COUNT de BENYOWSKY. 315 Dchotyn's people was, two hundred and forty ells of cloth and twenty-five facks of flour. In the evening I fent on board twenty-two facks of bifcuit and two cafks of fait fifh. In the night I vifited Mr. Ochotyn, in company with Mr. Panow; we found fix cabins well built, and defended by a pallifade, flanked with four fmall cannon. He was feated near a fire, with thirty-five arTociates. Tea was firft ferved up, and after- wards we employed the whole night in converfation, and in drawing up letters, which he gave me, with a view to determine forne European power to affift his projec\s. At day break I took my leave, and returned on board at eight o'clock. At ten, I affembled the whole company, and propofed quitting the ifland to continue our voyage i:o China, from which place we might moft conveniently return to Europe. Upon this propofal, the company re-, quefted time to, confider, and their refolution was post- poned till the following day. According to the report, the whole company in 2oo4 health. Tuefday May 24th, in the bay of St. Maurice, at the ifle of Beering, foggy weather, wind difpofed to fqualls from the fouthward. At two in the afternoon my adjutant pre-* fented thre§ deputies from the company, who informed me, that the refolution of the fociety was taken, and that they were determined to feek a pafTage to the northward of Kamchatka, as the feafon, being fummer, aflured our fuccefs, and even fuppofing we mould find infurmoun- table obftacles, we fliould t>e always able to reach the continent of America. To this reprefentation, as I had underwood from my intimate friends that the company S f 2 was