cTpTvÏI. The Caribby^ iflands. 4-3 kind of Tree there are not many in the Caribbies, and what there is is only in thofe Iflands which are moft furnifhed with drv rocks. The trunk of it is not ftrait as that of other Trees, but crooked, uneven, and full of knots like the Whitethorn. When it is loaden with flowers there comes from it a fweet feent, which fortifies the Brain. The wood of it is much fought alter by Turners ; but the principal ufe of it is for Dying. YELLOW-WOOD. THe Ifland of S. Croix is the moft famous of all the Iflands for its abundance in rare and precious Trees. There is one very much efteem'd for its ufefulnefs in Dying : It grows up to a great height, and the wood is perfedly yellow. When the Enghlh had the Ifland they fent much of it to their own Country. It is called the Tellow-wood, from its colour. GREEN-EBONY. THe Green-Ebony is commonly ufed in fome excellent pieces of Joyners-work, becaufe it eafily takes the colour and luftre of the true Ebony. But the beft ufe of it is for Dying, for it colours a fair Grafs-green. The Tree is very bufhy by reafon its root fhoots forth a great number of Suckers, which hinder it from growing fo high and big as it might, if thefap were direded only to the trunk. The leaves are fmooth, and of a bright-green colour, Within the outer-bark there is about two inches of white inner-bark, and the reft of the wood to the heart is of fo dark a green that it inclines to black : but when it is polifb'd, there appear certain yellow veins- which make it look as if it were marbled. ROVCOV. THe Roucon is the fame Tree which the Braftlians call Vru- cu. It grows no higher then a fmall Orange-tree: Its leaves, which are pointed at one end, have the figure of a heart : It bears flowers in colour white, mixt with Carnation; they confift of five leaves, in form like a Star, and about the big- nelsof a Rofe : They grow in little bufhes at the extremities of the branches. Thefe flowers are fucceeded by little huskes, in which are enclofed feveral feeds about the bignefs of a final! Pea, which being come to ripenefs are of the moft bright and lively Vermilion colour that can be imagined. This rich Dy- ing-Commodity which is enclos'd in the faid husk is fo foft and vifcous that it flicks to ones fingers as foon as it is tOUch'd. j- X To get this precious liquor they fhakeinan earthen vellel G 2 . *"e