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Getting extra outputs and other interesting stuff

NMR shift

If a pw_job nmr_shift entry is encountered, paratec computes the local diamagnetic susceptibility. The variable

nmr_q 0.001

sets the $\vec{q}$ (in cartesian coordinates), which determines the periodicity of the applied external field.

Default: nmr_q 0.01

Set the output flag nmrshift to get a plot of the susceptibility (section 6.9).

If a line

checkpoint nmr

is entered, the code will checkpoint the NMR shift calculation after each kpoint. You can recover from a crash by giving an input_flags of chkptchi.

IMPORTANT: Right now, the NMR shift can only be computed for INSULATORS. You have to set number_bands to contain only the VALENCE BANDS, or else the result will be wrong.

Band structure computation

An entry pw_job band_structure computes the band structure. You should set screening_type to previous, and provide a converged CD file for the starting density. THERE WILL BE NO SELFCONSISTENT ITERATION, i.e. the bandstructure is plotted corresponding to the CD file, or to the atomic valence charge if no intact CD file is found. Furthermore, YOU HAVE TO USE THE FERMILEVEL OF A PREVIOUS SCF RUN. You do so by giving a line like:

fermi_level fermi_energy_in_Ryd

Default: fermi_level 0

If you want to use a different number of bands from that used in an earlier SCF loop, you may specify this number using:

number_alt_bands <number of bands for the bandstructure>

You also have to determine the lines in the BZ along which you wish to plot the bandstructure. This is done by specifying a sequence of lines in the following way:

begin bandstructure
label left_middle_right
kpoint startx  starty  startz   endx  endy  endz   number_of_bins
label left_middle_right
kpoint startx  starty  startz   endx  endy  endz   number_of_bins
label left_middle_right
kpoint startx  starty  startz   endx  endy  endz   number_of_bins
end bandstructure

NOTE: The syntax of this structure has changed in version 5.0. Previously this ended with just end, and this has changed, so that now you need to end with end bandstructure.

All coordinates are given with respect to the reciprocal lattice vectors. The labels are mandatory; they have to be triples, separated by an underscore. Notice that xmgr allows greek characters using escape sequences (see example below).

The kpoints will be generated into the file KPOINTS. The output of the calculation can be found in the file BANDSTRUC. Energies are in eV, and are plotted against an x-coordinate that corresponds to the physical distances in cartesian k-space, i.e. 1/a.u. The file can be displayed with the popular graphics program ``xmgr''.


begin bandstructure
label \8G\4_\8\D\4_X
kpoint 0.0 0.0 0.0         0.0 0.0 0.5            10
label _V_W
kpoint 0.0 0.0 0.5         0.0 0.5 0.5            10
end bandstructure

Density of states (DOS)

To compute the density of states, a self-consistent calculation has to be done first to get the wave functions. To generate a DOS, add to the output_flags either dos or angdos. This will produce a file ``DOS'' in a suitable format for xmgr (it is an ascii text file, and has comments in there). A tetrahedron interpolation scheme is used, where each of the Monkhorst-Pack grid cells is divided into six tetrahedra. If you compute the angular momentum resolved DOS, you must also specify the radius of the muffin-tin spheres (see section

The density of states is output in units of states/eV/unit cell. It does not count both spin states. 2.1).

Momentum density

To compute the momentum density, first compute the selfconsistent charge density, and then do a band structure calculation. There, you specify those lines in the BZ along which you want to know the momentum density. To get the momentum density, you must add the flag momdens to the list of output_flags. Example:
begin pw_jobs
pw_job scf
pw_job band_structure
end pw_jobs
output_flags momdens

You also need to specify the Fermi level according to a previous scf run: fermi_level fermi_energy_in_Ryd

If you don't specify this correctly, you will get garbage!

GW Interface and Usage

GW-interfaced Version of Paratec with f-states was implemented by Eric Chang. Further development was done by Xavier Blase, Gian-Marco Riganese and others.

GW Interface

To calculate dielectric function, we need 2 wavefunctions from paratec. They are called CWFE and CWFEq. CWFE requires lots of conductance bands, but CWFEq only requires wavefunction of bands (valence bands + 2).

(1) Generate a converged charge density CD, save this CD to a file CD.conv. You must use the same charge density each time when you perform the following jobs.
(2) Compute CWFE. In the input file of paratec, use the options

number_bands 90 # this number means the number of conductance
bands used in output_flags gwr # the summation of dielectric
function calculation
If the system does not have inversion symmetry, you need to run the complex version:
number_bands 90 # this is a large number compared to the number of
valence bands output_flags gwc
After run paratec, rename the file GWR (or GWC for complex version) to CWFE. You may need to use fewer or more bands in the option number_bands.

If one wants to choose only selected wavefunctions for the GW calculation then the following procedure may be implemented. For selected bands around the Fermi energy one uses

num_gwout 4
in order to choose 4 bands on either side of the Fermi energy. If one wants a different energy than the Fermi energy to obtain wavefunctions near then one uses
gwout_mid_energy -0.45
If instead of defining a number of states in the above manner, one wants to obtain all wavefunctions within an energy window then
gwout_low_energy   -1.0
gwout_high_energy   2.0
is employed.

(3) Compute CWFEq. In the input file of paratec, use the options

number_bands 5         # this number is (number of valence bands +
2) output_flags gwr        # use gwc if you want to run complex
version of the GW code gwshift 0.005 0.005 0.005
You should use number_bands slightly more than the number of valence bands in the system. gwshift gives a wavefuction at slightly shifted grid. Rename the file GWR to CWFEq after paratec computation.

GWC or GWR $\rightarrow$ CWFE for the shifted grid (need many bands)
GWC or GWR $\rightarrow$ CWFEq for slightly shifted+q grid (need only valence bands,need to read k-points from a file)

(4) Compute VXC and CD95. VXC is the information of exchange-correlation functional; CD95 is the charge density. In the input file of paratec, use the option

output_flags gwscreening
(5) Compute wfn0. In the input file of paratec, use the option
k_shift 0 0 0
number_bands 90        # test the convergence of this number
output_flags gwr       # use gwc if you want to run complex version of the GW code
Rename GWR or GWC to wfn0.

(6) Now you are ready to use CWFE and CWFEq to compute eps0mat and epsmat. eps0mat, epsmat, wfn0, VXC, CD95 are required to do GW calculation.

Example: Si

If you want to run the code for Si, do the following:

(1) mkdir Si
(2) cd Si
(3) mkdir paratec; mkdir xi; mkdir sig
(4) if you type pwd you should have the subdirectories:

 paratec  sig      xi

paratec -> has the LDA/pseudopotential/planewave code
sig -> has self-energy program
xi -> has screening program

 (ignore subdirectory epsilon)

(2) in your paratec directory you should have:

the following input files:

the pseudopotential:


and the executable:


--- to make the executable, paratec.mpi, do the following:

   cd ~
   mkdir source
   cp paratec.tar source/
   cd source
   tar -xvf paratec.tar (untar the tar file)
   cd paratec
   make paratec
   cd ~/Si/paratec
   ln -s ~/source/paratec/bin/paratec.mpi . ! paratec.mpi is the

----To convert the ascii pseudopotential to the binary form in which
it is read, do the following:

   cd ~/source/paratec ! same directory as above
   make tools
   cd ~/Si/paratec
   ln -s ~/source/paratec/bin/kbascbin .
   ./kbascbin Si_POT.ASC.DAT Si_POT.DAT

Now we are ready to run paratec for four times, one time for each
of the four input files: ----> compute the ground state density, and screening.
               use output_flags gwscreening, and save CD.
input.cwfe -----> compute the wavefunctions on the
                  4x4x4 grid, shifted 0.5 0.5 0.5. In this
                  case we compute 5-10 times the number
                  of valence bands. Notice the option in the input:
                  output_flags gwr. This means, produce real
                  wavefunctions to be read by the program in directory
                  Xi. Also, make sure that you converge the wavefunctions
                  to a high accuracy.
                  By the way, for a system with inversion symmetry,
                 you need to say, output_flags gwc.
input.cwfeq -----> compute the wavefunction on the
                   4x4x4 grid, shifted 0.5 0.5 0.5 plus some small
                   q-vector, specified by the option in the input,
                   e.g. gw_shift 0.00 0.00 0.001. Compute only one more
                  than the number of valence bands in this case. Use
                  option output_flags gwr.
input.wfn0  ---> computes wavefunctions on unshifted grid, 5-10 number
                 of valence wavefunctions, to be read by

In summary, we have the following new features in paratec
which enable the interface between paratec and GW:

gw_shift 0.00 0.00 0.001
output_flags  gwr,gwc, or gwscreening

gwr -> produces real wavefunctions
gwc -> produces complex wavefunctions
gwscreening -> produces CD95 and VXC (for the sigma code)

So do the following:

cd ~/Si/paratec  ! go to the right directory

cp input  ! compute ground state charge density
mpprun -n 8 ./paratec.mpi ! run paratec
cp CD             ! save ground state charge density
mv CD95 ../sig  ! CD95 is the charge density read by self-energy program
mv VXC ../sig   ! VXC is the exchange corr

e. read by self-energy program

cp input.cwfe input ! computes wavefunctions on 4x4x4 0.5 0.5 0.5 k grid
                    ! computes about 5-10 times number of valence bands
cp CD
mpprun -n 8 ./paratec.mpi ! run paratec
mv GWR ../xi/CWFE         ! move wavefunctions (GWR or GWC) to xi

cp input.cwfeq input ! computes wavefunctions on 4x4x4 0.5 0.5 0.5 +
                                          small q  k grid for xi
                    ! only need one more than number of valence bands
cp CD
mpprun -n 8 ./paratec.mpi ! run paratec
mv GWR ../xi/CWFEq

cp input.wfn0 input   ! computes wavefunctions for self-energy
                     ! 4x4x4 unshifted
                     ! 5-10 times number of valence bands
cp CD
mpprun -n 8 ./paratec.mpi
mv GWR ../sig/wfn0

(2) calculate static screening matrix:

  q is an element of 4x4x4 unshifted grid (8 q-points)
  k,k' are elements of 4x4x4 shifted grid (10 k-points)

  q is {k-k'| k,k' shifted}

  RPA screening (xi polarization)

   xi(G,G';q) =  Sum(cvk) [ M(cvkqG) M*(cvkqG') /(E_ck - E_vk+q) ]

     M(cvkqG) = <ck|exp(-i(G+q).r)|vk+q>

  eps(G,G';q) = delta_GG' - [8pi/(q+G)^2 ]xi(G,G';q)

  if G=0  and q=0

  then we let

   eps(0,G';q) = delta_0G' - lim(q->0) [8pi/(q)^2] xi(0,G';q)

   program takes inverse of eps(G'G;q) for every q:

      -> epsmat (for q not equal to gamma)
      -> eps0mat (for q equal to gamma)

cd xi  ! you should have the following files:
           xi0.inp input file
           xi0 executable

xi0.inp looks like

epsilon_cutoff          6.25  ! compute eps matrix up to G^2,G'^2 < 6.25 Ry)
number_bands          44  ! number of bands in summation (cond.+valence)
wavefunction_cutoff         12.0 ! same as in paratec
number_qpoints  8   ! number of q-points to compute eps(GG';q)
band_occupation 4*1 40*0 ! band occupation
begin qpoints
  0.00      0.00      0.001       1.0 1   ! q-point,divisor, 1 or 0
  0.00      0.00      0.25       1.0 0    !  copy from paratec
  0.00      0.00      0.50       1.0 0
  0.00      0.25      0.25       1.0 0
  0.00      0.25      0.50       1.0 0
  0.00      0.25      0.75       1.0 0
  0.00      0.50      0.50       1.0 0
  0.25      0.50      0.75       1.0 0

#Values for the 1st step
evs     0.0000
evdel   0.0000
ev0     0.0000
ecs     0.0000
ecdel   0.0000
ec0     0.0000

mpprun -n 8 ./xi0    ! run xi
mv eps0mat ../sig
mv epsmat ../sig

always check Xi(0,0;q->0) and eps^(-1)(0,0;q->0)
in xi0.log

1/eps^(-1)(0,0;q->0) should be the macroscopic epsilon,
                    local field effects
1/(1-8*pi*Xi(0,0;q->0) should also be (roughly) the macroscopic epsilon,
                     non local field effects

(3)  Look at Hybertsen/Louie, PRB 34,5390.


  (34a) we calculate Sigma_(SEX)

          has two terms: delta_GG' + Omega^2/(DeltaE^2-wp^2)

              first term -> Gv (small v is bare coulomb interaction)
              second term -> is part of G(W-v)

  (34b) we calculate Sigma_(COH)

               other part of G(W-v)

We compute

     <nk|Sigma(E)|nk>, Sigma = i G_0 W

cd sig

in your directory you should have:


looking at sig.inp:

screened_coulomb_cutoff   6.25  ! same as in xi0.inp
bare_coulomb_cutoff       12.0  ! never less than wavefunction_cutoff
wavefunction_cutoff       12.0  ! same as in paratec
number_bands               44   ! These two lines have the same meaning as
band_occupation      4*1  40*0  ! in xi0.inp
emergency_cutoff           6

#Define the bands for which we want to compute sigma
band_index_min   1       ! band_index_min and band_index_max fix the range
band_index_max   10      ! of calculation in terms of bands

#finite_difference_spacing   0.1

number_kpoints  1
begin kpoints
  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000   1.0   !  Gamma

number_offdiag  3      ! choose off-diagonal entries of Epsilon to look at

begin offdiag
    1  3               <1k|Sigma(E)|3k>
    1  2
    2  1

evs     0.0000               ! scissor shift (energy unit is eV)
evdel   0.0000
ev0     0.0000
ecs     0.0000
ecdel   0.0000
ec0     0.0000

mpprun -n 8 ./sigma    ! run Sigma

output looks like this (sig.log) :

           k=   0.000   0.000   0.000
  i    elda      e0       x      sx      ch     sig      v0    efso    enew (ev) spin=1
  1   3.884   3.884 -17.107  13.287  -7.228 -11.048 -10.429   3.265   3.467
  2  15.775  15.775 -12.700   9.382  -8.410 -11.727 -11.229  15.277  15.383
  3  15.775  15.775 -12.700   9.382  -8.410 -11.727 -11.229  15.277  15.383
  4  15.775  15.775 -12.700   9.382  -8.410 -11.727 -11.229  15.277  15.383
  5  18.356  18.356  -5.672   3.732  -7.827  -9.767 -10.051  18.640  18.579
  6  18.356  18.356  -5.672   3.732  -7.827  -9.767 -10.051  18.640  18.579
  7  18.356  18.356  -5.672   3.732  -7.827  -9.767 -10.051  18.640  18.579
  8  19.096  19.096  -5.770   4.011  -8.825 -10.584 -10.804  19.316  19.268

 1  1 --real-       -17.107  13.287  -7.228 -11.048 -10.429 del=  -0.620

 1  2 --real-        -0.075   0.122  -0.013   0.034  -0.000 del=   0.034

 2  1 --real-        -0.075   0.060   0.002  -0.012  -0.000 del=  -0.012

elda -> E_LDA
e0 -> E_LDA scissor shifted (linear interpolation)
x -> <nk|Gv|nk>, Fock operator
sx +ch -> <nk|G(W-v)|nk>
sig =  x + sx + ch
v0 -> <nk|v_xc|nk>
efs0 = e0 + sig - v0
enew = e0 + Z(sig - v0), where Z is close to 1

     Sigma depends on E

E^QP = E_0 + <nk|Sigma(E^QP) - vxc|nk>

 Assuming Sigma(E^QP) = Sigma(E_LDA) + Sigma'(E_LDA)(E^QP-E^LDA)

then we can show that

E^QP = E_0 + Z <nk|Sigma(E^LDA) - vxc|nk>

 where Z = 1/(1-Sigma'(E_LDA))


We calculate

Sigma(E) = G({Psi_LDA},{E_0}) * W({Psi_LDA,{E_0'})

{E_0} is given by E_LDA with scissor shift specified in sig.inp
{E_0'} is given by E_LDA with scissor shift specified in xi0.inp

{E_0} --> some approximation to E^QP.

How scissor shift is defined:

eval --> eval+(evs+evdel*(eval-ev0))

econd --> econd+(ecs+ecdel*(econd-ec0))

Updating Xi : epsilon -> 1 + wp^2/E_av^2
doesn't matter.         E_av = average gap (which doesn't change much)


By setting the appropriate output_flags, various quantities can be visualized. Paratec can produce line plots (filename ??.line.number) and files for the IBM Data Explorer (filename ??.dx). If you are using Khoros instead of the Data Explorer, set the output_flags khoros, which will produce a file with suffix .kh.

Tensor Data

Often, you want to plot only a certain component of a field or tensor field. You use a statement like:
tensor_bra 0 1 0
tensor_ket 0 0 1
to select the yz component (in cartesian coordinates) of a tensor. The ``tensor'' input is also used for specifying the alignment of the external B-field for plotting purposes.
tensor_bra 1 0 0
tensor_ket 1 0 0

Line plots

The line_plot structure determines along which lines there should be plotted:


begin line_plot
line 0.0 0.0 0.0  1.0 1.0 1.0   100    plot data along (111) on 100 mesh
end line_plot

The start and end coordinates of line_plot are relative to the realspace lattice vectors.

Visualizing wave functions

Paratec can produce Data Explorer and Khoros files that visualize wavefunctions at particular kpoints, bands. The square of the wavefunctions is plotted in realspace. Wave function plotting is switched on by setting pw_job scf and output_flags waveplot.

The wave functions to be plotted are specified as pairs of the irreducible kpoint number and band number.


begin plot_wave_function
wavefunction 1 12                  irreducible kpoint 1, band 12
wavefunction 2 10                  irreducible kpoint 2, band 10
end plot_wave_function

Visualizing the charge density

To produce a simple three-dimensional charge density plot, one simply adds the flag cdplot to the list of output flags, and runs an scf calculation. If an energy window is specified with the energy window structure:

begin energy_window
window (start_energy in eV) (end_energy in eV)
end energy_window
then the charge density for the plot is generated only by using wave functions with eigenvalues within the energy window (specified in eV). To find suitable values for start_energy and end_energy, look at the eigenvalues printed out in previous runs. A gaussian smearing is applied, and the occupation numbers are ignored. This feature only works if the wave functions have been computed, i.e. it does not work with the pot_plot plane wave job.

Warning: the energy window specification does not include an adjustment for the fermi level. Also, unoccupied bands will be included in the charge density if your energy window includes energies above the fermi level.

Plotting the potential

Both line plotting and three-dimensional plotting of the effective Kohn-Sham potential (without the nonlocal pseudopotential part) are available via the pot_plot plane-wave job. For more see section 5.1.1.

Ball and stick model

A ball-and-stick file BALLS.dx or can be generated and viewed with the IBM Data Explorer or Khoros. This is done by adding the output flag ballnstick to the output_flags field (section 6.9). To use the data explorer, please refer to the README file in /usr/local/codes/paratec/dx. To use Khoros instead, set output_flags khoros.

Spin polarized calculations and magnetic field

The number of spins to be used can be set with the variable number_of_spins:

number_of_spins 1
(for non-spin polarized LDA)


number_of_spins 2
(for spin-polarized LSDA)

Default: number_of_spins 1

To get a spin-polarized starting configuration for the self-consistent charge, use the spin polarization factors where you input the crystal structure.

Applying a magnetic field

A magnetic field

H = H_0 \cos(\vec{G}\cdot\vec{r})
\end{displaymath} (6.1)

can be applied to stabilize for example an antiferromagnetic phase. The magnetic field acts only on the spin, AND ALTERS THE ENERGY AND WAVEFUNCTIONS!! This is done with an entry like:

magnetic_field_kvec 1 1 0 1

The last number switches the field on (=1) or off (=0), the first 3 INTEGER numbers specify the wave number in reciprocal lattice coordinates.

The amplitude (normalized such that $\mu_b H_0 = 1$ Ryd) is entered as:

magnetic_field_strength 0.001

Reading additional input

The option input_flags enables you to read additional input from various files. The flags for the various inputs you want to read are concatenated by underscore.

input_flags flag1_flag2_flag3 (sets 3 input flags)

Implemented flags:

Getting additional output

For the direct energy minimization (optimize insulator), it is often useful to checkpoint the wave functions and charge density during the iteration. This can be done with

checkpoint_emin frequency

checkpoint_emin 50 writes the wave functions to disk every 50 iterations. By default, no checkpointing is done.

Checkpointing can also be controlled for the SCF method. By default the charge density and potential at each SCF cycle are not written to disk as this is too costly. They are written at convergence or when the maximum number of cycles is reached. If one want them checkpointed then use

io_scf true

The option output_flags enables you to get additional numbers out of the code. The flags for the various outputs you want to obtain are concatenated by underscore.

output_flags flag1_flag2_flag3 (sets 3 output flags)

Implemented flags:

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David Raczkowski 2003-11-25