The Biggest Piece of the Pie

Washington, Dec 15, 2006 -

I remember fondly the holidays when I was young. I remember mom, wearing her red-checkered apron, as she carefully pulled a fragrant apple pie from the oven. As the pie cooled, my siblings and I could hardly contain our excitement. But before the much-anticipated dessert, we would enjoy our annual Christmas dinner. My siblings and I sat around the table and after prayer, devoured turkey, gravy and mashed potatoes, but often glanced back into the kitchen, where the pies awaited.

Towards the end of the meal, my mother would push back her chair and disappear into the kitchen. She would bring out the apple pie, slicing it carefully. Each of us watched with eagerness, silently plotting for the fight for the biggest piece. Without fail, the argument ensued, but would only last until my mother gave us a gentle reminder – the biggest piece belonged to Dad.

The bigger lesson of the memory is this: with dishes clanging, pie awaiting and football on the television, sometimes the gratefulness we ought to feel is forgotten. In the heat of the moment, we forget to enjoy it. We instead reach selfishly for the right channel on television and worry who is going to clean up the kitchen. Too often we overlook the emotional joy of giving to others and enjoying the memories made from doing so. We too seldom express truly heartfelt thanks for those who have made sacrifices on our behalf and for the blessings in our lives and on our nation.

This week, my focus is on the importance of gratitude – for those who are so deserving: our men and women in uniform, their spouses, parents and children. These individuals deserve more gratitude than we can give. During this time of giving thanks, I encourage you to show your gratitude to those who sacrifice everything.

The Department of Defense provides a website: and the General Services Administration’s site for citizens: also suggests ways in which citizens can support the troops.

Here are some of the wonderful ways that we can remember our troops during this holiday season:

Send a Virtual Thank You from the Defend America Website – whether lengthy or brief, a note of encouragement is always appreciated.

Volunteer to Help Veterans - If you want to give your time and talents to support the care of America's veterans, click here to complete a volunteer application and be contacted by a local Veterans’ Affairs Voluntary Service representative.

Voluteer for Operation USO Care Package - The United Service Organizations, Inc. (USO) enlists the support of individuals around the world to support the troops through Operation USO Care Package.

Let us, instead of reaching for the biggest piece, give more of ourselves to those who deserve it the most. We thank them for choosing service over self and the great blessing that they protect – freedom.


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