0 1 ocm26190856 2 Pakistan weather review monthly weather report by the authority of the Government of Pakistan 3 Pakistan Meteorological Service UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 India Jammu and Kashmir UNAUTHORIZED 4 Bangladesh UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan Climate UNAUTHORIZED 4 Jammu and Kashmir India Climate UNAUTHORIZED 4 Bangladesh Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC990 P18 P37 Aug 1947 -Jun LC 1 OLAA 38398100951692 6 QC990 P18 1951-1953 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728652 6 QC990 P18 1954-1955 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728660 6 QC990 P18 1956-1958 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728926 6 QC990 P18 1959-1961 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728793 6 QC990 P18 P37 1962 6 QC990 P18 P37 1963-1964 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728942 6 QC990 P18 P37 Jul LC 1 OLAO 38398100728 678 7 1956 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2528.TIF 0 1 ocm26190856 2 Pakistan weather review monthly weather report by the authority of the Government of Pakistan 3 Pakistan Meteorological Service UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 India Jammu and Kashmir UNAUTHORIZED 4 Bangladesh UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan Climate UNAUTHORIZED 4 Jammu and Kashmir India Climate UNAUTHORIZED 4 Bangladesh Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC990 P18 P37 Aug 1947 -Jun LC 1 OLAA 38398100951692 6 QC990 P18 1951-1953 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728652 6 QC990 P18 1954-1955 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728660 6 QC990 P18 1956-1958 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728926 6 QC990 P18 1959-1961 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728793 6 QC990 P18 P37 1962 6 QC990 P18 P37 1963-1964 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728942 6 QC990 P18 P37 Jul LC 1 OLAO 38398100728 678 7 1957 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2529.TIF 0 1 ocm26190856 2 Pakistan weather review monthly weather report by the authority of the Government of Pakistan 3 Pakistan Meteorological Service UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 India Jammu and Kashmir UNAUTHORIZED 4 Bangladesh UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan Climate UNAUTHORIZED 4 Jammu and Kashmir India Climate UNAUTHORIZED 4 Bangladesh Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC990 P18 P37 Aug 1947 -Jun LC 1 OLAA 38398100951692 6 QC990 P18 1951-1953 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728652 6 QC990 P18 1954-1955 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728660 6 QC990 P18 1956-1958 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728926 6 QC990 P18 1959-1961 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728793 6 QC990 P18 P37 1962 6 QC990 P18 P37 1963-1964 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728942 6 QC990 P18 P37 Jul LC 1 OLAO 38398100728 678 7 1958 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2530.TIF 0 1 ocm26190856 2 Pakistan weather review monthly weather report by the authority of the Government of Pakistan 3 Pakistan Meteorological Service UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 India Jammu and Kashmir UNAUTHORIZED 4 Bangladesh UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan Climate UNAUTHORIZED 4 Jammu and Kashmir India Climate UNAUTHORIZED 4 Bangladesh Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC990 P18 P37 Aug 1947 -Jun LC 1 OLAA 38398100951692 6 QC990 P18 1951-1953 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728652 6 QC990 P18 1954-1955 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728660 6 QC990 P18 1956-1958 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728926 6 QC990 P18 1959-1961 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728793 6 QC990 P18 P37 1962 6 QC990 P18 P37 1963-1964 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728942 6 QC990 P18 P37 Jul LC 1 OLAO 38398100728 678 7 1959 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2531.TIF 0 1 ocm26190856 2 Pakistan weather review monthly weather report by the authority of the Government of Pakistan 3 Pakistan Meteorological Service UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 India Jammu and Kashmir UNAUTHORIZED 4 Bangladesh UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan Climate UNAUTHORIZED 4 Jammu and Kashmir India Climate UNAUTHORIZED 4 Bangladesh Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC990 P18 P37 Aug 1947 -Jun LC 1 OLAA 38398100951692 6 QC990 P18 1951-1953 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728652 6 QC990 P18 1954-1955 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728660 6 QC990 P18 1956-1958 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728926 6 QC990 P18 1959-1961 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728793 6 QC990 P18 P37 1962 6 QC990 P18 P37 1963-1964 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728942 6 QC990 P18 P37 Jul LC 1 OLAO 38398100728 678 7 1960 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2532.TIF 0 1 ocm26190856 2 Pakistan weather review monthly weather report by the authority of the Government of Pakistan 3 Pakistan Meteorological Service UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 India Jammu and Kashmir UNAUTHORIZED 4 Bangladesh UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan Climate UNAUTHORIZED 4 Jammu and Kashmir India Climate UNAUTHORIZED 4 Bangladesh Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC990 P18 P37 Aug 1947 -Jun LC 1 OLAA 38398100951692 6 QC990 P18 1951-1953 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728652 6 QC990 P18 1954-1955 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728660 6 QC990 P18 1956-1958 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728926 6 QC990 P18 1959-1961 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728793 6 QC990 P18 P37 1962 6 QC990 P18 P37 1963-1964 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728942 6 QC990 P18 P37 Jul LC 1 OLAO 38398100728 678 7 1961 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2533.TIF 0 1 ocm26190856 2 Pakistan weather review monthly weather report by the authority of the Government of Pakistan 3 Pakistan Meteorological Service UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 India Jammu and Kashmir UNAUTHORIZED 4 Bangladesh UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan Climate UNAUTHORIZED 4 Jammu and Kashmir India Climate UNAUTHORIZED 4 Bangladesh Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC990 P18 P37 Aug 1947 -Jun LC 1 OLAA 38398100951692 6 QC990 P18 1951-1953 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728652 6 QC990 P18 1954-1955 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728660 6 QC990 P18 1956-1958 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728926 6 QC990 P18 1959-1961 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728793 6 QC990 P18 P37 1962 6 QC990 P18 P37 1963-1964 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728942 6 QC990 P18 P37 Jul LC 1 OLAO 38398100728 678 7 1963 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2534.TIF 0 1 ocm26190856 2 Pakistan weather review monthly weather report by the authority of the Government of Pakistan 3 Pakistan Meteorological Service UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 India Jammu and Kashmir UNAUTHORIZED 4 Bangladesh UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan Climate UNAUTHORIZED 4 Jammu and Kashmir India Climate UNAUTHORIZED 4 Bangladesh Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC990 P18 P37 Aug 1947 -Jun LC 1 OLAA 38398100951692 6 QC990 P18 1951-1953 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728652 6 QC990 P18 1954-1955 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728660 6 QC990 P18 1956-1958 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728926 6 QC990 P18 1959-1961 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728793 6 QC990 P18 P37 1962 6 QC990 P18 P37 1963-1964 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728942 6 QC990 P18 P37 Jul LC 1 OLAO 38398100728 678 7 1964 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2535.TIF 0 1 ocm26190856 2 Pakistan weather review monthly weather report by the authority of the Government of Pakistan 3 Pakistan Meteorological Service UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 India Jammu and Kashmir UNAUTHORIZED 4 Bangladesh UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan Climate UNAUTHORIZED 4 Jammu and Kashmir India Climate UNAUTHORIZED 4 Bangladesh Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC990 P18 P37 Aug 1947 -Jun LC 1 OLAA 38398100951692 6 QC990 P18 1951-1953 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728652 6 QC990 P18 1954-1955 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728660 6 QC990 P18 1956-1958 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728926 6 QC990 P18 1959-1961 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728793 6 QC990 P18 P37 1962 6 QC990 P18 P37 1963-1964 LC 1 OLAO 38398100728942 6 QC990 P18 P37 Jul LC 1 OLAO 38398100728 678 7 1962 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2536.TIF 0 1 ocm13483844 2 Monthly frequency tables of horizontal visibility of base of low cloud and surface and upper at pilot balloon stations 3 Pakistan Meteorological Dept UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 India Jammu and Kashmir UNAUTHORIZED 4 Bangladesh UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmosphere Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds aloft Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds aloft Pakistan Pilot-balloon UNAUTHORIZED 4 Visibility Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Clouds Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC990 P18 M6 1950-1955 LC 1 OLAA 38398100728801 7 1950 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2537.TIF 0 1 ocm13483844 2 Monthly frequency tables of horizontal visibility of base of low cloud and surface and upper at pilot balloon stations 3 Pakistan Meteorological Dept UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 India Jammu and Kashmir UNAUTHORIZED 4 Bangladesh UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmosphere Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds aloft Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds aloft Pakistan Pilot-balloon UNAUTHORIZED 4 Visibility Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Clouds Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC990 P18 M6 1950-1955 LC 1 OLAA 38398100728801 7 1951 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2538.TIF 0 1 ocm13483844 2 Monthly frequency tables of horizontal visibility of base of low cloud and surface and upper at pilot balloon stations 3 Pakistan Meteorological Dept UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 India Jammu and Kashmir UNAUTHORIZED 4 Bangladesh UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmosphere Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds aloft Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds aloft Pakistan Pilot-balloon UNAUTHORIZED 4 Visibility Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Clouds Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC990 P18 M6 1950-1955 LC 1 OLAA 38398100728801 7 1952 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2539.TIF 0 1 ocm13483844 2 Monthly frequency tables of horizontal visibility of base of low cloud and surface and upper at pilot balloon stations 3 Pakistan Meteorological Dept UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 India Jammu and Kashmir UNAUTHORIZED 4 Bangladesh UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmosphere Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds aloft Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds aloft Pakistan Pilot-balloon UNAUTHORIZED 4 Visibility Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Clouds Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC990 P18 M6 1950-1955 LC 1 OLAA 38398100728801 7 1953 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2540.TIF 0 1 ocm13483844 2 Monthly frequency tables of horizontal visibility of base of low cloud and surface and upper at pilot balloon stations 3 Pakistan Meteorological Dept UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 India Jammu and Kashmir UNAUTHORIZED 4 Bangladesh UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmosphere Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds aloft Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds aloft Pakistan Pilot-balloon UNAUTHORIZED 4 Visibility Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Clouds Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC990 P18 M6 1950-1955 LC 1 OLAA 38398100728801 7 1954 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2541.TIF 0 1 ocm13483844 2 Monthly frequency tables of horizontal visibility of base of low cloud and surface and upper at pilot balloon stations 3 Pakistan Meteorological Dept UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 India Jammu and Kashmir UNAUTHORIZED 4 Bangladesh UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmosphere Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds aloft Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds aloft Pakistan Pilot-balloon UNAUTHORIZED 4 Visibility Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Clouds Pakistan UNAUTHORIZED 4 Pakistan Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC990 P18 M6 1950-1955 LC 1 OLAA 38398100728801 7 1955 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2542.TIF 0 1 ocm48103634 2 Temperaturas a la sombra tomadas en algunos lugares de Cuba Republica de Cuba Marina de Guerra Observatorio Nacional 3 Observatorio Nacional Cuba 4 Cuba 4 Caribbean Area 4 Atmospheric temperature Cuba 4 Cuba Climate 6 QC987 C9 T3 1952-1960 6 QC987 C9 T3 1961-1962 7 1952 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2543.TIF 0 1 ocm48103634 2 Temperaturas a la sombra tomadas en algunos lugares de Cuba Republica de Cuba Marina de Guerra Observatorio Nacional 3 Observatorio Nacional Cuba 4 Cuba 4 Caribbean Area 4 Atmospheric temperature Cuba 4 Cuba Climate 6 QC987 C9 T3 1952-1960 6 QC987 C9 T3 1961-1962 7 1953 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2544.TIF 0 1 ocm48103634 2 Temperaturas a la sombra tomadas en algunos lugares de Cuba Republica de Cuba Marina de Guerra Observatorio Nacional 3 Observatorio Nacional Cuba 4 Cuba 4 Caribbean Area 4 Atmospheric temperature Cuba 4 Cuba Climate 6 QC987 C9 T3 1952-1960 6 QC987 C9 T3 1961-1962 7 1954 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2545.TIF 0 1 ocm48103634 2 Temperaturas a la sombra tomadas en algunos lugares de Cuba Republica de Cuba Marina de Guerra Observatorio Nacional 3 Observatorio Nacional Cuba 4 Cuba 4 Caribbean Area 4 Atmospheric temperature Cuba 4 Cuba Climate 6 QC987 C9 T3 1952-1960 6 QC987 C9 T3 1961-1962 7 1955 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2546.TIF 0 1 ocm48103634 2 Temperaturas a la sombra tomadas en algunos lugares de Cuba Republica de Cuba Marina de Guerra Observatorio Nacional 3 Observatorio Nacional Cuba 4 Cuba 4 Caribbean Area 4 Atmospheric temperature Cuba 4 Cuba Climate 6 QC987 C9 T3 1952-1960 6 QC987 C9 T3 1961-1962 7 1956 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2547.TIF 0 1 ocm48103634 2 Temperaturas a la sombra tomadas en algunos lugares de Cuba Republica de Cuba Marina de Guerra Observatorio Nacional 3 Observatorio Nacional Cuba 4 Cuba 4 Caribbean Area 4 Atmospheric temperature Cuba 4 Cuba Climate 6 QC987 C9 T3 1952-1960 6 QC987 C9 T3 1961-1962 7 1957 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2548.TIF 0 1 ocm48103634 2 Temperaturas a la sombra tomadas en algunos lugares de Cuba Republica de Cuba Marina de Guerra Observatorio Nacional 3 Observatorio Nacional Cuba 4 Cuba 4 Caribbean Area 4 Atmospheric temperature Cuba 4 Cuba Climate 6 QC987 C9 T3 1952-1960 6 QC987 C9 T3 1961-1962 7 1958 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2549.TIF 0 1 ocm48103634 2 Temperaturas a la sombra tomadas en algunos lugares de Cuba Republica de Cuba Marina de Guerra Observatorio Nacional 3 Observatorio Nacional Cuba 4 Cuba 4 Caribbean Area 4 Atmospheric temperature Cuba 4 Cuba Climate 6 QC987 C9 T3 1952-1960 6 QC987 C9 T3 1961-1962 7 1959 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2550.TIF 0 1 ocm48103634 2 Temperaturas a la sombra tomadas en algunos lugares de Cuba Republica de Cuba Marina de Guerra Observatorio Nacional 3 Observatorio Nacional Cuba 4 Cuba 4 Caribbean Area 4 Atmospheric temperature Cuba 4 Cuba Climate 6 QC987 C9 T3 1952-1960 6 QC987 C9 T3 1961-1962 7 1960 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2551.TIF 0 1 ocm48103634 2 Temperaturas a la sombra tomadas en algunos lugares de Cuba Republica de Cuba Marina de Guerra Observatorio Nacional 3 Observatorio Nacional Cuba 4 Cuba 4 Caribbean Area 4 Atmospheric temperature Cuba 4 Cuba Climate 6 QC987 C9 T3 1952-1960 6 QC987 C9 T3 1961-1962 7 1961 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2552.TIF 0 1 ocm48103634 2 Temperaturas a la sombra tomadas en algunos lugares de Cuba Republica de Cuba Marina de Guerra Observatorio Nacional 3 Observatorio Nacional Cuba 4 Cuba 4 Caribbean Area 4 Atmospheric temperature Cuba 4 Cuba Climate 6 QC987 C9 T3 1952-1960 6 QC987 C9 T3 1961-1962 7 1962 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2553.TIF 0 1 ocm48103796 2 Relacion de la cantidad de lluvia caida en distintos lugares Republica de Cuba Marina de Guerra Nacional 3 Observatorio Nacional Cuba 4 Cuba 4 Caribbean Area 4 Precipitation Cuba 4 Rain and rainfall Cuba 4 Cuba Climate 6 QC987 C9 T33 1950-1960 Incomplete 38398100728686 6 QC987 C9 T33 1961-1962 Incomplete 38398100728538 7 1950-1960-Incomplete 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2554.TIF 0 1 ocm48103796 2 Relacion de la cantidad de lluvia caida en distintos lugares Republica de Cuba Marina de Guerra Nacional 3 Observatorio Nacional Cuba 4 Cuba 4 Caribbean Area 4 Precipitation Cuba 4 Rain and rainfall Cuba 4 Cuba Climate 6 QC987 C9 T33 1950-1960 Incomplete 38398100728686 6 QC987 C9 T33 1961-1962 Incomplete 38398100728538 7 1961 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2555.TIF 0 1 ocm48103796 2 Relacion de la cantidad de lluvia caida en distintos lugares Republica de Cuba Marina de Guerra Nacional 3 Observatorio Nacional Cuba 4 Cuba 4 Caribbean Area 4 Precipitation Cuba 4 Rain and rainfall Cuba 4 Cuba Climate 6 QC987 C9 T33 1950-1960 Incomplete 38398100728686 6 QC987 C9 T33 1961-1962 Incomplete 38398100728538 7 1962 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2556.TIF 0 1 ocm48103866 2 Annual meteorological summary Pan American World Airways inc American Division 2 Annual meteorological summary / Pan American World Airways Latin American Division 3 Pan American World Airways inc Latin American Division 4 Latin America 4 in aeronautics Latin America 4 Atmosphere Upper Latin America 4 Winds aloft Latin America 4 Winds Speed Latin America 4 Precipitation Latin America 4 Visibility Latin America 4 Clouds Latin America 4 Fog Latin America 6 QC981 A58 1944 6 QC981 A58 1945 6 QC981 A58 1946 7 1945 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2557.TIF 0 1 ocm48103866 2 Annual meteorological summary Pan American World Airways inc American Division 2 Annual meteorological summary / Pan American World Airways Latin American Division 3 Pan American World Airways inc Latin American Division 4 Latin America 4 in aeronautics Latin America 4 Atmosphere Upper Latin America 4 Winds aloft Latin America 4 Winds Speed Latin America 4 Precipitation Latin America 4 Visibility Latin America 4 Clouds Latin America 4 Fog Latin America 6 QC981 A58 1944 6 QC981 A58 1945 6 QC981 A58 1946 7 1946 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2558.TIF 0 1 ocm48104311 2 Summary of meteorological British Caribbean Service Dominica Division 2 Summary of meteorological / British Caribbean Service Dominica Division 3 British Caribbean Meteorological Service Dominica Division 4 Caribbean Area 4 Atmospheric temperature Dominica 4 Atmospheric pressure Dominica 4 Humidity Dominica 4 Rain and rainfall Dominica 4 Precipitation Dominica 4 Cloudiness Dominica 4 Winds Dominica 4 Dominica Climate 6 QC987 D6 S86 1948-1951 7 1948-1953 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2559.TIF 0 1 ocm48095864 2 Meteorological Saint Lucia 2 Meteorological / British West Indies 4 Caribbean Area 4 Atmospheric temperature Saint Lucia 4 Atmospheric pressure Saint Lucia 4 Humidity Saint Lucia 4 Rain and rainfall Saint Lucia 4 Precipitation Saint Lucia 4 Cloudiness Saint Lucia 4 Winds Saint Lucia 4 Saint Lucia Climate 6 QC987 S17 S86 1899-1953 7 1899-1953 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2560.TIF 0 1 ocm48103950 2 Summary of meteorological Kingston Saint Vincent the Grenadines 2 Summary of meteorological 3 British Caribbean Meteorological Service Eastern Division 3 Saint Vincent Agricultural Experiment Station 4 Caribbean Area 4 Atmospheric temperature Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 4 Atmospheric pressure Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 4 Humidity Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 4 Rain and rainfall Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 4 Precipitation Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 4 Cloudiness Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 4 Winds Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 4 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Climate 6 QC987 S18 S86 1915/16-1948 7 1949-1953 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2561.TIF 0 1 ocm48103900 2 Summary of meteorological British Caribbean Service Trinidad Division 2 Summary of meteorological / British Caribbean Service Trinidad Division 3 British Caribbean Meteorological Service Trinidad Division 4 Caribbean Area 4 Atmospheric temperature Trinidad and Tobago 4 Humidity Trinidad and Tobago 4 Rain and rainfall Trinidad and Tobago 4 Precipitation Trinidad and Tobago 4 Winds Trinidad and Tobago 4 Sunshine Trinidad and Tobago 4 Trinidad and Tobago Climate 6 QC987 T7 S86 1952-1953 7 1952-1953 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2562.TIF 0 1 ocm48103900 2 Summary of meteorological British Caribbean Service Trinidad Division 2 Summary of meteorological / British Caribbean Service Trinidad Division 3 British Caribbean Meteorological Service Trinidad Division 4 Caribbean Area 4 Atmospheric temperature Trinidad and Tobago 4 Humidity Trinidad and Tobago 4 Rain and rainfall Trinidad and Tobago 4 Precipitation Trinidad and Tobago 4 Winds Trinidad and Tobago 4 Sunshine Trinidad and Tobago 4 Trinidad and Tobago Climate 6 QC987 T7 S86 1952-1953 7 1953 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2563.TIF 0 1 ocm47704138 2 Statistiek van de meteorologische waarnemingen in Nederlandse Antillen 3 Netherlands Antilles Bureau voor de Statistiek UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric temperature Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric pressure Saint Vincent and the UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Rain and rainfall Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Dew point Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC987 N42 S8 1e jaarg 1953 -10e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734130 6 QC987 N42 S8 11e jaarg 1963 -17e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734122 6 QC987 N42 S8 18e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733868 6 QC987 N42 S8 19e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733876 6 QC987 N42 S8 20e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733850 7 11e-jaarg-1963 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2564.TIF 0 1 ocm47704138 2 Statistiek van de meteorologische waarnemingen in Nederlandse Antillen 3 Netherlands Antilles Bureau voor de Statistiek UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric temperature Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric pressure Saint Vincent and the UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Rain and rainfall Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Dew point Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC987 N42 S8 1e jaarg 1953 -10e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734130 6 QC987 N42 S8 11e jaarg 1963 -17e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734122 6 QC987 N42 S8 18e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733868 6 QC987 N42 S8 19e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733876 6 QC987 N42 S8 20e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733850 7 12e-jaarg-1964 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2565.TIF 0 1 ocm47704138 2 Statistiek van de meteorologische waarnemingen in Nederlandse Antillen 3 Netherlands Antilles Bureau voor de Statistiek UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric temperature Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric pressure Saint Vincent and the UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Rain and rainfall Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Dew point Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC987 N42 S8 1e jaarg 1953 -10e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734130 6 QC987 N42 S8 11e jaarg 1963 -17e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734122 6 QC987 N42 S8 18e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733868 6 QC987 N42 S8 19e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733876 6 QC987 N42 S8 20e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733850 7 13e-jaarg-1965 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2566.TIF 0 1 ocm47704138 2 Statistiek van de meteorologische waarnemingen in Nederlandse Antillen 3 Netherlands Antilles Bureau voor de Statistiek UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric temperature Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric pressure Saint Vincent and the UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Rain and rainfall Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Dew point Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC987 N42 S8 1e jaarg 1953 -10e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734130 6 QC987 N42 S8 11e jaarg 1963 -17e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734122 6 QC987 N42 S8 18e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733868 6 QC987 N42 S8 19e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733876 6 QC987 N42 S8 20e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733850 7 14e-jaarg-1966 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2567.TIF 0 1 ocm47704138 2 Statistiek van de meteorologische waarnemingen in Nederlandse Antillen 3 Netherlands Antilles Bureau voor de Statistiek UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric temperature Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric pressure Saint Vincent and the UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Rain and rainfall Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Dew point Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC987 N42 S8 1e jaarg 1953 -10e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734130 6 QC987 N42 S8 11e jaarg 1963 -17e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734122 6 QC987 N42 S8 18e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733868 6 QC987 N42 S8 19e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733876 6 QC987 N42 S8 20e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733850 7 15e-jaarg-1967 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2568.TIF 0 1 ocm47704138 2 Statistiek van de meteorologische waarnemingen in Nederlandse Antillen 3 Netherlands Antilles Bureau voor de Statistiek UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric temperature Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric pressure Saint Vincent and the UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Rain and rainfall Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Dew point Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC987 N42 S8 1e jaarg 1953 -10e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734130 6 QC987 N42 S8 11e jaarg 1963 -17e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734122 6 QC987 N42 S8 18e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733868 6 QC987 N42 S8 19e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733876 6 QC987 N42 S8 20e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733850 7 16e-jaarg-1968 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2569.TIF 0 1 ocm47704138 2 Statistiek van de meteorologische waarnemingen in Nederlandse Antillen 3 Netherlands Antilles Bureau voor de Statistiek UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric temperature Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric pressure Saint Vincent and the UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Rain and rainfall Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Dew point Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC987 N42 S8 1e jaarg 1953 -10e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734130 6 QC987 N42 S8 11e jaarg 1963 -17e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734122 6 QC987 N42 S8 18e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733868 6 QC987 N42 S8 19e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733876 6 QC987 N42 S8 20e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733850 7 17e-jaarg-1969 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2570.TIF 0 1 ocm47704138 2 Statistiek van de meteorologische waarnemingen in Nederlandse Antillen 3 Netherlands Antilles Bureau voor de Statistiek UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric temperature Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric pressure Saint Vincent and the UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Rain and rainfall Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Dew point Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC987 N42 S8 1e jaarg 1953 -10e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734130 6 QC987 N42 S8 11e jaarg 1963 -17e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734122 6 QC987 N42 S8 18e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733868 6 QC987 N42 S8 19e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733876 6 QC987 N42 S8 20e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733850 7 1e-jaarg-1953 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2571.TIF 0 1 ocm47704138 2 Statistiek van de meteorologische waarnemingen in Nederlandse Antillen 3 Netherlands Antilles Bureau voor de Statistiek UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric temperature Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric pressure Saint Vincent and the UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Rain and rainfall Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Dew point Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC987 N42 S8 1e jaarg 1953 -10e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734130 6 QC987 N42 S8 11e jaarg 1963 -17e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734122 6 QC987 N42 S8 18e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733868 6 QC987 N42 S8 19e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733876 6 QC987 N42 S8 20e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733850 7 2e-jaarg-1954 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2572.TIF 0 1 ocm47704138 2 Statistiek van de meteorologische waarnemingen in Nederlandse Antillen 3 Netherlands Antilles Bureau voor de Statistiek UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric temperature Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric pressure Saint Vincent and the UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Rain and rainfall Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Dew point Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC987 N42 S8 1e jaarg 1953 -10e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734130 6 QC987 N42 S8 11e jaarg 1963 -17e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734122 6 QC987 N42 S8 18e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733868 6 QC987 N42 S8 19e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733876 6 QC987 N42 S8 20e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733850 7 3e-jaarg-1955 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2573.TIF 0 1 ocm47704138 2 Statistiek van de meteorologische waarnemingen in Nederlandse Antillen 3 Netherlands Antilles Bureau voor de Statistiek UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric temperature Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric pressure Saint Vincent and the UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Rain and rainfall Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Dew point Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC987 N42 S8 1e jaarg 1953 -10e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734130 6 QC987 N42 S8 11e jaarg 1963 -17e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734122 6 QC987 N42 S8 18e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733868 6 QC987 N42 S8 19e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733876 6 QC987 N42 S8 20e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733850 7 4e-jaarg-1956 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2574.TIF 0 1 ocm47704138 2 Statistiek van de meteorologische waarnemingen in Nederlandse Antillen 3 Netherlands Antilles Bureau voor de Statistiek UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric temperature Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric pressure Saint Vincent and the UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Rain and rainfall Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Dew point Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC987 N42 S8 1e jaarg 1953 -10e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734130 6 QC987 N42 S8 11e jaarg 1963 -17e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734122 6 QC987 N42 S8 18e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733868 6 QC987 N42 S8 19e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733876 6 QC987 N42 S8 20e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733850 7 5e-jaarg-1957 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2575.TIF 0 1 ocm47704138 2 Statistiek van de meteorologische waarnemingen in Nederlandse Antillen 3 Netherlands Antilles Bureau voor de Statistiek UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric temperature Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric pressure Saint Vincent and the UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Rain and rainfall Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Dew point Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC987 N42 S8 1e jaarg 1953 -10e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734130 6 QC987 N42 S8 11e jaarg 1963 -17e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734122 6 QC987 N42 S8 18e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733868 6 QC987 N42 S8 19e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733876 6 QC987 N42 S8 20e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733850 7 6e-jaarg-1958 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2576.TIF 0 1 ocm47704138 2 Statistiek van de meteorologische waarnemingen in Nederlandse Antillen 3 Netherlands Antilles Bureau voor de Statistiek UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric temperature Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric pressure Saint Vincent and the UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Rain and rainfall Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Dew point Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC987 N42 S8 1e jaarg 1953 -10e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734130 6 QC987 N42 S8 11e jaarg 1963 -17e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734122 6 QC987 N42 S8 18e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733868 6 QC987 N42 S8 19e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733876 6 QC987 N42 S8 20e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733850 7 7e-jaarg-1959 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2577.TIF 0 1 ocm47704138 2 Statistiek van de meteorologische waarnemingen in Nederlandse Antillen 3 Netherlands Antilles Bureau voor de Statistiek UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric temperature Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric pressure Saint Vincent and the UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Rain and rainfall Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Dew point Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC987 N42 S8 1e jaarg 1953 -10e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734130 6 QC987 N42 S8 11e jaarg 1963 -17e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734122 6 QC987 N42 S8 18e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733868 6 QC987 N42 S8 19e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733876 6 QC987 N42 S8 20e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733850 7 8e-jaarg-1960 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2578.TIF 0 1 ocm47704138 2 Statistiek van de meteorologische waarnemingen in Nederlandse Antillen 3 Netherlands Antilles Bureau voor de Statistiek UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric temperature Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric pressure Saint Vincent and the UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Rain and rainfall Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Dew point Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC987 N42 S8 1e jaarg 1953 -10e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734130 6 QC987 N42 S8 11e jaarg 1963 -17e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734122 6 QC987 N42 S8 18e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733868 6 QC987 N42 S8 19e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733876 6 QC987 N42 S8 20e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733850 7 9e-jaarg-1961 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2579.TIF 0 1 ocm47704138 2 Statistiek van de meteorologische waarnemingen in Nederlandse Antillen 3 Netherlands Antilles Bureau voor de Statistiek UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric temperature Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric pressure Saint Vincent and the UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Rain and rainfall Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Dew point Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC987 N42 S8 1e jaarg 1953 -10e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734130 6 QC987 N42 S8 11e jaarg 1963 -17e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734122 6 QC987 N42 S8 18e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733868 6 QC987 N42 S8 19e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733876 6 QC987 N42 S8 20e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733850 7 10e-jaarg-1953 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2580.TIF 0 1 ocm47704138 2 Statistiek van de meteorologische waarnemingen in Nederlandse Antillen 3 Netherlands Antilles Bureau voor de Statistiek UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric temperature Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric pressure Saint Vincent and the UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Rain and rainfall Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Dew point Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC987 N42 S8 1e jaarg 1953 -10e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734130 6 QC987 N42 S8 11e jaarg 1963 -17e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734122 6 QC987 N42 S8 18e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733868 6 QC987 N42 S8 19e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733876 6 QC987 N42 S8 20e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733850 7 18e-jaarg-1970 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2581.TIF 0 1 ocm47704138 2 Statistiek van de meteorologische waarnemingen in Nederlandse Antillen 3 Netherlands Antilles Bureau voor de Statistiek UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric temperature Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric pressure Saint Vincent and the UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Rain and rainfall Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Dew point Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC987 N42 S8 1e jaarg 1953 -10e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734130 6 QC987 N42 S8 11e jaarg 1963 -17e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734122 6 QC987 N42 S8 18e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733868 6 QC987 N42 S8 19e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733876 6 QC987 N42 S8 20e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733850 7 19e-jaarg-1971 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2582.TIF 0 1 ocm47704138 2 Statistiek van de meteorologische waarnemingen in Nederlandse Antillen 3 Netherlands Antilles Bureau voor de Statistiek UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric temperature Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Atmospheric pressure Saint Vincent and the UNAUTHORIZED 4 Humidity Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Rain and rainfall Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Precipitation Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Cloudiness Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Winds Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Dew point Netherlands UNAUTHORIZED 4 Netherlands Antilles Climate UNAUTHORIZED 6 QC987 N42 S8 1e jaarg 1953 -10e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734130 6 QC987 N42 S8 11e jaarg 1963 -17e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100734122 6 QC987 N42 S8 18e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733868 6 QC987 N42 S8 19e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733876 6 QC987 N42 S8 20e jaarg LC 1 OLAA 38398100733850 7 20e-jaarg-1972 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2583.TIF 0 1 ocm01638995 2 Report of the Chief of the Weather Bureau / U S Department of Weather Bureau 4 United States 4 Weather United States 4 Tornadoes United States 4 Windstorms United States 4 Hail United States 4 Sunshine United States 4 Precipitation United States 4 Evaporation United States 4 Atmospheric pressure United States 4 Atmospheric temperature United States 4 Humidity United States 4 Dew point United States 4 Cloudiness United States 4 Water vapor Atmospheric United States 4 Winds United States 6 QC983 U49 7 1893 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2584.TIF 0 1 ocm01638995 2 Report of the Chief of the Weather Bureau / U S Department of Weather Bureau 4 United States 4 Weather United States 4 Tornadoes United States 4 Windstorms United States 4 Hail United States 4 Sunshine United States 4 Precipitation United States 4 Evaporation United States 4 Atmospheric pressure United States 4 Atmospheric temperature United States 4 Humidity United States 4 Dew point United States 4 Cloudiness United States 4 Water vapor Atmospheric United States 4 Winds United States 6 QC983 U49 7 1894 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2585.TIF 0 1 ocm01638995 2 Report of the Chief of the Weather Bureau / U S Department of Weather Bureau 4 United States 4 Weather United States 4 Tornadoes United States 4 Windstorms United States 4 Hail United States 4 Sunshine United States 4 Precipitation United States 4 Evaporation United States 4 Atmospheric pressure United States 4 Atmospheric temperature United States 4 Humidity United States 4 Dew point United States 4 Cloudiness United States 4 Water vapor Atmospheric United States 4 Winds United States 6 QC983 U49 7 1895-1896 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2586.TIF 0 1 ocm01638995 2 Report of the Chief of the Weather Bureau / U S Department of Weather Bureau 4 United States 4 Weather United States 4 Tornadoes United States 4 Windstorms United States 4 Hail United States 4 Sunshine United States 4 Precipitation United States 4 Evaporation United States 4 Atmospheric pressure United States 4 Atmospheric temperature United States 4 Humidity United States 4 Dew point United States 4 Cloudiness United States 4 Water vapor Atmospheric United States 4 Winds United States 6 QC983 U49 7 1896-1897 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2587.TIF 0 1 ocm01638995 2 Report of the Chief of the Weather Bureau / U S Department of Weather Bureau 4 United States 4 Weather United States 4 Tornadoes United States 4 Windstorms United States 4 Hail United States 4 Sunshine United States 4 Precipitation United States 4 Evaporation United States 4 Atmospheric pressure United States 4 Atmospheric temperature United States 4 Humidity United States 4 Dew point United States 4 Cloudiness United States 4 Water vapor Atmospheric United States 4 Winds United States 6 QC983 U49 7 1897-1898 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2588.TIF 0 1 ocm01638995 2 Report of the Chief of the Weather Bureau / U S Department of Weather Bureau 4 United States 4 Weather United States 4 Tornadoes United States 4 Windstorms United States 4 Hail United States 4 Sunshine United States 4 Precipitation United States 4 Evaporation United States 4 Atmospheric pressure United States 4 Atmospheric temperature United States 4 Humidity United States 4 Dew point United States 4 Cloudiness United States 4 Water vapor Atmospheric United States 4 Winds United States 6 QC983 U49 7 1898-1899-v1 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2589.TIF 0 1 ocm01638995 2 Report of the Chief of the Weather Bureau / U S Department of Weather Bureau 4 United States 4 Weather United States 4 Tornadoes United States 4 Windstorms United States 4 Hail United States 4 Sunshine United States 4 Precipitation United States 4 Evaporation United States 4 Atmospheric pressure United States 4 Atmospheric temperature United States 4 Humidity United States 4 Dew point United States 4 Cloudiness United States 4 Water vapor Atmospheric United States 4 Winds United States 6 QC983 U49 7 1898-1899-v2 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2590.TIF 0 1 ocm01638995 2 Report of the Chief of the Weather Bureau / U S Department of Weather Bureau 4 United States 4 Weather United States 4 Tornadoes United States 4 Windstorms United States 4 Hail United States 4 Sunshine United States 4 Precipitation United States 4 Evaporation United States 4 Atmospheric pressure United States 4 Atmospheric temperature United States 4 Humidity United States 4 Dew point United States 4 Cloudiness United States 4 Water vapor Atmospheric United States 4 Winds United States 6 QC983 U49 7 1899-1900 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2591.TIF 0 1 ocm01638995 2 Report of the Chief of the Weather Bureau / U S Department of Weather Bureau 4 United States 4 Weather United States 4 Tornadoes United States 4 Windstorms United States 4 Hail United States 4 Sunshine United States 4 Precipitation United States 4 Evaporation United States 4 Atmospheric pressure United States 4 Atmospheric temperature United States 4 Humidity United States 4 Dew point United States 4 Cloudiness United States 4 Water vapor Atmospheric United States 4 Winds United States 6 QC983 U49 7 1900-1901-v1 10 D:\LSN_339\LSN2592.TIF