232 The Russian Navy in the sufficient proofs in support of my allegations ? God forbid that I should seek to raise false issues calculated possibly to provoke only ill-feeling in Russia. I must admit that I suffer—and intensely too—when driven to acknowledge that my arguments are inconclusive, and my heart is racked when I find that I hold in my hands such crushing proofs, such unquestionable documents, which I refrain from producing. And for what reason, you ask ? At such a crisis we must carefully weigh every word we utter. We must leave our foes as far as possible in the dark. However, if I were in a position to disclose matters relating to the war which have to remain secret, the statements to which I have confined myself hitherto would be shown to be altogether indisputable. This is why I ask you to accept that which admits of no doubt, and not to ask me to disclose State secrets. However, I think it is only right that I should offer some account of my career in the Navy entitling me to public confidence. It is solely with the object of justifying that claim that I now wish to