Minutes of the Feb 18, 2005 Tevatron Dept Meeting 1. Dept news: a) Vladimir overviewed Tevatron progress since before FY04 shutdown and presented next steps to improve luminosity (more protons, octupoles at LB, working point optimization in stores, 28 cm beta^*, no E17 FW at 150, IP separation tuneup) and anticipated diagnostics improvements. He thinks L_cdf=1.2-1.3e32 possible by May'05. Details in doc-1585; b) CDF responded that they do not like the idea of 33x33 operation with 23 bucket spacing (though still interested to see results of appropriate beam studies). 2. Ron Moore on operations: only 4 stores (due to MI and AP1 line problems), L btw 58 and 76e30 (never shoot from big stack+stash), one store lost because of opened D0 door; lifetimes as usual (10 hrs lumi-lifetime); 9 hrs of HV separator conditioning at 140-150kV (while waiting for beam); CDF hall temperature change during AC work resulted in significant (~mm) orbit move in #3986. 3. Rob Kutschke presented beautiful TBT (turn-by-turn) data from new BPMs at A3: it works at injection and by request, 8192 turns; synchrotron lines, betatron lines, 15 HZ noise, Horz-Vert coupling and long bunch shape oscillations are seen well; resolution of about 0.3 um /sqrt(Hz), details in doc-1583. 4. XLZhang analyzed WP scan data at the end of store and showed attractive proton tunes at 0.588-0.592 where losses are smaller than at the current WP of ~0.579; major resonances seen well, too. 5. Vladimir pointed out that octupoles make 21MHz Schottky tune lines as wide as 0.0008 (compared with 0.0001 w/o them); he also noted that spectra at HEP are asymmetric - as expected for beam-beam interacting particles. 6. Vic Scarpine and Jean-Paul Carneiro looked in TBT horz motion at the end of store #3972 with use of the best digital scope - and were unable to detect Schottky lines even with beam excitation by vertical tickler... need new insight. 7. Tan started reassembly of his TuneTracker - the system tracks tune at 150; many action items for near future (e.g. he will prove that TT is completely safe - no emittance growth - and can be used parasitically in real stores). 8. Paul and Ezio Todesco analyzed 21MHz Schottky signals (acquired by Paul's DAQ) and found that with 50-sec average they can correctly calculate chromaticity with uncoalesced beam by comparing amplitudes of central line and synchrotron sidebands. Caveat - it does not work with octupoles as spectra are quite distorted (theory to be revisited). Minutes recorded by V. Shiltsev, edited by R. Moore