MMTx Detailed Trouble Report
(Trouble Report #136)

FieldField Data
SynopsisProblems generating meta word index files
Arrival-DateThu Apr 01 15:20:00 EST 2004
Closed-DateTue Nov 23 11:36:11 EST 2004
EnvironmentOperating System: MMTx: Windows NT/2000 MySQL:Windows NT/2000
OS Version:
Java Version: Java 1.4
MySQL Version:
DescriptionI am creating a subset of the metathesaurus by using a MMTX Data File Builder.

In the step where the the meta word index files are generated ,

I have to run

There is not extension to the above file so I renamed it as .bat file to run it.


T:\MMTx\nls\mmtx\sourceData\03_custom\01metawordindex>#! /bin/sh
'#!' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

T:\MMTx\nls\mmtx\sourceData\03_custom\01metawordindex>## Derived from /nfsvol/n
'##' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

T:\MMTx\nls\mmtx\sourceData\03_custom\01metawordindex>. ../dfbuilder.profile
'.' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

The current date is: Thu 04/01/2004
Enter the new date: (mm-dd-yy) 04/01/2004
A required privilege is not held by the client.

T:\MMTx\nls\mmtx\sourceData\03_custom\01metawordindex>echo " Strip Least Restric
tion Level field and extract English only."
" Strip Least Restriction Level field and extract English only."

T:\MMTx\nls\mmtx\sourceData\03_custom\01metawordindex># create MRCON and MRSO by
deleting the new field, Least Restriction Level
'#' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

T:\MMTx\nls\mmtx\sourceData\03_custom\01metawordindex>cut -f1-7 -d ' | ' MRCON.
0 | sed 's/$/ | /' 1>MRCON
''' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

could some one please help me, I am stuck.
thank you,
I really appreciate your help.
How-To-RepeatFirs problem was running dfbuilder scripts outside of bash.

Later errors due to installation error: User seems to have uninstalled cygwin tools prior to MMTx installation but forgot to run the config/cigwin.bat script to set the registry properly.
NotesFinal suggestion was to run config/cygwin.bat.

Later she had questions about running MMTx and problems with parameters and complaints about matching. The techinical issues seem to have been overcome.

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