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ED245912 - Studies of U.S. Universities' Research Equipment Needs Inconclusive.

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ERIC #:ED245912
Title:Studies of U.S. Universities' Research Equipment Needs Inconclusive.
Descriptors:College Science; Engineering; Equipment Evaluation; Higher Education; Instrumentation; Laboratory Equipment; Mathematics; Needs; Obsolescence; Research Design; Research Problems; Research Reports; Science Equipment; Sciences; Scientific Research; Universities
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Publisher:U.S. General Accounting Office, Document Handling and Information Services Facility, P.O. Box 6015, Gaithersburg, MD 20760.
Publication Date:1984-04-03
Pub Types:Reports - Research
Abstract:According to the General Accounting Office (GAO), scientific leaders estimated in 1982 that between $1 and $4 billion was necessary to update university research equipment. Because of this large cost variance, GAO was requested to assess how well past studies have defined the nationwide deficiency in university research equipment and to suggest what other work is needed to better determine equipment needs. GAO first identified 18 studies and then selected 5 completed and 2 on-going studies for closer scrutiny. Although the completed studies stated that universities have had a substantial need for equipment, none of these studies can be used to determine current needs for one or more of these reasons: the study focused on only one discipline; significant changes have occurred in the type and cost of equipment needed since the study was completed; the study's results could not be extrapolated to nationwide need; and the study is still in progress. One on-going study being conducted for the National Science Foundation by Westat, Inc. is discussed in detail since it may provide more thorough information than any study to date. However, it too may not provide the type of data necessary to determine the nationwide need for research equipment. (JN)
Reference Count:0

Record Type:Non-Journal
Level:1 - Available on microfiche
Institutions:General Accounting Office, Washington, DC.
Education Level:Higher Education