COUNTRY NAMES AND COUNTRY CODES REFERENCE LISTS The Treasury International Capital (TIC) reporting system data files on international portfolio capital movements use five-digit country code designations in place of long-form names to distinguish the data sets pertaining to individual countries or regional groupings. Example: A data line beginning with the five-digit code 10189 is attributable to Austria. The following two cross-reference lists of country names and country codes are provided to assist users of the capital movements data in identifying the data sets for specific country lines. LIST A is ordered by country lines or names by strict alphabetization. LIST B is arranged by region and by country code in ascending numerical order. NOTE: Beginning January 2001, the geographical detail of the TIC reporting forms on which these data series are based, changed as follows. Lines were added for Luxembourg, the combined Channel Islands & Isle of Man, the Caribbean region, New Zealand, and the European Central Bank. In addition, the British West Indies line was replaced with a line for the Cayman Islands. These changes and associated new country codes are footnoted on Lists A and B below. LIST A: BY COUNTRY NAMES African Regional Organizations.....76902 All Other Countries.....63908 Argentina.....30104 Asian Regional Organizations.....75906 Australia.....60089 Austria.....10189 Bahamas.....35319 Belgium \1.....10251 Belgium-Luxembourg \1....10308 Bermuda.....35602 Brazil.....30309 British West Indies \2.....36005 Bulgaria.....15202 Canada.....29998 Caribbean Regional Organizations \3.....74942 Cayman Islands \2.....36137 Channel Islands & Isle of Man \4.....13056 Chile.....30406 China Mainland.....41408 China Taiwan.....46302 China Hong Kong.....42005 Colombia.....30503 Congo (Kinshasa).....51705 Cuba.....30708 Czech Republic.....15288 Denmark.....10502 Ecuador.....31003 Egypt.....57002 European Regional Organizations.....73903 Finland.....10707 France.....10804 Germany.....11002 German Democratic Republic.....16004 Ghana.....52604 Grand Total.....99996 Greece,,,,,11207 Guatemala.....31208 Hong Kong.....42005 Hungary.....15504 India.....42102 Indonesia.....42218 International Organizations.....72907 Ireland.....11401 Israel.....42501 Italy.....11509 Jamaica.....31607 Japan.....42609 Korea.....43001 Latin American Regional Organizations \3.....74918 Lebanon.....43419 Liberia.....53201 Luxembourg \1.....11703 Malaysia.....43605 Mexico.....31704 Middle Eastern Regional Organizations.....77909 Morocco.....54003 Netherlands.....12106 Netherlands Antilles.....37206 New Zealand \5.....61689 Norway.....12203 Other Africa.....58904 Other Asia.....48909 Other Caribbean \6.....33596 Other Europe.....18007 Other Latin America \6.....39101 Other Latin America & Caribbean \6.....39004 Pakistan.....44709 Panama.....31887 Peru.....32204 Philippines....44806 Poland.....15768 Portugal.....12319 Romania.....15806 Russia \7.....16101 Serbia and Montenegro \9....13218 Singapore.....46019 South Africa.....55719 Spain.....12505 Sweden.....12602 Switzerland.....12688 Syria.....46205 Taiwan.....46302 Thailand.....46418 Total All Foreign Countries, excluding Int'l & Reg'l Orgs.....69995 Total Africa.....59994 (List B below shows countries included) Total Asia.....49999 (List B below shows countries included) Total Caribbean \8.....34401 (List B below shows countries included) Total Europe.....19992 (List B below shows countries included) Total International & Regional Organizations.....79995 Total Latin America \8....39942 (List B below shows countries included) Total Latin America & Caribbean \8.....39993 Total Other Countries.....69906 (List B below shows countries included) Trinidad and Tobago.....32409 Turkey.....12807 United Kingdom.....13005 Uruguay.....32603 Venezuela.....32719 Yugoslavia (see Serbia and Montenegro) \9 Zaire (see Congo (Kinshasa)) ^ TOP LIST B: BY REGIONS and BY COUNTRY CODES EUROPE 10189.....Austria 10251.....Belgium \1 10308.....Belgium-Luxembourg \1 10502.....Denmark 10707.....Finland 10804.....France 11002.....Germany 11207.....Greece 11401.....Ireland 11509.....Italy 11703.....Luxembourg \1 12106.....Netherlands 12203.....Norway 12319.....Portugal 12505.....Spain 12602.....Sweden 12688.....Switzerland 12807.....Turkey 13005.....United Kingdom 13056.....Channel Islands & Isle of Man \4 13218.....Serbia and Montenegro \9 15202.....Bulgaria 15288.....Czech Republic 15504.....Hungary 15768.....Poland 15806.....Romania 16004.....German Democratic Republic 16101.....Russia \7 18007.....Other Europe \20 19992.....Total Europe 29998.....CANADA LATIN AMERICA 30104.....Argentina 30309.....Brazil 30406.....Chile 30503.....Colombia 30708.....(in Caribbean region) 31003.....Ecuador 31208.....Guatemala 31607.....(in Caribbean region) 31704.....Mexico 31887.....Panama 32204.....Peru 32409.....(in Caribbean region) 32603.....Uruguay 32719.....Venezuela 39101.....Other Latin America \6 \21 39942.....Total Latin America \8 CARIBBEAN 30708.....Cuba 31607.....Jamaica 32409.....Trinidad and Tobago 33596.....Other Caribbean \6 \22 34401.....Total Caribbean \8 35319.....Bahamas 35602.....Bermuda 36005.....British West Indies \2 36137.....Cayman Islands \2 37206.....Netherlands Antilles 39004.....Other Latin America & Caribbean\6 \21 \22 39101.....(in Latin America region) 39942.....(in Latin America region) 39993.....Total Latin American & Caribbean \8 ASIA 41408.....China, Mainland 42005.....China, Hong Kong 42102.....India 42218.....Indonesia 42501.....Israel 42609.....Japan 43001.....Korea 43419.....Lebanon 43605.....Malaysia 44709.....Pakistan 44806.....Philippines 46019.....Singapore 46205.....Syria 46302.....China, Taiwan 46418.....Thailand 48909.....Other Asia \23 49999.....Total Asia AFRICA 51705.....Congo (Kinshasa) 52604.....Ghana 53201.....Liberia 54003.....Morocco 55719.....South Africa 57002.....Egypt 58904.....Other Africa \24 59994.....Total Africa OTHER COUNTRIES 60089.....Australia 61689.....New Zealand \5 63908.....All Other Countries \25 69906.....Total Other Countries 69995.....TOTAL ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES (99996 less 72907 through 79995) INTERNATIONAL AND REGIONAL ORGANIZATIONS (countries are not included) 72907.....International Organizations 73903.....European Regional Organizations 74918.....Latin American Regional Organizations \3 74942.....Caribbean Regional Organizations \3 75906.....Asian Regional Organizations 76902.....African Regional Organizations 77909.....Middle Eastern Regional Organizations 79995.....Total International & Regional Organizations 99996.....GRAND TOTAL (all foreign countries and organizations) ^ TOP _______ \ 1 Before January 2001, combined data for Belgium-Luxembourg are included under Belgium. \ 2 Beginning January 2001, Cayman Islands replaced British West Indies in the data series. \ 3 Before January 2001, "Caribbean Regional Organizations" included in "Latin American Regional Organizations." \ 4 Before January 2001, data included in United Kingdom. \ 5 Before January 2001, included in "All Other." \ 6 Before January 2001, "Other Caribbean" and "Other Latin America" were reported as combined "Other Latin America and Caribbean." \ 7 Since December 1992, data for all other republics of the former U.S.S.R. included in "Other Europe." \ 8 Before January 2001, "Total Latin America" and "Total Caribbean" included in combined "Total Latin America and Caribbean." \ 9 On February 4, 2003, Yugoslavia changed its name to Serbia and Montenegro. Data for other entities of the former Yugoslavia recognized as independent states by the United States are reported under `Other Europe' as follows: beginning in December 1992 for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Slovenia; and beginning in June 1994 for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. \20 Other Europe (18007) includes: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Georgia, Gibraltar, Iceland, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vatican City, Bank for International Settlements, European Central Bank. \21 Other Latin America (39101) includes: Belize, Bolivia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Falkland Islands, Guyana, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Suriname, BLADEX (Banco Latino Americano de Exportaciones, SA). \22 Other Caribbean (33596) includes: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Dominica, Dominican Republic, French West Indies (including Guadeloupe and Martinique), French Guiana, Grenada, Montserrat, Haiti, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Turks and Caicos Islands. \23 Other Asia (48909) includes: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, East Timor, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, North Korea, Kuwait, Laos, Macau, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, Yemen. \24 Other Africa (58904) includes: Ascension Island, Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo (Brazzaville), Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Reunion, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, St. Helena, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Tristan da Cunha Island, Tunisia, Uganda, Western Sahara, Zambia, Zimbabwe. \25 All Other Countries (63908) includes: British Indian Ocean Territory (including Pitcairn Island), Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, New Caledonia, Palau, Papua New Guinea, St. Pierre and Miquelon, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu. ^ TOP Revisions since 6/13/2001: 7/16/2003: Added code# 69995; Revised footnote \9 to show recent name change. 4/14/2005: List B reorganized to show countries in each region; New footnotes 20-25 show countries included in each "other region". 4/21/2005: Corrected name for Taiwan.