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Title: Behavioral significance of milieu: a consideration of two downtown settings
Author(s): Robertson, Douglas L.; Rowntree, Rowan A.
Date: 1977
Source: In: Heisler, Gordon M.; Herrington, Lee P., eds. Proceedings of the conference on metropolitan physical environment; Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-25. Upper Darby, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. 399-407
Station ID: -NE-25
Description: Behavior patterns in parks and plazas in downtown Syracuse, New York, are discussed. After an introduction of the spaces and their principal users, fundamental concepts borrowed from ecological psychology are defined. Then using these concepts, the behavioral significance of the environment is illustrated in a comparison of two case studies. The concepts employed here are shown to allow a discussion of the important effect of environment on behavior without producing deterministic distortions.
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