A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

What to Expect Your First Year of Teaching, September 1998

Image of apple A Checklist of Tips Image of apple

The following tips are drawn from the advice given by first-year and veteran teachers. To read more about these suggestions in detail, see the sections "Tips and Strategies from First-Year Teachers" and "Veteran Teachers Talk" of this booklet.

  1. Plan relentlessly: Create back-up plans and plans for teaching students of varying abilities.

  2. Set high, consistently reinforced expectations for behavior and academic performance.

  3. Show and require respect in the classroom at all times.

  4. Reach out to parents and your administration, preferably early on and before a problem arises.

  5. Consider participating in an extracurricular activity, which strengthens relationships with students and can be enjoy- able as well.

  6. Seek mentors, team teaching assignments, and regular exchanges with fellow first-year teachers.

  7. Be flexible and ready for surprises: For example, one teacher was assigned a classroom of students from kindergarten through fourth grade.

  8. Work closely with counselors or other school personnel authorized to respond to children's social problems.

  9. Take care of yourself physically and spiritually.
  10. Love learning, love kids, and love teaching!

[Final Thoughts and Additional Resources] [Table of Contents] [Acknowledgments]