FEBRUARY, 1884. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 43 FROSTS. Fmsts occurred in the varions clistric8 on the following Neio En@m%-lNt to 29th. Middle Atlantic states.-1st to 5th, 8th to I l t h , 14th to 89th. Rout8 Atlantic 8tatee.-3d, 3r1, 15th, Mth, 18th to 32~1, 94th Enstmb Gulf states.-3d, lbth, ZOth, 21st, %d, %th, %th, Western &&lf staterp.-lst, 2rl,3d, 14th, 16th, lGth, 90th, 41&, Te'elineseee.-lst, 3c1, 3d, btli, 9th, 13th to 16th, 19th t.o 39th. Ohio paZley.-lst, 2d, 3d, loth, 13th to lGtli, 19th to 231, Lozrer Zuke region.-1st to 4th, 7th, 16th: Slst, 23d, Sdth, Upper lake region.-1st to 39th. Extyewte northwest.-lst t.0 39th. Upper d.i.ssis&pi anlley.-lst to 29th. Yissouri aalley.-lst to 39th. Northern elope.-1st to 29th. Middle slope.-lst to 29th. fiouthern pli&teazc.-9th, loth, Uth, 13th, 14th, 17th. 19th to Middle platea#.-lnt to 29th. Nortkern platem&.-Ist,, G t h , 7th, Sth, 10th to 14th, 25th to North Pacific coast regioir.-lst to lSth, 93d, 26th to 29th. Middle PacQio coast regio9~-5th to 14th, lSth, Blst, 331, 23d, 25th, 27th, SSth, 29th. Frosts were also reported at Yniiin, Arizona, on the 13th nnd 14th, and at Archer, F'loritli%, 011 tlie 311, 4th, 91st and 24th. The following instances of clamage to vegebatioit by frost have been reported : Cleburue, Johnson county, Texas.-A hea1-y front occurred on the lst, ca,using seiioiis in-jury t.o the oat crop. Wilmiugton, North C:wolina.-A heavy froxt occurred (.)n the 29th, claniaging the fruit trees and early regetation. Milledgeville, B;iltlwin county, Georgin.-Vegetatic,n iu this part of t,he state was ninch retarded and aerionsly injured by the cold wea,ther (luring tlie la,st half' of the tnontli, which was characterized b ~- wiidden changes of temperatiire. dates : to 29th. 39th. 23d to 26th, SStli, 29th. 35th, 37t11, 39th. 3Sth, 29th. &UthW?b Sbpb.-9th, 98th. 29th. 29th. ICE. Under the beadiug b i ice in rivers mid hii.rborw " in this BEVIEW the subject of ice formation in tlie nortlieni sections of the country is considered. In the Sontherii sta,tes the f'il- lowing instmces of ice forination Iiave been report.ec1: Altrbamn.-Anburii, 15tli, 30th? SSth, 39th ; Green Springs, 2Sth, 39th. ArDonn.-Firt. Griiut, l ;S b h , 14th. 7t11, Yt,h to 14th; Salina,s City, 13th. ~lor.idn.-JacksouIrille, ice formed one i1nd one-half inches in tlrickuess on tlie 29th ; Penwacolnr, %Mi. Qeorgin.-A t.1 Ail t it, 38 t 11 . North, Curo.oMnn.-.BreV~~,r~l, lStJ~,~Otb, Slwt, Y2d, 34th to Y9tl1: New ltiver Inlet. Sdth, 29th. Texarl.-tll Pem,38tlr ; Galrestou, 14th ; Iudianola, 14tl1,15th. CdV~&a.-Red B l ~f l , 8th, llth, 1311; SitcrihU1ento, G t h , PRECIPITATION. [E.vpre~.srd in irirlies cmd hu,rdrrtlth*.] The precipitat,ion for February, 1SS4, iii t,he north Pacific coast region wm 4.YJ below the avera,ge. Blight deficiencies- ranging from 0.17 to 0.Cikwcnrred in the Plorida peninsula, welt Golf Ntates, and southern slope. In the Rio Grande valley, where the Febriiary avemge for several years is 0.98, no rain fell during t.lie inoutli, escept an inn,ppreciable ;i,inount at Browusville, T e s w In the south Atlantic ata.tes ant1 inicltlle dope the monthly Iwecipitirtion wan about the average. In all other districts i t was above the average. . Large escewses occurred in soutliern Cdiforuia. New Erigliml, tlie middle Atlantic states, Ohio valley, and Tennessee. At Los Angeles, Califoruia, tlie nionthly precipitatiou was 13.37, or nearly four times AS great as the February avemge of the last twelve yews. I n the middle At.lantic stat.es, New Engla,ud, mrl the Ohio vrdley t'he ~S C ~S N ~S over the average were large and rriugdit,rly uuiforin, being 9.59, 3.61, ;lac1 4.63 respectively ; in Tennessee the excess anioiinted to 3.64. Tu tlie other districts where the precipitation was escesHive the depertnres were less thau 1.00, except in the lower lalre region, where i t was 1.30. The general distribiitotlcieut iu Florid? tlie Hio Crandw vnlley ilnii uver tlie rc&n between the ninety! secuuil nieridinn nud the Pacific coast nurth of the thirty-fifth parallrl : exceR- rive ill all othw dintrlcts. Nurnial id the iiriddle alupc; deticieut un the Pacilic const, in the northeru nud nllddle plntean dlatricta, rxtlwne uorth- welt, m d in t h e mouth Atlantic aud Gulf otatea: ~xcessivo iu all othcr districts. 44 Tehachnpi ...................... ' ...........:... White Water ......................................................... Angel Ialttnrl ......................................................... Giliwy .................................................................... Pqjaru ................................................................... Sun Frxuciscu ........................................................ I MONTHLY WEATHBB REVIEW. ....................... 8.09 7.67 ....................... 7.50 ....................... 7.26 0.96 6.85 6.b5 ....................... ....................... 7-64 0.65 FEBRUARY, 1884. 2.59 2.73 2.44 2.05 2.05 8.31 8..% 2.21 1.79 4.12 . __ l'able of erressive. attd greatest and leml monlhly precipitation. - _. -- .. -- ............... 6.48 .......................... ............................ 6.55 .............. IO.%: ............... 10.72 ............................ ........................... ............... ........................... ............... 10.15 I- Date. Ststinn. 3.47 I ............................ 4.94 I 5.52 ............................ ............... ............... 5.m I ........I .............. 4.4 ........ ............. I .............. ....................... ....................... ....................... .............. : ....... ....................... ....................... Ablaama. Qreen Springe .................. Yon tgoniery .................... Mount Vernon Barracks... Mobile ............................. Do.. .......................... d rimncr. Pmscott. .......................... Do.. ........................... 9.80 9.79 8.05 14.53 '3.37 12.70 12.00 11.38 11.20 10.60 10.20 IIIuarnch nseUs-Con t i nurd. Worrrrtrr Fall River J I i d s ~i p p i . Vicksbnrg ....................... Niaonrl. Piercecity ....................... Lebanon .......................... Nebrekn. Clwrr Creek ..................... Xerr Brrraarrick. Saint Andrew6 Xrw Hanipahire. Xeto Jew#. Centwvilk Muunt Washington Atlnntic City Vineland Caldwell.. l h p e Nay ....................................... Little Egg Harboor Keto Turk. Fort Hnniilton North C'nrolinre. Highlands ...................... Breenrd .......................... Chnilotte ........................ Strteaville ....................... Lenuir ............................. h'wd Scotiu. Farniuutli Halifax Do .............................. I- ............................................................. 6.23 ............................................................... 6.15 6, 7 2.31 ............... 6.73 .............................................................. 6.21 11.10 2.-W ............................ 9, IO 2.25 ........................... 3, 4 3.53 ........................... ........................................................ 6.23 7.55 ......................................................... 7.44 ................................................................ 6.78 ................................................................ 6.51 .........I ............... 6.12 ................................................ 6.08 ........................................................ 6 .6 13 2.00 ............... 10.10 10. 17 2.35 ............................ IO, 17 . 3.00 ............... 10.07 19 2.10 6.43 19. 20 2.15 ! ............... 6.06 13, 14 2.10 ............................ 7.70 .................................................................. 0.17 ................................................ ............... .............................................................. Aint. Dnrntion Anruunl Arhinans. Lead Hill ........................ Wort Smith ..................... Sprinylel rl ....................... Du ............................. Mount Idn ....................... Little Bock .................... Fayetterille .................................. Chlijbrnh. Newhall ......................................... Los Angeles ..................... Do ............................. summit .......................... Uilco ............................................. Oulton ........................................... Truckee... ...................................... #an Fernando ............................... Emigrnnt Gap .............................. Colfex ............................................ Io. 11, I2 10, 11, I2 5. 0 I0,11,.12 5. 0, 7 0, 7. 8 1, 2 15, 16. 17 I .............. ., ., nwn ................................ 1: ........ Nilea ....................................... Pletwnn tun ..................... ! ......... Ione ................................................ 1 Yacrninc.ntu .............. 15. 10, 17 3.03 I Furt Gnaton ..................... 19, 20 2.15 Cotin&iwt. -I i V U I I I I I ~~W U ..................... j ........................................ IWlaware Breakwater ...... I. .............. i Diatrllioting Reservoir ............................................. Wwhington Citv .............. I ....................................... west ~x n h i i i g t t n ............ I ........................................ Uehirrarr. Uialricl of Chlrrrribin. : Groruicc. I Atlanta ......... - .................. &'Im+h. 16. 17 Milledpevillr .................... I ........................ :::: ........................ 6.18 .................... :... 0.1s ........................ 6.13 ............................. j ............................ 6.30 ........................ 6.'14 7.19 6.S4 6.15 2.41 ............................. 2.w 1 z hours I ............. ............... 4. .W .I ........................ ........................ ............... 2.3 I . 37 ................ ........................ ........................ 3.74 ............... ........................ 8.W 7.65 8.19 7.57 7.52 6.78 6.05 6.43 6.11 ~~.-. ............................. I 613.w ............... 10.23 Lneonia .......................... 5, 6, 7 . 4.11 I ............... ~ ~--l 9.19 Vevay .IrtkeonviIlv .................. i 5 ,t .7 : 3.9s 1 ............... 8.~1 Jacksunburg .................................. h r a i Duver .................... Logan ............................. Lelwnon ........................................ Wuvdy ........................................ Raaliiiigtun .................... Purtsmouth .......................... I 4, 5. f 7 4 ....... Snrallrmt innnthly. .......... Maypurr .......................... \ 16, 17 2.59 Bnnfurd .......................... I IO 2.50 Furt B;lrrancsa .............. j l i , I7 2.08 (:rernfielrl ............................................................... Ncecoutah ....................... ! ....................................... Golconda ......................... .................................... Bwnurick ............................................................... (!airu .............................. ~ I n d hi IU . Nawugo .......................... I ............... I ......... Illiwoir. i 5, a 1 2.41 Stntiam. t'olorndu. Went Las Aninmn.., D I l k O l l L Fort Bntisrd ........... Fort Neade ............ Fort Rsnrlnll.. ....... Fort Tates ............ Fort Sully ............. Balinn .................. D u d e City ........... Atcliinmi .............. Hertor .................. JIitiwwtu. h i n t Vincent ........ IIIoatuuri. Fort Bentoii ......... Fort Aasiuaboine .... Fort lieugh ........... Kebruaku. l i n trstw. PQrll ...................... Hastingn ............... North PlsttQ ......... Stvclihullll ............ Darson ................. Central C'ity ........... Ashland ............... I n a v a l ~ ................. Fort Niobrnrn ........ Kwnr .................... Fall% City .............. Cretr ...................... Table Ruck ............ Fort Ruliineon ...... 5y rac use .............. Nrrndn. Wndswnrth ........... Xeir JIwim. Fort Crnig ............ Furt Wingnte ........ Terna. Kiu (:raiiaIe City ...... Fort Uxris ............. Bruwnaville ............ Indianoln ............... El P:~ao .................. Fort Elliott ............ Furt l'uiwlrii ........... W!ioinin:i. Cliryenne ............... Fvrt Bridper .......... ............................ ............................ ............................ 8.90 9.70 0.01 6. 18 ............................. ..........._.. IO.% - - a 4 '.5 - 1.1 '.3 '.3 3.3 3.4 J .0 J.2 1.3 '.3 3.2 '.I '.3 1.3 1.c 1.2 '.2 I.? 1.2 ).a b.3 1.3 1.3 '4 1.31 b.4 1.4 b.9 1.58 1.3 1.01 1.3 1.n 1.a t' CI 1.0, 1.21 1.2: I .41 1.m 1.4) #alein .............................................. I Sllnnlan ........................... Hniivver .......................... ~ ............... , 4. 5 ! 1.00 Table CIJ' excessive. am1 grealesl nnd least monthly pre -. - . - . - . .... __ ~- Specinlly henvy. Date. I h u t . IIRiration. -I- Anionni Station. ....................... 7.7s ............... 7.48 7.45 ........................ Y u i n e . I Trxnx. I !larlirville 4.- I 12 ....................... ............... it.8 Ulni ........................ I z I ............... .......... i I'ir.gi8i in. aynClrbllrg ...................... ............... 'aricty Mille ullnnullt(lw11 .................. llirile isylnr Territory. ~C R I I B ~Y ' p h t .............................. ............... biiibridgt. Ialairtl.... ........ ........................ ............... s.00 7.M .................... " ....... pitafion.-Continued. -- Smallest monthly. Station. ~. ..... The distribution of rainfall over the United States and Canada or Febriisry, 1884, as determined from the reports from more ha11 six hundred stations, is exhibited on chart iv. PEBRUARY, 1884. MONTHLY WEATHNR REVIEW. 45 In the first column of the following table is shown tlie aver- age precipitation for February in each of the various districts for several years, as determined from observations made at tlie Signal Service stations ; in the second coliiinii oir,iigh, about 29 ; Ashlaud, about !4; Eriwtol, 84; Mouut Wasliingtoa, about 30. Netc Jereet/.--Caldwell, 11.5 ; Paterson, 10.5 ; South Orange, ); Sonierville, 8.5; Newark, 5.5. Xm York.--Uuff:~,lo, a,bont 15; Oswego, about 15 ; Hum- k e y , 14.5 ; Moiintaiurille, 11.7; White Plains, 21 ; Flushing, 1.5 ; Menand Station (near Albany), 9.3; Alba.ny, about 9; 3ochester, 6.9 ; Rwtoryrille, 5.8; Palermo, 5.8; Ithaca, 5; ?enu Yitn, 5. Ohio.--Cle\-e-elancl, 10.1 ; GitrrettN\.ille, 7.8 ; Hirant, 6 ; Wso- WOII, 5.6; Jacksouburg, 5. Oregon.--Eol:e, 33 ; Albany, 28 ; Portlmtl, 93.5 ; Linkville, 23: Ldie View, 22.4; Aatoria, 8.6. YewnxyZzrnlain.-Rrie, abont 17 ; Dyberrg, 10; Enston, 9 ; Gr;i,nqJian Hills, 9 ; Drifton, 8.8; Millville Depot, 7.6; Wells- borough, 7.5 ; Tmx, G.2 ; Wilke;ubii.p, 5.3 ; C:itii,WiHsa, 5.3; (3er- ma,ntown, 5. b ~ee,iwe~see.-Asliwood, 7 ; Austin, 6.5. Utuh.-Snlt Lake City, 23.1 ; Neplii, 21.5; Promontory, 16.5; Panl, 19.7. Southern platem.-3d, 4th, Gth, St,h, lltli, Uth, 15th tc Middle plnienu.-lst to 18th, 15th to 2Oth, 26th. Northern platsm.-9d to l o t h , 14th bo 39d, 89th. North Pacific coagt regi0~,-3tl to loth, 14th to 30th. Middle Pncijic! cowt rqion.-4th7 Gth, 7th, l o t h , l4th, 15th 18th. Snow :dso fell at the following stations not included in t.ht districts named above : Auburn, Ahbama, 13bl1, 19th ; Fort Concho, TexaR, 19th 13th. Snow storins of uuuaiial severity, impecli ng ritihad travel etc., hare been reported as follows : Trnckee, Ca.lifornis.-l'he 11en~vy snow-fall of the 5th block. aded the Central Pacific railroad near Boca. Diirango, La Plata, county, Colorado.-This place was en tirely cut off from commiinicatiou with other points by snow. blockades from the 5th to the 18th. On the Iatrer date the NUOW was two and one-half feet deep on the level. In the canyon above Elk Falls, for tt distance of four miles, the snow averaged fifty-feet deep, and at Barker's Park i t was reported to have been sis feet deep on the level. Stint Panl, Minnesota.-The RUOW storm of the 11th itnd 12t.h caused great inconvenience t~lirougliont the northwest. The fiill of snow wit& conil~ariEtively'Iiglit, but the high winds caused it bo drift b:~cll~-. The greatest inconvenience resulting from the storiu WRS esperieuced in the sonthern parts '01 Dakota and Ninnesota and in northern Nebradai. Salt Lake City, Utali.-l!he Oregon Sliort Line railroad wae blockaded witli siiow from the lOt,li to 2Stli. On t'lie 11th the heavie8t snow-fall of the seas011 occui~ecl, about ten inchee having fi~,llen. Xearly all trains were clelayed, ancl business in the cit-y was almost entirely suspended. Ou the 1Yt.h a snow- slide occurred a t Park City ltliree miles soutlieafit of Salt Lake City), a small niiniiig camp, wliich resnltecl in the death of three persons. Buffalo, New York.-The siiow storm of the 28th seriously impeded travel in this ricinity . SWittogit, New York.-Greitt inconvenience was experienced on the railroilrln i u consequence of' the snow storni of the 38th. The snow-driR8 itlong tlie line of t h e Delawsre and Hudson rpid averaged from ten to twenty feet deep. Oswego, New York.-The heib\y snow storm on the 28th aa,iieed temporary suspension of' travel on t,he railroids in this viciuity. New York City.-A heavy snow storm pevitiled on the %th, citiising considerable damage to trees and telegraph lines. Concord, New Hampshire.-The snow storm on the 98th \vas one of the severest of the season. The mow fell to an ererage deptk of eigliteen inches, and the high winds caused it. to drift badly. Boston, ~~~irJsaclinse~ts.-0n the 93th a hemy snow storm prevailed, wliicli c.;insed great (lainage t.o the tdegrapli mid telephone liues. New Haveil , Coiint?ct,iwt,.-CTls;t damage was done to the teleplione ancl te1egr:ipli 1 i ues i 11 t,liis vic,inity by the heavy snow storm of the 3Yth. BitIigOl*, Maine.--Riiilroad trirv-eI WiLH i mpedetl itnd telegraph lines prostmted by the snow-stmni on the 38th. Port1 and, Ma,i ne .-Tel egrapli ic con~niiin imition WH.H serionslv interrupted by the severe wow-storm on the 23th. The following illstances of snow fall i n localities where HIUW is of iiuconinioii occurrenee hatre been reported : Marysville, Yiiba coiiiity, C!nlilbrnia.-A pectiliiar s n ~w storm occurred on tlie afternoon of the 6th. Tlie weather cliiriug the earlier part of the day 1ia.d been fine, bot; at 4 p. m. the sky became suddenly obscured hg a bliick cloud and ROOII ;i,ft.er- wards snow began to fall. I t cont,inuecl for more than one hour, cxwering the Ntreets ;end housetops to a depth of more than one inch. Sacramento, California.-At 11 p. in. of t,he 14th a few flakes of snow fell. 18th. Ail tra.ins were delayed in consequence. FEBRUARY, 1884. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 47 - . . _- --. .. Logan, 14 ; Corinne, 13 : Ogden, 13 ; Terrace, 9 ; Kel ton. 7.3 I Blue Creek, 4.5. Ver?~o?&f.-St,r8ffor