Info for CDF datasets

SE_K0_AIS: SESAME Advanced Ionospheric Sounder, Key Parameters - J. Dudeney (British Antarctic Survey)
SE_K0_FPI: SESAME Fabry-Perot Interferometer, Key Parameters - J.R. Dudeney (British Antarctic Survey)
SE_K0_MAG: SESAME Fluxgate Magnetometer Key Parameters - J. Dudeney (British Antarctic Survey)
SE_K0_RIO: SESAME 30MHz Riometer Array, Key Parameters - J. Dudeney (British Antarctic Survey)
SE_K0_VLF: SESAME VLF/ELF Logger Experiment (VELOX)Key Parameters - J. Dudeney (British Antarctic Survey)
SNOE_L3_GEO: NO density, 100 - 150 km, geographic coordinates - Charles A. Barth (LASP/CU)
SNOE_L3_MAG: NO density, 100 - 150 km, geomagnetic coordinates - Charles A. Barth (LASP/CU)
SO_AT_DEF: SOHO Definitive Attitude Data
SO_K0_CEL: SOHO Charge, Element and Isotope Analysis System, Key Parameters - P. Bochsler (U. Bern)
SO_K0_CST: SOHO ComprehensiveSuprathermal and EnergeticParticle Analyser - Horst Kunow (University of Kiel, Germany)
SO_K0_ERN: SOHO Energetic and Relativistic Nuclei and Electron experiment, Key Parameters - J Torsti (University of Turku)
SO_OR_DEF: SOHO Definitive Orbit Data
SO_OR_PRE: Soho Predicted Data Orbit
STA_L1_LET: STEREO Ahead IMPACT/LET Level 1 Data. - J. Luhmann (UCB/SSL)
STA_L1_MAG: Level-1 STEREO Ahead IMPACT/MAG Magnetic Field Vectors. - J. Luhmann (UCB/SSL)
STA_L1_SEPT: STEREO Ahead IMPACT/SEPT Level 1 Data. - J. Luhmann (UCB/SSL)
STA_L1_SIT: STEREO Ahead IMPACT/SIT Level 1 Data. - J. Luhmann (UCB/SSL)
STA_L1_SWEA_DISB: STEREO Ahead IMPACT/SWEA 3D Burst Mode Distributions. - J. Luhmann (UCB/SSL)
STA_L1_SWEA_DIST: STEREO Ahead IMPACT/SWEA 3D Distributions. - J. Luhmann (UCB/SSL)
STB_L1_LET: STEREO Behind IMPACT/LET Level 1 Data. - J. Luhmann (UCB/SSL)
STB_L1_MAG: Level-1 STEREO Behind IMPACT/MAG Magnetic Field Vectors. - J. Luhmann (UCB/SSL)
STB_L1_SEPT: STEREO Behind IMPACT/SEPT Level 1 Data. - J. Luhmann (UCB/SSL)
STB_L1_SIT: STEREO Behind IMPACT/SIT Level 1 Data. - J. Luhmann (UCB/SSL)
STB_L1_SWEA_DISB: STEREO Behind IMPACT/SWEA 3D Burst Mode Distributions. - J. Luhmann (UCB/SSL)
STB_L1_SWEA_DIST: STEREO Ahead IMPACT/SWEA 3D Distributions. - J. Luhmann (UCB/SSL)
STEREO_LEVEL2_SWAVES: STEREO WAVES (SWAVES) Radio Intensity Spectra, both Ahead and Behind s/c - M. Kaiser (NASA/GSFC)
SX_K0_30F: 30-s averaged fluxes: 4 Instruments - Glenn Mason (JHU/APL )
SX_K0_POF: SAMPEX POLARCAP Averages: 4 Instruments - G.MASON (JHU/APL )

Ionospheric parameters derived from quarter-hourly ionograms
Ref: Grubb,RN The NOAA SEL HF Radar system (ionospheric sounder) NOAA Tech Memo 
ERL SEL-55, Space Environ Lab, Boulder, CO, 1979
Ref: Jarvis,MJ & Dudeney ,JR Reduction of ambiguities in HF radar results
through a revised receiving array & sounding pattern. Radio Sci 21, 151-158,
Ref: Satellite Experiments Simultaneous with Antarctic Measurements (SESAME), 
in GGS Instrument Papers, submitted to Space Science Reviews
Info:Keith Morrison,GGS Scientist,British Antarctic Survey,Cambridge,CB3 0ET,UK
E-mail: 19989::MORRISON
QUALITY_FLAG Comprised of several additive values each with a specific meaning:-
0 okay,+1 <6 echoes used for fmin,+2 <6 echoes for fEmax,+4 <6 echoes for fFmax,
+8 fmin approx= min tx frequency,+16 fEmax approx= max tx frequency,
+32 fFmax approx= max tx  frequency (tx=transmitter)
eg 37 indicates <6 echoes used for fmin & fFmax, & fFmax approx= max tx freq
Modification History
This is first  operational version
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Measurements made looking in South and East directions (positive) 
Ref1: Satellite Experiments Simultaneous with Antarctic Measurements (SESAME),
in GGS Instrument Papers, submitted to Space Science Reviews.
Ref2: Nature,317,p45 1985. Ref3: R.D.Stewart, PhD Thesis, Univ of Ulster, 1986
Info:Keith Morrison,GGS Scientist,British Antarctic Survey,Cambridge,CB3 0ET,UK
E-mail: 19989::MORRISON
Modification History
29-Oct-92 Changes in accordance with new Standards & Conventions document
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H, D and Z components of the earth's magnetic field
Measuring variation of field relative to arbitrary baseline. Accurate to 1nT
1 minute data representing 'spot' values of the 1Hz sampling
Ref: Satellite Experiments Simultaneous with Antarctic Measurements (SESAME), 
in GGS Instrument Papers, submitted to Space Science Reviews
Info:Keith Morrison,GGS Scientist,British Antarctic Survey,Cambridge,CB3 0ET,UK
E-mail: 19989::MORRISON
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Equivalent overhead absorption measured 45 degrees to vertical in N,S,E,W 
directions, but in an L-shell-aligned coordinate system (ie rotated 17 degrees 
anti-clockwise from geographic). Preliminary Quiet-Day Curve used.
1 minute data represent 'spot' values of the 1Hz sampling
Accurate to 0.05dB, but possible baseline uncertainties of +/-0.5dB
Ref1: The multiple riometer system at Halley, Antarctica, in 
British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, no 72, p13-23, 1986
Ref2: Satellite Experiments Simultaneous with Antarctic Measurements (SESAME), 
in GGS Instrument Papers, submitted to Space Science Reviews
Info:Keith Morrison,GGS Scientist,British Antarctic Survey,Cambridge,CB3 0ET,UK
E-mail: 19989::MORRISON
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Omni-directional intensities in 2 narrow passband filters centred on 1kHz & 3kHz
Ref1: Satellite Experiments Simultaneous with Antarctic Measurements (SESAME),
in GGS Instrument Papers submitted to Space Science Reviews.
Ref2: VERSIM Newsletter No.4, p7 1992.
Info:Keith Morrison,GGS Scientist,British Antarctic Survey,Cambridge,CB3 0ET,UK
E-mail: 19989::MORRISON
Modification History
05-Aug-92 Changed fill values to +10.0E+30 and -2147483648
08-Oct-92 Changed DATA ENCODING to NETWORK. Added Quality and Post Gap Flags
Plotting range changed to  10-80
27-Oct-92 Put in Logical_file_id, ADID_ref, DEPEND_i, VAR_TYPE
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Barth, C. A. and S. M. Bailey, Comparison of a thermospheric photochemical model
with SNOE observations of nitric oxide, J. Geophys. Res.,
doi:10.1029/2003JA010227, 2004.
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Barth, C. A. and S. M. Bailey, Comparison of a thermospheric photochemical model
with SNOE observations of nitric oxide, J. Geophys. Res.,
doi:10.1029/2003JA010227, 2004.
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Data: 10 minute intervals
Modification History
5/6/94 - Original Implementation
1/25/96 - Added SARVariables for CCR 2189
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Data entry every 5 minutes
A description of the CELIAS instrument and scientific scope can be found on WWW
at on the SOHO homepage
A written description of CELIAS will appear in the special issue of Solar 
Physics dedicated to SOHO 
Modification History
created Dec 1993
Modified by JT on 9/21/94
Modified by PW on 2/Mar/95
Modified by PW on 21/Jul/95
Modified by PW on 18/Aug/95
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Data: 5 minute averages Time tag = center of interval 
References                    1.Kunow, H., et al., COSTEP -   Comprehensive
Suprathermal and  Energetic Particle Analyser for SOHO, in V. Domingo, editor,
The SOHO Mission - Scientific and  Technical Aspects of the        Instruments,
ESA SP-1104, pages 75 - 80, 1988 
2.Kunow, H., et al., COSTEP -  Comprehensive Suprathermal and  Energetic
Particle Analyser for SOHO - Scientific Goals and Data Description, Proc. First
SOHO  Workshop, ESA SP-348,           pages 43 - 46, 1992 
2.Mueller-Mellin, R., et al.,  COSTEP -                        Comprehensive
Suprathermal and  Energetic Particle Analyser,    to be published in            
 Solar Physics, 1995
 19 Dec 1996 Caveat: 1. The EPHIN E-detector developed gradually a noise problem
during 1996 and was switched off logically on 1996-305-14.40. Check EPHIN status
word >Ephin_Stat< bit 2 (2^2): if set to one: E detector  is on, if set to zero,
E detector is off. When off, the channels E3000, P41 and H41 show zero
intensity, the energy of the next lower channel E1300 is the average of E1300
and E3000, the width of channel E1300 is the sum of the  width E1300 and E3000;
P25, and H25 are changed accordingly.  Note: the KPGS calulates correctly the
new fluxes in channels E1300, P25, H25. Only their interpretation needs to be
changed by the user. 2. The geometric factor for the counting rate channels can
be changed either by ground command or autonomously by detecting high fluxes in
the center segment of detector A. Check EPHIN status word >Ephin_Stat<bits
9,10,11,12,13,17,18,19,20,21: if set to one: large geometric factor, if set to
zero: small geometric factor. Note: the KPGS software calculates correctly the
fluxes. No action needed by the user.
Modification History
 15 Feb 1994    Version  1.0 
 22 Nov 1994    Version  1.0                     Revision 1.0      new variables
 28 Mar 1995    Version  1.0                     Revision 2.0      Energy ranges
 15 May 1995    Version  1.0                     Revision 3.0      Addition:
TEXT                   Correction: E_Energy [4]                     P_Energy [2]
 28 Nov 1995  Version  1.0.                    Revision 4.0        Correction: #
Var. from 24 to 25 Change: Descript. COST -> CST       Var_type data -
support_data         at: Epoch, PB5                   at:  E_energy,  E_delta   
      at:  P_energy,  P_delta          at: He_energy, He_delta          at:
E_energy, E_delta  
 19 Dec 1996  Version  7.0. EPHIN E, P and He channel values adapted to new
investigations to geometry factors 
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Data: 1 minute avarages Time tag = center of interval
Torsti et al.: ERNE - Energetic and Relativistic Nuclei and Electron experiment,
The SOHO Mission ESA SP-1104, 1988
Torsti et al.: Energetic Particle Experiment ERNEto be published in
SolarPhysics, 1995
M. Lumme and Eino Valtonen: CEPAC Experiment Operations Manual, November 1994 
ERNE WWW Home page  
Modification History
Version 01 19-Nov-1995. Modified by JT on Dec. 4, 1995
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Modification History
Originated Monday, May 13, 1991
Modified June 13, 1991 for version 2.1
Modified October 2,1991 for new global attributes, incr sizes
Modified 11/11/91 Add sun vector, replace space id with support id
Modified 1992 Feb 11 to use the variable name TIME and type CDF_INT4 instead of 
EPOCH and CDF_EPOCH for the time tags CCR 490
Modified 6/2/92 add project, discipline, source_name, data_version, title, and 
mods to global section; add validmin, validmax, labl_ptr_1 and monoton 
attributes to some variables; put epoch time back in, rename time to 
time_pb5; add label_time to variables
Modified 11/07/92 to use Epoch and Time_PB5 variable name
Modified 6/2/93 add ADID_ref and Logical_file_id
7/5/94 - CCR ISTP 1852 updated CDHF skeleton to CDF standards - JT
9/21/94 - Added 24 new global attributes to log the ephemeris 
comparison summary report from the definitive FDF orbit file.  CCR 1932
11/7/94 - Merged CCR 1852 changes and corrected errors 
made in CCR 1852.  ICCR 1884
12/7/94 - Modified MODS to follow ISTP standards.  ICCR 1885
01/05/95 - add heliocentric coordinate system.  CCR 1889
2/28/95 - added COMMENT1 and COMMENT2 for CCR 
11/03/95 - deleted crn_space for CCR 2154 - RM
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Modification History
Originated Monday, May 13, 1991
Modified June 13, 1991 for version 2.1
Modified October 2,1991 for new global attributes, incr sizes
Modified 11/11/91 Add sun vector, replace space id with support id
Modified 1992 Feb 11 to use the variable name TIME and type CDF_INT4 instead of 
EPOCH and CDF_EPOCH for the time tags CCR 490
Modified 6/2/92 add project, discipline, source_name, data_version, title, and 
mods to global section; add validmin, validmax, labl_ptr_1 and monoton 
attributes to some variables; put epoch time back in, rename time to 
time_pb5; add label_time to variables
Modified 11/07/92 to use Epoch and Time_PB5 variable name
Modified 6/2/93 add ADID_ref and Logical_file_id
7/5/94 - CCR ISTP 1852 updated CDHF skeleton to CDF standards - JT
9/21/94 - Added 24 new global attributes to log the ephemeris 
comparison summary report from the definitive FDF orbit file.  CCR 1932
11/7/94 - Merged CCR 1852 changes and corrected errors 
made in CCR 1852.  ICCR 1884
12/7/94 - Modified MODS to follow ISTP standards.  ICCR 1885
01/05/95 - add heliocentric coordinate system.  CCR 1889
2/28/95 - added COMMENT1 and COMMENT2 for CCR 
11/03/95 - deleted crn_space for CCR 2154 - RM
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The file contains Level 1 IMPACT/LET data from the STEREO Ahead spacecraft.
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The file contains Level 1 magnetic field vectors from the IMPACT/MAG instrument
on the STEREO Ahead spacecraft.
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The file contains Level 1 IMPACT(In-situ Measurements of Particles and CME
Transients)/SEPT data from the STEREO Ahead spacecraft.
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The file contains Level 1 IMPACT(In-situ Measurements of Particles and CME
Transients)/SIT data from the STEREO Ahead spacecraft.
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The file contains Level 1 3D burst mode electron distributions from the
IMPACT(In-situ Measurements of Particles and CME Transients)/SWEA instrument on
the STEREO Ahead spacecraft.
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The file contains Level 1 3D electron distributions from the IMPACT(In-situ
Measurements of Particles and CME Transients)/SWEA instrument on the STEREO
Ahead spacecraft.
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The file contains Level 1 IMPACT/LET data from the STEREO Behind spacecraft.
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The file contains Level 1 magnetic field vectors from the IMPACT/MAG instrument
on the STEREO Behind spacecraft.
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The file contains Level 1 IMPACT(In-situ Measurements of Particles and CME
Transients)/SEPT data from the STEREO Behind spacecraft.
Back to top
The file contains Level 1 IMPACT(In-situ Measurements of Particles and CME
Transients)/SIT data from the STEREO Behind spacecraft.
Back to top
The file contains Level 1 3D burst mode electron distributions from the
IMPACT(In-situ Measurements of Particles and CME Transients)/SWEA instrument on
the STEREO Behind spacecraft.
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The file contains Level 1 3D electron distributions from the IMPACT(In-situ
Measurements of Particles and CME Transients)/SWEA instrument on the STEREO
Behind spacecraft.
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The file contains 1 minute averaged radio intensity data.
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No TEXT global attribute value.
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No TEXT global attribute value.
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