for the Social Organization of Schools, Baltimore, Maryland
Publication Date:1972-09-00
Pub Types:N/A
Abstract:This report was prepared by the Careers and Curricula Program, which is a career development and guidance program sponsored by The Center for Social Organization of Schools. As one of five Center programs which develop scientific knowledge of the schools' effects upon students and utilize this information to improve educational practices, this report from the Careers and Curricula Program examines the correspondence of various vocational interest inventories with the Holland Occupational Classification. Specifically, Holland's categories are compared with occupational groupings that result from the empirical application of McQuitty's Iterative, Intercolumnar Correlational Analysis to the occupational scales of the Strong Vocational Interest Black (SVIB), the Minnesota Vocational Interest Inventory (MVII), and the Kuder DD Occupational Interest Survey (OIS) Core Scales for Men and for Women. Results indicate that internally consistent occupational clusters do exist, and these usually agree with Holland's classification. The hierarchical structure of the clusters follows Holland's hexagonal ordering of categories, additionally attesting to the validity of Holland's theoretical construct. (Author/AG)
Reference Count:0

Identifiers:Hollands Theory of Occupational Choice; Kuder Occupational Interest Survey; Minnesota Vocational Interest Inventory; Strong Vocational Interest Blank
Record Type:Non-Journal
Level:1 - Available on microfiche
Institutions:Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD. Center for the Study of Social Organization of Schools.
Sponsors:Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, DC.
Education Level:N/A